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i just want to be with you.

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:: 2004 25 June :: 6.46pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Britney Spears' Everytime

ihave to admit. there is no type of music that i hate. i like it all.
you know... i clicked on my friends link on woohu and guess what i found out. Briana Evenson owns that place. like now its her at the top followed by Mr Sameen and then Miss Kailannie (who i havent talked to for a long time) after that? the lovely Miss Birney. Then its 3 Brianas a Danielle and the page finishes with 4 more Briana entries. i have to admit.... she really did not waste that 2 dollars!

so whats the score?
Sameen and Kailannie -- 1
Danielle -- 2
Briana -- 8
sorry guys but Bri wins this one by a landslide. but whos keeping score? i was kinda bored.

moving on dear readers. summer has treated me well i guess although i would appreciate not being bored some of the time. i really have to plan things out more often. and really stick to the plan too. so starting next week i'll do that.

and then theres the business of seeing me down south once again. who would like that? its being planned slowly and we're leaning towards middle July. so if that ok with everyone i'll go ahead and look for plane tickets. nothing more i dont think... if there is i'll come back.


4 lost in the moment | take my hand


:: 2004 25 June :: 3.00pm
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: stuck on u // stacie orrico

just got back from ashley's house =D
s0o thursday... me, ashley, and shane went to the beach. talked, got burnt... yeah =) s0o glad we get to hang out again. then we went to hang out at her pool. the water wasnt cold, but we talked about the old stuffed animals that she had & we used to name & play with lol. then around 7:30ish her mom picked up Bret & we all went to the movies to see WHITE CHICKS. it was so funny... but it wasn't funny that shane was mistaking me and ashley for some ugly chicks in the theater lol. o and bret with the damn penny lol. i swear he was smoking something... but then... ashley saw the guy on the penny too. but i know she doesn't smoke.. so maybe... bret is normal... lol. we'll give him the benefit of doubt. but anyways... after the movie... we dropped them off.. and then hung out at home. changed into the pjs, u know how us girlys do. we talked a bunch, tried on skirts, and then talked to shane & jonah. that was cool. tried understanding guys.. but of course that doesnt work. =) um... we went to bed around 3am & woke up around 2pm. =) then we sat in bed and talked but i hadda go cause i had a stupid podiatrist appointment. o well.... maybe i will see ashley tonight or something... ((besides we best friends need to spend as much time together as possible... making up for all the years we've missed....)) considering i can't go to city place tonight anymore because of what just happened with my foot... i shall explain...

so i went to the podiatrist for this bump on my foot which hurts a ton. i got it because i was wearing flip flops at ATLANTIC & something got stuck in my foot... well... my mom pulled it out & it became infected because of whatever was in my foot.. s0o finally... we made an appointment to see the podiatrist. we thought that all they would do is tell us what is going to be needed to be done & make another appointment to have it done... well.. instead they just said, "we are going to numb ur foot, cut around the 'wart' ((which is what we found out it was because of the infection, yuck)) and we will get to the root, remove it & then bandage it up." that sounded horrible. so i get the shot... and cry because the shit hurt like hell... and then i waited a good... 40 minutes before he actually started doing anything to remove it. well... when he started cutting it... i felt a pinch, and then that pinch became a sting and that sting became..... the feeling of the blade cutting my foot. OUCH! i was about to die. yeah... so i screamed, he stopped... i became light headed because i havent ate much in the past 5 days or so. and it was just like having an f*ing baby which i am sure is worse.. but still lol. anyways.. that ruins my plans for the night because now i can't go to cityplace with jonah. sux. o well..... my mom was like, "why dont u have him come over 2morrow. i'll go pick him up, if he wants to come and see u." which i thought was sweet.... except... i highly doubt he would want to. but if he does, it would be nice.

ummm imma go now cause i need to eat my yogurt. considering this is what i will be doing for the next 2 days because i can't work. grrrrr.

5 lost in the moment | take my hand


:: 2004 24 June :: 8.29pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: snow patrol - run

so i got my hair cut. finally.
i'm so cute... with this haircut i can say that. now all i need are some highlights. my neighbor couldn't do them tonight, but she says she will do them when i return. yay. my mom has this theory with me getting my haircut, she says that i just get it to shock myself, which is completely true.

so i leave tomorrow. one night at grandma's and then a 10 hour drive to spend the next 7 nights in a house that sleeps 28 on the beach in north carolina. i'm excited. a nice big house to stay away from my mom and the rest of my family to keep me interested and happy.

love you. call the cell sometime during the week and make me feel special and to make my cousins jealous.

To think I might not see those eyes
It makes it so hard not to cry
And as we say our long goodbyes
I nearly do.

take my hand


:: 2004 23 June :: 11.20pm

everything only remains ok for like 10 minutes and then i feel completely stupid for talking to him... like i'm retarded or something. w/e

2morrow ashley e, her boyfriend & his friend & i are gonna hit up the beach. it should be fun <3 then we're gonna chill... ya know... i'm sleeping over there... =) BBFL if it wasn't for u, i don't know what'd i'd do. xoxo

take my hand


:: 2004 23 June :: 3.26pm
:: Mood: hopeful

redid woohu.
i couldn't find a header that i liked.. cause i was looking for something very specific. but when i find it, it'll look ten times better.

anyways... jonah asked me why i haven't changed it yet. considering what i used before as the layout... was kinda... related to us. right? but its like... crazy. i'm not used to not saying, "hey! i love u, MUAH!" the worst thing was when he told me that he heard an avril lavigne song, and he said he heard the line, "there goes my happy ending." at least he knows what he's letting go of... it just gets me frustrated... because if he feels that he is letting go of something worthwhile then WHY is he doing it? a break... but... grr. gosh i feel like cory from boy meets world lol. how i hate his curly hair.

so anyways, jackie called me at 1:30am last night. she didn't have a place to sleep, so i told her that she could sleep here. i didn't ask my parents, but i guess they didn't mind when we woke up and she was here. *shrug* but she left to get her haircut & i... am bored. dude, i have to take a shower, & uh... neil is a funny kid lol. random, i know. but i'm me, so =P but uh... i could go for some good ol' COLDSTONES & some bowling at DON CARTER'S in skirts, so i can twirl around and do a cart wheel & forget i have a skirt on... like i have done before. anyone up for it? =) holl-er. 254-8483.

we were already beautiful together --ASHLEE SiMPSON

7 lost in the moment | take my hand


:: 2004 22 June :: 11.56pm
:: Mood: ditzy

everytime i was in LA i was with my x g/f - usher <3
space. that's all we need.

i'll survive whatever his decisions come to. <3

MoFo1788: hey u kewl for the mountain climbin next wendsday
HCOblonde31: i THINK almost positive... but i dont know when cheerleading practice starts, but i'm up for it... if i dont have it
MoFo1788: aight
MoFo1788: were tryn 2 ride tri rail in the mornin to mia
MoFo1788: get a limo 2 the place
MoFo1788: climb for like 3 hours
HCOblonde31: lol goin in style eh?
MoFo1788: go back to the station go to this cuban coffe place and then cum home
MoFo1788: its cheaper then a taxi
HCOblonde31: really?
MoFo1788: a taxi would be like 45-55 dollars for a ride there and thats for 4 people
HCOblonde31: eek
MoFo1788: we could walk?
HCOblonde31: i'm down for that too lol
MoFo1788: limo would be like 25 per person for both ways i think

take my hand


:: 2004 22 June :: 8.04pm
:: Mood: okay

i give all the love in the world to that girl i spent the day with. <333

she called me around 11:15, so i got up, got dressed and made it over to her house by 1 i guess. i bought 50 first dates and cinderella over. we watched both of em and then talked for a bit. oh how i wish i could drive.

so i'm home now. i think i will watch unfaithful since it is on hbo and has just started. i'm going away friday for a whole week and three days. no internet, so call my cell phone if you want to.

thats all for now. i'll update later maybe.


1 lost in the moment | take my hand


:: 2004 22 June :: 4.54pm
:: Mood: sad

school days...
Yeah so...summer school...not so bad. Janyll, Adam, Christine, Amy and Ashley Treu are in my bio class. Then liz and greta and a whole buncha people are taking chem and physics which makes lunch and breaks enjoyable. We took some assessment tests in pairs the 1st day and I got paired up with adam...between us we actually remembered a lot more than I expected so I'm feeling a lot more confident about bio...though I'm sure my laziness will kick in and bite me in the ass over the year.

umm the bus was very uncrowded...got hit on by some little black freshman who was tryin to make anand look like a scrub funny stuff.

After school I had a couple hours to catch up on sleep since I only slept a few hours the night before (my internal clocks are still way fucked up). Then I had to wake up and start my first day at southern dance. I was kinda worried cuz I didn't know any of the teachers there or anything but I walked into my advanced ballet class which only consisted of 6 people. But the teacher just happened to be Ms. Heidi from my old studio who I trained with for like 3 years. That and the fact that I at least knew someone in the class (shersty) made me happy. lol the fact that it has been way too long since I have done ballet and I was hurting afterwards.

Thennn Britt and I went to Jazz with Ms. Penni which wasn't so bad since I know her a little from eagle ettes. Also Kristen, RJ, Ashley Skeen and Jenna were all in our class which was cool especially since I've only seen ashley and jenna a couple times since they graduated and I'm used to kristen and RJ teaching so being in a class with them was an interesting change.

After 7 long hours of bio and 3 hours of dance on like 4 hours of sleep I was EXHAUSTED! I still didn't get to bed until like 12 and I was in pain the next morning.

Today was a looooong day at school because we were taking notes for most of it...lol we were slightly amused by my idea to keep a diary of the stupid things some people said throughout the day...see livejournal for that little piece of bitchery.

I'm trying so hard to keep my chin up because...well I really did this to myself but I am seriously regretting letting Evan go like that. I was so busy trying to do what was healthy and right and what made sense but I didn't listen to my heart at all...I don't know if that is going to end up being a good thing or a bad thing. Why do I have to be so dramatic we could have been friends...maybe I still would have had feelings for him but I don't think not talking to him is going to change that anymore than talking to him would. Danielle thinks that he really was my first love and I suspect she's right...I just never wanted to admit it before because love really does hurt. I've never felt like this after losing someone before actually I usually get kinda pissed and then quickly stop caring. This is like a dull ache that I have all the time.

All I want to do is go running back to him and apologize a million times and beg him to forgive me but I know I can't do that I have created an unreconcilable breach in what was once a strong relationship...I will never know exactly what kind of relationship that was but all I know is that I cared about him more than I ever will about most people and he cared a whole lot about me (I think anyway). I spent almost two years falling for this kid two years obsessing over everything about him and I just walked away...let it all go in two minutes. He'd never forgive me and I'd never ask him to because as much as he hurt me I did my share of hurting and it's not fair to just mess with his emotions like that...I need to just leave him alone and let him hate me...It's so hard to not feel sad when everyone around me has relationships going on I had to walk away from a conversation today when it turned to christine and emy's relationship...it just hurt too much. It's going to be a long time before I find someone else I like who cares about me that much and until then this will never go away...

5 lost in the moment | take my hand


:: 2004 22 June :: 12.37pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: cupid // 112

there's so much that i have to say, but i don't know where to start.

hopefully... ur doing better than i am. hopefully, u got more sleep than i did. and maybe u are luckier than i am... that u don't feel sick and u can actually eat something. ((its not that i don't want to eat, cause us fat people love food, ya know))

but i was up all night. u went to bed, i did laundry, i laid in bed, hoping to fall asleep, and instead, when i closed my eyes, my head was spinning & my heart started to hurt. i'm not one to get my point across with words because my actions ALWAYS tend to speak louder, but here... i'll do the best i can.

8 months ago... there was a promise i made to u, with a simple, "yes". i promised never to hurt u, never to cheat on u, never to keep u unhappy. i hurt u... by not seeing u. i never cheated on u. and u're unhappy because i didn't see u as often as u'd like. i know ur intentions were never to hurt me, talking on the phone... and u would say it all the time, "i won't hurt u," "i'm not going to hurt u." thats when there was safety. that gave me all i needed... and then it wasn't hard to open up to u. because i knew that u weren't going to put me through pain... and i knew that its going to be a smooth flight... and it always was. now... i'm not referring to u as the asshole... because, ur not. one thing that happened won't make me say... "hey jonah is an asshole." sometimes we have to hurt the ones we love. but i don't want u to feel bad about it. there's no reason... ur reputation isn't going to be an asshole, and eventually we'll get over it. maybe with a few more weekends together... or just you and me together... or simple walks to see each other... maybe we can figure something out cause its really worth it. i just sit here... imagine us together.. and it sux. because its not true... we arent together.... now i have to go to bed and actually dream about it. i wonder what its going to be like... the first time i see u... and we arent together. think it will be easy? maybe it will be a little rough? or maybe we'll just flirt so much that it will still feel like we're going out... who knows. but i am so confused right now... that none of this that u're reading makes sense. and i'm just blabbing because it will give me less to think about. idk. i love u. <3 i can't talk anymore. i needa wipe off the tears. xoxo.

3 lost in the moment | take my hand


:: 2004 22 June :: 2.59am

yeah... i get hurt a lot... but u live and learn i guess.

most life's lessons are learned in pain. but hey ladies is pimps 2. xoxo

bri is a pimp TIMES two. lol. ok... no i'm not laughing, i'm really crying... i can't even pretend i'm ok.

8 months... yeah... bye bye.

1 lost in the moment | take my hand


:: 2004 22 June :: 12.55am
:: Mood: crushed
:: Music: DOWN // BLiNK 182

woke up at 1:15pm. after going to bed around 2:45am. rolled outta bed, jumped in the shower, watched PASSiONS. called jackie, mommy came home. went to the doctor for a physical. found out i am NOT 5 ft. i am 1/4" short of 5'. fudge. 4' 11 3/4''. o & i'm 111 lbs. not completely proud, but definitely not unhappy cause i did lose weight =)

um... got home. watched NORTH SHORE. ate some dinner. trent called. icky. *barf* talked to christian online for like 2 minutes, i'd like to see him... the last time... he stole tons of clothes & his trunk was filled lmao. i miss him.

then i got a call from britt to. damn him. wanted to go to the movies. disgusting. thank gosh for the bad connections in my room. it hung up on him & i just didn't call him back. hehe.

brittany came over. then we walked & got shane. then jb came home. then mike got home from disney. so we talked. then shane left & we talked & played monopoly. i don't think its possible for us to play without alliances or cheating lol. its funny. me & brittany did REALLY good. super slick pimps. midnight came around & they all left cause we got extremely bored.

got online... took a shower & now i'm back online with jonah & typing in here. he's confused. i don't want him to break up with me, but i know he has that instinct to do so. just because i don't see him as often as i'd like... doesn't mean i want to call it quits. i've found someone wonderful... and i'd be so jealous if he found someone else. he's everything i've wanted... and that's all i need. but i want him to be happy even more than i love being his girlfriend. yeah... so i feel completely uncomfortable talking to him right now... like because i guess that he's starting to let go... and... because of that... i don't think i have his heart 100%... which means... i can't talk to him, cause i can't be who i am when i don't have their everything. i can be myself with LOS. or with people from atlantic, and.... my boyfriend.... until now. idk i wished upon that shooting star that him & i would be together.... forever... with so much happiness. and while i was waiting for brittany to come... i took a walk... it was slow, & peaceful... just thinking about the 99 million reasons why i love him. but at this point... its what fate has in store.

i'm putting MYSELF thru pain. and i knew it the first day i said yes... "i'm so scared... cause in the end, there will be so much pain."

but i guess we only learn life's lessons from pain.

i can't sit here and think anymore... i'm getting myself worked up.

take my hand


:: 2004 21 June :: 12.02am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: DiP iT LOW // CHRiSTiNA MiLLiAN

LaDiEzZ iZ []D [] []\/[] []D § 2
...i've been saying this all day, cause i love poppin' my collar. haha.

"u look cute." - mom
"u look like u wanna have sex." - danielle & brittany lol

best friends say things that mommy can't. lmao

um... i worked today. could have killed someone. i don't even feel like talking about it.

i need to go to the doctor & podiatrist 2morrow. well... sorta today. w/e monday lol. 6/21/04 =) there.

hung out with brittany, ryan, jb, danielle g, shane, saw frank, saw robert, and saw scott. the old gang. nobody changes. and together... we're still the same shit talkers... into the same things... everything. but i miss them, and its great being in a group. =)

got home around 11... after being at the park, then everyone went home, ryan drove back to boca. yuh.

it was father's day today, yes. daddy was in lakeland for a paintball tournament.... when he got home his back was poka dotted so we let him rest & then he opened presents. i love my daddy. xoxo

anyways there is nothing left to say. i'mma get ready for bed... and sit & talk to ashley e. <3 peace

take my hand


:: 2004 20 June :: 12.34am

funny how things work out
iluvBITP: i miss you alex. yes i haven't seen you in 2 years, but i still miss you
HandOfDoom21: i miss you to heather

1 lost in the moment | take my hand


:: 2004 19 June :: 5.31pm

just let me sleep....
The past few days have been boring as hell. I have no desire to do anything I just want to sit in the house and mope and eat and sleep. If I'm sleeping the whole day can pass by without any sad thoughts going through my head. I sleep into the afternoon because I keep getting caught up in these vivid dreams that I never want to wake up from. The other night I dreamt about this guy who was so amazing I'm pretty sure I fell in love right there...it sounds dumb but my dreams are never just that...they always signal something or turn out having some significance later on. In the dream the guy and I finally kissed for the first time and then had to run away because the building started collapsing around us he started screaming my name and I woke up...I don't know what to think of that.

Yesterday was the officer meeting at Boston's it was pretty productive I think afterwards lauren came over to watch her soap and we went over some last minute things. Then I went back to sleep until about 8:30.

My mom left for Baltimore today I don't know how long she's gunna be gone because...well I didnt even know it was today she was leaving in the 1st place and...I don't pay attention. She kept saying to make sure I didn't forget Father's day was tomorrow and as sad as it is I most likely would have. My dad called and asked if I wanted to go out to dinner or the movies or something and I just said no...I could tell he was really disapointed. I don't know why I'm like that he's never done anything to me he's always been around there's no reason I should have issues with him I just do...I heard my parents talking about therapists again so I guess I'm really going to have to go this time I don't want to go to family counseling I hate talking out my problems with my parents. I have no desire to work shit out with them all I want is to straighten myself out...something needs to happen to get me interested again I don't even have the desire to get out there and find a new guy it's just...pointless too much work it's not worth it I dont want to call my friends I don't want to get out of the house or out of bed...fuckin school starts next week why did I promise my parents I'd go.....

ok I'll stop whining now


take my hand


:: 2004 19 June :: 10.25am
:: Mood: thumbs up!
:: Music: kanye west song.. all falls down (i think thats what its called)

a great conversation. i miss these.
LTR4N: boo yeah whos done with school?!?!
KatanaDragon77: Edgar is!
LTR4N: so is LUAN!
KatanaDragon77: WOOT
LTR4N: but oddly....
LTR4N: it doesnt feel like it used to
LTR4N: i used to be SOOO excited
KatanaDragon77: haha
LTR4N: wtf happened?
KatanaDragon77: I KNOW what you mean
KatanaDragon77: I was telling that to everyone
KatanaDragon77: but there wtf you talking about im happy as hell
LTR4N: yeah man i feel it too
LTR4N: wtf is wrong with us?
LTR4N: nothing to eat except a granola bar!!
KatanaDragon77: delcious
LTR4N: i want a burger
LTR4N: and pizza
KatanaDragon77: Shut up FAT BOY
KatanaDragon77: eat your damn granola bar
KatanaDragon77: Isnt Dat Phan gonna have like a special on Comedy Central
KatanaDragon77: Or did that already pass?
LTR4N: idk
LTR4N: i didnt watch much first season
LTR4N: did he win?
KatanaDragon77: Yeah mon
KatanaDragon77: lol..
KatanaDragon77: hes funny shit
LTR4N: uhh i think he gets a special on NBC or something
KatanaDragon77: He beat all the veterans that did comic like for years..... and it was like his first time..
LTR4N: and something on comedy central too
KatanaDragon77: lol
KatanaDragon77: My mom was like LOOK ITS LUAN!
KatanaDragon77: im like... no its just another vetnamese person..

take my hand

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