2004 8 April :: 9.40pm
lately i've been thinking about a future career... and i kinda came up with a plan.
Cheer for Atlantic & Graduate, go to UCF & tryout there (study psychology & physical therapy, try-out for NCA & the Spring Audition of Miami Dolphins Cheer Team. From there, work on getting to playboy, but i'd probably become a playboy rep... considering... yeah.
the greatest thing is that i am actually thinking realistically. this would be something that i would enjoy, and then to top that off.... its not dreaming. cause dreaming would be dancing, singing, modelling... which i would get nowhere with... considering that we are talking about me here.
but anyways... it just so happens that a lady is coming to my house on monday to discuss college... my first question will be... should i stay in ib?
The bell was about to ring, i had to walk to class pacingly. Opened the door, stepped over the threash-hold, and the thoughts of that day just flashed through my mind. Back when the event occured, i had no knowledge of where the buildings were located, or what they were for. I recall sitting in the back seat of Laura's car and her mom repeating, "A plane crashed into the WTC, a plane crashed into the WTC...". Thoughts raced through my mind like, "Ok, plane crashes occur everyday."
Laura and i were already late to school, on that day, Wednesday, and it was a half day. We just walked into school, up the stairs, and on the blue line of the right side of the hallway, something our school made us do. As i walked into Ms. William's 8th grade science classroom, I glanced at the television, the news was on. The anchors continuously talked about the plane crash. Ms. Williams left the room and went to spread the news to Mr. Kolarich, Mrs. Stoughton, & Mr. Gianatiempo. By then, Mr. West was sitting in our doorway staring at the television, watching all the gray fog, and people running for cover. Kyle, Justin, Alexie & i were finishing our Lego Spaceship project, and another plane hit another building. From there, i just remember finishing school, coming home, and not being able to watch cartoons or anything... because this top news story was on every channel, however, i found no importance of it.
So as i walked into Mr. Epstein's classroom this morning at 10:33, i had deja vu. The first thing i saw was the television on, and everyone watching it like something horrible just happened. My mind went blank, and the first thing i said to myself was, "Dear god... i'm praying that everybody is ok."
turns out... the students just found amazement in the government issues that they were discussing about 9-11.
3 and hold it tight. |
take my hand..
2004 7 April :: 7.49pm
:: Music: starting line - best of me over and over in my head
well today was fun, kinda. 1 1/2 fire drills. the one in 3rd wasn't really one so i think it was a half. so brianna jsut IMed me...i;m not fucking paying 2 dollars to keep my woohu. i have LJ fool.
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: hey! u gonna pay $2 to keep ur woohu?
iluvBITP: fuck no
LiLsHorTcaKe2315: lol
iluvBITP: im a cheap ass jew
2 and hold it tight. |
take my hand..
2004 7 April :: 4.42pm
any1 who is planning 2 pay the $2 for woohu, (check the main page) we will just bring the money to school, i will collect it, and make a money order, and then send it and everyone's usernames to andy all at once. <3 Call my cell for any questions.
5 and hold it tight. |
take my hand..
2004 6 April :: 8.28pm
:: Mood: mellow
:: Music: Do iT To ME:: Usher.
i WANT to be Usher's Bad Girl.
Kayli and i are playing the Yes/No Game between bands, hehe.
no school for danielle or kayli today. crazy. wish i could have stayed home, i'm in like... some sort of stage where i'm striving for the mall, and to talk to my boyfriend. i haven't talked to him since sunday... and he's not answering his phone at home... gosh.
LiLsHorTcaKe2315 : where's prince charming..?
SmilingChica2006 : prince charming.... he's in the forest on his white horse...
LiLsHorTcaKe2315 : far away from earth.
i'm in like that mood too... where i want love right here, right now. hugs, kisses, sweet romance.
i could also go for one of those days where i go to school and everyone says i look cute. i prefer wearing a dress, or something i haven't worn yet, but i can't seem to find that. i'm searching for change and it just isn't working.
can u handle it? can i go there baby with u?
can't wait til' 2morrow. 5:30pm. my first varsity parent mtg. i'm lovin' it. haha. if there was a team above varsity... erin said i would make it! <3 the new coach, nothing like ellis. but maloney was wonderful to me, like i was her daughter. <3333
peace. <3 and chicken grease.
6 dias. 1o.12.o3.
NOTE TO SELF: Bring Twista & Usher to school, for Sameen <3
2 and hold it tight. |
take my hand..
2004 6 April :: 4.56pm
:: Mood: content
Best Passover Lines:
1. Let's make this night really different from all others nights.
2. Did that just say we were in bondage?
3. What's a girl like you doing at a seder like this?
4. I like my matzah thin, like my women.
5. Maybe when Elijah comes, we can make it a threesome
6. I could never Pass you Over.
lol. a bit funny to me and jews :)
chem that last half hour or so was a friken riot. sooo funnyyyyy lol christine, heather, ashley. omg.
all out of candy :) i'm a good sales girl.
10 and hold it tight. |
take my hand..
2004 5 April :: 10.01pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Watchin' the Inferno.
if there was ever 1 test i could pass... it'd be a test of cheerleading.
today i was given proof of that. came out above over 30 girls, some of them in which have been classified as "better than i". however, with proof from: NCA, UCA, and University of NC... i'm ranked the highest of Atlantic Cheerleading this year. FINALLY something i can do, and come out ON TOP of everybody else. it feels great!
thank u for the compliments i received today. i know i got one from ms. jackie <3 and i didn't hear other people's opinions... but those of u who mentioned to me that i was "cute" today, or that i got "tanner" (hehe thank u liz) thank u. (if those were compliments, +shrug+ <3 )
i still didn't appreciate pocahantas. lol.
finished my homework early, and even did art history homework that is due for the following class. hehe i feel good. guess that's what happens when ur boyfriend isn't around to talk to. whatever he is doin' now tho, i loveeee him. iweescreem lol. MUAH!
Siete dias mas. 1o.12.o3 <3333
i'm outtie, like poca-hant-ti. hehe... don't ask, my love.
take my hand..
2004 5 April :: 5.48pm
:: Mood: anticipating
:: Music: SoCo
like that icon ehhh?
my wknd was good...friday was chillin with the girls, wendy's, natalia's, pimp my ride, spice world. Saturday and Sunday i hung out at the hotel with my cousin Pam and uncle and aunt. Last night, all my florida fam and them came over to dinner. Pam and i played with our cousins, it was fun.
well the next 2 months are gonna be crazy! concerts, school, dance show, exams, eagle-ette auditions + practices, parties, banquets...AHH! i'm worried just thinking about how i'm gonna get to do everything. This weekend is the concert- something corporate and yellowcard with my darling christini :) I'm just a bit concerned becuz friday i have practice, my permit test, and then have to go hang out with my in-town relatives. Saturday i probably have to hang out with them all day too becuz at night i'm going to the concert. Then sunday, somehow i will have to read 2 econ chapters, study for my stats test, and probly a bunch of other things the teachers will pile on. Fourth quarter is crazy and i just have to take it day by day and STOP PROCRASTINATING cuz i dunt have much time to waste.
i can do it. woooo. gotta get started! <3
2 and hold it tight. |
take my hand..
2004 5 April :: 5.06pm
:: Mood: hungry
:: Music: changes-tupac
"dreading tha doctor visit"..lmao
haha..dat wuz THE FUNNIEST convo everrr..amara's a trip..metal rods..lmao..wooo..dat wuz great..newayz..bryan called me!!!!!!!..:D..we didnt really get to talk dat much cuz he wuz on his way to work..but it wuz great..he wuz tellin me how he went clubbin wid his dawgs..i found out he doesnt really like dancin..but he does wen derz alotta a party or a yea we were talkin for a lil while..he sed hez gonna call me back..wen he getz off from work..:)..
~i am sooo happy i wuz able to clear all dat shit up..but for real..i still have no clue wussup wid dat kid and his frickin gay ass self..grr..ok im
take my hand..
2004 4 April :: 11.45pm
:: Mood: conceited.
:: Music: Si Ya Se Acabo:: J to The L-O
way beyond self confident.
i'm probably more conceited than this world will ever know. i actually think i can make it to playboy, and there's no shame in my game fo' that 1, because with a lil' make-up, training, and a lil' camera adjusting (fo' da height, u kno, u kno, haha) i cud do it. i love the camera, i may not show it, but haha. it's my best friend. thats the life i need. a hawt boyfriend that wouldn't care either... +shrug+ hopefully jonah doesn't care. hehe. he's mighty hawt already, but i wonder if he would... flip. o well.
jonah & carlos definitely knocked me out of that... "i may have problems, but they're too stupid to worry" stage, because naturally my problems are stupid... like the shit talking... haha, those people can suck my left nut. JUSTTTTT KIDDDDDINNNNNNGGGG. i hope u found that humorous... because i really don't have a left nut. i have a right one only. lmao woot. i feel like i'm on sumfin right now, but i'm not.
n e ways, shhhhhh. i'm bored. and talking to carlos, which is neat-o. but imma bounce, cause i've got sparknotes callin' mah name. peace homiez. xOx
take my hand..
2004 4 April :: 1.01pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: roses-outkast
ugh..change tha clocks.. up..i woke up at 11..n it wuz really twelve..i wuz so seems as tho tha day juss went by in like a heartbeat..i pretty much juss finish eatin breakfast n we're bout ta have an early dinner wid family b4 we head out..i wuz helpin mami make tha sum of tha dinner but gave made an ankle came out really has a charm on it wid sum black beads..neways datz pretty much it for now..we shudd be leavin around like 4 maybe..n den we get home around 7-8 ish..n den back ta skoo..ehh..i hope dis week is a good week n everything dat i want to happen happens already!!..see u guyz soon..x0x0..<3..kaila
take my hand..
2004 3 April :: 10.47pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: yea-usher
juss got back..
so we went to steph's wuz iight..saw alotta ppl i havent seen in a while..lotz of good got to chill wid taina..dey wanted us to watch tha kids..which were about 25 lil ended up only watchin baby alex..he's soo cute..he's really tiny too..4 months..n taina juss watched her lil brother marc..newayz we walked around tha neighborhood..n i had tha baby carraige..n ppl were givin me weird looks when we took dem to tha tai wuz tellin me bout all her boy drama..n wanted me to help her i heard her out n gave her advice..but itz tha middle school kinda puppy love she had me crackin up..but dis gurl is goin out wid a junior n tha gurl is in 8th grade..derz definately sumthin wrong yea im madd wuz a busy day..we went shoppin earlier today n i got a really cute bathing suit at marshall's..itz white n red..can't wait ta wear it..guess datz it for now..x0x0..<3 kaila
take my hand..
2004 3 April :: 9.54pm
plain jane.
woke up, made myself some honey nut cheerios with a sliced banana. drove myself ta work. put in more carts than i did bagging. damn. mike came in @ 4, s0-o did jay, -n- walter came in @ 5. talked ta mike -n- jay, buh not walter. i thought it was scurry cuz around 5pm, i started thinking, "i need walter right now, him -n- i wud be crackin' on that lady s0-o bad, speakin' of him, i haven't seen him in a long time." literally 5 seconds later i glance ta my left -n- he is bagging 4 the cashier next ta me. how FURRRR-eeeeek-y. finally, at 5:30pm, i got out of that hell hole.
came home, took a shower, did some yoga, relaxed and just enjoyed my own company, did my nails, made myself dinner, watched t.v. -n- now i'm writing about it... here.
my bro did sumfin ta his ankle from sk8-boardin'. he's in the emergency room now. they still haven't come home.
daddy is home with me. alone. i don't like it. its bad enough the things he says and does when everyone is around. how i dare not push his buttons when i'm in a house alone with him.
haven't talked to jonah all day. +shrugs+
<3 --- <3 --- <3 --- <3 --- <3 --- <3 --- <3 --- <3 --- <3 --- <3 --- <3
maybe i'll go take a walk outside now.
take my hand..
2004 2 April :: 4.45pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Bully :: Eminem
"It's like a never-ending cycle
That just seems to come full circle
Everybody's gotta be so fucking hard
I'm not excluding myself
Cuz I been stupid as well" =Eminem
i'm s0-o ready to become one of those stuck up girls that feel like i'm too good for everybody else. because then i won't care as much of what people think about me, because truthfully... the comments need to stop. not once have i called any female friend fat, or have i said shit about any of them. and anand knows i'm rather good at holding in my anger. but once stuff happens i will never look at u people the same. sorry. i'm sick of the fake people that some of these people are. sweet to ur face, but then rude behind ur back. as far as i know, i've never given anyone at atlantic attitude. and i refuse to. and if i didn't care so much of what people thought, i would be ok. and i wasn't going to feel rude & like a bitch, i would go up to them and ask why they would have the nerve to say anything. think about it... nobody is perfect, and to point out my features that u don't think look exceptionally perfect... COME ON! at least i'm not eating tons a day, or not working out, or at least i'm attempting to be at least pretty.
if u have a comment about how i look, or the things i do, bring it to my attention, even if it requires to leave an anonymous comment here, or if it requires u to tell me in school. this way u can all do me a favor & if u think i am too full of myself, u can break my self-esteem a little bit. that's all u have to do to get to me. for god sake's i'm the one who won't wear a shirt that JB commented about... after his comment was just about the color.
on a brighter note, i made varsity this year. who knew? i did, and so did a lot of other people. thanks for believing in me. da-da-da-damn, i'm s0-o lucky. and the coach calls me by my name, and i didn't know she knew it because i never told it to her, so i am assuming Erin & Natalie have been doing a lot of talking about me. HAHAHAHA, i love cheerleading. i love my coaches, i love the team, i love this. gosh.
jonah, sameen, hema, kailannie, carlos, danielle, pj, jackie g, ashley t, jb, christina, ally, britt, kayli, vanessa, ashley p, logan... u guys are the best.
i have more to say but i wanna sleep because i am sick of sitting here when i am s0-o tired from tests and everything. s0-o i'm giving my heart to u. <3 peace babes
9 and hold it tight. |
take my hand..
2004 2 April :: 3.01pm
:: Mood: ehh
:: Music: burn-usher
la la la la la
wow..haven't updated in awhile..last week wuz fun..thursday nite me n meli went out to tha paladium..dat wuz really koo..der were sum madd scurry guyz der tho dat wanted to dance wid us..and dat one den meli got to dance wid danny!!..i wuz all happy for sunday we went to tha dade county youth fair..i met up wid meli ova der..but she wuz on her way out wen we got dumb ass dad wuddnt listen to me n we got lost..i knew where we were supposed to go but he didnt listen..dis week wuz koo too..all week wuz cheer practice for tryouts..we learned a cheer, a chant, and a dance..tryouts were last nite..i messed up on my jump and really freaked i made it up but doing really good in tha dance and tha jump in tha dance wuz good..sammi called me dis mornin n told me i made it..:D..ahh!! im so cant wait till camp and everything..right now im in tampa visiting sum family..tha ride up here wuz lonnnnnggg and n crystal called while we were driving..yea dat wuz weird..newayz..i started talkin to bryan again..hez soo cute..and hez really sweet..and hez not like a bad boy-playa type so datz good..imma call him up dis weekend..i still havent talked to my im to scared too but imma have to eventually and soon..blahh datz wha sux..well i hope everybody has a good weekend!!..wuv uuuuuu!!!!..x0x0..<3 kaila
5 and hold it tight. |
take my hand..
2004 1 April :: 9.19pm
:: Mood: sick
ow my stomach
today was kind of fun. this morning was funny watching everyone try to catch the altoids and such. my depression is low right now. i'm so glad i have all my friends.
between me discovering avi's man boobs, christie sitting with her legs open and me trying to get adrian to take a peek and me and amanda and my feet english was fun. i def cant forget me stealing avi's cd player. we rock.
Stitchless1221: thats cool. put that ashley pasion is the coolest chick in the world!
today was my dads birthday and my parents anniversary so we went out for dinner, cheesecake factory. i am SOO full, i really didn't eat that much, i mean i have def eaten more before. I also ate about 3 hours ago and i still feel SOOOOOO sick, i'm practically crying.
anyways...i'm just waiting for danielle to get back online and for some other people. well off i go.
1 and hold it tight. |
take my hand..