2003 25 August :: 8.21pm
:: Mood: Hesitant
:: Music: "I'm still here" -John Rzeznik
French Club Started today... started French Club. It was so weird not having Nikki there!! I really want to run for an office, hopefully historian, but I'm not really sure. (note "hesitant" mood.) I really want to win the election. People in French club reading this, vote for me! I really need to get like a leadership position in some kind of extracurricular activity junior year. So someone talk me into this please...
On another note, I have seriously started thinking about college.
Laerengathawae: hehe, thought it was UF for you?
Beagle1427: I thought so too..
And I did. I just at this point do not feel like closing out my options. Also, I'm kind, REALLY getting sick of being Will's shadow. Believe me, "Aren't you Will's little sister?" questions get old real soon. I do realize that since UF has like 35,000 kids, and that we would be doing different subject areas, this would not be asked that much up in Gainesville; however, it's still the same principle. I'm just getting really sick of following whatever the hell he does. Ok, I'm stopping writing about this now so that I dont go all out about it when this thing is being published. I'm sure that you get the picture from what I've already said. Anyway, to make a long story short, I have pretty much moved my #1 choice school to the University of Pennsylvania, and here's why. It's an ivy league school, which for those of you at pope, is GOOD. (I'm just kidding guys! dont hurt me!) It does have most likely the best veterinary school in the country. If the question "why does that affect Lauren..what, does she wanna be a vet or something?" is running through your head right now, this journal is probably not your choice reading material. Anywho, when it breaks down, the better undergrad you go to, the better vet school you get into. The better vet school you get into, the better internship you get. The better internship you get, the more job opportunities you have, etc. This also makes Penn good. And I really feel like Penn is something to strive for. I was just kind of growing complacent with the "settling" for UF. I mean, I realize that UF is a really good school and also has one of the best vet schools in the country, but it's just kind of given that I will get in no matter what I do, as long as I do IB. I'm kind of getting sick of that. At this point, with my advanced case of junioritis, I need an actual reason to do IB. It needs to get me somewhere that I would not get just taking AP classes. While I realize that IB probably won't get me anywhere that just AP classes and decent SATs will, just let me have my moment, ok?!
Getting back to the real point of this part of the journal, there are very few things that I see wrong with Penn for me. On top of the list I just wrote out that are pros, Pennsylvania is where I wanted to end up anyway, although most likely not in inner city philidelphia. However, those few things that are bad are significant. There is the money issue. While the undergrad school you go to is important, it may be better to go to UF for free, get better grades than I would at Penn, actually get credit for the IB crap I'm doing now, and save that money for vet school. I'm still throwing this around in my head as I am frantically searching for any and all scholarships I can find that would pertain to me. This is a lot harder than you would think, because, after all, I am a white girl from Boca with two parents. This is one of those times that that is a disadvantage.. The second issue of going to Penn is it's a BITCH to get into. Come on. It's a freaking ivy league school. I just do not know right now if I can get in.. But I do have some advantages in this area. #1. My dad worked at the university for a few years. #2. He has connections from having worked there for a few years. #3. My grandfather graduated from Penn. This is huge.. Not only does it give me an advantage getting into the school, but my interest in going to the school my grandfather went to makes him like me more. lol. So...where was I? Oh yes...still on the getting in part. One of the main issues that I am trying to deal with immediately is the lack of many AP classes for me this year. I think I was really stupid to have taken Chem II. I think that another AP class would really give me another advantage as far as admission goes. It would just look better.
Just for some background, here's my rationalization for having chosen chem 2 in the first place. The course does have another month of teaching than AP chem. I basically took that as a good time to learn good-er than I would in ap. Think about it. If it's basically the same course except a little slower, then I figured that my understanding of the material would be much better, which would be good, due to the UNGODLY AMOUNT OF SCIENCE I WILL HAVE TO TAKE IN COLLEGE. ugh... But it will all be worth it, since I really like zoology and whatnot. Second on my rationalization for taking chem 2 was that I did not actually take a step back and look at my schedule as a whole in terms of what classes I'm taking until I got my schedule a little before band camp. I know this sounds so stupid, and it is, but I had no idea until school started that with chem 2 I would be taking only 2 ap classes. All that I had been going off of was everyone's tales of junior year from hell. I figured that having one less ap class would significantly reduce the stress level at the end of the year, which it will. I just do not know that 3 ap tests will send me over the edge. I seriously think I can handle ap chem now, so I think that that's justification enough for me to switch into it.. Maybe? See, this is more of the hesitant mood. I am so unsure at this point of anything. So confused.. Anyway, I'm making an appointment with Ms. Kelly tomorrow and also talking to Ms. Swanson after school. The one thing that's really holding me back into chem 2 is that I like my schedule, but in the long run, I dont really think that that should determine this kind of a thing, especially when it could have direct influence on my college acceptance. I'm hoping to figure this all out with Ms. Kelly and/or Ms. Swanson tomorrow-ish, but any and all suggestions you guys make in the comments will really help. I'm just at a really confused time right now. This would be when I need massive amounts of ideas and suggestions from my friends, not counting Kristen not wanting me to leave her in chem 2 alone w/ danny. Thanks guys, I appreciate the help now.
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2003 25 August :: 4.35pm
JohnCerone: oh guess what babe
JohnCerone: i spent 270 on books today!!!!
JohnCerone: and only bought two books
JohnCerone: and engineering paper
picsxstarsxdream: aww
JohnCerone: i have to buy one more
JohnCerone: for 106
JohnCerone: blah!
picsxstarsxdream: aww
JohnCerone: screw this
JohnCerone: im gonna be a professional vivi lover
JohnCerone: it's free
picsxstarsxdream: lol
JohnCerone: with great benefits
silly silly silly boy.
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2003 23 August :: 3.45pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: Ants Marching by Dave Matthews Band
A recount of today's events, as promised..
Well, I just got home from the vet. It was not as interesting as you may have hoped, but I was pleasantly surprised. Sasha was really good! There was this little girl in the waiting room at the end with her dad and her blue tick coonhound, and she was so cute! I'm always so surprised at how well Sasha is with little kids, especially since she doesn't come into contact with them on a regular basis. You all should know how hyper and rough she usually is around people, but it's incredible to see her with little kids. I'm usually a bit nervous, just because I dont want her to knock them over out of excitement. But she seems to recognize that she needs to be calm around people at her eye level. She just like licked her hand a bit and let the girl pet her on the neck. For those of you who know Sasha, I know your jaws are on the floor. It's something you have to see to believe..
Anyway, that was a bit of a tangent, but I thought it was cool. On yet another tangent (but a shorter one), I saw this show on MTV recently True Life: I'm Obsessed with My Dog. Clearly MTV has not seen me and Sasha. hehehe. I could beat the crap out of any of those people. Pretty much this whole journal entry will be about the dog, maybe a small portion about the cat.
So, going back to the original subject, Sasha LOVES going to the vet. She's always so excited to see all the new people and dogs and stuff. The cat is a different story. We literally had to turn her crate upside down on the table to get her out. She's not very good around other people. She actually did hiss at the vet tech. (Now that vet tech can join your club Nikki! ;-) ) However, I must say that the cat takes shots much better than the dog. But that is only because if Sasha was a person she'd be me, but...happier. But maybe that's just cause dogs are happy by nature. Seriously, after Sasha got her second hip operation, when I went to pick her up, the vets just went on and on about how happy she was and her tail had not stopped wagging since she woke up, even though she must have been in significant pain.. The person that left her at the humane society as a puppy was an idiot. Good for me though, eh? I couldnt believe that someone would just leave a little puppy like that just because of hip dysplacia. I mean, I can understand not being able to pay for the surgery, but the humane society was paying for it anyway for them. They just never came back to pick her up. Poor Sasha. But I guess it's good for her too, because she was obviously seriously abused. Anytime anyone in the house yells, she hides under tables or something. I feel so bad for her. I know someone would just take out their frustration on her after a fight with a family member. I can't believe that people would be such assholes like that though. She was only 3-5 months old at the time. Who could beat a puppy like that?! What could possibly be wrong in their heads?? Sorry, kind of went off there. It really gets to me when people are unnecessarily mean like that to something so helpless.
So, getting off of that, all went well today. The hardest part was trying to get the two of them through the door. That cat is heavier than you would think. And it is very hard to carry a large 15 lb box-o-cat while a 60 lb dog is dragging you into the building. I ended up making two trips back out to the car to get them home. They even behaved in the exam room together! =-O The cat tried in every way to get off of that table, but she was happy when she was done and got to go back and sit in her box. Both are healthy. The doctor was especially impressed with Sasha's health, which is like the biggest compliment someone could give me just about. It's like someone telling you your kids have been raised well. She checked her all out, was very impressed with the condition of her teeth for a four year old dog (I brush them! :-) )...(yes, even though she IS a pitbull mix..), and said "Sasha, you are the picture of health!" Oh, and she got a new rabies tag, and it's not green anymore! It's a gold star. Umm...I think that's about it, besides the fact that I picked up a job application on my way out. ;-) I honestly don't expect as many comments this time, even though I know how interested you guys all are in the health of my pets. ;-) Now do you see why I should have been on that MTV show?? Come on, as if you already didn't know..
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2003 23 August :: 3.19pm
:: Music: sm - Islands
"All my dreams are just islands in the sky..."
I think I've got it all figured out now.
People just don't like me. Thats what my problem has been. Those that do like me just don't know me well enough. duh. why didn't I see this before? I feel stupid for not realizing it
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2003 23 August :: 1.39am
and hes gone...
i can't seem to stop crying... whatever am i going to do
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2003 22 August :: 10.49pm
:: Mood: hyper
It's way too early for me to be this tired.
Even though I'm really hyper right now, I'm actually tired. You know those things I'm talking about. ADMIT IT! We just completed our first full week of school, and I literally spent more hours doing homework than sleeping this week. This scares me. I would like to announce that I am dropping out of IB. Tuesday. Wednesday will be the official disowning-ment ceremony by my entire family. Cookies and punch will be served.
Now that that's said, I have just been chatting with amanda about why I never use woohu. This is because I went out instead and got a real diary. There was just too much that I wanted to write out that I did not necessarily want published on the internet. But now I decided to do the real version in the diary and the abridged version for YOU to read. Therefore, let me warn you that I may slip sometimes. If I post anything on here that pisses you off, TOUGH! Hmm...that may come off a little harsh. Dont get me wrong. Comments are more than welcome and very appreciated...positive or negative. I just will not tolerate any actual real life arguments (discussions are fine) about what is written here. Just wanted to get that out of the way.
Now, I am very hesitant to say this, but it's my journal, so screw you. I mean... O:-) I honestly think that band will be good this year. *GASP!* I know I know! We have no music! We have no sets! We could not pick the head director out of a lineup! But you know what? After several conversations with markgraf (oh yea, go third lunch on green days! ;-) ) I honestly belives that he atleast (I cant say anything really about lerner, I dont know the guy) really sincerely cares about the band and our success. I know that we are all concerned this year about what is going to happen, i.e. "I dont know." "Ask mr. lerner." And dont get me wrong, I dont think that we will have anything CLOSE to a presentable show by the first football game, and I highly doubt we will get a superior at festival. But really, what can we expect guys? (man...this positiveness is like kryptonite!! I better wrap this up soon!) All I'm saying is that these guys beat the HELL out of voldemort! For all you muggles out there, dont expect to get much of my other posts either... Anywho..I just think that this year is a building year. Powers of pessimism draining...must say something....negative!
En revanche, four years from now apparently looks to be a building year too. I have no idea what's up with lerner. Why would he take this job? Why would he be offered this job? I just do not understand why a man would be hired on a temporary basis to fill this position. He says openly he's only going to be here for four years...why would they want to go through this again?! That's the one thing that I just do not get... I mean, I know that 4 years of one person is better than 4 directors in 4 years, but still..
Well, now I'm less hyper than when I started this. All the stress of the last paragraph really made my tiredness come out I guess.. So I think I will go to bed. I have nothing more to do. Oh, here's something else for all you night-owls actually reading this tonight. Tomorrow afternoon I have veterinary appointments for the dog and the cat. Both. At the same time. In the same room. It should be interesting! I'll try to post that story tomorrow. Check back for it! I plan on writing in here as much as possible, perhaps a few times a week if things actually happen. Most of this will not be news to most of you, since most of my friends are in fact in band, and that's where all the stories come from! ;-) So...that's about it! I'll write tomorrow. (for those of you not familiar with woohu, now is when you post comments. I just like to read them. hehe. It's a race to see who posts first! and then second, etc. so that I actually have more than one post.. Ready....set.....go!)
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2003 20 August :: 3.46pm
BAM!!! Guess who won another photo contest!!!!!!!!!
beary beary happy :0) that means TWO published pictures for this little girl!
In other news, T- minus 3 days :0(
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2003 17 August :: 9.12am
weekend recap:
~dinner w/Gregory and his padres.. very nice
~got some car privileges back
~got cell phone back (so call me dangit!)
~Ash took me up to Gregs earlyy
~Ash calls me asking "who do you call if you get into an accident..."
~Puppy Palace!!!
~Erics + Mrs.Reller rocks!
~dinner @ mi casa con Greg, Stephy y TJ (his going away dinner :0()
~pina colada cheesecake
~shanghai knights
prospective Sun:
~Gregory come in 2& half hours :0)
~Lunch @ Kyojin (call me if you'd like to join us!)
~mall mall mall
~pickup cheesecake from mi casa
~go up to gregorys for his going away barbeque :0(
Do you remember?
2003 15 August :: 5.29pm
My first week of being a senior is over.(Thankfully.)
Everyone keeps on asking me, "how does it feel to be a senior","big man on campus now huh?"
you know, it just feels like any other year...maybe it'll be different when its almost over...
School is okay, IB is a bitch.
Lots of HW. Fun.
Kevy left today :0(
Gregory leaves in T-minus 8 days ::sniff:: actually I really have nothing to cry about, he leaves the 23rd and will be back the 29th for Memorial day weekend :0P
Cena con la familia de Pishko esta noche en La Cheesecake Factory.
sounds like the last outing w/his parents before he leaves.
i have nothing to wear.
Do you remember?
2003 13 August :: 11.42pm
:: Music: Charles Mingus
I'm lonely. Very lonely.
But besides that...
School is treating me well. Somehow I have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods of band, so each morning I start off with three hours of playing time. That can be a good thing, but for the most part it's going to suck. Oh well. After band, I have my hard day, which consists of AP English Lit and AP Statistics, and then my easy day which consists of Health and AP Art History. I'm content with my schedule, although all my real classes are in the afternoon when I'm the most tired.
I also figured out that I'm working 21 hours at work next week. With seven hours of school each day, 5 hours of band camp each week, and atleast 6 more hours of getting to and from school I can forsee some sort of overtiredness and me going out of my fucking mind. I hope all turns out well.
I'm all hugged out. Too many hugs today
I'm done
Do you remember?
2003 10 August :: 10.18pm
:: Mood: chill
:: Music: Benny Goodman
I just realized that I haven't been listening to enough jazz lately.... much less playing enough jazz on my sax. Sad.
I also just realized that this is going to be my last Adult Swim of the summer. This will be my last ATHF of the summer. It seems like just yesterday, or rather the summer after sophmore year, flipping through the channels, seeing a talking box of fries and watching with interest. Sigh.
So sad...
One more thing:
I don't smoke. Fuck you Dom! Fuckin stoner
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2003 8 August :: 11.41pm
10hrs and we leave for Wet & Wild :0)
Me + Pauly + Jizz + Stephy + TJ + meeting Ashy + Catherine + Alisha = hothothothot!
Gregory Luke is deathly ill and cannot attend :0(:0(:0(
I took him to the doctor today and all the red spots all over him is apparently an allergic reaction to Amoxicillin (sp?) so basically hes allergic to Penicillin (like meee!) He also got a Mono test done soo keep your fingers crossed , I REALLY don't need mono now :0/ quite frankly neither does he.
Thats all.
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2003 8 August :: 11.40pm
::sigh:: Band camps over forever :0/
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2003 5 August :: 4.13pm
:: Mood: smiling
:: Music: 311 - Grassroots
I am officially registered, and am now a senior at Atlantic. Fuck yea! I also "moved" to Delray, but thats not important.
Mrs Fontaine helped me set up my classes. She rox. Hopefully it will all go through. Heres the classes I picked:
Band 4 Hon
Jazz 3 Hon
Jazz 4 Hon
AP English Lit
AP Stats.
AP Art History
Hopefully somehow they'll get the jazz things right and give me two band classes and a jazz class but call one of the band classes jazz. Who knows? I was supposed to take a no class, but since I dont drive and no one that lives near me has a no class, I decided to take art history. I hope it won't be too bad. I've heard some interesting things about Mrs. Stenner.
That is all
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2003 4 August :: 12.02am
BAND CAMP in T minus 8hrs 15min.
i'm a happy camper :0P
(wow i suck)
okay. No band director. I really have no idea what the deal is, guess we'll find out tomorrow :0/... sorry to get everyones hopes up... we'll deal... what else haven't we been through??
my mom thinks Greg is a FAG. yes, a queer, a homosexual whatever haha.
its kind of funny but he brings it on.
tonight was so wonderful... its nice when you have noone to interrupt you :0P
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