2004 15 June :: 6.12 pm
so many nicknames...
How to make a moana |
5 parts pride
1 part self-sufficiency
3 parts |
Method: Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Top it off with a sprinkle of lovability and enjoy! |
Personality cocktailFrom Go-Quiz.com
How to make a ToTo |
5 parts competetiveness
1 part humour
5 parts instinct |
Method: Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Top it off with a sprinkle of fitness and enjoy! |
Personality cocktailFrom Go-Quiz.com
How to make a jo |
5 parts success
5 parts humour
3 parts leadership |
Method: Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Top it off with a sprinkle of fitness and enjoy! |
Personality cocktailFrom Go-Quiz.com
How to make a concubine |
3 parts intelligence
1 part self-sufficiency
1 part beauty |
Method: Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of lustfulness |
2004 15 June :: 4.45 pm
:: Music: hoobastank - the reason
everyone at marina! no, EVERYONE
i went to marina today with fara7. that's who i went with. the thing is, before i left with fara7 i'd called andy and whined at her to COME. i went with fara7, we shopped a bit, bought kinky handcuff earrings at claire's then went to the one. believe me when i say i spent pretty much the rest of the day there. literally. at the one, i'm with fara7, whatever whatever, we're waiting for ozy who said he'd come see me. we talked a LOT about guys and things, caught up on the history, and THEN, we get bored and decide to go to zara cuz fara7 wants to buy a top for this party thing she's going to. well on our way out, i see 7amada and dzaner sitting at a table, smoking. by this time fara7's totally high off some cake we split, and i go back to find her. i get her and bring her back to find that, lo and behold, concubine and barney are there too! talking to 7amada and dzaner! actually concubine was smoking *disgusted* and barney was sort of hanging around shyly. and then, fara7 scares barney witless, and barney and concubine go to sheesha, fara7 and i go to zara. at zara, fara7 gets a fone call. wait let me explain this.
after we got to marina, i realized there was only one line left in my battery bar. i was almost out of phone battery. so as a precaution, i diverted all my calls to HER fone. that way, if my mama called, i'd still be able to talk to her without the lecture on "how can i leave the house with no fone battery?". right.
so fara7 gets a call, and she gives it to me. i pick up and it's a guy. he's like "upstairs or downstairs?" and i go, "ummm, downstairs," then i look at fara7 weird, like why'd you give me the fone? and she takes the fone and goes "hello?....who is this? oh my God!" and proceeds to laugh. i'm all "who is it?" and in between laughter she goes "ozy!" and i start giggling and take the fone back. i figure out he's at the one, i order him to stay in the café i'm on my way. 2 seconds later, the fone rings again for me, and it's concubine this time, and she's all "guess who i just saw? ozy!" and i laugh and go "i know, i'm on my way to see him now." let me pause to explain another thing.
concubine and AC are convinced ozy is not only hopelessly in love with me, but that i know and like it, and that i am soooo into him and i lead him on because i want him as much as he wants me. *sigh* oh and fara7 thinks i should break up with blag and get with ozy. *shakes head* i'll swanee...
and THEN, i get to the one and fara7 goes "i'm leaving in about an hour to go to the party" so i'm all "ring ring, hey concubine, when you're done with sheesha you n barney come up here and hang with me, i'm tagging along your asses for the rest of the day." that was settled, i redivert my phone, let my mother know, and settle down with ozy, who brought along zed! so we're there, and we're talking, and then concubine and barney come! and we're all there, and then ANDY COMES! seriously, it gets better. 7amada and dzaner come! they hang out, things, fara7 leaves, then they go "let's take a walk. zed ozy you guys coming?" zed goes, but ozy decides he'll catch up to them later. so me, ozy, andy, barney and concubine all march downstairs and sit on the sex couch. we sit there for a while, then we get up and pierce barney's nose. then we go back to the one and the palestinian pair (concubine and barney) go to the bathroom while andy and i go back to the café. again. somewhere in between blag called andy asked where she was and she told him she was with me at the one, and so when we went to the café, well, he was there. so were the guys. so was liane. and her hot friend. and there we were, me, andy, ozy, zed, 7amada, dzaner, liane, haya and blag. in a bit, 7amed also comes. oh wait, another thing. while we were getting barney's nose pierced, 7amada calls and goes "i got a small *static*" and i'd go "what?" "i got a small kkhkhkkhkh!" so when we finally get to 7amada, guess what he had? a small CASKA! CASKA! not a small boner, not a small penis, a small CASKA. i'm sleepy. i continue morrow.
bang bang |
2004 15 June :: 5.06 am
:: Music: AFI - ever and a day
i could kill ozy for getting me hooked on this song, but i won't
*dances* i'm hyper and i'm bored. i need to get out! *whines* i'm bored. i've already done everything there is to do online. and i've danced. and i've eaten. and now i'm bored. andy and concubine both won't pick up, they're sleeping *grumbles*. i wanna go out! i wanna go out! i wanna go out! and now i'm bored HERE. UFF!
bang bang |
2004 15 June :: 4.02 am
:: Music: white zombie - grease paint and monkey brains
i had a weird dream last night. i dreamt it was exams, and we were literally camping out in school. it was on those benches next to the gym doors, the doors where you go up into the stands, and we'd spread blankets over them. concubine was sitting on the bench, chain smoking, and i was sitting on the bench on the other side of the door. the guys were also there, and apparently, concubine n i were in the same math class. so andy tells her "you don't have the notes, you're screwed for the exam," and concubine starts laughing and goes "it's ok, bo3riki! (she never calls me this so it's weird) i'm taking your notes!" she starts laughing and hacking, and for some reason i get real posessive like i don't want to give her my notes, which are all in this HUGE no i mean HUGE red binder and i start hugging it. we're studying, things happen, we're talking, then everyone starts leaving, and the only people left are me and concubine and daniel. so concubine snaps her fingers, still chainsmoking mind you, and i go over to her with my binder, only i don't want to leave it htere, so i sit next to her, and daniel is sitting on the floor, with his back leaned on the bench. i'm looking in her ashtray and i'm thinking "God i would love a smoke," and i pick it up, and i smell it and start laughing, then i remember i promised ozy i'd quit and i go "no," and put it back down. instead i pick up a match and suck on THAT, then i start the ritual: chew on it. i do this everytime i want to quit. i chew on wood. sometimes it's toothpicks, sometimes it's matches, sometimes it's chopsticks or other random wooden stick-like objects. daniel turns around to look at me and goes "are you trying to quit?" and i go "yeah" and then out of NOWHERE, concubine throws my red binder into the air and all the papers fly out of it. and she goes "fuck this, we're not studying for exams anymore!" and she gets up and starts dancing. suddenly, daniel gets up and starts dancing with her. meanwhile i'm frantically gathering my papers, trying to put them all back in order in the giant red binder. by the time i'm done putting them back in place, i go back to the blue bench and concubine and daniel are making out, moaning and taking clothes off and shit. and i just sat there, studying and chewing on toothpicks. like i said, weird. the end! *bows* *runs off stage*
2 shot darlings |
bang bang |
2004 15 June :: 3.45 am
:: Music: FM thing (i htink this is britney... ugh)
The Basics
What is your name: fayer bo3riki
Do you like your name: i like my last name, but not my first (bo3riki... father of battles... awesome)
When is your birthday: january 15th
Where do you live: Kuwait
Who do you live with: mama, brother a7mad
Do you go to college: not yet *crosses fingers*
If so, what college: N/A
Are you still in high school: senior! woo woo!
Do you like high school: love it
Where do you live: de ja vu
Do you get along with your family: not always, they have their moments, but then again so do i
Are your parents still together: nah, split 6 years ago
Color: awrinj!
Band: deftones
Singer: andy!
Song: bruce springstein - secret garden
Day of the Week: wednesdaycunt or thursdaycunt
Subject: math
Month of the Year: january
Holiday: 3eed! *sings* money money money money...
Food: koosa *sigh*
Candy: airheads!
Alcoholic Drink: back in the day? anything absolute
Regular Drink: beebsee!
Soda: hahahaha soda!
Love and all That Jazz
Do you have a b/f or g/f: yes
If so, how long have you and your significant other been dating for: ummm a little over a month
Do you feel that there is the one person for everyone: yes, but this isn't it
What do you like to do with your significant other: hoo-hah!
What do you like about your significant other?: hmmm... his eyes and his hair
What is your idea of a dream date: hoo-hah!
This or That
summer or winter: summer
fall or spring: fall
bush or kerry: death to capitalism!
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
about the war: it's a waste of time. some people don't deserve to be saved. they had saddam they weren't happy, they don't have saddam they're still not happy, i say either a) bomb the country off the planet or b) throw saddam abck into their government, they deserve no less
abortion: i believe in life
religion: i believe in Allah and Muhammad
suicide: we've all been there, i think
premarital sex: not if there was a nuclear war going on
death: part of life, i've made my peace with that, had to make my peace with that, a long time ago
1 shot darling |
bang bang |
2004 13 June :: 4.06 pm
:: Music: deftones - lifter
your porn star name is the name of your first pet combined with the name of the street of your adress
mine's yelwa thaqeef
4 shot darlings |
bang bang |
2004 13 June :: 3.43 pm
:: Music: deftones - fist
i'm soooooooooooooooo, deaaaaaaaaaaaad...
woohu! finally shaimah shows her face! *dances*. she came over at around 12 30, which was perfect cuz i had just gotten done with a shower. we got dressed, and i tell my mom i wanna go to marina. she goes "but you didn't have lunch or breakfast, and you're not suppsoed to eat fast food." (it's true i'm not.) so i go "but i'm gonna eat at THE ONE." and she goes "are you in love with the waiter?" cue smothered laughter. anyhow, i had a quick meal and then we were off to marina! we went into virgin first thing, i bought king lear (finally!) and shaimah bought macbeth and mansfeild park. then we're on our merry way to the one and we stop in bear factory. she wanted to take a look around. we go in and immediately fall in love with a cow. without further ado, we agree to get it and split the cost. so we stuff it, make our wishes, sew it up, and buy 2 pairs of shoes for it, for all four legs. at the cashier, it's 8.5KD and none of us have that cash. shaimah charges it, and i go back to the ATM machine to withdraw a 5 and pay her back. well i go to the ATM machine and guess how much money i have to withdraw as a minimum? 10. guess how much i have left on my card? 7.880KD. sad. we pile all our cash together (some 4KD) and go to the one. keeping it cheap, she bought a coissant and a mochachino. i got an english muffin and a pot of regular tea. no i'm not supposed to drink tea but they have amazing tea. well jerry comes over to say hello, and he goes "your friend is always here, everyday, sitting on this couch, smoking easily 3 or 4 packs everytime." i nod. it sounds like 7amada. shaimah asks who this friend is, and i begin to explain to her the complicated functioning of 7amada. genius, lazy, chain smoker, can quit whenever he damn-well pleases, he just doesn't. messed up, very very cool guy. i love 7amada. some minutes later, we get the order, and you know what? according to the one, english muffins are toasted bread slices. i'm so disapointed. aren't muffins supposed to be shaped funny? kinda like cupcakes. i'm so disapointed. so i ate my bread (...) and guess who walks in? that's right, 7amada. funky eh? he asks if he can join us. i welcome him warmly. and he immediately proceeds to chain smoke. funny. it was like underlining everything i had told her about him. we talked a lot, about lots of random things, including amusing stories, anecdotes, gossiping about others, the works. at some point along the way he goes "eriksen is hot". i'm sorry, but she is NOT hot. i told him so. and we get into a debate over it. so he goes "call naser and ask him" and calls him from his mobile nad hands me the phone. it starts ringing and before i can react naser's on the fone. "hello?" "hello." "...hello?" "can i ask you something?" "who is this?" "i'm a member of the kuwait english psychology institute and i'd like to ask you a question about females and attraction." "ok." "is eriksen hot?" "what?" "is eriksen hot?" "who is this?" i start laughing and hand the fone back to 7amada. after naser gets it, he asks for me back and i talk to him. the first thing he says: "how fuckin random are you? and how do you know about the psychological institute thing?" laughter. merriment. that sort of thing. oh my God have you been to the bathrooms in the one yet? SEX! no seriously! not bad for public bathrooms. not bad for PRIVATE bathrooms either. sex. dimly lit, wooden design, light music.. sex. we stay with 7amada for a while longer, and he tells me that naser (wasmi) is getting a job at the one! oh my God, i have to get in on this right? so i ask management, and she goes "write up a resumé, and bring one photo. that is all." cake. i got the job. they have to hire kuwaitis since the law requires a minimum of 10% staff being kuwaiti, and not many kuwaitis want to become waiters and waitresses. spoiled people we are. but i have a job! sex! *dances*. anyhow, i took shaimah to the SEX COUCH. THE sex couch. i took a bathrobe on the way (those things are sex) and got snuggly in it and sprawled on the couch. i did not want to get up. ever. eventually i did because i was asked to put the robe back. then we walked to the other side and things, and andy, we got hassled for sitting. again. i've never been harassed twice in a row for something gay. i need to pul a serious one to break the streak. *ponders what to do*. things things things, we walked we talked, then went back to the one where my brother picked us up and took us home. here we downloaded the naruto manga and downloaded college applications. we also ran into 3baid *waves*. she left and now i'm blogging. the end. it's been a kick ass day.
2 shot darlings |
bang bang |
2004 12 June :: 5.06 am
:: Music: beatles - eleanor rigby
Name.?: fayer
Height.?: 158cm
Eye Color.?: dark-practically-black-so-why-don't-i-just-say-black-brown eyes
Weight.?: 51kg
Color.?: awrinj! (orange, for the ToTo challenged)
Food.?: *blink* beef anything really (lamb works too)
Drink.?: beebsee! (pepsi, again for the ToTo challenged)
Saying.?: hoo-hah!
Gender.?: my favorite gender? as in "what's your favorite gender?"? ok not gonna happen...
Funniest.?: Daniel
Smartest.?: boozie (RIP)
Tallest.?: basket
Shortest.?: AC! duh!
Cutest.?: barney! *pinches cheeks* boo boo..
Coolest.?: kaileen! i miss you boob-loads. cheers.
Fun to be around.?: AC. *pokes* capitalist
Cutest crush/boyfriend.?: mr perovich.... *sigh* i (heart) him
il ahal
Parents.?: split, my father is remarried (to an ugly skinny tall woman)
Siblings.?: brother (a7mad, i heart) and 2 half-shits
2 shot darlings |
bang bang |
2004 11 June :: 1.41 pm
:: Music: lacuna coil - tight rope
yesterday i had a doctor's thing. it was good good good. dosage check, blood levels steady, ticker stable... guess what you guys? i'm getting better! something medical, something scientific, something psychological later and the muscles have stopped their decline. i rock! hoo-hah! at this level i'm able to carry out the basic functions of LIFE, and it gets better: no more freaky meds, no more freaky dosage sessions, no more liquid crack, just EXCERCISE. i'm getting way ahead of myself but dude! this could all be true in less than a month! by july, i may be released for good, file closed, no more life-expectancy or anything. and dialysis? who needs it four times a year? once a year will cover me from now on. it's hard to get over. it's hard to get my head around. i've gone from a life expectancy of 3 years to a normal life expectancy of 65, giving me, considering i don't get tossed off a high place or anything, 49 years... whoa shit. it's unbelievable. when we left the hospital, my mother was crying in the car. i mean the happy kind. she's driving and crying, SOBBING, and i'm looking out the window thinking how life is unbelievable. i don't think you can imagine just what it was like. sarah msged me around then and told me to come by a7madi, she's having a get together. i ask my mom and she goes "yeah i have to go to the supermarket anyway." she hugs me nad kisses me and cries some more, we both cry, then drops me off. well the get together was more a party than anything. i hung out there for an hour, not smoking, keeping away from the booze, just staying clean and clear. rakan was there. rakan as in my first ever boyfriend who dumped me after 3 days on valentine's day rakan. mhmm. i hadn't seen him since then actually, which was like 3 years ago. i recognized him and smiled. he smiled back and waved. i thought that was it, but then he came over and started hitting on me. he flashed that grin. "hey, good-looking. how're you tonight? cuz you look fantastic." he sticks out his hand "i'm rakan by the way." at this point i laugh in his face. "so you don't remember me?" he's really nervous now and is trying to laugh it off. "no, should i? did we fool around when i was drunk?" "you're unbelievable" "thank you" "no i mean you're fucked up unbelievable." "oh" "yeah i'm fajer, remember? three years ago? dumped on valentine's day? kicked you in the balls for it?" "holy shit" "uh huh" "that was YOU?" "uh huh" "wow you... you changed." "uh huh" at around this time i wave and walk away. fun fun fun. my mother picked me up a short while later and we rode in the car. then i got home and was sick for a long time, as promised, from something in my drip dosage. happens once in a while, and it passed pretty quick. i just sat online and ozy talked to me and told me stories, and then laurence was there, also telling me stories, and it passed before i knew it. and here i am now. talking about my life. i can live my life. there's no timer. there's no countdown. i'll be fine. it's miraculous. i can't believe it. it wasn't even like "don't get excited, but there's a chance you'll live to see 20," it was more of "congratulations! you're gonna get old!". i spent pretty much the whole of last night and a lot of today crying and such, because... oh my God, exactly it, God, it couldn't have been anything else. God. God helped me, someway, somehow, by giving me what i wanted most: the time to do everything i wanted to do. i won't waste this. i'm going to take advantage. i'm going to spend it all in pursuing that goal, making the world that much better. i've been given a chance. i can't believe i have this chance. i'm still not done crying. all i can do is thank Gd for it day and night for the rest of my life. and it still wouldn't be enough. and i also have to thank all my friends. they were there. it's incredible. they're incredible. YOU GUYS, YOU WERE INCREDIBLE, YOURÉ STILL INCREDIBLE! i couldn't have done anything, i wouldn't have known anything, i didn't want anything, and then you guys... i'm gonna go pull myself together now. i love you all.
3 shot darlings |
bang bang |
2004 9 June :: 3.05 pm
:: Music: godsmack - asleep
DO me...
I cried:
I asked you to help:
I died from natural causes:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I stole something:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
I got in a fight and you were there:
I got dumped:
I pissed you off:
I did something that you could never forgive me for:
What Do You Think Of My...
Choice of music:
Would You...
Be my friend:
Tell me the truth no matter what:
Lie to make me feel better:
Spread rumors about me:
Keep a secret if I told you one:
Loan me some cash:
Hold my hand:
Take a bullet for me:
Keep in touch:
Try and solve my problems:
Love me:
Have Sex with me:
Ditch me:
Use me:
Date me:
Rape me:
Beat me up:
2 shot darlings |
bang bang |
2004 9 June :: 5.28 am
girls_republic's LJ stalker is fiordelisa! | fiordelisa is stalking you because they heard you are awesome in bed, and they want to find out. They are also deluded! |
2004 9 June :: 4.35 am
:: Music: deftones - good morning beautiful
you should wake up, before the wrath comes...
you and me, could take off before the wrath comes.. andy you're right, it's infinite, and it's awesome (as in it causes you to be in awe?) and it's so beautiful. i just started crying when i listened to minerva. must be one of those days.
now deathblow is playing. beautiful. ropes hang to keep us all awake...
the continuation of my day yesterday.
ok i stopped after we bought the godsmack CD. so we bought the CD (i heart) and then went into the mall and made our way straight to vera moda. i bought the pants! woo woo! i rock! i love these pants *feels self up*. after that we walked around, nothing really interesting, and i go "let's go to the other side of the mall" since andy's never been there and i'd only been once. we walk down the beach and decide it's pretty nice weather. we also met andy's 8th grade english teacher. *cough*. well we go up these stairs to walk up on the balcony, but then we discover that place right on the landing was the most perfect place in the country. so we sat right there, and we talked. a lot. and andy is in the midst of pretty much pouring her heart out to me and i go "..... well that's gay." the sentence lingers in the air for a split second of silence nad then andy starts cracking up. when she started laughing i realized what i had said. funny shit. then security harassed us and we got up. i can't believe the first time mall security ever harasses andy and it's because she's SITTING. such a disapointing first experience it must be. *pets* there will be others, don't worry.
well after that we went back into the mall and into claire's and all the way to the one to sit outside THERE. well i'm sitting with my back turned to the door and andy's facing me and she goes suddenly "hey we know those people. oh my God it's goldfish." *buries face in hands* what are the odds? well he and 3abdel-barr come over, talk, and then there's nothing to say. and we're all just silent. 3abdel-barr is looking towards the door, tammam is looking at the street, and andy is staring at the wall. me, i look at each in turn, realize they're not looking at one another and start laughing. they all turn around to look at me and then there's this nervous laughter, which only makes me laugh harder. they finally realize there's onthing left to say, and we're all off on our merry ways. fun. i drink my tea, we talk some more, nothing gay happens. we're done and we go insdie to pay the bill and i see these little square cards that say "Buy 9 cups of coffee and you'll get one for free". imagine me on 9 cups of coffee. *laughter* well anyhow we go downstairs and we discover SEX in physical form. the orange, soft, shag couch. lovable. wantable. fuckable. *sigh* we finally FINALLY got up, and then went home. the end. woo woo! party.
2 shot darlings |
bang bang |
2004 8 June :: 4.44 pm
:: Music: godsmack - touché
andy, it's awesome you talked me into buying this album...
woo woo! party! senior! ROCK ROCK ROCK! SEX DRUGS N SHIT! WOO WOO! *dances a lot, then does the caffeinated half-assed happy dance* yes! we rock. a lot. because we're SENIORS! WOO WOO! ok i'm done for now.
right, so after exams on monday, i went with concubine to marina. we shopped, we chatted. i bought cammy from virgin. cammy rocks my socks. hot army brit woman.. yea and THEN, i went home and concubine went home, and andy calls me to tell me to look at her journal (very sexy, andy) and then i go "COME! and spend the night over!" and she goes "ok i'll ask" and then i get a msg "i'm coming!" woo woo! she CAME, in her extremely revealing skirt. *shakes head* i saw a lot of andy... we did stuff (can't remember what) then got online, read sinfest, and talked to our very own cowboy! 3baid/amreecee/laurence. fun fun fun. i made ringing tones for my phone. i now have my own summer (deftones), everlong (foo fighters), losing my religion (REM) and 1979 (smashing pumpkins) as ringing tones. i rock. eat your heart out andy. well anyhow, after that, we're about to go to sleep, and i realize i haven't set out the mattress or anything, and i'm sleepy, so i go "can't we just share my bed?" and she goes "of course." so we both went to sleep on my unbeleivably cramped single bed. i kicked. she kicked too. ozy msged me awake *grumbles* so after a few messages i just got up and wondered, since i was the one agaisnt the wall, "how the hell am i gonna get off this thing?" suddenly andy pulls her knees up. i smile and go "miracle!" jump off the bed then she streches her legs out again. not so much miracle. i go shower, do my hair, brush, things, and then we wake up and watch thumbelina! woo woo! annoying orange-headed bitch. yea. so we finish breakfast, mom comes home, we play naruto, lunch, and THEN we go to marina. party! woo woo! (i'm gonna be saying that all summer). so we walk around, we go first to al-nazaer, which had *braces self* GODSMACK, THE OTHER SIDE. i LOVE this album! it's on repeat! i love it love it love it. i go now, but i will be back later.
5 shot darlings |
bang bang |
2004 5 June :: 3.45 pm
:: Mood: lonely
Lifted, awakened
I don’t like my name
Hurt and abandoned
Dead and the same
Made and then unmade
A desp’rate recall
Abuse I’ve taken
My face to the wall
Battered and shaken
All in fairy tales
Murdered then revived
A zombie prevails
Alone I’ll make it
Barely even then
Destroyer, angel
The queendom of men
Happily ever after
Only in books
From here to the thereafter
Based on your looks
Wedded and broken
I am damaged goods
Stale after dinner
No good for the woods
Wasted in patience
That won’t let me die
Bride and then groom and
Then which one am I?
Happily ever after
Only in books
From here to the thereafter
Based on your looks
Holding onto the abstract
Maybe you win
Happily never after
The world we’re in
Then hoping
Then waiting
Then mating
Then making
First waking
Last hating
Everybody has a story
Sad endings
Happily ever after
Only in books
From here to the thereafter
Based on your looks
Holding onto the abstract
Maybe you win
Happily never after
The world you’re in
The world I’m in
The world we share
The world won’t care
Happily never after
1 shot darling |
bang bang |
2004 5 June :: 8.47 am
:: Music: micheal jackson - remember the time
i've been dancing to this song for the past half hour nonstop; whoo!
i feel so rejuvinated. i still ahve to finish up my drama exam. just bind it basically. and then there's the journals, which i haven't started. ah well. i'll be fine. i'm not worried. because i finished math AND physics today. yes! *jumps up and down because she can't do any cool flips and stuff*
math i skipped a whole page. i was working on page 6, and the proctor (young, what're the fuckin odds?) goes "5 minutes left. except the math higher levels (that's us), you have 10 minutes left." so i go "screw this" and skip the page and go on to the last page cuz it had integrals on it and i know how to do those like i know how to chug brew. i finished the last page and i go back to page 7 and he goes "time's up, no more writting. higher levels, if you don't out your pencils down NOW you WILL fail." wham i never heard so many pencils go down in unision. se we cried about it for 15 minutes and checked in our books at young's class and out test portfolios and that kinda thing. it was the most depressing 15 minutes i've had in a long time. so then we go back to the auditorium for *hysterical violin music with an unrásened bow* physics. the class i am barely passing. i was ready to crap my pants. but i didn't. held it together. we get the exams and i skip paper 1 entirely, and flip onto page 14 for paper 2. i'm whizzing through and with the exception of one question (with 3 parts) i actually KNEW what was going on. it was insanely weird. i finished in less than an hour. i had plenty of time to go back and do paper 1, then checked over all the things i missed in paper 2, and then go back and check on paper 1, and then just go through the whole test. i left ten minutes early. it was so weird. as soon as i stepped out i went to khawli's class to give her back her calculator (life saver i swear) and then i saw andy sitting at her locker. i called her. she got up. we hugged silently. then i asked her, still hugging her, "bio?" and she nods. then she goes "physics?" i nod. we hug, slap one nother on the back then sit down. on the floor. we share stories of the night before, spent "studying". apparently she threw herself on her side for half an hour after crying about bio. me, i just sat there in the middle of all my math and physics notes, my cat sleeping on my test portfolio, i'm bopping to some music i was playing in my head, NOT LOOKING at my notes at all. it was funny at the time. it's still funny. hahahaha. right. blag came by the lockers and we talked for a bit, then went and made fun of AC, then went behind the multi-purpose rooms. *cough* what we did shall be left to the imagination. *whistles*. that was over relatively soon, so we picked up and decided to go to baqalla, and there's andy and AC in the main entrance lounge, still talking about exams. we went to baqalla TOGETHER. *dances* right not so cool, but still. talking, making fun of AC, talking some more, making fun of AC, we made more fun of AC, the we talked a bit more, and then we made fun of AC. oh we were talking about what kind of children she would have (AC capitalist athiest midget babies) and then andy decides to sit on her lap, cuddling to her and calling her mommy. i took a picture and then noticed andy's father was standing some distance away, trying to get her attention. funny. i go "andy" and she goes "what?" and i point at her father. we all cover our mouths and laugh insanely while waving at uncle bader. as soon as she's gone, we all crack up. ah what her father must think of her now. ok i think you've all heard enough about my day. *waves* arabic and media/english exams morrow. pray for me. blessed be
 Fire is your body power. You are very influencial because you are one of the most powerful. You like to express yourself in weird ways. You are outgoing, creative, spunky, and make friends easily. You are also at such a high sexual power, no man/woman can resist you. And, maybe that isn't true now, but it will be in a while...;) You're special name is M:Fujo. F:Fari. You get along best with thunder. You should stay away from water and dark. (You can be close to light..you hve no specific feelings on the matter)
What element is your body? Also, what body you are compatible with and your special names!Includes beautiful pics. brought to you by Quizilla
6 shot darlings |
bang bang |