2009 22 June :: 1.51am
Selling my desktop, here's the craigslist link. I would make it a better deal for any folks that I know.
I'm much more interested in motorbikes and outdoors adventuring these days
4 Little Tykes |
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2009 21 June :: 12.08pm
hello everyone.
this class is kicking my ass. Ive turned to drinking copious amounts of alcohol as the solution. maybe not the greatest idea.
I want a god damned chimichanga.
1 Little Tyke |
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2009 19 June :: 10.20pm
Getting married in the morning...... Sweet niblets!
2 Little Tykes |
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2008 12 April :: 8.23am
Idea for graduate admission paper: Analyze three or four contemporary American novels (1980 to present) cataloging the decline and/or transformation of religion in the American population. Contemporary cultural criticism; additional information found from research polls and other cultural articles related to thesis.
So exciting!
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2009 18 June :: 2.52am
got my helmet and gloves today, might just get my bike this week
motorbike adventures!
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2009 17 June :: 5.10pm
Singleton 12 year aged single malt scotch whiskey, it even smells definitive.
1 Little Tyke |
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2009 16 June :: 10.01pm
Tired of hearing old dudes talk about pills that give them boners every time there is a TV on.
but anyway, I got my new license and am gonna do some 40s after midnight
5 Little Tykes |
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2009 16 June :: 7.24am
few people here will get this, but the ones that will do will lol
chelsea; show this to AJ he'll laugh his ass off.

3 Little Tykes |
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2009 15 June :: 12.51pm
:: Music: Dashboard Confessional- The Swiss Army Romance
Making up a history, it's nothing from the life you lead/ But man, will they buy all your lines...
Sleep with all the lights on. You're not so happy. You're not secure.
You're dying to look cute in your blue jeans, but you're plastic just like everyone.
You're just like everyone.
And that face you paint is pressed impressing most of us as permanent and I'd like to see you undone.
College night will draw the crowds. Dorms unload and you're heading out.
Here is your moment to shine. Making up a history.
It has nothing from the life you lead.
But man, will they buy all your lines.
Sleep with all the sheets off your bearing your mattress, bearing your soul.
And you're dying to look smooth with your tattoos but you're searching just like everyone and could be anyone.
And those friends you have are the best impressing most of us as permanent and I'd like to see you undone.
Youth's the most unfaithful mistress.
Still we forge ahead to miss her.
Rushing our moment to shine.
Making up a history, it's nothing from the life you lead but man, will they buy all your lines.
We're not twenty-one, but the sooner we are, the sooner the fun will begin.
So get out your fake eyelashes, and fake I.D's, and real disasters ensue.
It's cool to take these chances. It's cool to fake romances and grow up fast.
2 Little Tykes |
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2009 14 June :: 6.08pm

bad idea.
4 Little Tykes |
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2009 14 June :: 12.24am
:: Music: New Atlantic -
Update the status.
I seem to have lost my "Plan B!" envelope...anyone seen it? Big label on the front and the words "Property of Kelly Edly" on the back bottom middle. If you've seen this or have any information please contact me A.S.A.P.
Why? Because Im adrift in a sea of loathing in my mind. I cant help but try to stay busy.
I'm home from the Marines. I cannot go back. I will not be a Marine. Ever. -That part hurt me alot- Ive been home for a good month almost 2 now. I made it all the way to Forming day 3 before they said "Im sorry recruit, but unfortunately your trip ends here." Those were the exact words said to my by the Lieutenant who did my eye exam. Her Lieutenant Commander then walked over to me and sat me down in a waiting room to the side. Slap on the shoulder and said "Your trip is over. Just dont let it get you down. Take a moment, I know Id need one."
I arrived on the 14th of April, The 27th I was home and officially no longer in the service of the USMC,
I have Keratoconus in my right eye and very mild case in my left. This eye disease is a permanent disqualification for all service branches.
-Stop for a moment there. Think about that situation. I left with nothing, I expected a lifetime of service. I expected to restart life with this. I walk into it with all the confidence I can muster. I want to be there. Im willing to take a bullet(or worse) in the name of my country and the men/women who would serve around me.-
Ok so, you get told your done. Youre going home. Whats worse? Youre going home or the bonus that you could quite probably go blind in the future? WOooooo...Slap in the face aye? Ya.
I spent 10days in RSP(Recruit Seperation Platoon) during which time you process paper for leaving once your turn comes around. You dont get mail. You dont get to write mail. You work. You clean. You sit. You eat. You sit. You work. You sleep. You work. This is the life of the RSP. Depression was a huge thing in there. Gah. we had on average 35-40 recruits being sent home. Some in for refusing orders, some for depression, some for lies, some for drugs, the occasion assault case, and the broken(medicals) Out of ~35 recruits guess how many truely wanted to be there still How many wanted a second chance. Answer? 5 or less. Me being one.
The day I left the depot I left with 2 others both medical leaves on T-45/49. They were practically Marines. So close. One going home for being allergic to his own sweat the other for asthma. Shit deal.
Im home I cannot serve but God damn would I like to. I love the Marines. Semper Fidelis Devildogs! I stop by the Grand Rapids office here and there to say hello to Sgt Mullins and see if he needs someone to help watch his DEP pool. Fun nights. He's up for promotion and moving to another recruit station where he will be in charge this fall. Grats to him.
Im looking for a job. Im not finding much of possible stuff. I keep looking though.
I need a life plan again. I know what I like to do and it doesnt involve jobs really. I have no aspirations of wanting to go to school again.
Im single. I dont mind it. I dont look for a girl really. Mostly because I dont find myself going out. I dont idealize picking girls up a bars. I hardly drink. Sigh. Oh well.
I should be depressed. I manage to not be. Forgive and Forget. Live and let live.
5 Little Tykes |
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2009 13 June :: 12.36pm
watching a show on the history channel about big siege weapons
giant trebuchet, wanna see them fire that, thing's huge
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2009 13 June :: 1.31am
hockey fight, I'm pissed off
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2009 12 June :: 11.10pm
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2009 11 June :: 7.29pm
retro vans, slip on
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2009 9 June :: 4.55pm
I might get a motorcycle
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2009 9 June :: 3.34am
Project shockwave is complete and ready for phase 2, being implementation
The media center is almost ready and I owe Dennis some money tomorrow
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2009 8 June :: 10.03pm
It's gonna be a long night in the lab
2 Little Tykes |
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2009 7 June :: 10.53pm
saturday night i was at cheers, i got drunk and sang karaoke it was awesome!
5 Little Tykes |
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2009 6 June :: 3.04am
Go see The Hangover
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2009 5 June :: 8.37pm
Dark Knight Plot Hole?
Everyone remembers when Dent says that he is Batman on TV, well why is that people automatically believed him? Was it because the two were never seen in the same place at at the same time? Believable but a very weak argument. But I can nearly guarantee that they have been seen in different places at the same time. Think about it, a politician running for office is bound to go to a few evening fundraisers, and I say a few loosely, whereas Batman's hours of operations are during that same time frame.
So why did Gotham believe him? Well I think it has to do with mass media, and if this was Nolan's intentions well he is certainly one of the most brilliant filmmakers of our time. A well groomed man in a suit with a smiling face says something outlandish on television and people believe it, no matter how absurd it may be. Everyone believes it because they are being told by every media outlet that it is true.
7 Little Tykes |
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2009 3 June :: 7.27pm
Heartbeat with a high demand/ Often will go hand in hand/ But I'm sick of just starting plans/ I wanna spend the rest of my life...
again tomorrow.
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2009 3 June :: 3.05am
Shadow on the Sun - Audio Slave
Read more..
I can tell you why
People die alone
I can tell you why
The shadow on the sun
Staring at the loss
Looking for the cause
And never really sure
Nothing but a hole
To live without a soul
And nothing to be learned
I can tell you why
People go insane
I can show you how
You could do the same
I can tell you why
The end will never come
I can tell you on
The shadow on the sun
Read more..
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2009 2 June :: 4.13pm
" People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because its safer to harass rich women than motorcycle clubs"
3 Little Tykes |
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2009 1 June :: 6.19pm
sooo... i need a new job. can anyone help?
2 Little Tykes |
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2009 1 June :: 3.57am
Rarely in computer networking do you resolve your connection by adding more complexity to the network. For some reason that fixed mine this evening.
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2009 30 May :: 9.53pm
people are fucking pissing me off. i am being fucking taken advantage of and can't say anyting because i dont have a backbone and am so stressed everyday there that i am brought to tears because i know she is taking advantage of me. sucks ass. people are stupid..
its shitty.
1 Little Tyke |
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2009 30 May :: 1.43pm
SoundBite, Toshiba M305 notebook

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