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The girl with the dreamer's eyes and a soul for her smile...

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:: 2004 7 March :: 3.11pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: Destruction by Definition

"Lisa Simpson; master of the double life."
I'm Lisa Simpson. I play the baritone sax and am pretty good at it, I'm a big fucking nerd, I'm smarter than my parents, I dont believe in Church, I'm the good one in the family, my talents are underappreciated and are going to waste, I hate living at home, and I lead a double life. Yes folks, I'm Lisa Simpson.

Anyways, I finished my auditions over a week ago. The rides up to Tampa and Jacksonville were nice. USF was rad. I really want to go there. I loved the campus, and all the people. JU and UNF were rather disappointing after seeing USF. On a fucking saturday afternoon, the campuses were dead. Not one student walking around, chillin, or doing anything. Were there actually any students at these schools? I don't know. The campuses weren't even half the size of USF. The only thing I liked was that UNF had an immaculate music building. My audition there sucked though. They didn't want to hear much of me playing, and Bunky got mad at me for playing a Melodic Minor with a Natural Minor descending. Bastard. My USF audition wasn't too bad, but I cant be too sure that it will give me a spot in their program. It was the best audition I did for a school I wanted to go to though. My FIU audition sucked, but fuck that school. Them and their asshole jazz director can eat me. JU was my best audition. The guy fucking loved me. The jazz director, the guitar teacher and I jammed for almost a half hour. It barely felt like an audition. I thought that was great, but the campus sucked, and the music building was old and was obviously not intended to be a music building when it was first built. It reminded me of the high school from the Wonder Years. They didn't have much to offer me other than money to cover their big private school tuition. Fuck them.
I'm still waiting to hear back from UNF and USF. I want to hear back from FIU, but just because I was told to talk to the dean of music and tell him how much of an asshole his Jazz director is. Well thats it. Pretty worthless entry. I'm done

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 6 March :: 12.39pm
:: Mood: PSYCHED !!!
:: Music: CHEMICAL BROTHERS !!!!!!

Hey girls ...

Hey boys ...

Superstar DJs ...

HERE WE GO !!!!!

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 4 March :: 7.30pm
:: Mood: tired

So I saw the first two Lord of the Rings movies, and....where and when can I see the third because im dying to see it now! They were amazing, I know im wayyyy behind but oh well, im glad i saw them and didnt wait til NOBODY cared anymore.

5 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 4 March :: 4.02pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: the beatles

picture yourself in a boat on a river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies
somebody calls you
you answer quite slowly
a girl with kalaidescope eyes
celophane flowers in yellow and green
towering over your head
look for the girl with the sun in her eyes and she's gone

follow her hair down to her bridge by her fountain
her rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies
everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers that grow so incredibly high

newspaper taxis appear on the shore
waiting to take you away
climb in the back with your head in the clouds and you're gone

picture yourself on a train in a station with plasticine porters
with looking glass ties
suddenly somebody's there at the turnstile
the girl with kalaidescope eyes

lucy in the sky with diamonds

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 29 February :: 6.53pm
:: Mood: ecstatic

Oh Red Wings, how I love thee
Ahhh, don't you just love the smell of youre favorite team being the best in their sport? It's been a while (well 2 years) since I've able to say that about the Red Wings, and even after all theyve gone through I'm happy. And to think if everyone was perfectly healthy how much damage theyd be doing! #1 and loving it...and Fedorov, keep on keepin on

6 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 29 February :: 5.39pm
:: Mood: indifferent

Not sure what to say today. I don't think it really matters, since no one is apparently reading it, but that's ok.. I went last night to see Passion of the Christ. The first thing that I'd like to say about it is that it is not antisemitic in the least. I don't know where people got that from. The only person that was directly called a Jew was Simon of Cyrene. And the only way you could take that as antisemitism is if you knew absolutely nothing about the Bible. I guess people could blame Simon of Cyrene for his death since he carried the cross? There was a part where either Pilate or Herod said "I am not a jew" but that wouldn't be antisemitic either. So the only other references that I remembered of jews was in reference to Jesus himself, calling him king of the jews. But I will say that the media making a huge deal with the violence in the movie was pretty acurate. Mind you, there was nothing there that I didn't know about from seventh and eighth grade bible class, but still, I do not want to watch the beating for a half hour. I'm not going to go into it here, just in case the non-existant people reading this have weak stomachs, but it was graphic. I had absolutely no trouble with Saving Private Ryan, and I had to close my eyes during this one. There were some weird things too. The portrayal of Satan at one point holding a child I just didn't get, but I'm gonna ask Dan about that. Other than that, it was a very powerful movie. Lots of amazing cinematography. Loved how they ended it. It was, however, entirely in Aramaic and Latin. Subtitles the whole time. Kind of annoying to read the subtitles the whole movie, but they did it in such a way that you could read the subtitles and still see who was saying what, and everything that was going on in the scene. Well done.

I have to email UPenn about visiting today. That is, I have to email them today, not visit today. I have no idea what I'm asking them, but I may be able to come up with something. I also got a letter from uf about an open house at the college of agriculture and life sciences april 10. Will has agreed to take me to that, because I hate going to those things with my parents, so that's good. I think that we're going to bring the dogs up with us too. Very exciting. It's easter weekend, so I have that friday off, so I can go up kinda early and not miss school. It'll be cool. I was considering whether a campus tour of uf would be advantageous or not. I think it would be pretty redundant though. I already know where everything is and what the campus is like and all that crap. I'll see if I feel like doing one while I'm up there.

Yesterday was foreign language fair. I didn't go, but my projet got a superior. I really was not expecting that at all. I thought maybe a good. But apparently a lot of people did really well. I know angie's declamation and gabe and jennifer's pièce got superiors. Dude, friday madame youngman was being so nice to me. It was so weird. I gave her the rules to the game in english, and she typed them up in french for me. I just sat there and stared at the paper in astonishment for a minute. It was crazy. And when I gave her the projet she was giving me all these tips for how to improve it before states. She was like you could come after school one day and I will help you work on it. We can do all this blah blah blah, etc. Crazy. She apparently likes me now. Don't know if that will be enough to raise my grade in her class though. After those two horrible quizzes. I did better than a lot of people too, and I still failed. It's insane. But no complaining about french for a while. I don't have the class till tuesday. That means that tomorrow I have all the classes I hate. I was going to read Scarlet letter this weekend, honestly, but I just...didn't. I didn't do anything this weekend except go to the movie. That means that it'll be a late night, but still. I'm so watching the Academy Awards anyway. Let's go Johnny Depp for best actor! Best acting job ever. And no, I do not find Johnny Depp attractive, but yes, he is my favorite actor. I know that's hard for some 17 year old girls to comprehend, that I can like an actor for his acting, but Captain Jack Sparrow is my favorite character ever brought to the screen. Freaking amazing.

That's all for today folks. See you all tomorrow.

3 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 29 February :: 1.35am
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: none

*sigh* i'm too tall for this .

2 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 27 February :: 11.36pm
:: Music: Aphex Twin- Selected Ambient Works

Don't call it a comeback.

But seriously folks, why does life seem to want to be bipolar in my presence? In these past couple of weeks I have had more ups and downs than an elevator. Eeep, that analogy was horrible.


The past fortnight has been one of the longest I've ever endured, as everyday seemed to drag on forever and quite possibly ever. Maybe time and existence is slowing down so that the 24-hour day is abolished, replaced by tyrannical 40-hour days. Or maybe I need to stop forgoing sleep to watch the Old-School Hip-Hop segment on MTV2 at night.

Even with a half-day and staying home one day because of sickness, life slowed to a crawl this past week. I guess that's what a whole lot of drama can do. Jake put it best today; it's so easy to get sick of high school with all of the drama. The only drama I like to start is woohu drama with Cary, but that's me personally.

Actually, now that I think about it, I don't want to type about it, or write about it, or think about it. Not at this moment at least.

Instead of dwelling on the bad, especially to the public, who I'm sure doesn't want to hear it (they probably don't want to hear any of this), I'll just mention a few things that were good this week:

I am a real fan of making mix cds for people.

I am a staunch supporter of watching the series finale of "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance."

Talking in the hallways or while walking to my car with girls who somehow make my stomach feel funny is always a highlight of a day.

And most of all, today at lunch, I realized that I am truly blessed to know some of the kids I do know. Just talking with five of these guys, about anime porn or some other inconsequential thing made my week. Thanks.

Keep on truckin kids.

Drew R.

4 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 26 February :: 8.50pm
:: Mood: happy

Rush is coming!
July 29, Sound Advice Ampitheater...RUSH is coming! The date is not official and ticket sale dates have not been announced but im pretty sure the date will become official very soon. I will be first in line/online the second they go on sale. Im gonna get the best tickets possible!! I can't wait, this summer is gonna be great. And I'll be 18 during the show so thats kinda cool in a "not really" sort of way.

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 22 February :: 8.54pm
:: Mood: satisfied
:: Music: diesel boy's project human

susanis a winner (8:35:17 PM): i wish you knew statistics
Sup 4 Man99 (8:35:25 PM): how bout this
Sup 4 Man99 (8:35:45 PM): Its probable that ur gonna get a grade below 85%
Sup 4 Man99 (8:36:01 PM): *cue rimshot*
susanis a winner (8:37:08 PM): ouch
Sup 4 Man99 (8:37:37 PM): yeah that was a bit harsh...
Sup 4 Man99 (8:38:56 PM): but is it true?
Sup 4 Man99 (8:39:08 PM): id say the probability for that is blue
susanis a winner (8:39:28 PM): i think the probability is apple .
Sup 4 Man99 (8:39:36 PM): intriguing
Sup 4 Man99 (8:40:11 PM): this would fit into Homer Simpsons theory of the donut shaped universe
susanis a winner (8:40:39 PM): i hate statistics
Sup 4 Man99 (8:42:12 PM): so what do u think the the percentage of the population is that hates it too? :-P
susanis a winner (8:42:31 PM): 100 ,000 % .
susanis a winner (8:42:37 PM): is that right ?
susanis a winner (8:42:38 PM): fuck
susanis a winner (8:42:40 PM): i think it was d .
Sup 4 Man99 (8:42:56 PM): no
Sup 4 Man99 (8:42:59 PM): it was apple
Sup 4 Man99 (8:43:04 PM): jeez you really are gonna fail

... mmm .... best weekend ever . i'm SO tired .

1 TOUCH THE WATER!!! | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 21 February :: 10.24pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: "Dancing Nancies" -Dave Matthews Band

OK, now I'm pissed off, because I even copied this journal before I hit the update entry button, and that didn't work, so I have already lost this entry once. Here's what I remember of it.

My parents were watching this movie, Before and After, while I was trying to work, and I overheard this quote that just kinda struck me. "Your whole life can change in a second, and you never even know when it's coming." I thought about that for a while while I should have been thinking about Quebec, and I thought of how true that really is. One decision, one event, one person, can change your life forever. And a lot of times, you don't know it until it's happened. There are some things that you can see coming weeks, months, even years in advance, like moving, graduation, etc. But then there are those that you cannot predict. I can't really give many examples of those, because you never know what they are or how they impacted your life until much later. Have you ever thought about one thing that happened that changed your life completely? Have you ever thought about what would have happened had it not gone that way? Where would you be? What would you be like? Could it even have changed who you have become? There's a song about that, Dancing Nancies. It's a Dave song, of course, who else? But it really makes you think about that. I'll post the lyrics below, because I know most of you have never heard it. Sidenote: Dave will be in town July 31 and August 1. I am so there. Both nights, I hope. I just need to get someone to go with, because going to concerts by yourself is no fun. This may prove difficult however, because the 31st is Warped Tour, and a majority of my friends would probably rather go to that, because they have messed up priorities. :oP In addition, the prices of Dave concerts are not cheap, and I'm one of the very few that I know of who is willing to pay $120+ to spend 2 nights listening to Dave music. Nevertheless, DMB concerts rock my socks, so the saving starts now and the tickets go on sale within the month. Just, y'know, letting everyone know. Here's Dancing Nancies, as promised. (note: the lyrics to Dave songs vary slightly depending on the CD you are listening to. This one is from the Live at Red Rocks CD, which is my second favorite version of Dancing Nancies, but the CD that has my favorite is in the car, much farther away than my cd case. Besides, I am fairly sure that I posted that version sometime in the past, around the time that I got my Some Devil CD, so I'm sure you've already read it. o.~)

Don't you ever wonder
Maybe if things had been slightly different
You could be somebody else
Don't you wonder
Maybe if you took a left turn instead of taking that right
You could be somebody different
Don't you ever wonder
Could I have been?
Don't you ever wonder
Anyone, anyone
Don't you ever wonder
Well, could I have been?
Don't you ever wonder
Anyone, anyone, anyone
Could I have been
A parking lot attendant?
Could I have been
A millionaire in Bellaire?
Well, could I have been
Lost somewhere at Red Rocks?
Could I have been
Your little sister?
Could I have been
Anyone other than me?
Could I have been
Oh, anyone other than me?
Oh, could I have been
Anyone other than me?
Could I have been

He stands, touch his hair, his shoes untied
Tongue gaping stare
Could I have been a magnet for money?
Could I have been anyone other than me?
Twenty-three and so tired of life
Such a shame to throw it all away
The images grow darker still
Could I have been anyone other than me?

And then I look up at the sky
My mouth is open wide
Lick and taste what's the use in worrying
What's the use in hurrying
Turn, turn, we almost become dizzy

I am who I am who I am
Well, who am I?
Requesting some enlightenment
Could I have been anyone other than me

And then I'll sing and dance
I'll play for you tonight
The thrill of it all
Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes
But I'll work it out

And then I look up at the sky
My mouth is open wide
Lick and taste what's the use in worrying
What's the use in hurrying
Turn, turn, we almost become dizzy

Falling out of a world of lies
Could I have been dancing nancy?
A dancing nancy
Could I have been anyone other than me?

And then I'll sing and dance
La la la
Hey, la la la
Hey, la la la
Sing and dance
La la la
Hey, la la la
Hey, la la la
Sing and dance
I'll play for you tonight
The thrill of it all
Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes
But I'll work it out

And then I look up at the sky
My mouth is open wide
Lick and taste what's the use in worrying
What's the use in hurrying
Turn, turn, we almost become dizzy

(and that is why Dave songs are 9 minutes long)

3 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 21 February :: 4.35pm
:: Mood: unproductive
:: Music: "Jimi Thing" -Dave Matthews Band

I have totally wasted today. I need to get so much done, and I just am not doing anything. As soon as I finish this entry, I'm going to start either my projet or my world lit rewrite, one of the two. I stayed in bed until 4 o'clock. I wasn't necessarily sleeping, I just didn't want to get up. Well, I could have been sleeping, difficult to say whether I was thinking or dreaming. But if I was dreaming, they were uncharacteristicly disrandom dreams, so I'm just gonna stick with saying I was thinking. About what, I could not tell you. I didn't say I don't know, just that I couldn't tell you. A lot of stuff on my mind lately. I really need to go to Disney World. Mickey makes everything better. Seriously, going to Disney totally gets you atleast three weeks of...whatever you want to call it. Pixie dust. Like if I went to Disney this weekend, I'd be set till spring break. I'm just so damn busy. But it does look as though I will be going to disney the latter half of spring break. Going to Phili the first half. So there goes actually doing anything over spring break. Oh well.

Let me ask you this. Is anyone doing anything at all for their extended essay right now? Are we supposed to be researching it? I am so taking that class this summer, but I don't know exactly how much knowledge we're supposed to walk in there with. I know we need two meetings with our supervisors before May, but what are we supposed to talk to them about exactly? I didn't know that we were actually supposed to start extended essay shit this year. I thought it was more of a summer thing.

I am worrying about too many things at once. Maybe that is why I'm getting sick, or something. I really need a vacation. Actually, once this weekend is over, assuming that I will have done everything that needs to be done, I'll be pretty good. I really want the projet to be done, because foreign language fair is saturday, and I need to give this shit to her friday so she can take it there. Whatever.

That's all for now. I'll post more someday.

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 19 February :: 9.18pm
:: Mood: working
:: Music: "Good Riddance" -Green Day

Been a while since I wrote. I've been spending a majority of my free time sleeping. I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I have a brain tumor. No matter how much I sleep, I'm still tired, and I've been really dizzy a lot of the time lately. Eh, oh well. The other weird thing is I've been dreaming. I sorta wrote about this before, but ...yeah, whatever.

Had a really good weekend. Lots of fun, but not nearly enough work done. I meant to write the world lit paper, but I didn't even look at it. 1000 words and an outline is due tomorrow, but I have decided not to do it. I'm going to write the whole paper over the weekend and just do it in one sitting.

ToK yesterday was really great. We were coloring illustrations to "Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" and we totally regressed to Kindergarten as a class. It started when I was describing to Kevin Skeeter Valentine's clothes, and then Ben heard across the room and started talking about Doug over there. Then we all kinda went "remember that song, bangin on a trash can" and we all started singing. Then we went into "I need more allowance" by the ever-famous Beets. Then Ben started singing the Hey Dude theme song, then we both sang the Gullah Gullah island theme song. It took us a good 15 minutes to straighten out the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, only because people wouldn't listen to me. Leonardo is the blue one with the sword, people. We covered every single show from our youth, from Roundhouse to SNICK to My Brother and Me to the Angry Beavers. It was really fun.

I feel so old. A bunch of my friends, as I am now discovering, are adults. As am I, I suppose. Not legally, but you know what I mean. Others of my friends...well, let's just say it will be interesting to watch them function in society. I got a new record of college letters today in the mail. Eight. Mind you, none of them are from colleges I actually want to go to, but...it's still good I guess. I don't really think that UPenn sends out mail like that. Atleast not to people with my SAT scores. I got an email from Oberlin Conservatory. It started as follows:
Dear Lauren,

I would like to invite you to consider the possibility of continuing your music studies at Oberlin.

Since 1867 the Oberlin Conservatory of Music has been considered one of the nation's leading professional music schools.

That's when I stopped reading and started laughing.

I had more stuff to say, but I am involved in too many IM conversations right now to be able to think, and I still have mucho tarea to do, so I'm gonna wrap it up. I love how I speak in Spanish even though I'm in French. Pisses me off.

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 18 February :: 9.05am
:: Mood: nervous
:: Music: Yes

FIU Jazz audition today at three. USF on saturday, UNF and Jacksonville U the next saturday. Concert next week. Musical is comming up, and state S&E after that. Maybe state concert after that.

I've got a little too much shit on my plate. I'm getting a little overwhelmed. Maybe after my auditions, it'll be a little bit better. I'm so nervous. For most of my auditions, I'm playing two standards, a ballad, and a latin from the Aebersald books. It's not that hard; I just play the head, and improv on those chord changes once or twice. I'm just worried about my improv. When I first started to improv, it was all by ear, so I played what sounded good. But anyone can play a Bb to F change by ear. These songs that I'm playing for my auditions are legit. songs, with legit. chords and changes. Improvising them by ear doesn't work for someone at my level. I don't know enough scales to put out a decent solo on any of these songs. At the most, I can get the root, 3rd, and 7th of any chord from just looking at it, but that's not very much. Scales are what's going to kill me. I'm fine with my majors, but I dont know my natural, harmonic, and melodic minors off hand. I know how they're constructed, what they're for, and how to use them, but I just haven't worked on them enough to play them from memory. I can play them off a sheet of paper, but all that shows is that I can sightread.... yea, I'm bad at that too. Well, atleast sightreading jazz. I've played more concert music than jazz in the last year, so counting straight is really ingrained into my brain, rather than swing.

I wouldn't be so worried about my auditions if I was just going to get accepted to their music dept., but I am going for scholarships. They want to give their money to the best and most talented, or those who they think can become the best and talented. I have potential to become friggen' awesome, but right now I'm just a mediocre player.

Almost forgot to mention: I got a superior on my solo, trio, and quartet at S&E. All three are eligable for state, but we decided not to do the trio, which is the hardest and sounds the worst.

Enough for today.

1 TOUCH THE WATER!!! | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2004 15 February :: 11.11am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: green day - insomniac

i will NEVER be the same ...

what the FUCK just happened ?!!?!?!!


nothing will ever be more amazing than last night . nothing else could ever even come CLOSE to the kind of experience i just had .


1 TOUCH THE WATER!!! | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!

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