2004 4 August :: 2.22am
:: Mood: Sick
:: Music: Opeth-MAYH
Well, today wasn't too to hang out with Josh and Carmen...went swimming after the fair, after looking for Josh's keys...I'm feeling a bit insecure with my friendships...actually a lot...I can never tell where I stand with my two nearest friends...I still don't know one well enough to know what her reactions mean (i.e. how she responds online, which words she uses, etc.)...hopefully everything will become more clear as time goes on (or counts down, as it may be)...but times like tonight kind of push that insecurity away...which is good...
Fiar is rather boring this year...maybe it was because I am/was sick, causing me to not hav ea good time...I'm not sure, but it soon became apparent that I wanted to be anywhere but there...who knows, it's all a m'stery to me...well, now I'm off to bed, to get some rest, to get over this cold...tomorrow's a new day...might go to this media thing at the UCF...hmmzor...
Est-ce que je suis ton chauffage encore?
crush me
2004 3 August :: 7.44pm
I am sick of being sick of life
I am tired of being tired of life
I need some sleep, i need some rest
I need some medicine for my soul
crush me
2004 31 July :: 12.32am
:: Mood: tired...
I was really freaking out last night...a lot...and well, it has gotten better...I still feel completely dead inside...and well, yeah...
Tomorrow, I have work, but before I go to work, I'm going to get my car washed...and after work, I'm heading off to Otterbein...not busy, but long and whatever...I dunno...
crush me
2004 30 July :: 4.10am
I am dieing and rotting from the inside
I'm so fucking paranoid and stressed...
1 heartless bastard |
crush me
2004 30 July :: 2.10am
:: Mood: depressed, feeling unimportant
:: Music: Ayreon-The Human Equation
Well, I was supposed to be in bed by 1, but I'm too emotionally down right now to go to bed...I feel unimportant...I almost feel as if I'm hindering Carmen from having a good time when she wants to still go out after she leaves my house, when it's my curfew...I haven't been able to talk to her in a while either, because she gets in late and I fall asleep...I haven't talked to her about this yet, because, well, like I said, haven't been able too...but I'm not blaming her for going out and having a good time, nor do I want to make her feel bad...I just want to let everyone know about the bad mood that will ensue (and has been lurking around lately)...
Last night, I had a rather important conversation with Amanda...she stated how she was feeling, and well, did what she had to...and I'm proud of her, for doing is one of the traits I admire in her...
Tonight was the first band rehersal of the year...and well, it was good...we had two freshman tubas there (little Stoots and little Terry), along with was good, and afterwards, got Josh hooked (hopefully, mWUAHAHAHHA) on Gunbound...
I ordered Ceremony of Opposites today...
Quote of the day:
"[Agony] I am pain
I am the end, I am your wraith
Nothing remains
I'm the loss of hope and faith
[Me] I can't believe there is no way out...
[Agony] You'll I find you are wrong
[Me] You fill me with doubt...
[Agony] You were never that strong"
2 heartless bastards |
crush me
2004 28 July :: 2.10am
:: Mood: destructive
So I seem to have lost my ear-bud things for my headset...and all the others do not fit well...I might invest in a new one of these...
I haven't really update in the last's not that there hasn't been much going on in my life...there last year at the wonder wooster music camp came and went so quickly, I almost didn't think it was such a wonderful time, though...everything was how I remembered it...the mkaing of new friends was especially great...met two kids who I could chum around with on a regular basis, who'd put up with my antics, along with Coomes' antics...I made first chair Dubuy band, which was nice...made me feel good about my abilities as a bassoonist...I definitely want to continue on in life as a bassoonist, either it be as a career or as a hobby...either way, I do not want to lose this ability...
I did see Jess, albeit only for a brief period of time...(I happened to see someone who looked like her walking towards the back door, and well, I had to use the restroom anyways, so I went...ran into her in the hallway, chatted briefly about the concert, and continued on to the bathroom)...Jess unfortunately had to leave with her parents quickly after the concert, so I was unable to talk to her, which was a major bummer...kinda upset me for the rest of the night, something I'd been looking forward to for a year fell through...there is always next year, as both our siblings are planning to go back to the camp...
my life got rather busy for a moment in time...I was juggling three "major" events (baseball, work, and the opera), but managed to skin through with minor upset...the operas were fun, I look forward to working under Karen this fall (for both the opera and school play)...there is the dilemna dealing with a JT concert (perhaps the only time I'm able to see them perform) and the opera (Marriage of Figaro, my favorite)...I could try and get out of the one night of the opera, and still work the other two...we'll have to see on that...
started looking into colleges, which isn't very is very much a reminder that my childhood is coming to an end very soon...I'll need to make it last as long as possible...
I went and saw the Bourne Supremacy twice, and Anchorman once, both good movies (although in different ways)...tonight, I watched "The Usual Suspects" with was a good night...
Quote of the day:
There I was, nervous and shy
Struck with awe as I caught her eye
I mustered up courage and walked her way
Figuring out what to do...what to say
3 heartless bastards |
crush me
2004 27 July :: 1.08am
:: Music: Open Faced Surgery
Aww, the pure sound of Cryptopsy on my ears...leading me into the I am, spending my night like I've spent most of my other nights, playing Gunbound, after a day of driving away my friends with my usual behavior...getting upset by the smallest things, having a short temper, combining those last two...yeah...
Of course, this may be just the normal, over-reacting me...who knows...
maybe I shouldn't even be posting this...
I feel like writing some poetry...
3 heartless bastards |
crush me
2004 26 July :: 11.23pm
Have you seen my favorite shirt?
you know, the one with the V neck
and the red lettering?
I wore it for the last two weeks straight
and got tired of it
tho it was my favorite
I'm not sure where i put it
I want it back soon
before I forget entirely about it
and find a new favorite instead
crush me
2004 25 July :: 1.42am
:: Mood: depressed...
off to bed, hopefully to never wake again...
I no longer know what to say...
I know I've hurt you, and I'm sorry...
Someday, I hope you can forgive me...
I wouldn't forgive myself...
I'm not going to either...
"Why can't you see that I try
When every tear I shed
Is for you?"
2 heartless bastards |
crush me
2004 24 July :: 7.10pm
I haven't wrote in here for quite sometime....
I have been thinking too much lately. Is that a bad thing?
My life in the next few years is going to be quite odd...I am going to try to get in some college classes next year...and I am going to attempt to get a job for the school year...
The summer after i graduate is going to be priceless. I have already decided that I am not going to spend my last summer of freedom in BG. Sharon is trying to talk me into going on a very long roadtrip. I say 2 months maybe three-- she says a year. Yah, a year is way too long. All i know is that I need to get away for awhile and experience the world before I settle down into college and then life thereafter.
crush me
2004 10 July :: 10.31pm
I am going camping tomorrow. I cannot wait. I love going to Hocking Hills, it is one of the things that i look forward to doing every summer. The hiking, biking, swimming, exploring. Wow. It is amazing. Wish I could take a certain someone with me though.
So I am going to be gone 7 days, One week, a quarter of a month.
That's a long time, by the time i get back it will be the 18th and that means summer is half over already. Ahhhh. That is terrifying
very much so.
2 heartless bastards |
crush me
2004 5 July :: 5.06pm
sweet songs go unabashed
leave me to my devices
that sweet singing entices
to live more simply.
crush me
2004 4 July :: 11.25am
Have a great Independence Day.
crush me
2004 3 July :: 1.11pm
It seems now that my life has changed. Isn't that always the case though? Everyone is always changing.
I had a great week of church camp. But this year it was a little different. Usually i leave camp with a terrible ache in my heart. Because I miss the new people i met so much. This year however was different. I know that i will see many of the people again.
crush me
2004 21 June :: 1.15pm
I found this in the "draft" section of my hotmail. It is fairly old so don't mind the spelling lingo...
> > friend: has never seen u cry
> > BEST friend: has always had the best shoulder to cry on
> > friend: never asks for n e thing to eat or drink
> > BEST friend: opens ur fridge and makes themselves at home.
> > friend: asks u to write down ur number
> > BEST friend: has your # memorized
> > friend: borrows ur stuff a few days then give it back
> > BEST friend: has a closet full of ur stuff from who knows when
> >friend: only knows a few things about u
> >BEST friend: could write a biography on ur whole life story
> >friend: asks you who your crush is
> > BEST friend: can tell just by looking at your face
> >friend: follows you where you go
> >BEST friend: knows where your going and walks next to you
> >friend: recongnizes a story when you tell it
> > BEST friend: can finish the story for you
> >friend: sometimes gets mad when you dissagree
> >BEST friend: laughs when you don't agree
> >friend: goes along with what you say, even if it is wrong
> >BEST friend: will take a stand even though they know you will hate them for it
> >friend: has helped you a little in life
> >BEST friend: has completely changed your life
> >friend: will leave you one day, and never see you again
> >BEST friend: will leave you, but will make sure you meet again...
crush me
2004 20 June :: 11.22pm
I cried tonight. It has been such a long time since I have, and of all things it was because of a movie. I feel so helpless, lost, insignificant.
I think i will go dream and pray on it.
I don't want to be alone.
crush me
2004 20 June :: 12.00am
Have you ever suddenly realized something that seems so simple, yet in that moment so perplexing?
I've come to the conclusion that age is ageless. It seems to me that too many people base their authority on their age. Which is very baffling for the following reasons..
They automatically assume that anyone that is younger than they are, have no knowledge of the world— to the contrary. I was having a conversation with a man sometime ago about vacations he went on. When he talked to me he spoke to me on a level of "I am above you because I am older." Or at least that is the impression that I got from the conversation. The most ironic thing was the fact that I had been to many of the same places that this man had, yet he literally refused to let me talk about my experience. It was almost as if my "wisdom" didn't count for anything, because...well I am a yung'un, and to him my knowledge was nothing more than babble from a mouthy teenager trying to be a know-it-all.
Age and worldly experience at times do not correlate, but at others they do not. I know many people who are well into their years that have never left their hometown. So, when they speak on matters pertaining to the “outside world” many times their “wisdom” is erroneous and prejudice. Erroneous because they have not themselves experienced it, or they are basing their judgments on past experiences that are no longer viable.
Sometimes older people look upon younger people as sweet and innocent. This also pertains to youth as being witless and unlearned. They look at you as an angel that can do no wrong, an angel that has never been exposed to the utter evils of the world, and to say the word damn (unless preceded by beaver) is to spoil the virginity of young ears. Come on people. Look at the day in age we live in. I’m not one to go out and cuss my head off, but I am not going to deny that I probably know the full Vocabulary of Profanity and Perversion like the back of my hand if asked to recite it.
But also there are those that believe that all teenagers are miscreants that should be treated as nothing less. What a typical stereotype. Not every teenager is a drug addict, alcoholic, sex fiend, party going, school-skipping vandal. I know that it seems many teenagers are, but many aren’t. I know many many people my age that have never had a boyfriend, never smoked a cigarette, and have never been drunk. Someone may do something stupid once, but that doesn’t mean that their whole life will be a failure from that point on. People learn from their mistakes, and also learn from the mistakes of others.
Also many adults are utterly amazed when a teenager knows something that they don’t. I am not trying to brag, but I know quite a lot about Botany and different plants and trees. Last year when I was on a nature hike at a state park the guide was naming different flowers and asked the group if anyone knew the name of this plant (she pointed to it) I spoke up and said “Wood Sorrel” she turned her head as if in awe and asked me how I knew that, “I read books.” Seriously, reading books has widened my horizons far more than any teacher ever has or ever will. Fortunately, I learned that books are incredible learning tools at a young age. Before I entered kindergarten I had learned more than 50 scientific names of dinosaurs, while many of my to-be classmates didn’t even know how to spell their name. Books are power.
Having “authority” isn’t a right; it is a privilege that is gained by acceptance. At my high school there are very few teachers that I admire and respect. This partially comes from the fact that “adults” (in quotations because I will legally be an adult soon) often pretend to be on a superior level. As if they are some kind of god or goddess that is beyond our feeble understand. Many teachers at my school are like this, they talk in loud voices (as if we are all deaf [some of us are..]) and use very long words that no one understands. I do not understand why teachers do this. They were in our shoes once, sitting in a desk, staring blankly and wondering “Why am I here?” When they “get old” did their memory fade, or did they chose to “grow up” and purposely forget that they were once 17 years old.
Yet, to add to all this negativity there are many that break the barriers of age. One of these is my grandfather that is now passed on. My grandfather never treated me any differently than anyone else. He used the same smile with me, the same tone of voice, even the same language (that was sometimes a bad thing…) but he never became a different person around me just because I was 50 some years younger than him. He would share his wisdom with me, but never did he relish in it. He shared his wisdom to further my knowledge. So in turn he would sit and listen to my stories and many childhood adventures. He would listen intently and I could tell by the glint in his eye, that he was reliving his childhood through me. By my storytelling I was giving my grandfather a piece of experience that he long ago may have forgotten— together we experienced each other’s live, and together we grew, if not in age in spirit. My grandpa taught me that to be wise is not to be old— it is to have lived.
Now on the verge of being an adult myself I know that life is ageless. I am still mortally afraid of becoming a grandparent (yes i know that is quite some time from now) but I am not looking forward to wrinkled skin, bedpans, and memory loss. But i hope and pray that I can be a grandmother somewhat like my grandfather was to me. And perhaps I will have a grandchild that brings me as much delight as I brought to my grandfather.
We are all children in God's eyes, not matter how small, tall, young or old we are. We are His children. We are all the same.
My body may wrinkle, my mind may dwindle, but my spirit will always rekindle.
1 heartless bastard |
crush me
2004 17 June :: 8.50am
Isn't there a saying that goes "don't fuck with a good thing?" Would that go double for a bad thing?
3 heartless bastards |
crush me
2004 15 June :: 1.38am
"I wish it need not happen in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is give us."
This quote from The Fellowship of the Ring (book) is very true to life. More often than not we deal with bad situations by wishing that they would never have happened. So instead of dealing with the situation we try to pretend it didn't happen. The greatest mistake a person can make in life is wasting their time "wishing" that "something" hadn't happened to them.
Deal with it. I have.
I am not going to get my hopes up, but hope only for the best and when need be, expect the worst.
crush me
2004 13 June :: 10.39pm
"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be so eager to deal out death in judgement."
crush me