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:: 2004 6 August :: 12.52am
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: screwed // paris hilton

home sweet home!
after driving straight from Illinois to Florida, i am finally at home. in time for practice 2morrow, then shopping, then saturday having orientation and going to kaila's party! before school starts, i have to hang out with Alex, Jonah, Britt C, Brittany, Dominic, Jackie, Danielle G, Brett, Travis & Joey. I c Danielle B on Saturday!!!! YAY! plus Pretam, Anand, carlos, Kailannie, Sam, everyone! <333

3 Under the stars... | Where?


:: 2004 5 August :: 5.49pm

plenty to say...nothing important
Yes well not much has happened lately life has been about eagle ettes and nothing else...sad but true. DiCillo has really left top 4 in charge this year and we have so much crap to get done. I don't know how I let myself become so absorbed.

So yeah I'm starting to feel a little better about the team I forget that they have the whole year to improve, and being in charge is no problem with me I thought it would be harder to get used to. I'm starting to get a little concerned about myself though, Lauren Britt Allison and I are always so busy standing out and watching to make corrections or screening routines or teaching that I havn't really been doing a lot of actual dancing. I'm never even warmed up in practice because we are always working on formations or dealing with some other crap during warmup. Dance class this year is going to be more of the same because gonzalez quit. DiCillo has more classes than she can handle. We are being combined with some of the lower levels and DiCillo has already informed us that we are likely to be teaching class more than we are participating in it. I don't have time to go to the studio and I'm starting to have to work at things that have always just kinda been there like my flexibility. I don't think anyone really notices but I do and it bothers me that I have no time to work on myself. *shrug* I know nobody really cares but its not like anyone reads these these days anyway.

Lauren and I spend so much time talking about Eagle Ettes its truely insane we're sometimes up until like 4am worrying about shit and making schedules. I think I'm just trying to channel all of my energy and thought into this one outlet because it isn't as hard to think about as other things. Like certain people and things I'm feeling that I can't even make any sense of but mostly school nd the AP bio homework that I refuse to finish for some reason and my mom's surgery. It's all still managing to haunt me in my dreams but denial is a good way to live for now.

Today Lauren and I went to get all the crap we need after practice. I was so mad when they wouldnt let us pick our lockers and got stuck with one that was second from the bottom which is...eh I like having the one thats all the perfect height and such. Lauren got her decal and then we went to the IBO so she could get her schedule changed. I saw my new mailbox which is just awesome idk why lol it makes me feel all special. It's right under danielles and above johns so I'll prbly be running into them a lot or I'll leave them strange messages...either way

I ran into Janyll while I was waiting...she's in 1st hour history with me along with Jimmy and someone else...I think Jeremy oh yeah and Amy if she doesnt get her schedule changed....right? idk I hate having Mr. Hall 1st hour but Jimmy and I have always had 1st hour together since...actually 6th grade now that I think of it so that makes me happy.

2nd hour I have dance with well mostly eagle ette people and 3rd hour I have psych with danielle adam and armando lol I can see danielle and adam making me very very sick already. I'll just talk to my bro is all else fails haha

oh yeah random thought does reynold randomly IM anyone else with half naked pictures of himself...it disturbs me a bit lol

umm lets see where was I... 4th hour spanish I see Liz pretam and anand and possibly carlos lol my god I hope carlos is there he's the only way I pass half of the time. lol Sanchez get ur mexican ass on my homework vamanos! haha JK no I finally talked to him the other day he decided that his new name is brown sugar I said thats fine as long as I can be white chocolate haha amusing.

ummm ummm 5th hour pre-cal Liz again ewww lol Jimmy anddd got I can't remember to save my life but I know there's someone else.

6th hour bio...so far all I know is logan and maybe vanessa u? idk I bet it's gunna be a lot of non ib people which might be a nice change actually lol.

7th hour english with christina and possibly ashley lol ashley is busy expecting me to entertain her all class and christina is expecting me to be all super english girl lol so I guess I won't be able to sleep like I planned. How did all you lucky bastards manage to get zacher again???

ok yes well I am so sorry if you actually took time out of your life to read this.


8 Under the stars... | Where?


:: 2004 4 August :: 6.40pm

Ummm yes mmmhmm
why do I let people make me delerious seriously? lol I'm sitting in my house acting quite strange and its very dark. lalala

Amy and Heather just called me to talk about old backstreet boys songs and remind me of how to spell my name and I was like ok cool

then the sun sentinal just call and I felt fucking awesome

I didnt answer though because strangers scare me.

Eagle ettes is a drain on my very sanity so I am embracing my severely depleted mental state.

Practice is going better anyway

doing utopia all weekend

someone should name a drug that

offcer meeting on monday

ahhh school

idk how do you spell jezzzikah?? is that it liz?


1 Under the stars... | Where?


:: 2004 3 August :: 12.10am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: every little thing i do, never seems enough for you. // NSYNC lol

x posting. **
yesterday was fun. i went to ULTA (this big makeup store), Borders, and Carsons (to look at the Coach purses) with my aunt. Afterwards, we came home & i went to the Cubs / Phillies game. cubs won! yay!

today = woke up early, headed north to Six Flags Great America. Hit every rollercoaster with the exception of DeJavu. we went on... Batman, Superman, Raging Bull, Vertical Velocity, Logger's Run, Ice Mountain Splash, Rapid, Demon, American Eagle & some stand up rollercoaster. omg we hadda blast, now i feel like i am permanently on a rollercoaster. we got $90 worth of Fast Lane Passes, so we could do all the rides.

its now 10:42pm here and uncle jim & daddy just came back with White Castles =D

anyways... 2morrow we finally get to go visit gramma Emily's grave. i'm happy.

i got calls from brett & travis last night. they were in front of my house. damn and joey was with them too. o well... i will see them when i get home. i have to call millions of people when i get home. Ashley E, Jonah, Brett, Travis, Alex G, Brittany, Danielle G, Britt, Ryan, JB, Jackie, etc. yay! people missed me! <3333 anyways, i g2g cause i feel kinda sick. =/ hehe

1 Under the stars... | Where?


:: 2004 2 August :: 6.23pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Yeah-Usher

it's my birthdayyyy
the big one-six!! hollerrrrrr!!..finally..whew!!..took long enuff..lol..people are already turning 17..im such a yungin..haha..well guys..count down to the party has begun..lol..i left my celly at my dad's house..so if u called and left a message i still havent heard it..lol..it's pissing me off..i wanna hear wha messages people left..thanks to everybody tho that've wished me a happy birthday..i got my stereo system!!..it's hott..lol

6 Under the stars... | Where?


:: 2004 1 August :: 1.50am
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: autobiography // ashlee simspon

has anyone ever reassured u, but u were never comfortable?

today was a long day. woke up & showered and headed downtown. walked from the train station to navy pier which was a good 2hr walk. we had like the whole family = 18 people with us. but when we got to navy pier, my sister found this place that embroidered plain hats. so she got one, n so did my brother. then my dad decided to get 5 for their paintball team. what a long time that took because it had my mom getting pissed off and everyone was hungry and grumpy. so when my dad finally finished he was pissed at my mom for being bitchy and idk what happened from there... my dad walked off. then he came back. we tried finding the rest of the family aka grammy & aunts & uncles.... but they didn't save seats for where they decided to eat at. so that pissed my mom off more... we all were walking to find a cab because daddy was soooooo pissed. and then in the middle of nowhere my parents started arguing in the middle of the sidewalks with tons of people walking around. so my mom walked off. and my dad was yelling my name, but i wanted to go with my mom... so my dad walked one way with my sister and brother... my mom walked another and i sat next to a cement brick wall and cried my eyes out because of my parents. then my dad came back & we found my mom. once i found my mom i didn't wanna let go. i was hugging her with all i had. then we settled... and got a cab.... and went to Gino's East Pizza. that's the best deep dish pizza i think i ever had. we finished dinner & caught the cab back to the train station. the trains were packed. i was kinda hoping that gramma & etc. wouldn't make the train.... but like... i wish stacey did. cause i love her. but everyone else... idk they just piss me off. cause they don't like me cause they think i'm too spoiled. w/e but everyone of them had to run to the train which i guess was funny torture. its freezing up here. we were soooo cold tonight. but i'm so emotionally exhausted.

i'm tired of my parents fighting at every family outting we have. and it gets ridiculous. tonight... it was so horrible... all i wanted to do was run away and pretend like nothing was wrong. I needed a shoulder to cry on. i had nobody to call that i could rely on. and i couldnt really call anyone because my phone... was at uncle critter's house. i don't want to call someone and have them say "awww i'm sorry" or have someone say "that sucks" or "that's gay". i just want someone to let me call them and listen to me. i can't think of one person that i can call that will listen to me anymore. i wish i could call jonah and just talk to him. i think he's the only one i can rely on. not because he is my ex boyfriend, and not because we had a relationship. its just because he is someone i can trust and talk to without a problem. he was always a great friend. and since i know jonah doesn't want to hear it anymore because we're over... i wish jb and ryan could come over right now. i miss them too much. my brothers. its sad.

i never realized how much people actually make their own families rather than stick with the ones they're given to by birth. i mean... i consider everyone in florida... like LOS people... my family, and up here... i don't even know these people... they're just labelled my family. i mean my dad even admitted that he believed jim & gail were more of an aunt and uncle rather than trixie and sean or paula and joey. that's just the way it is.

i'm just emotionally worn with no1 to burst on. this is why i'm so laidback. i get it now.

but while we were downtown... i enjoyed the lights, the noises, transportation, the people, etc. everything about being in the city was phenomenal! like the stores/shopping beautiful. (the boys downtown and on the trains were hotttt) gosh i wish i lived in a complex in the city. <33333

1 Under the stars... | Where?


:: 2004 31 July :: 9.47pm

paying homage to my house of worship...
ok yesterday...Lauren came over to work on EE stuff and she brought Frankie with her. I could safely say that I despise just about anyone between the ages of 1 and 13 (and then some) but Frankie is by far the greatest 11 year old in the world. She's so funny and she doesn't annoy me at all lol I told lauren I would take her sis over her anyday.

Yeah so later we dropped Frankie off at home and met michelle at Panera (WE were a 1/2 hour early btw which is just a miracle)
Yeah so ate some food then went to see the Village....ok well looking back....I liked it but....compleately not what they made it sound like. Not scary at all...plenty to make fun of....I think the moral was don't let the handicapped kids fuck around in the forest. That only leads to trouble. lol I could go on and on but I will stop there.

Thennnn Michelle was driving me home and Hillary called and asked if we wanted to swing by glory days to meet up with her and Zach. It's so weird the ways I run into that kid he's the embodiment of what a small world it is. Started off he's just ashleys cousin then he lives in johns neighborhood then he lives across the street from hillary then he and hillary have been friends since they were little kids and then lauren has been good friends with him since middle school and thennn he had that whole thing with danielle. It's just....idk...what are the odds of all that?

anyway we hung out with them for a little bit. He invited us to go with them to see anchor man but uhhh....we umm...had to be getting home....that's it. So we said goodbye to them michelle took me home.

lol then I went online and kept Amy awake until 2:00!! This is the girl who goes to bed at 9 every night it was amazing we actually had a very nice talk and she even gave me sum inspiration lol. I'm glad I am finally getting to know her.

After she left I kept John up until almost 4:00! he's another one who likes his beauty rest. It was a typical John/Jessica convo so it was riddled with insults and twisted topics. We decided to start keeping score because some of our one liners are just priceless.

MisScarlet219 (2:25:31 AM): wtf are u doing awake
MisScarlet219 (2:25:39 AM): do u know what time it is
Kangaegoto (2:25:43 AM): talking to a would-be hooker
MisScarlet219 (2:25:55 AM): well tell ur mother its past her bedtime

Yeah so I still wasn't tired so I stayed up for a while then there was this huge bug in my room so I screamed for my dad to come kill it (this was around 5am mind you) and no I will never get too old to scream like a little girl when I see bugs.

Yeah so I slept with the light on because I'm a paranoid freak like that and I didn't wake up until 3 in the afternoon. I sat around for a bit then my mom and I went to the mall to take advantage of the last of tax free week. I got some new bras and underwear...that stuff is so damn expensive for never being seen (most of the time lol) w/e it's all cute and prettyful.

Then I bought this purse which is now THE reddest thing I own it's insane it's like fire engine lipstick red I have no idea what I will wear it with but I love it! Yeah then I got some new makeup and then sum flip flops from pacsun. MY mom is so dumb the guy at the register was really fricken hot I grant you and he was like trying to talk to me I guess (he was just asking me if it was still raning and talking about it being so shitty outside) and my mom is like omg that guy was hitting on you and you couldnt even smile or make an effort what is wrong with you. First of all she was standing right next to me I doubt he was hitting on me with my mom right there and second...he was probably like 20 (which my mom wouldnt have liked as much lol) with a girlfriend...and third I was so tired I didn't care I just wanted to go home and eat dinner lol.

The mall was real crowded but the only person I saw was mitch lol I just said nope not saying anything as I walked by him and he was like fine don't talk to me I see how it is. Yup I am a mean girl.

I also asked my mom about Rock the Universe and she said shed consider I hope she says yes. It's not just that she doesn't trust me and my friends there also might be some other big stuff going on with her around that time and it just wouldn't be a good time for me to be worrying her which I get.

Blah so now I'm home and I had my pizza so I am quite happy. God I have to do my bio work soon...damn school...eagle ettes starts again on monday 8am-12 everyday this week. kill me

14 days until michelle and the rest of them leave : (

~love to all~

3 Under the stars... | Where?


:: 2004 30 July :: 4.40pm
:: Mood: giddy

when i grow up, i'll turn the tables. // garbage
i could use some underground music right now. idk...

yesterday ~~~> woke up, showered, headed out. we had plans to go to the odyssey fun world, kinda like boomers, and it happened to be closed. so we made a trip out to frankfort to go to the grainery. didn't go as planned because it wasn't what my parents expected it to be. but we ended up at "THE PLUSH HORSE" which has amazing homemade icecream. iwescreem. hehe. i kept thinking about that ice cream since we got here cause i knew that grandpa took us there the last time i was in chicago. but anyways... then we came back to uncle jim's & aunt gails.... freshened up... and headed for uncle joey's house. I GOT TO SEE ANASTACIA! lol weeee. i missed her. we talked throughout dinner... which we had at Traverso's. my dad made reservations for 18 people through OnStar... and the lady at the desk was all happy cause it was her first OnStar call ever lol. anyways... after dinner i slept over ms. anastacia derro's house. we talked for hours and then, she got online and we talked to the boys. bubba ---> DAWG! tony ---> house cat. and tommy with the ketchup chips. disgusting. rambo kept biting off bubba's fingers lol. but anyway we enjoyed the night. and woke up... i hadda leave and now i am waiting on my mom to get outta the shower. i miss talking to people. i talked to logan earlier today lol. =) i wanna talk to jonah though, i'm so used to talking to him at least once a day... but now the kid has other priorities... and i can't call him much because my phone has bad connection & it roams up here. so i just wish the punk would get online. anyways... o yeah and anastacia's boyfriend's song that he wrote for her for v-day was the funniest & sweetest. he's a cool dude, with huge feet. i wanna live up here... i miss the family things. =) bye byes. xoxo

3 Under the stars... | Where?


:: 2004 30 July :: 11.33am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Sunshine-LiL Flip n Lea

i got my schedule!!!
1. AP U.S History--Hall
2. Trigonometry--Baum
3. AP Biology--Morone Jr.
4. Social Anthroplogy--Davis
5. AP Spanish--Halcomb
6. Dual Sports--Francis
7. AP English--Schilit

so that'st it..im planning to change it though..i dont want PE sooo..i think imma switch 1st and 6th hour..i want history 6th..then i'll have it with amara..and then i'll have an elective 1st hour..which works..prolly strategies for college success..amara has that one too..i gotta check things out with sam when she gets back first..let me now if u got a class with me!!..x0x0

3 Under the stars... | Where?


:: 2004 29 July :: 4.12pm
:: Mood: anxious

here it is...

1. strategies for college success
2. trig w/ the lovely dr.baum
3. psychology - davis
4. chemistry II - swanson =D
5. ap english - schilit
6. ap u.s. history - hall
7. spanish III - halcomb

only two APs.... i cheat myself so much.


2 Under the stars... | Where?


:: 2004 29 July :: 1.26pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: Selfish-Slum Village n Kanye

i'm callin..(yea maybe i'm selfish)..out to..(i want u to myself i can't help it)..all my..(yea maybe i'm selfish)..ur my ladies and i can't..(maybe i'm selfish)..let you..(i want u to myself i can't help it)..be with no one but me baby..

o0o..thatz my song..lol..i love the video too..cracks me up..mr. bentley..lmao..anyways..wussup peoples??..nutten much here..my step daddy brought me home from work early today..im feelin to crappy..im sick..my stomach been hurtin and i have a baddd headache..i popped a couple tylenols..been layin down..now imma eat some soup..so yea im sick..i better get better by next saturday!!..lol..my sicknesses dont last long imma prolly be better by tomoro..thank god..lol..sammi left today on her cruise..shez coming back on my birthday..i havent talked to amara in awhile..i miss them..:(..we didnt get to chill as much as we had wanted to this summer..meli invited me and emir to go see the village on friday..that movie looks good..i love scary movies..but i cant go..we're gonna be busy wid gettin everything ready for the party and all..tonite china and papito get here!!..im so excited..lol..iight buddies..imma update later..x0x0



:: 2004 29 July :: 11.09am

It's so fucking early...
Yeah well my dad decided to be a little bitch and wake me up before he left this morning probably on my mom's orders because he doesn't so much as breathe unless my mom tells him to >:o

Yeah so I of course got no sleep last night and I am quite irritable and don't know what to do with myself. Jessic'a morning does not start until 1:00 pm. *sigh*

Bah so yeah the past few days....back to my reality...my reality being eagle-ettes. My schedule is typically wake up around 2:30 in the afternoon do some stuff around the house read the english book (finished that by the way I actually liked it) then at 6 we have prcatice until effing 10:00!

Yeah so it's been going well I think. Being in charge is very weird but it kinda feels natural idk. Lauren was late on tuesday so I had to call squad and hearing 35 people jump to attention at the sound of your voice is only slightly awesome lol and no i'm not power hungry or anything : P

Yeah so we already have some drama and were already having to talk to people and be all diplomatic about things we didn't waste any time. It's all kind of stressful but in a good way because it keeps life interesting and really all I have thought about all week is getting ready for school and dealing with dance. I go home all wired and sometimes don't fall asleep until 6am and then the cycle starts over. *shrug*

Next week we are out on the football field and have to be there at 8:00 in the morning
ugh I'm jus enjoying this week while I can.

I'm still avoiding some problems at home It's so bad. It's not that I don't care I've just kind of developed this mental block that makes me forget anything is wrong. My mom's birthday kind of blew over I felt bad.

so...yeah...not much else to say

love to all

2 Under the stars... | Where?


:: 2004 28 July :: 12.00pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: autobiography // ashlee simpson

you can get everything you want. just work. duh.
wowzers. x posting. <3

daddy picked up dunkin donuts for breakfast. =) yesterday for lunch we went to Patillo's and man.... their food is priceless... i no longer "eat to live" i now... "live to eat". this food up here is so much better than in florida. afterwards we found lights to take home for our kitchen, which took 5 minutes. then we went to the mall. it was downhill from there.
---> went into A&F, daddy grew impatient and mommy and daddy started fighting about money again. i swear my dad is jewish. no offense anyone. now we leave the mall and come back to gail & jimmy's house. played with Casey & James some more. they are just adorable, i have pictures, and i will post them when i get home. but... then we headed to uncle critter's house. hung out with my little cousin brandon, n gave him a biggggg wedgy, and i go, "what are you gonna do now?!" and he goes, "go give auntie sherri (my mom) a wedgy." lol. anyways... we went to Ariello's for pizza. and damn that was the best pizza in the world. my dad was like, "its amazing that you can come back to the SAME place after 35 years and they still make the pizza the same."

after dinner ---> aunt maria, me, brandon, my mom, and sister left in the suburban... and uncle critter, lil chris, my brother & dad left in the mustang. well the suburban got home... but uncle critter's car didn't. turns out they got pulled over for speeding. the cop handcuffed my uncle cause he was "wreckless driving" and he got his car towed. plus, my uncle and dad both had a beer in the car, and 2 margaritas each at dinner, and my uncle's license plate was expired... geesh. my uncle was talking to my papa and goin', "if i had to empty my pockets, i would have had it in for myself." <--- implying what he had wasn't good. COUGH COUGH! lol... but he didn't get a DUI... just a speeding ticket or something and now he has to go to court. but that was his fault. ---> just showing off his new mustang. but that was the night.

today... i'm not sure what our plans are. i think i need to shower & when my dad gets home, my mom & i are going school shopping. =) bye byes xoxo

2 Under the stars... | Where?


:: 2004 27 July :: 2.04am

deep unpleasant thoughts...
so much for not hurting myself anymore...on two accounts no less. There goes my willpower : \

some things I just can't take anymore so I will go back to my old way of handling things and just try not to let it get out of control this time.

I don't know how I feel anymore so I've given up on feeling. I still don't know if finding someone is the answer to my problems I could never see myself letting anyone in right now I just feel scared and I feel like I am supposed to be alone. I truly don't know how to be any other way. don't look at me...don't touch me...it's just not good for either of us.

I had the most aweful dream...coffin being lowered feeling regret eating my words graphic and poignant nothing ridiculous like I am used to...I think I woke up with tears in my eyes.

Fuck my family even my mom doesn't want to see them anymore these days. Don't act all sweet and phony around me and then bitch at my mom behind my back for being a horrible parent and talk about how shes let me fuck up my life and I am going nowhere. And don't you fucking dare condescend to be concerned about it or me. I wouldn't even bother to see them if it was up to me so if they're going to treat me like a fucking four yr old who is too stupid to see past their bullshit then I'll make it my choice.

God just fuck people

I don't know where this mood came from. I'm not apologizing or anything I just was feeling positive a minute ago.


I need a drink so bad alcohol can replace every emotion I am devoid of at the moment I am sure of it. I'll be happy and god knows I will want to be touched and everything will just become so clear. People will be grouped into two categories I love you I hate you nothing will hurt...its a beautiful thing.

Build me up buttercup is the best song of all time. The lyrics are so damn depressing and the song is so upbeat. It is like a stupid little girl who loves being in love even though it is terrible and painful...

and the worst of all
you never call baby when you say you will
but I love you still...

who are the people you consider your friends...what has to be there in order to call something a friendship. Random poll anyone who still reads woohu comment. There was a reason but I don't think it matters...mostly Im just curious


2 Under the stars... | Where?


:: 2004 27 July :: 1.38am
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: postal service - brand new colony

i would love to write a nice long, interesting journal entry but i find nothing to write about, so i'll write about my weekend and some thoughts, maybe it'll turn out to be lengthy.

so we went to orlando. we being tina, her little cousins, megan and morgan, their mommy, the grandparents, and the parentals. we arrived in the early afternoon saturday and headed for the mall, only to find it overcrowded and not fun for shopping due to long lines and such. so we went to the hotel and went swimming and hot tubbing. then went to anne's more private pool at her house. swam for a good hour. tina likes taking advantage. the kids were fun. chicken fights with the girls... haha. tina got slapped accidentally. morgan and her no fear. went back to the hotel, showered and changed for dinner. went back to anne's house and got pulled over in the process. whew. scary. thank goodness for being "tourists". ate dinner, watched vietnamese music thingys, got abused by the little kids. silly kids, trying to jump on danielle's back. went back to the hotel and slept in the freezing room. interesting dream. woke up sunday to go to blizzard beach. boy was it cold in that room. got dressed and ate breakfast at perkins. people sitting behind us were muy interesante. they sounded like they had a fun saturday night. went to blizzard beach. got settled and just had an enjoyable day at a waterpark. i love disney. everything about it. especially those great looking guys in bathing suits. mmm... i'll take one of those. ate chinese food afterwards then it was back home. good times.

current thoughts:

the dmc started tonight. sadly, i watched a lot of it. listened to all of jimmy carter's speech and al gore's. i hope their optimism for the future works out cause it sure does sound like they want to make this world a better place, so vote kerry if you can vote.

thats another thing, why can't we vote? i imagine a lot of us are just as smart or smarter than a good portion of the population that can in fact vote so why not let us?

i don't get guys and their bullshit. whatever works for you. good luck in the future.

christina and i figured that i should just baby-sit kids and not parent them since i have a problem about being mean and disiplining. i will just be the favorite aunt.

i love no sales tax week and shopping in the dark except for the no ac part. dance party in the dressing room with the flashlight!!


not as lengthy as i would like. whatever.

6 Under the stars... | Where?

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