2004 19 June :: 12.34am
:: Mood: good
:: Music: ..0n ndD oN -->> eAm0n..
. w0w..crazyy c0uple 0f dayysz! .
damn, d0 i have a fuckiin wh0le l0tta shyt t0 sayy .. this isz guna be the l0ngest j0urnal entry ever. 0k, let's start wit thuRsdayy. g0t 0ff w0rk at 6 pm cuz the niight ladyy didnt c0me in. went t0 jaX'z h0use nd sm0kedD wit her br0. then we were guna g0 t0 the m0viesz but we wantedD t0 chyll wit pe0ple s0o i was lyke .. let's chyll wit this kidD miKe (( phiL nd chAz's h0meb0yy )). s0o we went 0ver there nd phiL was there. i felt wierd nd jaX knew it s0 she was lyke i want y0u t0 meet my b0yfriiendD aLex. s0o we left cuz i wantedD t0 meet hiim newayysz nd he 0nly livesz lyke 5 miinutesz away fr0m miKe. s0o we went t0 aLex's h0use nd w0w, he's an awesumm kidD. me nd hiim are pretty straight friendsz n0w. then we went t0 b0nefiish (( her 0ld j0b )) nd chylledD wit p0tter, hannah - yuCk!, nd sum 0ther awesumm kidDs. then we went back t0 miKe's nd jaX was drunk 0ff her ass nd she was talkiin b0ut fuckiin her b0yfriendD t0 me nd miKe. then me nd jaX left nd went t0 her h0use nd passedD 0ut. fRidayy, w0ke upp nd cashedD 0ur checksz, went sh0ppiing nd then hung 0ut at aLex's f0r a c0uple h0ursz. then luChi wantedD t0 chyll. s0o we were 0n 0ur wayy 0ver there nd aLex texts jaX sayiin he's guna g0 chyll wit haNnah which isnt c00l cuz haNnah wantsz t0 fuck hiim 0r sum shyt. s0o jaX wantedD t0 g0 t0 haNnah's t0 bytch hiim nd her 0ut s0o i went 0ver there nd thiingsz g0t fuckedD upp. jaX g0t s0o pissedD that she punchedD a liight p0st nd br0ke 2 of her fiingersz. s0o insteadD 0f g0iin t0 the h0spital .. she wantedD t0 g0 t0 miKe's .. l0l that's g00d stuff. then she hadda g0 h0me s0o she c0uldD tell her parentsz wut happenedD. s0o i went t0 miKe's nd s0o much happenedD. he t0ld me he relle lykedD me nd he saidD that i'm s0o h0tt that wen he l00ksz at me he c0uldD jerk 0ff nd fantasiize b0ut me. l0l, he was drunk .. nd s0 was i. l0l, then we made0ut nd he fingeredD me nd i suckedD hiis dick. it was a g00d niight last niight. i left at 12.3o am nd went t0 riA's f0r the niight cuz i hadda get my car fixedD this m0rniing. s0o we w0ke upp nd i g0t my car fixedD! i g0t a wh0le new fr0nt end. it's awesumm shyt. it juss has t0 be paiintedD nd he has t0 straighten the framew0rk 0r sum shyt s0o wen the wh0le fam leavesz f0r the h0use we rentedD iin napLesz f0r 5 dayy 0n 4th 0f juLy weekend (( guna be crazyy! )), the guyy is guna take my car back nd fix it upp nd take it t0 hiis friendD t0 get it paintedD. yAyErSz!! i s0o can't wait. s0 while i was waitiin f0r my car which t00k 6 h0ursz, i watchedD lil' anDy nd then my sis nd anDy came h0me nd we all went 0ut t0 dinner. it was wierdD wit juss the 4 0f us. s0o t0niight .. went t0 jaX's nd gave her sum shyt she left it my car then we hung 0ut wit daN baRt0n, chRistian, nd sum 0ther kidD. sm0kedD a blunt (( shiitty 0ne )) nd juss chylledD. then i left nd went 0ver miKe's. phiL came 0ver while i was there (( he's beiin s0o gayy! )) nd he was all barredD upp nd he wantedD t0 g0 t0 bL0ckbuSter s0 me, hiim nd miKe went nd we g0t kiLL biLL cuz i relle wantedD miKe t0 see it nd Lord 0f the riingsz. s0o we g0t back t0 miKe's h0use nd he's lyke phiL y0u sh0uldD g0 .. nd shyt. nd phiL g0t pissedD cuz he saidD it's fuckedD upp h0w i'm hangiin 0ut wit miKe nd all this shyt nd then he walkedD 0ut nd me nd miKe startedD t0 watch kiLL biLL but h0nestlyy, we didnt watch n0t 0ne minute 0f that m0vie .. l0l. he fingeredD me nd ate me 0ut nd shyt. then he did sum freakyy shyt which felt damn g00d. l0l, nd i t0ldD hiim he made me wet nd he went fuckiin crazyy nd alm0st bustedD. l0l, then he was juss talkiin b0ut h0w he wantsz me s0o badD nd then .. he askedD me 0ut. nd me, the gurl wh0 wantedD sum0ne s0o badD, t0ld hiim i juss wantedD t0 be friendDsz but we c0uldD still h00k upp nd i th0ught that w0uldD make hiim happy but he was lyke .. n0, i want y0u all t0 myself. i wana be wit y0u. nd he juss kept sayiin shyt lyke that nd then eRin calledD nd we were switchiin the f0ne fr0m me t0 hiim s0 she c0uld talk t0 b0th 0f us nd wen i g0t it 0ne tiime he was fuckiin wit me s0o badD. l0l, nd then he startedD m0aniin in the f0ne nd he hung upp 0n her. l0l, we came s0o cl0se t0 fuckiin but i hadda be h0me at 11.3o nd since he livesz in p0mpan0 i hadda leave at 11.15 nd it was already lyke 11.o5 0r sumthiin nd i didnt wana quickiie .. l0l, i want it t0 be g00d. nd the funniest part is wen he was walkiin me 0ut t0 his car .. there was lyke sum 13 or 14 year 0ld gurl wit her her friendD nd he was lyke y0u wana sh0w them wut theyy can l00k f0rwardD t0. l0l nd he pickedD me upp nd put me in the bedD 0f his truck nd was hardc0re makiing 0ut wit me nd he was lyke m0an s0o i did nd the little gurlsz were juss stariing at us .. it was funny as fuck. nd he t0ld me that 0ne 0f them livesz a c0uple h0uses d0wn nd has benn in l0ve wit hiim since he was lyke 13 nd she w0uldD lyke c0me t0 his d00r nd ask f0r hiim .. l0l, it was funny stuff. yea, s0o then i left nd he saidD he wantsz t0 hang 0ut t0m0rr0w niight s0o imma try t0 g0 0ver there t0m0rr0w.
but yea, summ crazyy weekendD nd it aiint 0ver yet! l0l, my feeliingsz f0r miKe are wierdD. he's fuckiin h0tt as hell nd awesum at everythiing else .. haha .. but i juss dun want ne0ne riight n0w but i'd l0ve t0 juss be friendDsz --wit benefiitsz-- f0r n0w. i dunn0, he t0ldD me t0 thiink b0ut it nd let hiim kn0 if my mindD changesz. newh0, i'm juss guna have t0 thiink ab0ut it. l0l, s0rry f0r readiing my st0riesz b0ut fuckiin wit miKe but heyy, y0u readD the shyt. l0l cant wait f0r t0m0rr0w niight.
... f0rg0t t0 save this nd i juss g0t 0ff the f0ne wit eRin. she pretty much calledD me a slut but in an indirect kinda wayy ..? maybe i am .. i wish i c0uld be lyke her nd wait f0r the riight pers0n .. i mean, i kn0 imma fuck hiim nd he'll be the 3rd pers0n alreadyy .. it's crazyy. ugh, i dunn0 .. n0w i feel lyke a disgustiing pers0n. newh0, tiredD as fuck s0o i'm g0iin t0 bedD. niight. (( oNe )) --> i l0ve y0u jaX!! x0x
W a N t . a . K i S s ?
2004 19 June :: 12.16am
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: anthem of our dying day // story of the year
just a ghost to the world. thats exactly what i need.
yuh. i did a few chores today. then jackie & i went to the mall. i got the cutest outfit from Abercrombie & Fitch =) & she got a few things from Hollister =) i'm glad she has a car, otherwise we'd never see each other.
Got home, showed carol my new outfit, um... she tried it on =) and she got a new Bebe outfit, but i didn't try that on, although it could be useful for later. um... went over there.... babysat. lotsa freaking kids. idk who is paying me, or if i'm getting any money. but i had fun for the most part. i walked in and daniel was making fun of the gay dude on road rules, so i made fun of daniel & gave him a big wedgie, then all the girls giggled & laughed, then i played hide & seek with them... unfortunately they got bossy & annoying so we decided to play monopoly.... then it got annoying with that because these are some spoiled rotten, bad attitude kids. so i quit & watched t.v. while they finished playing. then they jumped in bed.... i gave them their kisses goodnight... lalala and they just hung out... within 15 minutes all the parents came home.
got a call from santos... lord knows what's wrong with him. crazy kid. thank god he said he had to go.
talking to jonah, neil & felipe right now. jonah & felipe are trying to embarrass each other. jonah made out with his pillow pretending it was a mermaid when he was 5 yrs. old & felipe wet his bed til he was 9 yrs. old. boy do i love being in the middle. lol <3 neil got very.... yuh.... funny kid. at times he thought he was dead. lol <3
anyways, i'm off to.... idk where. clean up my bed. there's so much crap on it cause i don't like putting things away after i take them out. a habit i need to break. lalala goodnight loves.
danielle lemme know if we are going sunday night er.... not =/
W a N t . a . K i S s ?
2004 17 June :: 10.10pm
everyone moves on
yeah everyone is headed for the world of livejournal.com. i'm there.... just not completely.
i woke up early. 12ish. talked to jonah. watched my soaps. casual day. with ANOTHER headache.
got kaila's invite. gurrrlllll of course i'm going =) danielle & i are gonna show up dressed like paris & nicky, u know. haha <3
MISTER NEIL GOT HIS LICENSE. <333 i miss him so much. ahhh.
yeah so i've been listening to this song ALL day. sounds like no doubt... but no its definitely ashlee simpson =)
went to my park vista cheerleading meeting. new coach. yeah she's pretty cool. um... we got all our camp clothes in... but i can't get it til i pay for it in full. they made us pay $147.15 today... and next time we pay another $147.15 i think & then we get clothes? idk total = $294.30. plus the camp itself which was $110. which adds up to $404.30. good stuff. i'm glad my parents don't bitch about cheerleading. we're using Palm Beach Elite's gym for gym days. awesome! wayyyyy better than cheerformance with atlantic. SHHHHHIIIIITTTTTT. thank god i'm cheering here. =)
lalalalalala i love dancing in the panties =)
um... anyways... i have major babysitting tomorrow night 1,2,3,4,5,6, maybe 7 kids? idk it won't be a good pay either... if any. i wish jonah could accompany me? but i don't think he would approve. ahhh.... he's probably going to read this... five days from now. lala MUAH BABAY! xoxo
um Britt called me. ugh. 1/2 hour of worthless talking. yeah he called cause he was bored. and then i was like, "o thanks" and he goes "no... i just needed a reason to call u cause i have been wanting to, but i can't cause u will think i'm weird, so now that i have a reason... i can call" i was like... ugh just go away. but w/e
o and last night ryan called too. poor boy sprained his ankle, fractured it, pulled a muscle... he doesn't know & neither do i. but hopefully he doesn't need a cast. so weird. i never thought him & i would end up as good of friends as we are now. he calls me like every other day. idk its awesome. he's the best outta the LOS boys. he knows it too. he should be coming back from boca....... sunday? i won't be able to see him tho.
sunday night = rooney concert... if danielle & i get to go. we'll see. i'm ready. =)
ok headache again. groton's parents are looking to buy a house in the LOS again WEEEEEEEEEE yay! awesome +cries+ that would be a dream. next shooting star i see..... i have to wish upon it for her. <3
DyingEyes608: robert called me back......told me we needed to get off the drugs
out. <3 holllllllllllll - er u sexay thang.
W a N t . a . K i S s ?
2004 17 June :: 1.28pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: ..311 cdD..
. thiNkiing thiinGs 0ver nd 0ver aGaiin .
0mg, wen will all this drama END! i swear 0nce 0ne thiing is fiine, s0methiin else gets fuckedD upp. last niite, edDy t0ldD me he l0ved me nd me nd jaX are gettiin t0 be g00d friendsz again. s0o i wake upp this m0rniin nd phiL c0mes int0 me nd eRin's c0nv0. nd n0w we're fightiin again .. whiile she's 1ooo milesz away in iNDiANA. i hate her friendD haiLee .. she's is a tw0-facedD bytch .. she h00kedD upp wit phiL nd i fuckiin cant standD her ass. UGH!! nuthiin will ever w0rk 0ut riight. this week has benn 0kay. w0rkiin nd then d0iin shyt after w0rk .. chyllen wit riA nd jeNny. t0niight after w0rk, i'm stayiin 0ver jaX's h0use nd then we're g0iin sh0ppiin fRidayy. i h0pe it takesz my miind 0ff all this shyt .. i fuckiin hate drama! newh0, weiNer thiinks i'm stupidD f0r bec0miin jaX's friiendD again but 0utta all my friends .. she is 0ne that was ALWAYS there f0r me nd alwayys knew wut t0 d0. Wen i g0t int0 all that shyt in SEBASTiAN, jaX was 0n the ph0ne wit me 24.7 nd telliin her dad that theyy neededD t0 c0me get me cuz i was scaredD t0 shyt .. whiile eRin was gettiin drunk 0ff her ass wit fRanKie nd juStin. see, little shyt lyke that is wut makes me thiink eRin d0nt care. h0nestlyy, if i was her, i w0uld t0ld haiLee it was bytch wut she was d0iing .. but n0, eRin acts lyke it's fiine cuz she g0t everythiing she ever wantedD .. chAz. Nd she sayys h0w she dun wana get in the middle 0f it .. but she listens t0 haiLee explain t0 her h0w awesum phiL is .. that's gettin in the middle riight there. g0d, the 0nlyy 0ne that understandsz riight n0w is jaX .. thank g0d we're gettiin t0 be best friends again .. i miss telliing her everythiing .. i l0ve her s0o much .. l0l, she the greatest! nd i'm s0o happy f0r her nd aLex .. they're madD cute t0gether. y d0es he have t0 g0 t0 c0llege 0utta s0uth fL0rida. it suxx .. everyy l0ng distance relati0nshiip d0es but i think she can get thr0ugh it. <33 0kay, i feel a little bit better. Later h0esz. (( oNe ))
W a N t . a . K i S s ?
2004 17 June :: 12.22am
:: Mood: bitchy
life is stunning. or not.
i feel like someone gave me a million diamonds... but nobody did.
o0o0o0o ELLEN! uh... i got a call from this place today... called JOHN ROBERT POWERS *shrug* they offered me an interview... idk but i know my mommy won't let me do it either... i wish i could sign too. maybe if u can convince ur parents? 561-655-2777 EXT. 207. i don't know that's what they told me to call.... if i can convince my parents to say yes. lalala. i'm in the same situation... maybe we can work out a plan to get outta all this and make this work FOR us instead of AGAINST us? idk <3
anyways..... i fought with daddy today. duh! he thinks i am going anorexic or something? idk i don't even want to talk about it. +hide me+ besides that... after danielle left... i got rejected AGAIN my mommy taking me to see jonah... and then brittany offered... but yeah THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. uh. o well. so i was dragged to brandsmart to look for kitchen appliances with the rest of the family. that was enjoyable. not. the only part that was... was when i was dancing like crazy to songs from different radios & mommy caught me and gave me a funny look. then me & my brother were pretending to jump off the second floor... and TAZ the guy that was helping my parents look for appliances yelled at us. um... then when i was singing to random songs.... mommy gave me another funny look... i do need to do more songwriting tho. i put it off.... but i've had ideas popping left and right.... i just don't write it down. stupid blonde. yikes.
jonah isn't in a good mood. so i guess i should just steer away from him tonight cause i guess i'm making him in a less enjoyable mood than he already is... and i don't like doing that. wish i knew how to cheer the boy up. i love boys. hehe.
um... i watched SIMPLE LIFE 2. good stuff. then i watched the ashlee simpson show. damn that inspires me so much. her & her boyfriend broke up tho. =/ cute couple... but not meant for each other. o well there are many fish in the sea. umm.... independence is always something every girl has to count on. i know i do. its just natural.
so i'm out. wow christian is online. i gotta talk to him! <3 peace. xoxo
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W a N t . a . K i S s ?
2004 16 June :: 5.51pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: #7 on Writings on the Wall // Destiny's Child
plain jane neighborhood fun.
hehe. ms. danielle groton slept over last night. party!
walked over to jb's & mike's house. got them. then jb made me a seal and threw hula hoops over me. ummm then franky came outside. we all talked and then went to franky's house. um... franky is nasty. that is the end of that story. so we ran to my house & grabbed money & took a long walk to albertsons. ummm frank's friend picked him up 1/2 way there. thank god. um... we got there and everyone working gave us a look like we were high, but i don't do that shit. so i said something to jb and he tackled my ass straight on the floor in the middle of aisle 6B.... yikes. we bought gummy worms & coke & stuff... then my stupid debit card didn't work. ugh! so danielle paid for it. i owe her. um.... we got stuck in the rain. walking back. so we chilled under the gas station & then i said "fcuk it, i'm gettin' my ass home b4 it rains harder" so we took a "short cut" according to mike... but it didn't feel like a short cut. it was more of a field of dirt & mud. whatever we made it home around... 11:30pm. then they came over to my house and we sat in my porch playing monopoly forever. jb & mike are evil players. yikes. so around 2am they left & danielle & i sat around my room... talking... girly junk... remembering old times.. music..... u know the drill. we found an interesting discovery that trevor from last boy standing in the YM magazine is on facethejury.com. ironic. we don't have lives. then we final went to bed around 5am. but we stayed up an extra 1/2 hour cause my dad tooted outta his ass in his sleep & we heard it.... from the living room. so yeah then we had the giggles. but we eventually fell asleep. danielle woke me up around noon... i can't blame her... i sleep like a rock but there is so much noise in my house... w/e. then we called over jb and mike. we played monopoly AGAIN and mike kicked our ass... AGAIN.... biatch. we will get him one day. uhhhh... then we sat in my room beating the shit outta each other for pillows and blankets. that was an LOS moment. i wish i had a video camera. the things u tend to do when u get bored. so many personalities together... so different, yet we all get along so easily. it would just prove that every clique in high school has the ability to get along.
frank = goth, jb = jew/ wannabe surfer / wigger, danielle g = wild, brittany = party girl, michael = computer geek, robert = car dude, ryan = boca boy / party/ surfer, me = small preppy girl, danielle b = funny, open-minded, trent = druggy / thinks he is hot & can get any girl attitude, shane = the only black dude haha muah!, travis = druggy, courtney = party / funny / crazy girl.
wow. but i miss those days. anyways i just took a shower & since mommy has bitched that she doesn't WANT to take me anywhere.... this means once again i have been rejected to see jonah. w/e him & alexie are going to the movies. already saw the movie tho. =/ enjoy muah! <3
taken from ellen <333 ya girly! xoxo
 My life is rated PG-13. What is your life rated?
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W a N t . a . K i S s ?
2004 14 June :: 9.15pm
:: Mood: i want 2 party.
:: Music: one way or another // blondie
its life.
one day - fighting with ur boyfriend because ur jealous.... and selfish.
another day - hanging out with a friend... just a simple girl's night & enjoying loud music, laughs, talks & movies.
then u get a voice message from ur boyfriend & remember why u told him yes when he asked u out 8 months ago. and u spend endless hours of the nights on the phone talking & torturing. only he knows tho.
plus u get ur hair cut & do some shopping.... not spending any of ur OWN money.... its awesome. <333
confessions of a blonde bombshell. fun. sexy. pretty. innocent. lovable. cute. hot. wild. crazy. girly. glam. i want to party. dance on tables, dress up, & just have fun like paris & nicky. what a wild girl. <3 me. enjoy ur summer. cause i am enjoying mine.
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W a N t . a . K i S s ?
2004 13 June :: 6.09pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: with you // jessica simpson
NOW count how many times ur name is mentioned in ONE entry. <3
i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah. i<3jonah.
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W a N t . a . K i S s ?
2004 13 June :: 5.37pm
yay. i finally just got off work. long, slow day.
when erica makes the schedule i think she purposely puts me with either the old guys or all the girls this way there is no interaction between us. well... today... because i switched days with edward... i got to work with people that i actually talk to.
i took abuse from walter again today... frickin' hit my arm. tipped over the cart s0o i fell off... and then laughed at me for the stupid stuff i did & didn't realize... cause i was half asleep. he made me tie stupid balloons cause he wasn't talented enough to do so. nor was kyle. kyle indirectly called me a clown today. grrr.
Bri: "all u have to do... is TIE it, duh!"
Kyle: "we don't work at the circus so we dunno how."
Bri: ...... +dirrty look+
Kyle: "not that u do either.... i mean...."
bri: "zip it." :o)
then i met this kid pete... idk i guess he works at night cause i've never seen him before & everyone knows him so he can't be that new.
gina was in today.... trouble maker.
this 17 year old girl, stephanie was late to work... just met her too. she only knew who i was cause of my mother... but she got kicked outta her house for something or other.. whatever. says she just slept over a friends house... but i bet she was having sex & doing drugs... she looks like a fat hoe. =/
when i went to lunch i ran into michael. he is so skinny, but when he gives me a hug, he squeezes the shit outta me. everytime i turned around today he was there.... like when he was on lunch... he sat and talked to me. Cherri Hood hadda yell at him cause he couldn't talk to me while i was working. then it was funny cause before i left i ran into him & instead of paying attention to what he was doing... he was trying to act all suave.... but it didn't work cause he dropped a big box of gatorade & 2 of the bottles broke open & spilled. hehe.
i began to ease drop on donell complaining to Cherri Hood about how she isn't getting back office nor customer service. and i just want to turn around & say, "if u decided not to steal that money, then Lost Prevention wouldn't have had to come. AND u would be back there right now... but NO... u can't now, cause they know u just wanna go back there and steal more money... i can't wait 'til they come & surprise u with handcuffs in a giftbox so u get ur fake innocent self outta here."
other than that.... i enjoyed work. i<3people =) o and i lost 3 pounds since the beginning of summer. i'm happy about that. ttyl i've gotta make a weird entry.... u'll see. but its for someone in particular.
W a N t . a . K i S s ?
2004 12 June :: 11.22am
:: Mood: relieved
:: Music: ..i miSs y0u -->> inCuBuS..
. n0 m0re dRama! .
Thank g0d all the drama between every0ne nd their m0m these last few daysz isz 0VER. I wasnt guna g0 0ut t0 dinner wit eRin last niight juss t0 make her madD .. but i did nd we talkedD b0ut al0tta shyt. I juss dun care b0ut phiL nem0re .. fuck hiim. chAz isz awesum as hell nd that's wut i care b0ut. After dinner, we went t0 T0WERSZ nd i saw amBer ch0pski nd i g0t t0 meet her h0tt new man. l0l, they're cute t0gether. Then we juss chylledD back at eRin's h0use nd she t0ld me i c0uld readD her j0urnal .. the 0ne 0n paper .. isz relle pers0nal nd shyt. Nd w0w, i never knew she caredD s0o much ab0ut me. It made me cry nd wen i readD the 0ne ab0ut h0w much she l00ksz upp t0 my m0m nd h0w she wishesz she c0uld be apart 0f such a great family .. it was juss such an em0tional part 0f last niight. I'm s0o happy i g0t t0 see h0w she relle felt .. it sh0wedD me she relle d0es care. Newh0 .. t0niight, i'm g0iing 0ut wit jeNny. l0l, yesterdayy we went t0 weSt paLm nd t00k A1A all the wayy back .. it t00k lyke an h0ur nd a half .. but we g0t t0 see all the h0ttiesz at the beach .. w00t! Then i talkedD t0 jaX nd she startedD cryiin cuz she miissesz me s0o we're chyllen 0n sunDayy .. ALL DAYY. l0l, nd then m0ndayy .. 8 h0ur shiift!! 0 wellsz, i'm g0ne 0utta herre. Later st0nersz. (( oNe ))
W a N t . a . K i S s ?