She is dangerous for all the ways she is harmless.And please, if they should ask you, tell them you knew a heart like mine.Relentless.


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:: 2005 11 April :: 12.49pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: Matchbook Romance

Plans change

I just went to the new house, it's almost finished. It's painted, carpet is in, and so is the tile and counter tops. We'll be moving in about a week, I'm pretty excited.

But at the same time, I know I'll miss it here. I know that sounds crazy because this place is such a dump. I've been here for five years though, it's so familier. I'll miss all the weird things that happen daily, the things I don't even recognize as out of the ordinary anymore.

Perfect Example:
Yesterday, a guy wearing bright red shorts, with no shoes or shirt on, was pulling a wagon down the road with another guy in it. The back wheel of the wagon busted off and the guy riding in it fell out. The other guy pulled it for another 5 feet before realizing what happened. He turned around, picked up the wheel and threw it in the wagon and then continued dragging it. The other guy just followed.

I saw that as perfectly normal, I thought nothing of it.
I doubt I'll see anything like that in Deer Run Estates.

All the retarded little kids that don't move for cars, the hundreds of cats my mom feeds, the weird neighbors that you aren't sure if they kill people or not, the ones that you're sure kill people, the drunks, the crack whores, the retired crack whores, the soon to be crack whores, the drug dealing, the wanna-be gang banger bitch kids, the yelling back and forth four houses down the's all home.

It's amazing that I'm sort of normal, that I've not been corrupted by this environment. Maybe I have been, and I just don't realize it.

I've learned a lot here, but, it's time to leave.

2 huh | what


:: 2005 10 April :: 3.04pm

Closure. Bring it on.
I'm confused.
Talk to me.

We're good. I'm glad.

Read more..

5 huh | what


:: 2005 10 April :: 1.01am

i can't sleep.
i can't stop thinking about like..everything.

i was in a daydream all day...and now when i try to sleep i just end up staring at whatever is directly in front of me. then i get uncomfertable, roll around about. repeat.

i really feel that i made a wrong decision in coming here.

not just because i lost my job or anything..whoop dee doo..thats number 5 in the past 8 months.

its like..i don't know..i stopped writing, stopped reading books, i don't play my guitar as much. its like i don't have heart anymore to do the things i love.

now i just smoke pot and watch tv, and it makes me very unhappy.

and don't fucking say im not trying. everytime i pick up that pen nothing comes and everytime i pick up that guitar i get so frustrated i just wanna break it cause im just stuck.

stuck in this fucking state this room this chair.

not like i thought it would be, definatley not worth everything i left.

i realize now that all my updates say basically the same thing.


matthew james hinton

1 huh | what


:: 2005 10 April :: 12.31am

so who is going to hell's bridge tommorrow?

2 huh | what


:: 2005 9 April :: 8.24pm

we'll cut our bodies free from the tethers of this scene
probably going to go to southern california for a week or two.

take a break from the past four months of bullshit.

who knows what may come of like to move there.

we shall see.

everything will change.

matthew james hinton



:: 2005 9 April :: 1.00pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Billy Talent::River Below

The sky is crushing me

The family went to a wedding, and of course I'm too cool for that. It's a beautiful day, and I think I'll go for a walk soon. I need some fresh air. I need some time to clear my head. Some things have been strange lately, I should focus on fixing them before I start anything new.

Walks don't really solve anything, but they are refreshing.

6 huh | what


:: 2005 8 April :: 6.20pm

there are many things in the wokrs right now
i don't know whats oing to happen in these coming weeks here.

several options to toss around the ol peanut.

to steal from a movie i like alot

she is the place i am headed.



:: 2005 7 April :: 10.02pm

Everything I say is stupid.

2 huh | what


:: 2005 7 April :: 10.52am
:: Music: The Shins - Weird Divide

It's fucking cold as fuck.
It's my birthday.
Everyone wish me a Happy Birthday and pretend you knew.

11 huh | what


:: 2005 6 April :: 6.37am

sometimes i really feel that something is wrong with me.

i start work at 6 am, it is now 6:37, and here i am. fucking fired. because my stupid alarm clock was an hour slow.
why does this always happen
why can't i just work
hold a job
make steady money

its fucking depressing, its not like its hard to keep a job. everyone does it, but here i am..this is now my 5th job since september.

well fuck..i don't know

this jibbers everything up.

but now i have to go really get fired face to face, so yeah.

matthew james hinton

1 huh | what


:: 2005 6 April :: 12.36am
:: Music: Matchbook Romance

The subject of this post has nothing to do with the actual content.

I guess my last post caused a little drama. Or did it? I can't really tell who's joking, and who's not. The internet isn't a great place for sarcasm.

Doesn't matter.

I'm happy now,

3 huh | what


:: 2005 4 April :: 7.09pm

Gramma and I went shoppin' today! It was fun. We went to David's Bridal.
I got a dress! FINALLY! A prom dress, mind you. But a wedding dress isn't far off. I called my mom to tell her they're holding it, and when I first told her where we were, she was quiet/confused then she freaked. haha. I had to remind her we're looking at prom dresses.
Got some shoes they're going to dye for me and a bag and my grandma got me these really beautiful earrings and a necklace. Holycrapawesome. Yes indeed. I can't wait to go w/Charlie! :-)



:: 2005 4 April :: 3.32pm
:: Music: the exies::my goddess

Watch yaself, girl

I bought three pairs of tight pants today.
Peer pressure is a biatch.

27 huh | what


:: 2005 3 April :: 1.02pm
:: Music: The Postal Service

Break is good. I haven't had a day go by sitting my ass at home, like I usually do.
Sin City was awesome.
Seeing Brad is awesome.
I am awesome.

That's about it.



:: 2005 2 April :: 11.21pm

helicopter blades
thump thump thump


when will there be something to do



:: 2005 3 April :: 12.54am

Tonight was great. I love Griffins games. Or, well, I shouldn't say that. I love the first five minutes of Griffins games, then I love walking around downtown GR for an hour, then sitting in a car for another.

It was awesome.

5 huh | what


:: 2005 1 April :: 3.55pm
:: Music: Breaking Benjamin::Sooner or Later


There are a bunch of t-shirts that I want from threadless dot com.

Anyone have a credit card that they'd let me use? I'd give the money up front.

3 huh | what


:: 2005 1 April :: 12.43pm

Well, fuck me.
Call me at my house phone if you get online (and leave a God damn message).

4 huh | what


:: 2005 31 March :: 5.46pm

bahaha.. dead!

3 huh | what


:: 2005 30 March :: 8.00pm
:: Music: The Mars Volta::The Widow

That's how I roll...

I have the 50th best poll ever.

Read more..

*sigh* I love thunderstorms. I love just sitting here, listening to the rain on the roof. The occasional clap of thunder. The half a second of luminescence when lightning strikes.'s great.

3 huh | what


:: 2005 30 March :: 11.15am

im closer to the ground than i will ever get to you
it's so weird that soon i will never be back here again.

2 huh | what


:: 2005 29 March :: 7.24pm

I LOST 6.5 POUNDS! Thats like...15lbs total! ...i am a happy kid- still a fat kid...but ... a happy one

2 huh | what


:: 2005 29 March :: 12.06pm

it seems that i have created a chain reaction of shitty events.

god i want to come home
i just want to come home..

1 huh | what


:: 2005 29 March :: 10.16am


i don't know.

ask me later.

matthew james hinton



:: 2005 28 March :: 10.28am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: System of a Down::Forest

Bla bla bla...

Civics is boring.
It's only 3rd hour...
Only 3 more days.



:: 2005 27 March :: 8.52pm
:: Music: The Clash- (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais

28 school days left till we're out.



:: 2005 27 March :: 6.09pm

I hate them all.
I need to talk to someone who feels like I do.



:: 2005 27 March :: 4.36pm

Ugh. It's disgusting me. Oh well. Not like anything will be done about it. No one cares anymore.



:: 2005 26 March :: 6.29pm

i want to take you far from the cynics in this town, and kiss you on the mouth
fucking pedro the lion is going to be playing no less than 20 miles from me on monday
12 dollar tickets.

but you have to be over 21


another day david, another day.

matthew james hinton



:: 2005 25 March :: 8.36pm
:: Mood: shocked
:: Music: Brand New

LG VX3200

Well, I just got a cell phone.
Me too.

Add me.

Give me your numbers, so I can add you too.

4 huh | what | Random Journal