2004 22 July :: 11.47 pm
:: Mood: crushed
:: Music: Mama he's crazy - The Judds
um letting go of the person you love is hard, but when its nessicary you gotta do it. yeah and i dont know how to spell nessicary i just...yeah. anyways life is full of heart aches, we all move on in the end.
last night i spent the night with gramma and she had a little baby over there, just 6 weeks old, name was Yvette, and she was the prettiest little thing. i want a baby so bad but yeah gotta hold off till i get hitched first....and having sex might help too. yeah. im like depressed now. not because of the baby thing though...no anyways i dont know i just...well i dont know screw it. Night
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2004 18 July :: 10.27 pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: Here without you - 3 Doors Down
omg lol like nothing has happend as usual. the vacation is officially over. mom and dad go back to work tomorrow and all's quiet yet again. i spent 4 and a half hours putting fake nails on taylor then another hour making some food thing for mom and then yeah. oh and grammas been sick, she has phemonia in one lung and her bloodsugar got really high and she had a fever of like 105 i think. yeah that all happend last night and they took her to the ER and they kept her over night but now shes home and yeah shes doing really bad still. um...shit andrew finally got to come in the house lol weve been making him not come in just for the hell of it but he finally sweet talked his way in and so he was all happy...psycho. anyways we spent like all day with him hes like hillarious but he and ashley gang up on me and make fun of me :( i like talk while im laughing so you cant understand a damn thing im saying and they were like always making me laugh so that i would do that and then they would just make fun of me like non stop. lol it was great though. that was yesterday. anyways iv like lounged around all day today except when i cooked, because i did taylors nails on my bed while we watched sweet home alabama and then listened to 2 cds. my room is finally compleat, and im in love again. cant say who though...a little bit of mystery is always fun. anyways im getting viciously yelled at to get off the damn computer so i have to go. ill be updating more often now that life is back to the normal schedual. alright. anyways good night and...yeah.
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2004 10 July :: 8.39 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: When I'm gone - 3 Doors Down
I have become quite the bad Woohu user. I simply don't have much time anymore, what with mom and dad being on vacation and summer is actually almost over. We only have a little over a month left before school starts up again. We have started shopping for clothes already. This summer seemed to have gone by so much faster then any other one.
I have finally gotten my room finished. All my papers sorted through, all my letters, all my books, just everything. I'm happy about that. I finally have somewhere I can go to relaxe and think.
Today was the town Bar-B-Q. It's still in full swing, more people arrive later then they do earlier, but I came home because Taylor's really sick and the park was to loud and it was to hot for her to lay down in the van. We made Andrew take us home, and I was all sweaty so I took like an hour long shower. It felt so good. I was to lazy to get dressed, but I suppose it doesn't matter since it's only Taylor and I and shes in her room sleeping. Everyone else probably wont get home till really late. It ends at 10:30 and sence my parents are on the fire department they have to stay and clean up (the Bar-B-Q is put on by the fire department).
Jon's joining the fire department too. That means I'll be seeing a lot more of him. He's asked me out twice, once around Christmas and then again like Right after Kelly and I were over with. I just don't really see myself with Jon. He's nice and all...plus it would be weird, his little sister Lamore and Taylor and best friends. I don't want to go out with my little sisters best friends brother. Thats confusing just to say!
I do like Derek though. He so like...perfect. I don't know. Dark hair, tall, so handsom it should be a sin, and though I usually go for green or brown eyes, his blue eyes are like...I don't know theyre almost like navy blue theyre so dark...ohh I could just sit and dream about him all day. He's so sweet too! Trevor adores him and he's the only one out of his family that actually takes the time to listen to his little sister and he helps her with her homework and yeah...ok I'll shut up about him :(
Anyways nothing else has really happend. Ashley and Andrew are getting more, I guess Serious or whatever. He aint even layed a kiss on her yet though. Loser. She's compleatly head over heels in love though. It's wonderfully obvious. He's always staring at her too. I think hes in love too. Both are to shy to say it though *rolls eyes*
Alright I'm starving I'm going to go find something to snake on. Hopefully my parents will bring me home some chicken and beans. Umm my mouth is watering now. Every year the fire fighters make beans and they do something to them I don't even care what it is, but they are so amazing. I'm not a big bean person but you like can't say no to these. and the chicken...well yeah I just love chicken so of course I love it.
ehh ok I'm going to die now I have to go. I think i still got some icecream left over....
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2004 7 July :: 9.07 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Save a horse (Ride a cowboy) - Big & Rich
Not to much of a Vacation
mom and dad took 2 weeks off for vacation. now, some people get thrilled at the word vacation, but around here, its just staying home and cleaning the house for 2 straight weeks. the house isnt even dirty!!! my parents are freaks. we have to BLEACH the floors for petes sake (ive always wondered who exactly started that and who pete is....) and yeah. but since friday night, we have been doing nothing but My room, which is now awesome!!! omg ok. we were going to put hardwood floor down in my room, but then mom and dad decided they wasnt going to spend that much on my flooring, so they made me get freaking lanolium for my floor, since we cant put carpet back in there because ashleys dog pisses in my room all the damn time, which is why we had to redo my room in the first place...anyways, we finally settled on some that looked like tile and yeah ok now that its down it looks pretty damn good. um...then dad built me a new bed so that i could get rid of my big squeaky metal one, and i had a new bed set already and we repainted it and yeah its just freaking awesome. im trying to talk dad into building me a bookshelf since i have so many books and no where to put them (ok dads a carpenter by the way, so im ok with not having all that store built furniture because hes pretty damn good at his job *thumbs up*) moms trying to Not make him, sence i have shelves over my desk that im not really using, but theyre set to far back and i would have to like have 2 rows, one in the back and one in the front and then i could never get a book because i wouldnt know what i had...though i do know what books i have so i would know, but i really want a bookshelf so im willing to spread a little ivory lie to my parents. anyways...yeah. my rooms awesome but my feet are killing me from standing and working 12 hours a day for 5 days in a row. definitly lookin at a desk job!! lol nah just kidding, i aint that lazy....just almost that lazy...anyways!
dude omg tonight the youth group went to the old folks home because one of our long time members got altimers and then hes had a few strokes and yeah hes just really bad off and so we went to sing and stuff and it was soooo sad omg. there was this one guy, he couldnt have been over 40 but he was like...i dont know what was wrong with him but when we were singing "love lifted me" he kept laughing and it was like an addicting laugh, you just had to laugh too but then...i dont know it was sad and funny all at the same time and then this woman kept wanting us to sing love lifted me over and over and so we kept doing it but then that guy kept laughing and omg it was so horrible, and the woman that wanted us to sing kept singing with us but she only sang the chourse, even when we werent on the chourse and then she took off her shoe and sock and dropped them for some reason, and then later on she was tyring to get them and she would just like randomly stand up, but when she did an alarm would go off so the nurse dude would have to come talk her back into sitting down and then...i dont know but she never could get her sock and so i went over there and got it for her and then went and stood back in my spot and she was trying to put it on but she couldnt and then she just gave up and dropped it again and i was going to put it on her foot for her but we had to go and ahh i dont know i felt really bad. anyways yeah had fun tonight the bus ride back to the church was like the funnest iv had in a hell of a long time. hmm anyways im tired of typing and anyways thats pretty much it
kelly still hasnt talked to me. im going to write him a letter, maybe tonight, and ask him what the hell i did and all that good stuff :D
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2004 29 June :: 12.39 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: cowboys like us - george strait
ho hum so much to say yet so very little.
i dont even remember when i last wrote, but ill start with this weekend, friday night i sat around the house and talked to karl untill 9:00 when monk came on and then at 10:00 csi came on so i watched it and then i got back on at 11:00 and didnt get off untill around 4:30 or some time around there. then i had to get up at 7:00 and clean and do a bunch of crap that i didnt want to do. i had to clean the freaking ceiling fans for petes sake. anyways at around oh...4-5 i got ready for the rodeo. i didnt get to go to any of them but the Very last freaking one. usually i go all three nights. i was so mad. anyways, my friend kendra introduced me to this guy rick and he was nice enough and whatever but nope, not ready to get back in the game quite yet. im definitly not in mourning, i just Still want to know what happend. anyways, sunday...nothing happend at all. went to church came home ate didnt feel good so i took a nap, and ended up not going to the evening service. then yesterday ash tay and i were cleaning off the deck and trevor was in the yard playing with this chain thing and he dropped it on his foot and it almost cut his middle toe off. we called mom and it usually takes her around 35-40 minutes to get here, and she got here in freaking 15 minutes. lol she put on her little siren thingy for when they go to fires, and yeah everyone got their asses outta her way, then we went to where dad was working and he was waiting for us and then he looked at it and said that it wasnt to bad (but yes it was hes just used to freaking horrible looking cuts and shit because hes always hurting himself on the sites and stuff) and he said that the doctors wouldnt even stitch it up, so we went to the supercenter and got that liquid bandaid thing then went to the mall and shopped for awhile i got a shirt with some coffee shop logo on it and a pair of jeans and yeah we ate and came home. today....nothings happening. me and ash are sick so weve been sprawled out all over the living room and trevors been watching movies with his foot propped up and taylors at grammas. anyways, i gotta go help ash start the grill. lmao were both scared its going to explode and blow up on us so...yeah. lol
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2004 23 June :: 4.41 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Little Moments - Brad Paisley
2 more nights untill the rodeo starts up, can't wait for that. i think im going to go buy a new pair of jeans though.
I might double date with ash with andrews friend Todd. i dont know if i will yet or not. iv not even met him yet. ashley said hes stupid.
Karl got on cam last night so that i could watch his friend ben play with his "man boobies" as they call them. bens takin a few to many blows to the head. poor guy now has a stuttering problem and he aint really all there. he gets in a lot of fights and vehicle accidents. bens really cute though. they started playing with air freshner for some odd reason, and they kept spraying eachother with it. karl mooned me twice. lol it was funny he went off in the distance. cute butt though *two thumbs up* i ended up havening to get off at around 2 in the morning because dad rolled off the couch (where he fell asleep watching tv) which of course made him wake up. we turned the mic on too lol it was a crazy night. um...yeah thats pretty much it for yesterday.
today i had to watch taylor and trevor by myself again. had to yesterday also. anyways, trevor was being a pain in the ass and he wasnt listening to anything i said so i finally ended up beating his butt and making him go to sleep. ha. he didnt go to sleep and he just kept telling me he hated me. so i went to take a shower and cool off because i was pissed off, and while i was getting my body all nice and soaped up, i hear him scream like he was getting freaking chopped into pieces, so i dont even think about the soapy feet, jump out of the shower and landed on my left leg. now its all swollen, my ankle hurts like a mother and i broke my middle toe too. so, it was a wonderful day. im going to skip out on church tonight. im to worn out after this long ass day. oh yes, one more interesting thing happend. mom was supposed to sign this thing for ashley for FFA and she didnt, and ashley had to turn it in today, so i had to forge mommys signiture. it was dead on too. ok thats it. taylors singing and she sings like...out her nose or whatever its annoying. im going to throw something at her. later
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2004 22 June :: 10.26 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Pieces of me - Ashlee Simpson
Nothing has happend at all today so there really aint no since in updating. later
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2004 21 June :: 11.33 pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: Whiskey Lullaby - Brad Paisley/Alisson Krauss
I am so fucking lost, but I don't even care anymore. Kelly and I are now for sure over. He avoids me at like all costs, though I havn't done one freaking thing. My god am I that horrible? I've like been so mad that I can't even cry and get over him. Well shit that's the thing. I don't WANT to simply get over him. I wanted to stay friends. Hell we did last time we broke up, why the hell can't we now? He was my best fucking friend, and now he's just gone. I don't know what I did, but I wish, what ever it was, I could just take it away, or do over and not do it.
I'm like...depressed now too. Not because we're over, but because...well we're over. I'm ok that the relationship is over, I mean it hurts yeah, but I figured we would still be friends, but how can you be friends when...maybe it's the fact that he's "to old" or something. I don't know and it's driving me crazy.
Rodeo's this weekend. I might go on a double date with Ashley and Andrew some time soon with Andrew's friend Todd. Ashley's having relationship problems too, so I suppose it runs in the family or something. Andrew is deffinitly to clingy....Kelly wasn't enough...
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2004 19 June :: 9.57 pm
:: Mood: pissed off
I hate stupid fucking bitches who think they know every fucking thing that goes on so they go "spread the word" to your friends, which aint "the word" no how and so your friends get in big ass fights with you and eachother.
Stupid fucking bitches. mind your own god damn business
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2004 18 June :: 7.07 am
:: Mood: geeky
:: Music: Silhouettes - Smile Empty Soul
it is way to fucking early omg *hits head on desk* so not used to getting up before at least 9 something, and iv been up since freaking 6.
Curse my mother!!!
moms picking me up on her lunch break, we are then making our way to the scary "i have a stethascope up my ass" doctor. do Not know what they have in store for me, but all i can say is if they go behind me and they still got that damn stethascope in their hand, hell even if its around their neck, im confiscating it.
umm...i have Rough and Ready in my head and it wont leave so im gonna sing the part that i have stuck in my head. maybe it will leave me then!:D
--got a hot date girl named kate she thinks im cool cause i shoot straight-aint one thing about her fake shes long and tall and she goes great with
cold beer hot wings wranglers scoal ring get just what you see gun rack ball cap dont take no crap aint a pretty boy to ill rock you steady rough and ready
wel you are who you are thats alright with me but i am who i am and thats all i can be
and then the whole chorus repeated. but i do love that song. and...nope didnt work still stuck in my head. wtf its freaking cold right now. lord my boobs are gonna go right ahead and freeze off. shit. alright im going back to bed screw this shit. night! afternoon! morning! ha there no matter where anyone lives i didnt leave ya out:D lmfao later
ahh! i finally made it over 200 update thingys!! yay! this here is 201 thank you very much. minor thing to most...but makes my day. lmfao not really. getting in bed would though with someone to snuggle with ...dude wheres ashton when you need him? GET OFF THE SET OF PUNK'D AND COME TO ME!! I WILL LOVE YOU AND HUG YOU AND MAKE YOU MINE!
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