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I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you.

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:: 2004 29 December :: 8.42am

i have to go to the library today. WHO does that. who WANTS to go to the library. gahhhh. i dont. stupid dolbee.

tomorrow. its here.

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:: 2004 29 December :: 12.14pm

i just found mint chocolate chip ice cream.
all is right with the world.

NOW im the happiest person in the history of ever.

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:: 2004 29 December :: 12.09pm

im trying to tell of today and its perfection.. but find myself backspacing because nothing i say does us any justice.

we're that perfect.
and that makes me soo happy.
i love that.
i love this smile that wont leave my face.
and i love the smile thats always on yours.

awww. we're so cool.

thursday. gahh. im getting afraid.

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:: 2004 28 December :: 8.23am

me and keegan are going shopping today.
correction: we're going to attempt to go shopping today! laughs*

thursday.. its almost here. am i ready for this?
i dont know.. but bring it on [i guess].
talk about nerves.... good lord do i have them.

i need someone to step on my neck. seriously.

i hate getting up early. when school starts back up again im gonna die. 5:00 seems impossible now. utterly and inhumanly impossible.

inhumanly..... word(?), i dont know. (dun dun dun)

i've soon come to realize that i have absolutely nothing to talk about.

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:: 2004 27 December :: 2.22pm

yesterday was a hectic, crazy, wonderfizzle day.
i say wonderfizzle because im a nerd.
i saw it was because you made it that way.

so the day started out rough, yes.
but it ended perfect.
you really are everything that i need to be secure.
everything i need to be comfortable.
we're so alike it scares me, but makes me feel all... [adjective here].

i saw a side of you that i never thought i'd see.. not until later that is.
and it was beatiful. it really was. you're such an insanely beatiful person. and that makes me happy! *smiles.

you're so cool.

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:: 2004 25 December :: 9.59pm

christmas was good. today was good. it started out rough, no lie... but theres no better feeling then being able to run to the one person who can just hold me and make everything better. ok, not everything better. but you sure have a way of comforting me, and melting away the pain. i wont elaborate, you know what i mean.

i met a bunch of keegans family today. i went over to his house around 11 (ish). his mom hugged me twice.... *smiles. i love that family.. i feel like its a second home. how weird does that sound... but i do. and i love that. i love being there because it feels so homey! and the rest of his family was so nice... im a shy one, i can admit.. but it was a good day. he's so good to me. you're so good to me!

i went to my aunt and uncles today.... and as i was sitting around the table listening to the crazy ramblings of the childs family... i thought to myself... so this is what its like to have family. because lately i've often thought that we were at a lack of one. but i realized today, that i would rather be nowheres else than with that side of my family. i had dinner there, and laid down for a nap, and shelby and ashley came tearing in the room i was trying to sleep in full force.... so i didnt take a nap. but it was so nice today. the i went back over to keegans and just .... (whats the word to describe perfection?) whether with his mom and his sister, or just each other... its just right. its just right.

so in regards to my christmas... i wont bore you with a detailed list of what i got.... just that it was an amazing day.

merry christmas loves.

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:: 2004 24 December :: 1.37am

you leave me speechless and unable to draw a breath.
you leave me breathless and unable to comprehend time.
timeless, is our campaign.
you are incredible.

(to say the least)!

tonight was near perfect. close to perfect as perfect can get. i cant understand it.. i really cant. the way you make me feel, the way our eyes meet in the darkness. there's something magical about us. never have i ever felt this way before. nobody has ever made me feel like... me. i'm finding myself more and more each time we're together. and its genuine, it really is me. how cool are we?! i mean seriously. look at the total extremes of tonight. i keep going over every moment we spent together, and in each memory i keep a faded smile that comes out when i think of you. i cant even go on to talk about us or tonight.. because im feeling speechless.

there just arent words for it.

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:: 2004 22 December :: 9.22pm

i shopped all day today.
all day.
i dont want to shop ever again.
ok i lie.

im feeling all sick. stuffy, just blahh.
curse you damn weather.

maybe just because im feelin mreh..
but at this moment, im trying to think of something to say, but am entirely blank of any emotion.

all im doin is blankly staring at the screen.
thats e'nuff.

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:: 2004 21 December :: 11.32pm

i never want to have a phone call like that, ever again.

it kills me, it really does. one of my best friends in the world, and look what happend. there's nothing i can do about it, nothing i could do to make it better.

i need to rant for a moment...

do you see what sex does? do you see? can you even begin to grasp the seriousness of it? she gave herself away to a guy who never respected her. never cared about her. and she made an awful mistake this weekend. i warned her about it, i told her it was a bad idea.... going to a hotel, how romantic is that. but she did anyway, and now she's sitting at home heartbroken. it really hits home for me. i know where i stand on sex before marriage, but she thought she did to. and she gave in to temptation and now is regretting it. so bad is she regretting it. it kills me to have to console her and tell her everything will get better. but what about the next month, just praying that she's not pregnant. he was using her for himself, and her being the sweetheart that she is, was completely fooled. i realize that yes, it does take two people... but it really doesnt matter. now i have to pick up the pieces that their mistake has left her in.

it makes me sad. nobody can resist themeselves anymore. everyone is giving in. every day you hear of somebody else.. another couple, another girl pregnant. its almost become a joke, and deffinately the major source of gossip at our school. it makes me sick to think that something so huge is being taken so lightly. people you would never expect.... and its gone. you can never get it back. is that something you're willing to sacrifice.

gahhh.. and now i sound like im preaching.. but im so upset right now. it IS a big deal, and now she realizes that.. too late. its just too late.

dont make that mistake, and if you care at all about the people who care ABOUT you, listen to them when they tell you you're doing something you KNOW is wrong.

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:: 2004 21 December :: 8.38am

this is to early for me.
i had to get up at 8 to make sure shelby was up and ready for tina to pick her up... so i try and check my email and it wont work. i hate that. crucial time for my email to work, and so it doesnt. what are the odds... gahh. it frustrates me.

im going to keegans house this morning... if tina ever picks shelby up that is.

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:: 2004 20 December :: 11.28pm

how about that.

overwhelming... absolutely.

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:: 2004 20 December :: 1.17am

i sent it.

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:: 2004 19 December :: 10.58pm

yesterday was amazing. i want to volunteer at toys for tots every year. there were a few people i came across, that i didnt want to leave. to see what this organization does for those families, and how greatful they are, it really touches you. i was talking to this one lady, and she told me that she always used to donate toys, and then she lost her job this year, and how ironic it is that you never know what could happen. how now she's depending on other people's kindness. its incredible. i wont go into it, but i would advise all of you to think about volunteering next year.

after i came home and cleaned up a little, keegan picked me up and we went to gorters for awhile. interesting kid, he is. it was fun though. gorters a good guy... he is. just not in public restaraunts.... resterants... forget it. "public eating places". gahh.

just so you know. everything you ever told me im going to take as a lie. i regret every moment we spent together. i regret letting myself be fooled by you. you were never honest. you were never who i thought you were. morals dont change, something that was so important once, doesnt lose importance. we were based on a lie, which to me is non-existance. i was truely happy for you, i thought you had finally found someone to settle you down, to help you straighten out your life. what an idiot i was to think that you could be level headed. what an idiot i was to ever believe every lie you told me. i hope you get her pregnant.

on a lighter note...
honey, i love you. lets rent johnny movies and eat high calorie foods that we'll regret eating later. and laugh and giggle relentlessly and tell your sister to shut the light off because theres a glare on our lovers face. lets reminse on the times that we werent cutting into eachother and figure out why things have changed. lets bake something yummy and refuse to share it with anyone.. like our ice cream. lets talk about the play, cuz we havent even done that. lets just be best friends again.

im going shopping in the morning. i gotta finish keegan, brandi, shelby... random people. after christmas im gonna get becky and all my friends stuff, moneys kinda "not there" right now. my checks gonna suck tomorrow.

tonight was so much fun. i went to keegans house after i got out of work. which was so awesome, cuz he doesnt even care seeing me in my work clothes, and i dont either. i changed when i got there.. then we *get this* wrapped christmas presents for our moms, he made me hot cocoa, and then watched desperate housewives. such simple things, and we have so much fun together. everything we do is soo perfect. i was all layed back tonight, changed into pj's.... and i feel like i bonded with his sister a little bit more, which is awesome, cuz she's such a sweet girl! and his mom... *smiles* im just so happy! ahhhh.... im going there for christmas. and im making shrimp dip.. and his mom asked me if i was comming over.. and ahh, i just had to spout all that quick. im glowing right now, i love that feeling.

christmas is almost here. where did it come from? totally snuck up on me this year. im excited, but its not the same. we dont even have our stockings, they're in storage. this is the first year without our own tree, our own ornaments, christmas music. i dont even think we're gonna make cookies. which really makes me sad. we've never not made cookies. we've never not had a family christmas. im not saying that we're not. but its different, and i dont like it. its not cozy. i want to beable to cuddle up on a couch beneath my little mermaid blanket and watch old christmas cartoons while my little sister tears through our living room after my cat trying to make him play dress up. i want to hear our furnace kick on, i want to sit in the middle of my room and just look around, knowing that it is just my room. i want him to feel awful for what he's done in the past, and grow up and accept everythings he's missed. i want that whole situation to make sence. i want to look into his eyes and see my own looking back at me... i want that to scare me. i want that to make me wanna cry. i want something out of this, i just want him. and then i dont. and then i confuse myself and stop thinking. i want to beable to think about it though. what will i say to him? how can you put into words all these feelings. so many times have i expressed this in poetry, or in journals, or to friends. so many times have i cried over this, and now its in my hands. maybe this is god telling me that he's always had something in store for me, and i just needed to be patient. he brought someone back into my life, he's taken some away. and look at me, im striving on. im making it... it hurts, and its hard, but im doing it.

i was gonna clean my room... brandis room, our room, that room im staying in.... that one. stupid procrastination.

stupid spelling...

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:: 2004 15 December :: 5.23pm

i wish i knew what to feel!

this is all a little bit to overwhelming.... never in my life did i ever expect for this day to come. and its here.... how weird is that. it isnt sinking in, it isnt real.

and i dont think that im feeling how i should be, or maybe to much of how i should be... but how am i supposed to feel. i dought there's any guidelines.

this is crazy.

thank you so much for being there for me through all this, in everything you do, i cant express how much this means to me. you really are a miracle.. i hope you know that.

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:: 2004 14 December :: 9.39pm

interesting.. to say the least.

im not sure how i feel about all this.

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