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:: 2004 17 April :: 12.32 pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: Gonna get a life - Mark Chesnutt

omg it was so crazy last night. im not going into detail because some certin people read my journal...but friggin omg. anyways, yeah i stayed up on the computer till 3:30. then i got busted. so i played dumb with mom and she was half asleep still so it worked. kelly went "out" with friends, lol where ever out is in michigan. but anyways today, as punishment for being on so late anyways, i have the house to myself, and it has to be spotless. anyways, im starting to go into my hyper mode, so itll be spotless for her bitchy ok im mean to my mom. so i take that back. shes just extra mean. so yeah. its not like i hate her or anything, but we just clash really bad cuz were so much alike. its crazy. yeah ok iv been saying crazy a lot lately, it started yesterday. lol anyways later


:: 2004 14 April :: 5.52 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Ghetto Superstar - Mya

blah. damnit i felt like writting, then i got ready to and i didnt feel like it. im so messed up, but anyways, i studyed till 2:30 in the morning on the dumb bones, and turns out we only had to memorize 35 of them, yeah, i felt really dumb, i have dark circles under my eyes, and everything, but HEY! lol i was the only one who got all the questions on the test whatever. alright im going to something
...alright i just signed my sisters name, because i was talking to her as i was typing....i think im going to leave that as a sign of my stupidity and to show yall what kelly puts up with...yeah feel sorry for him lmao alright later

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:: 2004 13 April :: 5.39 pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: Get Low - Lil John & the Eastside Boys

err i was having a great day, it was fun, my hair looked good (ahh i know amazing!!! lol) and then i get home and taylor PISSED ME OFF MAJORLY! omfg shes the perfect little version of mom. she...err i caint even say what she did, because it was just a bunch of little shit, and the little stuff is what makes me mad....whew, anyways, i dont even know if ill have time to talk tonight to anyone because i have to memorize all freakin 206 bones tonight. i just found out that we have a test over them tomorrow, and we just started going over them today. damn science teacher. err im fuckin pissed off, oh and the dicksucker history teacher gave us a bunch of freakin homework too....ahh im so mad right now.

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:: 2004 13 April :: 1.34 am

haha wtf i wrote in all caps but im to lazy to rewrite it in lowercase.

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:: 2004 12 April :: 11.10 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: The Scientist - Coldplay

we had no school today because its Easter break. but anyways, dad left trevor here instead of taking him up to grams, so iv got like all the dumb disney songs stuck in my head since thats how he spends his time now, in front of the tv watching them. right now its Cinderella. its horrible. when i was little i hated all the disney movies. i was into M*A*S*H* with dad. lol we would stay up all night watching it, then i would be hard to wake up for school because i didnt have enough sleep. anyways, dont know why i brought that up. ok for Easter, grams always gives all the grandkids a little sack of candy, and ya know it dont make since. they call these tiny little candy bars "fun size". well hell i mean i would have a lot more fun eatting a regular size candy bar....

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:: 2004 11 April :: 9.23 pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: Ment to live - Switchfoot

Easter dinner
Easter sucks basically around here. my whole family gets together in my grandmas small house, and its hot and stuffy and loud and all the old people talk about their sex life or lack there of, and its nasty, and my cousins and i have absolutly NOTHING in common anymore, so i just sit up there reading the large amount of magazines that grams collects. plus i had to babysit the terror cousins again, and they were sick yet again, and so now i have the stomach flu. im living on pepcid-a.c. and tums. alright, well now im ready to talk to kelly, and i hope he gets on soon, im trying to talk to anguls and watch the banger sisters all at the same time, and its not going to well, he talks alot. its really bad, i can never remember his name. its either david or chris, but i can never remember it. iv known him for a long time, but it still always slips my mind. i need to make a little note of it somewhere, but im scared to ask him his name again, because hes really moody and he gets pissed off when i ask him, so oh well, i suppose i just wont worry about it *shrugs* later

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:: 2004 10 April :: 11.38 am
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: F.U.R.B. - Frankie

im so freakin tired. holy shit! mom and i have been fighting really damn bad because shes a freakin bitch and decided she wanted to have fun and breath down my back this past few weeks. anyways, it dont matter no more, im just gonna take what she gives me without a word no more *rolls her eyes*. anyways, this chick wrote me and asked if kell and i met online, yada yada, and seems as though she has the same deal someone too, so were using woohu to talk, lol its pretty weird, maybe i should just get her addy so this thing wont have to be used. so anyways, um...yeah iv no clue so later


:: 2004 7 April :: 8.33 pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: She hates me - Puddle of mudd

i really aint got nothing to talk about, i just got bored and decided i felt like rambaling so i came on here, anyways i aint talked to kelly in a few days i think...i dont really remember and i think thats bad, but...yeah....*sigh* then i aint gonna get to talk to him till...well i dont know, he works on weekends and im going to be gone at kaylas again, i dont know, its confusing and pretty agravating not getting to see him, but ill make it up to him when we getta talk next time ; )

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:: 2004 6 April :: 12.53 am
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: 8th world wonder - Kimberely Locke

i was just signing on to msn, when mom walked in the door and told us to grab our shoes, and to get to the van cuz we was 'a goin shoppin'. we aint been shopping in a long time, sure weve been to pick something up, which means nothing besides what is on the list (though taylor always manages to get something...go figure) and anyways, it was fun, but i miss kelly so damn much, lol i aint talked to him since thursday, which sucks some nasty ass...hmm i wanna talk to him but hes in bed, which is where i need to be but im hyper from shopping. i got a bra, a pair of underwear thats green and lay "aint you lucky" on them, lol i love them, but anyways, a pair of jeans, and a trucker hat. lmao its funny as hell, i met up with a few friends in the mall, so we all decided to get one. mines green...yeah i like green incase that wasnt obvious, and a green shirt. lol it was fun! oh and i got a giant jaw breaker, as always. i have to get one of them everytime i go to the mall, it is a must. anyways, ima finish up talking to karlie then im off to bed

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:: 2004 4 April :: 3.43 pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: White Flag - Dido

well i ended up getting paid only 65 dollars, seems they figured since i only watched 3 kids (jesse went with his dad) and all the kids were older i didnt need as much, even though i had to give up my weekend. oh well, its 65 more then i had. anyways i ended up getting sick, because jake and halee was sick so yeah, it sucks. anyways nothing else has happend this weekend, im bored to death, and ashley and i got into a fight over her dumb prom dress. im the only one with a celeing fan in my room, and she had no place to put her dress, so mom told her to just hang it up on my fan and they could so something with it later. well its been in my room for 2 weeks now, and she started yelling at me about how i didnt do the dishes and dad ended up doing them and how i never do any of my work and all that crap. well shes never freakin home because shes the baseball manager, and shes tanning every day that there isnt a baseball game, so that she wont be white for prom, so that means that i alone am in charge of keeping the house clean for mom so she dont throw fits, and she isnt likely to get off her big ass to help clean the house. anyways since ashley yelled at me about that, i threw her prom dress in her face and told her to keep it out of my room. then dad decided that iv been expecially moody this past week and told me that i had to keep the damn thing in my room till prom, which is may first. it was the stupidest thing iv ever heard of, but yet iv still got the big poofy purple and teal thing hanging from my celeing. oh and now ashleys all sucking up to me and giggling and joking around. oh now shes fucking yelling at me to get off the internet so that i can do my homework and crap because iv been complaining about it this weekend. shes a fuckin bitch and iv half the mind to go cut the damn dress to shreds, but i would end up buried in the back yard.

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