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:: 2003 17 November :: 6.30pm

whos a baller...
guess who won a $100 gift certificate towards a tattoo.
yup that would be me.

did you know that the Lion King is one of the top 9 most rented VHS's of all time :0)


UF audition was decent.
fingers crossed. necessity. school sucks.
the end.



:: 2003 12 November :: 10.17pm

i grow weary
of all this dreary
drowing in my own echoes
putting out signals no one cares to return
I think its time to put this soapbox to rest

_ Adieu



:: 2003 12 November :: 4.26pm

follow my footprints, be my shadow.
enter my body, look through my eyes.
trace my every word.
nothing else.
who are you to say who i am.
to say what i do is right or wrong.
to say whether im kind or cruel.
but judge me.
nothing else.
we arnt the same.
you arnt better, nor am i.
hate me. love me.
and nothing else.

1 going | downtown.


:: 2003 11 November :: 5.54pm

i had an oober good *extended* weekend :0)

man. i sure do hate him and still wish he'd die a slow, torturing death.

anyone? think of someone from the past year of my life (not gregory) who i like ohhh so much.

my twins i highly disapprove.

history internal assessment here i come.

2 going | downtown.


:: 2003 9 November :: 8.10pm

okay okay.

~ saw Gregory Luke right after school <3
~ senior recognition night SEE!

~ game vs. Boca we WON! exciting game, 41-37 was the final score, it was supeeerr close. scary.

okay. this is when it begins to suck.
*after the game, Greg and I went to Dennys on Linton & Federal. i ordered a cherry coke and buffalo chicken strips. I get the stuff, cut up a piece, feed it to greg & take a bite myself. I took a bite and was all like "man, this doesn't have the same consistancy of chicken" I begin to analyze the chicken only to find that its completely raw! i spit it out and got the waiter. He went to take it back or whatever and I told Greg i wasn't in the mood for chicken anymore so he went and told the guy to get us a caramel apple crisp. It was okay. the guy brought our check and what they did was subtracted the apple crisp from the price of the chicken (which was more then the crisp was alone) and i was like "wtf." wouldn't you think that i should get it for free i mean they tried to kill me w/salmanila for Gods sake. So i ask to see the manager and hes a total douche bag and this fucking big ass black bitch next to me is all obnoxious so greg was all pissed off and was like "fuck it, lets go" and we just walked out. ANGRY!
will never go back to dennys on Federal & Linton or Federal & Woolbright ever again.

ummmm woke up around 10, ate breakfast, practiced bassoon & went over to Gregs.
We made cookies & chilled. Went to the mall & he got a haircut (its okay... a little short for my taste but its all Elvis-y now.) Went to Petsmart and saw kitties for adoption, got bitched out by the lady "young adopters are the worst, they have babies and return the cats". alright. um. gregs dad made an oober good meal & we just chilled. I ended up staying the night so that was cool.

oh man. we went to see TIMB at One Cup at a Time last night! it rocked. It was some girls sweet 16 so it was kinda improv like a jam session but mad props to us!! MINI BLUM was there! that made me mucho happy :0)

woke up early & stared at Gregory sleep kissing him all over till he woke up. went to church con his padres & his dad made us kick ass pancakes. after church we hit up the boynton ale house and greg lost $10 in pool. oh. and his removed uncles girlfriend (ditzy blonde bitch) said that i looked like i was 12. i wanted to tell her to eat shit and dig her stupid blonde head up her ass. went back to his house, watched tv and his dad made kick ass home made pepperoni balls and pizza. i went home then.

gregorys coming over in a couple hours to bring me cake :0) thats all for now.

4 going | downtown.


:: 2003 9 November :: 6.59pm

this is you, and me.
the tatoo on my back. the blood in my veins. the piercing in my stomach. the piercing of my skin.

this is our world
our home
this is our fear
our bliss
this is our time

lost in space. we always search for our purpose. for company. but no matter what we'll always be alone. but i choose not to be. i choose to feel. and thats just what i'll do.
it wouldnt be precise unless we took eternity.

this is us.



:: 2003 9 November :: 1.01pm

Shed yourself of stigma and live free in the land that is not. Study the beauty of a tree and realize it is not the tree that is beautiful, it is your perception of it that is. Remove the jaded looking glasses put on you and see this life in the abstract spectrum it is. Be calm and not afraid to experience the unknown and the known. Never put yourself in a prison, but free others from their own. Emotions will control you, so let it flow. Feel the cool beach breeze swim through your body, and know that this is the greatest ride there is. Never live malcontent; be freeform with your eyes to the sky. So high and never coming down.

2 going | downtown.


:: 2003 5 November :: 10.30pm

funny how people see themselves cast in concrete
set in stone and written out like a book
and yet we are everything but

funny howwwwfeeeeenaaa wakker. ride the ride. be at peace. and shut up.



:: 2003 5 November :: 7.01pm

** basics **
Nickname::um... Vi-ster, Giraffe!, Kitty(not to be confused with MY kitty haha), sweet girl
Location::mouth of the friggin MOUSE, Florida
Gender::sweet sweet lady :0P
Birthplace::Concord, Massachusetts
Birthstone::ummm i think turquoise
Sign::ummm Sagitarrius & OX on the chinese zodiac
Righty or Lefty::righty
** your looks **
Height::4'11 & a half :0P
Weight::um too much.
Shoe size::7-8 depends
Hair Color::black although i've been told many times its not really black but dark brown.. sorry.
Hair Length::its all crazy, getting long
Eye Color::dark brown
Size::size of what?
Glasses::only the emo kind :0P
Braces::no sir
Piercings::ummmm belly button and ears i guess
Tattoos::i'm pending
** fashion **
Where do you shop::whereever i have free money :0)
What do you usually wear::t-shirt and jeans
What kind of shoes do you wear::i have over 50 pairs of shoes... i <3 my tie dye chucks though
Do you wear a watch::used to. (Official time keeper :0p)
Color you never wear::i'll wear anything really... i'm not too fond of like senior citizen grey though
Color you wear at least once a week::probably green or pink or blue or everycolor
Something you wear everyday::my necklace
Do you wear make up everyday::generally
Make up essential::depends when and how early i wake up :0P
Most cherished piece of clothing::my turtlesaur shirt. <3 twins <3
You wouldn't be caught dead wearing::biker shorts.
Do you wear belts::no
Do you wear hats::no
How many pairs of shoes do you have::a bazillion ... over 50
** music **
Favorite kind of music::i like everything i guess more emo/indie stuff
Least Favorite::i really can't take "gangsta rap"
How many CD's do you have::not too many that i've bought, many that i've made
Last CD you bought::oh dear... i'm trying to remember but its not coming to me... maybe Hail to the Thief?
Whats in your CD player right now::ummmm the Postal Service
Do you download music::i used to until Kazaa went crazy
** Favorites **
Color::all of them... purple, turtlesaur green, orange, pink, red etc.
Season::winter or spring
Ice cream::oh dear. i can feel the fat already... mint chocolate chip i suppose
Website::yo no se
Quote::"Go directly in the direction of your dreams, live the life you've always imagined" - Thoreau
Store::i probably spend most of my $$ at Express
Band::Beck :0P ... any many many others
Singer::Jolie from the Rocking Horse Winner
Group::um... Simon and Garfunkel :0P
Song::Smashing Pumpkin's version of Landslide
Movie::not fair. Being John Malkovich, Secretary, Amelie, American Beauty, Donnie Darko, Empire Records, Vanillla Sky, Sliding Doors, and a bazillion more
Actor::Johnny Depp
Actress::Liv Tyler
Kind of movies::movies that you come out of thinking "WTF just happened!"
Place to be::laying in bed with Greggy poo
Time of day::9pm :0P
Clothing Brand::whats with all the clothes!
Animal::kitty <3 puppy & baby kitty & elvis & Miss.Kitty aka Princy & gatito
Food::i really like food like a fatty.
Holiday::no preference i don't think
Shape::star, heart, circle
Restaraunt::i have lots of these too... the french place on Federal & Yamato, Melting Pot, La Casita etc.
Fast food place::Taco Bell, Checkers, KFC
Boy's name::Shane, Keith, Luke
Girl's name::Elsa, Rainer like Rainer Maria lol i duno, others
Month::December, June
Candy::twizzlers, gummi bears
** love and relationships **
Sexual Preference::i admit it. i like the cock :0P
Boyfriend or Girlfriend::boyfriend.
Crush::like i'll crush you up
Do you believe in love at first sight::i don't know
What do you look for in a guy/girl::the whole package, looks, personality, smile, compassion, chemistry
Best physical feature::HAIR! heh , eyes, lips, smile
Best hair color::i like darker colors i suppose
Best eye color::anything thats not shit brown like mine :0P
** randoms **
Do you paint your nails::ummm toenails
What color is your tooth brush::silver i think
What's on your desktop::nothing special, haven't set preferences on new computer yet :0)
Do you like roller coasters::absofreakinglutely love them!
Do you do drugs::ummm i'm taking a prescription for a sinus infection?
Are you a virgin::a girl unblossomed me didn't she? oh wait.. that was Jessica :0P haha
Do you have any pets::my love, Miss Princy Kitty Elvis & Baby Kitty ;0P
What time do you go to sleep::probably earlier then you.

Basic Survey [ 87 questions] brought to you by BZOINK!

5 going | downtown.


:: 2003 3 November :: 12.00am

Happy 20th Birthday my love.

1 going | downtown.


:: 2003 2 November :: 11.30pm

despite being horribly sick, i had the most wonderful weekend <3

*Gainesville was fun.
*Orlando was better.
*Laying in his arms was the best <3

Happy 20th Birthday Benjamin John Garbarino for another 30min.

Happy 20th Birthday Gregory Luke Pishko in 30 min. <3<3<3



:: 2003 28 October :: 10.19pm

theres lust and then theres love
yesturday is done. and maybe tomorrow will sink in. the waves only crash when you look my way. and those eyes glitter from the reflection of the water directly at me. my heart soars all around you. like when the wind blows the sand around in circles. speak our unseen fortune. an expression of one thousand words. or in your case just three. one moment doesnt mean the rest of my life. you do.



:: 2003 27 October :: 5.17pm

on site admissions rock.
definately got into FIU today.
definately got offered scholarship money.
sweet ass, i'm going to college haha.

i guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens w/everything else... keeping my fingers crossed.
I think i need to actually take a trip down to Miami and see this school now that I can go there :0)

hmmmmm i think UCF is next on the reply list then Nov 25th is onsite FAU visit (you know how they like the IB folk)
then FSU & UF and thats all folks.
I think i'm going to apply to USF ... i'm not sure yet.
this sucks.

7 going | downtown.


:: 2003 26 October :: 10.53pm

life was in that lounge chair
the sand and sea
the sunshine that hit everything except my pale ass
and the unseen yet understood that writes our song



:: 2003 26 October :: 6.29pm

this weekend was GRANDE x a bagillion!

Homecoming game vs. Dwyer. we lost. great.
we marched better on Friday then we'd ever & we got a pseudo drum war!!
Greg stayed over <3

* got to school around 1.. loved seeing everyone run around, cleaning instruments, getting uniforms.. quite refreshing
* senior speeches... made me remember how much I really do love that crazy dysfunctional organization. A lot of people said that my speech was really good and it really touched me when a lot of people who I didn't know too well came up and just gave me a hug telling me "it was a pleasure marching with you" or "i liked your speech the best"... i can't believe its almost over...
* got to FBA @ Sanataluces and warmed up... we marched out to the waiting area and what do you know, it starts raining sooo the woodwinds run for cover under the concession stand overhang and we wait. It lightens up so we went back out. Marched out and started our show. Once we started playing our first notes, the rain just started pouring down... thankfully after our first song it kind of lightened up. Our performance wasn't as good as it had been the night before but thinking optimistically as we ALWAYS do ::sarcasm:: we just figured it was the festival we wouldn't forget :0P
Finished marching and ran for cover. no pictures :0(. Mr. Lerner got the results.

we got a SUPERIOR! as he announced it I just burst into tears, I don't know if I had ever been happier in my life.. it was such a good feeling... a superior for something i'd worked so hard at and something I definately wasn't expecting. We got through it, Atlantic Community high school band is on its way back to the great band it used to be. Great goodbye present :0)

* afterward we left and Gregory picked me up and we went out for his bday dinner @ Dean Anthonys (great fettucini!!) it was nice.
* Gregory carved me a pumpkin. i love it (almost as much as i love him :0))
* picked up the boys & Cyndi from Ericas house... I said fuck in front of her mom (twice!) POOR.

* woke up early and went to church with Gregory & his padres.
* realized how much Catholic church really sucks in comparison to other denominations.
* hung out with my lovey all day and now hes gone :0(
::sigh:: i really do love him sooooo much... 5 months in a week!

TOK essay due tomorrow... i haven't started. go me. oh yeah. i heard homecoming was fun but i wouldn't have given up my weekend for anything.

4 going | downtown.

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