2007 25 December :: 8.31am
Merry Christmas Everyone! =D
Hauskaa Joulua!
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2007 24 December :: 12.07am
Ding 22
yep, another boring ass birthday just started. nothing new, work is still great, got all my benefits started up, direct deposit, but cant quite swing an apartment by myself. car's still running good, my friends are great, thats all i got
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2007 23 December :: 7.26am
"The Cherry Blast is in my Orange Space!"
Good times =]
Also.... "Muscle Piss"
Don't ask, lol.
What could you see?
What could you find?
If we meet please avert your eyes.
What I'd never show, what you'll never find
Is explosive, so hide your eyes.
Just really looked into Blaqk Audio, and just found out that they're actually Davey Havok and Jade Puget from AFI. It's funny, cuz I've been listening to 'Stiff Kittens' for a long time, and never recognized Davey's voice. It seems like it should have been obvious now, but, oh well.
They have a great sound, I suggest you check them out. =] 'Stiff Kittens' if nothing else, because its' a great song.
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2007 21 December :: 6.40pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Linger - The Cranberries
I've been running around a lot lately, all my friends are home for Christmas break and it's just like one get-together after another. It's been fun but I'm thoroughly exhasted. Fun's not over yet though, there's a party at Kandace's tonight, and tomorrow night Jacob, Tylor, and I are all going to Jacob's cousin Richard's house again.
Sometime's I want to just not show up to things, but I tend to do what's expected of me so that's how that works.
Mom and I got into it tonight. I was downstairs doing laundry and she was upstairs in the bathroom working on it (we're remodeling it) and she just started yelling at me over random things, and then we would quit talking, and then she would start it back up. It was like she was upset that we hadn't fought for awhile, because we haven't, so she just had to make it last forever. It was so aggravating.
How insane is it that Christmas is 4 days away? December went by so quickly and I feel like I've gotten nothing acomplished which is depressing.
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2007 21 December :: 8.22am
I'm getting sick of seeing really beautiful sunrises and not being able to take pictures of them. I wish my camera were more portable.
This one was positively Apocalyptic. I wonder why that attracts me so?
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2007 18 December :: 1.17pm
:: Mood: indifferent
:: Music: Apologize - Timbaland/Onerepublic
Finals went alright, I ended up with an A in every class, though I don't know how I did in Computer Applications. It was removed from my list of courses on the school website for some reason, so I haven't a clue on that one.
It actually seemed like Winter around here for a couple of weeks, we got snow and everything, but now it's like 65 out and all the snow has melted. It's kind of depressing; we rarely get a white Christmas and they're my favorite. I had my hopes set on one this year but it doesn't appear I'll be getting my wish.
Today is Taylor's birthday, she's finally 13. It doesn't seem possible for her to be that old. I know that I'm NOT old, but it makes me feel like it. Like Trevor's almost fucking 9. That's ridiculous. It just really depresses me for whatever reason. Probably because I'm over emotional.
It's cool though, she's really excited and it's fairly amusing to see her so happy. Ashley and I are taking her shopping, plus I bought her a CD she's been wanting so... eh. It'll suffice.
I'm usually pretty hard on her, but I've been trying to let up. I'm easily annoyed and she annoys easily, so we butt heads all the time because she's an ass like that and I'm a bitch like that.
Whatever. It's a work in progress.
As per usual, I have to have an emo section about Kelly and how much I miss him so insert that -here-
He got me a gorgeous necklace for Christmas, so *feels special*
I do believe that is all.
Oh, I lied. I cut my hair. It's short, and if I knew how to bold things, I would do so to "short" but I fail at having that knowledge. It's like a little bob like thing, longer in the front than in the back, and cut at an angle. It's how I always wore my hair when I was in high school, but then I let it grow out. It's a little too short atm, but it grows quickly so I'm not too worried about it.
Kelly, I believe, has it in his head that I look butch.... Not the case. Granted, I look like a possible bisexual atm, but give it a month and it'll be longer and we'll be beyond that issue. Everyone seems to like it, I get complimented a lot on it, anyway. I just think I look better with short hair because my hair's freaking weird.
Ugh, okay, enough hair talk. That's lame.
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2007 13 December :: 12.16pm
This is the seventh time I've watched it, in about a week.
And counting!
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2007 12 December :: 11.05pm
zomg Kelly totally fixed the msn/wmp issue.
<3 him
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2007 12 December :: 1.50am
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Hungry Like The Wolf - Duran Duran
My hair's frizzy from all the rain and it makes me sad so I've been living with ponytails for the past week. I'm scared I'll have a permanent ponytail crease.
Two finals down, two more to go.
-I got 300/300 on my research paper that I waited until the day it was due to write... that was fucking awesomesause to the max.
Then I got the highest score on the final with a 168/200 which is SAD.
-I don't know what I got on my Political Science final. I feel like I did alright, though surely not good enough to maintain my A. I might be okay with that, depending on what I made.
-My final for speech tomorrow... fucking easy. Whatever, no worries about this one.
-Computer Applications... this one got split into 2 seperate tests. The first part we had from last Thursday to this Thursday to do it, and it was ... actually hard. We had to open a Word document and do all this shit to it, and the same with an Excel document. We had instructions that the teacher had typed up, but it was worded awkwardly, and she forgot words... it was just fucked up. I had to skip some stuff because it simply didn't make sense.
The second part is a written test over Word and Excel.
I feel like I got jipped in this class. I was taught everything that I already knew. It was supposed to be a more advanced class for people who were already fairly familiar with Microsoft Office, but there were these old hags in there who hadn't even opened Word. Whoever put them in the class was a fucking dipshit.
Plus, if you'll notice, I only ever said "Word" and "Excel"... that's only half of Office. There's still PowerPoint and Access. We briefly went over those, but... fucking whatever. The class was a huge waste of money, but I had to have it.
It makes me mad though, obviously.
Another thing that irks me is that my personal message on MSN refuses say what song I'm listening too. Soooo not a big deal, but it annoys me that I can't figure out why, and that it bugs me enough to even attempt and figure it out.
-end rant-
<3 you Kelly.
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2007 7 December :: 5.28pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Here In My Room - Incubus
Life as is
I've had a lot of weird shit happen lately that involves my family and people whom I consider family and it's all just kind of freaked me out.
Finals start Monday. I want to say that I'm ready for them 100% but... well I'm not. I have put sleep on hold a lot this week, and Kelly said that he was going to laugh when I fell asleep during the actual final and I'm beginning to wonder if that's actually going to happen. I'm completely aware that I need sleep, that I have to have it in order to function like something other than a zombie, but every time I lay down I'm like 'omg I can't possibly be thinking about sleeping, can I? I have to study for English and Political Science and Computer Applications. How on earth do you start a query on Access again? Oh hell, I better go look that up.'
It is madness. It is taking over my life. I cannot control it.
The only good thing going for me, as far as school goes, is that my teacher loved my final speech. We always say it the week before for practice and then give each other help and say what sucks and all that shit, and I was told to slow down (as always) but no one had anything for me, and my teacher pretty much promised me a perfect score on it if only I could slow down a bit.
As far as Kelly and I go... we're doing great. We always are. I miss him... a lot and I get bummed out a lot. I enjoyed my time up there so much and it's just hell being here without him and ... yeah I just miss him a lot.
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2007 6 December :: 12.45pm
Two updates in one day?!! BLASPHEMY!!

I love it. =]
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2007 6 December :: 11.26am
It's hard to argue when,
You won't stop making sense.
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2007 1 December :: 11.02am
Haluaisin kuulla suomea.
Minä huonota hirveän.
Niin....olen astuva jotta kirjailla heittää laulelma sinsijaan. =(
Taksin katolla vilkkuu
Yön ainoa valopilkku
Tutoa topattu moottorivene
Odottaa minä menen
Esiin tunkevat aatokset sameet
Valhetta vatovovat karkeat sanat
Paksu lompakko
Helppoa on lempeä pyytää
Alla silmien hymmerrys hyytää
Valoviikatteet taloja niittää
Käsi hamuaa lautturin viittää
En osaa elämää syyttäen kiittää
Se jääköön en piittaa
Kohdusta hautaan
Ui uuttera lautta
Tuhannen kapakan kautta
(I don't think an online translator would work very well)
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2007 1 December :: 8.44am
I saw the most ungodly beautiful sunrise on my way home from work this morning. I say 'ungodly' because it was actually pretty foreboding in a way. Even a bit malignant. The sun itself had a beam of red light that shot straight up into the sky, like some weird searchlight, and the clouds around it were just bathed in deep red, though it got lighter and more orange as time passed.
All I could think about was how much I wanted my camera right then. Sometimes I wish it were much more portable. =(
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2007 30 November :: 8.12am
I ate my first snow of the season this morning. =]
It tasted just like all the others.
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