2004 24 May :: 10.25pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: echo - incubus :D this is my favorite song..ever
if we took a holiday...
we were driving home
my belly full of osaka japanese steakhouse yummy food
grinning about the way dinner turned out and how i have the best family
the windows were down
blowing that cool 80 degree florida breeze in
madonna's 'holiday' playing on the radio
i was singin in the wind
remembering the words from when i was around 4/5 and i loved madonna and i would sing 'cheerio girl' instead of 'material girl'
and that moment..was the happiest moment of the day for me :)
2 White Bikinis |
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2004 24 May :: 10.12pm
:: Mood: happy...remembering..
:: Music: 11 am - incubus
second sister
i can still remember once riding my bike down to your house cause i was scared of the thunderstorm
i was there everyday it seems, like my second home
to me, it was a second home with my second sister
looking back now, i smile and laugh at the silly things we did to have fun
how many times did we talk til the battery on my phone died?
how many times did i have to refrain from eating so i wouldnt have food travelling with my laughter?
we'd chat about school, boys we liked, and how we would show the troublesome boys in the neighborhood who is boss
but then something changed
we both met new friends and talked on the phone to one of them til the phone died
i feel so distant now
like im peering in to the bubble of your world except im not really in it
although i know that i still have my second sister
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2004 24 May :: 5.18pm
:: Music: out of control hoobastank
calli burnt me the ho0bastank. thanks sweetii t0daii was really fun... it was a g0od day. l0l. x cept catheryn was talkin m0re shit.. grrr. my br0 and his gf mite get back t0gether. yay. my sister wh0 takes me t0 nifty places. l0l
wat happened to us> we used to be perfect...
4 White Bikinis |
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2004 23 May :: 12.47pm
Beach dayz ; flip fl0pz - bAthin SuiTz
tAnk TopZ - BlAzIn BoiZ * NicE TaN :: h0t DayZ :
WaRm SAnd ~ VaCa Time ; LiL Fightz *
Drinkin bEeRz -->ParTyin @ NiGht -
SuN s0 Bright - m0on aLl hAzy
_Hell Yea Babii _
sUmmer `04 iZ g0nna bE KrAzii
/xXx/ReMeMbEr WheN..
ReMeMbEr WhEn BoYz HaD ¤.cOoTiEs.¤
WhEn FrIeNdS aLwAyS «-lIsTeNeD-» 2 u..
wHeN ((dReAmS)) wErE uNsHaTtErEd
& [[wOrRiEs]] WeRe ::fEw::
WhEn ReCeSs WaS tOo |sHoRt|
aNd LiFe WaS *2* «---LoNg---»
wHeN DeCiSiOnS cAmE .:eAsIlY:.
wItH ((nO NeEd)) 2 ¤..bElOnG..¤
wHeN :.:StOrKs:.: DeLiVeReD bAbIeS
aNd *PaSsIoNs* WeReN't sOo o¤sTrOnG¤o
wHeN [[fRiEnDsHiPs]] WeReNt bRo|KeN..
RiGhT wAs .RiGhT. & wRoNg wAs :WrOnG:
WhEn (((BaD))) tHiNgS dIdN't HaPpEn
OnLy _sKiNnEd KnEeS_ bRoUgHt ::TeArs::
aNd tHe «_NiGhT . LiGhT_» iN OuR rOoM
((.QuIeTeD.)) aLl oUr FeArs
wHeN :.dEcIsi0ns.: wErE s0|VeD
bY [eNi mEaNi . mini m0]
wHeN «.»b0yS«.» wErE sOoO !yUcKy!
& *gOoDbYe* MeAnT OnLy tIl ::ToMoRrOw::
WhEn Ur ClOtHeS DiDnT »..mAtCh..«
& *r E a L* fRiEnDs DiDn'T p|A|r|T
tHe ((..FuN..) wEnT oN *4eVeR* aNd
NeVeR LeFt a _BrOkEn ... HeArt_
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2004 20 May :: 6.10pm
i hate everything about y0u, why d0 i love you
hey hey..
im at the library with bailey and meghan.. g0d i l0ve her.. l0l. baileys 0n the c0mputer right beside me d0in some kinda rep0rt.
ne wayz.. t0daii was a blast. 0ur team went 0n a b0wling trip thingy. kayla, rachel, chris, lacey and me were 0n 0ne team.. and i w0n the first game and chris w0n the sec0nd. we came back, g0t free lunch and then watched m0vies and signed yearb0oks.. [[and no calli, me an chris didnt d0 anything.. and y0u can g0 hed and read his yearb0ok and what i wr0te in it.. ill sh0w y0u what he wr0te me t0o.. i have n0thing t0 hide.
i g0t b0ut a million signatures.
6 dayz 0f sch0ol!!!!
hey kayla we 0n f0r t0m0r0? call me and tell me whatz up iight?
ne wayz..
i cant wait til eight grade,, dam itll be fun. im unpluggin mah cell if i d0nt wanna talk t0 that pers0n.. i need mah al0ne time s0 d0nt think i just hate y0u. l0l.
devin ian and j0e are s0o0o funni.. devin had his hair like elvis t0day, ian had his part in the middle and j0e had his part t0 the side.. talk ab0ut an abercr0mbie m0del "w0ot w0ot" l0l. 0key d0key well.. "thats all i g0t t0 say ab0ut that" -- f0rest gump
2 White Bikinis |
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2004 16 May :: 10.08pm
:: Mood: drummin on the computer desk
:: Music: muse - time is running out
church bells
i heard the church bells ring
yonder over the hill to the south
the eerie clang of the rusting bells
travelled over the dreary dusty land
infiltrating through the open windows of your car as i stared bleakly out at the moon
the sudden noise broke through the silence
and went out through the other window
i just wanted to open the door and run away
for you werent speaking and it was killing me
my eyebrows furrowed and spelled disappointment
while my eyes went icy blue under the pale moonlight
i tried making conversation but much to my disappointment the only response was the wind and the echoes of the empty land
how long will we go like this?
before i start screaming from my heart
with a sudden halt, the silence hit the dashboard
as you briskly stopped infront of my house
slowly i got out and bent down to say goodbye through the window
halfway you sped off in to the distance
leaving me in a cloud of dust at my lonely front gate
listenin to the faint, far away church bells
3 White Bikinis |
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2004 13 May :: 9.28pm
:: Music: aaliyah-- miss y0u
sick 0f ppl writing shyt n n0t leaving therrr name.. wtf?? i guess their t0 scared im g0nna kick thier ass.. thatz c0ol w/e
im listening t0 aaliyah.. shes dead. w0w.
what if i died t0m0r0? w0uld y0u regret ne thing? w0uld y0u remember me f0rever? w0uld y0u break d0wn? c0me t0 mah funeral? talk ab0ut me? feel me beside y0u?use mah name in vein? beleive in heaven?talk t0 me al0ne in y0ur r0om? l0ok at things and find that everything has s0mething t0 d0 with me? feel guilty ab0ut ne thing y0uve ever sed? think and tear ab0ut the g0od times we always had? w0uld y0u feel mah presence just n0t in the physical? w0uld y0u miss me? would i live in y0ur meme0ries f0rever? w0uld you remember my death? 0r celebrate my life?
2 White Bikinis |
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2004 9 May :: 7.06pm
have y0u ever been 20 feet away fr0m blink 182?? i have haha.
friday:: bailey and i went to the m0vies where we met up wit rach, kris, and kayla. bailey and i walked h0me. and went to sleep.
saturdaii:: w0ke up @ 6.3o.. went t0 walmart at like 7.oo. g0t a camera.. ya kn0w. went t0 baileys t0 get her stuff [[and her m0m]] l0l. we were 0n 0ur way. uh.. we g0t t0 0rland0 and went directly t0 sea w0rld. i g0t t0 pet d0lphins, and sting rayz.. i had t0 practically sh0ve baileys hand d0wn to0 t0uch the sting rays lol. we uh went t0 the h0tel and then went sh0pping.. at abercr0mbie and f0rever 21. [[0h ya, we saw shamu and samoo.. l0l. we went t0 the c0ncert,, fun fun fun... the 0pening bands were taking back sunday and cypress hill. then it was blink 182.. omg.. it was s0 fun.. i g0t a t0ur shirt and a hat,, w0w!!! l0l. we went t0 f0sters at like 1.oo in the m0rning.. lma0.. um,, we w0ke up and went sh0pping,, then came back h0me.. and whatdya kn0w.. chris is madd at me?!?! l0l.. [[whatz new]]
0oh ya..
3 White Bikinis |
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2004 6 May :: 6.58pm
i think every0ne will be crying. as 0f thursday nights 8.oo 0n nbc. i have n0 life. my agenda f0r that night will be s0mething like will and grace. n0thing that adds up t0 j0eys funniness. ross smart ass facts, chandlers stupidity, rachels sluttiness, monicas cuteness, and phoebe's horrible songs [[smelly cat smelly cat, what are they feeding y0u??]] l0l. i highly d0ubt the replacment will adD up.
farewell t0 friends...
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2004 4 May :: 10.45pm
:: Mood: happy//wondering
:: Music: incubus - aqueous transmission
the onlooker
the moon is back to its sneaky ways again
as it hides behind the clouds
and pops out every now and then
it glances down
as its glow is seeping
old knowledge to the earth
he looks upon us
as a grandfather would look
at his grandchildren
that old man has seen many days
but still reigns in the sky
once the sun has made its departure
but dont be tricked by his age
as he slyly smiles and the earth beneath
glitters in a magical golden hue
for he sees the magic that goes on
beneath the stars and trees
for his mystic light creates it
2 White Bikinis |
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2004 1 May :: 8.58am
:: Mood: :)
:: Music: Carve Your Heart Out Yourself - dashboard confessional
i eat emo for breakfast :P
yes it is saturday
and i am up at 8:49
i am...patiently...waiting.
today i am goin to boca with el equipo
to watch a girls lacrosse
and boys lacrosse game
im so excited
and i just cant hide it
never seen a lacrosse game before
waiting till 11:30...
1 White Bikini |
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2004 30 April :: 5.49pm
:: Mood: happy//letting go
:: Music: one year, six months- yellowcard
you know who you are
my world falls
you grin
on the sidelines
my heart is heavy
while yours jumps
"A dream, all a dream, that ends in nothing, and leaves the dreamer where he lay down, but I wished you to know you inspired it."
-Charles Dickens
Close up these eyes, try not to cry
All that I've got to pull me through is memories of you
2 White Bikinis |
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2004 28 April :: 11.00pm
What if i am the way i am forever and there is nothing i can do about it?
reasons, everyone alwayz wants reasons why i am the way i am. honestly, i would like to know myself. so i write about hwta hurts, what feels good, what makes me cry and what makes me feel. i wanty to know why:
i cry
im screaming silently inside
im happy for a moment and then i lose it.
im free but i hold back.
i hat emyself when i look in the mirror.
i drown in self pity.
i am ashamed.
i hide from everything.
i feel more then i can take.
and i just really want to know why i am unable to be whole. was i born with a failure inside of me that doesnt allow me to change? i spend my days scared. what if i never change? what if there are no reasons at all? what if im the way i am forever and there is nothing i can do about it. so i look for an answer to make the confusion go away. every day i wake searching with only the hope that someday something will be found that will make this endless longing go away.
have you ever wanted something so badd you couldnt breathe??
7 White Bikinis |
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2004 25 April :: 8.49pm
:: Music: roses-- outkast
ive been sayin that a lot latley.
this weekend was 0ok.. i had a softball game firday night, and we won. and then catherine, bailey, and lacey spent the night. we did eachothers hair and nails.. it was funN. we talked about just about everything. i really missed mia and kayla goldman this weekend.. ne wayz. saturday catherine , lacey, my mama and i went to "the tanning place". i g0t a playb0ii bunnii sticker and itz s0o cute!! l0l. [[sexy-- catherine]] then bailey and kristi came and picked me up and we went to malikes party. it was s0 fun.. well until the piont when catherine started bo0tii dancing [[or at least thatz what i think it was]] l0l. uh.. i spent the night at baileys with kristi, and in the morning i was the last one up and kristi hadD already went h0me. s0 i called mah momma and she came and g0t me.. when i g0t h0me my aunt came and s0 did mia [[finally]] we babysat mah cuzin while mah parents and mah aunt went to the beach. me and calli made up and we're c0ol n0w.. read ur journal if you d0nt beleive she l0ves me...
itz the bigG font at the t0p. lma0. and then chris t0ok mah writing.. where i use the 00's for mah oo's.. he sed itz his n0w.. "calli tell him t0 st0pP!!!" l0l.
ne wayz im g0nna g0 make a belt f0r kayla valente.. l0l j/p
- x0x0x
2 White Bikinis |
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2004 22 April :: 6.39pm
:: Mood: happy// feel like dancin
:: Music: tuesday's gone - lynyrd skynyrd
down the strip
tears would be running down my face. i bit my tongue which restrained my fist from strikin the wall. i needed to escape.
i called you
when you picked up the phone and you heard me say hello between sniffles you right off the bat knew something was wrong. always when i said hello versus my usual hey, hola, yo, howdy..
you knew the drill
i could hear the whizzing of the bad muffler as you pulled into my neighborhood. i snuck out with my red baseball cap on to cover up my swollen watery eyes.
you always put my favorite song on and put up with my singing off key. we would ride through town with the windows down. the brutal wind blowing our hair around. after a stop at the 7-11 and one blueberry/cherry mix slurpee, i was better.
the hat got thrown in the back of your car and sat on the floor with the numerous fast food wrappings, important school papers, and clothes.
my once crying eyes now peered through the wind and soaked up the flashing world that was passing by my window.
sitting at the longest light in town. beating on the dashboard along with the radio. thinking how unfair it was to have to wait an eternity to turn on to the strip.
the green of the light lit both of our faces up and we both grinned and you grabbed my hand as we turned down on to the infamous strip.
i looked at you as your foot slowly pushed on the gas button. the car was flying down the strip along with our hair as the wind stormed through the car and whipped us in the face.
breathing in the ocean air, everything that was weighing down my soul evaporated. i caught you glancing at me and i squeezed you hand a little harded. i whispered i love you in to the wind. the smile that spread across your face told me that the wind had whispered my secret to you.
2 White Bikinis |
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