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:: 2003 30 November :: 8.49 pm
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: ..ToO mUcH oF u--KeLLy 0sBoUrNe..

. My BdAii iZ iN *3* DaiiZ .
YaYeRz ((Me .n. JaX'z new w0rd)), my BdAii iz c0min up..wh00p wh00p!! Well, t0daii was alrite. Todaii was me nd m0mmii daii..LoL yea, at 15 i still have them..but there g00d cuz i relle never c my m0m cuz she'z never h0me cept f0r the wkendz nd 0n the wkendz, im never h0me. We fite al0t th0 which sux, but i tell her al0t. We were 0n 0ur waii t0 MiSs BoBbiE'z nd 0ne 0f me nd EdDy'Z s0ngz came 0n nd i juss started cryin. So0o i t0ld my m0m wut happen nd i dunn0 if that was a g00d idea but wutever..i needed t0 tell sum0ne h0w i trullii feel..s0o y n0t my m0m. Yea, s0o we g0t t0 MiSs BoBbiE'z nd i was happii. MiSs BoBbiE said she hatez that im alreadii 16 nd she can member the daii i was b0rn. LoL..but i relle hate seein her in a nursin h0me..iz s0o depressin nd i kn0 she hatez it there. Todaii she t0ld me she wishez i c0uld staii there wit her f0r a c0uple daiiz. I miss her s0o much. Her funeral iz guna be s0o hard cuz she prettii much raised me till i was lyke 10. But newaiiz, thiz iz the first nyte i benn h0me thiz wkend but im relle sick lyke im juss s0o tired nd in s0o much pain. My m0m thinkz i have the flu. 0 well, lemme juss get it 0ver wit n0w. Yea s0o t0daii was juss chyll. WoW, my last entrii was relle deep. U shuld read it..LoLz. Tom0rr0w i sp0sedlii get my system in my car but i dun think i will..maybe next wkend. My m0m t0ld me that all im gettin f0r XmAs iz rimz f0r my car nd thatz it. But iz all g00d cuz i kn0 we dun g0t al0t 0f m0ney thiz yr nd evrii0ne iz gettin lyke 0ne thing. 0 well, i'd rather get 0ne thing instead 0f gettin evriithin i want nd c my parentz suffer wit m0ney nd i t0ld my m0m that. I dun care..im n0t guna be a bytch b0ut it..theii cant aff0rd it nd iz 0k wit me cuz iz the l0ve that c0untz. 0ne present iz fyne wit me. Well, imma g0 n0w..but i wana put thiz c0nv0 me nd EriN had in here. Btw, im n0t m0vin t0 my sis'..juss thinkin b0ut it..but newaiiz, l00k at thiz:

x0x S i S i x0x: but yea, im m0vin t0 my sis' h0use..juss lettin u kn0
SpOrTyChIcC323: why
x0x S i S i x0x: cuz therez nuttin ar0und here nem0re..lyke me nd u dun relle talk nem0re..ur distant n0w nd ur juss diff..lyek ur n0t the same nem0re nd i dun lyke it here..
SpOrTyChIcC323: ur sayin that cuz i went campin
SpOrTyChIcC323: cuz ive been grounded
SpOrTyChIcC323: thats why we havent been talkin
x0x S i S i x0x: n0..im n0t..iz cuz evrrii tyme im 0nlyne 0r wutever..ur alwaiiz lyek in a i dun care m00d..lyke u dun think nuttinz funnii..atelast n0t wit me..nd ur juss lyke w.e all the tyme
SpOrTyChIcC323: um..yeah, only today
SpOrTyChIcC323: wow..not a reason to move
x0x S i S i x0x: n0..all last wk t00
x0x S i S i x0x: nd cuz i dun lyke it here
SpOrTyChIcC323: uh, no
x0x S i S i x0x: 0k..u maii n0t c it..but i d0
SpOrTyChIcC323: see..i dont get why all those times i couldve moved wit my mom and ur like no cuz imma be alone and imma miss u and crap
SpOrTyChIcC323: thats all b/s cuz ur leavin
SpOrTyChIcC323: its like hipocritical
x0x S i S i x0x: n0 iz n0t..y d0es it matter t0 u?
SpOrTyChIcC323: why do i think
SpOrTyChIcC323: hello we're like BEST FRIENDS
x0x S i S i x0x: durr..but it dun seem lyek it nem0re
SpOrTyChIcC323: so, all of sudden ur not mine, ok..i see how it is
SpOrTyChIcC323: i cant move cuz ull be alone and shit but u can
x0x S i S i x0x: it w0uldnt matter th0..iz n0t lyke im g0in f0rever..im g0in f0r lyek a wj cuz i needa get awaii fr0m all the bullshyt ryte n0w
x0x S i S i x0x: nd i pr0lli wun even g0 cuz my sis dun relle want me t0 leave cuz she sayin im never guna wanna c0me back
SpOrTyChIcC323: oh
x0x S i S i x0x: o wut
SpOrTyChIcC323: just oh
x0x S i S i x0x: h0nestllii..i feel lyek we're gr0win apart
x0x S i S i x0x: nd i relle dun wana cuz ur seri0uslii lyek the truest friend ive ever had
SpOrTyChIcC323: which is weird...cuz u just now thought about this and yeah, i have been grounded forever
x0x S i S i x0x: it has nuttin t0 d0 wit u bein gr0unded..im juss talkin lyke in the last c0uple 0f m0nthz
SpOrTyChIcC323: u never thought that before
SpOrTyChIcC323: which is weird
x0x S i S i x0x: maybe cuz i dint wana think it..l00k im n0t tryin t0 fite im juss sayin that i h0pe we never d0 gr0w apart
SpOrTyChIcC323: well, if u stop thinkin that then we wont
x0x S i S i x0x: we benn best friendz f0r lyke 6 yrz nd i dun wana end it n0w..id miss u waii t00 much..lyke if u think b0ut it..we fyte a l0t nd we never used t0
SpOrTyChIcC323: why would it
SpOrTyChIcC323: thats cuz we're gay
SpOrTyChIcC323: and we have diff opinions
x0x S i S i x0x: tru..nd mayb iz g00d t0 fite sumtymez but wutever..all im sayin iz letz pr0mise each 0ther that we'll alwaiiz be best friendz nd if we ever d0 start gr0win apart then we can l00k back nd be lyke fuck that..we pr0mised
SpOrTyChIcC323: we already promised
SpOrTyChIcC323: but
SpOrTyChIcC323: ok
x0x S i S i x0x: we did?
SpOrTyChIcC323: yeah
x0x S i S i x0x: o..i dun member..but alrite
x0x S i S i x0x: newh0
x0x S i S i x0x: guess wh0z bdaii'z in 3 daiiz
SpOrTyChIcC323: hang on...talkin to my mom
SpOrTyChIcC323: i have no idea
SpOrTyChIcC323: lol
x0x S i S i x0x: l0l..i dunn0 either juss decided t0 saii it
x0x S i S i x0x: iighty

I benn wantin t0 tell her that f0r awhile nd im glad i did. Newh0, i cant leave till i saii suttin t0 JaX. LoLz, shez thr0win me a partii f0r my BdAii nd shez guna make it GREAT! LoL, iighty, im g0ne. (( oNe ))

P.S. Thanx f0r the cake JeSs! It was g00d.

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 30 November :: 12.01 am
:: Mood: worried
:: Music: ..ITAITQ--MxPx..

. DaMn, iZ eArLii .
Well, thiz iz the earliest i benn h0me all fuckin wkend! LoLz, i l0ve chyllen wit RiA..we alwaiiz have funn. Tonyte, RiA, AnDy, BoBbY, nd me went t0 the m0viez. We saw GoThiKa..it was alrite..kinda freakii but n0t the greatest m0vie. Yea, since im sick i didnt relle feel lyke gettin all dressed up s0o i juss put 0n my PJz nd sum eyeliner nd that was it. I g0t in the car nd BoBbY iz sittin there sayin h0w fuckin beautiful i l00k nd shyt nd im all thinkin he'z juss sayin it cuz he wants t0 get sum ass..but, he kept sayin it (( Nd he'z g0t a gurl! )) nd he'z never said that t0 me bef0re. So0o i was lyke 'Dun fuck ar0und..thiz iz the w0rst u ever seen me nd ur sittin here sayin all this prettii shyt.' Nd then he l00kz me in the eye nd tellz me that he was bein t0tallii tru. I g0t 0ut the car nd started walkin awaii fr0m him nd i was cryin cuz the last pers0n wh0 t0ld me i was BEAUTIFUL was EdDy nd iz benn a relle hard past c0uple 0f daiiz cuz i feel lyke i l0st my heart. But i dunn0, a l0t ppl tell me im beautiful nd prettii nd i juss dun believe it..but maybe i am..nd im n0t tryin t0 be c0nceited cuz if u ask ne 0f my friendz, im alwaiiz sayin shyt nd pickin 0n myself. I juss wish i felt the waii ppl tell me. I wish i felt beautiful. I wanna feel that waii..i trullii d0. But i dun wanna feel that waii if it aint tru nd i think thatz wut im scared 0f. I wanna believe the truth nd n0t believe the liez. But i dunn0, i juss kinda wish that i never met AnDrEw cuz ever since him, ive benn s0o fuckin d0wn 0n myself. I trusted him s0o fuckin much..i t0ld him EVERIITHIN..nd EriN used t0 sit 0n the f0ne wit us all the fuckin tyme..nd after, she w0uld be all lyke, 'U tw0 r perfect f0r each 0ther' but he walked 0utta my lyfe s0o fuckin quick. I dunn0, i juss benn thinkin b0ut a l0t shyt latelii. I'm changin..my wh0le self iz changin. I'm int0 all the badd shyt n0w nd i'm s0o bytchii..m0re than i ever benn. So0o wut w0ulda happen if i never went t0 SeBaStiAn thiz yr?? Well, i w0uldnt 0f benn able t0 chyll wit ErBe@r..nd 0f c0urse, n0 EdDy w0uld be in my lyfe rite n0w. H0w different w0uld i be if he never came int0 my lyfe?! That'z wut i relle wanna kn0..but i cant g0 back nd i never will be able t0, but if i c0uld g0 back t0 nethin..it w0uld be then. I'm juss s0o hurt 0ver him that it actuallii makez me crii t0 think b0ut SeBaStiAn. I'm s0o stressed 0ut nd i sh0uldnt be lyke thiz. My 16th BdAii iz in lyke 4 daiiz nd i sh0uld be happii. I get my license, my freed0m..everiithin ive ever wanted nd i'm n0t even excited b0ut it. Iz lyke i dun wanna have t0 g0 0n nem0re. I dun wanna be that hurt pers0n nem0re. I wanna find the rite guii that will treat me s0o g00d nd i w0nt have t0 w0rrii b0ut gettin hurt nd n0t trustin them, cuz i'll alreadii kn0 that i can. Y c0uldnt EdDy be that pers0n?? Damn, evriityme there was shyt g0in 0n, i w0uld run t0 him nd he w0uld alwaiiz make everiithin all better! I miss it..i miss it A L0T. I'm n0t sure if i miss him..0r the fact 0f havin that special l0ve wit a pers0n. Well, lemme st0p sayin all thiz shyt but im glad i g0t it 0ut. Bef0re my tearz fuck up thiz keyb0ard (( LoL )), imma g0. Sidez, i'm gettin my system put in my car t0m0rr0w .ND. i get t0 c my TrUeSt gurlie, EriN!! I dunn0 wut i w0uld d0 wit0ut her..seri0uslii. Iighty, nite nite. (( oNe ))

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 29 November :: 12.03 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: ..MiSs My BaBii--MeSt..

. SiCkii SiCk .
AhH! I'm sick 0nce again. Thiz sux. RiA gave it t0 me cuz i benn chyllen wit her all fuckin wkend! But yesterdaii was great. We went t0 lyke everii mall nd sh0pped lyke crazii nd g0t t0 talk s0o much nd i t0ld her b0ut EdDy nd she hatez him s0o fuckin much n0w. So0o yea, but i cant st0p thinkin b0ut him. I talk t0 him lyke all the fuckin time nd n0w we're 0ver! We went 0ut f0r alm0st 11 fuckin m0nthz!! I relle cant believe iz 0ver..y d0es he g0tta be the waii he iz?? Y cant he be wh0 he used t0 be wen we first started g0in 0ut. U kn0, 0ur first 4 m0nthz went great, nd these last 7 (( n0t even 7 )) have benn t0tal shyt. We fite lyke everii 0ther daii nd i juss wish we didnt. But i cant g0 back nd iz 0ver n0w s0o wutever. Newh0, since i sh0pped s0 much thiz wkend, im n0t g0in t0 the mall wit JeNNy t0nyte..maybe t0m0rr0w nite. T0nyte, me nd RiA r chyllen AGAIN!! L0Lz, s0o iz guna be crazii funn. I think we juss g0nna sm0ke nd pr0lli g0 c a c0uple m0viez wit AnDy nd BoBbY myte be c0min. Well, i havent eaten since TuRkeY dAii s0o i think imma g0 make s0up 0r sum shyt. Nd EriN, h0ly shyt chica, i miss u s0o0o much!! Cant wait till u get back..heart u l0tz!! JaX, ilu s0o much nd ur the bestest st0ner friend EVER!! HeHe. (( oNe ))

--SuRvEy i did yesterdaii m0rnin--

Last dream: Last nite I had a dream EdDy called nd said he was s0rrii nd then he m0ved d0wn here nd we g0t married nd lived happilii ever after..y cant it be real??!!
Last car ride: From LuBz t0 HoMe at 3am
Last good cry: Last nite..thinkin b0ut me nd EdDy
Last movie seen: FiNdiN Nem0..yesterdaii babii..number 21!!
Last Book Read: b00kz?? wut?? LoL
Last curse word uttered: Fuck
Last berverage drank: Water
Last Food consumed: SkittLeZ..taste the rainb0w
Last Crush: EdDy..wish I was still wit him
Last phone call: JaCkaLiE..my pimph0e luver..ilu chica!!
Last CD played: MeSt
Last disappointment: EdDy
Last IM: JoEy
Last E-mail-: My ErBe@r
Last website visited: My Journal..i wr0te in it..LoLz
Last weird encounter: Last nite..suttin 0n fire flew thru the sky..h0ly shyt..freakii az hell!
Last time amused: U nd AnDy..EWWW!! LoL, LuBz
Last time in love: Benn in luv wit him since Januarii but he dun want me n0 m0re
Last time hugged: Last nite by BriAn!
Last time scolded: Yesterdaii by daddii
Last lipstick used: I use gl0ss..lipstick iz s0o uglee
Last underwear worn: My blu butterflii th0ng..SeXi
Last bra worn: Normal white 0ne..
Last shirt worn: My 0range BiLLaBoNg tank t0p
Last class attended: GeoMetRy
Last Test taken: VoCaB test
Last time Dancing: I dun dance nem0re

Birthday = DeCemBeR 3..c0min up!!
Height = 5’4
Shoe size = 7
Hair color = bLoNde..nd iz NATURAL
Hair length = Prettii l0ng
Siblings = My sis RiA ((22)) nd her man that ive kn0wn f0r 6 yrz, AnDy ((21))

you have a b/f or a g/f? = I did till lyke 2 daiiz ag0. After 11 m0nthz, we ended 0ur shyt. Kinda miss him but wutever g0tz t0 m0ve 0n..
you have a crush on someone? = My mind iz still 0n ~HiM~
you wish you could live somewhere else? = Yupp
you think about suicide? = N0t relle
others find you attractive? = I h0pe s0o. I kn0 sum ppl d0..LoL
you want other piercings? = Yupperz..belli butt0n
you want more tattoos? = I want 0nlii 0ne
you like roller coasters? = HeLL yEa
you write in cursive or print? = Print..cursive iz gaii

For or Against...
long distance relationships = Against them..iz hard f0r them t0 last..believe me!
using someone = AgAiNsT..unless theii used u
suicide = AgainsT..live everii m0ment az much az u can. Dun take ur 0wn lyfe nd n0t be able t0 experience tru luv, friendz, 0r ur 0wn fam!! Member, shyt buffz 0ut..n0 matter h0w HARD it getz..
killing people = Against
teenage smoking = Im kinda against it but I d0 it
doing drugs = Dun matter!
premarital sex = GUILTII!! LoLz
gay/lesbian relationships = !!! AGAINST !!!
soap operas = bLaH..

food = I dunn0..
song = Cant juss ch00se un0!
thing to talk about = Suttin interestin!
sports = FooTbaLL..00 babii!
drinks = WaTeR BaBii!
clothes = My tyte pink pantz wit my white tank t0p
movies = FINDIN NEM0..me nd Er’z FaVe..dun j0ck 0ur shyt..LoLz

Have You Ever...
cried over a guy/girl? = Lotz of tymez..
lied to someone? = Yupp
been in a fist fight? = Yea..LoLz
been arrested? = Not yet..

How Many…
times i have been in love? = 0nce..u can 0nlii be IN TRU L0VE 0nce
times i have had my heart broken? = 3 tymez
hearts i have broken? = For sure..1 but I dunn0 ne 0therz
boys i have kissed? = LoL, lemme c0unt..b0ut 1o or 11
girls i have kissed? = n0ne
continents i have lived in? = USA
drugs taken illegally? = Lemme c0unt again..1oo suttin tymez f0r everii tyme I sm0ke weed 0r t00k XaNaX
number people i could classify as true, could trust with my life friends? = 4..0nlii 4
people i consider my enemies? = LeXiS, BriTTnEy, JeSsiCa nd AshLey..u bytchez better never c0me d0wn here
cds that i own? = Damn, I relle dun wana c0unt..b0ut 15o – 2oo
things in my past that i regret? = LoTz!!

On Dating....
[x.] Long or short hair? SH0RT plz!
[x.] Dark or blond hair? Dun matter..
[x.] Tall or short? DEF tall..s0o sexii!
[x.] Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny? Both, but n0t T00 sensitive..PLZ
[x.] Good girl/boy or bad girl/boy? Both, but m0re the badd side..HaHa
[x.] Dark or light eyes? Dun matter..but I lyke lyte..theii l00k s0o cute 0n guiiz
[x.] Pierced or no? Where?? LoLz, the t0ngue iz the best!

[4 things to do when you're bored]
1. Call sum0ne/0nlyne
2. Write
3. Sm0ke
4. Music

[4 things that never fail to cheer you up]
1. Cr0wd 0f friendz
2. _ EriN _
3. Sm0kin
4. MY Music

[4 things you can't live without]
1. Familii
2. Friendz
3. Money
4. Tru Love

[4 things you love]
1. Familii
2. Friendz
3. ..EdDy..
4. Bein independent!!

[4 things you hate]
1. Ppl that brag b0ut their shyt 0r that trii t0 get everii0ne t0 feel badd f0r them
2. LiArZ!!!
3. Playaz
4. Bytchez

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 28 November :: 11.39 am
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: ..iN tHoSe JeAnZ--GiNuWiNe..

. SiNgLe *AgAiN* .
HaHa, single again!! Holla at ur gurl. Newaiiz, TuRkEy dAii was the FaShiZzLe!! Wh0oP Wh0oP!! Well, dinner here DEF sucked nd n0b0dii ate! LoLz..s0o me, RiA, AnDy, nd my babii went 0ver LuBz nd MaNdA'Z h0use nd it was crazii funn!!! 0mg, madd ppl were there. It was me, RiA, AnDy, AayLiYaH, JeNNiFeR, BriAn, RoB, JeReMy, SteFaNi, AmAnDa, MaNdA, LuBz, SeAn, HoLLy, nd sum 0ther kid. We had s0o much funn. Sum 0f us sm0ked 0ut nd then we all chylled. I beat AnDy'Z ass in NBA basketball 0n the PS2!! HaHa, i was s0o happii. Then, my pimph0e JaCkaLie called nd i talked t0 her f0r awhile nd then i went back wit everiib0dii. As my m00d saiiz, im s0re az fuck. 0k, s0o i was layin 0n LuBz' c0uch nd he was gettin readii t0 pull me 0ff. As he was pullin me, my fuckin arm getz stuck 0n thiz metal thing nd he didnt kn0 it nd he kept pullin nd i was fuckin screamin nd wen he st0pped nd i g0t up, my arm was bleedin lyke fuckin crazii cuz it made a HALF INCH cut in my fuckin arm. So0o he startz freakin 0ut nd hez p0urin per0xide all 0ver it nd i dun even think i was feelin the stingin fr0m it cuz it was hurtin s0o fuckin badd newaiiz. Then it st0pped bleedin nd shyt nd iz s0o fuckin s0re n0w. My m0m wantz t0 take me t0 the h0spital nd get stitchez but im n0t makin her wait in the h0spital wit me 0n her fuckin BdAii s0o i t0ld her it dun matter cuz ill juss live wit it nd n0t ruin her BdAii. But yea, my arm iz fuckin killin me. But sidez that, last nite was 0ff the chain. I was s0o fucked up!! At lyke 1.00 in the m0rnin, me nd RiA we're playin thiz vide0 game against LuBz nd AnDy. Theii w0n but 0nlii cuz theii knew h0w t0 plaii but me nd RiA kicked their ass 0ne tyme..w00t w00t! Yea, s0o i dint get h0me till fuckin 2.30 0r 3. I was guna write in here wen i was at LuBz h0use but all i did was reply t0 JoEy'z c0mment 0n my last entrii. HaHaZ, u shuld feel special!! 0 yea, nd me nd AnDy swapped spit acc0rdin t0 LuBz! LoL, nah we didnt, i mean hez my fuckin br0..it w0uld never happen, but LuBz said that cuz AnDy licked his br0wnie nd i wanted it s0o i t00k it nd ate it nd LuBz was all EWWW!! HaHa, g00d tymez. Well, my arm iz hurtin relle badd fr0m typin thiz shyt s0o imma g0. I als0 g0tz t0 get readii t0 g0 t0 the mall wit RiA nd pack t0 spend the nite 0ver her h0use. So0o i'll tell u b0ut that t0m0rr0w. Iighty, im 0utt. (( oNe ))

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 26 November :: 5.34 pm
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: ..ThE ReMeDy--JaSoN MrAz..

. HoLy ShyT..LooK aT tHiZ! .
LiL bLoNde 115: s0 wut d0 u g0tta saii b0ut all thiz
truDSgangsta: i fucked up
LiL bLoNde 115: w0w..u think?
truDSgangsta: i said im sorry
LiL bLoNde 115: h0w manii tymez have u said that t0 me?? nd h0w manii tymez have u changed??
LiL bLoNde 115: u kn0 u onlii t0ld me that t0 piss me 0ff
truDSgangsta: nah i didnt i told u cus i felt bad
LiL bLoNde 115: yea..im sure u d0..lyke last nyte 0n the f0ne..u hadda g0 sm0ke cuz it was m0re imp. t0 u than talkin t0 me while im cryin my eyez 0ut!
truDSgangsta: imp?
LiL bLoNde 115: imp0rtant
truDSgangsta: u were bithcing not cryin n u knoe dat u were smokin a blak on da fone wid me n i dont like u smokin dem
LiL bLoNde 115: oo..but u can sm0ke them?
truDSgangsta: ur a baby thoe u dont need to get into all dat shit
LiL bLoNde 115: imma baby??? haha im m0re mature than u
LiL bLoNde 115: u w0nt even tell me wut ur s.n iz u have t0 g0 on thiz 0ne
LiL bLoNde 115: nd then u im me nd r all lyke hahaha..lyke i dint kn0 it was u..ur the 0nlii 0ne i kn0 that TRIEZ t0 be all 'gangsta'
truDSgangsta: fuck u im more ghetto den u eva b
LiL bLoNde 115: wait, where u live again??
LiL bLoNde 115: lma0
truDSgangsta: go fuck bobby like u did last weeken
LiL bLoNde 115: i didnt fuck him!!! i t0ld u that u muther fucker
truDSgangsta: yea well were even now
LiL bLoNde 115: n0pe..im s0rrii..was i the 0ne that stuck my dick up every 0ther fuckin rand0m gurl thinkin..00 i w0nt get her pregnant..stupid fuck!!!
truDSgangsta: ranmdom???
truDSgangsta: bitch i knew her
LiL bLoNde 115: yea w.e..lyke u kn0 everii0ne
LiL bLoNde 115: i dun think i need thiz shyt nem0re seri0uslii..im fuckin 15
LiL bLoNde 115: i dun needa crii everii nyte 0ver u
truDSgangsta: shut da fuck up u knoe u dont cry ova me evry fuckin nite
truDSgangsta: so r u breakin up wid me
LiL bLoNde 115: hmm..am i??
LiL bLoNde 115: i think u can figure it 0ut
truDSgangsta: aight wanna b dat way
truDSgangsta: FUCK IT WERE OVA
LiL bLoNde 115: yupp..seemz lyke it
LiL bLoNde 115: w0w..u sh0w ur l0ve t0 me s0o fuckin well
LiL bLoNde 115: dun make urself think that i cant live wit0ut u..i can..nd u kn0 wutz funnii..thiz tyme i aint guna fuckin call
LiL bLoNde 115: 0k ''BaBii'' juss wait nd c
truDSgangsta: aight i got betta things to do den sit here n talk to u so peace bitch i b talkin to u in a cuple days
LiL bLoNde 115: yupp yupp..have fun nd happii fuckin
LiL bLoNde 115: dun get t00 manii 0ther gurlz pregnant..juss a lil advice
truDSgangsta: peace bitch
LiL bLoNde 115: 0k sweetii
LiL bLoNde 115: J
LiL bLoNde 115: hahaha, b0i ull be dyin t0 hear my v0ice by then
LiL bLoNde 115: t00 badd..u c0ulda had me if u dint fuck up s0 much but wutever..juss member me 20 yrz fr0m n0w wen ur sittin in ur h0use 0ld az a muther fucker wit ur 100 kidz..think b0ut me..nd wen u d0 i h0pe u realized wut u l0st
truDSgangsta: it aint gonna happen
truDSgangsta: peace
LiL bLoNde 115: yea w.e..bye
truDSgangsta signed off at 5:27:43 PM.

--Juss hadda add that..it juss happen..read b0ut wut the assh0le has t0 saii. That'z EdDy by the waii, but n0t his s.n JoEy s0o dun saii nuttin t0 him. LoLz, thx newaii th0 nd wen i find hiz real s.n u can saii wutever the fuck u want! x0x.

2 . K i S s E s | W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 26 November :: 3.20 pm
:: Mood: hopeful
:: Music: ..CrAsH nd BuRn--SaVaGe GaRdeN..

. CrAzii WkEnD..Wh0oP! .
So0o t0daii was prettii c00li0. I talked t0 LuChi b0ut JaX nd i have sum g00d newz t0 tell her..Damn JaCki, ur such a []D [] []V[] []D! HaHa, then me nd ChRiS talked b0ut EVERYTHIN nd it was nice t0 be able t0 juss tell 0ne pers0n everythin nd theii understand wut im g0in thru..dun get me wr0ng, EriN iz ALWAIIZ there f0r me but iz diff c0min fr0m a guiiz p0int. I skipped SpaNiSh t0daii nd KaTiE skipped ART nd we juss hung 0ut nd talked b0ut everything t00. That was funn. T0daii went by relle fast! Nd n0w the wkend iz here! So0o t0nyte i aint d0in shyt, t0m0rr0w iz TuRkEy Daii (( LoL, JeNNy nd AnA ))..FridAii g0in t0 the mall wit RiA nd AnDy nd iz guna be CRAZii funn nd then imma staii 0ver there h0use..SaTuRdAii, chyllen at their h0use then g0in t0 AdVenTuRa wit JeNNy. Then SuNdAii, me nd LiTa r d0in suttin but we dunn0 wut yet..prollii chyllen wit AdAm nd XaViEr..nd MoNdAii, juss guna staii h0me nd hang 0ut wit EriN wen she getz 0utta sk00l. So0o thatz my wkend. Iz guna be funn. Maybe it will get my mind 0ff thiz wh0le thing. I did suttin badd..i called EdDy last nyte nd iz lyke he dun even care h0w i feel at all!! Iz relle hurtin t0 see him lyke thiz..i mean, i alwaiiz kn0wn he was an assh0le, but he NEVER benn thiz fuckin mean t0 me nd hez dun sum prettii fucked up shyt. Damn, i l0ve him s0o much nd i feel lyke he aint luvin me back 0ne bit. Maybe it will get better. Newaiiz, imma g0 find suttin t0 d0 nd then juss chyll nd wait f0r my sis..THATZ where im g0in t0nyte..LoL, im g0in t0 sm0ke wit her. C00L c00l stuff! Iighty, im 0utt. I g0tta g0 lite 0ne up. (( oNe ))

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 25 November :: 7.12 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: ..GeT DoWn--BoW WoW..

. GuYz SuCk!! .
So0o i still feel relle fuckin hurt b0ut everythin but i guess i g0tta get 0ver it nd m0ve 0n but w0w, that was relle hard f0r me last nyte..i didnt relle have a v0ice t0dai cuz i was yellin at him s0o fuckin much last nyte. Newaiiz, 0nt0 the g00d stuff..CoLLiN was bein relle sweet t0daii nd he gave me a hug nd t0ld me t0 feel better..i relle lyke him. Neb0dii readin thiz, PLZ dun saii nethin t0 ne0ne, even th0 every0ne prettii much kn0z. I'll tell him eventualli..LoL! But seri0uslii, he'z alwaiiz makin me laugh 0r makin me feel better nd he never putz me d0wn. But yea, then i had a detenti0n nd it was s0o fuckin c0ld. But sidez that it was packed az hell! Newaiiz, t0daii was als0 kinda shyttii cuz ALL i c0uld think b0ut was last nyte nd i cried in Bi0, LiT, nd SpAniSh. But i relle needa get 0ver it. UgH, i dunn0. Well AnGeL w0nt leave me al0ne nd i talked t0 AnDy b0ut it nd hez lyke damn, hez guna have hiz kneez br0ke if he dun fuckin quit..LoLz, ur the greatest!! But i sm0ked a black wit him nd a c0uple 0f cigz..im lyke fuckin cravin the shyt n0w! Well, 0ne m0re daii 0f sk00l. T0daii was s0o great wit ChRiStiE..LoL, u made me laugh crazii l0ud! HaHaZ, thatz s0o funnii..yea, in UR dreamz. LoLz, im s0o happii we're cl0se thiz yr. Newaiiz, i relle lyke sk00l n0w. I l0ve ALL my friendz nd i met s0o manii m0re ppl thiz yr..iz crazii. Well, i talked t0 ChRiS b0ut LuChi nd JaX nd als0 b0ut EdDy nd he gave me sum relle g00d advice. Hez seri0uslii lyke 0ne 0f my cl0sest friendz thiz yr. But newaiiz, thiz yr'z benn relle g00d f0r me. HaHa, im tryin t0 think b0ut all the g00d shyt nd f0rget b0ut all the fucked up shyt b0ut EdDy that i'll type wen im in the m00d but i dun feel lyke it n0w..i t0ld enuf fuckin pplz..damn, i even t0ld JoEy s0o he w0nt feel badd thiz tyme..HeHe! 0k, well i need an0ther cig s0o ill write sum 0ther tyme. (( oNe ))

2 . K i S s E s | W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 24 November :: 10.10 pm
:: Mood: mixed emotions
:: Music: ..NoNe..

. ToO MaNii TeArZ i'Ve CriEd .
OMG!! I fuckin hate playerz, druggiez, assh0lez, dickz..uGh, juss b0iifriendz. I hate it..im 0ver it, s0o fuckin 0ver thiz shyt. Nd that'z fuckin it cuz i cant be happii nem0re. He treatz me lyke shyt!!!!!! I'm outt.

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 24 November :: 3.27 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: ..BiLLy MaDiSoN..

. MoNdAii aLL oVeR aGaiN .
HmM, t0daii was 0kie d0kie. Chylled at sk00l nd then g0t a detenti0n again. I fuckin hate Ms. B0rawski..shez s0o fuckin gaii!!Newh0, CoLLiN fucked up my f0ne t0daii cuz he dr0pped it thr0win it t0 eLLiOt nd n0w iz all weird. JoEy w0uldnt let me see his answerz t0daii! LoLz, but newaii nuttin else relle. HaHa EriN, yesterdaii was funn. EVRY0NE..Findin Nem0 iz me nd Er'z _FAVE_ m0vie nd n0 0ne else kn0z it betta than us. LoL, ilu gurlii! Well, JeNNy br0ke my ID tag s0o n0w i g0tsta buii a new 0ne. Newaiiz, i dun relle g0t nuttin else t0 saii but i cant wait till the wkend nd MY BDAII!! YaY..iz 0nlii 9 daiiz awaii. LoL, l00k at my j0urnal ic0n..i'll change it back t0 the JackasS 0ne after my bdaii! Okie d0kie, im outty. PeacE. (( oNe ))

W a N t . a . K i S s ?

:: 2003 23 November :: 1.37 am
:: Mood: peaceful
:: Music: ..FeeLiN tHiS--bLiNk 182..

. i'Ll LeAvE wEn i WaNa .
Holy shyt!! Was last nite the best fuckin nyte ever!! Me nd SheA went h0me wit JacKi. We chylled at the h0use nd then HaRRiSoN came over. He t00k us t0 the CIGAR FACT0RY..AhH, best place ever!! Nd he b0ught me a BLACK nd JacKi a pack 0f ReDz. Nd then we b0ught sum beerz nd drank nd he dr0ve us back nd left. So0o we g0t readii f0r the f00tball game ((We didnt win StaTeS!!)). We went t0 din din first nd then me nd JaCk sm0ked 0ur black. LoLz! Nd then JoN picked us up nd we went t0 the game nd me nd JaX payed him t0 get us an eighth 0f weed. Wen we g0t t0 the game, SheA did her 0wn thing nd me nd JaCki chylled wit FaN, LucHi, J wEiNeR, NiCk, DeMaRc0, JeNkZ, ViNceNt, ToM, ViC, KeiTh, ChRiStiE, CeFaLi, LaUrA M, nd StePh. We sm0ked a b0wl nd me nd JaX g0t s0o0o fucked up..hahaz. Then we juss chylled nd after the game we g0t 0ur weed nd JoN t00k me t0 the st0re f0r a pack of BLACKZ. Then we g0t back t0 the h0use nd HaRRiSoN came over nd me, him, JaX, nd JoN did thiz fuckin 4 FOOT bong!! LoLz, then me nd JaCki drank sum m0re nd did sum 0ther stuff..LoL nd m0s DEF passed 0ut! WoW, last nyte was s0o much fun..sm0ked 0ut twice, drank twice, sm0ked 3 blackz ((Nd i still g0t 2)), nd then i sm0ke a wh0le pack 0f cigz, which aint g00d. Then t0daii, me nd EriN went t0 the mall t0 buii l0tz 0f shyt..it was s0o much fuckin funn!! LoL, o0o0o 35!!! HaHa, then my sis g0t me ar0und 6.3o nd we sm0ked 0ut nd sm0ked a black nd i sm0ked a c0uple cigz..im DEF gettin addicted! That sux but newaiiz then we went t0 the SJS carnival which DEF sucked..till LuBz came, even th0 it still sucked maj0r ass. UgH, i hate the carnivalz..there s0o lame! It w0ulda benn awesum if JacKi came but her dad w0uldnt let my sis c0me pick her up, but iz all g00d. Yupp, i saw RiCkY MiRaNdA..LoL, he used t0 lyke g0 everiwhere wit me till my sis nd him br0ke it up but iz all g00d..hez married n0w. Yea, s0o then RiA, the babii, LuBz, MaNda, TaBiTha, nd AnDrEw came 0ver nd chylled. LoLz, my m0m luvz AnDrEw cuz MiSs BoBbiE used t0 babysit him. Yea, s0o n0w theii all left. My sis relle wanted me t0 spend the nite but i seri0uslii g0t n0 fuckin sleep last nite! It was great th0. LoLz, we g0tta d0 it again. I l0ve u JaCkz!! Ur my besti f0r lyfe gurl! x0x. HeHe, well i'm actuallii prettii tired..DuRr..s0o i think imma g0 t0 sleep. Iighty, im 0utt. (( oNe ))

2 . K i S s E s | W a N t . a . K i S s ?

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