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Rejoice Everytime
you hear the sound of my voice

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:: 2006 19 April :: 5.55pm

we dont flip the bird.
we dont cuss and scream when the cars dont move and the light turns.
we dont lock our doors when we leave the house
there aint nobody here that we keep out
and thats the way we do it in our town
youll never hear me apologize for growing up strong
growing up right
living life by the golden rule sayin' yes ma'am thank you
green fields for miles and miles aint nothing but country on the radio.

aint no burning flags on our courthouse square
youll see old glory flying everywhere

aint no five star restaurant atmosphere
daddys home grown beefs whats for dinner here
and we wash it down with a tall cold beer.

I thank the good lord I was born and bred corn fed.

2 | l<3ve


:: 2006 18 April :: 8.08pm

It occured to me yesterday that everyone I know is painfully normal. There is nothing special about any of us. There are one hundred other people out there with the exact same talents and skills as any one of us. What makes us think we are anything to be proud of? The only thing that sets us apart are our experiences, but hell, who cares about experiences if you can't fit them into a concise paragraph along with your hopes and dreams and plan of the future?

I found out a few weeks ago that I was accepted into the Grand Valley State University School of Music to study for a degree in Music (performance) or Music Education.

It appears I have everything figured out. It would be wonderful if I really did.

Today was a horrible day. I don't know exactly why. It was just the feeling I had about it. Everything seemed so real, so acute, so harsh. It's hard to explain. It seems like the good days float by with a cloud of superficiality, nothing really grabs hold so much as just grazes by. It's like a bullet being shot that whizzes about your head. You realized it would hurt if you were struck, it might even be fatal, but because it didn't strike, it's almost not real. You are left with no physical reminder of it's presence. It can be soon forgotten, there was no true impact on your life.

Being struck with that bullet is a different story. You must live with the pain and reminder of it every day. It digs into your body, as much as into your soul. It's there, it's real.

That's what today seemed like. Real.

3 | l<3ve


:: 2006 17 April :: 8.10pm

Start at GRCC in the fall. Spend two years there and get my Associate in Arts degree for Pre-Secondary Education with empasis in speech, english, and theater. Transfer to either GVSU or WMU to complete my four-year degree seeking program to get my Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Secondary Education and minors in English and Theater. Finally, take my Basic Skills Test for Teacher's Certification and my Michigan Content Test in English and Theater. Then finally, start applying for jobs as a high school English teacher who can also be a director for the school's plays and musicals. Sound good? I think so.



:: 2006 16 April :: 5.57pm

Shouting matches with your manager is never a good idea. Good thing he isn't the supervisor, or I'd be looking for a job.

4 | l<3ve


:: 2006 17 April :: 3.48am
:: Mood: determined
:: Music: Page France - Goodness

Truth Be Told

God Damnit I Am Sexy!!!

Tuesdays @ 9pm at the wireless cafe The I.A. performs 3$ cover charge

Wednesdays @ 9pm at the wireless cafe the I.A. performs 2$ cover. (there is also an open mic that night after we perform if you like to listen to fucking retarted emo kids.)

Thursdays @ 9pm at The Eastown Hookah Lounge the I.A. performs
5$ cover charge
3$ fun fingerfood buffet.
Comedy and hookahs ....what could be better.

1 | l<3ve


:: 2006 14 April :: 10.36pm

Just watch. I'll change everything around. I'll be in college this fall. Or else...



:: 2006 14 April :: 1.16pm

I've decided to stop using my phone. I'm wasting so much money putting stupid minutes on it that it's just not worth it. If I were to put minutes on it now, I would have spent 60 dollars so far in a months' span on minutes. So, I've decided that what I'll do is save up my money for one of those Visa secured credit cards (it's 300 dollars deposit), then I will use it to establish a credit score. Once I have done that, THEN I will get a phone with a plan, that way I can actually afford it. Plus, it will be nice to have a phone that has unlimited nights and weekends and stuff like that. So, on that note, please call me on my home phone at 616-696-0007. And, you can also get a hold of me at work at 616-696-2164. Oh, and there's also AIM or Yahoo. As far as phone numbers go, 616-510-5945 is DEAD.



:: 2006 14 April :: 2.45am


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:: 2006 13 April :: 8.39pm
:: Music: "When You're Mad" Ne-Yo

I need to establish credit.

I'm sick of prepaid phones.

Expecially my phone. It's a piece.



:: 2006 9 April :: 11.30pm
:: Mood: Amused

Haha.... Funny!
So me and Sonego were talking about how were both hungry, well… I asked her what she was going to go get from her kitchen cuz its like 11:30 at night, and she said soup. So this is what I did…

Me: ‘Mom can I go to Ashley’s?’
Mom: ‘Why its like… 11:30 at night!?’
Me: ‘Um…. Well Ashley’s eating soup and I really want some!’

Haha True Story, So I Had To Tell You Cuz Its Just To Funny Not To<3


Haha, So after getting a rain check on our little soup party I was saying goodbye to ash so I could go to bed and she goes…

Ashley: have a souper night..haha did you like that!? I hope you get it.

LMAO… I just thought that was way to funny not to post either…

1 | l<3ve

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