2008 2 September :: 4.21am
so I'm alive.
as hard as it may be to believe.
I'm sitting in a room where it's hot as hell watching TV.
went on a biking adventure today and it started raining.
this place is pretty decked out, they give you everything you could possibly need and the apartments themselves are nice.
good deal.
Would you drop everything?
2008 2 September :: 12.37am
:: Music: blues traveler - four
62 wpm?
999999 words Speedtest
i won't disclose my first time. it was embarrassing.
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2008 27 August :: 1.14pm
i seriously think this game is rigged.
does anyone else think it's weird that the favored presidential ticket is "Obama - Biden" when just a few years ago the stereotypical bad guy was "Osama bin Laden".
i just think it's bizarre. and not that i ever cared about osama, or obama, really. because for the most part, i resent politics. but that just struck me on a linguistic level, and i had to acknowledge it.
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2008 25 August :: 10.44am
2 nights ago,i had a dream i was playing with toy dinosaurs, that is all.
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2008 22 August :: 10.44pm
just figured i'd re-post this for some good guys on greatlakes4x4.com
A Carnival For Carlee
Benefit & Silent Auction
Please join us for a day of Food, Fun & Games
Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Solon Center Wesleyan Church
15671 Algoma NE Cedar Springs
Carlee Jones of Howard City was born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
She had her first surgery at just 8 days old at the University of Michigan Hospital.
She had emergency surgery at 6 weeks old and will need to undergo 2 more surgeries
by the time she is 2 years old at U of M.
All Proceeds will go to Carlee's parents, Jason & Amanda Jones,
to help offset the many expenses incurred due to the surgeries and time off work
to be with thier daughter.
Please join us and become one of Carlee's Angels.
Papyal for donations carleesangels@yahoo.com
Would you drop everything?
2008 22 August :: 10.38pm
in indiana now, our hotel has a pool and hot tub
king size bed, minifridge, and microwave.
comfort suites for the mother fuckin win.
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2008 21 August :: 8.03pm
lulz ensues.
Would you drop everything?
2008 21 August :: 1.54pm
i've decided that i want to go back to school.
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2008 21 August :: 12.54am
i'm too high school for my shirt :: so high school it hurts.
Pink Floyd - Dogs
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2008 21 August :: 12.44am
:: Music: Pink Floyd - Dogs
school starts yet again, very very soon.
you'd think i'd be excited. that's usually how it goes this time of year. a little mellow and pensive, but excited nonetheless.
however, this year i just feel kind of depressed. like it's basically over already, and i'm just going through the motions. jumping through hoops until the hoops are gone. i guess i'm just depressed because i know that i won't know what to do when that happens. i've been jumping (whether poorly or not is of little consequence) for so long, that it's all i know how to do. or at least, it's the only thing i've managed to convince myself i'm comfortable doing, despite the fact that i still to this day do not know how to do it.
i think i'll feel better once the days start getting shorter and cooler, and the leaves start to change, and i get to enjoy the smells of warm donuts and fresh apple cider and pumpkins and hay. i always love that time. and every august i forget that it's not for another two months or so.
but a boy can dream, i suppose.
and in the meantime, he should get a fucking job. how many times have i said that on here? and how many more times will i repeat myself until it actually happens?
more than i'd care to admit.
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2008 20 August :: 7.13pm
i think i am having a panic attack.
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2008 20 August :: 11.30am
Would you drop everything?
2008 20 August :: 9.16am
Lol, this is copied.
This is a tale explaining the manner in which my way of life was rotated along a Y axis until it reached a position roughly 180 degrees from that which it started. If I could have 60 seconds of your time, simply place your posterior in the selected location, and I will relate to you the details of how I was made the male monarch of the district of the City of Los Angeles, California located at coordinates 34.08333 -118.44778.
In the western region of the “City of Brotherly Love” known as Philadelphia, my mother expelled me from her womb and indeed that is also where I spent my childhood, in my mother’s care. The majority of my time was spent in a recreational area containing such diversions as a jungle gym, swing set, sand box, etc. I was typically at the height of leisure while frequently at a temperature slightly below what might be considered standard room temperature. Outside of my educational institution I was engaging in a game of basketball with some of my friends, when a couple of gentlemen who seemed to be of the disposition to cause a great deal of mischief began causing a great deal of chaos and disharmony in the area in which I lived. I was involved in one rather small bout of fisticuffs after which my mother became concerned for my general safety and well-being, and she informed me that I would be moving in with her sister and her sister’s husband in the previously mentioned community located at the previously mentioned location.
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2008 15 August :: 12.27am
i could never be a writer.
i'm way too shitty at managing my time.
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2008 14 August :: 3.12pm
i know this is lame of me, but still.
i'm kind of hurt because a bunch of people i know apparently went out to a bar that i may not frequent, but have certainly been to several times (and have thoroughly enjoyed every time), and not one of them invited me.
i mean, maybe i wouldn't have gone anyway, but at least then i would have had the choice. it just makes me sad that there are so many nice people out there that really don't want me around.
and mom wanted me to find a friend to go with us to the baseball game tomorrow night, and i completely ran out of friends. i was running off the list in my head, and most of them were out of town or busy. and i wasn't going to count on kevin, because i figured he'd be with andrea. but maybe he'll pull through still.
all in all, i don't feel very desirable at the moment. and shannon doesn't count because she has more justifiable reasons to despise me than most anyone else, and her ignorance of that fact is not any fault of my own.
i'm gonna go mow lawn soon, i think. i don't feel like calling lenders today. addison was supposed to call me, though. maybe i'll give him a ring first.
Would you drop everything?
2008 13 August :: 12.11pm
so i'm happy, but bad stuff keeps happening.
mel's car needs a coolant resivior, it leaks. she keeps trying to pinch my nipples, and it needs an alternator now.
my car still needs the right heaterhose and tierod ends.
box's b-day this weekend, wedding next weekend, i'm going to be so broke for the next month or so, anyone know of anywhere that is hiring?
just to end with something happy, melanie makes me really happy (when she's pinching my nipples)
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2008 11 August :: 6.24pm
gmail is having a server error. and that pisses me off.
so, thank you woohu, for not malfunctioning.
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2008 6 August :: 4.10am
things are going amazing.
nuff said.
thank you kayliegh for pushing me into this.
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2008 5 August :: 3.48pm
so, i'm completely done done with my summer class. still hasn't quite sunk in yet. but it will soon.
and emily is gone again. also hasn't sunk in. coffee today was nice though. i can't believe she'd never played chess before.
so yeah, that's pretty much it. i lost my phone charger at kevin's this weekend. kinda sucks. but i'm getting my new one soon, so it doesn't really even matter that much.
i don't know. i'm gonna go play drums, since i'm all out of ideas.
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2008 4 August :: 12.48am
some anon posted this, i'm still laughing.
9th grade:
My first sexual experience that actually involved nudity. While we're fondling each other, she asks me if I like Diet Coke.
Me: It's allright.
Girl: Well, I LOVE it. How 'bout you go get me a bottle of it?
I go downstairs and grab a 20 ounce bottle from the fridge. When I return, she says it's too cold.
Girl: How 'bout warming it up...by rubbing it on my tits?
So I began to rub her vigorously with the bottle. Soon enough, she asks me to shove it inside of her. She really enjoys it, and so do I because I KNOW that, with this girl, I'm definantly going to get off. That's when it gets crazy.
She rips out the bottle, opens it, and begins filling her VAGINA with Diet Coke. I swear, she nearly empties the volume into her VAGINA. I had seriously underestimated this VAGINA's liquid retention volume.
I was noticebly freaked me, but I did want to get off, and I didn't want my first load-blow to be into 18.7 fluid ounces of a 0-calorie beverage. I began to go down on her, until she said the exact wrong thing.
I don't know how she did it with 16-year-old voice, but she sounded exactly like the Kool-Aid man from the commercials. I glanced at the wall, half-expecting him to burst through and over me a fruity beverage. I was extremely turned-off. She could tell, too. As she sat up to see what was wrong, she twisted her body in such a way that Diet Coke shot out of her VAGINA and all over my face, chest, and groin. And it was at that sticky, low-calorie moment that my parents chose to pull into the driveway.
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2008 2 August :: 10.14am
:: Music: kebbeen, buying me dinner.
Mr. J, (this entry's more for me than anything else)
movie's done, at least as far as i'm concerned. going canoing today. wrap party for the film is tomorrow. the last class is on monday, and i have to turn in a 3-5 page paper that i have yet to write. should be exciting. also going to try and schedule a job interview for that time. and go into campus view and raise hell for my damage deposit. so, staying plenty busy, even though it's supposedly over.
but that's okay. life barrels on.
Would you drop everything?
2008 30 July :: 3.32am
box will appericate the stuff they sell on this site.
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2008 29 July :: 4.59pm
also, i'd like to say
I can ride my bike with no handlebars....
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2008 29 July :: 4.56pm
don't know what to do right about now.
no regrets though.
Would you drop everything?
2008 27 July :: 9.06pm
party in newaygo was kind of a flop, everyone was passed out at 11:30 ish and it was a bunch of people younger than me.
andy called me around 12 and i met him at his g/f's place just acrost the river, i got there and fell right asleep.
next day we "did some wheelie's on the thumper" and then went tubing down the little muskegon river, i'm beat now. so yeah, probably hit the bed early tonight.
Would you drop everything?
2008 26 July :: 7.42pm
Would you drop everything?
2008 26 July :: 3.28am
do you ever wonder why you save things from the past that should have been disposed of?
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2008 26 July :: 12.37am
:: Music: Go Fish - Part of the Proof
seriously. i just want a day off. one fucking day off.
we filmed again today. james's room is fully dressed. but since our camera broke this afternoon, and they didn't get to the interior shots on the call sheet, they pushed them back to the end of the schedule, so that room didn't need to be dressed at all... so dumb, but it couldn't be helped.
i'm having lots of fun. but i'm so fucking tired. and i'm just getting sick of being there all the time.
and i'm smoking way too many cigarettes. this is killing me. neither softly, nor slowly.
but i'm determined to have fun, dammit. we're making a movie. it should be a good time.
Would you drop everything?
2008 25 July :: 9.30pm
shitty day.
shitty night.
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2008 23 July :: 3.48am
so, i've figured out my relationship problem.
the reason i can't ever get into a relationship that is good anymore is a trust issue, no matter how great the girl is, i don't think i'll ever be able to be in love, i was fucked over once along time ago, and now i've always got my defences up being prepared to shit to hit the fan, its made me cold. No idea how to fix this though.
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