2007 30 May :: 8.21pm
:: Mood: i have to pee.
:: Music: Blue October - Into the Ocean
I'm cold as cold as cold can be..
Well, Justin should be home shortly.
We are e-mailing each other through here and his new phone.
Nore is outside, chillin.. and Jayce is sleeping next to me on the couch.
I am super bored. My mom is supposed to come to bring Nore dog food but I think she may have forgot. Grr.. plus, I want my clothes that Liz found in her closet. haha, when me and my sisters clean out our closets we always let each other look through the bags before we give them to good will.
mine is half-done. I cleaned out my closet but now I still have the dresser to do.
Memorial Day: Monday
it went okay. We went over my mom's for a cook-out after we went shopping at Wal-Mart.
My whole family was there and we ate some steak. It was delicious but I wished there was more because I bet I could've ate like 20lbs of it.
We took Nore there and my mom and Justin got in a big fight because Justin hit him. =( My poor puppy. I told Justin I will punch him in his face and ohhhh it was chaos.
April wanted to watch Jayce ALL DAY.
Well, I wasn't exactly for that... I didn't want him gone all day so to waste time I waited until she took him to get a shower.
I was going to go to Gabes to buy a dress for this wedding me and Justin are going to on Saturday.
First, me and Justn had to go to the mall to take back these phones that the guy from T-Mobile suckered us into taking. Justin ended up getting in a big hissy fit with the guy there so we went downstairs and he bought a T-Mobile phone from that kiosk instead.
Anywyas, I'll update more later..
2007 30 May :: 6.56pm
:: Music: Lightning Crashes - Live
Long weekend full of mothering 5 children. I don't really want to talk about it. Too tramatic. I hate kids now. But only for a little bit. Give it a week, the pessimism'll wear off by then I figure.
I failed at making time to talk to Kelly this past weekend, not that there was potential time to do so, but ... yeah. Now I'm talking to him though. He doesn't get my sheetrock argument I don't think. Dad got it.
Mom's birthday was yesterday. We had an awesome surprise party for the old ass (now officially 40). Ashley came over and we hung out and made fun of dumb movies (mainly Open Water... omg is all I got on that one), wrestled, made fun of dumb siblings and family members, and then gave each other tattoos with a blue ink pen that fails at writing on skin so... yeah. It hurt.
Best part about everything? Left over cake and icecream.
2007 27 May :: 11.45am
since when are raccoon eyes with light eye shadow hot? some girls need lessons in putting on make up
I've been meaning to update but everytime i come on here i forget and i do other shit.
but anyways..
i am about to get in the shower right after this.
i was on and to get down to my 'happy weight' they told me to eat 1365 calories a day.
in 2 more weeks my body is supposed to be done "fixing itself" but I can't imagine it tightening my stomach the way it used to be. plus, i wear a huge jeans size that i would love to down. haha.
i complain about it and then eveeryone says, "you had a baby 3 weeks ago..."
i didn't expect my body to be right back the way it was, of course, but it just sucks to feel like this.
i kinda feel like a cow.
yesterday, saturday, we went over cassie and josh's with jayce.
they were having a cookout
is was me, bubby, cassie, josh, chuck, marty, and boo.
and then of course jaedyn was there.. and kaleigh was too.
i hadn't seen kaleigh in sooo long. she is seriously so big.
i can't believe she is 4.. i was talking to boo about it and i couldn't believe it.
after that, i dropped justin off to go to cam's with serg and i went to my mom's so she could see jayce--she missed him.
i stayed there for a while because we went to wingin' it and ate ice cream.
i went back home and answered jsutins calls cause he was blowin up my phones. he said he didn't have a ride home and i wasn't going to come get him, so he stayed there and i was annoyed because he's so freaking messy so i hung up on him and cleaned the house a little bit before i went to bed.
we slept in til like 10 today and now ehre i am.
the day before yesterday, friday,
we took nore and jayce to the park.
well, first we put nore in the bathtub to cool him off a little bit and he loved it so we took him to play in the watewr at the park.
he didn't want to get in the water so justin was throwing treats in for him to get.
when he got out pretty far he was doing circles and chasing his tail and hopping around like he was trying to run ontop of the water.
on the way home he passed out on my lap, haha.
we dropped him off and went to bill's for lunch and then went down to the mall so i could try on some shoes cause justin was going to buy me some new ones cause he got new shoes and i'm jealous.
on thursday,
april wanted to watch jayce so i took him over there and went to gabes with my mom.
i should've known going with my mom was a bad idea.
i just wanted to get like 2 pair of jeans but instead i ended up buying a bunch of shit i didn't need and spent $80!!
i guess i needed it.. i don't have any clothes that fit right now.
that sums the recent activities up..
i'm going to take a shower..
1 cmnts. |
2007 22 May :: 12.08am
my baby is sleeping past his usual time to wake up
..Usually he sleeps like--8-12, then wakes up to eat but goes right back to sleep 12-4 for a bottle and goes right back to sleep, then 4-7 and rtight back to sleep and then 7-9 and that's when he gets up for the day.
he was following that except it's 10 after 12 and he's still sleeping and doesn't look like he's getting up anytime soon. hmm.. we'll see what happens..
it was a good weekend because justin came home a day earlier.
i asked him to go to grand march wih me so he came home thursday night instead of friday. =)
we did go to grand march. i did liz's make up and she looked pretty cute. haha.
she made me jealous, i wish i would've went to prom--it's the one thing i really regret.
in fact, justin had said that he wished we went last year. =(
oh well, too late now.
after grand march tracy watched jayce and we went out to eat at speer street grill. we had a lot of fun.. i miss going out with him.
our waiter talked me into getting this dish i had questions about by saying it was one of the best things on the menu.
justin got a steak and they were both delicious.
our rib appetizer was pretty amazing, too.
when we were finished justin talked me into getting dessert but there was no more chocolate cake. =( luckily, our waiter talked me into getting some sort of brownie cheesecake and it was one of the best things i've ever tasted.
after that we went to cam and serg's apartment for a while.
eventually, we picked jayce up at like 11:30 and went home to sleep.
this weekend went pretty good, it was sad when justin had to leave again.
last night, right after shaun picked justin up, nicole came over with a couple jack daniels malt drinks which were pretty tasty.
after she left i dropepd jayce off at my mom's so i could run to shop n save to get him more formula and then i went back down there and ate dinner and made brownies for my brothers and step dad.
i went home and went to bed..
today i got up and went to meet denise in king's parking lot but when i called her to tell her what kind of car i would be in, she told me she might not make it. she is the lady in charge of my parenting course thing. it's pretty easy, basically she comes over and we talk about how cute the baby is.. last visit she tried on liz's prom jewelery.
i went to the probation office and met her in the waiting room.
i took my drug test for the court order and then i went home!
jenna came over and then left for school around 6.
she called to tell me her class was cancelled.. and then she went home, got adam, and came back.
i knew they were here because i could hear them yelling at each other outside.
anywyas.. that;s about it. thye left about an hour ago and now here i am.. about to go to bed..
sooo.. im out.
2007 20 May :: 1.01am
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Glycerine - Bush
This place has fallen into the Dark Ages. Nothing's going on.
Once again someone turned our air conditioner down too low and I'm cold. It doesn't help that I got a sunburn today.
I hung out with Ashley and I bought old-man "I'm a pedophile" glasses. You know the kind. They're so creepy looking that you try to stay away from the person in them and then they stop you and you can't run away from them for fear they'll stalk you all of your days, and so you're like "heh... wha?" and they start going on about how cool they are and how caught up in technology they are because they have a Window's 95 and you're just like "wtf dude? n00b" and then they grab you and hit you in the head with their glasses (now we know why they're made so thick) and then rape you and you die from diseases not even registered yet.
Anyway, my glasses... they rock the world. So BAMF. I look so sweet in them.
1 cmnts. |
2007 17 May :: 10.27pm
:: Mood: bouncy
<3 Iron Chef America.
So intense.
I don't think I could eat the food though, looks too weird.
2007 17 May :: 11.26am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: All The Love In The World - NIN
I miss Kelly.
I was a bitch to him Tuesday night, something I regret obviously.
I don't know what's been up with me lately. I want to say stress, but sometimes I feel like that's just an easy excuse everyone uses. If someone bitches you out, and then's like "oh sorry man, I'm just stressed" it requires an eyeroll from you. A long one.
I need work. I put in a few applications, nothing back on those obviously, since I'm sitting in my pj's at my computer at 11 something in the afternoon.
Life sucks, whatever.
5 cmnts. |
2007 16 May :: 5.04pm
here's why i haven't been updating much...
Well.. Did I tell you how Nore chewed my $300 cell phone?
Yeah.. he did..
That was before I even had Jayce, though.
THEN!! I was at my mom's one day recently.. and Nore had my phone AGAIN!
It's been rough for me to walk because they had to cut me like.. a lot.
I was using my meds sparingly because I wanted them to last but sadly they came to and end and I haven't got around to calling the doctor for anything else.
I'm pretty much all better now, though.
Monday was Jayce's first check up.
He's gained exactly a pound since he was born--8lbs 11oz now.
He's so fat--all he does is eat! Haha.
..and that means I don't get much to eat. I gobble down food every chance I get because most of my time is spent with naps.
In 4 weeks I get to resume with normal activities--and that means I can start exercising. I'm probably going to get a thing at the gym, but I don't know--I'm so lazy.
I weighed myself at Jayce's appointment while we were waiting for Dr Dawn and so far I've lost 20lbs.. but I dno't think that's really all that good? I don't know.. I'm not so sure on how that works.
It's weird to have almost my normal figure back.
I can sort of fit into my old jeans except I can't really button them yet.
That kinda figures considering I still weigh almsot 30lbs more than what I did before I was pregnant..
It's weird it's already been 2 weeks!
My mom was like, "kinda tough, huh?"
but.. actually.. it's kind of a lot easier than I thought it was goiong to be.
The only thing that sucks is the depression.. sometimes I get soo stressed out about the most stupid things.
They say that you're not supposed to worry about how messy your house gets or if you didn't get a chance to take a shower that day--but I can't help it.. Those kinds of things are in my nature to get worried about. Like.. when I don't get a shower I feel lazy and disgusting and when my house is a mess I feel frustrated and nervous.
So when he naps.. I will take a shower and clean up and then he gets up and eats and when he goes for his second nap, I sleep with him.
The nights haven't really been that hard.
I woke up more to go pee when I was pregnant.
At first he was waking up at 12, I would stay up til then, feed him, and then go to sleep.
He would wake up at 2:00, 5:00, and 9:00.
Now.. he sleeps from 10-12, wakes up at 4:00 and then again at 7:00 and staying up until 9:00 when he takes a nap.
So at first I was sleeping in until 9:00 but now I am getting up at seven..
that kinda sucks but I got used to it because when we first got Nore, that's about when he would wake us up to go pee.
He's a pretty good baby so far--he only cries when he's hungry--he doesn't even cry when he needs changed or anything. YOu just kinda gotta guess.
And at night, he doesn't get up and stay up like he does in the day.. at night it's just little whimpers when he's hungry, I hold a bottle and we both fall asleep like that.
It sucks that Justin had to go back to work--but atleast he's not staying away for weeks at a time like before--that blew.
He comes home on the weekends for now.
Ugh, I can't wait til he gets a dumb job around here.
Anywyas--so back to why I haven't been updating.
Nore chewed the power cord to Justin's lap top so I called Staples and they said the price ranges from $80-$140.
I was like, "oh my gosh, I hope his is the $80 one!"
Well, he checked--and they had none is stock for his model but told me to bring the lap top in and he'll see if they can find something to fit it.
Justin looked on the internet with the last little bit of life that his computer had left and found one on some site for like $25.
Nore chewed the charger to Justin's phone. Right through the cord. It honestly takes him 2 seconds.
That was Sunday and that was the day Justin had to leave to go back to work. So! He had to hurry and run to the mall to get a new one but they didn't have one--I knew they wouldn't--his phone is from Singapore. He had to buy an adapter for his phone to even plug into American outlets!
So.. he found one on the internet with his computer beeping 10% life left. It was $5.95. Haha.. but $16 to ship it... and the asshole picks priority shipping when he wouldn't even be here!
So.. that cost more.
They delivered it Monday and he won't even be here til 1:00 in the morning on Friday.
Anywyas.. I'm out for now this was a good enough update.
2 cmnts. |
2007 15 May :: 7.28pm
:: Mood: cranky
I ended up havening to cook supper, which is actually fine, you know, whatever. The fact that it was an hour late in the telling was annoying though.
And to top it off I'm getting sick. My throats all "Hey, I'm swollen and I make you cry everytime you swallow. Heh!"
2 cmnts. |
2007 15 May :: 10.05am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Violent Heart - NIN
Graduation was last Thursday. It was sad: I got a shit load of money.... which I used to buy a bus ticket to Michigan for the 26 of June. Fuckin A. I'm excited though. Is it weird that I'm nervous about orientation? surely it's not That big of a deal. I have to take a "How
Smart Are You?" test. That's what I'm nervous about, I guess.
*Not all that smart*
I know this guy who's looking into getting Ashley and I an office job at George's. I've always wanted an office job, but at George's? Ugh. Whatever though, I need cash and they have it.
I feel so useless sitting at home while the kids are off at school. I've cleaned places in my house I wasn't even aware were here. For some reason I can't motivate myself to finish my room though. I need to finish picking my shit up and vacuum it but... *sigh* I don't know. I just choose to do other things. I really need to clean it though.
And why am I talking about such weird things on here? I should maintain important updates, not useless-to-all-who-reads-this-shit posts.
/sigh again.
2007 10 May :: 11.56am
I uploaded more pictures to my facebook that aren't in my other photo album yet.
They are of our hospital visitors and such.
Click here to view them.
okay i gotta take a shower now.
2007 10 May :: 11.18am
happy birthday jenna
Well the last time I updated I ended up sleeping with Jayce all day on the couch. I seriously couldn't move and I ended up with a temperature of 103.. yeaaah.
justin comes home tomorrow!!
jayce is sleeping in his swing so i am going to take the opportunity to take a shower real fast and get ready for the day.
yesterday i spent the whole day at my mom's..
i napped for a while with jayce and when we woke up we had visitors.
it was ashley and noah!! noah has so much hair i couldn't believe it.
haha. it was nice to talk to her, she seems a lil lonely.
After that we chilled for a little bit and then took Liz to the gym.
We came back to my mom's house to take my brother to his friend's house only to find that the little brat already left!!!
Soo.. we went to Wal-Mart to get Liz cookies and then we picked her up from the gym.
We sat at my mom's house for a little bit and then me and my mom came back to my house.
Okay.. today I have to call the gas and the electric company.
oh, and also my doctor to make a follow-up appointment.
but first!! i am going to go take a shower...
did you see my pictures of my pretty baby?
Click here if not. =)
2007 9 May :: 8.01pm
:: Mood: bored
New myspace.
clicky here to add me!
2007 7 May :: 7.50pm
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: Home - Daughtry
I feel like something's missing in my life right now. It's like there's this giant black hole right in the middle of me and it's draining. I don't know what it is. There's numerous possibilities: The man I love is thousands of miles away, I'm graduating, I'm leaving my family behind me in a few months to move to a place that I've never been in my life. I'm starting a whole new chapter in my life and I don't even know if I'm ready for it. I am scared to death.
I don't know who to talk to about this, and that's the most depressing thing. My family just tries to talk me out of moving and what they say makes so much since that I feel torn when I talk to Kelly because he's so excited about it. Not that I'm not excited either. I can't wait, I honestly can't, but I just don't know how I'm going to be able to afford it. I think that I'll be fine once I get up there. I'll find a job, I'll work, I'll go to class, I'll have scholarships, I'll apply for state citizenship (and hopefully obtain it) and I'll be with Kelly.
That is what makes all of this stressing worth while. Knowing that I'll be with him. I love him so much that I think I'm crazy sometimes. He's such a goof and it makes me happy that he doesn't mind that I'm one as well. I can be myself around him; I couldn't with Karl. If I said the dumb stuff that I say to Kelly to Karl he would make me feel like an idiot. Kelly just says dumb stuff right back and I love that.
And once again thinking about the bottom brain made my depressed mood go right away. God I love him.
4 cmnts. |
2007 7 May :: 5.39pm
jmm lmm jmm
just an update.
jayce is a week old today.
i feel like shit today.
i haven't moved from this couch all day--for real.
except to change his diaper.
justin left yesterday to go back to work.
he'll be home friday but i don't know if i'll make it.
i didn't get a shower yet today and that makes me feel even worse but i can't help it.
kaylin wanted to come over to see the baby but i'm definitely not up to having anyone over right now.
i am pretty sure i have a fever and i am about to take a nap after i am done with this.
yesterday was my grandma's birhday.
we had a party for her but i fell asleep through cake and ice cream (my favorite part.) i wasn't feeling too hot yesterday either.
i have a script of hydrocodone that tells me to take 2 every 4 hours but i think i would die if i did that so i am taking one in the morning with two ibuprofen and then the same before i go to bed.
if i do anything more i get sick.
i have to call and make an appointment for my follow-up and also for jayce to see the pediatrician but i just haven't got around to it.
all i feel like doing today is laying around.
i definitely have to call tomorrow though.
i've had since wednesday..
anywayas..l. no more complaining.
i'm going to go take a nap with my pretty boy.
2007 5 May :: 8.50pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Make Yourself - Incubus
I asked mom if she wanted to watch Cliff Hanger with me and she said no. I have never turned her down when she asked me to watch a movie with her, but apparently that's just a one way street. I didn't quite know what to do for a moment. Then I decided I'd watch it by myself and you know what? It was still fucking awesome.
<3 Cliff Hanger
2007 5 May :: 1.05pm
:: Mood: sleepy
I am about to take a nap.
Jayce has been passed out in his swing for hours and Justin is laying across from me on the couch, sleeping.
Since my last update...
Those contractions?
I didn't know if they were real or not because they didn't really hurt me.
Justin left with Shaun for Maryland and I went to my mom's.
We timed the contractions which turned into 4 minutes apart.
Justin was going to turn around but I told them not to because I wasn't sure if they were real yet or not.
Then, they went crazy and were jumping all around everywhere and were 3 minutes then 9 minutes then 12 minutes...
but then they started to hit me at 4 minutes for about an hour around like 8:00 or so.
I asked my mom when we were supposed to go to the hospital and she kept on saying I would know.
Well.. they were hurting pretty bad by now but I was still feeling okay.
Finally, at 10:00, my mom said we should leave.. so we were on our way to the hospital.
When I got there we walked in the ER and the lady had us filling out all these papers. When she started asking questions and I was jumping around on my tip toes, she asked what was wrong... I was like, "well.. i think i'm going to have a baby..."
like duh.
what does it look like?
her eyes went wide and she said, "oh hunny you dont need to fill ANYTHING out--you go straight upstairs!!!!"
They put me in a wheelchair and took me in this room where they hooked me up with morphine and made me pass out, pretty much.
I was super high and April (Jusitn's mom) got there and laughed at me.. I couldn't even keep my eyes open.
Dr. Cervone came in and hooked me up with an epidural.. I was so scared about getting one. He totally said it was going to be fine, though and explained it to me what it meant.
When the lady checked me, she could feel the baby's head but didn't know how many centimeters I was dialated.
She told me I have a weird cervix and called another nurse in.
That nurse told me the same thing and I was like, "what do you mean? is that bad?"
and they told me that i was tight but very stretchy and it would probably help me out, hahah.
well.. i took a nap and justin got there when my epidural was wearing off.
They asked me if I wanted another one and I said yes.. she told me she recommended against it because it would slow down my labor and i can take the pain anyways because i have a high pain tolderance.
I was thinking, "what?? how the hell does she know my pain tolerance?! i will get another one because i would rather it go slow with no pain than fast and painful."
so they gave me another one..
..and then i got it understood that im not even to start pushing until it wears off.
so what;s the point of getting one?!?! ahhhh i was pissed.
so yeah it hurt pretty bad, just as i imagined it would feel like.. like all 21.5 inches of a 7lb 11oz baby coming out of your vagina.
Click the thumbnail to see his pictures

I love him, he's just too cute. Haha.
Me and Justin take pictures of him no matter what he does.
So I delivered him Monday morning at 6:16am on the day he was due.
What are the chances? I'll tell you--3%.
The average baby is 7.5lbs and 21 inches long so he is perfect.
I stayed in the hospital Monday night, Tuesday and Tuesday night, and came home on Wednesday.
The first night with him was kinda rough.
Well, it wasn't that bad--not as bad as you would think--but he was sick and threw up because he had gas.
The second night wasn't bad because I got to sleep through it.
He had gas again and Justin took him out to the living room and fell asleep with him on the couch.
Last night was fine.. he woke up once and we all slept until about 8:30 this morning.
Now he is in his swing, sleeping. Passed out actually. He was crying when we first put him in it but we strapped him in, turned it on, played the music and he was fighting his eyes to stay awake until he gave in.
Nore has been at my mom's house since I went to the hospital.
She is training him for us so he will relax around the baby.
Justin went to get my prescription and while he was gone me and my mom let Nore smell him.
He was nice to him but we knew he would be.. the only thing is how hyper he gets.
Justin put Jayce down by Nore and Nore gave him a big ol' lick on the face.
My mom said he's doing pretty well wth not jumping up and everything.
We are going to get him neutered so he settles down and if all else fails, we're getting him doggy ritalin.
haha, we dont want to give him up for nothing--he's still our chocolate dog!!!!!
anyways, like i said--i'm passing out.
kk lata.
2 cmnts. |
2007 4 May :: 9.11pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
i just have to drop in and say that jaycen marish is the hottest baby ever.
2007 1 May :: 1.50pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Til Kingdome Come - Coldplay
As I assumed I would, I stayed home today. A few people went to school I guess, but they all said that it's been the biggest waste of a day ever, and it's going to be that way all week. I wish they would have just let us miss a week of school and called it good. None of the teachers have anything for us to do. Well, no, I have to do the Senior Trip page for the yearbook, but I got that all set up before I even went on the trip, so that'll take like one day to set up all the pictures and captions so that's not even a big deal.
I'm really pissed off about the fact that I'm going to have to wear a damn bandaid on my nose to cover up the ring. It's 5 more days of school, like it even matters. My perverted comments are more of an attention grabber than my nose will be and I'm not wearing a fucking bandage on my mouth so wtf.
Oh well, I don't really care. The school system is moronic but I'm almost out of there.
Ugh, it started raining and cut the satellite up and so now no more King of the Hill.
Anyway, I cannot wait for June. I'm nervous as hell, but I still cannot wait. I happen to have the cutest, most amazing boyfriend ever, and I can't wait to spend time with him.
2007 30 April :: 8.22pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Here's to the Night - Eve 6
Senior Trip Anticdotes
We landed at Kansas City from Orlando at 1:30, we loaded up our luggage and left at like 2:00 and then it was a three and a half hour drive back home. I gave everyone their stuff and got on here to talk to Kelly, who, btw, I missed a LOT. Everything reminded me of him and I was sad a lot, but now it's ok.
I don't even remember what we did each day. There wasn't one day that Kandace, Tessi and I didn't go to City Walk though. It was crazy. I feel like my legs are freaking stones from walking so much. There were these fucking crazy ass lizards that fucking chased you and like ate your feet or some shit. Kandace and I were terrified of them so Tessi walked in front and scared them off of the side walks for us.
Um... we went to SeaWorld which, proving me wrong, was way cool, we went to Universal Studios, this Pirate Show which I got to help out in their little act and it was fucking awesome.
Um Sunday was my birthday and we all went to Jimmy Buffett Margaritaville and everyone sang happy birthday and I got this huge ass balloon hat that everyone said looked like a penis and it was fun. I didn't get cake though. I was sad, I've never had a cakeless birthday. I got my nose pierced that night. Tylor, Jessica, and Tessi came with us, but they were only 17 and couldn't do anything. Kandace, Heather and I got our noses done, and Johanna got her belly button done. It hurt so bad for a few minutes but then it was fine. I think I hit it a lot when I was sleeping though, because I woke up and it was just throbbing.
Plus, we were looking at each others and apparently mine got fucked up. it's supposed to be a screw and heather and kandace's are, but mine got bent and it's just straight. I don't know how I'm going to take it out now, but whatever. I have 6-8 weeks before I have to worry about that too much.
I'm getting depressed about graduating. I don't want to leave, but I want to leave and go be with Kelly. I feel like I'm trying to live two completely different lives and it's really stressing me out. I don't know if I'm going to school tomorrow like we're supposed to. I might just lay around, unpack and wash clothes.
Anyway, that's about all I've got. It was definitly a kick ass trip though.
2007 29 April :: 11.41am
haha just real quick
Haha, I loove my sister's myspace.
She always has good music and funny things..
"Bitch, you have to be PRETTY for me to hate on you."
"You look at me up and down and don't have nothin to say..
..Funny how the words come when I walk away."
"To all the hoes with my name in your mouth
--Do what you do best and SWALLOW IT."
"Judge me and I'll prove you wrong.
Tell me what to do & I'll tell you off.
Say I'm not worth it and watch where I end up.
Call me a bitch and I'll show you one.
Fuck me over and I'll do it to you twice as bad.
Call me crazy.. but you really have no idea."
Haha.. that last one I posted to her as a comment like last week or somethin.
Anywyas.. it's quite possible today could be the day.
I've been having contractions 7 minutes apart all last night and this morning..
Buuuut--I think I'm out for now.
I'll update later.
1 cmnts. |
2007 25 April :: 11.09am
:: Mood: feelin' like a sleepy head--AND HUNGRY!
:: Music: Say Anything
updizzle my nizzle
I am chillin here with Nore, we actually just woke up because Justin called again to ask silly questions about things to buy for the baby.
He isn't going to have any room to bring this stuff home if he keeps on buying more shit.
I hate that it's raining outside. I have a whole bunch of burn trash and it needs to get out of my hallway!
Other than that, I have like 5 more thank you cards to write and I'm done.
Yesterday, I had a doctor's appointment that I went to with my mom and it hurt like hell--i hate those things.
We scheduled one for Monday because that's when I'm due.
He said if I make it to that one we'll schedule for the next week--which is May 7th and if I make it to THAT one then that's the appointment we'll start talking about when I should be induced and stuff.
I'm still only 1cm dialated so... I hope I start to dialate more.
I haven't been too much in a rush though because I want Jusitn to come home first, haha.
Yesterday after my doctor's aopointment, me and my mom ran down to the Cricket store because the day before, Nore chewed my $300 cell phone. =D
Yeah, I pretty much almost died when I looked out in the yard and saw what he was chewing on... like a chew toy.
My mom told me to file a claim that it's been lost because a dog chewing it up might not be covered by my insurance. Well I did that so now they want me to go through all this bullshit about getting the claim notorized and everything. Ugh, it was a pain in the ass.
So they give me the form nad I had to come all the way back home and fill it out in front of AAA and have it notorized and faxed which is $5.
Now I have to wait 24 hours for a response and then go to the Cricket store and get a new phone for $85.
My mom said it would be cheapest probably just to get a plan under Justin with Cingular--because my bill would be $10 and then me and him could split the price. but that's still $60 haha.
Anywwyas, after that we went to Wal-Mart and picked up some stuff and a dresser for the baby.
So now today I am going to put all his little clothes in the dresser since everything else is in place.
I was planning on surprising Justin for when he gets home but me, his mom and mine all think he will be expecting it to be done--haha!
I also need to paint the second coat on my bookcase so I can put it in my room and get some of my books on it so I can get them out of the way from out of the hall.
Other than that--yep.. nothing.
Two more days til Justin comes home.
I had a dream he called me and said he was breaking up with me for being the most annoying girl ever. Hahahaha.
Anyways, I'm out.
4 cmnts. |
2007 22 April :: 11.06pm
:: Mood: tiiired!
:: Music: Last night, I couldn't even get an answer...
mm i laa you babe
Well.. I chilled around my house lazy all day.
Then, me and Nore went down my gram's
--(fuck you chicago bitches--i just said DOWN MY GRAM'S.. AND GRANDPAP'S, HOW'S THAT!? hahaha muaah i miss YINS so much!!!)--
for my grandpap's birthday.
he was good down there.. a little crazy but he was good.
at one point though, he had the cat bed and i grabbed it off of him and held it against me as i leaned over to yell at him and he jumped at me and went to grab it, biting me in the stomach.
sooo.. my skin is stretched and really thin on my stomach and he bit me--not hard--and it left a purple mark and an indent. kinda like a stretch mark except it hurts when i touch it.
it sucked.
apirl was supposed to call me around 7:00 to drop off a stand for my bathroom but she never called sooo okay. i wasn't ready to leave at 7 so i wasn't going to call her so i'll have to get it another day.
me and nore got back around 9:30 and he went to sleep on the living room floor and i watched desperate housewives.
me and justin talked for a little bit because i cant go to sleep without saying good night to him.
i ahven't cried in a while but for some reason i did tonight.
after we got off the phone he sent me a text message and told me not to cry and that we'd be together again soon.
only 5 more days, but it just goes so slow.
i told him i was sorry for crying and that i knew and it's just hard to be away from him-- i feel so like.. apart from him.
he said he misses me so much i dont even know. ( =( ) and that it's hard for him to be away.
i told him about how my mom told me it's probably even harder for him because he's actually away from home and everything and he said he does miss his friends and everything but his family comes first. =(
that made me miss him more.
i like to have a family with him because i feel like he would do anything for me, it's just scary cause i can never trust anyone--
--the one person i actually got to the point that i could trust i had to let him go because you get your heart broke so many times and then the pieces actually start to get lost and that happened.. you know?
it feels weird to not have to work in the morning.
What will I do all day tomorrow?!?!?!
Pshtttt yeah right--I have A LOT to do this week.
I just put off gettin shit done cause I hate to leave me dog home alone..
I am going to heat up this rice bag and head off to bed with my puppers.
2 cmnts. |
2007 22 April :: 3.55pm
Sunday afternoon..
Nore is taking a nap so I am taking the opportunity to update because I am bored.
I just got off the phone with Justin not too long ago.
He just moved hotels and he hates the one he's at now. Haha.
Tracy and Chriss came over today because they drove past and saw me sitting outsdie and wanted to make sure I was okay. (haha)
I can't believe that I am due to have a baby in a week.
I don't even feel pregnant! I thought being pregnant was going to be a lot harder than this but really I haven't actually even felt pregnant until like maybe a week ago because of how hard it's been for me to get up from laying down. Haha.
I told Andy (my boss) I wouldn't even know I was pregnant if I didn't have this huge stomach. =)
I dunno, I can't wait to get it out though. I knwo I'm still going to be fat for a while but I can't wait to get rid of SOME of it.
I think I'm going to sit outside with Nore for a little bit. It's super nice out today.
It's my pap's birthdya so I might be heading down there for a little.
1 cmnts. |