As suburban children we floated at night in swimming pools the temperature of blood; pools the color of Earth as seen from outer space, We would skinny dip, my friends and me. . . We would float and be naked- pretending to be embryos, pretending to be fetuses- all of us silent save for the hum of the pool filter. I think the price we paid for our golden life was an inability to fully believe in love; instead we gained an irony that scorched everything it touched. And I wonder if this irony is the price we paid for the loss of God. But then I must remind myself we are living creatures--we have religious impulses--we must --and yet into what cracks do these impulses flow in a world without religion? It is something I think about every day. Sometimes I think it is the only thing I should be thinking about. Some facts about me: I think I am a broken person. I seriously question the road my life has taken and I endlessly rehash the compromises I have made in my life. I have an unsecure and vaguely crappy job with an amoral corporation so that I don't have to worry about money. I put up with halfway relationships so as not to have to worry about loneliness. I have lost the ability to recapture the purer feelings of my younger years in exchange for a streamlined narrow-mindedness that I assumed would propel me to "the top." What a joke. Compromise is said to be the way of the world and yet I find myself feeling sick trying to accept what it has done to me:the little yellow pills, the lost sleep. But I don't think this is anything new in the world. This is not to say my life is bad. I know it isn't...but my life is not what I expected it might have been when I was younger. Maybe you yourself deal with this issue better than me. Maybe you have been lucky enough to never have inner voices question you about your own path--or maybe you answered the questioning and came out on the other side. I don't feel sorry for myself in any way. I am merely coming to grips with what I know the world is truly like. Sometimes I want to go to sleep and merge with the foggy world of dreams and not return to this, our real world. Sometimes I look back on my life and am surprised at the lack of kind things I have done. Sometimes I just feel that there must be another road that can be walked--away from this became--either against my will or by default. Now--here is my secret: I tell it to you with the openness of heart that I doubt I shall ever achieve again, so I pray that you are in a quiet room as you hear these words. My secret is that I need God--that I am sick and can no longer make it alone. I need God to help me give, because I no longer seem to be capable of giving; to help me be kind, as I no longer seem capable of kindness; to help me love, as I seem beyond being able to love. -Douglas Coupland, Life After God


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Some facts about me: I think I am a broken person.

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:: 2006 7 November :: 1.28pm

I have a fairly large biology exam at three. I think I'm fairly prepared. I taught five kids from my lecture the material we've been going over for the past four weeks in three hours last night.

I marvel at how some make it through the education system to higher education.

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:: 2006 7 November :: 9.36am

I'm enjoying facebook right now. I like how they tell you what your relationship is to someone, like they are the ultimate authority.

This is what is says about my relationship to Mica: Mica is your significant other. You hooked up and are dating.

This is what is says about my relationship with Michelle: Michelle is your friend and relative.

Facebook is like a soothing voice. A corrective mother telling you what your relationship with everyone else in the world is. It could come in very handy if I ever get amnesia.

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:: 2006 6 November :: 10.52pm

so i've been doing some research, since i'm voting tomorrow.

everyone has been in an uproar about proposal 2 and i really don't understand why. everything i've read said that it's simply banning preferential discrimination in affirmative action. which is what i've always been about. the best person for the job should get the job. if i were running a business, that's the only kind of decision that would make sense. but i've run into it a lot, especially with small-time politics, where somebody does somebody else a favor and gets a leg up. it's a fine line, and is extremely subjective, but it's still a line. so, i don't see what the problem is. equal rights should be equal. if the minority becomes the majority (look at goth kids...) nothing changes but the orientation of the situation. the situation is still there.

the only concern i have is that it would weigh down the court system with all sorts of cases about what is preferential treatment and such. when really, the system could be left as is, and rely primarily on the faith that there are still good people in the world.

in the long run, it's not really that big of a deal though.

that's pretty much all i had.

i'm far more interested in the proposal for hunting mourning doves. maybe that's because killing things excites me or something.

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:: 2006 6 November :: 5.39pm

Is a rose, if by any other name, still not lovely?

Is a crutch, if by any other name, still not aiding and abetting in the coping with or enjoyment of life?

It's spilled from one journal to the next, it might as well be my turn to host the discussion for awhile.

I think I know what Rube's is getting at. I say crutch, you think bad. I say tool the facilitates walking (as in the literal definition of crutch), you say good. In this way, I say crutch+drugs as a way to cope with life, you say no. I say tool+plant, you say a way to feel happy or get enjoyment out of life.

That brings it back to the whole debate. If you are using a drug to get enjoyment, or to "feel good" then are you not using the drug in such a way that it could be considered a crutch (def. a tool which is used to do something that was previously unable to be accomplished considering the circumstances). Why would you need a drug to make you "feel good" if you could not otherwise "feel good" without the drug?

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:: 2006 6 November :: 10.07am
:: Mood: content

It's actually quite warm out today. I trudged to my computer lecture only to sit there and stare at the powerpoint on the screen. I don't even take notes in that class, and as usual, we got out fifteen minutes early today. I trudged back to the towers and went to the computer lab. I read spark notes on "To the Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf. It's one of those novels you can appreciate, but not like in the least bit. I read twenty five of the prescribed eighty pages. Spark notes saves my life. I have little patience for novels. I'm more of a short story/ poetry kind of girl. Then again, if this novel actually had a plot, then maybe it would be more interesting. Stream of conciousness is admirable, but leaves much to be desired.


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:: 2006 5 November :: 5.12pm

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot.
We see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!

Guy Fawkes, guy, t'was his intent
To blow up king and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England's overthrow.

By god's mercy he was catch'd
With a darkened lantern and burning match.
So, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.

And what shall we do with him?
Burn him!

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:: 2006 4 November :: 4.09pm

In the computer lab waiting for laundry.

My intent is not to offend anyone.

I write what I see, what I think, what I feel.

I understand those aren't the same things the rest of you see, think, or feel.


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:: 2006 3 November :: 2.39pm
:: Mood: mellow

They say drugs are a crutch. Some people use them to escape reality. I take that back. All people use them to escape reality. Their reality. They’re an escape from failure, from success, from whatever you don’t like about your life. But there are so many other crutches that aren’t even acknowledged. Food, exercise, writing, reading, or self injury. A parent living out his or her dreams through their child. It’s anything that creates an escape. Our world, our reality, is full of these crutches that we use to hobble away from the reality we created for ourselves.

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:: 2006 3 November :: 12.47am

God I'm a nerd.
US Geography: 150 of 150
Africa: 141 of 162
Asia: 84 of 87
Australia: 22 of 24
Canada: 35 of 39
Caribbean: 42 of 66
Central America: 41 of 42
China: 40 of 93
Europe: 107 of 111 (damn former states of Yugoslavia)
Mexico: 29 of 96
Middle East: 85 of 87
Oceania: 57 of 96
South America: 39 of 39
World: 33 of 33

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:: 2006 31 October :: 9.56am
:: Mood: amused

I had some of the craziest dreams last night.

One of them involved Brett. Yes, Brett, I dreamed about you.

Anyway, it was really odd. Brett was behind many of the journals on woohu. He created and was posting on them as the person, but it was really him.

And I uncovered the conspiracy.

It was pretty fucked up.
Then again, so was I.


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:: 2006 30 October :: 3.24pm
:: Mood: contemplative

"We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless"

-T.S. Eliot

Every day I learn more, and realize more. I become aware. But that doesn't make it any less difficult.

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:: 2006 29 October :: 10.22pm

It's worth noting...

The scariest thing on television tonight isn't the showing of Spooky Hollow, or The Exorcist. It's not the scary marathon about ghosts on the family channel.

It's the two Republicans arguing over immigration on Fox News.

I watched in horror as I ate my pinapple cup with chop sticks and mulled over my recent addiction to sushi.


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:: 2006 29 October :: 4.00pm

Some drugs are not bad for you. Yes, some physically harm you, but legal drugs do the same, tobacco and caffeine, for example.

People who don't like people doing drugs are bad for you.

Don't knock it until you've tried it.

And lastly, hippies don't suck, and just because you do drugs doesn't mean you're a hippy. And, if it was indeed true that only hippies do drugs, this world would be a better place, because everyone wouldn't be unintelligent assholes that don't know what the fuck they're talking about, and stupid enough to know that hardly anyone really likes them.


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:: 2006 29 October :: 3.50pm

whoa, my journal's fifthennial extravaganza is coming up (relatively) soon.

maybe i ought to buy it a bottle of tang or something. you know, to celebrate.

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:: 2006 29 October :: 3.43pm

the weekend!

it was fun hanging out with kevin on friday. and i got to talk to mom, which was nice.

then, yesterday and today have been spent watching really bad movies. i've watched 4 episodes of MST3K that i borrowed from Jenny so far. Space mutiny was by far the funniest. we also watched "creepshow" and "puppet master vs. demonic toys". the bad movie marathon has certainly lived up to its name.

but now it's homework time, although probably not, since it never really is.

and since it got such a hell of a response the last time:
i could really go for punching shannon in the face, right about now!

yep. that ought to do it. ; )

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:: 2006 28 October :: 4.21pm

Jessie is here at CMU with me. I'm extraordinarily excited. Earlier, we romped about the campus. Next, I believe we'll prance to Meijer. Either way, I'm sure it's going to prove to be a most fantastically enjoyable occasion.

Good Day.


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:: 2006 27 October :: 11.20am

"Now it is autumn and the falling fruit
and the long journey towards oblivion.

The apples falling like great drops of dew
to bruise themselves an exit from themselves.

And it is time to go, to bid farewell
to one's own self and find an exit
from the fallen self."

-D.H. Lawrence
"The Ship of Death"

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:: 2006 26 October :: 6.54pm

Sometimes I can just feel this pressure well up inside of me, encompassing my heart. I get cold, and shiver, even when the air is warm. My eyes well up with moisture, ready to burst at any moment. The back of my throat aches with every beat of my heart. I become despondant, distant, a type of concentrated deliriousness. My lips become dry, a shiver runs through my shoulders. The hair that fell in front of my face remains unmoved.

I stare at the screen, or some other distant or imaginary object. I can't think of anything else.

What is this feeling?

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:: 2006 26 October :: 10.22am
:: Mood: nachdenklich
:: Music: BSC

word on the streets

yeah, so college changes people.


i know!

i have yet to figure out if it's a good change.

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:: 2006 25 October :: 10.04am
:: Mood: bored

Would you say your nose crotch has had an important effect on your recent health?

If so, explain.

Thank you.

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:: 2006 24 October :: 5.56pm
:: Mood: amused

University band in thirty minutes. Never fear, I won't be late. The library is next to the music building, and I'm always the first person in there anyway.

I played Syrinx today. It's been a long time. I remember auditioning at Grand Valley. Thinking of that day makes me less nervous for my audition here.

I still have to figure out if it's allowed to major in English and minor in Music in the degree i want to get. I'm not quite sure. I hope so.

Rueben is coming to see me tonight. I'm relieved.

My phone and his phone are acting weird. We can't call each other's phones, but we can both call other people.

Speaking of people calling me
[check phone]

No one called me.

I didn't go to bed until three this morning. It was so odd. I was wide awake. I took a shower and painted my nails. I watched the SNL with Dane Cook.

Everyone up here is obsessed with Dane Cook. Especially my roommates.

Deja Vu.

Goodness. My mind is just not doing well today. I have one of those headaches that you get when you think too hard. We started cellular respiration today in biology. It makes a lot more sense the second time around. Especially with a teacher that knows what he's talking about.


The news is on. I'm not watching it. But it's on. It's a definite.
Babbling on and on.

Your comment. I'm not quite sure what to make of your comment, but either way, I'll take care of it, whether it's apparent or not.

What is it with creepy old men around here?

Ham in the cafeteria today. It was pretty delicious. My roommates and I have agreed that they put laxatives in the food. It's a precautionary measure, so that if something's spoiled, it goes through your system faster so you don't food poisening as bad.

Head Aches.

Rueben is coming soon. Goodness.

Prelude, Rondo and Siciliano
Salvation is Created

And, the one and only
Liberty Bell

Like I said, John Phillips Sousa and I have something going on.

I bet you're jealous.


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:: 2006 23 October :: 10.20pm

I've lost almost all of my hope for the future intelligence of the human race.

I'm fairly positive that they're going to put me in a nursing home and call me demented when I'm eighty and start reciting Frost.

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:: 2006 23 October :: 5.32pm

i'm fucking pissed.

mostly at myself, i guess.

who else do i have to blame? my professor? i'm trying to be reasonable here.

and at the moment, wigging out and beating the tar out of something sounds very reasonable to me.

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:: 2006 22 October :: 7.41pm
:: Mood: nauseated

Online Child Predator?
I'm in the library and I think I might be sitting next to an online sexual predator. These computers are open to the public, so you don't need to log in or sign in or anything.

When I came over to this computer he was on a site that feature interactive anime. Now, he's in a chat with someone who's icon is an emo stick figure. He keeps on stretching out and chuckling to himself whenever he gets a response to his message.

Did I mention he looks like he's fourty????


[edit] oh, and he has a long scraggly ponytail, too. I bet he's almost bald underneath his embroidered baseball cap.

[edit 2] I think i'm going to throw up.

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:: 2006 22 October :: 6.28pm
:: Mood: drained

I went to the choir concert today, the one Jackie was in. It was beautiful. I've never been to a truely good choir concert, just high school ones.

I finally got it. The reason. Their voices, the instruments of a wind ensemble, they're suppose to sound the same (very few do, however). There were times when I would shut my eyes and it was just music. It wasn't a band, it wasn't a choir, they weren't even chords. It was just beauty painted on the silence of the stage. It made me start crying.

The more I listened, the more I felt that I have become disconnected from all of this. I just thought over and over how if I was studying music at Grand Valley right now, everything would be better. My life would be so different. But I'm not there, and my music is growing more distant every day. I'm ashamed of that.

The first choir sang a piece derived from my favorite poem by Christina Rossetti. I didn't have a program, but I knew after the first line what it was. I recited it to myself as they sang. The arrangement for it was beautiful, full of movement and richness. The words got to me. It was then that I realized that I love both too much to choose. I love words, I love how they make me think and question, but I love music as well, how it makes me feel, how it makes find beauty in everything. I don't know if I was suppose to study music, or english, but without both, I can't live, and in that, I'll study both for the rest of my life.


Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you plann'd:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.

December 29, 1894


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:: 2006 21 October :: 6.07pm

I'm stuck. My car is broken.

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:: 2006 20 October :: 2.20pm
:: Mood: awake

Your eyes hold captive a sadness,
which very few have found.
Yet, is it luck or misfortune,
That you know this now?

Few can truely exclaim,
Knowing of that grief,
Does knowing of the worst,
Make happiness more sweet?

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:: 2006 18 October :: 8.40pm
:: Mood: nostalgic

Midterms are done. That's a definite relief. I've forfeited sleep a few nights for it. I don't think it was worth it. I felt a little overwhelmed with all of it, but it's better now knowing that I got an 88, and two 92's.

My first semester of college is half over with!


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:: 2006 18 October :: 3.02pm

Congratulations on your acceptance to Central Michigan University, Rueben.

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:: 2006 16 October :: 6.16pm

where did everyone go?

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