2008 15 July :: 8.52pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: none
Summer Film Project
i have finished day two of our preproduction preparations to the caledonia location. there's a shit ton of stuff that needs to be done, but at least we're finally getting somewhere.
i'm not doing anything involving audio, as i said before. but i do at least get to do construction stuff, which i'm fairly good at. not like it's rocket science.
but yeah. it's fun. the people are cool to hang with. but it's a lot of work. i mellowed out a lot once i resigned myself to the fact that this is just a really slipshod operation, and that i won't be able to rely on anything. i will do the best i can to make it happen for them, but nobody, not even me, can ask for anything more than that.
and i think i'm doing my part. i certainly have lots of tools down there, and we're making decent progress. i'll keep you guys posted on the happenings as i can, but no promises. it's keeping me plenty busy.
the important thing for you to remember is:
Friday Night - 9PM - at the...
Sazerac Lounge
1418 Plainfield Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI
Be there if you can. although, i believe it's 21+.
call me if you have questions, or shoot me an email. i'll get more info as it becomes available. (like i said, slip-shod).
your two cents
2008 1 July :: 5.01pm
:: Mood: peaceful
July 1st.
I was standing in the Warsaw airport at 6am having gone to bed only two hours earlier. I felt sick from getting food poisoned in Ukraine and everything felt very surreal. Rafael, and Prudence watched quietly, Monika gave me an eiffel tower keychain from her recent trip to Paris, Nella smiled and joked in the discrete way that she does, Britt stood anxiously beside me, and my host mom Danka held an American flag. I was feeling nauseous from the food poisoning, but also the added nerves of leaving the country. Daniela smiled at me warmly and lead me to the bathroom where I threw up. As we walked back to the small crowd, she rubbed my back and mothered me. Minutes passed, Britt and I went through the gate, and a strange calmness came over me as we boarded the plane.
It's been one year since I left Poland and my exchange ended. Today the exchange students after me are coming home. The first time I saw them they were timid but excited to start their own exchange and everything about Poland sounded strange. Then I saw one of them when I visited Warsaw six months ago and she knew better Polish than me.
A year later and I'm sitting on a blue couch with glass sliding doors in front of me watching the Aussie sky turn from day to dusk. I have a beautiful girlfriend, an awesome cat, and I wash dogs for a living. A lot of things can change in a year. A lot of things changed for the year I was in Poland. But right now, things are starting to feel more stable. I have the person I want to spend my life with, we have a place to live, and we're building a savings account. We've got the simple things down; it's just the future that remains unknown. But that's ok.
2 my two centss |
your two cents
2008 19 June :: 4.49pm
:: Mood: getting frustrated
summer film
as you are aware, if you're a devoted fan, i'm involved with the summer film project at GVSU. i feel kind of gipped in this whole experience, because it's been a mish-mash mess thus far. nobody knows who the professor is going to be, what positions the students are going to fill, or anything.
not to mention, i've been getting emails from a wide assortment of people for the last three months, all claiming to be giving me information on what the fuck is going on. seriously a class act. not to mention, the week that my summer project starts, is the same week as the world premiere of last year's summer film.
my theory is that, basically, the film department blew their load on last year's film, and now this year it's gonna suck. so, they're trying to publicize last year's film as much as possible in order to boost morale and public reception of GVSU's film dept. image or whatever.
and i'm a sound person. i have made that no small secret to anyone. when i applied for the summer film, i told them specifically that i'm a sound person, and wanted to work with sound if at all possible. at first they told me i was going to be a grip. which, you know, i was not into or whatever. but gradually i warmed up to the idea, talked myself into how awesome it could be, met a bunch of the other grips on the roster and tried to get friendly with them a little bit. and now i get an email, less than a week before class starts, saying that i'm now a set dresser.
yes. A SET DRESSER. what this has to do with sound, i know not. perhaps i will be able to manipulate the set in such a way that i will isolate its reverberative characteristics. yes? NO. there is no way i will have any impact on sound whatsoever! and all of that work i did on learning about lighting and shit, getting all buddy buddy with some of the grips is now completely out the fucking window. i'm with a bunch of other people i've never met, in a job i've never done. all the grips pretty much stayed the same. all the sound people changed, however, except for one. why i did not get one of the positions that was vacated during the shuffling, i know not. why the one person that remains from the initial lineup is the one that has no specific interest in sound whatsoever, is also beyond me.
i feel like i'm not in the right place. for awhile i was. i was in the right place, doing the right things. now, somehow, i've gone and fucked it all up. and i don't know how to fix it. and it's manifesting itself in extremely unpleasant ways. i don't know. something just feels really really wrong. and i don't like it. i'm just absolutely petrified that this year's going to suck. a lot. and rather than going on my way, continuing in my career like everyone else, i'm going to be the world's biggest fuckup, with no place to live, no job, no life, and $200 a month in student loan payments that i can't afford to make.
but i could be wrong.
4 my two centss |
your two cents
2008 19 June :: 12.36pm
Job ID: 10593
Job Title: Bell Person
Work Schedule: Flexible
Hours per Week: 16-32
Wage: 2.65
Employment Start Date: ASAP
Employment End Date:
Job Description: Assist guest with luggage and other room deliveries.
The wage is $2.65/ hour, plus tips.
Qualifications: Previous customer service is preferred.
okay, really. i mean, how can they get away with this? paying a person less than half of minimum wage on the assumption that their tips are going to compensate? there was another posting for a breakfast waitress (not a waiter, mind you) for $4/hour. i just don't see how that's fair. and i thought it was kind of sexist to ask for a waitress. i kind of wanted to apply, just to see what they'd do.
so yeah. that's all i got.
bonnaroo was sweet. i'm still recovering. i'm a peely bastard too. that's what i get for going out in the sun like i did.
5 my two centss |
your two cents
2008 30 May :: 11.42am
:: Mood: wet ::
:: Music: muse ::
hey, it's been awhile
yeah, i know, it's been awhile. i'm sorry. i'm a slacker.
since my last update i've...
been to europe.
left my girlfriend.
been unemployed.
fucked around.
gotten some stuff done.
fucked around some more.
there. now that we're all caught up, i can move on to more pressing things.
okay. i really don't have anything pressing. i've been in a funny mood lately. and that seems to pervade everything. so, there's no sense of urgency.
but i dunno. something has to change. i mean, a lot of STUFF has already changed since last we met. but i'm talking about something within myself that needs to change. because i can't continue on this path and remain successful.
which is exactly why i don't want to go back to steelcase. because i could, but it would just be more of the same old bullshit. and i want something new, something different, something that takes me somewhere else. i'm moving on damn it, even if the rest of the world won't let me.
another part of moving on involves not smoking. which is really really hard. it's hard because i don't want to. if i wanted to, it wouldn't be nearly as difficult. but i don't want to. i like smoking. i like the way it tastes and smells and feels. but we're a dying breed.
*pause for irony*
got that laugh out of your system? good. me neither.
but yeah. i really have to cut it out. out of my lifestyle. out of my budget. i need to make more room in it for beer money.
party at emily's tonight. bound to be a great time. i'm looking forward to it.
bruce wanted some help installing a door tomorrow morning. should make the job go faster, and i might get some cash out of the deal. that'd be nice.
after that is owen's graduation party. and hunter wanted to hang out in the evening. but the hockey game is on at rich's. so i'm gonna have to figure out what i'm doing with that scheduling conflict.
and rich invited me to go down to indianapolis with him to see nada surf. it's in like a week and a half. i hope i'm working by then, but i'll have to ask for that night off or something. i dunno. we'll see what happens.
and i think bonnaroo is the weekend after that. so i've got two concerts in the span of like a week. and they're both overnighters. damn man. i'm never going to get anything done.
speaking of which, time to get off my ass and do something. this has been a truly leg-numbing experience.
4 my two centss |
your two cents
2008 20 April :: 3.10pm
"Piss, piss piss piss piss" - Andrea's mom
1 my two cents |
your two cents
2008 16 April :: 6.46pm
:: Mood: tired, hungry, etc.
:: Music: my professor
job hunting
i hate looking for jobs. i mean, i get excited about all of the opportunities. but i also get really depressed about how i feel like i'm not good at anything. and all the things i am good at, aren't interested in having me.
whether it's true or not, even partially, doesn't really matter. it still feels crappy.
then again, maybe i just need to eat.
and i feel guilty for not listening to the lecture today. but it's just review. so there.
your two cents
2008 16 April :: 1.37pm
i'm kind of a hard person to be friends with sometimes, i think.
not all the time. and not in all respects. but there are a few areas where i'm definitely lacking.
but that's okay, because i'm still not really that bad.
2 my two centss |
your two cents
2008 15 April :: 7.16pm
i walked out of class today because i was frustrated. probably not a good choice, but there you are.
at least i made amends with my groupmates. that's the important part.
4 my two centss |
your two cents
2008 14 April :: 11.59pm
:: Mood: better
:: Music: radiohead - no surprises
i feel much better after today. i'm still kind of pissed about some stuff. and the wings lost. but at least, for whatever reason, i managed to evade the same sort of funkiness that's been haunting my shadows for the past week or two.
and there's nothing but good on the horizon. so, shut the fuck up, brain!
your two cents
2008 14 April :: 2.49pm
Take a big whif people... that is the smell of contentness..
nice try perverts
5 my two centss |
your two cents
2008 8 April :: 1.39am
it kind of reminds me of that episode of pete and pete where they tried to stay awake for like three days straight.
or something.
i think it's bedtime.
5 my two centss |
your two cents
2008 7 April :: 5.17am
:: Music: 311 - don't tread on me
i like how at some point it transitions in conceptualization from a very late night, to a very early morning. and yet, the task of nabbing down precisely where that transition occurs is nigh-on impossible.
my guess is that it's right around the time when the birds start chirping.
yep, i hear 'em.
your two cents
2008 7 April :: 2.41am
wow. it's gonna be a long stretch to exams.
and an early morning tomorrow. i'll be ready to crash once i get done at the scientists meeting tomorrow night. but that'll be fun, at least. the events leading up to it, not so much.
although, filming went reasonably well today. and i got some free food out of the deal. and i met a guy who wants to record me on drums. and i got to play drums at that party last night, which also had some free food and was a lot of fun. and i got to play drums and hear dad's new band on friday, and have some free food after that as well. so, the themes for this weekend were : party, free food, and drums.
not too bad. except that i got nothing accomplished and slept way too late this morning. but it all worked out, i guess.
your two cents
2008 3 April :: 1.23pm
John Stewart pretty much sums up why I hate polotricks. Because it all comes down to a game of bowling...
1 my two cents |
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