2002 27 June :: 9.48 pm
:: Mood: jubilant
:: Music: Wastin my time
The last update in...4 days
Yes, I know. You read the subject and screamed inside, "Oh god! Atman really isn't going to update his journal for four days?! Are you for real?!"
Yes, I am real, or else I wouldn't be typing this. In fact, I wouldn't exist. But thats another theory onto itself.
Today I passed the driving test. I have a level two license. Yay. Except I got really lucky because I did terrible. I think its a scam. They made me pay 40 dollars to not even get out of their parking lot, then pass me when I do a crappy job.
Oh well. F*ck'em. I never have to see them again. Nor will I ever do that damned parking trick.
Last week, I typed an entry claiming I would "Kill my mom with a flashlight". I realize that this is showing me as a killer, and at this point in my relationship to anybody, I don't what them to know that. Which is why I'm taking back my claim. The flashlight I'm bringing is too damn small to do the job, so I think I'll whack her with a stick. Its easier too, cause I don't care if the stick breaks, but the flashlight has to be replaced. This costs money, and Atman does not like to waste money unless its used for a good purpose. He he he.
Tomorrow I go to the UP with my grandparents and mother, and hope to survive around four days. This place was nice last year, but, I'm assuming something will go wrong. A bear breaks loose from its cage in a zoo, a band of rouge zombies come to us, or the car breaks down, and I have to eat bugs. Personally, I don't like bugs that much, because you bite them and their guts spew everywhere.
I figure if worse comes to worse, I can run away from the cabin really fast.
Now, at this point, you assume I'm evil and cynical because I don't want to spend time with my elders. Thats nonesense. I never claimed to be evil. Anyway, my grandparents are fine, so I'm sure I'll really enjoy myself.
Today, my dad returned home with a new truck. Wow, you might be saying. Well, its not new. He basically bought an updated version of his old truck. Although that is new...Anyway, its the exact same. He came home, told my mom he bought some insurance thing, and she wigged out. I didn't get involved. Later, I talked to mom, and said, "Oh well, at least you didn't lease it."
"Yes we did"
Ok, leasing seems like the biggest bonehead of a move to me. From my understanding, you are paying the owner for the car, like usual. EXCEPT he legally owns the car. What a bargain right? You're paying a guy for a car that you don't own. Makes sense to my parents, I guess.
On a unrelated note, I saw gunnie drive by my house two times yesterday.
Anyway, I'll tell everyone about my trip when I return.
Later, kids!
(Ha ha ha! I am evil, for I have officially stolen Danibeans word, 'kids' and am using it for my own purposes. God, sometimes I'm so evil it scares me.)
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2002 25 June :: 12.31 am
:: Mood: lethargic
:: Music: Special Delivery
Lethargic is cool (psst...whats that mean?)
Thats right, your local insomniac is up, and frequently forgetting how to spell words. 12:30. You think I could get a life like normal people, but no. I can\'t help staying up. I keep getting stranger dreams as time moves on. Its wierd. Yeah, dreams probably are the most boring part of any conversation, so unless god gives me a sign in 30 sec, I\'m not gonna talk about it.
Hmmmm...dum dum de de de dum dum...hmmm de dum dum... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, times up. Well, unless the large meteor and my dog suddenly channeling the spirit of Bobo the clown are signs, I guess I\'ll move on.
I\'m frequently running on low on energy. Why? I\'ve been stripped of my life force...Cannnndaaaaiiieee. You see, without a rather large intake of sugar, I shut down. My parents bitch because today I ate my dads gobstoppers and my mom\'s tootsie rolls. I need more, but I\'m broke and even if I had money, I...COULDN\'T DRIVE TO THE FRICKIN GAS STATION ANYWAY!!! But thats another monolouge in itself. Yeah, thats spelled wrong. Freakin yay. Anyway, I\'m thinking I need cannnndddaaaiieee. But I can\'t acquire any unless I leave the house and my parents stop somewhere. But, this Friday, with luck, things may go the other way.
You see kids, (Stole that from dani, although it wasn\'t intended. Hey, I could type this thing on and on. Wheee. This is cool.)
This friday, I plan on going to the UP for a couple of days. For my Florida friends, who aren\'t blessed with another chunk of land, thats the upper pennsula. I\'m from Michigan, and I can\'t spell it, either! Now, you Florida freaks can go to your personal globe and check it out. Isn\'t it nifty? I consider the UP to be a back-up in case this one breaks. Although, the UP people might see it the same way. My mother, grandfather, grandmother, and I will all go up north in a cabin. The newest hit TV show since Survivor! Who will kill the other first? Tune in!
The only hard part will be my mother, who can\'t...whats the word...absorb all thats around her. Whats worse is I can\'t either, so if you talk to my about your dead grandmother, and I say, \"So hows she doing?\" It just shows my incompitence.
My guess is I kill her first with a flashlight after we have a debate on who was cooler, \"I dream of Jeanie\" or \"Bewitched\" Oh come on, who wouldn\'t want a decently attractive blond genie with the IQ of a thumbtack? If you know what I\'m getting at...
*Clears throat* Back to my original statement at which I was talking about me killing my mother with a flashlight. It\'ll happen. Plus my grandmother is getting pudger and wierder. Get this. You know Ozzys kid, the pink haired girl? My grandmother likes her song, that I keep telling her came from Madonna, \"Pappa don\'t preach\". Gramma can\'t wait for her to be the next sensation. Yeah, if she becomes a friggin star, then I won\'t be a virgin by the time I\'m 17. Ladies, if you want to help that pink haired girl, you might want to come to my house.
We\'ll be in the same car for 5 hrs. THAT I can handle. My grandfather is the coolest guy alive. Leave it to God and his \"Plan\" to give one of the greater people on this planet cancer. Denial, yeah, I know. Two years ago we went to the cabin and I couldn\'t sleep because some bear was seen prawling in the area. Trust me, you may think I\'m a wuss now, but when your in the woods, protected by your mother and grandparents, you tend to be a little shaken. I kept saying to myself, \"It\'ll be fine! A shotguns right there. Whats that?!\"
I\'m going to need every double A battery I can find so I can operate my CD player. Feel free to donate people. You could save someones life. Probably my moms.
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2002 23 June :: 12.36 am
:: Mood: productive
:: Music: Special Delivery (Offspring)
Umm...I guess I'll type something
Gah, you people use this every other day. Back when I was a child, we didn't have this woohu crap. You had to catch a bat and teach it how to carry messages just to tell a friend hi. It was uphill both ways, too!!
If you didn't understand the above jibberish, thats ok, it wasn't intended to be interpriated. Yeah, I spelled that wrong, kiss my ass. I don't care. You got the point.
Well, today was...how can I put it...peculiar? The horserace track that we use, (Mount Pleasant Meadows) had a youth day. Let me tell you something. My cousins. The weirdest kids to hang with. But, they're fun to be with, god knows why.
Anyway, here we are at youth day. Oh, wait, I have to tell you something else.
When I was a lad, a clown at a fair made fun of me. It was one of those dunk a clown things. Except he was really far away. So I used all my money to hit the bastard, but failed. We left the carnival later, but me, still being in my youth, saw him leave. I picked up a rock and hit that stupid f*ck right upside the head. Then, I rushed him. Put that bitch right back where he came from. :)
Anyway, ALL the committee members came to blab about how the track works. Then, clowns show up. Now, understand I have to be at youth day because my mom works at the track. So I'm the oldest and probably the only person there with demonic hatred for clowns. Who do the clowns pick for a demo? No, not me. Some little kid who began to cry. THEN they picked me. I go up there. You can already tell I'm gonna get hosed. The old, smell my flower shit. So, I go for the flower, while the other clown is behind me. I pretend to smell, and I swear, I couldn't do this in a million years. Just as he sprayed it, I ducked out of the way. Boo-frickin-ya. Hit the clown behind me. C'mon, whos the man? Then, the gay pie routine which I have never found funny. They see if they can throw a pie from ten feet away. a miss. Every miss means one step closer to them. So, I'm face to face with this clown. All I can think of is that clown who mocked me before. I snag a pie from behind me, dodge his shot and retailate. God, I could be a movie star with these moves. Everyone found all of this amusing and acted like we planned it this way. I hate clowns
I hate clowns
I hate them a lot.
Yep, thank ol' joker for permently messing up my mind. Ah, thanks jokes. I swear, if I find that clown, I'll kill him.
The odds of me finding him are awful, but, whatever.
Now, if you read this and thought I was mean, look at it this way.
1) I made a bunch of kids laugh.
2) It was them or me.
3) Dog eat dog world, buddy. Survival of the...um...fastest. I'm so delicously evil.
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2002 20 June :: 2.17 pm
:: Mood: angry
:: Music: Hero
Geez, and I thought I was asleep behind the wheel
Seems like people aren't using woohu. At least the people on my friends list. I guess thats mainly because people have crap to do. I'm rather pissed. Why, you might ask? Well, I took my driving test today. How did I do? Not bad...
Ah, much better. So basically, I'm pretty mad. Actually, I've been channeling a lot of anger recently. Now I know why.
I haven't played a video game for three days. Not so much as touch a controller. Thats wack. Well, not really. One time during school, I went 2 months, but thats because I had school going on. I think I'm angrier than ever because of what happened on Monday (Don't even get me started. If someone Really wants to know, I'll tell it.) and the past few days I've been exposed to indecent stuff. I'm at Nates, I go downstairs and hes playing resident evil. I hate any violent game. Well, if its fun to play, not really. But whatever sick, twisted, f*cked up mind came up with that resident evil crap, must have a lot of money. So basically I haven't had decent sleep. Why? Well, theres this one scene where you walk in a hall and it cuts to a cinema. Then it shows a zombie munching on a guy! That image has haunted me over and over again. But I didn't play the game, I just advised nate since hes a dumbass.
Nate:Hey, look! This door is trying to be forced open! Should I open it?
Atman:No, theres probably a zombie behind it.
Whats he do? Opens the goddamn door, and gets munched to death. Anyway, I'll steer away from games for a moment to tell you that dream thing I mentioned eariler hasn't stopped. I still sometimes freeze because I "foresaw" it coming. Its very creepy. If I'm near you and I suddenly freeze, then you'll know why.
Ummm...if you put up with this entry, you get a medal.
A cheaply made piece of crap medal! ha ha ha. Yeah, I gotta go. I'll probably write again before the days out.
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2002 17 June :: 1.13 am
:: Mood: gloomy
:: Music: None. (What? It says its optional)
Note to self, never write in journal at a quarter after one in the morning. God, I'm tired. Tomorrow I'm going golfing with my dad then we're off to see "Undercover Brother". Right now though, sleepiness is plaguing my mind. I don't want to fall asleep because of the wierd dreams I've been having. Hey, you, the person reading this. You are not in my dreams. Its just like I'm having dreams about the future. Like, what I'm going to do. Today, I was at my grandmothers, keeping my (supposedly retarted, according to Spud) cousins busy. Anyway, before I go on, Spud, don't call my cousins dumbasses. Alright? I don't care if they are or can be, just don't. If anybodys going to take cracks at my family, its gonna be me. Anyway, we were playing with those damn high-powered super-soakers, and I just froze, because I sprayed my youngest cousin and she yelled, "Your mean!" Then it went, god, you know how in Spider-man his spider-sense thing goes off, and EVERYTHING slows down? Thats kind of what happened. But... ah, I don't know. Everything I do seems... like I've done it before. Its really wiggy.
Uh, yeah. Not one of my best entrys, but whatever. I'd better leave with something that might make me look smart. Umm...uhhh...I know! I know who we could fix the starving kids problem in Africa! Haul their asses to France!
Ok, that really wasn't smart, but c'mon. Its like, 1:30 right now. Imagine what it feels like to be so tired you can almost fall asleep while staring at the computer.
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2002 14 June :: 4.55 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Radio ga ga(Queen)
Geez, don't you have something to do?
Gah, I checked my woohu thing, and tons of people responded. Yikes. I have been distracted. Basically, tv has taken my life by storm, and its pissing me off. Video games, golf, basketball, driving, gah. Everybodys having fun and hanging out, meanwhile I'm locked in my own prison. I promised myself I would do running, haven't done it. I promised myself I'd play the trombone, haven't done it. Promised myself I'd wake up earlier. Ok, that one isn't going to be fixed. I think I'll start biking or jogging with mom. She just isn't ready for it though. Hrrrmmm... I went golfing with my dad on Wednesday. Went to Glen Karry's new back nine. Really not good to play on because of the "fast" greens. I still really haven't improved. I've only golfed like 3 times though. Twice with nate once with my dad. Speaking of dads, I still haven't got mine a fathers day gift. :( Hey, thats my first attempt at a smiley thing. You don't like it, kiss my ass. No wait, don't do that. Thats not cool. Just go...uh...kill someone. Yeah. Tomorrow my horse runs, so hopefully someone responds and gives me some luck. Last race of course. Heaven forbid any of my familys horses run in the first. Oh well. I hope he does good. I've been telling my parents Hot for Spirit, (Horses name) that hes good. I could really use some human contact. I don't know.
I am a man with a one track mind
Sorry, got caught in the Queen cd. Umm...if anybody that lives out of state or in state wants to talk in woohu chat, lemme know. Please, for the love of god let me know. I don't hate gunny, but I want to talk to Plainmornings or slicksurf, or even that m&ms person I don't really know. I suppose in a pinch I could talk to spud...Nah, I don't care. I just want to have some human contact. Thats all I ask.
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2002 11 June :: 12.30 am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Pressure
People actually care...wow
Like I said earlier, I hadn't read anything in my friends list or my journal, so I went to send an e-mail and read that some people might possibly care if I made a site. Whether they stay loyal to the site or not is a different story. So I read away and thought it cool. Ok, more multiple questions here.
1.Somebody tell me how to do a website. You see, I'm a clueless dumbass and I don't want it to look bad.
2.Spud, if you really wish to create a movie, we could work something out, I suppose.
3.Somebody contact Gunnie. I need to ask him about website crap. I talk to him but I forget to ask him about it.
4.Finally, if I DO follow through on this, I'll probably advertise like nothing. maybe. I don't know. Everything just varies. But yeah, if I can get a website going I'll be more than glad to do so. It'll kill time.
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2002 10 June :: 10.55 pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: The show must go on
I'm alive *checks pulse* I think
Wow. Its been a REAL long time since I've come to woohu. Real long. I went to my friends thing, and just said, F it, because theres like, a jillion entries. I'll just start checking it daily from now on. Thank god I'm taking my road test this Wednesday. I might have to kill my parents. Damn 50 hrs. Oh well.
If you are remotely curious as to why I have not been on woohu, its this simple. I have a life. Unlike you losers! HA HA HA HA!
Sorry. The power to type whatever I want sometimes gets too carried away. I've been to Spuds, Nates, Spuds, Nates...its like a pinball machine. Plus soccer, and Diablo, and my trombone, and my doofy comic. Tomorrow I also have to start running. I haven't been and I sucked bad when I ran with spud. Although in soccer I probably won't glug a gallon of water and an airhead or two before running. Yeah, summers on. Big frickin whoop. I don't see the big deal.
OTHER THAN HAVING NO SCHOOL, BEING ABLE TO SLEEP ON, AND SPEND MY DAY DOING NOTHING! God, I love being a teen. kinda. Go wings too. I think I'll talk about Caseys party. If you missed it, you were out of luck. It was pretty fun. Dee was acting funny to me. James was bitching about something, and Kelly needed to be hit. I tell him he needs to be hit, and he says to stop saying that. Well, he does need a couple hits on the noggin, to be honest. I lost Spud in the party. Sorry Spud, Music isn't my thing. I'd rather go do something really stupid, like kick a giant blue ball around. Well, I haven't got much else to say, other than I'm going to start checking my Friends more often. Later, home dogs.
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2002 31 May :: 7.33 am
:: Mood: rushed
:: Music: Lemon Crush
Typing away
I just thought I'd type away, not really sure why. Well, I got my level 2 drivers, um, slip thingy. I still can't drive yet, I gotta pass the road test. Got the oldsmobile though. Its pretty much like a boat, so I plan on buying a sticker and putting boat over olds. he he. I thought maybe I could download the old batman theme and change it to boatman. That would be so funny. he he he. Yeah. I'm bored right now because I'm in bst preparing to watch "A Knights Tale". I haven't seen it, but it might be good. Its got ten minutes and thats IT. Anyway, still got some problems about Bob and Bill, my fictional stick figure characters. People seem to enjoy it. Now, this is new, but I want to create a survey asking if I were to somehow figure out how to build a website or something, would you go there?
K, thats all I wanted.
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2002 30 May :: 8.09 am
:: Mood: pensive
:: Music: Background Music
Rating the year
I usually just rate my year in my head, but it would be amusing to do it on woohu.
1.Lost friend-Dan Reed
2.Earned friend-Sugarmouse
3.Person that needed a serious beating-TIE Tony Saco or...um, this person uses woohu, so, I won't say it, due to the fact that I don't want my ass kicked.
4.Wierdest Friend-Spud (Landslide)
5.Are you real? Friends-plainmornings, slicksurf16, and Tony Vicarri. I haven't PHYSICALLY seen either plain or surf, but Tony ACTS like he wants to know me...Or my body. LOL.
7.Girlfriend-Um...yeah, I have too many to name. Damnit, still single after another year...
8.Wanted girl-Uses woohu, and I'm too shy.
9.Wierdest situation-Good god, too many to list. Maybe the passing out at band, but there are many follow-ups.
10.Coolest upperclassmen-Gunnie Rueben and Cory Hoffeman
11.Biggest Archenemy-Maybe David French
12.Annoyer-Joel Siefken. (landslide)
13.Biggest moment of achievement-Uhhhhhh... I don't know. Suggestions, anybody?
14.Bonehead manuever-Again, too many to list.
15.Best Reversal-Spun Kelly Edly around from hating my company to being able to deal with it.
16.Person that deserves a hand-Lance VanOrder. Nobody really seems to respect or see him.
17.Worst teacher-Boomer. and I'm in her class now. lol.
18.Best teacher-None, they all really were ok to deal with.
19.Best Coach-Marco, the ayso coach. Sabinas is a tight second.
20.Dumbass friend- Spud takes the cake yet again.
21.Weird relationship-Lance VanOrder.
22.Just get the f*ck away!-Brendan Kenney. The stupid punk won't leave me alone and keeps trying to talk to me.
23.Why can't I be acknowledged?-ANY of Spuds "Girlfriends".
24.Most Tempting time to hit someone-Any time at all where Ryan Gorter talked.
25.This is me, kickin your ass-When I beat Edly at the 800. Wasn't that achieving. I'm sure he could have done better.
26.Too eager-Band camp. Never get yourself too hyped up.
27.Personal thoughts toward self-Still feel transclusent to a lot of people, but thats ok. Didn't do shit for sports this year, but again, I'll get better at it. I really hope to improve with the trombone after Tony and Klem leave. I'm going to practice hard (Depending on my level of laziness)
28.Best Friend-I guess Spud. Nates cool but, hrrrmmm. God, to hard to pick. Although Spuds been more helpful. and nice.
29.People met on woohu-Slicksurf and plainmornings
30.Reckless time-Maybe today when I was (sort of) bragging on finshing my drivers training segment 2 infront of someone who failed.
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2002 28 May :: 7.31 am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: None
What went down.
I guess I had a good four-day weekend. Up to the climatic "dive" I took. I'll explain. We were in a cemetary playing songs for band on Monday. We just got done with God of our Fathers (?) and were waiting for it to end. The guy made ANOTHER prayer to god. Yes, as important as it is, it was driving me nuts. You see, When I don't move, I get all itchy and irritated. My back really aches and stuff too. So the trumpets were getting ready to play "Taps", when I suddenly felt really sleepy. "S*it, I said to myself, This isn't good." Realizing that I probably locked my knees, I varied my standing postitons as best I could. Then I got hit with an incredible wave of tiredness. I kind of thought, "What should I do?". Well, I decided there was nothing I could do. So I fell over. It went black for about 3 seconds. Then I woke up. I looked around and thought, "Goddamnit, I locked my knees. Son-of-a-bitch." So my mom gets there, and says "Oh my god! Atman, are you ok?" Now, realize that I'm pissed beyond pissed because I didn't want to fell over and I did. So I answer her in a pissed off tone, "Yes, I'm fine." My parents are very much over-reacting. This old guy who I thanked helped me get to the car. My dad also got me there. I didn't say anything about walking because it wouldn't have mattered. I get in the car and my parents both stare at me, as if I'm an alien from another planet. I finally say, "Um, if I can't stay, can we go home?" We drive away and my mom turns around and says, "Can I get you anything?"
Are you Sure?
Yes, I'm sure I don't need anything.
We can get you a gatorade.
So we pull in a gas station and we get a Sobe. We get home and I won't get out of the car because I'm so pissed at myself for doing this. And I'm still in my uniform. So I get out of it. Then my parents make me drink the Sobe and eat a banana. I bascally loafed until we needed (I'm still not done. I'll edit later.)
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2002 25 May :: 1.55 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Some hickville band
Get this
Yesterday, a woman called our house (My parents weren't home) and said she had no idea who I was but she had been told by someone-she couldn't remember who- that I give money to people like her. The woman said that she and her huband had nine kids and had moved to a desert in the Middle East. Now they were having difficulty supporting themselves because, well, they had nine kids and moved to the middle east. She figured I was her best bet to get money. She basically asked if I would support her family for a LONG period of time. If you have nine children and think its a good idea to move to the desert, it is fair to say that you are a dumbass, or bad decision maker. So the question at hand was this: If I were to give her money, would she be more likely to a) use it to feed and educate her children, or b)Grunt out nine more kids and move to a dislodged glacier floating in the Artic?
The interesting part of the conversation came after I nicely declined her invitation to fund the nonstop production of doomed kids. She got mad at me. AT ME. Apparently she analyzed the situation and came to the conclusion that the root cause of her problem was the total unwillingness of total strangers in other countries to give her money. And her answer to this was to get mad.
You might be wondering, as I was, whether this woman was actually a con artist who wasn't very good or a trainee. Maybe the experienced con artists were playing a joke on her:"Tell him you're stupid and you need money to produce more people like you." I'll never know the truth.
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2002 25 May :: 1.48 pm
:: Mood: sympathetic
:: Music: Rollin
Sigh...So bored
I'm so bored today. Plus I'm pissed. My mom and dad are mad because I'm not running RIGHT now. Oh well. I'm waiting in the woohu chat room, but I think I'll abort and go play yahoo pool, against my parents liking. I keep using Nates username because I don't want to make my own. We often hang out and type stuff together. But it sucks because all he wants to do is piss people off by swearing at them and I want to talk to them. Its so sad. I promised I'd run right now but I think I'll wait until some night next week. Ok, I'm going to create another entry that I've been trying to type since last night, but woohu won't let me.
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2002 23 May :: 10.41 pm
:: Mood: Powerful
:: Music: The future
He he
I went to the sports banquet tonight. It sucked, but at least Spud was there for comic relief. Hey Spud, I'm sure beans or anyone else could pick this up, but we is it that all your lady friends ignore my existence sometimes? Sugarmouse doesn't, danibeans usually doesn't..... Ok, bad examples. It just seems like sometimes they see through me. I'm not saying everyone look at me, I just would like to be noticed. I'm a real human bieng weth digntiy. Eye wnt reespcet. Seriously, I want respect...Oh shit, I just spilled some lemonade on the keyboard. Moving on, I got home and checked my e-mail.
To find out someone thinks I'm Spuds admirer! UGH. Someone shoot me. Good god, geez. Bad images. Bad images.
AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH........ Bad, awful, horrible, terrible, crappy, ugly, fugly, and weird images.
MAKE THE PAIN STOP. I quickly responding by taking some drugs and passing out. Twenty minutes later I recovered, but saw the screen and had a five minute spasm. Then I realized that old starburst I found in my backpack that I ate wasn't really a starburst. Anyway, I just decided on something. I'm going out and finding a spider-man pic! Sweetness. I must prepare for my journey through the harsh harsh web. Ha. Thats kind of a pun. You see, spidey spins webs and... Oh screw it. Must check supplies.
Floppy Disk check
Food check
Pop check
Book for extended periods of waiting due to crappy computer.... check
Alice in chains cd check
Alright, I'm moving out. Wish me some good luck. Seriously, everyone has good luck. Give some away. I'll explain my theory on luck tomorrow.... If I make it.
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2002 23 May :: 7.30 am
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: Latin Dance stuff
Life could be good.
Well I haven't updated in awhile, so why not now? It doesn't matter though. Just as Spud said, only one or two people look at his entrys. Nowadays this is for my own entertainment. On Monday our AYSO coach bailed. Uh huh. Thats nice. I kept thinking, he does this crap on Wednesday I'll kill him. Marco is pretty reliable and a better coach than Mo. Anyway, on Tuesday was the final meet. A JV meet. I fell one place short of placing. Everybody kept saying, "Its ok Addison, its ok". Yeah, right. I don't care. Track was just a thing to get in shape for soccer. My goal was not to become the next Bigney. Although that wouldn't be all bad. Yesterday was the best though. In band, I was nailing all the songs on the first try. Yeah, I know they were easy, but I still got'em. I kept drawing my cartoon thing. I don't know what to do about it though. People say its funny and they laugh, but I don't know. Maybe I could write comics for woohu and it could become its mascot? lmao...LOL...Anyway, I don't know what to do. Website? Geocities? Would people visit? Could I be that responsible? Should I just keep drawing them on paper and go with it? Who knows? I just want tomorrow to come so I can sleep in.
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