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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 10-21-2004 at 11:08am
Current mood: exhausted
Music: Goo Goo Dolls-Sympathy
Subject: It's all of a sudden when I look around and find myself lost in this world
So everything and everyone is just really irrating me. Espically certain people. So maybe I am un-happy a lot of the time lately, or the past couple of days. I have reasons, and even if I didn't, who says I have too? If I want to be a bitch, I'll be a bitch. If I want to cry, FOR NO APPARENT REASON, I'll cry for no reason. If I want to be happy even when I shouldn't, I will. If I want to be miserable for a couple days, because it's the only way I know how to deal with things, well then by God I will be. So fuck you if you don't like it. Just because you would choose to deal with MY situation differently, so about your luck, but you're not me, and I'll deal with MY life, and MY issues the way I want too. I do cry over things I'm sure most people find silly and stupid, but oh well. That's me, and if you dont' like it then just dont' talk to me. Simple as that. I'm not going to change my mood, or change how, or WHO I am for that matter just because it doesn't please your happy mood at the time. I don't ask you to be in a good mood when I am, or a bad mood when I am. So don't ask the same thing from me, becuase you won't get it. I always have more on my mind than I can say. Don't be a complete jackass because I am self consious about a lot of things, and I do get down easily, and as much as it MAY bug you, OH WELL. I DONT CARE! I'll complain a little, maybe a lot, I'll cry some, I'll eat some, I'll be a bitch some, I'll be crazy some, I'll ignore things more, I'll do what I DO to get over things. So get off my fuicking back. OH AND FYI IF I WANT TO BITCH AND COMPLAIN ILL DO IT A LOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT HERE, OR ANYWHERE SO FUCK OFF! You can be such a bitch to people. Here's a tip, when a friends in a bad mood either

1.) Leave them alone OR

2.)Comfort them

The things on the "Not to do List" are definatly




I just want to sleep. I'm so tiered. I love you Jess, thanks for this morning. :)

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10-21-04 3:08pm

yeah sure screw ya in the bathroom anytime. my pleasure hun. lol

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Re:, 10-21-04 5:47pm

whoa! hold the phone.. jessi h. i thought i was the only one that screwd you in the bathroom?

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Re: Re:, 10-21-04 8:08pm

lol...ooops i guess my secret is sorry linds i still love you a lot thought!

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10-21-04 7:17pm

I don't know, but I wouldn't want comfort, I wouldn't want anyone to feel sorry for me.

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Re:, 10-21-04 8:09pm

Well your obviously not me Jenna. Sorry that I'm such a damn baby and that it helps when my friends comfort me

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Re: Re:, 10-22-04 5:23pm


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Re: Re: Re:, 10-22-04 5:25pm

i love you jacki!

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