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You just have to be happy. If you are everything else will fall into place.

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:: 2007 3 April :: 6.52pm

uhh okay

The reason why I liked Chris Sligh so much was because of his audition. Most people don't know what I'm talking about because they haven't watched it from the beginning.

Well, here it is:

Since my last update..
My baby shower was a lot of fun. =)
EVEN THOUGH I left the answer key to the games at my house, we forget to play the game where everyone guesses how fat I am, I looked like shit because I kept crying, I hated what I was wearing, and I didn't get a chance to talk to every single person for as long as I watned to.
Everyone kept asking if it was catered because the food was soooo good. I ate a lot. Not as much as I wanted to, though. My mom ended up having to throw a lot away because it wouldn't fit in her fridge. I was sad when she told me because I would've ate it all.

Leanne and Michelle came out for it.
I miss them soo much, I wish they could've stayed longer! =(
We took a lot of pictures. They are fun.

Justin is all fussy and excited about the presents and he put everything together already.
Aaaaand he's a fucking moron and thinks you need two coats of primer.
Whatever. If it wasn't for him the room would already be painted.
He pisses me off sometimes.

We got light blue for the baby's room. I think we are going to leave all the trim white. Eventually, I want to get dark blue carpet in there.
I got pretty much everything I needed at the shower.
All the presents were sooo extrmely nice, I can't wait to actually go through everything. I have to wait til the room is painted though.

The only thing I really need now is a book case for the baby and a dresser. =)
Also.. I am going to get a new diaper bag because I didn't get the one I wanted and I think it is cute.

Today I had soo much to do. I had to go over Joe Fida's and renew my registration. It expired in February!!
After that, I had to go to Marsh Tire and get my inspection and emissions.

I need to get those pictures from my baby shower on my computer so I can crop them and fix the lighting and everything and then I can print them out and put them in frames!!
I am going to hang four pictures up on the wall in my lviing room in two frames I have to match this mirror I put up.

I need more stuff to hang up on these walls though.

First things first--I need to get a new patio door.
THAT'S most important. Then a new entrance door because I pulled it out of the wall and the nails dont go back in.

I am pretty much just rambling on.
Just being bored.

I am excited about the high chair, pack n play, swing, and travel system that I got. =D
The nursery theme is cute too.

Anywyas, I'm done being boring.

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:: 2007 3 April :: 9.09am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Suicide is Painless

We were sitting in Accounting doing our worksheet and then BAM a computer shuts off and starts smoking really bad. It was so effing cool.



:: 2007 2 April :: 11.16pm
:: Mood: tired/cold/pissed off
:: Music: Wonderboy - Tenacious D

I just got home from Districts.
We qualified for state, but we did awful. We got 5th, and I personally did worse than I have ever done. Plus we got beat by our rival school so that was just fucking fantastic.

I was hoping I would get back in time to talk to Kelly because I've really wanted to just talk to him all day. That obviously didn't happen, so that just bums me out even more.

This was a really, really bad day.

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[ xsilentxsuicidex ]

:: 2007 2 April :: 12.21am

i'm sorry.
that i can't fall out of love.

and i'm sorry,
for believing every fucking lie you feed me.
i'm sorry the way you're treating me,
isn't helping me get over you.

i'm sorry that we're not together,
and i'm sorry that i let you take advantage of me.

i'm sorry about it all.
i'm sorry about my weaknesses.
i'm sorry you suddenly decided to be anti-society.
i'm sorry you "hated the title all along."

i'm sorry. for making the both of us miserable.
i'm sorry that i'm sorry,
when i know that this is both of us.

but one of us has to be.
and you obviously are not.

so i'm sorry.
but this time,
being forgiven won't fix anything.



:: 2007 31 March :: 10.24pm
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: Kyle Quit the Band - Tenacious D

I made a little over $60.00 tonight. I was happy.

Vault - Red Blitz tastes exactly like Mikes Hard - Down Home Punch.
It's crazy. And delicious.



:: 2007 29 March :: 11.02pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: Shiver - Maroon 5

Well... I signed on around seven or so, but had to go help Taylor do something so I told Kelly I'd be right back... I get back and he has said "sorry" and is no longer online. He's not gotten back on at all tonight and I am therefore sad.

Anyway, I need to go to bed, but I need to study Poultry some more.
We were given another set of reasons to memorize.
We already have RTC reasons and Keep and Cull reasons. Now, apparently, we might have to give Hen reasons at District and State.
What a load of horse shit. If that was a possibility, he should have given us the reason structure when he gave us the other reason structures. Dumbass.
And yes, I'm aware no one will understand wtf I'm talking about, but it's upsetting and I wanted to rant. I can't fucking wait until I'm out of FFA. Sure, it's great, it's fun. Until it's contest season and your teacher turns into an asshat. I understand that he wants us all to do good, to make it to state, to win state, but good freaking lord, give us a break once in awhile. I study all the time at home so he doesn't kill me, I don't want to study all the time at school as well. I'm so annoyed and ready for this to be over with. I don't even want to go to state anymore for poultry. Maybe as a deligate so that I won't have as many days of school left and so I can hang out with my friends, but definitly not to compete.
I'm sure Kelly can't wait for it to be over with as well, I complain about it all the time. Poor him :(

3 cmnts. | cmnt.


:: 2007 29 March :: 9.33am


Well, I have so many things to do right now that it's not even funny.

The day of my last update, I was trying to cram everything in that I had to do.
I had to go to Shop n Save and pick out a cake.
I told them how I wanted it but the girl didn't write any of it down?
I"m really picky about things so I doubt it's going to be done right.
What low expectations I have...
I wish I could do it myself.

After that we had to take Justin's friend home.
We prepared for the long ride.
Nore came with us.

I realized I hadn't ate anything all day so we stopped at McDonald's and Justin bought me a kid's McNuggets meal, Nore got a mcchicken, and justin got a double cheeseburger, but ended up switching with Nore in the end.

We ate it down by the river so Nore could play a little bit.
His paws got a little muddy, but we couldn't let him jump in because we didn't have a towel for him to dry off.

After that, we went home.
A little bit later, me and Justin put Nore in the crate and left to go to the mall becuase he bought me a shirt to wear to the shower and I didn't really like it--it was one of those shirts that make you look fat.
Yeah, yeah, I know.. I kinda AM fat right now.. but that's not what I mean.
You know those shirts that you don't want to wear when you're not pregnant because they make you look like you are?
Well, Tyra says you don't want to wear those shirts when you are pregnant either.
It was really tight around my boobs and I can't wear a bra with it because it's a tank top so it smooshed them down and looked horrible.
Then, it's real loose and flow-y on my mid-section so that my stomach looks 10x bigger than it is.. and right now, we don't need that because my stomach is HUGE.
Anyways--we returned it and I tried on a million pair of jeans.
I finally found a pair I wanted.
It is rough becuase I'm short, so I have to by PETITE small, because regular small is wayyy too long.. but.. petite is a little too short for me and I don't like it when the backs of my jeans are off the ground.
Oh well, I settled for them in the end.

Now I still have to find a shirt to wear. That's a task.
I'll quickly look at Gabes but I'm probably going to have to run down to Target the morning of the shower.

Today I have to do paperwork with JoJo in Monessen.
She told me to be there for 11.. I don't know how long we will be there til.
Justin was going to get my car inspected while I'm at work, but I'm kinda hoping he forgets because I have a lot to do and if I don't have a ride home from work I'm going to be pissed.
Car inspections are a big hassle!!

Maybe if I get off work early today I can run to Gabes?
I also have to shop around for party game gifts.
My mom bought candles ad picture frames and stuff.
April bought some tupperware containers and a strainer and dish towels and stuff... Those are good gifts, but they are sort of unappropriate for the age of the party. You know what I mean?
So I am going to go look for stuff.
I don't know what to buy! I'll just look around, I guess.

Tomorrow, I was planning on having the day off because our therapists will be at a luncheon with doctors.. BUT.. they need me in Bentleyville so I have to go over there. =(
I don't even know how to get there, I don't think!
I'm probably going to get lost!!
I've never been there. And.. I have to work from 10 until like all day.

Anywyas, I have to go, Nore is barking.



:: 2007 28 March :: 8.49am
:: Music: 45 - Shinedown

Well... I'm having a good day so far. I like it. I got the Powerade I wanted, the poptarts I wanted, and we had a really easy assignment in Accounting that I actually understood.
The only downer of today is that it's raining and we've got a tornado warning. That's nothing new though, but it does make me want to sleep.

Last night messenger was messing up and not sending anything I said to Kelly so he said I should just go and we'd attempt it tonight. I wasn't very happy. It better work tonight. I need my Kelly time!

I'm excited for June 27 to get here. I'll be leaving and heading to Michigan for my Orientation on the 28th (Friday), and then I'll be staying until Sunday. I'm so excited to see that gorgeous red-head of mine. Flowers would be nice...*cough*
lol just kidding sweety... kind of >.>

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:: 2007 27 March :: 9.19am

where you at?

I woke up and started to get ready for work to be there for 11, but then my Aunt Gene Ann called me and said she was on her way to set up my crib.

I cleaned up my house a little bit and mainly moved a bunch of shit out of the baby's room to make room for the crib and changing table.

She got there and I took a shower and got ready for work.
Her and her friend set up the crib and gave me a bag of baby clothes that I looked through last night and absolutely loved.
I have to go through eveything and sort out by sizes.
I am going to keep out all the newborn stuff and then put the 3-6 and 6-9 stuff in totes so it will be easy when the baby gets here.

Speaking of stuff--I can not WAIT for my shower.
I am so excited for it.
I am excited to get a bunch of new cute baby stuff,
but even more i'm super excited to see everyone that I haven't seen in a while. =D

So far about 88 people RSVPed so far but I had a dream last night that no one ended up being able to come in the end and I had about 8 people there. Haha. That probably will happen...

If you're wondering why I'm up so early--it's NORE.
Me and Justin fell asleep on teh couch again last night and around 3am Nore was crying because there was no room for him to jump up with us.
Soo.. I went in the bedroom and he came with me and we slept there..
until about 7:30am.
He was pawing me and digging his face in my neck to wake me up.

I let him out and talked to the neighbor for a little while and then I came in here and watched Boy Meets World.
Now.. here I am.

I REALLY want to paint my bookcase sometime today.
I'm going to see if my brother Rich can bring it up so I can do it.
That way I can get all those books out of the way in the baby's room.
I should go through all of those books first becuase I don't think I am goign to keep all of them.
But.. I don't know what to do with them all...?
A lot of them are like middle school and high school books that I read a long time ago.

Oh well.

Anyways, I'm going to go check my e-mail.

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:: 2007 26 March :: 10.28pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: My fishtank running

Ugh, long time no update. Surprisingly -or not- nothing's happened at all.

I need money. Here's what's required of me, money wise, in the next few months - 150 for my enrollment fee, 200 for the downpayment on my dorm room, 200 for senior pictures which i need to take Right Now. Then of course State, if I make it, will require about 300, then senior trip ... geeze, I don't even know how much that'll take. I think Ashley took 500... *dies*. I'll need money for my trip to Michigan in June, then, of course, a million dollars for school in the fall.
So. That's 1,013 million dollars. No problem right?
Things are piling up. I need to win the lottery, but.. oh damn. I'm only 17. I can't even freaking play yet. (you do play the lottery, right?)

If I make it to State for FFA I've only got 20 days of school left. If not (Lord forbid) I'll have 23. That's fucking scary. I know it's scary and it's not even hit me that I'm going to be out of school yet. I realized that the other day. I was like "huh... I'm still ok with graduating. I'm still 'excited' to get out of here... wonder when that'll wear off." One thing's for sure, once it does hit me, I'll be a huge mess of mascara and eyeliner.

Mom's been on my case about leaving, yet again, and I don't need that. I'm stressing out enough. I'm so glad our school doesn't do finals. I'm sure a few hateful teachers will throw something our way though.
I've already got a ten page essay due. I don't even know what I'm going to do it over. I told Kelly penis enhancement, but ... lol I don't think my teacher would be as ok with that. Her reaction would actually be about like his was.

That's the only thing going good in my life. Kelly keeps me stable, keeps me sane (though I don't think he thinks I'm as sane as I pretend to be. He sees right through me most of the time). I know I always get all mushy, but I can't help it. I love the man.
The best part is that he loves me too.

4 cmnts. | cmnt.


:: 2007 25 March :: 5.11pm

I'm updating out of pure boredom.

I'm waiting for Justin to get ready to leave because we are going out to eat.. Quaker Steak and Lube, I think. Mmmmm.. I <3 Food.

He just got back from playing basketball with Bap.
I ended up not taking Nore out because I wanted to surprise Justin for his birthday and re-run the cable wire. (It had like 4 splits in it and so I jsut ran one whole wire.)

He said, "I saw your girl down there!!!! she was trying to talk to me"
Haha, he's so gay. I bet she wasn't. He probably made that up because he thinks he's hot and that everyone wants him.

Speaking of lame--he is trying to make me pick him out an outfit to wear.

Nore was bad while Justin was gone.
He chewed on the edge of the deck and there is wood everywhere.

Ummm.. I think I'm closing up shop.
I gotta pick lameboy out a shirt.




:: 2007 25 March :: 1.35pm

I was trying to find a Tila Tequila video to post on here but they don't have one for the song I want.
I like "Fuck Ya Man" too, so I was looking through videos on YouTube and this one is my favorite so I figured I'd post it anywyas.

Anywya.. I'm out, I gotta dry my hair. I'm taking Nore to play at the park or something. =D

I like the white girl on the left, she gets so into it. Hahaha



:: 2007 25 March :: 12.53pm

i love my chocolate dog

I feel tired today and out of breath.

Today is Justin's birthday, we're probably going to go to Cozumel to eat sometime tonight.
Haha, he's paying though ;]

I was thinking about getting him a new Pirates hat for his birthday, but.. I dunno.
I didn't feel like going to Lids.

Last night we went to Rowl's little party.
We watched Borat and chilled.

We were invited to sleep at Cyktor's cabin or go to Nicole's but we just came home because baby Nore was waiting for us in his cage and I didn't want to leave him in the first place.

I didn't want to be gone TOO long because I was afraid he might be sick after the crispy chicken sandwich and the ultimate chicken grill i gave him from Wendy's. Also.. fries.
..and extra tomato.

You know what commercial I like?
That one beer commercial (i don't know for what beer) where they go for the last one and decide to play Rock Paper Scissors for it.
..and the guy whips a rock at the other guys head and as the guy is down on the ground he yells, "but i threw paper!" and the guy walking away says, "yeah.. and i threw a rock."


Anyways, I'm super bored.
Serg is here adn they are watching the Pens game.

Nore is chewing on a broom.

Last night we fell asleep on the couch and Nore woke up and saw we were sleeping without him so he jumped up with us again.
Halfway through the night I had to switch sides because my right hip was numb...
well.. I lost my spot and couldn't fit back on.
So, I went in the bedroom, Nore followed me and we went to sleep in the bed. =D

He tried waking me up at 9am but I put the pillow over my head.
He came out to the living room to wake Justin up, but Justin ignored him so he just came back in with me and went to sleep.

We woke up at like 11:30 and now here we are, chillin.

I am going to get a shower when Serg leaves and eat some lunch. =)

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:: 2007 24 March :: 4.34pm

Ch-Ch-Ch-Check 'em out

Uploaded some more pictures to my photo album.



:: 2007 24 March :: 12.54pm

Classy, but get nasty at tha same time

Once I hit the football stands--call it game time
Posted in the club like a supa model,
Jeans painted on same price as the Cris bottle
Petite but that ass sit just right,
Now he wanna beat it up like his first name Ike

Last night they all got home from the tattoo shop and ate some spaghetti and stuff.
I wasn't feeling very good, so I layed down on the couch.
I think it was from standing over the stove and stuff without really walking around. Plus, I was super hot.

Serg and Nicole came over and we all chilled for a little bit then everyone left.
Me and Justin played Marvel Alliance (ps3 game that I made him rent for me. =D)

Then, Justin rubbed my back and we fell asleep on the couch.
Halfway through the night Nore realized we were sleeping without him so he jumped up next to me ontop of Justin's legs.
He put his paws around me and fell asleep.
I woke up at 9am because he was snoring in my ear and almost pushing me off the couch.
I knew I wasn't going to be able to get comfy again, plus.. my hips were KILLING me, so I went in the bedroom to go to sleep.

Nore followed me and we slept in there til 12 when he woke me up to go pee.

Now.. here I am.
Justin is getting out of the bath so I am going to eat a bowl of cereal and take a shower. =D

My hair has been super oily lately, I might rinse it with vinegar today.??
I seems like I have a lot of shampoo and conditioner build up.



:: 2007 23 March :: 7.12pm

drop them nickels off boy and come get this dime piece

Well I just got home from work a little bit ago.
Justin has been at his tattoo appointment all day so Nore was in the cage for 5 hours!!!! =(

Now he is at the mall with Kristen and he called to tell me he bought me something...?
And he asked if I wanted anything from American Eagle and if I wanted a new pair of jeans or if I just wanted to come back with him and pick out my own jeans.
He's weird.

I was washing silverware but then the phone rang and I lost track of what I was going.

Now I'm watching Nore play wth a tennis ball.
I love when he throws htings up in the air and then runs after them.
Him sooo cute!!
..AND him smart. Supa Dupa smart. =D

I think I am going to make spaghetti in a little bit.
Justin will be home for around 8:00 so I'll start it in about a half hour.

I have to go now though becuase Nore is all up in my bizznazz and he is licking my face and trying to knock the computer off my lap. He's frisky.. I'll update later.



:: 2007 22 March :: 11.48pm

i'll be your winter coat,
buttoned and zipped straight to the throat
with the collar up--so you won't catch cold

Updated myphotoalbum.com!!
Got some new pictures under ME and under AMINALS!

Ugghh I'm so bored. Justin won't stop playing stupid hockey on ps3.

Who cares, his dude is fat and ugly.

Okay I'm out so I can beat his ass and shut this shit off.



:: 2007 22 March :: 4.57pm

i loove gettin under girly's skin

When I am bored, I come on here and check my log.
I see who has read my site and then I laugh.

I laugh because sometimes my mom tells me things that some people say about me
and from reading my log, I can't resist the urge to see for myself what even MORE people have to say.
Then.. I laugh. Because I'm lame and I've fulfilled my daily duty of getting on the nerves of atleast a couple people.

ANYWAYS--back to my update.

I'm pissed because I wrote this big update and then accidentally closed it out and now I have to type it all over.

I'm about to get in the shower while Justin is making dinner.
Serg is coming over and we're going to watch a movie.

I just got off the phone with my little brother.
He said he is goign to beat that kid up.
I told him not to fight him in school or at the ice gardens or anything like that.
He said he wasn't going to because he doesn't want to get in trouble, he just wants the kid to go back to school with a black eye or something so everyone can make fun of him and he can stop talking shit.
Sounds liek a good idea to me, except that I've learned first-hand that it doesn't always work.. because even if you rock a kid in front of a handful of people chillin, they still talk shit even after everyone said they got their ass beat.
It just gets annoying, but you have to just let it go.
Maybe he'll learn that.. maybe he'll be lucky.

I hope my brother Rich brings up my bookcase.
I have to get it painted and get those boxes of books out of the baby's room because we seriously have to paint that before the shower or we won't have anywhere to put shit.

I'm excited for my shower.
But yesterday I looked in a full length mirror for the first time because April just gave us one.
I was thinking, "damn i'm fat!"
People are alwyas saying retarded shit like, "you're so cute! you're all belly!," or "you didn't gain any weight at all!," but you can't tell a pregnant girl she's not fat.. especially when she gains about 37lbs.

The only thing I'm worried about--and I'll say it again for the millionth time--is stretch marks.

"I'm fortunate that I haven't gotten any stretch marks yet, but if I am going to get them--now's the time. I am supposed to gain about a pound a week." -Quoted from a previous entry.

Liza said if I haven't got them by now, I probably won't get them at all.. but that's not true.
95% of pregnant women get stretch marks.
I have some scars from some from when I was an adolescent and I had a growth spurt. They are barely noticeable until I mention them but I can see them. They fade with age, though.

My mom never got them and it has a lot to do with genetics so I'm hoping I won't either. She used cocoa butter religiously, though.
I only put it on after my shower everyday.

"The good news is that stretch marks usually become considerably less noticeable about six to 12 months after childbirth. The pigmentation fades and they generally become lighter than the surrounding skin."-babycenter.com

Soo anyways, I am going to go dry some dishes and then take a shower because today has been a LAZY day.
The only time I left was to take Justin to the bank. Nore loves rides. =D

Anywyas... lata.



:: 2007 21 March :: 11.48pm

I'm the type of girl you wanna take to ya mama's house ;D

He wanna show off this prize piece so drop them nickels off boy and come get this dime piece

Today I woke up, let Nore out to play for a little bit, but when he came back in he was all wound up and excited for the day.
The first thing he did was try to barge in on Justin but I shut the door tight so he could sleep.
As soon as Justin woke up and walked to the bathroom Nore was as hyper as ever.

We sat around and watched Price is Right until I started to get ready to go to work.
I stopped at my mom's house before I went there because we didn't have any milk left and I wanted cereal.

Work.. ohhhh myyy.
I don't know what they are going to do without me when I go on maternity leave.
They are going to be LOST until Amber gets back--which is the end of April.
I had so much extra work to do because they had evvverryytthing mixed up.
Soo.. needless to say, most of my day was spent in the office.

After work I got home and waited for Justin to get there so I could go shopping.
Him and Serg got here then Ludwick stopepd over for a little bit.

A little bit after she left, I got my list ready and went shopping.
I went to Wal-Mart and just got back.
Mav and Justin carried up my groceries and I put em away.
Now.. here I am.

Nore is happy cause he got lots of goodies.
He got two HUGE rawhide bone things, one baby one, a bag of treats, some new dog food, and a variety pack of toys which included a tennis ball, a stuffed animal, and two squeaker toy things.

Now we're chillin, watching Law and Order.
Justin is being annoying as fuck as usual.
He is eating all the food because he's a fatass.

Classy but get nasty at the same time.
Once I hit the football stands call it game time.
Posted in the club like a super model,
Jeans painted on same price as the Cris bottle.
The tee but that ass sit just right.
Now he want to beat it up like his first name Ike.
Go head, But I ain't anime,
Baby girl get money, baby girl don't play
Go ahead, I pimp hard like that,
I don't need a broke nigga on my arm like that

Ehh, other than that--

My brother got in a fight in school.
10 days detention.
Wish that's what I would've got.
Next time, though, Folmar told my mom she has to see the magistrate.

Maybe if lame ass people from Belle Vernon didn't talk so much shit they wouldn't have to get their ass beat.
It sucks that laying the smack down doesn't even work, becuase then they talk shit about how they beat your ass.

So now he wants to fight this kid AGAIN!
I was like, "in school???"
and my mom said yeah.
so now i have to talk him out of it and tell him how it's not worth it.

If you want to fight someone, doing it where everyone can see is a good idea because then they look retarded when they try to say how much they kick ass--but doing it in school--nah,in the end it really ISN'T worth it.

I'll have to tell him.

Nore is being weird.
He is rubbing his face on the ground.
Kinda like when he burns his nose on a lighter or something.
He has a weird personality.



:: 2007 20 March :: 11.54pm

youz a hoe

Ahh, I'm just sittin here, chillin on the couch with Nore and Justin.
We just finished watching Into the Blue.

Nore is a sleepy head!!
It's so funny cause he hates to be by himself, so every once in a while he would sit up and make sure we were still laying on the couch and that we didn't leave him!!

I couldnt figure out why my journal width was so fucked up no matter what numbers i tried to change it with, but i just figured out that it was because i posted pictures wider than the width i had set. duurrrr.
all better now, though. =D

My belly kinda hurts. =(
I think I might be hungry.

I had a doctor's appointment today.
It was the first one I went to by myself.
Everything is fine and dandy.
I weigh 140 so I haven't gained 2 pounds since my last appointment--i haven't gained any, actually--but the doctor said that's fine because i'm doing good. =)

it was kinda nice out today so me and justin took nore for a ride to belle vernon. him saw lots of girls and him was happy to get out of the house!
i saw liza and amber and i havent seen amber since like--before i was pregnant. she kept on pinching my cheeks and touching my belly. haha.
girls are so weird about being pregnant. well, about me being pregnant. most of the time i forget i even am!
..well, until i try to squeeze through somewhere and hit my big tummy.

i have to go back to work tomorrow,
lesley called me today and said they desperately needed me because they dont have amber and they dont know where anything is at without us. haha.
so even if i'm not working with patients, i atleast have to do paperwork in the office, haha.

nicole and becker came over today with aiden.
nore was going crazy with someone his size.
him just a puppy but at 9 months, he forgets he's a big puppy and he plays a little rough!
he kept knocking aiden down and biting his arm to get him to throw his toy.
=) him cute, though.

ehh, i'm getting tired.. it's already 12:30!
ive been distracted with wrting this entry because im watching the Uncle Jesse Marathon.

I just came on here because I was bored and I checked my little log that tracks who looks at my site and saw that some people read my journal today and some entries got to them a little.
--the WHOOOLLE reason i write in this thing. haha.
girls are insecure, i think. probably all of them.
ESPECIALLY the ones that have to talk about how hott they are every 2 seconds.

haha anyways, ive fulfilled my daily purpose of making another girl feel she needs to prove herself to everyone, so i think im done.



:: 2007 19 March :: 3.07pm
:: Mood: lazy

nore is STILL here! =D

Javonn never called for him yesterday and I certainly wasn't going to call him to remind him that I have his dog.

Serg let me use his phone charger so I can finally actually charge mine again. It's been dead for liek a week.

Other than that.. I think I'm finally starting to get better rather than worse, but I still didn't go to work today because I don't feel like I'm ready. I feel weak and tired and stuffy and slow and my throat is yucky and all that good stuff.

Today I am probably goin to go pick up my prescription and also take Justin somewhere.

I wonder when Javonn is coming for Nore? Sometime today?
I wish we could keep him but Jusitn thinks he's too mcuh work.
He's just a puppy! But it was Justin who said he wanted a baby pup for the baby to grow up with when I said puppies were too mcuh work.
I guess now he understands what I meant, but too late cause I fell for Nore.

Ehh, I think I'm gonna wrte some more of my apology letter.



:: 2007 18 March :: 2.50pm
:: Mood: STILL sick
:: Music: Brand New

i've had to sneeze for two days straight and i can't

Nore leaves sometime today. =(
I will miss him so much.

He was sick yesterday. He, Justin and I were all sitting out in the living room and he got up and went to the bedroom, which is weird because he only goes back there to follow us.
Well, Justin went and followed him and then called me to come back there. He said, "something's wrong with him..."
and I went back and saw that he was sick. =( He was going to throw up and he didn't want to do it on the carpet so he went in his cage. He threw up and we kept telling him he was a good boy and took him some water.
I cleaned it up and threw his towels in the washer.

He was fine after that, he jsut didn't eat much yesterday.
Last night he was laying in bed with us and got up and went in his cage. We heard him heaving-like and I turned on the light. He thew up again in his cage so I wiped off his mouth, threw his blanket in the washer and took him out to the kitchen to give him some water and we went back to bed.

He slept with me this morning even after Justin woke up and we've jsut been lounging around the house all day.
Now Justin is in the shower so I took the opportunity to update and we're about to have lunch as soon as he gets out. Grilled cheese and tomato soup. =)

I'm still sick. =( This morning I woke up without a voice. Well, I woke up to Nore laying next to me, staring in my face. When I opened my eyes he pounced on me and I went to yell at him but nothing came out.

It's back now but I still feel liek shit and I don't think it's ever going away. =(

I talked to my Aunt Gene Ann today. She wants to give me a crib and let my grandma buy me something else. (My gram wanted to buy me a crib.)

Ahhh, I'm starving.
Gotta wait til Justin's out though...

Before I started writing in here I was typing out Sarah's apology letter. I don't want to make it too long but I want to say everything that I need to. You know?
I have to get it to her by March 30 and I forgot all about it.
I have been busy with the shower and stuff. =)

Alright, though, I think I'm done..



:: 2007 17 March :: 10.20pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Schizophrenia - Blue October

Random shit
-My feet hurt
-I'm tired
-I miss Kelly

I've not talked to him since Thursday night, and that was only for just a little bit because I got on late and we both needed sleep. Now I'm grumpy and determined to stay up and talk to him. I doubt he'll get on though, it's like 11:30 or something there. I'll probably go to bed without a much needed "I love you" tonight. /le sigh.

Tomorrow is Trevor's birthday so mom decided we needed to sand and repolish and varnish the hard wood floors, bleach the grout on the tile floors, AND shampoo the carpets. So this entire past week I've been busy with that on top of memorizing poultry things, and doing regular homework. I had to work Thursday and Friday for Bao because her fiance came down from one state or another and she wanted to go sex him up in a hotel so I covered for her, and my hands are all dumb and dry now because of all the bleach we have to use. Then today I had to go to a stupid poultry contest, came home and fucking bleached tile and did laundry, then went to school for our class fundraiser, which consisted of cooking a ton of Italian food and selling it. We made about $750, which is bad compared to the last two years we've done it, but whatever. No one even cares anymore.

People have definitly lost their spirit because like no one wore green today. I was decked out and happy. Then I get around dumb people who are NOT wearing it and they accomplish making me feel like a dumbass for wearing it. Screw them, I decided, and I was happy and just pinched them all day. Dumb bitches.

THEN I missed the hugest party of the entire year (save Prom and Graduation) to come home and bleach some more after the dinner. I'm so upset. I kind of want to say I'm done drinking though. A dumb slut's been going around calling me an alcoholic -definitly not btw, I actually rarely drink when and if I do make it to a party- so I want to be like "ha, I don't even need it, so *palm thrust to the neck* and side step her body and go on about my business.

Anyway this just happened
(Natalie = Big PETA/Vegitarian/Emo person. Very fun to torment her)

I really really
want icing covered animal crackers
Natalie says:
oh those r really good...i dont really enjoy eating crackers shaped like animals though
i'll cut off all the little legs so you won't have to think about it
Natalie says:
aaaaahhhh omg y would you say that? thats fucking horrible rachel

I enjoyed that moment.

2 cmnts. | cmnt.


:: 2007 17 March :: 7.35pm

so i haven't moved in three days or something..

The only thing I've done or got up for was to go play in the snow with Nore this morning while Justin shoveled off the deck.

I've gone through like a whole box of tissues and i've been spraying everything and anything with Lysol disinfectant.

Justin went out to go get me some food because I don't want to cook and I haven't really ate today. Also, some tylenol for my annoying wisdom tooth coming through and also some bread so I have something to eat with my soup. =(

Nore was crying at the door when he left but now it's all good and he's chillin' next to me on the couch, watchin some TLC.

I am so sad this is our last night with him.
There game started at 7:00 tonight but after this one their next game isn't until April 21st.

I dunno.. I just hope Javonn goes to Italy. It is something he wants to do and also I really love Nore.
I don't know how I didn't see myself getting attached to him liek this.
I don't really have a thing for labs, really. I thought I was just going to be taking care of him but I really fell in love with him and Justin did, too.
He's a lot of work and he is a really excited dog but I don't know if I can see living without him.


I get so bored during the day.
What am I going to do when I don't have a job anymore?
Too bad I don't have a myspace, it would give me something to do.
but.. i'm *not allowed*

I can't wait for Justin to get back with my food. I'm starting to get excited for it.
what I want even more is to feel better becuase I really would like to clean my house..

ughh.. i think i'm going to go take a shower because i haven't got one today and not taking a shower makes me feel even more liek shit.

5 cmnts. | cmnt.


:: 2007 16 March :: 7.34pm
:: Mood: miserably sick.. still

it sure is yucky out
I woke up this morning feeling horrible.
I had to go to work but I knew I wasn't going to manage that one.
My throat felt like it was completely closed up,
I didn't get any sleep last night becuase I was too busy picking at my gums where my top wisdom teeth are growing in,
and I had a headache the size of Wisconsin.
I felt completely weak and I knew I couldn't go to work.
I called JoJo and told her I was going to try to make a doctor's appointment.

It just sucks because I can't take any medicine or do anything to feel better.
..and my TEETH!! This tooth is driving me up a wall, I want to punch myself in the face.


Like my new layout?
I do. =)
It took me a while to perfect it..
It took me even longer to find an icon that matched, but I got that one and I liek it.

Anywyas, I'm out for now--I'm goign to watch That 70s Show.

...I love Nore

and Nore loves me...

2 cmnts. | cmnt.

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