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The Possibility of Life's Dislocation.

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:: 2004 2 September :: 9.16pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: camila burping

excuse you!

wow. we jus saw a commercial for "Low-Carb Dog Food"...what has this world come to???

strike a chord


:: 2004 1 September :: 8.29pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Taking Back SUnday

she paints her nails and she dont kno, hes got her best friend on the phone...

The Story of Rap
as told by: Brian

Once upon a time........there were some black stoners smoking wayyy to much n they started a band of new music n they called themselves crap because they we're amused by dog shit but they were too stoned to even remember how to spell so they created rap that is y i laugh when i hear rappers cuz i always think of crappers.........And they lived happily ever after.


--that deserved to win the award thing they give to good books. lol--

6 chords struck | strike a chord


:: 2004 1 September :: 7.49pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Exit2Exit by: my lover ryan<3

i can still hear the sound of love run dry...

omfg. i wish everyone wuld shut the hell up about this hurricane. personally, i think everyone is over obsessing about this. and no one except for mayb ur grandparents can tell me that they've been thru a fucking hurricane before and that im being stupid not caring. cuz ya'll havent been thru one. everyone is jus scared shitless because a storm this big has never come this close to boca since 1947. yes, 1947 bitches. i went to wendys today and there were cars backed up all the way down the road for gas. wtf yo. its not like we are gunna fukcing die. jesus christ people. if one more person says that i better board up my windows, im gunna shoot them. seriously, shut up all of you and stop acting like u fucking know everything. god damnit people are fucking stupid...

-fuck off-

strike a chord


:: 2004 1 September :: 9.03am
:: Mood: deathly sick
:: Music: only one by yellowcard

here i go, so dishonestly...

how cool is this? its 9 am and school hasnt started yet!! i love these days. im on the phone with camila and eating chips cuz i didnt want a bagel. ewie. we get to go to starbucks before school!!! yay!!! scotts coming at like 9:40 then we will leave. but jesus christ i am sooo sick. if today was an odd day, i wuld stay home from school...

hurricanes coming. joy.

-later g units-


6 chords struck | strike a chord


:: 2004 31 August :: 9.11pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Decade Under Influence by: TBS

i got a bad feeling about this...

yayness. i painted my nails sparkly white and changed my journal format around abit. well jus the colors and the icon. comment and tell me what ya think! oh and i totally bullshitted my spanish homework. wow im gunna fail that class. =)

-later skater-

2 chords struck | strike a chord


:: 2004 31 August :: 4.45pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: Love for Me: Ashlee Simpson

its been 3 days, you come around here like you know me...
here i am as
[ p e r f e c t ]
as im ever gunna be...

today was alrite. i was soo freakin sick when i woke up that i was gunna stay home. but i didnt. i think my hair color still looks like shit. but whatever. 1st hour was ok. we went in the mini computer lab thing and did gay stuff. then 3rd hour i fucking failed the test. grrrr. then took notes. lunch-was funny. sum girl fell on her ass. lol!! 5th hour sucked penis. its so boring and i dont get anything. 7th hour was ok. i dont mind that class. me and dana talk and laugh constantly so its fun. i got a 78% on the test tho. thats a C. i dont get C's. grrr im soo mad. then met up with justin b. after skool and me and camila walked home with him. oh and jd but he doesnt count. i made up a song along the way....

"Smoke Song"

i plant a seed
to grow mi weed.
it will choke
so i can smoke
mi WEED. mi WEED.

--lmao. its gunna be a #1 hit sumday.

jesus christ. i think i've sneezed more times today than i have my entire life put together. i think my nose is gunna either explode or fall off.

i need a tissues and my m&m's. peace muthafuckas.


2 chords struck | strike a chord


:: 2004 30 August :: 10.32pm
:: Mood: geeky
:: Music: Lean Back by: terro squad

my niggas dont dance we jus pull up our pants and do the ROCKaway...

oooh i forgot. on sunday at like 3:30 allie randomly calls me and is like lets go bowling with dan. i was like ok. so her grandma took us and we met sum new people. eddie, jackie, steven, and mike. and wel dan. but we kno him. it was fun, me and allie suck at bowling but i did get a pair of hott ass bowling socks!! hehe. then dan had to give us a ride home, as in him driivng the car. OMG i thought we were gunna die. he left us at teh alley with mike and told us he wuld come bak for us, it took him forver to come bak then he took us home and yeah. surprisingly, neither of us got in trouble. w00t w00t. but yes. i cant say this in english cuz then ill get "yelled at" so here goes..."mop i kop e [new word] i sop [new word] rop e a lop lop yop [new word] hop o top top!!! [end of sentence]. omg it was like...wow. lol. anywyas i gotta go to sleep. peace foo.

my [heart] keeps


im afraid to know the answer...
do you
me too?


6 chords struck | strike a chord


:: 2004 30 August :: 9.54pm
:: Mood: i haveta pee
:: Music: Suck My Kiss by: RHCP

hit me, you cant hurt me, suck my kiss xxx...

well. things are back to normal somewhat i believe. i dyed my hair. i liked it but ppl dont seem too. funny how ppl can make so much fun of it, but when its gone they are sad. supposedly im hotter with blonde hair..whatever. and i got mad that i got a 88% on my history test. grrrr. i hate that grade the most. anyways yes. then after school jd was gunna give us a ride home but she neevr came so we jus all walked. camila ditched us for jd and his gay friends so me, amanda, and my new friend stefan walked home and talked. twas fun, then amanda and me went to camilas and we decided to meet jaryed and andrew at publix so we wakled to amandas house and her daddy drove us there. we sprayed perfume on each other and i still smell like a man (a sexy man) lol. then i saw ERIC!! from pe last year. aww. lol. and i saw jerermy schniberg. then i wanted a quarter and nice andrew gae me one (you rock) and so did sum mentally retarded man that works at publix (i think it was the same one that hit on me that one day) so yes. i bought gum. then we went to wendys and chilled. then to packys and played on their fake motorcyles. then we all went home. and yeah. thats it. im gunna go. peace out niggas.

--oh yeah, and "the thing" backfired and im pissed. i dont want to hear about it anymore they might as well go and fuck each other. theres no stopping this anymore. jesus christ...

..::LaTeR dAyS::..


strike a chord


:: 2004 27 August :: 11.29pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: blah

blah blah blah....

OMFG. tonite sucked so much ass you have no idea. today was dilan's 16th birthday party and i was all happy and excited and then no one else was home so my daddy was gunna take me. but he told me to drive since i havent driven in a while. well the shifter gear thing in his car doesnt workk very well so when i tried to shift to reverse i accidently shifter to neutral, stepped on the gas and hit the fucking garage door. i have never gotten yelled at soo much before in my entire life. my dad was cursing and swearing all over the place. he told me to go to my room and i was all like "but daddy, wut about the party?" and hes like "ur not going %^%@&@!" omg i was sooo pissed i was like crying in my room then jack called me and i was all upset and stuff. god i hate my dad. its not like i did it on purpose and his car barely got a scratch. i mean at least were not dead. but yeah, i have no idea how long im grounded for. but then my mommy came home from work, and felt bad so she took me to coldstones to get ice cream and i saw a few friends and was all like "hi" and i saw kia but then i i had to go home. this sucks i wanted to go to dilans party so0o0o0o0o0oo bad. grrrr. fucking parents i swear. now ill prolly never get my license...



2 chords struck | strike a chord


:: 2004 27 August :: 4.41pm
:: Mood: mad
:: Music: A Decade Under the Influence by: TBS

to hell with you and all your friends...

god. no one understands me. i hate it. no really even tries. i hate how people make assumptions or says things based on my beliefs and shit. like seriously, lots of things piss me off, make me mad, and make me depressed. i dont like feeling like that so i try to tell people what i like and dont like and then they turn around and say shit or dont even talk to me at all. god i hate this soo much.


im not the happy fucking retard everyone thinks i am. i jus play that part so i can cover up how i really feel since no one ever tries to get to kno me. all they do is judge...

4 chords struck | strike a chord


:: 2004 26 August :: 8.48pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: family guy

susanis a winner (8:40:17 PM): oh man
susanis a winner (8:40:20 PM): if you think you love me now
susanis a winner (8:40:25 PM): just wait until sunday rolls around .
--------- (8:40:30 PM): rolls!
--------- (8:40:32 PM): on sunday!
susanis a winner (8:40:33 PM): no no no
--------- (8:40:36 PM): woo!
susanis a winner (8:40:39 PM): that has nothing to do with this
susanis a winner (8:40:40 PM): hahaha

1 chords struck | strike a chord


:: 2004 25 August :: 4.30pm
:: Mood: upset
:: Music: jet

[drum solo baby!!]

grrrr ness yo. yes, im gunna talk about ppl in here once again. and guess what? i dont care wat u all say. ok wel here goes....

***[names have been changed to protect the innocent]***

ok well george* asked me out and his best friend herald*, who is george's best friend, got mad cuz he thought he wuld be losing a friend. well i've tried and tried to make him feel normal but it hasnt seemed to work. he hardly ever talks to me at school (not that he ever did much) but he talks even less and like yeah, eveytime i see herald when im woth george, herald doesnt stick around long and i see like anger or hurtfulness of sumthin in his eyes. this could jus be me losing my mind but whatever. its makes me upset when i found out that hearld said he can never talk to me the same again. that hurts because now i dont even kno if i want to go ouit with george if its guna jepordize a friendship witha pretty good friend. i mean, i love george and herald with everything i have cuz they are two of the most kickass people i kno and they pay attention to me, but ....i just wish things were back to normal between all three of us. . .


"friends last forever, boyfriends/girlfriends dont"

^^ wow how corny, yet so true....

6 chords struck | strike a chord


:: 2004 25 August :: 4.28pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Jet

[insert guitar solo here]

AHHHH!!! OMFG!!! my little camila is growing up soooo fast!!! awww her and jaryed are going out (supposedly as of sunday) that means, once again, we got asked out the same day. annnd both ou bf's are jewish!!! wtf there is seriously something wrong with us!!! LMAO!!

best of luck u two!! <3


5 chords struck | strike a chord


:: 2004 25 August :: 4.11pm
:: Mood: confuzzled
:: Music: my lover of course. <3

cuz my [heart] keeps f a l l i n g faster....

wow. lately everything = fucked up. like seriously. im starting to lose my fucking mind. i dont know what to do or what i want. i was supposed to change or delete a past journal entry but i jus cant do that. what i write in here, stays in here. if you dont like it, dont read it. its that simple.

anyways, i've come to the conclusion that i am a horible, bitchy girlfriend. well i've always known this but whatever. this is my list of DONT'S that any guy who wants to be with me has to abide by:

-i hate clingy bfs. sumtimes i jus need my space.
-i need time alone with my friends. i cant be with u all the time.
-i have other guy friends. dont be jealous of them if i liked them i wuld already be with them, not u.
-i hate talking on the phone.
-never call me when im studying or trying to sleep. you will piss me off if i tell u not to call and u do so anyways.
-absolutely positively NO SEX or anything else related to it.
-i dont like PDA's (public displays of attention) so dont get mad if when we go to class im not like all over u making out and shit. cuz thats not how i roll.
-i also feel extremely weird kissing and stuff in front of my friends because i hate ppl gettin all in my business and asking me questions.
-if im uncomfortable with sumthin, ill show it and then u shuld kno to stop whatever it is thats going on.
-i hate it when ppl call me "baby" "babe" and all that other shit
-dont say "i love u" to me cuz i wont say it bak cuz i dont believe ppl actually "love" each other after like dating for a week. thats complete bullshit.

-----yes. thats my list. i kno it seems gay, stupid and retarded and like it seems like no guy can do all those things, well they can. if u dont like the above^^ then u dont rilly like me. so yeah. dont care what u think cuz i actually make morals and rules for myself to abide by.. im not sum walking slut. take it over leave it.

ok thats all i really had to say. so yeah.

-later niggers-


4 chords struck | strike a chord


:: 2004 23 August :: 7.31pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: ryan (my husband)

Help Me!!!

i've been debating about dying my hair reddish again. im getting really sick of the fucking blonde jokes. what do ya'll think? please comment and tell me. thnkz.


much love. <3

6 chords struck | strike a chord

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