2006 26 April :: 11.08pm
i would never ask for someone else or something else but why does everything have to go wrong. i just want ONE day to be free of worries or concerns for us. i hate being so far away,
gonna go cry. again.
i love you though.
speak the unspoken
2006 25 April :: 1.56pm
*phew... sigh of relief.
in other news.. H's prom promise spiel went good today. I figured that'd be a good message instead of handing out crappy pens. Feedback?
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2006 24 April :: 9.57pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Empty Apartment-- Yellow Card
Right now I believe I am in some state of Nirvana because I feel like I an on top of the world!!
Theresa did a trial run on makeup for prom and DAMN. I usually don't consider myself very pretty but tonight I thought of myself as pretty as can be. Unfortunetly, I was unable to get a man's opinion on the deal because there were none around. We were going to ask Mikey her son but he was at a friends house. I hope everything goes well for prom. I don't want it to be perfect but I just want everything to go well.
Anyway, I have found that I really work myself for very little. Theresa wants me to work the summer and I would love to but I hope that I can live my life as well. The job pays $200 a week so it isn't all that bad I guess.
And I have found that I am not spending as much time or even talking to the people I love. To name a few, Justin, Katie, Shannon, Rachel, and Heidi to name a few.
Shea-- I will never forget you and even though we may not speak very often when we get out of school but I promise you that we will never lose touch. And I never break a promise.
Justin-- Life has had its up and downs and right now it is up and I hope it stays that way. And to make it fair 'How's life treating you?'
Just four weeks left and I can't wait!!!!
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2006 24 April :: 2.09pm
what else can suck.
"it's like he just woke up one morning and was like, bring on the piss!" lol.
ugh how long till you're with me. seriously.
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2006 23 April :: 8.06pm
I swear, if one more person starts out a sentance by saying "I seen..." or "We seen...."
I will kill them. STOP BEING STUPID. It's "I saw, We saw." Gawd I swear its like you all think it's cool or something to sound so effing retarted.
ps. blah blah blah i love roman can't wait to be done with school grilled cheese are yummy love dani and went to the casino and cmu and woo woo fun time and yay ayyaayay prom cant wait and bonanza wah hoo. love love blah blah blah.
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2006 20 April :: 10.42pm
it's like just one more aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalkj;lkj;lkj
so no school tomorrow either because of a health event thing.
and everything is okay for the moment.
and by everything i mean almost nothing but more than something.
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2006 19 April :: 10.04pm
i love how nothing is EVER right
oh and one more thing
god i fucking hate all you people who get to see your boyfriends everyday.
aslkfja;sldjas;lkfj FUCFK
speak the unspoken
2006 19 April :: 5.55pm
we dont flip the bird.
we dont cuss and scream when the cars dont move and the light turns.
we dont lock our doors when we leave the house
there aint nobody here that we keep out
and thats the way we do it in our town
youll never hear me apologize for growing up strong
growing up right
living life by the golden rule sayin' yes ma'am thank you
green fields for miles and miles aint nothing but country on the radio.
aint no burning flags on our courthouse square
youll see old glory flying everywhere
aint no five star restaurant atmosphere
daddys home grown beefs whats for dinner here
and we wash it down with a tall cold beer.
I thank the good lord I was born and bred corn fed.
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2006 19 April :: 4.24pm
heres to the worst day ever...
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2006 19 April :: 9.02am
:: Music: Three Six Mafia
Yawn. I might be ditchin meijer for a job at the high school for the paintball team. regardless what i do it would be something i enjoy, and am halfway decent at. otherwise, not shit has been up with me.
people. post. tell my how you're doing. im curious.
We dont give a fuck.
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2006 18 April :: 10.00pm
:: Mood: content
It been a While....
So much has happened since the last time that I updated. I might have already mention that Zach and I have broken up but all hope is not lost for I have find my equal. I guess I say that alot. Maybe he is not my equal but it damn well feels like it right now. My hair got alot longer and I have thinned out a little bit from track.
And I have concluded that I love apple juice and french fries.
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2006 18 April :: 9.42pm
okay so get this
on TOP OF THE FRICKEN FULL RIDE i also got a $1000 scholarship I applied for a long time ago
and my parents say
what you expect us to pay for you books
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2006 16 April :: 10.55pm
Everything seems so shitty. ugh, it is.
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2006 16 April :: 7.14pm
so i worked all day and now i'm finally home.
ughghghghghg what a dumb day.
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2006 16 April :: 6.11am
friday was so beautiful. keegan and i went to AJ's and went mini golfing (which i won) and then in the batting cages. i'm not sure that i've ever even held a baseball bat.. lol.
then we got ice cream and went to riverside park which was wonderful. after that we drove around downtown and stopped at nicks house (breakdancer) and last but not least, got smoothies from coldstone. it was a really good night.
saturday we had a yearbook work day. the senior section is seriously awesome. if you havent bought a yearbook you NEED to. for the people who didnt buy a book this year.. i think that once it comes out next year and people see how good it is, we're going to sell all of our extras.i just did 3 spreads in 3 days. (just so you know.. it takes some poeple about a month or more just to do one) im so excited for the book to be done!
yesterday after the yearbook thing and before i went to work, i went for a run/walk. i havent excersised in so long. and then i got home.. cleaned out under our bunny hut (which was long due... ugh) and wheel barrowed it to the back of our property. i was just in such a good mood ijust wanted to be outside. but TODAY my legs hurt from overdoing it on my walk thing, my back hurts from lifting the wheelbarrow wrong, my shoulders hurt from doing countless handstands, and my tricept is a bit inflamed. ah well, who cares.
we're going to my uncle david and aunt pats today for easter dinner. keegans coming after he gets out of work. he has to be in at 11 and his boss wouldnt let him come in at 12 after church. like ANYONES gonna be eating at logans on easter during church hours. so that's to bad.
the "easter bunny" brought me the carrie underwood cd and a silk robe in my easter basket this morning (thats right, im 17 and still get easter baskets and christmas stockings... my mom doesnt want to let go) and im SEEING carrie underwood at the KENNY CONCERT! i can barely stand the wait. derks bently is gonna be there too.. but i dont really like him. BUT brandi and i just got tickets for the tim mcgraw and faith hill concert too! OMG... now im just freaking out. because im going to two of the biggest concerts this year. i cant WAIT!
happy easter!
speak the unspoken
2006 17 April :: 3.48am
:: Mood: determined
:: Music: Page France - Goodness
Truth Be Told
God Damnit I Am Sexy!!!
Tuesdays @ 9pm at the wireless cafe The I.A. performs 3$ cover charge
Wednesdays @ 9pm at the wireless cafe the I.A. performs 2$ cover. (there is also an open mic that night after we perform if you like to listen to fucking retarted emo kids.)
Thursdays @ 9pm at The Eastown Hookah Lounge the I.A. performs
5$ cover charge
3$ fun fingerfood buffet.
Comedy and hookahs ....what could be better.
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2006 14 April :: 11.29pm
Does anyone have either
a. Some jewelry i can wear for prom ( i know you said you probably did for me erika)
b. Some light pink gloves...
my dress is light pink and... um.. i dont really care what it's like if you want to tell me about it... just not like a little chain w/ a jewel or something... something a little more than that.
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2006 14 April :: 11.06pm
This one reminds me of people at rosie's and maybe what i'd like to say back to them:
Fairway: Your Source for Vintage Foods
Old woman: No! No! You need to cut from that side of the meat. Last week you gave me a cut from the right side. I want a cut from the left side! Don't you know that I want a fresh cut of meat?
Deli guy: Only way you gonna get a fresher cut of meat is if I take it from your wrinkly white ass.
--Fairway Market, 74th & Broadway
Lol and this one is so funny
Woman on cell: No, I mean, whatever. I cried for that baby when it died and all. Shit! I even went to its funeral and the damn thing wasn't even born! Who the fuck has a funeral for a baby that wasn't even born?...Whatever, that's not the point. The point is, I'm sure as hell not going to a birthday party for a baby whose funeral I went to a year ago. That is fucking morbid...and they had better not be expecting presents.
--14th between 7th & 8th
hahha all these remind me of the other day when me and roman went to applebees to eat and we listened in on this lady (we couldn't help it because she was SO loud and then it got SO interesting) for like seriously an hour about her husband who worked for a school and then she found out he was cheating on her with a student... she had two kids and he left home and she figured out he was at a hotel nearby that they had went to together before and she was able to coax the hotel manager into giving her a key because she had the same last name as her husband and she said she had the kids and didn't have a key and she went to the hotel room and put the card in and opened it a crack because she was afraid of what she'd see and she saw make up on the counter(GASP) and then it all came out that it was a student and blah blah blah... unfortuanttely that was all we got. it was so funny. we hardly spoke a word to each other because we were listening to her story.
Girl #1: I know it smells kind of cheap, but I like it because it's the perfume I was wearing when I lost my virginity.
Girl #2: I thought you were wearing Ralph when you lost it.
Girl #1: No, that was my other virginity.
--60th & Columbus
Woman: Look at all these rude motherfuckin' men! Can't get up and let none of these ladies have a seat.
Man: Having a vagina is not a disability.
--L train
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2006 14 April :: 2.45am
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2006 13 April :: 9.02am
Ok, iv been away for awhile. here is the info on the paintball shit.
03 WGP cocker (green) - ebladed, working eye, nexus ram, shocktech front reg, vert torpedo reg, superfly shocktech bolt, and a shocktech beavertail. 400$$$$
04 Dragon Timmy (Steel to black fade) - Frenzy board, dye sticky grips. 600$$$$
All my other shit includes - Jt proflex mask (think its and 05), 4 barrels (cocker thread) stock cocker barrel, stock timmy barrel, stainless steel freak kit (green) and some unknow barrel (works pretty well though). and a piece of shit stainless steel 68ci 3000psi pmi tank. the gauge is busted on the tank, but it still works. and i have a nice JT gun case. 300$$$$.
if you buy it all, 1000$$ deal. both guns run well, and have been cleaned after each day of playing, the cocker has about 15-20 cases of paint through it, and the timmy has about 3-5 cases. a little bit of regulator tuning will be needed, and probley some o-rings, the guns have sat for about a year. i can tune them for you if you buy them.
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2006 12 April :: 8.42pm
i am so tired. yesterday and last night was such a long day.. and then this morning ...and then driving 2 hours just to work 5 more.....
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2006 11 April :: 9.32pm
I got a full ride scholarship at Davenport.
I couldn't even breathe.
and I have no idea what i'm going to do.
oh, i forgot to mention.. i can only attend one of the grand rapids campuses. not kalamazoo or anything.
so my plans???
are like messed up
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2006 10 April :: 6.19pm
And in other news... MAJOR apartment hunt today... unfortuatlnleyeyeyeyeye ly by myself because Ro MAN had to work. it was quite a day. driving from 9-4.... i had to stop on the way home and sleep at a gas station for a half hour because i kept falling asleep on the expressway. I think I have it narrowed down to two different ones.... Westchester Woods and our orginal Alpine Village. We will look at them (Hopefully) one final time on Prom day, the 28th because we will not be seeing each other, nor traveling to K-Zoo before that date. It will be another long day.
I need to do some major budgeting and calculating and calling and checking and mailing and faxing and working so that I can do some paying and mailing and giving away money-ing.....
Frustration ensues. But thats okay. Anything to get out of here.
I am pretty sure I am taking a year off. I know that's what Roman is doing. We will be trying to save every penny we can. Then I think I'm going to go to Olympia or Davenport for medical assisting which is not my dream job, but I dont think I have any dream job other than being a mom and the job placement is 99% so I think it is a good idea. If I dont do that, then I think I may actually go to college. I dont know, thats just what I'm thinking. But I'm pretty positive I dont want to do cosmetology anymore. Eh it just doesn't appeal to me very much anymore. Clients and making everyone happy and it's the same kind of shit you have to deal with as a waitress. Acting like you are the nicest person in the world with absolutely no problems just so you can get a big tip and their business in the future. I don't want to do that. I can handle being nice, but OVERWHELMINGLY PERFECT is another story.
I like the idea of having a year where I just have ONE thing going on... WORK. I LOVE the idea of having a year where I can finally enjoy being WITH Roman instead of with him but away from him.
I've never had any time where I could just be with him whenever I wanted. We've always been restricted or away from each other. How great will it be to finally be able to be together every day. Perfect.
*sigh of relief* School tomorrow is not something I"m looking forward to, at all.
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2006 10 April :: 3.54pm
back to reality..
i tried to forget about eveything and i did... the sadness all come back today.
i hate ______.
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2006 9 April :: 10.34pm
:: Music: Goodness - Page France
Way Before There Was Goodness
So, things are interesting around my head.
Life seems to be looking sideways. not up not down but the complete opposite direction. life is going to blow out my tire but then repair it with an allignment problem.
Tuesdays @ 9pm at the wireless cafe The I.A. performs 3$ cover charge
Wednesdays @ 9pm at the wireless cafe the I.A. performs 2$ cover. (there is also an open mic that night after we perform if you like to listen to fucking retarted emo kids.)
Thursdays @ 9pm at The Eastown Hookah Lounge the I.A. performs
5$ cover charge
3$ fun fingerfood buffet.
Comedy and hookahs ....what could be better.
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