2003 24 December :: 4.17 pm
:: Mood: sad
uhh... this sucks... why cant people just get along... just for a couple of days in a year? is that too much to ask? guess so...
i didnt do anythng today... except got in the shower and curled my hari.. thats it... im goin to my grandmas around 6:30 i guess idk... it doenst really matter anymore
im out
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2003 23 December :: 8.28 pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: no comment
the shit i forgot
i forgot to say.. that during santa claus.... chrstina & sonali braided my hair it was cute... stefanie walked by me in the hall and said.. brielles has ribbions(because they tied ribbons at the bottom)... ahaha
and during the assembly christina had the most wonderful singing and i loved it, and she was singing when the wrestlers, soccer and basketball people were singing she was singing too... and when it wasnt our part to sing in the 12 days of chrismtas... she was like on the ground... shes so great ...
lOtZ oF LoVe cHrIsTiNa .... x o x - B r i e l l e
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2003 23 December :: 6.00 pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: Vanessa Carlton
ahaha 5th period everyone was cheating on that quiz.. mr. brandt was just sittin in the front of the classroom playin chess with curtis everyone was giving each other answers.. its was craziness...
6th period we watched santa claus or rather i talked to christina... casey wasnt there =(
7th period we had like 10 minutes before we went to the assembly .. and i wanted my watch and braclets.. because i took them off for gym so im like "
MRS.PURZELLA!, I NEED TO GO TO MY LOCKER!!" and shes get a strange look on her face "why" and i yell " I NEED MY WATCH!!!!" and shes like "why, is it new or soemthin.. and im like "no" and shes like "hurry up" and when i walked back into the classroom i go " Thats much better" haha
the assembly was so outta control it wasnt like organized at all.. and the only fun part was singing the 12 days of christmas
we had like 15 minutes of 8th period lefted and we played silent ball and miss niemo picked... irving, christie and christina were the judges and i go to miss niemo " the judges dont like me =(" and shes like " everyone loves you brielle " yay!! =)...
when i got home from school i went to the a&p nothin special.. we were there for over an hour...
when i got home... court stopped by and gave me my presents ( earrings and a necklace) there really pretty.. im wearing them now.. along with my * watch * and like 5,6 braclets,
im out... 12 days of no school =)... just like old times
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2003 23 December :: 10.09 am
:: Mood: lazy
:: Music: NFG
I wanted to give court and katie there presents now because i pass them in the hallway and i didnt relize that i lefted them in my locker so im gonna have to run back and get it them catch up with them....
i got awesome presents... danielle got my pirates of the caribbean and this body spray and bath stuff and christie got me like the same thing except it came with a towel and its different flavor... and kristen got me slippers ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDD GROOVY M&MS!!!!!!!!!!! deanna got me socks, shampoo stuff and a bracet & ring..... ashley got me two pairs of socks... one matches with my pajamas... christina got me.. this rubbie duckie bath stuff and a globe... I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!!! THANKS GIRL =)
we played games first & second period... 3rd we played volleyball.. uhh... we have a free period now.. ash said we do nothin in spanish.. next period... 6th period... math... we watching santa claus too... 7th&8th we have this little christmas play to watch or watever... caseys not here.. im sick of writing.. im goin to quizilla.com to take test.. im out ... I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! ALL MY LOVE <3333 x o x - B r i e l l e
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2003 22 December :: 3.05 pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: dunno who sings the song im listening to
the rest of my wonderful school day
YAY!!!!!!! Mr. Brandt wasnt here!! i was soo happy... Jamie was... we just took a test that took like 5 seconds and then we just hung out the rest of the period... same for 6th... we watched the grinched idk.. i mainly talked to casey...
7th period we just did the geo. bee.... paul & alex curtis won for our class
8th period was soo funny.. me & christie had to do a physical change... and guess waht we did.. we put make-up on alex curtis... miss niemo thought it was hilarious... that means we got a good grade... and sam & paul had cupcakes... so we got to eat them... so basically we did nothin all day... which is gonna be the same for tomorrow... uhh ... im out
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