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The girl with the dreamer's eyes and a soul for her smile...

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:: 2004 7 November :: 3.37pm
:: Mood: angry
:: Music: juliana theory - if i told you this was killing me , would you stop ?

if it makes you feel good , do it .

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 2 November :: 8.26pm
:: Mood: anxious

Vote or die, eh? Well, I seem to still be here.

Yay! I voted!! XD

(Not like it counts)

2 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 2 November :: 9.52am

I voted like it's hot

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 1 November :: 12.46pm

I'm eating sushi for two...no, I am not pregnant.

1 TOUCH THE WATER!!! | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 30 October :: 2.39pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: "Light My Fire" -The Doors

For some odd reason, I was not really compelled to write after festival this year. I dont know why. Anywho, festival was great. It rained, just like last year. We did an AMAZING show, and earned straight superiors. It was an awesome way to cap off my career in the Atlantic High Marching War Eagle Band.

After festival, we had a group of about 15 of us go to Roadhouse (including Krystle!!! XD) It was tons of fun. A little crazy, but fun. There was a lady there making balloon animals/balloon hats, and a few of us got hats. Mine was, appropriately, green orange and white. It was just a really good time. Not too much else to say about it.


This week has been a little crazy.

Hmmm....I forget what I was going to write.

At practice thursday, senior girls got to go up in the stands and watch the show. Something I've been looking forward to for 3 years, I dunno about everyone else. I was unsure whether or not Crocco was going to let us do it, but I'm really glad she did. One thing that I really appreciate about her is that she understands how much the tradition means to a lot of us, and she finds a good balance between moving on and keeping tradition. Maybe I'm the only one who cares.

Thursday after practice, me, amalia, and amanda decided that it was up to us to get crowns for Friday. So we took off to Burger King on 441 and robbed them of all their crowns. For some reason, I thought a burger king would have more crowns than they did, but they gave us 14. Then we went to Target to try to get halloween costumes for me and amalia. There were no adult costumes there. Psh. So we decided to go to Party City to see if they had anything better. We took a small detour in the toy section. Before we went to party city, though, we went to rag shop and bought those little fuzzy pom poms for the crowns. So then we took off for party city, and I stole amanda. We got a little hung up trying to make a u-turn on 441 to get back to glades, so Amalia beat us there by a lot. When we were on glades though, she called my cell phone and said I FOUND ANOTHER BURGER KING! You guys go to BK and get more crowns, and I'll go to party city and hold the costumes. So me and amanda went to burger king and got 8 more crowns, then headed over to Party City. On the way there I tried to steal mattresses from this guy and explained to Amanda that I wanted to be a man pirate for halloween instead of a girl pirate. Mostly because I want to draw on a mustache and beard. So we got into party city and found amalia, and she was holding one costume. It was a man pirate! So I made sure she didn't want it, and then I grabbed it up before all the little kids stole it! It was missing the belt and "head sash," which were just 2 strips of red fabric. So I dont really care. We looked around for a bit, got Amalia a really sweet costume, and then went over to check out. When I was buying my costume, which was originally $12.99, (really cheap for a party city costume!) I asked the lady if it was cheaper since it was missing the belt and stuff. So she checked and it was $6.99!! Go me! So I bought it and left to take amanda home. Amalia had to go home to get her other costume since you can't return costumes, only exchange them.

I spent most of thursday night decorating my crown, rather than doing my homework, and it will probably be reflected in my grade from that ToK test. Oh well. So friday morning I went to school with 20 crowns. I left first hour with 5. We went into ToK, and everyone just started decorating either their crowns or themselves. Rae brought body paint and green and orange hair spray, and everyone was getting a little bit of school spirit. So we were all just kind of running around and getting all green and orange-y, and Ms Zap looked around and went "Ok, I guess this is what we're doing today. I'm not going to get you guys to do any work." And that's what we did all class. Ms zap took group pictures of us outside, and then we sent some people to the yearbook room to get someone to take our picture for the yearbook. It was great.

After school we had like 20 people go to McDonalds (ew), but it was fun. Afterwards, me and Kristen went to Party City to see what they had there (different party city) but they still didn't have pirate swords! Oh crap, and I forgot to look at walmart while I was there. Hmm....maybe they'll have one at CVS, they had costumes there. We'll see. Anywho, then we went back to ATL to meet the little people, I mean 8th graders, and get ready for the game. It was tons of fun, we scared all the kids. (*clap clap clap clap* Boocaaaa Boocaaaa Boocaaaa...) A lot of the kids, make that most of the kids, had serious attitude problems. I was like wtf, I wish I was going to be here next year so I could personally put you in your place. You're even lower than freshmen. But I didn't say that, because we were supposed to be nice. There was this one tamborine girl who was really annoying. She kept playing all the time, and I was like dude, don't play during cadences, but she just looked at me funny and kept playing. Anywho...when we were inside getting ready, vinh was yelling at the pit to get all the crap outside, so I was like one second vinh I'm coming! And he gave me this weird look and then said "Oh. Not you. Tonight's your senior night! You have to sit back and relax! Pit!! Half of you attend to Lauren's every need, and the other half get the stuff outside!" It was sooo funny. Then when we were outside in the inspection block and everyone was tuning, the pit kinda circled around me, and vinh told me to give everyone a pep talk. So I said "Guys, as you know, tonight is senior night. They are going to call my name. And when they do, I want to hear each and every one of you. I want you to be louder than the clarinets." And they were! Go pit! XD Senior night was so much fun. There were some, um, unfortunate moments, though. ... ;-; (parentheticals to Amanda for the face) All in all though, it was a great evening. Something we will remember forever.

After the game, a bunch of us went to Docs. It was so fun. I've really been advocating going to Doc's after senior night, just because it's a night so rich with tradition, that the only place fitting to go afterwards would be Docs. And it was. Good times.

Friday was the last game ever to be played at hilltopper stadium. The end of an era. And I'm proud to have been a part of it.

I dunno what's up...I was talking with Kristen about this on Friday, but like a lot of people are all the sudden getting all school spirit-y (myself definitely included). I was thinking back to 8th grade, where the longer you were at the school, the more you despised it. But now...it's not that I don't want to leave ATL, far from it, it's just that I want to enjoy it while I'm here. I thought a lot about it after Mr Lerner was talking about the new school. And like a lot of things are going to be different. No one will ever have the same high school experience we did. And honestly, much as I complain about the campus and about IB, as it sits, I don't think I would change a thing.

Get back to me about that at the beginning of May.

Tonight is Amalia's Birthday/Candy Robbing party! Yay! I'm going to be a man pirate! XD You gotta love trick or treating with a bunch of 18 year olds. I love regressing back to my early childhood. I said I think it was in Target, that I was regressing to when I was 6, and this lady gave me a really weird look. Amanda, you know. It was great.

Ok, really long entry. Glad I got all that written down. Over and out.

Thought for the day: Mr Logan is my hero.

2 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 29 October :: 9.28pm
:: Music: Barenaked Ladies - Light Up My Room

Damn, how come every time I drive by ATL I get nostalgic? I hate that feeling, because it makes me miss things, and I don't like missing things. But I do miss that school. All the bad things, and all...uh...the other bad things. I like being home.

Life, I have found, is not simple. But it is the simple things that matter in life. I want everything to feel right for a change. I want to know that I can always stay the same and be happy.

Oh and for those that didn't know....so i guess all of you since I don't talk to any of you really, heh, I had to leave UCF. I got a complete medical withdrawal, that's all I will say. Tuition, books, housing....all refunded completely. I think this turned out to be a good thing, because I realized I had no place being at UCF. I started realizing I didn't want to be there, and that I basically was gonig the wrong way in life. So now I'm here, I'll be taking classes at FAU in the spring, while I decide how I'm going to further my music education. That's right, I'm going to study my passion...music. Whether it's production or performance, or both, this will be much better. I've been in contact with Berklee Music in Boston getting as much info. as possible....and now I can only hope.

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 23 October :: 12.15am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: dashboard confessional - hands down

so it is fair for me to say FUCK YOU because to me , it's still your song ? i hate that you can't change the past because i'll never know how different things would be now if things didn't go the way they did . somehow my mind starts drifting around mid-december to a time i wish i couldn't remember but somehow can never seem to forget . therefore ... FUCK YOU . because to me , it's still your song .

1 TOUCH THE WATER!!! | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 21 October :: 1.06am

so maybe it was just like any other day.
it was your day. but it's not over.
not all was said and done.
i know what you want.
there's still more to come.
please forgive me for your disappointment.
i won't let you down.
...........\ with /............
..............\ _/...............

1 TOUCH THE WATER!!! | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 14 October :: 10.35pm

There is no limit.
i wish-
moments like that could be every moment.
that everything we do is just for you and me.
until then..

i'm afraid to trust.
nothing seems to make sense in my mind.
things arn't what i had expected.
i may be going in the wrong direction.
i don't want to go back to start.
i don't know where i belong.

i believe in my heart.
i believe in you.
i don't doubt i'll get hurt.
prove to me it will be worth it.
(P.S. I love you.)

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 12 October :: 7.48pm
:: Music: Pink Floyd - When The Tigers Broke Free

I'm going to see Derek Trucks on Saturday at House of Blues! I can't wait, he's probably my favorite guitarist of the current allman brothers band.

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 10 October :: 10.31pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: beatles - maxwell's silver hammer


The simple fact is, in order to be happy:


Yep. Isn't that aggravating? You can't blame it on anyone else, and no one else can do a thing for you. You've just got to decide to be happy, whether or not your logical mind thinks it is rational to be happy and whether or not your moral sense thinks you deserve to be happy. You absolutely will not be happy for any length of time until you decide to, and if you decide to, you can be happy in the face of the most miserable circumstances.

Happy deciding.


LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 6 October :: 3.37pm
:: Music: Rage Against the Machine - Take the Power Back

Hard times fall once again...but this time I am stronger.

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 27 September :: 12.38pm

I'm back

3 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 25 September :: 11.38am

another hurricane. I am really getting sick of this. It's not even funny or joke anymore. Not when it starts affecting people you love. I'm going to a shelter this time, because apparently my mother doesnt think my cousin's apartment isn't strong enough for a hurricane. oh well. oh yea, i have a speech to plan for tuesday during all this crap.

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 23 September :: 1.41pm
:: Mood: accomplished

Ok, yesterday was one of the worst days in my life, and I really don't want to go into it. Please do not ask.

My mom is slowly getting better. The whole surgery thing has put a big stress on me in terms of doing everything for her, but her shoulder is healing. She's regained use of her fingers on that arm. Yay.

And, on a much lighter note, I won the French club election!! XD Je suis la presidente!! I'm really excited. And I'm on the inter-club council for eagles for excellence now. So I am BUSY. All the time.

I went up for my appointment with ms kelly today, and she wasnt there. The secretary lady (I can never remember her name) apologized and said ms kelly had to go to an emergency meeting or something. "There was an incident" I dunno, whatever. The point is, my meeting was moved to monday. Whatever. Atleast now I have all my forms together. I also finally got one of my rec things out to mrs youngman. I had the other thingy ready, but mr dalsass isn't here this week...he's in vegas. And Ms Kelly told me that I can be a walkon for the october SAT II's. That makes me feel a lot better. So things are finally falling a little bit into order.

I finally planned a real college visit. I'm going to northwestern on November 4th and staying with my uncle and new-step-aunt-thing. It's his third wife, you tell me what I should call her. It'll be loads of fun. The only problem is that November 5th is scheduled to be our last football game, so everyone pray that we make the playoffs. Because I will be sad if I miss the last game ever.

So that's about all she wrote. She...being me...oh, it's just an expression, get off my back.

4 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!

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