The Time Spent Here, Is the Time Wasted elsewhere.
I was asked to say what's on my mind at any given moment.
Below is the excerpts of raw brain power being wasted twisting knots and going in circles.


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This thing called life

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:: 2008 15 April :: 3.49am

Dammit, you're driving me insane. I hate it. ><

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:: 2008 11 April :: 8.03pm

So I went to the doctors this morning at like 8:30 because my temperature was 103.2 and I kept having cold chills and body aches and I couldn't swallow and blah blah blah. So, turns out I have strep throat.
I get home at like 11:20ish and sleep until about an hour ago when mom woke me up with a delicious bowl of soup.
So yeah, I are teh dying =(

Oh, and no Kelly unfortunately, which makes me even sadder.

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:: 2008 11 April :: 9.10pm

It's a bit more clear to me now, but I'm still confused.

"Like a fish, sucking a dick!!"

Heh...good times.

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:: 2008 8 April :: 3.14pm

School makes me sad and I want to quit. -.-'

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:: 2008 8 April :: 9.25am

*sigh* Dammit, look what you've done to me.

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:: 2008 3 April :: 6.07pm


--- I just found this message and translated it in order to save the world. You may all thank me later.

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:: 2008 30 March :: 5.58pm

Fucking hell.
My family treats me like I am THE fucking stupidest person alive and it just makes me so happy. Man, I just cannot get enough of it.

Michigan is seriously looking better and better every damn day. I can't wait until this semester ends.

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:: 2008 28 March :: 3.35pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: Bottle It Up - Sara Bareilles

Not that I want Jacob to leave, but I'm ready for my life to go back to normal. There is a certain novelesque appeal to staying out late and singing along with Cher, Celine Dion, HIM and Rent songs at three in the morning, but after awhile I start to miss normal things like Kelly and having my homework done and of course sleep. If Jacob was here all the time it wouldn't be so bad, I wouldn't feel as though Okay, he's here for a limited amount of time, I have to spend every last second with him until he's gone again.
Also, this time is rather bittersweet since I do believe I'll be gone before he returns, and then upon my arrival back for school he may be gone back to Columbia. So there's definitely a more urgent need to hang out with each other at all points in time, thus making a mess of my life.

I haven't talked to Kelly in a long time, and there's no one to blame but myself. Hopefully he understands and doesn't hate me and want to rip my throat out.
Fingers crossed on that one.

Anyway, Trevor has a basketball game tonight, and he's outside shooting around by himself and so I'm going to go out there and play with him. I need to be a better sister to him and Taylor. I need to be a better girlfriend as well.
My life sucks right now because I'm realizing that I'm a horrible person and that's certainly not the most delightful thing to come to the realization of.

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:: 2008 27 March :: 8.34pm

My sister just called ask what the dinosaur with a horn on it's head was called......


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:: 2008 25 March :: 4.46pm

Doctor's appointment tomorrow because some weird shit's been going on. Should know what the issue is -hopefully- after that. It's at 2:45 and the hospital is 30 minutes away from my school, and I have class at 5:00 and I of course have no idea when I'll be done... so yeah, stress. Lots of it.

Anyway, I've been rather busy as of late, and therefore haven't gotten on like ... ever. Last time I talked to Kelly was Saturday I think. I'm horrible, I know, but Jacob's only down for a limited amount of time and I have to have my Jacob time cause I'm soooo going to miss him when I leave here. *sad face*

However, do not for one second think that I don't love you completely KJE. Cause I do. <3

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:: 2008 22 March :: 5.37pm

The best family ever!
I'm now entirely convinced, that I have the best family in the entirety of the world. But before telling that little story i gotta tell this one...

I just passed 6 months at MC, which means review and raise time, which is exciting! Thankfully, my busting my ass actually paid off and i got the full 50 cent an hour possible raise that you can get, putting me at only 9 an hour, but 9 an hour with FULL benefits and a 401k. So to celebrate, i went to the airsoft store in grand rapids after work, and bought myself a nice backup weapon for 80ish dollars, exciting shit right? Well someone also told my car that i got a raise, and it decided it wanted it, so it broke down on the way home...less then exciting. So my uncle steve, who most of you know i live with, stops off and gets my uncle george, who is amazing with fixing cars, and we tow the effer home behind my uncle steves van and push it into the garage. Long story short, my cars ignition control module went out, and we changed it, the car works now, starts as soon as the starter is engaged, which is awesomesauce. So anyways, the fact that they were so willing to help out at the drop of a hat really makes you appreciate that sort of thing. Coincidentally, my uncle george has been doing alot of research into our family's genealogy, and i found out, im 50% irish, and 50% polish. that was also exciting, as you could imagine.

Mandie is here too finally, again, very exciting, and i cant wait till we can move out and into the apartment, a bit of freedom will be nice, the bills however will be lacking the nice-ness. thats pretty much all i got i guess, other then mandie is 100% win. haha

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:: 2008 20 March :: 9.08pm
:: Mood: Cracked Out kthx
:: Music: Towler going on and on...

Okay so last night I was hanging out with Tylor, his roommate Carl, and Tessi at Tylor's house... in fact I skipped my classes to do so (which was kind of all right because one class was canceled anyway which I didn't know so I would have shown up for it and been screwed) and then Carl and Tylor made us DELICIOUS lasagna which made me orgasm.
Then we went down to the basement -which was cold and wet because it had flooded = NOT awesome- and Jacob called and was like "OH EM GEE RESCUE ME KTHX" because he wanted to come home early but his mom couldn't come get him. This was at like midnight. We were going to use Tylor's mother's truck because it's effing huge, but his parents flipped out and wouldn't let us drive so late in the dark because we didn't even know how the fuck to get to Columbia. So, we decide to leave at 6:00 in the morning so I had to spend the night in the little guest room which was super cold so I died, and then we got up and went... and hauled ass and it still took us 10 hours there and back. It was crazy, but soo fucking fun. I've never navigated a trip, and I did this one. I did pretty awesome too, despite the fact that Mapquest had us going to Kansas City for no apparent fucking reason, so we skipped a few steps and made it perfectly fine.
Best road trip EVER.
Now I'm sitting here waiting to get out of class and ignoring my professor because he's going on about miosis and, well, fuck that shit, it's **boring** so yeah. After this shit is over with I'm going back to Wheaton to hang out with everyone some more, even though I've only had 3 hours of sleep and LOTS of Amps.
Huge sugar high. It's fun though.

Anyway, Kelly I love you LOTS and you're amazing and I miss you oooh so much. <3333

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:: 2008 19 March :: 12.08pm
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: Even Angels Fall - Jessica Riddle

Alright, Kelly already gave the play by play so I won't bother with that, but honestly I had the best time while I was up there... even while I sat and watched him play WoW, CoD4, Portal, and Warcraft, despite the fact that he thinks I was bored.

We hung out with pJ and Mandie... and she was super quiet. I have a huge feeling she's not like that all the time. I'm probably considered quiet while I'm up there too, but that is so not the case.

The shittiest part of the entire trip was going home. I had dreaded it before I even left home, and it was ten times worse than I had expected. I'll be up there sometime in May if everything works out as planned, so it's not too long of a wait, but it feels like it's going to last forever. I've only been home for two days and it already feels like weeks.

I had a long ass delay in Milwaukee on my way up there, arriving in Michigan six hours late, and then on the way home I got a two and a half hour delay in Kansas City. I have the worst fucking luck traveling, I swear. It's completely ridiculous. Anyway, I got to Joplin and Ashley and Mom had come to pick me up, and we were all starving so I bought everyone dinner and then I got home ready to sleep but of course everyone had a million questions and I ended up not going to bed until about two. Then I was freaking out because I had additional homework to do, but my classes were canceled thanks to the TONS of rain we got which caused all the roads to flood. Sweet deal imo.
I was hoping classes would be canceled today as well, but it quit raining around eight this morning and the suns out so everythings clearing up. Lameness.

But yeah, that's that. I miss him so damn much.

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:: 2008 17 March :: 4.34pm

so i had my first airsoft game this weekend, that was pretty fucking spectacular, 0 kills, 0 deaths, but 8 heals so it wasnt totally shit-tastic in that aspect. now for teh picz
Im in ur fighting position, peepin your troop movements
Team Lake Shore's other medic and I
hard at work defending the objective IMO
this is what i get for bringing teh leet healz
and finally, a team screenshot.

in other news, ill either be moving into an apartment in the upcoming months, or buying a house depending on what kind've loan i can get. Work is going great as usual, although i now hate kayaks...VERY much, oh, and bikes too >.>
ive found me someone special, which pretty much fills that gap that has been lurking for the last like, 10 months, shes made of win, plays teh CoD4, and isnt completely against playing airsoft either! Another definite hax on her part. Things are definitely moving faster then id like, but under the circumstances i wouldnt have it go down any other way really.

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:: 2008 16 March :: 12.07pm

everything was so new. it goes so fast.

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