2005 29 August :: 9.25pm
:: Mood: Impending Geometry DOOM
:: Music: Silence T---T
Shiggity shiggity shit
It's already 9:30 and I haven't done my geometry homework. It's not like I want to, but I know I should.
Today's my mommy's birthday. Let us all give a cheer for my mom <3<3 I lorve my mommy.
I scratched my back on the bleachers today during the pep rally. It were sad. It was all ~bleed~ and Lindsay was like ~POKE~ and I was like "AHH! T---T" and it's a pretty mark.
I kind of hope it will scar xD
But apparentally there's "shirt gunk" in it, as my mother puts it so eloquently. I have yet to shower, and who knows, perhaps it'll get infected from being neglected.
That rhymed e---e;
My speakers are being bitchy and I'm chatting it up with Villex. Just chewing the fat. Like a good Emily does.
I'm kinda tired .____. But! I found a costume I'd ADORE to construct! Card Captor Sakura xDD But the costume is adorable! ^---^ ~finds picture~

Adorable, neh?
It even got the Mrs. Jennfluffylufflesmom's approval, thusly I do believe it must be done.
BUT! Knowing my skillz, it will be horrid.
In all seriousness, I can't go into this without a positive outlook, and I CANNOT procrastinate. I am taking a vow to start this project as soon as possible and it WILL be wonderful.
And I WILL be cute.
Even though Emily + cute = world's end.
.. Giggle.
You know what? 'Chewing the fat' with Villex is so much better than trying to be all flirty. Sure, he still talks the same amount o---O
But it's better than trying to be something I'm not.
P.S. Oh, yeah, I'm the Vice President of Spanish River Anime Club. HOLLLA. XD
7 Chose the right path.People |
Do you think we decided right?
2005 24 August :: 10.51pm
:: Mood: Well, you know.
:: Music: From First to Last, of COURSE
I'm fucking
giving up.
You know what I hate? How 'emo' is so negative. It's short for emotional, is it not? And people are to be HATED for showing EMOTION?
I think some one should applaud. How about some compassion? Humans should have emotion. Sure, sometimes we get a but overboard, but dammit, I'm a fucking teenager.
Whose probably PMSing.
So I'm NO LONGER going to use the word emo unless describing some sort of fashion! OR SOMETHING!
And if you call me emo, I'll chew you out.
"Scatter my brains across the wall."
P.S. I'm giving up on Villex. He definately doesn't like me anymore. I kind of doubt he ever did .____. Atleast I told him everything, right?
Ha. There's a big storm coming. It makes me sad. And I think I might have appendicitis.
I hate how I get over freakin' boys. All weepy and crap. I just really want them to like me, I guess. Probably low self-esteem.
I mean, I want them to think I'm all pretty and nice and perhaps they even want to date me.. but I can't see what's right infront of me. I look past the average-seeming rarity to the extremely less-than-attainable whom ends up not being as cool as I thought...
I was talking to Stephen on the phone ( second night in a row -- whizzat?! ) and I wasn't feeling too happy 'cause I just told Villex I was "going to stop pursuing you because it's obvious you're not interested in me anymore" and then I explained my predicament.
Perhaps I thought he'd admit to some secret crush on me or something of the like, but the fates played me like a much-to-easy level of Super Mario. I fell down the gap between the lands and I'm out of lives.
I didn't even get to the secret ladders-and-lives stage..
And I definately never got a growing mushroom xD
But yeah, I was pretty much crushed. And I told Stephen I didn't feel like talking, so I was going to go. And he told me tomorrow he'd give me a big hug. And I said "Heh, alright", and he was like "Ha, I bet you'd love it if it was Villex" and I broke down into tears.
I can't blame Stephen for anything, it's not like I told him I had just ripped my heart out and offered it over to Villex, whom thusly dropped it with a shrill, squeeky "EWW!"
I learned tonight Villex isn't a fan of gore or biting.
See, I really should get over him, huh?
Ah, well.. I'm gonna go stock up on bases to make dollz with during the storm. Assuming I have power, but no internet.
~knock on wood~
"KINKY SALAD SONG! Chicka chicka bwow wow! Chicka wicka bwow, chicka wicka! Chicka wicka bwow!"
P.P.S. Weston got a lip ring and sweet JESUS is he hot.
5 Chose the right path.People |
Do you think we decided right?
2005 22 August :: 10.33pm
:: Mood: Emo. XDDDD
:: Music: Note to Self -- From First to Last
He makes me so..
JESUS! I'm sitting here, singing my fucking lungs out because of that kid.
I'm singing louder than I've ever sang before.
And this is the saddest/emo-ist I've been since last school year.
This bitches.
Bitches like my heart.
"Note to self -- I miss you terribly"
4 Chose the right path.People |
Do you think we decided right?
2005 14 August :: 3.21pm
:: Mood: Freee T---T
:: Music: GunZ ( my brothers are playing it in the loft)
Free at last! God almighty, free at last!
Shit, laundry, be right back. XDDDD
Alright. Fucking a. I just got done with like.. an hour and a half of homework. That's fuckin' preposterous. That's probably what I'll be getting every day from now on >---<
I ended up taking a break in the middle to go play Gunz XD
GunZ: ( classication: gun/sword game ) GunZ is a Korean graphics-based game ( FOR FREE -- downloadable ) with it's own mixed dance-music to listen to whilst you kick ass.
Emily does NOT kick ass at any point in time.
She gets excited if she kills some one.. She is usually the one getting killed.
Or killing herself by trying to run on the wall across the bottomless pit and ending up jumping instead.
Anyways, this game is pretty awesome, and as you can see ( since I haven't been on AIM in a while ) it's enthralling and enraveling. Sure, I'm only level 3 ( my brothers are level 10 and higher and they've ben playing less than I have .____. ) but it's still quite amusing.
GunZ -- download it, son
If you DO download it and come across a red-headed girl character name Sancia.. do not panic, that's just me.
Don't kill me, I'm pretty.
Anyways, I have French with our favorite friend Twitch. Yesterday ( Saturday ) I went to Obon ( Bon Festival ) with Jade, Jenn, and my family. It was pretty amusing -- there were surprisingly some cosplayers xDD And a BAJILLION home-made kimonos. I dunno if I could wear a kimono over there since it's all long-skirted and long-sleeved. It was REALLY hot, so I don't know how those bishoujo did it.
I couldn't help getting continually reminded of the episode of Sailor Moon when Serena and minna went to Obon xDD And Rei did the drumming. And the drums got possessed with a damon. I remember it so well e---e And Usagi was getting all upset 'cause she couldn't pop the little goldfish with the rice-paper net into her bowl, and Makoto was helping Chibi-Usa do it and Michiru and Haruka show up and are all like "Stupid meatball head ~giggles resound from kimono Michiru~"
Okay, enough geekdom from me, kids.
Have a LOVELY DAY! ^---^
"Potato... potato.."
5 Chose the right path.People |
Do you think we decided right?
2005 8 August :: 2.14pm
:: Mood: Lethargic
:: Music: Our Lady of Sorrows -- MCR
The Mystery of Laceration Poverty?
Well here I am.
It's Monday and school starts on Wednesday.. o----o;;
I still have to get my schedule.
I have two more chapters of Catcher in the Rye. I think I know why it's called Catcher in the Rye, though. Holden is talking to his little sister, Phoebe, and he says that the thing he really wants to do in his life is like.. guard children playing in a big rye field on top of a cliff from going over the cliff.
I can see it perfectly.. which is kinda weird.
I mean, do you get it? He gets kicked out of all these schools because everyone's too snobby or mean for him. Or too 'pervey' or 'sexy' ( sexually oriented, not sexually appealing. ) He has.. so many standards, and not one school meets them.
Instead of learning everything, he just wants to protect little kids from falling off a cliff.
It's weird.
AFO was great, by the way.
I almost got to make out with that really hot gay kid from JACon, remember? The one that was REALLY hot, but he was gay, and I was all like "NOOOO!"
I know his name now.. It's Ryan.
And hey, atleast he touched me e----e;;
I swear, his boyfriend was liek.. stoned during the rave. He's like "OH MY GODDDD! HAHAHAHHA!" and I'm like "XDDD HIE! What's your name?" and he's like "It's.. GIOVANNI... which is Itallian for JOHN! HAHAHA!" and I'm like "If I was a boy, I'd probably be named John. HAHAHA" and he's like "OH MY GODDDD! HAHAHAHHA!"
I love gay boys.
My mom told me later that apparentally Giovanni was looking at Jade and I too much for Ryan's tastes, thusly Ryan was a bit upset.
But for honest, I gave Giovanni the Wood Clow card I have ( Jadie bought the Clow cards for me <3<3 ) 'cause Keroberos sensed a Clow card and Giovanni said it was in his pants -- and it was the Wood xDD Ryan pulled him away, telling me he'd find it.
Then later, Ryan was at dinner, and Giovanni's like "Hey, if you give me another Clow card, I'll let you make out with my boyfriend" and I'm like "O---------O NOOOOO! WHY ARE THEY AT THE HOTEL ROOM!?" and he's like "If you give me two, I'll make sure you have a good time XD" And I'm like "AUGHHH! ~falls over~"
And I did fall over.
And my pimp hat fell over.
Maybe if I lose some weight by next con, Ryan won't need bribes to make out with me.. hmnnnnn..
~the evil plotting continues~
Emily: My voice is like... really low right now. o----------------o
Emily: Nevermind, it just elevated.
Oscar: yay
Oscar: i'll be there in a jiffy
9 Chose the right path.People |
Do you think we decided right?
2005 6 August :: 1.12am
Arch mage144: Women are just full of very strange ideas.
Lithaladhwen: They are. Quite often.
Ganon fro: Strange, and to their minds "logical"
Lithaladhwen: Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
Smartzvn85: ....Such as, Ashley?
Lithaladhwen: Well, this morning I was angry at the English because I had a dream that I was in William Wallace's militia. I thought they were going to sleep with my wife.
Arch mage144: That is impossible in at least three ways.
Smartzvn85: I am sure that the wife thing is one of them.
Arch mage144: William Wallace is dead and has no militia, the English are not at war with the Scottish, and you aren't married.
Do you think we decided right?
2005 5 August :: 10.47pm
June 30th Entry
You know, I'm always amazed at the things people have no opinions about. I can write an entry in which I basically admit that I'm out to get all of you. And that has absolutely no impact? It's totally irrelevant to you.
You don't have to respond. I don't really know whether I expect you to answer. However, to have an opinion and not share it when invited to do so... not my game. It actually baffles me a little.
Of course I was worried that people would post to tell me that I'm a good person and they don't know me very well but they can tell by the way I write that I'm a nice girl and I shouldn't worry about that because everybody feels that way sometimes so I should just know that I have people to talk to if I need to *less-than-three*.
Or something.
Maybe that's why no one said anything. Because that's the only acceptable response to an entry like that. But really... do blog communities exist to reinforce one's sense of humanity? If that's true, people need to clean out the angst like old earwax and get to loving harmony and shit.
However, if you have anything else to say in the future, feel free. It's why I post here. Because the truth does hurt and sometimes I want to hurt you like only I can.
Do you think we decided right?
2005 4 August :: 2.11pm
:: Mood: Mlehehehe
:: Music: Violent Pornography -- SOAD
Sweet Jesus, look at the nutters! <------<
naomicote@mac.com: I have a question you must answer, or die
naomicote@mac.com: just tell me when your ready to hear the most important question ever.
naomicote@mac.com: ..everrrrrr..
Agent Blood Orgy: ~is ready to hear the question -- knew Leo was gay, notes it was much too obvious~
naomicote@mac.com: I know it was obvious. I just thought that he was FEMININE
Agent Blood Orgy: lmap
naomicote@mac.com: I was like ::gasp:: ::sputter::
Agent Blood Orgy: Giggle
naomicote@mac.com: emily- i stared at the word 'gay' on the screen for like...10 minutes.
Agent Blood Orgy: xDDD
naomicote@mac.com: I was just like. AHAH!
naomicote@mac.com: I just thought he was really feminine, with all the 'talk to the hand' jazz. But thats cool, leo is funny.
Agent Blood Orgy: Mhmm
naomicote@mac.com: And 'mely' - the marching band assistant- shes gay
naomicote@mac.com: WHATS UP WITH MARCHING BAND PEOPLE!!??!
Agent Blood Orgy: They just like things
naomicote@mac.com: yea...a lot of things. haha xDD
naomicote@mac.com: Anywho: my question.
Agent Blood Orgy: ~listens intently~
naomicote@mac.com: Is your refrigerator running?...
naomicote@mac.com: O.O
naomicote@mac.com: ::listens intently::
naomicote@mac.com: GAHH! THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!!
naomicote@mac.com: ::chocked snicker::
Agent Blood Orgy: Womg..
Agent Blood Orgy: Yes.. yes it is. Both of them
naomicote@mac.com: :O
naomicote@mac.com: I KNEW IT!
naomicote@mac.com: ..mine did too.
naomicote@mac.com: fuck.
Agent Blood Orgy: Damn it
Agent Blood Orgy: It must be a syndicate of running refridgerators
naomicote@mac.com: Those become 'Refrigerator catchers'- save the time that everyone takes to find those damned critters.
naomicote@mac.com: hells yes, it is!
Agent Blood Orgy: Lmao
Agent Blood Orgy: I wonder if they like.. pre-program these fridges..
naomicote@mac.com: : O
Agent Blood Orgy: Damn George Bush! He harvests the fridges!
Agent Blood Orgy: FUCKING TEXAN
naomicote@mac.com: &^*%&^%
Agent Blood Orgy: GASP!
naomicote@mac.com: HARVESTERS*..haha. GASP!
naomicote@mac.com: I KNOW!
naomicote@mac.com: ::yodels to fellow marching band members:
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: YODELING
Agent Blood Orgy: ~dies~
Agent Blood Orgy: Anyways, as I was saying -- A STOP TO THIS!
naomicote@mac.com: ::marching band war cry:::
naomicote@mac.com: AYAYAYAYAYAYY!!!
Agent Blood Orgy: More like dodododlooodododolododo! ~horns blow, tuba bumps, clarinets screech, flutes die from lack of air~
Agent Blood Orgy: ~'cause their part is so fucking long~
naomicote@mac.com: :drop kicks, while other woodwinds screech with their instruments::
naomicote@mac.com: ahaha
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
naomicote@mac.com: SCREEECH- YODEL- AYAYAYAY
Agent Blood Orgy: ~wields a large DICTIONARY of POWER~
naomicote@mac.com: ...what a kick ass war cry
naomicote@mac.com: DICTIONARY!
Agent Blood Orgy: ~smack~ You spell dead D-E-A-D!!
naomicote@mac.com: ::gasp::
naomicote@mac.com: bows
naomicote@mac.com: xDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: Thank you, thank you. xD
naomicote@mac.com: Dead. WHOO!
Agent Blood Orgy: I am MAN DIC -- the huMAN DICtionary!
Agent Blood Orgy: xDD
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
Agent Blood Orgy: This is so going in my journal
naomicote@mac.com: And I am: Screeching Woodwind- The Yodeling Marching band warriors Queen!
Agent Blood Orgy: XD
naomicote@mac.com: haha, me too
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: I so love you
naomicote@mac.com: <3 I love you too
naomicote@mac.com: DAMN THOSE TEXANS!
Agent Blood Orgy: Bee Arr Bee, I have to pee -- you made me laugh too hard
naomicote@mac.com: ahaha
naomicote@mac.com: k
Agent Blood Orgy: Ewww -- I hate periods >---<
naomicote@mac.com: >----< I got mine on tuesday
naomicote@mac.com: RIGHT after the performance. THANK HEAVENS!
Agent Blood Orgy: I got mine.. Tuesday morning, I think
naomicote@mac.com: ::imagines:: In the middle of a performace- Me: ''..oh..oh fuck. *~fiddles with clarinet*~..oh my god. oh my god..holy fuck!
naomicote@mac.com: Wow. both on tuesday
Agent Blood Orgy: Eek x---x
naomicote@mac.com: I wonder what happens to those people who get their periods in the middle of a marching band performance.
Agent Blood Orgy: That REALLY sucks
naomicote@mac.com: I assume it'd be very uncomfortable.
Agent Blood Orgy: YEAH
naomicote@mac.com: I didn't get it during mine. haha- I got it AS SOON AS I WALKED IN MY HOUSE
Agent Blood Orgy: XDD Wow
naomicote@mac.com: ::sudden stop:: -blink- ::takes off to bathroom like a bat outa hell::: - mom stares at my fleeing form
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
Agent Blood Orgy: xD
naomicote@mac.com: I want my refrigerator. ::tear::
naomicote@mac.com: It houses so many goodies.
naomicote@mac.com: DAMN THOSE TEXANSS
naomicote@mac.com: My yodeling band is searching for them as we speak, though I imagine their not very quiet. ::cringes as screeches and anonymous blowings sounds::
Agent Blood Orgy: DAMN YOOOU TEXASSSSS! ~dramatic falling to knees, crying to the sky with outstretched fists~
naomicote@mac.com: POR QUE ROSALITAA!!
naomicote@mac.com: POR QUE GEORGE BUSHH!!
Agent Blood Orgy: POR QUE DIOS!
Agent Blood Orgy: HEY-ZUES!
Agent Blood Orgy: TEHASSS!
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
Agent Blood Orgy: MEHICOOOO!
Agent Blood Orgy: xD
naomicote@mac.com: xDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: DAMN MEHICANSS
naomicote@mac.com: I mean Mexicans..hha, oh shit ::looks around for angry mexicans::
naomicote@mac.com: ::paranoid:: OH SHIT SON!
Agent Blood Orgy: XD
Agent Blood Orgy: UNDER YOUR BED
Agent Blood Orgy: NOOO
naomicote@mac.com: AHH!
Agent Blood Orgy: THEY'VE GOT YOU!
Agent Blood Orgy: AHHHHHHH!
naomicote@mac.com: ::yodels to marching band::
Agent Blood Orgy: NAOMIIIIII! ~snatches at her~
naomicote@mac.com: haha..yodeling. *~shakes head*~
naomicote@mac.com: EEKK!!
naomicote@mac.com: ::mexicans angrily question who Rosalita is::
naomicote@mac.com: I DON'T KNOW!!
naomicote@mac.com: NO COMPREHENDE
Agent Blood Orgy: ~pulls her from rabid mexican stereotypes~
naomicote@mac.com: NOOO COMPREHENDEE!!
naomicote@mac.com: WHOO!
naomicote@mac.com: hahah stupid mehicans!
naomicote@mac.com: mehicanosss
Agent Blood Orgy: xXD
naomicote@mac.com: OH SHIT!
Agent Blood Orgy: OH NO! It'S OSCAR! XDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::pulls emily as we run like bats outa hell::
naomicote@mac.com: Oscar myer weener. xDD
Agent Blood Orgy: ~runs like what she said!
naomicote@mac.com: <3
Agent Blood Orgy: <3
naomicote@mac.com: AHH!
naomicote@mac.com: ::Oscar leads angry mexican stereotypes::
naomicote@mac.com: OH SHEEET!!!
Agent Blood Orgy: xDD
Agent Blood Orgy: NOOO!
naomicote@mac.com: ::I yodel to my crazed group of gay and lesbian marching band members::
naomicote@mac.com: xDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: ~keeps them at bay with free Taco Bell~
naomicote@mac.com: WHOO!
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: This is so going on my livejournal- myspace blog. xDD
Agent Blood Orgy: xD
Agent Blood Orgy: ~notes angry Mexican comments to ensue~
naomicote@mac.com: POR QUE!
Agent Blood Orgy: POR QUE, ROSALITA!
naomicote@mac.com: OH SHIT!
naomicote@mac.com: Don't say her name! ::oscar swears and runs after us while pyscho mexicans gobble down taco bell and give chase again::
Agent Blood Orgy: XDD
Agent Blood Orgy: DAMN IT
Agent Blood Orgy: ~runs~
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::runs:: omg..I have to change my tampon!
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
naomicote@mac.com: Oh sheeet!
Agent Blood Orgy: Mi Yo Tocco! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::runs behind bushes::
Agent Blood Orgy: ~hurries her into a bathr-- bushes work~
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::anonymous noises are heard, and naomi appears relieved::
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: Ewwww
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
Agent Blood Orgy: ~dies~
naomicote@mac.com: hahahahaha
naomicote@mac.com: eeww
naomicote@mac.com: xDDDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: ~has an odd pool of blood~
Agent Blood Orgy: ~.. forgot her pad~
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: o.O oh shit son@
naomicote@mac.com: !*
Agent Blood Orgy: Lets throw USED MEDICAL NEEDLES at HIM!
naomicote@mac.com: ::tries to find place for emlily to -do her thang-::
naomicote@mac.com: haha
naomicote@mac.com: WHOO!
naomicote@mac.com: AIDS!
Agent Blood Orgy: EAT MY BIOHAZARD! ~tosses needles -- smells fish~
Agent Blood Orgy: xDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: xDDDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::george bush squeels::
naomicote@mac.com: WHAT? A HOMOSEXUAL!
naomicote@mac.com: : O
naomicote@mac.com: ::gasp::
Agent Blood Orgy: GASP
Agent Blood Orgy: Why do they always send the poor?! <-------<
naomicote@mac.com: ::crazed group of lesbian and homosexual yodeling marching band squeels in delight::
Agent Blood Orgy: xDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::george shrieks::
naomicote@mac.com: xDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: XDD
Agent Blood Orgy: ~Arnold pops up out of no where with bullet-ridden pizza~ Vhat a political geerlyman
naomicote@mac.com: xDDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::Arnold totures george with bullet-ridden pizza and gets refrigerators back with one arm::
naomicote@mac.com: ::googling squeels of delight and gasps come from marching band:::
naomicote@mac.com: ::leo bats his eyelashes::
Agent Blood Orgy: YESSSS
Agent Blood Orgy: xDDDDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: YES YES YES!
naomicote@mac.com: XDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: SWEET JESUS
Agent Blood Orgy: ~dies~
naomicote@mac.com: xDDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: -dies-
naomicote@mac.com: ::arnold shivers::
Agent Blood Orgy: XD
naomicote@mac.com: ::leo: are you cold? -- let me warm you up, you hot sexy governor you!
Agent Blood Orgy: Zhat is vun meetball Ai'm not going tou choke down.. ~Arnold scoots off back to California and his silly pizza buisiness~
naomicote@mac.com: xDDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::leo- COME BACK MY JULIET! MY SUNSHINE! MY OTHER HALF!!::
naomicote@mac.com: ::marching band follows in pursuit, yodeling and shrieking::
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: Sweet Jesus, we are nutters
naomicote@mac.com: ::sigh of relief and content::...ahh, now all we have to do his beat those crazed mexicans and texans!!::
naomicote@mac.com: xDDD
naomicote@mac.com: I concur. xDDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: Lets get the MIB brain-zapper!
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
naomicote@mac.com: :o :O
naomicote@mac.com: HECK YESSS!
naomicote@mac.com: That'll solve all of our problems!
naomicote@mac.com: WHOO!!
Agent Blood Orgy: YES
Agent Blood Orgy: WHOO
Agent Blood Orgy: ~equips her with shiny light and sunglasses~
naomicote@mac.com: ::puts on shiny bling bling::
naomicote@mac.com: xD
naomicote@mac.com: ::FLASH!!::
naomicote@mac.com: BUT WAIT!
Agent Blood Orgy: XD What?!
naomicote@mac.com: We must save Oscar, and torture/molest him!! xDDD!!!! While other mexicans are 'FLASHED' in the brilliant light!
Agent Blood Orgy: ALRIGHT!
naomicote@mac.com: whoo!!
Agent Blood Orgy: ~steals Oscar from the mob, tying him up some where indiscreet~ Ready to FLASH them, Naomi?! XDDD
naomicote@mac.com: Xdd
naomicote@mac.com: XDD HECK YES!
naomicote@mac.com: ::FLASH!::
Agent Blood Orgy: YESSS ~FLASH!~
naomicote@mac.com: WHOO!
naomicote@mac.com: We're such 'flashers' !!
naomicote@mac.com: xDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: Alright, folks, God just came and tried to steal all of your refridgerators
naomicote@mac.com: naughty billy!
Agent Blood Orgy: But we told him to fuck off, so your food's safe.
Agent Blood Orgy: Yeap.
naomicote@mac.com: XDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::Another day SAFE from yodeling phycho's and crazed mexicans, texas refrigerator harvesters, crazed gay presidents, and ..leo.::
naomicote@mac.com: xDDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: ~and human dictionaries. And Arnold's poisonous bullet-ridden pizza~
naomicote@mac.com: YESS!
naomicote@mac.com: Oh shit son! This is so going in my journals, in like..30 seconds.
naomicote@mac.com: ahah
Agent Blood Orgy: Lmao, mine, too!
naomicote@mac.com: WHOO!
Me and Naomi
Emily -- Agent Blood Orgy
9 Chose the right path.People |
Do you think we decided right?
2005 3 August :: 10.35am
:: Mood: Tired.
:: Music: Question! - SOAD
To further the conclusion that Emily is a slut.
Well.. there was like this little.. clan of Japanese people. And there was this one REAL PRETTTY Japa-boy ( We were all in little school uniforms of somesort ) And this pretty Japa-boy has like.. creamy-blue painted nails... And I'd keep holding his hand every now and then.
Then, I think I was trying to impress him or something, so I started tumbling and rolling around in the grass. I felt stupid the whole time. ( Hey Jade: RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY, AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHH! ~roll~ )
I stood up and it seemed that they all liek.. accepted me, now o----O;
So then we were sitting at these tables in the PBCC cafeteria ( for some reason, most of the lights were off ) and there were Japa-boys everywhere, but I couldn't find my pretty one.
Then my mom came in and told me she was leaving. And here I am.
I'm sad.. I want that pretty Japa-boy..
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2005 2 August :: 6.33pm
:: Mood: Read-ish. Or something.
:: Music: Revenga -- S.O.A.D.
My Sweet Revenge, it's in the making, it's for the taking..
Hee. Journal layout updated. FINALLY. Jesus!
I made this for Jade. But I liked it. So I used it.
Don't hate me, Jadey <3
I'm reading Catcher in the Rye. Kinda have to. For school, you know? It's okay.
Holden Caulfield ( the main character ) judges people a lot. He calls them 'phonies' and the like. He says damn and goddam a lot, too ( I'm underlining and I'm going to count to see how many times exactly xD ) He's in New York, but he speaks like he's British o--O Guess that's how it was in earlier America. Or something. I should see when it was published, perhaps I'll get a better feel for it.
I hope I finish it soon. I still have to read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I'm so good.
Oh well. I bet Keith hasn't done one damn thing for his reading yet. So THERE.
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2005 31 July :: 3.00am
Ignore the nocturnal bitterness.
I've been getting back into some of the artsy stuff that interested me before I got to field school. It's not that it's creatively stifling to be around so many people, but when I can't be alone, I have problems uncurling my brain enough to do something new with it. Staying on the IPFW campus has been good for me. I don't have to be near so many people. I don't mind them. I even like many of them. But the fact remains the time I've had to myself, whether while working on a computer or spending a weekend or two alone, has done wonders for me. I felt kind of... bound.
But I'm starting a piece of artwork I've been wanting to do for a while now, and due to recent events I think that this character deserves a representation.
Also, some interesting questions have come up. I don't know that I want to address them in detail at this point, when I'm quite frankly a bit tired. But, here goes. The question has recently arisen that if I were a god, what would I be the god of? People often have some kind of theme to their personality. I guess mine might be obsession. For better or worse. There's no middle ground for me. Every opinion is polarized somehow. Except on the subject of caramel, which not only do I have no feelings on one way or the other... but I can't even decide how to pronounce it.
However, consider this theme carefully. The obsession theme actually puts me frighteningly close to Desire of the Endless. I don't know how I feel about that.
The problems I have with it are as follows:
First of all, it seems a little egotistical, which stops me more often than you might imagine.
Second, I don't think people are supposed to embrace the cruelty inherent in Desire. I mean, sure it's there. But there are conventions in place to prevent that from coming out. It's malicious but oddly indulgent.
Third, isn't this what I've been avoiding thinking about for a long time? I mean, I've considered it with a sort of vague pride, but I've never questioned it or cared about the consequences. I manipulate people. It's what I do. Call it charisma, attribute it to a certain affable streak. The only problem is that those things are not conscious. When I stop analyzing the most efficient combinations of words and expressions to get what I want we can change the designation to friendliness from calculated manipulation.
Sometimes I manipulate people out of indulgence. There have been people who could not be trusted with their own well-being. They wanted someone to make them feel like there was something in the world worth wanting. To tell such people the truth (as I always eventually did) was cruel, sadistic, and the only payment I asked for in the end. That final taste, that final truth. That final destruction of everything I'd built around them, leaving them honest and naked. I relished it. And there's nothing in me to persuade me it's wrong to tell people the truth out of cruelty. To enjoy their pain as they realize I've never been on their side. I've been enjoying their happiness as some bizarre form of psychological foreplay. It's not the point, but it will do for a while. Whether or not they become stronger in the end or break entirely is up to them.
I don't know whether the strong ones or the weak ones are ultimately more rewarding. The strong ones allow that nice self-righteous feeling. The one that tells you you've done exactly what you should be doing. It's a surprise that never fails to amuse... when one of them, after being pulled to the dirt and bloodied again and again, stands and defies their own weakness. In a way, it makes me want them more. The ones who break... well, all I can say is better luck next time.
There's only one question... What about love? I know that I do. But where could it possibly come from to have the strength to pass all that monstrous venom unharmed? I don't expect an answer from any of you. I'll be surprised if anything I've said sinks in. Part of me hopes it will. I hope it does because I want you to understand and because when you finally do appreciate all that I've said, the nagging uncertainties will live in your mind long after you've forgotten me.
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2005 29 July :: 10.07am
:: Mood: Eh.
Take the quiz: "What My Chemical Romance Band Member Are YOU!"
 Gerard Way Leader and really cute too! Love You
Lmao, whee?
Anyways, I'm off to be some ambassador crap at SYC. Today's the finale festival. EXCITING. I've been reading Catcher in the Rye ( I'm on the 5th chapter ) and it's kinda weird.. I mean, the kid ( Holden -- 16 ) He says 'boy' a lot, and horsing around, and good-by. That's not properly spelt >----< It's kinda rubbing off on me, how he talks. It's.. horrible. I liked my literate self. Holden.. is partially literate. MLEH.
Yeah. So there's my piece.
I before E, except after C.
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2005 25 July :: 5.01pm
I feel like I should say something. Something about drinking alone, something about wanting to drink a white russian instead of coffee with my morning can of ravioli. Something about Raven from Teen Titans. Something about Dawn or Eve or Myrnal or one of the other RP plots I'm devising.
Something about feeling lonely... or maybe feeling like I should be lonely. I don't know if I am. I was in a room by myself for the past couple of days, and I liked it. Except for meals, I didn't see anyone if I didn't want to. I like being alone. The only reason I can be around Brian no matter what is that he's not an extra person like these people are. He's an extension of myself. The only difference between being alone and being with Brian is that instead of being the voice in my head that never lets me be lonely he's right there. Like wearing my hair down as opposed to tied back. I'm forced to recognize that it's there and why I grew it in the first place. Being around Brian forces me to remember why he's the most important figure in my life. I'm rambling. I know it. I'll stop this subject until someone wants more details and forces me to clarify. I know this makes no sense but I'm too tired from looking at numbers to tell exactly how.
There are things to say.
There are things I miss, and things I wish I could bring myself to miss. Things I wish I could care about.
I was thinking about Caleb the other day. I'm so glad he's gone. I never thought I'd be happy never to see someone again. Usually I've got some snide remark, some driving urge to have the last word, to finally win, to deliver the coup de grace... but not with him. I just want him to stay gone. I'm not bitter anymore, though I probably would be if he ever showed up. I just... don't care. The girl who loved him until her mind broke is dead. I killed her myself. If Caleb wants to visit her grave he's entitled. But he wouldn't like what he found.
I'm happy now. In a way that would never have been possible with him. The difference? Brian loves me. He loves me. And that's worth everything.
Link is having a son. A son that I'll probably never meet. I don't know how to feel about that. If I were his girlfriend, I probably wouldn't want my fiance's ex-girlfriend hanging around, so I definitely understand. It's just... he is my friend. I could never have loved him romantically, but he needed me, and he had no one else to take up his cross for a long time. No one but me. I can't help but feel like I got him away from Tara and got him to the point where he could be with someone else. I was never dating him. He never loved me. He loved me like nicotine gum. But I took care of him for a while until someone else could give him what he wanted. He was in danger because of Tara. He's still here because of me. I don't entirely approve of what he's done with his second chance, but he had it. Not everyone does. He had a chance. And now he's having a son.
So. What do I do now? Go back to my hotel room, have a drink. Watch some TV. Wait for tomorrow to come so that I can get online and continue gamemastering. I enjoy it. I feel like in the midst of all the spreadsheets and numbers and geophysical equipment I'm creating something. I hope I can live up to what I've started.
So... I don't know what else to say. Comment with questions, comments, points of clarification, whatever you wish. Don't be shy. LJ is for me to vent my weird rantings. It's also for you to see if you choose. I share the feelings that don't matter in the long run, being mere chemical fluctuations in my brain. The chemicals pass and they're irrelevant again. But for now, for the sake of thorough records... here they are.
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2005 11 July :: 11.57pm
:: Mood: Showered
:: Music: TV
I'll update my layout soon, I promise T----T
Camp has been good to me.
Apparentally I miss Yasumi x---X Dayumn.
Not much has happened, but I'm alive.
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2005 9 July :: 8.41pm
No, I haven't forgotten woohu. I've just been busy. At some point here I'll paste in a monster entry to get you all up-to-date if you like.
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