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Down for the count...

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:: 2003 8 November :: 1.16 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: north to alaska-johnny horton

hey. im at my grammas doing our laundry. our washer AND dryer broke, so yay! i get to spend my weekend over here doin our laundry, but its not so i bad i suppose. i dont see gramma and grampa enough, and plus julie's over here, even though she likes ashley more, we still....well ok we dont do anything together, but anyways....right. anyways the clothes in the dryer are done so i had better go switch the clothes over. later yall

to bad there arnt little faces on here, like on msn and email and stuff, that would be cool....just a thought, ok bye bye


:: 2003 7 November :: 4.36 am
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: someday-nickelback

BarnWarming And Sisters
ok, i cuss. big fuckin deal. ashley dont. shes like all "ohh thats bad!! ur going to go down to satan!!" (yea she wont even say hell) and if i say some cuss word while around her, then she yells at me as though shes my god damn mother, or she beats the hell outta me, and sometimes...if im lucky that is...she does both! yay! omg. wow ok. im really pissed off right now, and dads in a bad mood and hes pissing me off even more and if i wasnt like ten times smaller than him i would go smack him across the face, but no, caint do that, so im forced to just mouth him and ignore him and walk off while hes talking to me.
anyways, getting away from family affairs, barnwarming is tonight and since the rest of my family ISNT going, im going to go. ok well im going to....go. haha i dont have anything else to write so im just leaving
oh shit i had a business test, a math test, and a science test all in a row. on my business i got a B- and on my math test and science test....i dont know yet cuz those 2 teachers r lazy and didnt grade them yet. but mr.terry, whos the science teacher, is my favorite one but yea, hes still lazy.
ok dads bitching about how my ass is always on the computer and how he can never use the phone and so i have to go. we were supposed to get a second phone line in july or augest, but nope! that didint happen. god my family and life are so fuckin messed up. ok i dont know when ill be back on @ kelly, barnwarming starts at 7, but i dont know when its done, so just if i see ya i see ya. love yall bye

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:: 2003 6 November :: 5.46 am
:: Mood: giddy
:: Music: wave on wave-pat green

YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! im FiNaLlY back! hehe! ok im really happy now. nothing has even happend to me so i really have nothing to say. oh, well we found out that the reason that our FFA/AG teacher got fired was because he stole like $1,46-someodd from the FFA ppl, and so he got fired and then he got put in jail, and his bail was set at $20,000 and yea, hes still kinda in there at the moment. haha. its great. nobody even liked him anyways, so nobody really cared. ok well thats it, im gonna go see if anyones in the chatroom, cuz no ones on msn : (


:: 2003 1 November :: 4.56 am
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: so yesterday-hilary duff

ok, i finally decide to get back on the internet and cum back to all my friends on here, and yeah, i have to leave, at least for the weekend. we pay our internet bill i guess by like 2 months at a time and our "time" has gone by, and it happend friday night, and since its the weekend they aint open, so i wont be able to get on for the rest of the weekend, and only after that if dad remembers to call, which is rather optional, cuz hes stupid and never remembers to....SO....just when ever i get on again, i get on again. right now im at gramma's and we just got done with a baby shower for julie and dustin, and of course brooklyn, so i have to go and help clean up now so see yall when i see ya.

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:: 2003 31 October :: 4.04 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: trouble-pink

baCK yET agaIN
hey yall im back. i took some time off to think about everything thats going on in my life, so i guess im done with it sence im back. i thought alot about the ppl that i love and how i love them. just a friend. nothing more, nothing less. mikey - friend. jacob - friend....and so on. so u see it was all pretty easy to see who and how i loved all the guys in my life. up untill kelly. he had to be mean. i like him more than as just a friend, but i dont know....ahh i dont know!! ok now im all confused, but i wont dissipear again i guess. err. ok happy halloween yall have fun eggin pplz houses and....DO NOT HAVE TO MUCH WILD MONKEY SEX!! ------oh here is a thinker....A.I.D.S. - a man had sex with a gorrilla, got A.I.D.S. went home, gave it to his wife, who was having an affair, and ended up giving it to her lover....and the cycle just continues. last pole taken, there were 10 million ppl in the us that knew that they had aids, and the us govornment spends around 13 billion dollars on aids treatment EVERY YEAR. ......yea ok i learned that in Health, and decided to share.

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:: 2003 26 October :: 8.03 am
:: Music: cant hold us down-christina aguilera ft. lil' kim

My LoVeLy WeEkEnD
ok friday jessica, tyler, kelby, and i went to kaylas house and watched 'the sweetest thing' again and then we talked about wat happens when ppl masturbate, and how much easier it is for guys....which caused the guys to say that it is not easier for them, because it gets much info btw....ok anyways, then we went into kaylas bedroom (we had the previous conversation in her kitchin floor while eatting pizza) and we played truth-or-dare, and then talked sum more about sex and the positions and the porn movies that we had seen (i have only seen like 3 of them so dont go thinkin nuttin bad about me!!) and then....we kinda had to do sum stuff with eachother because, yea we started play truth-or-dare again. then jessica and i got up and started singing kareoke and dancin, then...*thinks hard* oh! then the guys got up and started messing with kaylas volleyball and tylor hit kelby in the nose, which caused him to get a bloody nose, then we watched scary movie 1 & 2, then....oh then the guys left at 2 in the morning, and we all stayed up and talked a bunch more, and then just us gurls played truth-or-dare and jessica had to hump the ded, i had to hump a "life size barbie" and kayla had to hump....oh wat was it....oh this giant purple crayon of her brothers. so it was all good. i swear, we are the most....horniest ppl ever....*rolls eyes*. then we woke up in the mornin at around 11 and all took showers (seperatly btw) and got dressed and went and ate bruch and then mom came to get me a little bit after jess' mom got her. then i came home and got on line and talked to kell. ok thats it. back to school tomorrow, ohh i just caint wait!! haha btw that was so fuckin sarcastic. ok bye bye yall

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:: 2003 23 October :: 10.01 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: shut up-black eyed peas

another 3 day weekend. i finally found out y too. apperently were having fall break. who woulda guessed....

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:: 2003 23 October :: 6.14 am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: baby boy-beyonce/sean paul

hey yall my speech went good i guess, didnt fall going up the stairs to get on the stage, so its all good. um....iv been talkin to jerry quite a bit lately and so its all good there, yet i havnt talked to kell in quite a bit, so im missin him lots and lots. today i got signed up to be in history day, which is like a thing where u talk about things from the past or things....well u talk about whatever the subject of the year is. i dont know, its all weird, ill explain more when i have the time, because right now im in a hurry and i want to go finish my show!! ok well love yall lots, anyone that ever wants to say ANYTHING at all, can just say it. just to let chall know. ok im leavin, and, well....bye


:: 2003 20 October :: 7.43 am
:: Mood: horny
:: Music: whit flag-dido

Penis Size
lol omg i bring so much damn embarrassement upon my self. but hey its all good. as for the subject of this entry...kelly knows all about what im gettin at. haha love ya babe. this weekend, i got a bunch of cosmo magazines and cut the all but showing pictures of naked men out of them and put them on my wall. dad has yet to say anything about it....but i just caint wait!! lol. omg today, my teacher called and said i had 13 ours to creat a 30 minute speech to say in front of like 2,000 ppl tomorrow. im NOT good with speeches. im going to be stuttering, and slurring everything together....ohh im so fuckin scared. but hey... its all good : ). of course i hate my teacher for volenteering me to do this, because she knows damn well that i dont do the whole public speeches thing...god what wonderfull things.

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:: 2003 18 October :: 10.06 am
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: someday-nickelback

My DaTe
turner is supposed to pick me up at 7:00 gets here at 7:30. we go to the movies, and its some damn foriegn flick. obviously hes into them. in the end, isabella didnt get to have her love renardo because...well i didnt get any of the movie but that part, so i dont know y she doesnt get him. anyways, i thank god that the movie is over and i make my way out of the theater, realizing that im by my self. i go BACK into the theater, and find turner CRYING. i freak out ask him wats wrong, he looks up at me as if amazed that im there then points at the fuckin screen and in this raspy, torn voice says, "isabella lost her love, they couldnt be together" then returns to crying. i hug him and finally drag him out of there. we get to the restraunt, and get seated next to this really big family. they have 5 kids from the ages 3-10 and then a little baby. we order, and then the parents of the flock as us to watch their kids. i was like oh ok...sure, thinking they would be gone for 5 minutes tops. i was 40 minutes off. the little hellions were EVIL. the 3 year old twins ran around the restraunt and i had to chase them, brittney the 5 year old "didnt want her shoes on" so she chucked them at me and one hit me on my cheek and now i have a bruise there. then the baby started crying and i had to hold her, and turns out she just needed to throw up on the non-paid, non-hired babysitter. FINALLY the damn parents get back, pay for their meal and leave. no word of thanks, zip. turner didnt help at all. he was still obviously thinking about isabella and renardo. my food is cold, and hes already done, so we just leave. its already time for me to be home so we just head on to my house. but getting there would be to easy. his car breaks down. there was a gas station about 1 1/2 miles back. hE didnt know what was wrong, so i had to look under the hood. he was out of transmission fluid, and out of gas. well he didnt want to leave his car, so i had to carry the the gas jug and walk in my heels to the damn gas station, get gas and transmission fluid, pay for it with my money, and then get a ride back to him. well, i now smell like gas, the food and pop that got spilt on me watching the kids at the restraunt, baby barf, and then my bruised cheek kinda rapped it all together. i get back, have to pay the guy for giving me a ride, and hes on his way back. i go over to the piece of shit car and turners asleep in the back. i try and wake him up and fail. SO i put the gas in, put the transmission fluid in, and then just to be safe, check the tires. he has a flat tire. i attempt to wake him up again, fail again, and so i proceed to change it. thanks to dad i know how to do all this so were good to go. i had 2 broken nails, and grease on my face, plus all the other shit on me. then turner decides its time for his nap to be over. he crawls outta the back and into the front and drives me the rest of the way home. we get home, and he leans over for the kiss. i have a LOT of anger inside me, and so i just punch him square in the face, get out and slamed the door. i get inside, dad jumps up from the couch to yell at me because its exactly 12:03 and i was due at 9:30. he looks at me, his mouth falls open and i walk bye him not caring wat hes gonna say, take off my clothes and climb into bed and dream it was all a dream...i only wish it had been. i dont think ill be seein turner any more

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