2004 15 September :: .44am
:: Mood: fine
:: Music: Papa Roach's New CD
Well, School went fine and so did work. Me and Lenka walked up to the store, bought some food, walked back to the school and I played the piano and she listened. I WILL remember to bring my piano book tomorrow for her. Yep yep. Got alot of school shit going on. Made a 76% on my US History test -.-' that's what I get for NOT studying. Oh well. Fucking though it dropped my grade to a fucking 91%! Pissed me off! I had a 100% in that damn class.. grr..
Anyway, no call from Brook at work and I made up this song at school. I'm gonna try and make up a piano song or something -_- keyword: TRY. But yeah, it might work. It'd be gay though ha ha oh fucking well, my song.
But yea.. I called Brook when I got home at 9 and they said he got off at nine and I asked if he'd call me back at nine and the girl went to ask (it was Carrie again) and she's like "you know what Brook? Here you talk to her I don't have time" So he said he'd call me back and I said "promise?" (he always said he never broke his promises) and he said "yeah" then a pause "I'll try" and hung up. ... But yea he didn't call back for like 22 minutes so I was like wtf and called him and they said he was still busy but he talked to me. I asked him what the fuck was I hearing that he said he didn't want to be with me anymore and that I had said something wrong and he jumped on it. He said "that was before I rethought stuff! I already told you that!" and I was like "you never said anything about that" and he said "yes I did" and I said "was this Friday?" and he said he thought so so yea.. Friday.. I remember that and Saturday was the day he told me that he had time to rethink shit.. .. so.. he has his story straight. He had to go but promised he'd call me back and it didn't take but a minute. I told him that I felt like he didn't give a shit about me and he said 'cha' and I said "well am I right or wrong?" and he said "wrooong, I told you I've been busy and have been thinking and I'm sorry, I got a car coming, yes I have a car coming it's on it's way" and I asked how and he said Creg's mom bought him a car. And I asked him how he was gonna get a lisence and he said he didn't need one... .. but yea... he said "once I get my car and my house I'll get to spend-" and some guy hollered for him and it kinda just, he didn't finish but he was gonna say spend more time with me. ... but yea. He said that he didn't have any days off and I thought he had said Thursday he had off and so towards the end he said he has tomorrow off, wtf right? And he said he just looked at the schedule, cha, and he said he'd try and see me. (I told him I was supposed to be off tomorrow) and I said "I work" and he said "alright I guess I'll see you up at Beeson's and we can continue our converstation" and I said "promise? You said you never break your promises" and he said "yes I promise" and I said "promise what?" "that I'll come see you at beeson's" "come see me at beeson's when?" "what time you work?" "4-8" "then I'll come between... 5 and... 6:30... If I wake up" and I said "no! you already promised!" "okay okay! I promise I'll come see you tomorrow at beeson's" and.. we said goodnight and that was that..
He promised.. I'm getting so nervous... .. I'm nervous now with him.. it never was that way.. things are wrong.. something's wrong... out of place not right blah blah blah.. he's at the Cage tonight.. that damn bar... ...
... fucking alcoholic
Talk to me
2004 14 September :: .34am
:: Mood: fine
Well, Mattie and Jose are going out now. He met her sister Sunday and since then they've been going out. That really pisses me off. Jose has cleaned himself up so much I am so proud of him and then I look at Brook.
Mattie told me she was on the phone with Jose and he had went to Gasmart and talked to Brook and Brook said to Jose that he just got off the phone with me and then Mattie asked me if I wanted her to tell her anything she heard from Brook bad or good and I said yes and she said that Brook told Jose that he doesn't want to be with me anymore. That it was something I said.
You don't know how bad that pissed me off. Was it that "I won't care till I'm 18 thing?" Who fucking knows but it's eating away at me.
I called him at home and they said he had just went outside on a break, I told the girl, Carrie, to tell him that I called. So 30 minutes or so later I call and Mike picks up the phone and Brook is making hambuger patties and can't hold the phone and so I asked him to ask Brook to call me back and he said Ok and I said now and he said Brook you gonna call her back? And I could hear Brook's voice and he said He'd try. So I played cards with my mother for like an hour and a half and no call from ass and so it was 11:30 and I called and they said he'd already left. Fucking ass hole! God he is pissing me off so bad! I wanted to ask him what the fuck I said that pissed him off so bad. Damn.. and I've thought about it all day, him. Just.. how I'd stay with him.. even with the drinking and smoking, I'd accept it, not like it, but accept it. I don't know why but I let it all bother me, I don't want to lose him and I don't know why. I don't even think I really had him.. .. .. ... Damn.. .. ... I just keep thinking if he really cares about me he'll aventually change.... ... and then.. there's thought's about me with a bunch of kids with him and all my dreams of school down the drain but all the Indians help me take care of the kids like Brook's Grandmother and all these people I've never met. ...
.... I am so mad at Brook. How can he say such things like he loves me and wants to be with me when he doesn't put in a lick of effort?
... I'm so nervous evertime I get near that phone. I woke up this morning at 5 o'clock thinking the phone had rang. My heart was pounding so hard waiting for him to call back when no one did. ... It probably never even rang.
.. god.. this is insane.
I guess on the bright side Aaron (short Indian I used to have a crush on) said he saw me at the mall tearing it up with a lot of people around me and Lenka.
That and I made a new freaky cool penmanship for me.... ..
1 thanks champ |
Talk to me
2004 12 September :: 10.35am
:: Mood: fine
:: Music: A Tribute To Marilyn Manson
I should of posted this 2 days ago.. but... ... I don't know.
But day before yesterday, make that Friday, I was at work and decided to call Brook at work. It was 5 O'clock. That phone doesn't ring more then 4 times and it had rang five. I knew since they have caller ID there that Brook had gotten to the phone and was handing it to someone else to say he was busy so he didn't have to talk to me. Lady picked up the phone and said "sorry he's busy right now can you call back later hon?" .. I said sure. Thing is.. within that hour Brook's sister and husband walked through the door and sat down to eat again... ... I'll finish the rest later. Me and Lenka are going into town.
OoOOoo I LOVE this CD! Marilyn Manson ^^ Beautiful People is why I got it but I love all the songs now (still listening so I havent' heard them all) Wooped some dudes ass on DDR who's really good. I did Sexy Planet on light but the challage one. It was fucking hard and it drained all my energy -.-' ain't trying that one again. I'm Acein Paranoya Rebirth now ^^ awesome. Had a big crowd in there today. It was fun. Called Brook at work just a bit ago but he's busy. We met this guy today at simon's. He was Indian and funny as hell and we just talked and talked, him me and Lenka and my dad. He lived in Japan for 3 and a half years. But anyway I asked him if he knew Brook. And he's like what's his full name and I said Chabon and he said he knew Chabon and I asked what he had heard about him and he made the motion with his hand of smoking a joint and throwing it over his shoulder -___- god right infront of my dad too -_- .. but yep.. that was Brook.
Now back to my story.
His sister and Husband sat down and I went up after I got their drinks and I was like "is your name Sunshine?" and she said yeah, and I said "Brook's sister?" and she said "yea aren't you that girl he's supposed to be going out with?" and I said "yea, well he hasn't called me in 8 days so I don't know what's going on" and her eyes widened and she's like 'oohhh really?" and her husband turned to me and was like "well I'll have to have a talk with him" And I got their order and said "you need to have a talk with your little brother" lol and anyway they was laughing we all was laughing and it was pretty cool. I took off alot on their meal. Gave her some more free pudding too (I really paid for it though) and yea. Like 1 or 2 hours after they left ring riing Brook called. "Did you call? What did you want?" and I was like "yea I called " and he said "thanks to you my sister just got through comming here and bitching me out for not calling you" and I was just giggling. But .. it wasn't that great of a chat. .. . and I asked what was going on and he said he had just needed time to think and I said 'well gee thanks for letting me know' And he said that I wouldn't be able to get ahold of him anymore because he was on the streets now because he got kicked out of nathin's house. ... He said he needed time to think about things and what he was going to do next. He said yea that he wanted to be with me but he just didn't know what to do. I asked him what he meant when he said that was the second time he heard that. (when I had told him I wouldn't care until I was eighteen) and he said that Bethany had said that and he just wouldn't stand for it... wouldn't stand for it.. snob. He also said he couldn't say all this to my face because all I would say was "humm umm ahh Nnn, and not say anything" that's waht he said... I asked him what was up with him telling other people we were broken up and he jumped right into explaining so he really did say it, he said "no, what I said was I wasn't sure of if we were gonna break up or stay together"... .. and.. he said he had to go.. and I asked if he was going to call me later and he said he didn't know and I said well are you? And he said "fine! I will!" bye and hung up.. He never called.
Now YESTERDAY at work it was a slow ass day and I went in at 10 because Amanda (the new waitress) called in sick. So I pulled a ten hour shift which is more then fine with me. I was bored so I went outside and started talking to these two semi old people taking hindges off their doors ? Yea strange . We were really dead. We had no one for hours. But Yea, Teressa poped her head out the door and said my man was on the phone. So I went and he said Hi what's up and I was slow to respond thinking there was a catch for him calling. And I was like 'hiiii- what's up" and he asked "what you doing?" and I was all hyper and said "well I WAS outside talking eating some kitty chicken but now I'm on the phone" and he was like "well fine! I don't want to bother you dang can't even call and say wha'ts up" I was like damn "whatever Brook I want to talk to you" Idiot. .. but yea. He asked if we was busy and I said we was empty and he said it was slow there and he was bored out of his mind. I was like 'gee thanks call me when you're bored' And he said again "thanks to you I got my ass kicked last night" and I was like what and he said that his sister beat him up last night. He said that she told him to stop being an ass towards me. I had asked him why yesterday (which would of been FRIDAY because TODAY is saturday (not really)) he had said wouldn't stand for it and he said that it felt like he was going out with Bethany again and that.. just.. .. I just can't believe it. How could I be like HER? And I said well if you are hearing it twice shouldn't that tell you something? And he said that lastnight he had plenty of time rethinking about me being like bethany when he was getting his head pounded into the floor... ... .. but that was all he said.. time to rethink.. so I'm still left clueless. I asked him why he was out on the streets and he meant on the streets. I thought he would be staying at friends but apprently he and scott got at it or something I don't know and I think Brook just walked out of the house didn't really get kicked out and then he also said that he'd sleep under a bridge half naked before he'd ask for help. ... .. and I just.. had so much.. to bitch to him about .. I wanted to bitch him out so fucking bad.. but I didn't have any words that came to my mind. He said his main thing was getting a house. Creg is in Cali for a month and Brook can't get that one house without Creggie Mac's signature so.. Hell if I know. I thanked him for calling.. and.. .. .. he said he'd talk to me later because he was now busy and.. I said 'tonight?' and he said yea that he would call me before he got off of work.. ... he never did.
....... I'm ready to tell him if he can't give me what I want then we have to go back to being just friends if that.. and.. it's.. I want him to spend more time with me and stop talking nasty to me and just fucking.. have more respect for me and himself.. I want to change him so badly.. everyone is telling me you can't change someone you can't changed someone.. they should make MINOR changes if it makes you happy and they want you to be happy .. Teressa said that .. minor.. nothing earth shattering like I want with Brook.. ... .. I really believe a person can change.. if they want to... I guess not if someone wants them to.. I never thought of it as the other way around. If someone tried to change me.. I'd hate it. ... ... .. I just.. I now want to apologize to him.. but then I'd just lower myself to him like I always do because he's older...
.. I have no clue.
3 thanks champs |
Talk to me
2004 9 September :: 10.00pm
:: Mood: fine
Still no call from Brook.. I was going to call him at work and demand him if he wanted to break up come up there right then and say to my face that it was over between us because this is starting to really.. hurt. I don't deserve to be treated this way from him. I really don't. Today on the ride home from work (work went fine. We got busy as hell though and I had plenty of an awesome talk with this guy named Leslie, it was great) I was just looking at my lap and listening to the rock station and dad said "oh! Did you see that!? A shooting star!"... after that I was just looking at the stars. And even now, when I look at the stars I think of Brook. I don't hate him. I can't. Even if he lied to me the entire time, I won't hate him. But I just remember how when we really first started to talk how he was always always looking at the stars... what happened to him? ... I just.. want to go up to him and say to him "when was the last time you really looked at the stars? Or was that just all a lie?" All I hear at school about Brook, if his name is mentioned, is how he lies. That's what everyone who knows him says about him that everyone has in common, is they say he lies. ... but yea..
.. I have .. alot of shit to do.. homework.
Yesterday no one wanted me to be on their team in Biology, they all picked each other and shit so I decided to work by myself. Dumb bastards today when he gave us our assignment to design an experiment and shit this one girl that picked NOT to be with me said she'd pay me $30 to put her name on my paper and have her on my team. I said Fuck You. Lamo ha ha I said I'd help her with HER project but that was it. Shit's easy.
.. but yea. Playing Fur Elise today on the piano.. damn I got so much better.. I can just close my eyes and hit every key right..
Oh yesterday I got my hair cut rather short. It's all choppy (textured so she calls it). Man we had a good'ol time cutting it it was so much fun, awesome (girl who cuts my hair, chismey or something i don't know, she's black though) And bought me some make-up at Beauty Co shit's awesome. Yea.. and got new Foundation and powder and everyone loved my make-up today. Yesterday is the first day I've ever felt pretty. I am pretty. Never thought as myself as being pretty.. but I am. ::nods:: hell ya. I guess I've finnaly accepted myself.. my body ::shrugs:: just need to get a tan still ^^',\
.. But damn.. I have alot of shit to do.. two tests tomorrow.. damnit.. ::sighs::.... .. why am I still wondering about him damnit!?
I want to go play DDR.. damnit.. I should just fuckinb buy me a damn $300 pad for home.
3 thanks champs |
Talk to me
2004 7 September :: 10.56pm
:: Mood: annoyed/aggravated with brother's voice/okay
Well, school went fine. Making all A's like I said. In US History my average is a 100 ^^ he told me and I don't like him and I just nodded and he said "you know, you can smile" so I gave him a grin.
Lenka is making me teach her Japanese. She likes it. How awesome! She is teaching me Slovach too. It's much harder then Japanese.
Work went fine. Doing good with the public now! Getting more $$$! Got $2 from a lady! Usually women leave me a dollar if that and some change left. Oh yea, Charmin, working on my charisma!
All was well untill Charles got to work and I asked him if he had saw Brook and he said he did, last night.
I asked him if he had said anything. And he said yea and I said about what he said he didn't remember and I said Ohhh come'on, and he said oh what are you talking about? I said what are you talking bout? And he said Ohhh you are talking about you? And I said well dah. And he said that Brook said .. we broke up.
... I was like what? And .. he said 'yea he said that you guys had broken up?' And I just .. didn't say anything.. but I sat Charles down and asked him to tell me everything and he said 'well it was the middle of last week probably' and I said 'five days ago?' and he said probably. And he said 'someone asked him :are you still going out with that one girl?- and he said 'cha no'' .. .and.. I just.. looked at him and.. charles patted me on my hand in a mocking way and laughed -_- such a friend. No he is cool.. ... .. and.. .. just..
I saw it comming, I didn't see how things could work out but.. just.. rejection.. .. I just.. feel.. ... ... . .. unimportant.
I told charles how brook said it pissed him off that bethany couldn't go to his face and tell him she was over him .. and now.. he said we were broken up.. why hasn't he come to my face? ... .. ..
5th day of not hearing from him...
Oh I plucked my eyebrows too btw T_T I have none left! They burn! Painful! Ouch! Iiiiiiii tay! ... I look more.. girlie now -_-
I have $120...
Oh I had a talk with my parents last night.. I started to cry and made her tell me ways of how I was immature.. she said for one crying, that I couldn't control myself. ... You don't know how bad that hurt from her.. dad said 'oh no! That is not being immature she is just upset' and .. dad was right.. and mom.. she just spoke out of the heat of the moment.. That's all she ever does. That and she said I'd fuck any guy that came along.. .. dad says it's the medicine mom is on but.. .. mom is just a bitch by nature.. .. I hated the things she said last night and I proved myself right. She couldn't think of anything of me being immature. Dad says just like everyone else I have to wait till I'm 18 to get a car.. assholes..
All the teachers are ganging up on me and wanting me to take piano lessons. I was so surprized at all the compliments I got... .. I like the piano.. I Just.. what the fuck am I doing? Am I staying here? Transfering? Moving? What?
.... .. this semester I'll stay so maybe Wednesdays I could have 30 minute piano lessons... I dunno..
.. brook.. I love him in a friend way.. and.. it just.. it hurts because.. I know.. .. he talks bad about me.. maybe sex was really all he wanted.. .. it's hard to immagine but this whole time I was just thinking of Jon... and wanting to talk to him.. and have him hold me.
I have to stop using him.
... .. I have homework.
... I'm still so lost.
7 thanks champs |
Talk to me
2004 6 September :: 8.45pm
:: Mood: fine
:: Music: Maroon 5 - she will be loved
Well, work went fine. Charles is.. liking me more and getting more laid back with me now ^^ I'm glad cause I'm always throwing ice at him or hitting him or whatever and now when he walks by he'll hit me on the arm ^^
But yea.. Sonny walked by.. saw me and kept on going -_- he must of been mad at me. I told Charles he walked by and he ran after him and they came back and I went outside and said hi and sonny said hi and looked stoned. They went next door to smoke. .. but yea.
We was super slow so I got out at exactly 8 for a change and was even done before hand. Made like $8 lol ha we was ghostly in that place.... I work tomorrow.. No call from Brook.. does this make it day four?...
.. ... ..
I still keep the phone with me at night....
Talk to me
2004 5 September :: 9.20pm
Well, Brook was supposed to reserve this night for me.. but I'm sure he forgot or just said the hell with it because today is the third day of not hearing from him..
At work I've found out people have been complaining about me for the past 2 weeks now. .. I try to think back to what happened 2 weeks ago to make me change, so what do I do? I look in my journal, well I will I haven't yet.
After work I pick up Lenka and we go to town, play DDR, shop around, she buys a magazine, I buy socks ^^' that are cool. Lol and I kicked ass on DDR against this one guy who I thought was cute. His name was Paid-dro I can't spell it. But I'm sure his girlfriend thought I was flirting with him XD oh well. But yea. This other ugly white guy with flip flops on and clothes from american eagle stupid prep jock guy came close to me and was watching me then started to try to talk to me and lenka wouldn't play. And he was just saying 'oooOo you should go on standard you should blah blah you are good good job' Beginner compliments, stupid shit I guess. And anyway after I was done he said 'want to go see a movie?' xD ha ha that was a first! Boy was he quick. But I said "hellll no" ha ha and that idiot wouldn't take no for an answer! He stayed over there, put a coin on the machine, and played after me. I was just bout to leave and he wanted me to play with him and I said no, and then he asked me to watch so I stayed. (this was before that mexican came in) And he was on standard and played umm.. R3 or something like that and it's a cool tune but slow and .. yea but he sucked at it and xD he failed the last song XD ha ha I was like 'do you need me to take over!?' lamo it was funny guyy sucked ass XD but yeah I was laughing at him and he left without a word XD oh well!
But it was fun. I played alot. I like Sexy Planet and now this Paranoya Rebirth I think it's called.. it's different and fast like I like the songs. .. I can't stand waiting to step on the arrows, I screw up.
.. .. she took 5 years of English.. damn.. 5 years of Japanese.. I need to hurry and find someone to help me out..
.. Brook.. Jon today.. I wanted to .. just hug him so bad. When he came over by me to ask me about something, just before he was gonna leave, I had the mop in my hand and I leaned by him and I can't remember what we was talking about but I rubbed my nose against his ear and he went "OoOo" and pulled away and laughed lol xD guess he liked it.. .. Brook.. and his ears.. ... .. I miss talking with Jon.. He said "hell ya I miss talkin with ya too!"...
.. I work tomorrow at 2-8. Jared and Erika came by today with their parents and ate. I know Jared likes me.. damn I only made $27 in tips today.. and Amanda ON A WEEK DAY made like $70. They said they was busy that day but damn, what am I doing wrong? Forgetting stuff, not smiling enough, sitting down too much, this and that, not refilling.. ::deep sigh::...
I'm gonna buy Peach Girl manga.. I like it.. I'm gonna go check it out on eBay real quick.
Talk to me
2004 4 September :: 9.29pm
:: Mood: fine/bit tired
Well, damn! Just got back from work! WOW! HOTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! Shit man we was halfway home, dark and everything and some guy jumps out in the road WAVING his shirt, nice ass body man and he's INDIAN! We stop and start to back up and the guy runs to the truck. Damn was he HOTT!!! He looked in his 20's but since he was indian he was probably 30 something. Man he was drunk! Lmao you could tell he was drunk man he looked at me (he was on my dad's side) and just waited awhile and I guess he was zoned out XD dad said he was memorized. And anyway he was like "My car ran out of gas and I'm trying to get to the gas store to see my sister before it closes" and we didn't see no cars on our way up there and we didn't see no cars driving him and where was he driving? In the woods? What did his pony run out of gas XD LMAO! Friggin OH MAN! Cute! He shook my dad's hand and told him his name but I forgot damnit! Man dad said hop in and when he went to the back I saw he had long hair xD!! In a pony tail! HOTT! Man he stubbled over the side of the truck and had his face next to the glass staring inside at me XD When we started to drive I was like 'OoOoOo DAD He's HOTT! Oh man! HE is HOTT!' Lmao xD the window was down and went we passed a car I looked in the back and he was looking at me! XD Man oh man! He wanted to, we guessed, go to our little gas station. Man we got into our little town and 'bang bang bang' he's knocking on the window and trying to talk to me. I couldn't hear him so dad slowed down after he banged a few more times and I was watching the guy in the back and he went to dad's side then walked to my side then back to dad's then to my side and finnaly hopped out and came up to my window, we were like 3 blocks from the store. Man he was at my window and just stttttttttttttutering! Lmao he was so damn cute! Man he put his hand up on my window and said his sister just lived just over there and pointed over his shoulder at some goats xD And I was like laughing and was like "oooookay" And his hand was just there for me to shake and I didn't at first but I said the hell with it and raised my hand and it took him a split second to take it in his! xD OoOooOo Indians have Big hands! But yea he just lightly shook it and was mumbling something to my dad and thank you and he didn't let go of my hand just held it XD ha ha ha I let him too! But yea.. man I was trying hard not to stare at him xD damn he was C.U.T.E. But yea we went home and yea xD ha ha
But to more serious matter, Teressa got abused by her husband and it's happened twice before but this time she is really hurt. Well, she almost broke her hip. She has a huge ol bruise on her hip and finger bruises all over her arms and sides from him ripping off her clothes threatening to throw her out in the street naked. .. I went down to the store and bought a throw away camera and took pictures for her.. I have the camera with me.. I took a picture of charles too ^^ but anyway. Me and Teressa was talking and I had her in tears. She said everyone was tired of listening to her shit and that I wanted more. .. god we talked alot. .. I feel bad.. .. .. dang.. but yea..
Then.. .. these two girls came in and I know one of them well I know both by face, one was amanda the new waitress and the other was a girl that I used to go to school with that gratuated in 2002. Amanda said "so who is your man? Brook what?" and I told her and she rolled her eyes and I was like "Whaaat!?" And she said that I was waay too pretty for him. >:O I mean damn! Never NEVER have I heard that before! (well jon told me that a girl asked him what I saw in brook that she didn't see anything in him) And the other girl was like 'yea you are way too pretty for him, too good for him" and I was just like.. damn.. I was mouth open man damn. I went back to the booth and was like 'Teressa! They said I'm too pretty for Brook! I've never heard that before! I'm too pretty for him!" And she was like 'Oh girl, you are... I just wasn't sure to tell you" xD man my mouth dropped again! "you are pretty and he is just.. just.. ugly" XD !!!! Man I dropped to the side and was cracking up overing my facE XD OMG .. !Lmao damn
But.. .. It's Minnasota is where we might be moving.. mom is looking for a place to transfer out to there.. or something.. and.. I'm thinking about just moving out there.. finish the semester here and just up and leave.. they said I'm welcome and I think mom and dad would let me.. but.. that would mean leaving Brook.. I'm certin now he doesn't love me. He can't.. he doens't know how to love. .. ..
... .. Teressa.. her husband threated to have someone kill her.. that's why she didn't call the police but she did call 911 then he called 911 and tired to have them come down and take her away! I'm ready to have Brook whoop his ass but I'm afraid he might .. accidentally kill him? ... yea.. he's not very.. wo whooy about hitting girls.. but. that was just with family.. so I dunno.. .
These girls said he was an ass in highschool but that he changed during the last year.. I told them it was because his mother.. she said she felt bad for him.. .. .. Brook doesn't know how to be true to himself. He's always someone else with everyone.. .. I've seen many sides of him.. he said no one can change him.. .. and.. if it's love he'll changed.. he'd change.. but .. since he says that apprently he doesn't love me... ..
.. .. I'm tried of brook saying he wants to kill himself.. He had a gun to his forehead that night he called.. I heard it .. .. I was a bit scared but.. then I just didn't care.. if he did.. then.. well.. it was that.. I've known so many who just died.. and it's like they are still there you just can't see them.. like you always just miss them.. ..
I'm not sure what I'm saying.. I just want to help and learn.. .. .. Sex.. .. I've been wanting it.. and said sure stay with him for atleast his touch.. .. but then.. all guys want is sex right? ... and.. I just.. .. he's not like that but.. he's not like alot of things.. I can do much better.. I want much better.. I can't stay true to one person.. I've found out I'm too much a flirt -_- which I hate to say. I'm just friendly to guys >.> ... I wouldn't go or do anything with any other guy though.. it's just.. I don't know.
Watched a moive yesterday that had me crying through the whole thing. It's called 'Whale Rider' damn it's a good moive. I think it' Canadian. It's awesome Fricking awesome. It' ain't ours though it's mrs. brown's but yea.. .. damn..
.. I just.. damn.. I wish.. you all would talk to me again.. .. I wish.. i had someone to talk to all this about.. I mean.. that's why teressa said she'd go back to him. For someone to talk to the touch afraid of being alone .. and.. it's .. aweful. She's too good for him, she's a good hearted lady.
.. This world is fucked up.. people are fucked up.. .. all people are.. That town is fucked up. If she truly wants to change she needs to get away from that town.. that's why I know Brook'll never change, not while he's there. I asked her why she smoked.. and it took her awhile to answer but she said so she didn't think so much..
.. all I can think about is what Brook is trying to escape.. I'm not sure what stories are truth and what are just stories..
.. . . . ...
Talk to me
2004 3 September :: 10.04pm
:: Mood: fine
:: Music: Breaking Benjamin
Well, school went fine. Played BlackJack again last hour. Lenka is teaching me new words everyday, I'm glad she enjoys it. I'm teaching her Japanese too. In her country they must learn English and she is also learning German. Damn. I'm glad I'm American, I guess we are all bitches and don't know it. Went to work and got in trouble because I filled a sugar shaker with salt -_- didn't mean to. The other waitress got bitched out by a custormer, I apologized to her. Work was fine. Jakeeta also got onto me about Brook. She said "what happened to my old good waitress? Now there's a boyfriend and playing cards.. " and yea.. .. mom complained about her side lastnight saying it went numb. Pat and Marlien want us to move up there to.. I'm .. minnasota? I think that's wrong I don't remember where they live but they want us to move up there. They are lifetime friends of my parents, they left me out in a trailer when I was little too close to the door during winter and I was dehighdrated and almost died.. I don't know all the details but they are cool people. Moving would be so fun! But anyway, mom is in the hospital. She probably has kidney stones. She's drugged up and being tested so dad said when he called. Tina took me home, Jakeeta's daughter. So I'm home and.. thinking of Brook.. .. he's gonna get drunk tonight I"m sure.. ... Mattie is out on a date with Jose right now.. they went to the moives.. that.. is so.. unfair. Damnit that ain't fair. Her MOM dropped her off at his house! He's 21 and she is a year younger then me! ... it pisses me off.
I cleaned the house when I got home for my mom.. but yea.. I guess.. I'll get off and wait for a call.. I don't want to call him.. everyone .. is in a bad mood at me now lol.. but.. Why do I always get fed up with Brook then make excuses for him? I can do sooo much better.. .. Mattie said that today.. then she saw my expression and said softly "you.. really like him don't you?" ... ::sigh::.. .. .. do I?
Talk to me
2004 3 September :: 11.28pm
:: Mood: fine
:: Music: Breaking Benjamin
Well, when I was talking to him on the phone that one night/morning I caught a cold -_- I have a runny/stuffy nose, just a bit though. And also that same night he was telling me .. about how he killed people and how he was just worried about if they had family and then he said he was the man if you needed ANY drug at all, all kinds. He said he could find them no matter what and this and that and it was crazy. I didn't hear from him at all yesterday and I took Lenka into town with me and she loves DDR! Sucks ass at it but loves it. That and her and candy man damn she loooves candy. We went to Taco Bell and just talk talk talk. She is really cool. Real focused in school but laid back afterwards. It was fun. I have some of her CD's and she has like 11 of mine ^^',\ She likes Breaking Benjamin, she really likes; however, Enigma.
... School went fine TODAY. At work I played cards with mom who her and dad came to eat and yea.. I was just workin and we got in a few more people like.. probably 8 or so and phone rang and I was just wondering if Brook would call and it was him saying he was going next door so he'd stop by. Probably an hour later he walks in. I'm glad it took that long though since we was busy and not too too busy when he got there. But yea.
It was soo good to see him. Sat next to him after showing every one the class ring I'm getting that's 300$ everyone was giving me an extra dollar lol tip that was funny/cool. But yea and Brook said it was cool fine whatever he didn't care lol meanie. But yea, first thing out of his mouth was " I can't have a kiss?" cause I pulled away and I said nope lol but when I was next to him and scratching the back of his neck he got close and I went to peck him and was really feeling it and the jerk pulled away and said "ahhh don't think so" >:| Oo did that piss me off lol I deserved it though.
He stayed for about an hour and a half -_- boy did I get in trouble for it too. One of the customers must of squealed on me ¬_¬ But anyway, it was all fine and cool and just talking and chillin and me working and running around and .. then .. I got serious and.. said "have you noticed how I make time for you" and he said he tries and I was like, he took that wrong and I said again "I make time for you" his expression changed and I went on "the phone, now at work, whenever" and he slowly nodded and wasn't looking at me and said softly 'yeah' and I said "I'm not complaining!" lol XD oops dang everything comes out wrong! Sounded like I was complaining.. so I said "do you still want me" and he nodded, "only me?" nod "just want me to be there, everything?" and he nodded and I said "then I'ved decided that I won't care untill I'm 18. I won't take anything serious untill then" and He just looked at me and I was like he took it wrong again and I said "I mean if you want to now then yea but well you know" guess not xD oops. .. but .. I told him that I just wanted to be there for him.. and have him be mine.. keep him in a cage and be just for me .. and .. his expression was in.. like he was really thinking.. and.. I finnaly got it out of him. He said that Bethany had said the same thing.. turns out eveything I say she has already beaten me to it.. and I told him that I couldn't imagine her saying such things.. I know for a fact she wouldn't say it now at the point in her life that's she's at. .. and he looked so hurt and lost.. I told him that I just.. how he felt I felt I couldn't do anything. I told him then that I just wanted to hold him and I couldn't.. .. and.. he said "it's just Bethany said the same thing and it's just now I'm hearing it twice" and when he said the word twice, his gaze was away and his voice cracked... He's been hurt.. I don't know how that mind works that's his. He was supposed to go to Scott's and they ware supposed to be going to the Cage tonight (that all ages bar open band place) and .. he said he was supposed to leave at 7 and it was like 7:30 and he said he didn't want to go but had to.. but .. yea.. .. He was completely zoned out.. after all I said.. and.. I followed him outside and.. he just.. was ready to go and think by himself.. probably smoke since I got him all worked up in his head.. and.. I just.. went to hug him and just.. he was just standing there and it was all me and I knew it would be that way but I hugged him and his arms went around me loosely ... it felt different.. like he meant it but was holding back.. I just wanted to feel him against me again.. damn.. I was so nervious when he called, I told him I got nervious. He asked why and I said I didn't know that he felt like a stranger now.. and.. I .. it's just crazy.
Was playing black jack at school and speed and just slacking off.. damn I work all week.. damn.... I want to see him again. He said Sunday's mine.. he gets off at 9 pm .. I get off at 2. I might just chill at Teressa's after work untill 9 and pick him up but I don't see why he would want to come with me right after work.. but yea.. I have a plan for that day.. but I have to study for a vocab test and I have government homework since I slept in that class..
... ... .. Lenka is cool. First words out of her mouth is 'DDR!' Lol with her accent. It's cool.
Japanese is easier to say then Slovakien (can't spell)
Talk to me
2004 1 September :: 11.09am
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: Breaking Benjamin
I am soo tired! Brook called me.. yesterday around.. Hell I don't know it was I guess around 2 or 3 when he called me back when he was at Scott's but anyway he was piss ass drunk and I could hear porno in the background and it was disgusting. He tried covering up the phone and talking it up with his guys about me but I could hear.. and it made me so angry and sad and.. I hung up. He said that I was there and he wouldn't deny me and this and that and could get it just like that and just aweful things. And.. then he called me back and apologized but said he was a different person around everyone and said he just said that at the moment because that was what that guy wanted to hear. He said that he hates it how they think of me but he says he doesn't like to cause trouble and likes to be cool to everyone.. even if he has to put on an act.. .. I can't believe it. .. I just.. there is so much to him.. it's a game to him you think? But we talked and talked about how I was just puttin heat on him and just.. why was it and he said he can't see it happening between us but he loves me so damn much and (that's his exact words) and just .. damn.. alot was said last night.. and I told him I wanted to stay with him and.. he says I just can't change him and just.. damn.. it was disgusting how he was with his friends.. ... he cried again.. and.. just damn.. and.. he just talked and talked.. and.. I said I didn't care about him drinking I just didn't like how he was when he did it.. same with smoking.. I called Brook Jon's name a couple of times.. a bit I caught myself before hand but Brook didn't catch anything. .. and.. i just don't know.. he went home and called me and.. just.. is so different with me then he is with ANYONE else and.. it's just soo soo fustrating because he was really really really pissed off at me because i sounded like i just hated everything about him and wanted to call it all quits.. and.. I just.. I just can't explain it well enough for you all to understand. .. but.. I didn't go to sleep .. I haven't yet.. been awake all day.. well not really since I was passed out at school.. I mean I blacked out and woke back up an hour later at a time. I think I gained like 4 hours of sleep at school -_- stupid.. brook song to me this morning as i was getting ready for school and.. it's just.. so.. crazy. I told him i didn't care that we would make it work. And he, when we first was talking, said that how can it work when I'm not of age and just.. I found out why he can't get his drivers lisense.. because he has too many D.U.I. tickets.. and its' just.. that hurt that he hadn't told me that.. and that same night while I was babysitting Kylee I was talking with Jon while I was over there on the phone and asked him what he knew about Brook. He told me that he knew that his real father owned a hariley shop and he got money from him and when hismother passed away he got money from that so everybody calls him the prince because he gets money from who knows where.. and .. Brook never told me he got money from his father.. .. I just.. and then Brook says he's bout to beat up jon because jon said he's been selling .10 cent beer to underage kids when brook said he hadn't and just a whole lotta shit. but he was drunk so.. you can't .. really let everything matter but when you're sober and take everything to heart.. it's hard no to file what goes on... Jessie came over to Brook's and crashed in his room and i had to go pee and when i came back brook was talking to someone so I just listened. And he said to the person if i had had a kid that he would stay with me and take care of it even if we had a fight he would still go see his kid and.. I think they was talking about nathin..but it got me thinking about children.. .. and brook.. I don't know.. i wasn't expecting all of it.. i mean we was really pissed then went to laughs.. and it's just.. crazy.
After work today I went by gasmart with dad and... saw brook who didn't.. seem wo who to see me.. .. but.. was surprised i could tell.. he looked .. depressed.. like always.. like me.. put on a smile.. i can see through it cause it' sjust like mine.. .. but yeah. he said he's going to the cage tonight.. and i found out through jon that it's all age's now.. so even i could go.. why hasn't brook told me this? Yea.. but.. it's .. god.. my stomach is killing me.. so is my poor bitten tongue. damn it's so swollen.. i can't eat.. i've lost 5 lbs and haven't eatten one full meal in like 4 days.. i'm hungry but i'm not because i know once i eat.. it'll hurt my stomach..
But yeah i'm tired as fuck and just now cause of today got back on my homework, back as in ... ah.. shit we have a test tomorrow.. dang i'm confused about everything. Jon is too awesome to talk to and i just don't know what to do with brook. it's up and down with him and i and it's driving me mad and now for bed..
I'm getting a class ring too btw.
1 thanks champ |
Talk to me
2004 30 August :: 1.02am
:: Mood: fine
:: Music: Breaking Benjamin CD
Hey. Well, Brook is pissing me off... I mean.. he said he'll still make a day for me but.. I just don't know. After work today I went to Teressa's with Jon and he went home and brought back some Mike's Lime shit again and I only could have one and then he got a joint and her step son who is 10 was forced outside and I was inside getting high -_- off second hand smoke. ... Later I called Brook and I said that I might stay till 9 (when he was supposed to get off work) and he said well fine whatever because he wouldn't get out till later because they got busy and that after work Jose was getting him and they was gonna go drink. I said "you've been bitching about me being too far away and you missing me and when I am in this town you won't come see me!?" I was PISSED. He said 'welll..' and Man he pissed me off. But yep. He said he wouldn't get off till 10:30 so whatever. Got home at like 9 something from there. .. After playing cards for awhile Jon and I walked up to Beeson's to get some eyedrops (he kinda gave me a piggy back ride half way) and .. he got a drink and we sat down to talk. We both don't know what the fuck we are doing. He said he is in a real bad posistion. It looks way bad on him. ... and.. .. I touched his face (we were sitting across from each other) and he started touching my arms and then I laid my head down on the table and he put his hand down the back of my shirt and it felt so good. I must of been missing Brook's touch (making excuses right?) .. but.. yea.. an hour would pass... and it went futher then that.. he sat next to me.. and .. well.. .. damn.. I just don't know.. he stoped when I said to and then.. he is just.. a really good guy. I mean he was grinding me and stopped when I wanted him to.. .. like I said it went further then that but no sex and no head so use your imagination but not too much. That was like around 7-8 o'clock. Walked back to Teressa's and whatever. When Jon was leaving around 9 I wanted to talk to him but just was drawing a blank and he waited for me.. he didn't rush me to talk even though standing outside next to a main main road in that town looked awefully bad... .. damn.. he's 24 and I'm 16.. 17 almost but not quite.. I missed church by the way too.. damnit.. I .. when Brook and I finnaly get to talk.. I just.. have to tell him I can't wait no more.. I just can't.
When Jon and I was talking.. he said that I have way too much going for me and he can't believe I'm 16 because my mind set is that of a women's.. or some shit but he said he just doesn't have time for commitment and neither do I.. and.. when I think about it.. ... I don't see how it fits in.. and how things have been.. they haven't been.. .. and.. .. ... I talk about Brook to Jon all the time.. I dont' tell him all I tell in here.. .. but... Jon knows that if I never wanted to do that touchy touchy shit again he said he understood but he wants to be my stress reliever -.-' ... .. he is.. so .. kind to me.. .. .. I love talking with him.. he said he feels like I really listen to him.. that's why he still talks to me he says... ... ...
... .. Jon said just to let what happened go.. not to beat myself up for it.. or I could beat myself up .. he is cool..
Damn learned a new card game.. it's called Speed.. tight game.. but yea it's fucking what one o'clock and I get up at 6:50?
.. .. .. I felt.. so strange.. being with another man that way Brook and I had been.. Jon is so different from Brook .. I'm always compairing them two aloud.. Poor Jon.. I've been such an ass to him.. .... ..
They are much different.. I like something in both of them that the other doesn't have... .... ... it's not fair.. to either one.. Well Jon doesn't care but Brook.. and what about myself? ... ..
.. ....
Talk to me
2004 28 August :: 3.10pm
:: Mood: fine
:: Music: Breaking Benjamin
... Alot has happened. Damn, I can just, I run through the things I want to write in here in my head and plan to update each night but it just never happens. I'm never on the computer anymore... Doesn't really bother me though.. a bit .. but no one comments anymore anyway.
... Thrusday night I started talking on the phone with Jonathin because a couple days eariler he said we really needed to talk and it was going to be about us. So.. we started to talk.. about what we were doing. .. I found out he really likes me. He doesn't want strings attached but he likes me. My heart was pounding I couldn't believe all he was saying. He said that sometimes he just wants to hold me. And he was being so sweet. He is a good friend a really good friend. And there was more and he said that he really didn't care about the age difference at first but then when he really got to think about he said we had to come to a decision. That we needed to cool it and if we hang out with each other it'd have to be with a group of other people so it wouldn't look bad and then he said that or either just stop talking and it'd be a relationship at work and only at work. And.. I didn't want any of those. And it's just he said there is an attraction between us and he's right. And I agreed. And he just.. loves how I think about things and how I'm all set for my education and.. I told him that I get what I don't get from Brook from him and what I dont' get from him from Brook. He said 'so it's just the coversations?' and I was like .. yea. And I said I was honest that I did want to like hug him but I haven't. I mean there is just times I want to just reach out and touch him. (Ok rewind. Tuesday after work I and Jon went over to Teresa's,who lives just down the street, remember the adult/dishwasher? And we bought some drinks and I got Mike's Hard Lime, that shit is GOOD. Anyway it was Me, Jon, Teresa and her husband. We played Drunk Driver. That is a fun game. But anyway for those of you who know how to play the game, I lost. And when you loose for those of you who don't know how the game goes for every face card you get you have to take a certin amout of drinks. I got every frickin facecard you could get. But since I had to leave in like 30minutes I didn't have to drink all I was supposed to XD ha ha . And They was passing a joint around and they passed it to Jon and Jon was next to me and he passed it right over me back to Teresa, didn't even ask me if I wanted some. I was so happy. I told him that I really appreciated that. He said no problem. ^^',\ everyone said I was stoned though when I left XD second hand smoke.. Yea.. dad picked me up.. I woudl'nt shut up so I think he might of suspected something.. I had one and like a 3rd of mike's hard lime.. but yea..) I said I really want to keep him as a friend and he said yea of course and I was like a f.r.i.e.n.d. and he's like I want a friend with sex. And.. he's not gonna you know ask fro it but he's just thinking I"m feeling the same way.. and he says it's a need. And the closest he's ever come to cheating on a gril was what he did with me. Big Shock. But then I said ok wait and listen to him (back on the phone) and said that I wanted him as a friend and no sex because I said even if I did do it with him then I'd regret it right after.. and I said that it was just a game at first and he said he knew that and he said our feelings just grew and I said that I really loved talking to him, that I loved Brook and I loved him but that there was many forms of love.. and I told him that I wouldn't let things get far between us and I can't really remember everything.. and he was just so quite and.. he said 'well damn you're breaking my heart here' ... and the way he said it.. I truly believed him.. He wants to make me feel good and be happy so badly. And he said that and some other stuff and how he said since I think weed is bad why is it bad and he said that the ones who smoke it all day long and do nothing make it look bad for the others who do it and work hard like him. And .. I just felt so bad and there was so so much more we talked about. And I said 'well damn now you are breaking my heart' and so.. I was like.. waht was the point of this talk? And he didn't know. We didn't solve anything. We both know now we want each other as friends but he wants one with benefits and .. I don't. I told him he's really a good guy and.. just I mean it was amazing. We even talked about Brook. Well when we did get off the phone it was because Brook had left a message and I wanted to call him back since I was the one who had asked him to call.. so he said alright night.. and I said goodnight.. and I was just in a deep mood. Call Brook at Scott's like he told me to and they said he had left home and was drunk and I asked them to call him and tell him to call me. So he did and the phone rang and.. there was brook. it was like 11 something.
We got to talking.. about.. alot of stuff. About ... well I was listening and he said he felt like he had lost me and missed me really missed me and I was on his mind all the time and.. that I was his truely his first love and.. alot of stuff and I was just crying and he said sorry and I said this was how I felt. That I was crying. He said he was sorry for yelling before that long time ago because he was really stressed over a lot of bull that people where expecting from him. Like these girls got into some trouble and wanted him to go beat up some guys and just alot of shit. And he went to Dallas to record a demo CD for that band and ... he's a back up singer now. He said that I made him be able to sing in public. And he was just doing alot of talking.. and then he finnaly told me that all that time before he was getting drunk. Because I told him about drinking Tuesday and he said he wished he was there and I wouldn't tell him who I was with and I told him in detail what I did and he said ok ok and I said ok ok my ass I'm telling you in detail you should appreicate it since you dont' do that to me and he sighed and just from like last week up till that night he just went on about what he did and all he had. And he had alot of drinks.. just he's an alcoholic and he called himself one. The phone started to die so I told him I'd take a shower and call him back. I sounded pissed off because I just couldn't believe what he just told me. All those nights he was getting drunk and high. When he said he hadn't smoked in 2 weeks.. .. asshole. So he's like 'what you mad at me now? Because I told you that' and I said no and he said oh well then why? and I told him 'because while you were out getting drunk, i was home crying... thinking of you' that's what I said and then I said I'd call him back and he better not drink or smoke and he said fine and I got in the shower and let the phone recharge and got out of the shower and mom said she thought brook called because the phone rang twice and I was worried because he should of just waited till I called him back and so I start 69nd it and he picked up and said he was going over to scott's because they just listened to our whole conversation and was pissed off and wanted to talk to me. So he said he was going over there to settle things so to call him there or he'd call me when he got there. (before that while we was on the phone some guy kept knocking on the door and it was pissing brook off so he said if it was this guy that he said he was gonig to beat up that that guy was gonna get it. He put the phone down on the couch and went to the door dispite my pleas for him to stay and when he did come back to the phone, minutes later, he was panting up a storm. Brook decked the guy and he was laying out in the front yard. I heard yelling and brook said creg go get my gun and just alot of shit and then he went outside and said so i guess autum to get that fool up off his lawn and I hung up on Brook. I just didn' want to hear it. I just cou'dnt take it. He called back and said he was sorry ... I told him to calm fucking down and knock knock the door had someone knocking on it. And Brook was growling. I told him he better not get up off that couch. So he didn't. Knock knock knock. On and on and I told him no. So he stayed. And it kept on and he said 'oh just knock one more goddamn time and OH!' and I was like stop it and knock knock and then he said 'oh it's creg, he's the only one that knocks like that' and it was creg and I could hear one the phone someone telling brook to get his stuff that they was gonna go beat the hell out of this guy and Brook said 'No, what did I tell you!? Did I not tell you to put him in that car and let him leave?' and the guy tried to say something and Brook was like 'NO, Did I not tell you to let him go?!?" And he said that he was just not in the mood that he was just tried of it. Tired of people depending on him foreverything, wanting him to fix all their problems. And they said ok, andBrook said sorry and they left and.. I was just.. blah.. I mean .. damn he just beat that guy up .. was bout to kill him..?)
So he called me back and passed the phone around to the guys who bitched at me -_- saying that they didn't say that brook left drunk, but they were really polite about it, I was suprised. I heard them say it. They said they didn't. So they said whatever and Brook said see do you get my point here? Dont be disrespecting the house over here. !!!! wtf right? BOY did he piss me off. They said they didn't care who the hell I was and Brook said.. .. well in other words brook believed them over me. But after that conversation we had and they all heard it the only thing they had to say about it was that they didn't say he was drunk? bit strange if you ask me. I mean.. really strange. But Brook said he was walking back home that he'd takl to me then and its what now 3-4 o'clock?)
Got inside and mom was up. She said waht the hell was going on and I said why dont' you pick up the phone when brook calls me back and find out? So I hooked up the other phone so I could listen to what brook was saying and when it rang mom picked up too late and brook called back and we both had it and mom said hello and so did brook and mom was like why are you calling so late? and he said that I told him to call and that he hadn't been able to get ahold of me because he was recording in dallas and mom was like oh really and mom covered up the phone and said to me 'do you want to talk to him?' XD stupid ass! Lmao she was all pissed but when she talked to him it was totally different. I sadi no and mom asked him to call back in 2 minutes XD stuipd ass ha ha . we hung up and I was like 'MOM! you are NO help!' and she was like 'well what was I supposed to say?' lmao i was like 'well you could of said what the hell are you doing calling so fucking late. My daughter came in here pissed off and what happened? what the fuck is going on?' shit like that lmao and she said 'wellll' and so I just called him back and told him that i was on the phone with moma nd blah blah it was cool. So we started takling again and the phone went to dieing so I hooked up the one in the kitchen and mom was still awake andwe just started talking about the past and the haunted wakl and stuff and then he told me.. that he'd finnaly tell me. I don't remember what I said to piss him of and tell me but he said that fine (we were outside then i mean i was with the phone) that I didn't have to hear it from someone else anymore that he'd tell me. He said 'I'm a prince' and i was just all blank faced xD ha ha he said he was a prince and his mom didn't tell him till 3 days before she died and he was supposed to be married when he was 18 but didn't want to and that is other brothers was evil and just live in different towns around here in OK and I was just.. listening.. and Brook I dont know it was strange. And i was back inside on the kitchen floor and I said there was more he wasn't telling me and he said he killed 10 people, cold blood in the head. That they asked him if he believed in god right before he killed them and he turned around and asked them the same question and that hsi brothers were evil and he used to be evil but stoped and got tired of it and he said after i asked him when i could meet them he said it'd be hard because there was no baby pictures of them all together and he said 'see this is why bethany and i didn't last 'or something she didn't believe him or wahtever and I said he's gonna have to start proveing himself to me. And he said that his brothers pretended they were him and tired to mess things up between him and bethany and that scott and them didn't want him with a white girl and just a bunch of shit. And I was like I told him I believed everythign he had said but he's just gonna have to start proveing shit. He said that the first night of the haunted walk it wasn't him it was his brother jeremy and that the day over at kelli and chris's (when i played tekken tag) that it was jeremy too.. out of the blue he also said that he was in a pentatentury too. In a room having people touch you he said he didn't like that. and .. I'm just thinking. Damn he's crazy he's been locked up in a room and now is telling me this huge story. I mean he could really believe all of this was true or it in turn could be true.. but I have no clue. It's just.. too crazy.. but possible? If those guys hacked the phone I wonder if they are reading this? I thought about not typing in this anymore but oh well. Saying he's into black magic, has killed people, used to be evil, is a prince.. ? Hello? Yea. Even if he does have in real life 4 brothers.. what his mom might of said might of been the drugs she was on. I dont' know its' ... weird. But yea.. it was crazy.
We just talked about the past and how much we've been through together all ready and when i was back in my room on my bed i asked him if he could have 3 wishes what would they be and just without hesitating he said, to love you, marry you, have kids. and I was just ..pause... that was an unexpected answer lol xD ? Damn. I didn't believe him lol I told him my 3 wishes and he said that they used to be his too.
Crazy. It was just a mess of feelings. .. it was crazy. Then (mom was already asleep) it was like 6 o'clock now and we just started to talk.. and we worked each other up? Lol it was bad. We was tired and now we was talking nasty somewhat >.>' But yea.. but the phone started to die so I just said there was no way I was going in the kitchen so goodnight lol and so yep. woke up at 8:30 and was late for school. Everyone thought i was stoned and the teachers all pulled me aside and asked if anything was wrong ^^',\\ oops xD SOO i walked home for lunch and talked to brook on the phone and mom and dad went in town to go get a new fan since the one we bought didn't work and so they was gone and I stillw as on the phone and lunch is over at 12:35 and I was late for school again XD i didn't get back till like 1 XD Now they really think I'm on drugs. Bad thing about that was that I had to work that day too and I was going on what 2 hours and 30 minutes of sleep? Work was fine and I called Jon lastnight (at work, night i'm talking about) and he asked why I was calling and I said i didn't know. .. I told him things between us would have to stay just.. friends and .. i dont' even know what I was saying.. he said 'so things between you adn brook are going good?' and I said 'yeeea' like an unsure yeah .. and he said 'so he's treating you right? Doing ya right N all?' and I was like 'yeeea' and then it clicked he meant sex and I was like 'yeah.. JON!' lol it was cool. He's cool. When I talked to him that same night I had with Brook .. .. he asked me what was holding me back... from being with him. He said that if I was a virgin he'd understand but I said that I wasn't and it just bewildered him... .. I don't know. it's just.. something. I dont' know what it is. Jon is an awesome guy though. He said we can't have a friendship without having those sexual feelings there.. and i said it was that way for him but not me.. I don't know. all confusing but jon is an awesome guy.
Just got off the phone with brook an hour ago now lol it's 4:08. I'm supposed to call him now. Damn I've typed for an hour now... but.. he got drunk last night and tehre was more to it because he said he'd come over this morning before work if he could find a ride but i said not drunk or high and he said then maybe they should wait till my parents cool off and i told him the more he waits the more they are gonna think that but .. .. yea.. then he also said somehting (he was still buzzing pretty well) that along time ago he got drunk and crashed out on the couch and that laura went in there and when he woke up they said 'you got raped' and he sai dwhat:? and they asi dthat he either got raped or enjoyed the ride. That him and Laura or whatever.. And Brook said he couldn't remember.. but I"m just wondering why all of a sudden he's telling me this? There's more then one side of brook that I dont' know..
Zach let me borrow his DVD GunGrave and its' pretty good. Has a nice story line to it.. the art is nice too not to mention the cute guysies ^^
Brook giggles when he's called cute.. its' cute when he giggles..
.. but.. I just.. dont' know what to do with him.. .. I really just don't..
... I mean i'm bipolar about this .. I feel one way one day and the othe way an hour later and it flips all the time.. ..
... ... there's much much more.. .. but yea..
Talk to me
2004 21 August :: 10.22pm
:: Mood: fine
Brook called me at work but I was way busy so said I called him back. By the time I got around to it he wasn't home. I made $34 today! Rejoice! Cool huh? Yea, it was fun working with Tonna, she is toooo cool ^^ ... umm.... as the day went on I mean I was zooomin today! I am so fricking proud of myself!!! I got everything done before hand meaning I was way ahead. But yea, I got out at like 8:10 baby! Hell ya ^^ But yea, it was a good day.. besides the Brook thing.
I called him while I was at work like around 6 and he said he was busy and.. just what did I want to say because I was quite and I said that him and I need to get together to get all this shit straigh and he said he was busy and .. I'm not appreciating this at all... when I got home I wrote what I was feeling and called him up and read it to him:
I don't want to break up with you I want to stay with you and be yours. I want y ou to still be there for me and I'm here for you. For now I"ll just step back and wait for you and I understand you're busy for the next couple of weeks but after that, if you still feel I'm different and we click, that you still love me, then make room for me on someday please so we can be together and talk. I wanted you to know this because I didn't want you to think I was mad at you. I just feel distant from you and I understand there isn't a whole lot we can do about it but well, You know. I still love you, from what I know about you. But yea, that's what I wanted to say.
He's like "so you finnaly said it".. but anyway he said the feeling was mutual after I asked him if it was... .. and.. I said call me whenever.. and He said ok and asked if he could go now because he was busy trying to get out of there and I said yea and he said ok bye and hung up.. no I love you.. ...
... .. why do I feel regret?.. ..
... ... would he really have someone else? Could I of really of been decieved all this time? I mean is this how those stupid people who get cheated on are like? Feel like me? Know that person like I know Brook? Am I in the dark here? Or just Gray?
This morning before work I went into DDR town and played some DDR and then got my ears pierced and the lady said I could come back and she'd repierce my ear so that it was even (my right lob) so she took out that one that girl messed up and it's gonna heal hopefully and I got my right ear done on the side again, above the other two (where that other girl said I couldn't get it done) but man did it hurt like hell. Shit is thick over there. But yea. Brook still doesn't know about my earrings. Played some more DDR after I got them pierced then went to Wal Mart then work. Brent was there and brushed my bangs away from my eyes to look at my ears -.-' he always tries to be so smooth. Talked to Jon about him and he said the dudes a freak. Jon also apologized to me, which surprised the hell out of me, he said he was sorry about how he acted yesterday and that I was right and that I really should call, just to talk. Jon is really awesome. He would be a great friend.. he is a great friend.. as long as no one else is around.. I'm still a serect.. .. but thats' ok.
Well.. Lost my train of thought....
Oh my toe nails are falling off by teh way too.. they will be anywho
1 thanks champ |
Talk to me
2004 21 August :: 11.50pm
:: Mood: fine
:: Music: So Cold-Breaking Benjamin
Well, my ears are doing fine and I'm getting them pierced in the morning two more times before I have to go to work at 12. Sonny and Laura quit today. I got in a fight with them yesterday.. well ok almost. Laura was about to beat my ass lol but I wasn't backing down. Sonny cused me out WHILE I was on the phone with MY MOTHER. Idiot. So Jakeeta said "you either do it my way or you quit." They quit. So me and Jon worked tonight.. he was touching me and .. I let him and just gave him looks.. I was well pushing on him like usual. But before we left (which was at 9:30! And I only made $16) I told him "no more games between us Jon, ok?" and just no hesitation he said "yeah, alright" and I mean he was serious and then he told me "just don't ag me on" n.n; So.. then he said "man I was going to give you my new number tonight too, damnit" and I asked him for it and he asked why but I have it now. ...
Last night I called Brook's work after he had called me at work and I was home and I told him he needed to get his shit straight and he said alright, like he already knew. He apologized for that night he was.. yelling at me sort-of (he called it yelling, guess it really was) He was at work and was cleaning up right at the end and he said that I'm just confusing and he's confusing and that's why no one has stayed with him and he said he has short term memory and all kinds of medical problems and he said if I want to keep the relationship alive then.. and I was like whoa. He thought I was going to break up with him I think. And.. I was thinking of it. .. but I just can't bring myself to. I don't know why. I'm holding onto something but I don't know if I should, it's dark and I can't see what I'm holding onto.... I got him thinking again on that phone (this is still yesterday) and so he said he'd call me when he got off so I got off the phone and wasn't expecting a call for atleast another 30 minutes so I washed my face and was bout to do my homework when he called. He said that I got him thinking and he needed to know something.. I can't remember what it was but I told him that I had started writing questions and answering them. He wanted me to read him the questions but not the answers. So I did. Do you like him? How? Was it enough to say I love you? What do you want from him? What are you concerned/dislike about him? What do you know about him? What do you expect from him? What do you expect from youself? Those are the questions I've come up with. I only asked him up to What do you know about him... He said that it was good that I was thinking about those questions because he already had. ... He told me to walk home today and call him during lunch since the pay phone outside doesn't work... so today I walked home and he wasn't at home, not at Scott's, not at Creg's and not at work. He told me he had been in DDRtown at a bar where he wants to get a job at. I don't want him to get a job at a bar. I'm against it.. have I told him that? No.... Today he called up at Beeson's and wanted to talk to Jon, the only words out of his mouth was can I talk to Jon. Is he busy? Tell him this. No hi or nothing. Then well I'll talk to ya'll later bye. .. I was so.. angry.. sad.. felt so small.. like a speck. Jon didn't know what Brook was talking about. After I got my work done I was on the phone and called brook at work. He was busy, so I said 'what no hi?' and he said hi, but had to go... I asked if he wanted me to call when I got home but he said "why, there is no point". He said he wouldn't be there, he'd be in DDRtown trying to get that job after he stopped off at scott's... we haven't said I love you in a long time now...
I.. I don't know my feelings. I mean one minute it's like just brush everything off it's him you like and then it's like why does he do the things he does and.. on the phone I said "when I need you aren't you supposed to be there? where have you been?" and he said it's hard because I work and he works and I'm in a different town and he said he can't get a lisense because of his health or something and this and that and I ... yea..
Anyway, it's late and I have to get up at 8 so I can get ready for 9 and get at the mall when things open at 10 and get my ears pierced and go to work... ...
Brook always tells me things last minute.. but they aren't late minute to him.. he just really does go with the flow. Something comes up, do it.
.... .. I want to.. be with him... no matter what, have each other. He has his thing, his job and now he's going back to school through using a computer and I have school and work... ... .. I just.. don't know.. love.. what is it?
Talk to me
2004 18 August :: 8.49pm
:: Mood: okay
Dip It Low
Well, I cried yesterday over Brook... I called when I couldn't find him at his house. Nathin said he was asleep but he wasn't, he was at Scott's... stoned (I guess since he was mean). He said hey baby what's up, what'cha been doing BESIDES homework and how was school. There was more.. then.
I said to him that I had talked to Amy some.. and I said I couldn't believe how he was saying to Amy all that and I couldn't believe he could of said that then and was saying all this shit now. And he sighed and made a really annoyed sound and said 'is this going to turn into an argument!?' And .. it cought me off guard.. I said 'no, because you'll hang up on me' and He said damn right that he would... ... he had a call comming in, answered it, said it was Scott's mom and he'd talk to me later.. bye.. bye.. click. ....... ..
School went fine. I'm not accepted to Bulldog town.. school.. I can't go. Guy said to check back every month to check because some kids might leave (in other words drop out or get kicked out) ... but yea. Went to town after school and got my ears pierced 3 more times like I said I would. .. they are big.. I want to pierce them 2 more times, in the lobs.. .. I played DDR... got flirted with... bought some Jeans at Gazooks... Dollhouse Jeans for like $21 on sale.. got some lotion.. ... ::sighs:: my parents think Brook is playing me.. thinks I'm going to get my heart broken.. ... and I just don't know.
Went to church, was way late and was there just for the end of it.. I talked to Anton today.. he was being an ass and I set him straight and he apologized then ran off to find his girl to apologize to her.. after chruch we talked.. I never new he was in foster care.. or got kicked out of the house.. him and his brothers have been through a lot.. Anton just wants to be loved and love someone. I was sounding like his mother he told me but he was happy that someone saw it like him... I talked to him about Brook just a bit.. I still have some US History to read and I have some Algebra 2 homework along with Geometry... ....
PMSin... yep.. ...... ..... I'm broke once again. Ears were $41... shit right? I need new earrigns again.. I have to save money for Avon.. and now I have those EXPENSIVE necklaces.. on order that is.
Oh some little girl watched me get my ears pierced then got hers done was having a straight face but once she got out of there boy was she bout to ball ha ha XD
Anyway I'm goin...
... ..
.... ... I was going to call Brook... I'll keep the phone with me. I work tomorrow.
Talk to me
2004 17 August :: 8.55pm
:: Mood: fine
:: Music: Earshot-Wait
Well, they said they'd have a head count at the school by this morning.. but I don't know because when I got home parents weren't here. Mom said something about buying a new washing machine, but it doesn't take all of a day to do that so I'm guessing there at the casino in the hour away town.
I kinda don't want to leave.. I mean I do but... I just fit into this little town. I really do. And the new teachers.. they just seem so cool and relaxed.. I'm really interested in their methods of teaching. The Biology teacher Mr. Osborne is fricking awesome. He is like me. Always thinking there is another way and never is set on one thing being the solution. Like how we were created. The Big Bang, God, Evolution, shit like that. No one knows. He is cool. Our first assignment was yesterday and I got it back today and guess what my first grade was? 24/20. Extra Credit baby. He is awesome. I always joke around in my answers and stuff and there was this one question that said name ways a man would figure out if something was alive. And I put "poke it with a stick and watch if it moves" ^^ hee hee And then I wrote some sience themes and stuff for it but he is really cool. He said if you have an opinion and express it well then he'll give you credit for it. And I do that shit all the time. It's awesome.. and then the US History teacher.. I really read the damn assignment and I am like a main person in the class that actually knows what she's talking about! It's great! I've gotten all my homework done! That's even better! Algebra 2 and Geometry and US History and Government and I got my other stuff done in class. I'm really just set on getting my work done.. .. I just.. I want to stay here... but I don't. I'll get away with alot of more stuff here.. not a really strict dress code.. just.. alot of ... stuff is well it's just a more relaxed enviroment.. but I want to go to Cache for different classes... ... to see Brook.. and so I can work more.. .. Once again I've been stupid and childish.. is there no end to me .. feeling so small and stupid?
I take a deep breath and think of things.. .
I need a car.
Talk to me
2004 16 August :: 9.51pm
:: Mood: ... ok
Well, I just got off the phone with Amy, but not to fastford.
Today Brook called and he was still in Dallas but then he called me back when he got to Bulldog town and came to see me around 8:30. I still had to sweep and mop so I was going at it. I was introduced to a friend of his (his "brother") named Justin, He was Comanche. He said "well damn Brook you sure do know how to pick'em. Hey, if he ever gets rid of you, you know where to find me." and we all laughed and then he said "Yea, we should try to keep it in the family" and we was all like laughing and Dannnng lol it was funny. Guy seemed pretty cool.
Anyway, I worked with Tonna and she gave me a hug when she left and me and Brook was left standing outside. She is really awesome. She's like.. I guess an Aunt or something. I'm gonna miss working with her. She is a cook up at one of the schools so once school starts up over there she's gone. Mom is supposed to work twice a week over there at Beeson's now... Jakeeta said she'll try and NOT put us together on the same day ha ha she's cool.
Again Anyway, Brook looked totally Bored. He said he was and doesn't like going up there.. But anyway, I bearly got a hug out of him. When we talked on the phone he said he had just gotten off the phone with his brother and step sister who he hadn't talked to since the funeral and said they got him thinking about alot of things. ... so we'z standing outside and come to think about how he was acting, he was probably high. ... I've missed him so bad and all I could do was grunt around him. I never know what to say. All I do is 'un, Nn, huh, ah, mm' -_- ... that's how I talk now-a-days lol but yea.. and I think it kinda pissed him off... .. but.. he was just plain spaced out. ... .. and.. I wanted to kiss him.. I thought he would kiss me.. but.. he was just standing there... .. I mean I was the one on him.. and.. I said 'there is no way I could even reach your lips if I tried' I'm sure I couldn't reach them even on tip toes... and he looked at me 'oh, you want me to kiss you?' and I was like 'um hum' and he said all I had to do was ask and I was like 'aNnn' a whine in other words and just let my head rest by his chest... ... that was how it was.. silence really.. (oh yea I didn't know what to say and he said I needed to learn to speak up and I just don't to guys.. I don't know why I'm afraid of them.. but anyway I just said 'I love you' and looked at him and shrugged and he said 'I love you too' and he said 'if you say it I'm gonna spit it back at cha everytime') expect today at school I told him that Brett kept calling me Miss. NimZ (Brook's last name sort-a) and Roxe was like 'are you going out with him? For real!?' and In the hall she was takling to Patina about it and she said 'Eww' and Roxe said she thought we made a cute couple, that we went together. And Patina said that he dresses clean N shit... but yea. I was not expecting that nice comment from her. .. but yea. He doesn't like Roxe and he said he hasn't told me why he doesn't like her. I'm sure she slept with someone and blah blah something like that.
But yep truck came and... just hug and I kissed him on the cheek, aiming for his lips, and then he .. didn't kiss back.. and.. I just.. wanted his touch so bad.. I just wanted him to hold me.. just.. hold me.. and I kissed him on the lips once but it just felt like a stong magnet.. I didn't want to let him go.
He said 'riiight' Like he got cought off guard.. and... I got in the truck.. he shut the door, I mouthed 'I love you' and said it softly back and I looked out the window as we drove away at him just pouting or whining . ... but yea... I mean .. well.. nevermind.
But yea. Amy was just about to jump in the shower and I was like 'Amy, Brook told me to call you' Pause so I went on 'he said that Friday ya'll got into a talk and you was going to talk to me about what you both talked about' and pause. Damn lol I was like, I knew she wouldn't remember. I went on, 'Ya'know friday night you got-' 'Oh when I got drunk? Was I drunk?' and I was like yea I knew you wouldn't remember damnit' and she's like 'naw naw I do .. some but I was drunk. i wish he would of talked to me when i was sober so I could remember more' and Anyway, she told me that they both kept getting interupted because people kept trying to ease drop and Brook just wanted to talk to her to get her opinion. But.. what she did say was that Brook said that he had strong feelings for me and that I said I loved him and he said it back and he really think he does and he just doesn't know what to do with it all, how to go about things. She said he has very strong feelings for me and thinks he loves me and then asked her about age and she said it was just a number and.. .. she said Thursday when I work that she'll come by and we'll talk more about it.. Amy is cool. To think she is younger then me.. it's just crazy. She is so ground up but isn't ya'know?
There is more but.. no one cares.
Talk to me
2004 15 August :: 10.05pm
:: Mood: fine
Can't stay on for long since I have those 12 pages of US History to read still.
Brook is a confusing Indian... Friday when he called... and said I was his first, real true love... when he sounded bit drunk... he told me that he and Amy had a big ol conversation and that I was supposed to talk to Amy because she was willing to tell me everything but Brook wouldn't speak of it. Thing is Amy's out of town so I have to wait till tomorrow. I gave David (Daniel's brother) my number and told him to have her call me. He said he knew about it well this is what I said, I handed him the paper with my number on it and I was like 'here. Please have Amy call me. Brook was supposed to of gone over there and they had a talk or something and Amy is supposed to talk to me about it or something like that' and he was like 'oh oh OHHHH that! Yeah I heard all about that' and I mean he was loud lol and I was like 'dang.. really?' and he was like 'it ain't none of my buisness' and I was just.. shocked? And what the heck am I missing out on? He still says he loves me so is it going to be bad.. or good?
Me and Jon are still at it. I worked today, got $27 in tips... It's cheating.. with Jon I mean on Brook.. right? ... .. ::sigh::.... ...
Went to the mall after work with dad and ordered 2 necklaces from this lady who had a hallbooth tablely thing. She is making them just for me. -_- it's gonna be alot I'm sure but I don't care. She's in Texas so we have to go by mail since she is leaving tomorrow. I'm getting one with a black cross on it and then a little cortz turtle on it. It's going to be like this other chiped stone necklace I have. 12" with 1.5-2" chain. The cross is gonna be black and purple stone and the turtle one is gonna be clear and black. Gonna be tight. Got me 2 pairs of jeans too. l.e.i. and Mudd. they pretty. $64 for both. So yea I'm back to being broke but I get my paycheck tomorrow plus I work and should get tips. Mom is comming to work with me tomorrow and talking to Jakeeta about being a cook. Mom is really hating her job. People are bitches.
... I don't know what is up with Brook and me... I think I just need to chill out.
Tomorrow I'll call Bulldog school.. I work after school though.. maybe I'll have Jakeeta call at work tomorrow.. Ok I must go read.
I'm getting my ears pierced again.. well I want to. Have to wait till I have enough money though. Gonna get the lobs done again and then my top left ear pierced.. I want my tongue pierced still.. but anyway.
Oh ordered some Avon again too. Just make-up. $25.02 I think... yea. Again with the anyway~
Talk to me
2004 13 August :: 3.57pm
:: Mood: fine
.. Brook says I'm true love. His first true love. ... ::sigh:: School started yesterday and it was fine I guess. I still haven't heard about my transfer. I made a new friend. Pretty much the only one I talk to now at school since Laura and Jesscia and no one else talks to me. ... I can't believe they wouldn't even say hi.. .. Oh well. New girl from Texas. Her name is Brittany. She's pretty cool.
I haven't seen Brook since Wednesday when we drove him to work. After that we went into town and I spent $200 of my own money (got $20 left) and bought me school supplies and clothes. Like 2 guys shrits, bought my dad a shirt, bougt me 2 jeans a hoodie... and.. I guess that's it. I dont' know.
I hate this school.. but... I can see myself staying here....
My classes are, in this order,: English ll, Math of Finance, Government, US History, lunch, Biology l, Algebra ll, then Geometry. 2 Maths.. ... .. Bulldog Town... .... Biology seems hard... I've never liked science... ... damn...
I want to see Brook. He was supposed to get like 3 teeth pulled today.. ::sigh:: my toothless Indian... I'm gonna call him once I get off.. .. I haven't been sleeping well lately.. Brook's been on my mind.
There is so much more to him.. so much more.. and.. ... I can't understand our relationship fully. He completely said I love you and everything to me that.. he just didn't know how serious I was. I told him I was worried about that too. That I'm worried I'd let him down somehow. ... He says that he's told his friends about me, Well Creg and him talk about me all the time. Creg was saying that he's seen me and Brook in dreams living together with kids and a whole bunch of other shit lol. Brook said that it's good. That I really think about the relationship and it's a good thing. I've been told guys have been checking me out I told Brook I didn't believe it and that he says these girls he works with say we make a cute couple... that I'm cute.
I miss Brook.. I want to see Brook.. I work tomorrow and Sunday. ....
.... .. well..
.. .... . Yea.. just well...
Talk to me
2004 9 August :: 9.52pm
:: Mood: fine fine
Yesterday Brook went into town with dad and I. Dropped Hildalgo off at Mrs. Browns (she got a tatoo) and she got to meet Brook, so did mr brown. Brook thinks they are cool lol. Went to the mall when everything was closed. Lol just the arcade and the movies was open. Went into the arcade and there were a bit of alot of people there including Brent ::grins:: Brook took hold of my hand in the parking lot and we was still holding hands inside. He said he didn't like the mall but stayed because of me. Played DDR with some India guy who sucked ass lol Because Brook wouldn't play. He can't play in public, so he said. He got really pissed when I begged him to play. He was watching some guys play street fighter and stuff. Then watched me play DDR. Then afterwards we played some racing game.. well we both where but I ran out of quarters and the machine wouldn't give any back so I gave my last one to brook so I could watch him race. -.-' show off lmao he was hitting everyone though ha ha I made sure Brent saw us. Ha ha he seemed piiiiissed lmao. Ha ha ass. Brook knows him too. Damn he knows EVERYONE. He really does. Went to Wal Mart and dad let us run off where ever and said to meet up at the CD's in 10, 15 minutes. We went to the flowers, getting away fromt he cameras and my hand was under his THREE shirts and .. yea and.. we fooled around a bit.. damn.. I wouldn't let him walk without touching me. So many people said hi to him. Indains and this one white girl oh and a white guy and shit hell I just forgot. So many people. Went to toys.. and Brook started playing with this one wheel thing that made noise.. and.. I told him. I really thought it was C all along.. he looked at me and I rasied a brow. I was like 'you know what i'm talking about right?' (and for someone who I know won't remember, C was the i love you answer) And he's like 'I know' and.. we just looked at each other.. and.. there was just silence (-_- besides the honking on the wheel toy -.-') and... then he said it was C for him too.. and I told him that I just wanted him to know that.. and.. yea.. went to the posters since we had saw dad in an isle not too far away and we just .. was there looking at posters.. and.. some little indian white boy came up and it's brooks' nephew and yea.. but we finnaly went looking for dad and then dad said to meet us at the truck and we went to get doughnuts for mom and paid for them and some indian came to talk to brook and shook his hand. Went in the parking lot and ... Brook came home with us.
Brook cut the bush outside and doesn't like my brother. He said if he keeps talking to me and mom like he does that he's gonna beat his ass... I watered the flowers and we fooled around outside. I sprayed him and he chased me a bit. It was fun.. it felt so odd.. we were doing yard work at sunset lol.. mom was cooking hambugers inside. .. I found out brook has a tumor in his head.. he hasn't been to the doctor for it in 5 years since 8th grade.. .. he had me worried. But yea.. after that we went in the backyard and sat infront of each other in chairs in the dark. It was back to silence. I was like 'this is weird, I've never said this before.. ' looked at him and said softly' i love you' and chuckled and he just.. his look was so.. different.. serious.. and his face came closer to mine and our lips were together but not a kiss.. and.. it was like that for what seemed like a long time. then he pulled away and ran his hand through his hair, and sighed. I asked what was wrong. He said he could hear his mother, I asked him what she said. And he smiled then got serious and looked at me and said 'tell her' ... and he got close again and said I love you.. mom got us after that. Ate while watching Anger Management. I love it when he laughs. Daria was on and I wanted the excuse so we could be in my room alone.. his arm was between my legs on the couch lol. Mom wanted me to rub her, Brook went to my bed I rubbed mom washed my hands and went to him...
Just laying next to him on my bed was enough for me.. Didn't do a thing.. for awhile that is. Mom came in trying to surprise up, brook thought she was asleep, I however knew better then that. Watched Wild Boyz and some Matalica on MTV2 I think and.. he looked at me and said 'C' and I was like see what? Lol and looked at the TV and then back to him and he's like 'C' and I was like like ya'know yes in spanish and then he was like 'oh my gosh don't-' and I was like 'i know i know' and and smiled at him. Fooled around and I got him hard reaaaaal back lmao man I felt so bad then dad took him home i rubbed mom called him in 15 minutes and went outside said he was hurting and had to go to scott's and yada yada he said goodnight.. i love you.. . it's so weird.. and for that poem.. the two words where love you.. he's ready to love me how bout now.. .. yea..
Work went fine.. .. Brook gets to come over tomorrow since it's his only day off this week.. ... I want to talk to him more about.. I love you thing..
My mom said she's not putting me on the pill because it's giving me the greenlight to have sex.
but then I will because it's better to be prepared then to not and something happen. Mom said if I have sex with him i'll get him in trouble. ... they don't know I already have with him...
She thinks he's playing me and yada yada.. but.. that doesn't matter. I know how he is.. and if he had been playing me.. then geez.. slap in the face but i can't see him like that...
I love him.. School starts Thrusaday.. got my transfer today.. it's filled out and we are giving it to the vice. super. tomorrow..
Brook said to call him at Scott's..
.... .......
Talk to me
2004 8 August :: 11.55am
:: Mood: fine/bit tired
Well, .. my parents and I got into it again. Got alot of shit clear. I've been the child stupid shit like I always have been. Insensitive asshole and I could go on. I see now.. more things.. .. and.. I've been in the wrong the entire time. They can understand me and I thought I had understood them but again I was wrong. And again something else I was wrong at, that is the fact that I am in love with Brook. I do love him. My mother is really sick. They bought the house so WE could have a place to go between rents and my father has always been sick. .. I gave my mother a hug lastnight.. I haven't hugged them in so long. .. I keep hugging her.. she keeps comming to me. I see how I've hurt them with how blind I was. ... I need to ask Brook about what he saw happening to my parents. ... I hope they go together.. I can't see how they could stand loosing one or the other.. ... Next time I see Brook.. If I can, I'll tell him I love him. Because it's true, I do. I want to be there for him and I love talking with him and being with him... ... I.. don't know how things'll go.. but.. I'll say it to him anyway. This all means I hadn't gotten ta bed till 3. I had my alarm set for 5:20 but didn't wake up till 6.
Jakeeta, right when I got in, told me that Sonny had her pissed. That he cused at her because she called and and told him to make her husband a chicken fried steak sandwhich at like 15 till 8 and Sonny didn't want to make it. She hung up on him. He called her and asked her why she hung up. So.. she said she's been putting up with his shit for a long time. But that's besides everything. Jakeeta's mother, grandmother and aunt died from breast cancer. Jakeeta had been having to be tested each year because of that. They all came back clear, good. She got a letter in the mail and now they have to do intensive testing. ... She is scared, depressed and just in a pissy mood.
I had called Brook at 11 when I got off because my parents thought I was getting off at 2 and they was on the internet and I couldn't get through. So I was gonna go to Brook's and.. Nathin picked up and said he didn't want to get out of 'fucking' bed just to wake him up. So yea. He hung up and told me to call later -.- I even begged. But anyway.
I only made like.. $14 today lol. Oh I'm frickin tired. I need to clean my mouth up, it really pisses my parents off. I've been such a stupid ass... goddamn.. so sooo stupid. Brook said he'd give up everything to have what I have, to have what he had.. this was in the surburbine.. when we was crying.. ... he said sometimes I hit everything right on the head.. but then I have somethings totally wrong.
I'll probably be going to school here.. I really dont' want to but dont' have a choice. I wont' stress my parents and go to DDR town.. so yea..
I'm not feeling well it's because I'm tired I'm sure.. .. Brook... I want to wake up next to him.. I can't wait till I can wake up next to him.
Good news. Lastnight dad brought up birth control. He told me when I'm active to tell them so we can be prepared, that my sister had done that but couldn't take them. I told him it'd be a pretty good Idea. Just a bit ago I told mom to put me on it. She said no, why? Lol I told her acne, and it makes girls fill out and that it makes your period more expecting. Then I said 'also incase something does happen. And she said.. that it doesn't protect you from deceases and to still use protection >_< how embarrasing lol. So I said I could pay for it on my own. It's like $100 a month or something. Not too much. Just need an appointment and yeahz all set up.
Takes a month for it to start working though, even then it might not be safe.
Talk to me
2004 8 August :: 11.08am
:: Mood: fine
Well, was more then10 minutes late for my appointment.. my hair is .. like really dark now. He put wayy too much black in it.. well .. it's just he did it in little bits.. I wanted it more obvious that i had black in my hair.. I guess I wanted streaks instead of highlights...
Got my shoes.. they was only 59.09.. no tax day or something plus a discount? I don't know. I like'em.
Went home an crashed. Slept from like 3 something or was it 4 till like 7:30. Woke up ate while watching Hildaldo which my dad cried at. I miss Ben Boohoo.. our old horse? Yea, durning the movie I got a call. Mom got it and said it was Megan? Who the fuck? Lmao it was Jon wanting Brook too hook him up with some beer. Lol I told mom that's what it was. Not that it was Jon though. His b-day is tomorrow so he's geting drunk and yada yada.
The moive was ok.. .. I wouldn't want to see it again..
.. no hearing from brook.. autum drove him up there.. some guy with jon said that brook paid for alot of people to go.. ... i guess he really has alot of money..
I have to get up at 5:20 so i'm out.
Talk to me
2004 6 August :: 10.10pm
:: Mood: fine but cold (Pop Ice's)
:: Music: Slow Motion
Today has been one Looong ass day.
Ok lets start it out likes this. I called Scott's at 1:30 and still no one picked up so I just went to sleep. I think it was around 2:40 I was woken up by the phone ringing but when I picked it up no one was there. I knew it had been Brook. So I star 69nd it. Being the loud ass I am I went out in the back to talk to him.. right off he asked me what I meant to him. That I put him on the spot all the time and there was no way I was going to get out of answering this question. I was reluctant to answer on the phone, I told him he would have to read what I wrote before I could give him my answer, he wouldn't buy it. So he was like A-you don't like me B-you really like me C- you love me or D- none of the above and.. he was leaning towards C... I said that I really liked him and just .. explained it best I could. He said that.. I'm not like anyone else, he's never been thinking about a serious relationship. He said that when He and Creg move in together that there is one more room, for me if I want it... I mean damn. It was.. like deep. I mean deep. I can't remember he said fuck he just wanted to see me fuck fuck and so he said that he was comming, he'd walk if he had to. He's jack someone's bike and be there in 20. I was like yea right lol I mean I was feeling like he was feeling when i took the truck I guess. He said it was really his turn anyway right? I was like Broook lol and I never said no or yes to him. And that asshole said he was comming I asked why? And he said he'd give me a reason when he got there. It's 3 o'clock in the morning people, he hung up on me and I was nervous as hell. Went back inside to change into some bottem's and a tee and sweatshirt since I was shivering outside in shorts and a tank, no socks. Dad got up and got on the computer, I took Gman and went outside (german shep. 85lbs) Man it was 3:33 last time I went inside and checked the time, went back outside, sat on the feeder, saw through the ally that down the street at anton's house some car drove up by it and then drove off and I thought it could be brook and low and behold like 3 minutes later I see a cigerate glow and a tall dude and it was brook lol. He jumped the fence and.. came to me. I was just cracking up ha ha. Damn. He just.. started to kiss and said I don't know I said something and he's like 'oh you want to be embarrased?' and started to stick his hands down my pj bottem's and I pulled but he kept on and then I said stop and he finnaly got that I meant it and stoped. Then started it back up a bit later. He said he was sober on the phone, I thought he wasn't since he was really talking to me. I smelt alcohol on his breath. He said he had two tall boys.. later he said he had a 16-pac... ... exactly. His hand was in my pants and damn he was just fucking horny man. He was begging me.. I was.. just completly melting when he said 'please' and over and over please please please please please. I knew what he wanted.. he was bout to fucking fuck me against our tree -.-' g-man was in the yard watching us lmao damn. ... ... time passed and I gave in saying lets go to the surburbine, I had asked him if he had a condom, he said yes since I asked him to carry one -.-' We went to the back and it was open, oh yea, and... we talked.. and... he said I take my paernts for granit and.. he took his mom for that too and missed her when she left and.. he had me in almost tears.. then I saw him wipe his eyes... and then I found out he was crying.. so I let some slide.. and he hugged me and apologized for getting me all teary eyed.. he said his tears were proof of how he felt about his life right now. ... He really is thinking of quiting.. it's just... it was off and on for us.. talk, hump, talk, hump lol we was just torturing each other. I told him once we started something I knew someone was gonna come out and look for me... but they hadn't yet (oh general had gotten out and we had to go put him up lol) so .. I said roll it on lmao and i took my shoes off and I was bout to ride him again and I told him it'd be the other way around next time. He couldn't get the condom on xD first he couldn't get it open then He didn't know how to put it on lmao I was cracking up at him! He was sooo fustrated lmao we was laying on jumper cables, rope and bags of old clothes to give to the goodwill lol but yea he kept saying is it on? yes it is no it's not FUCK lmao god it was soo funny. He finnaly got it on and i was over him and i saw the backlight on. Someone was looking for me lmao I told him! Ha ha so he had to zip it and I had to get my shoes on and went there mom came outt he front dad was in bed mom asked what i was doing asked if brook was outside i said yea and he smells like fucking alcohol and just god lol so i was telling brook he'd have go to inside and talk to them and yada yada we stayed outside and it was sunrise now and 6 o'clock and I'm all weird when i'm tired and he said i was acting more drunk then him and lol he kept saying he wanted to see me drunk. (oh and in the car he said he had the vision that my parents would die.. i mean who wants to hear that?) We went inside and .. mom didn't say nothing to him.. I mean she was just.. like normal.. they really like him.. went to my room and I let him read that shit I typed.. I'll post it:
I realize I've used you. All this time I just wanted to help you. When I said I wanted to be with you, I meant be there for you, when you asked me to be your girlfriend, I knew to say no but I wanted your kiss, your touch so I said yes. I let my lust for you get in the way of trying to help you. I kept on wanting and wanting to tell you I've felt like I've been using you.. the words just never came, I pushed them aside for another time just so we could kiss. I've been wrong, I'm sorry. I've really screwed up. I have feelings for you but I fear that it's just a lust for your body.. It's hard for me to say this.. all of this.. admit it.. but.. what if I had gotten pregnant? You could of gone to jail and how could that be helping you? All this getting drunk and being stoned.. I don't want to be around you when you are like that. I hope you don't hate me now. I do have feelings for you.. it's just hard to explain how they are. I really want to help you but you don't want to be helped..or do you? I won't deny that I don't want your touch... but.. your day to day life gets in the way. I don't know if I'll ever fit into it. I thought you needed someone to talk to, to be with, to hold you, touch you. I thought you were using me as that.. maybe you were.. I just wanted to help.. I kept letting it go further and further.. It has been me using you because I haven't admitted my feelings for you. I do like you.. really like you.. it's just.. at a stand still untill you can clean yourself up.. at least when you are with me. I'm sorry I have to put my foot down and finnaly say all this.. I've been told since we did have sex that you'd be expecting it from now on, a guy is a guy they say.. I say they are wrong. That you're not like that.. but that lust between us will still be there... and if I ever am around you.. when you are drunk.. I might be forced.. and you might think you could never do that.. but you might not really have a choice if you are fucked up. I never want to be afraid of you. I want to be with you... I really do.. .. but I don't see how you changing would be easy, I mean.. how you are living.. all you have is your friends.. it must be so hard for you.. I mean it must truly be hard.. and drugs and alcohol are material things.. they won't ever hurt you right? ... they hurt me.. and I'm sorry.. if I'm hurting you now.. but it hurts me how I've hurt you... ... You're not like anyone else I've ever met.. I really think you are special.. You are to me. I'm not expecting a change right away.. I'm just hoping you'll understand me a little better... I just want to help and be there for you.. I'm here if you need me.. it's limited however I know.. I don't have a car.. I can't borrow anyones.. I don't have my own phone.. so.. I can't be there for you as much as I want to be or maybe exactly when you need me. ... but I can still be here... I'm just sorry Brook.. ... I just feel like my problems don't amount to shit compaired to all you've been through. You make me feel like a complaing child.. I just want to be there for you... I'm slefish... I'm falling for you and it's scaring me.
Then this one:
What do you mean to me... How about we turn that into what I want you to mean to me? I want you to be there more... Like .. I can picture you next to me just walking next to me in Wal Mart.. thing is you don't like crowds.. BIG problem lol because I'm not really bothered by them. Wal Mart's not a crowd to me. ...when I have a problem .. it would be nice to have someone to go to it with instead of only being able to type about it. I guess what I'm trying to just say is.. I'm not sure what all you mean to me yet.. you're growing on me I can tell you that.. you're becomming more and more real each day... I just want you to be there... be with you more... I guess you are saying we can't do that untill I'm 18.. sorry babe, you might be able to wait but I can't. I want to be with you now. Maybe we are rushing but.. this is completly new to me and I'm open minded about it all. I just want to know what it would be like with someone, with you. To have you there.. roll over and you be there.. start talking to myself and have you answer outta nowhere. I just want to be there for you... it's hard.. you can do whatever you want... when I .. have an invisible leash tied onto me. I can only go so far and do so much until that leash is gone.. so is that what you're waiting for? For that leash to be gone? Because I got teeth, I can chew through that leash. ... I just don't want to feel like a chore to you. I've never really 'tried' with a relationship before, but if you want to stay together... then I'm all up for it. I'll be just yours... ... .. . if you want it, I'm here. I'll tell you this, I was completly shocked when you said those things about 'how I was' ... you hit the nail right on the head. ... but it was just the begining to me.. I think you've made a more simple version of me but I really think you pretty much know how I am.. like you said, I think too much, I'm always thinking. Maybe about stupid pointless shit or it might be about you but my mind is always somewhere else. You said I don't take things seriously, you were right. I don't. ... There's a reason I believe why I don't, I'm not quite sure though.. maybe the same reason why you are how you are... but I've never taken you to heart.. seriously... but I will. If you really want to give us a shot then I will. I'll take you serioulsy, I'll take whatever you say to heart... it's gonna be harder.. but I'll do it.
and lastly:
So Mr. Brook you told me to go ahead and write what I needed to say.. typing is the same. Well, I guess to start it off I could type this poem.. I kinda wrote awhile back >.> ... .. .... .. . ... I'm always afraid you'll laugh at me.. :
You're the deep water and I can't swim
I've pushed too deep and now I'm in
I want to leave but this water's turned to tar
I try to fight but I can't go far
Molding back into you I can't escape your touch
You silence me like I don't know much
I should of looked and not of touched
Because everything I say to you means too much
I try to talk but can't find the words to
Make you understand how much your world hurts
I'm the moth near the flame
Drawn to it can't stay away
Light mixing with dark things turn to gray
I've realized now your days won't change
You say I'm different that I can't change you
Then ask me this why am I still with you?
Believe me sir you won't have the answer
Unasked questions lead to disasters
A face full of innocence and a heart so confused
I can't walk away knowing his abuse
Holding in pain he walks around blind
I'm surprised by now he hasn't done time
Keeping silence has never been a plus
For a little miss who likes to make fuss
The words will come to me one of these days
I just pray to God by then he'll change
Shit.. I don't know what to say.. After hearing what you told me after I had asked you the question 'what I meant to you'.. it's just.. I guess I'll just try to tell you what you mean to me.
Damnit.. what do you mean to me Brook? Like you said.. I'm cool to hang around.. same for you. It's just.. It's like I've known you longer then I really have.. it's just.. it's easy for me to be around you.. I mean. I have never felt nervous around you untill recent. It's just you're there and I'm here and when we are together we are together and that's it and it's just.. it fits and nothing else matters. Our relationship isn't like the little kiddy ones I'm used to.. it's serious, it's real. You're real. I've never seen myself as real. For me.. it's hard to be there for you. I dont' have a car I just can't up and leave to go to you and I don't control the phone.. so.. I just ask myself 'what can I do for him?' And maybe I put myself down all the time but.. I just think there is better then me. I'm not gonna be like J.T. Liles and say 'you deserve better then me, break up with me' because I don't want to break up with you it's just.. I can't see in me what you see in me I guess. I've always thought of my future as being me and my education, no guys and maybe, if I was lucky, I would have a few girlfriends, but now when I think about my future and education, you are just there. And it's never been this way with anybody for me before. Well, sure I've had my heart 'broken' but that was a long time ago and I was just a child so.. it couldn't really count could it? And ever since then I just.. didn't see the point in relationships at my age, in this point in life now. It would seem just to complicate things.. but you.. you are just there.. and.. having someone to fall back on.. would feel great. I just don't want to think I'm better then I am and get laughed at. I mean when you really look at it from outside, we just jumped into everything... like we jumped over the lake instead of using the stepping stones.. do you get what I mean? When you take the stepping stones you can take your time and look around you, admire the lake and the senery. When you just jump over.. everythings a blur, you only get glimpses of things.. I feel that way.. but it feels ok.. like it's how it was supposed to be.. it's just completely crazy. I mean look at other relationships. Dating, you might meet them through friends. Look at you and me. No dates and it's YOU and ME, not me and friends with you or you and me with your friends it's strictly you and I or work buddies or my parents. I'm all up and fine with it it's just.. different?
But I've yet to tell you what you mean to me huh? I put you on the spot all the time huh? Always expecting answers... I feel kinda guilty now.. it's rather hard to explain. Well I give you points for putting up with me. You're alot to put up with too ya'know.
He was cracking up at that.
My poem.. he was so mean lol we was laying on my floor reading it.. well he was laying in my lap. My door was half open (rules) and yea..
.. Brook and I have decided to step up our relationship.. I'm his now.. whatever he wants from me he can have it.. I don't mean sex I mean me.. my life.
... we was bout to both pass out on my floor lol I was cuddled against him and he was using my pillow and we was both bout to just black out and then off and on off and on lol and his hand went back down and soon brother was up and they was in the living room mom would check on us time to time dad was still snoozin and my hand was down his pants this time and.. his was in mine.. and we was kissing and mom opened the door and we heard her a bit before she opened the door but our hands where just pulling away and door opened and she was like, she took in a sharp breath and said that's enough I needed to get ready for work.. and me and brook was both like 'fuck' lmao anyway mom said i was busted.. in other words she said we was sucking face and didn't even see our hands -.-' damn mom thinks kissing is a huge deal to me now XD ha ha I told him he's a little virgin kisser ha ha but yea man did we get lucky!
But I loved it.. being with him... man we chilled on my floor just like .. he turned on cartoons and .. just watching him laugh.. it was just great. Fairly Odd Parents.. yea lol and he likes Yu Gi Oh because of his nephew.. and.. it's just I want to be part of his life.. he fits so snugly into mine.. .. I loved just being with him.. he said when he read about the wal mart thing, me just picturing him there with me he said he does the same thing... .. he's ready to say I love you.. I'm not.. I feel that way I think.
He wrote this on my floor:
I say to you these words I say,
I've save for you another day.
It's you I like and to share it,
It's you I want and you I cherish.
I like to show you but don't know how,
I want to "__e_ __" how 'bout now?
He wouldn't give me those 2 words. First word is 4 letters, 3rd letter is e. Last word is 2 letters. Only thing I could think of that made sense was 'feel it' :;shrugs:: he said it wasn't it.
anyway.. went to work. Lucky for him since he was bout to walk 10 miles back to his house lol stupid ass. But .. yea.. just..
.. I'm tired of being called a hoe and all this other shit because of sex. I mean.. god .. but ah.. forget it. I'm only doing this for Jahreee from now on.. I'm sure he might not even care anymore.
The Transfer is looking really bad. I probably won't get it.
I have a hair appointment tomorrow at 12, Brook doesn't get off till 3 AM and then is going to Dallas... but.. it's Brook now.. my parents are cool with him comming over.. just we have to let both them know that he is there...
On the couch after work (oh god was I like feeling aweful lol but naw man I made like over $30. I have $192 on me) she said I sure was sucking face like I liked it and that i better not get pregnant....
.. Brook crying though.. and I had nothing to say to him.
Found out that his mom had a heart attack when he was born, when he was little his brother shot him 5 times with a gun.. he got hit by a bus head on in a car or something and a whole lot of other shit. He thinks he's just on borrowed time... i just fear.. once he stops thinking that and really believeing .. something will happen to him..
... I miss him already... I have a strong lust for him now. Real strong.
Talk to me
2004 6 August :: 10.08am
:: Mood: fine
Bout time Brook gave me phone numbers to fine out where he's at. Got 4 numbers. Richards, Amy and Daniels, Autums and Scotts... Tonight if I'm up around 12 (yes I'm waiting) Brook told me he'd be at Scott's.. I called him before work... ah.. Jakeeta wants me to work Monday and Tuesday for her from 12-8.. she thinks Laura can't handle it and she said we've been having crazy lunches so I said sure.. ... Brook... I told him when he's ready to hear what I have to say to come over because I have it typed up... .... yes I typed up something for him..
I've been called a Hoe... by Yusuke, Hiei AND Kurama.. Jahreee you mine as well join in on the fun. ... I've used Brook.. I guess I really.. did.. well just let things go without really thinking about why I wanted to get involved in the first place. ... ... he gave me numbers... ... ... ah... damn...
... oh no floopy drive yet still.. so I don't know when I'll get to put that stuff I wrote up on here.. maybe never.. I just like typing.. ...
Jakeeta know's alot of people ok all the people on the school board at bulldog town's school so she is pulling strings for me.. so... I might be able to just jump in when school starts instead of having to wait.. thing is the school has already turned down 22 transfers.. that was just.. umm.. last week or last month? so.. but I think I have a good chance of getting one. I can apply for an open transfer in January.. but I can't wait a semster... ... I can't believe Jakeeta is doing this for me..
... ... ... a hoe.. jesus
Talk to me
2004 5 August :: 11.30pm
:: Mood: fine I guess
Well, the reason behind my 'not updating' is because 'we' got a new computer.. I have the old one in my room and have been using it just to type and shit.. and saved it onto a floopy disk.. thing is THIS computer doesn't have a floopy drive -_-+
.. damn.. Brook is driving me crazy.. he had me in tears today.. It's just.. I was all huffy puffy mad at him and he has to go and say shit like that.. he's waiting till I'm 18 so we can go hang and then I was like 18? And he said no not really that he was just waiting for me to go to Bulldog town so I could meet him at subshack during lunch since all the 'cool' people hang there -_-+ and yea.. but there is plenty more but I'm waiting for asshole to get the floopy drive hook up tomorrow to just post it in here because I sure as hell ain't gonna type the shit all back up.
This new computer is called an EMachines? Wal Mart shit..
.. anyway.. I'm not liking it.. I hate AOL 9.0 and.. .. nothing I can do about it..
Talk to me
2004 3 August :: 2.57pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Rasmus-Guilty
Godamnit.. my father .. his health.. he went out in this fucking heat because he is a retard and went to the dump to dump some tree branches he cut off yesterday and then came home and got in the shower and came out like 3 minutes later and sat down on the couch because he couldn't breathe... damnit.. he can't even stand up.. I'm tired of this.. I'm tried of mom having to work because of the money.. I reeeeeally am tired of this.. fucking brother doesn't help out.. now he's supposed to be going back to school.. and now really won't leave.. damnit.. I'm tired of this.. I'm hating Brook but wanting him so bad.. so so bad.. I'm bout to cry.. I'm so fustrated and aggravated.. .. I can't have dad drive me to school.. I need to find a ride.. I called Voglee and she hasn't had time to call.. damnit.. dad had 3 Burritos in the microwave.. there is nothing else to eat... damnit.. .. after I get my school shit ready.. I'm gonna fucking.. just help out here.. damnit.. god.. I hate my brother... I really hate him... I do... I hate how he is...
... I can't take this anymore.. ...
... .... they are gonna start listening to me.. especialy my dad.. he feels so useless but he has to understand his body is just that.. and my mom.. complain complain about work.. she needs to stop.. stop work.. ... it's too much for her.. goddamint.. this isn't fair.. we are supposed to take care of our elders and they just are holding me back but I won't be like my brother... god.. I hate everything.. I really do.. and Brook.. ... .... Brook..
Lyrics to Guilty:
I feel guilty
My words are empty
no signs to give you
I dont have time for you
You say i'm heartless
and you say i do'nt care
I used to be ther for you
and you've said i seem so dead, that i have changed
but so have you
guilty, guilty I feel so
empty, empty you know how to make me feel
i put a shield upon you
i don't mean to hurt you
i would have only poisoned your mind
never meant to make you cry
you've been so thoughtless
i can see right through you
you used to be there for me
so don't you leave and say goodbye
cause you have changed but so have i
I never thought that the time and the distance between us made you so much colder i'll carry the world on my shoulders
... ah.. yep.. ... #2 on their CD Dead Letters...
.. I wrote this last night.. oh Brook didn't call btw.. I called at like 1:20.. let it ring once.. no one called back.. I called him twice today.. around... 1:40 ... no one picked up...
... here it is:
You're the deep water and I can't swim
I've pushed too deep and now I'm in
I want to leave but this water's turned to tar
I try to fight but I can't go far
Molding back into you I can't escape your touch
You silence me like I don't know much
I should of looked and not of touched
Because everything I say to you means too much
I try to talk but can't find the words to
Make you understand how much your world hurts
I'm the moth near the flame
Drawn to it, can't stay away
Light mixing with dark things turn to gray
I've realized now your days won't change
You say I'm different that I can't change you
Then ask me this why am I still with you?
Believe me sir you won't have the answer
Unasked questions lead to disasters
A face full of innocence and a heart so confused
I can't walk away knowing his abuse
Holding in pain he walks around blind
I'm surprised by now he hasn't done time
Keeping silent has never been a plus
For a little Miss who likes to make fuss
The words will come to me one of these days
I just pray to God by then he'll change
Talk to me
2004 3 August :: 2.01am
:: Mood: fine
:: Music: Slipknot-Duality (on TV)
Well, I'll keep this short so I won't wake my mother.. damn this keyboard is loud. I'm trying to press softly but it isn't even helping.
Went to work and around.. 3:20 phone rings and it's Brook.. 'Hi baby!' ... .. I tell him to hand on (I was reading Hank and this other old guy their Horoscopes) went back to the phone... said he hadn't talk to me in a while what was up? .. nothing lol.. and.. Hoobastank had long hair back in the day.. I just found that out.. ewww.. that is nasty hair..
Sis probably ain't taking me Tuesday.. tomorrow .. mom said she'll take me Saturday to OKC if I want.. I have $195 with me.. .. damn.. how'd I save it up? Lol
No call from Mrs. Voglee... I left a message on her phone though...
... Brook said 'when I got home I asked Nathin if I had any messages and then asked if my girl called and he said no, so I called because SOMEONE didn't call me' I was like 'I called' and he was like 'when?' and I was like 'ahh... a couple days ago? Friday? Saturday?' and he said oh. He said he got back on Saturday... lier... He said they went to six flags 4 times and are going back Saturday.. and him and Autum are all buddy buddy now and she has a new ride. He said he was gonna come by.. to 'please' give him 30 minutes (it was reallly hot and it's like probably a 20 minute walk) and so I was like alright bye. So, after like 30 minutes of talking on the phone (was working with Tonna so it was cool) Well, whatever we was dead and then got buisness and an hour passed so I just forgot and then he poped in like around 6:15 I think.. So, I was just busy and running around and sat with him when I could.. but yes.. I was making it clear to him I was ignoring him.. ass.. and yeah.. he said he drove here.. in a green mustang.. that he parked at his grandma's house because I can't see it yet.. that he was gonna give it to me but now is gonna give it to Creg and I was just totally lost.. and then.. it was past 7.. like 7:20 and I was like really needing to get to work.. and I was just up and tending to customers and shit and... only talking with Brook in sessions lol .. but I had been writing that 'when I stumble' stuff on a piece of paper and he wrote something on the back and when I went to read it he said I couldn't untill I was off of work.. problem is.. I left the paper there -_- man was I pissed when I got in the truck and found out the papers I grabbed didn't have that paper with it (I drew a cool picture on it too -__-) ... so oops wonder what it said. He said I had something to say, that he was waiting for me to ask a question that everytime I see him I just shower him with questions.. I said I had something on my mind that I wanted to tell him but didn't know how to say it.. that's my excuse everytime.. I was hot and pissed then though.. plus I was at work. He said he was worse at work and I said yea I know atleast I'm looking at you, talking to you, sitting by you. And he told me to shut up -_- . Well, I asked him if he wanted me to go to his house after work and he said he 'didn't care' and I said well I didn't care and he said that we both couldn't not care because then we was both trying to go to a common point? WTF right? Yea.. but I had a pissy ass face on the whole time I was talking to him.. -_-+ then I said well if I do go to your house I'm not walking there by myself so he said he'd come and get me, not in his car of course because he was gonna have Creg take it to DDR town tonight, so I was like fine and called mom said no so I told him no and he was gonna leave so I checked on my tables, went outside to say goodbye and he was way at the end/corner talking to this white guy wearing sliver sunglasses that had been walking by back and forth the windows all day today. So, I stomped my foot and he heard it (echos) and he said bye to the dude and came to me and he said it was Mitch, the guy who was with Josh.. Josh is one of those twins that got killed in that car wreak... anyway he said he got had a ride now and that i guess it was mitch.. but yea.. and so.. I sad I had to get back to work that I was in trouble and he hugged me and went to kiss me and I just pressed my lips once and pulled away and sighed. He said 'what? What do you expect I haven't seen you in 5 days' and I glared at him and said' I haven't heard from you in 5 days, what do YOU expect?' and he sighed and looked away, and said 'oh so it's my fault now huh?' and I was like I didn't say that.. and .. anyway I sighed and said I had to get back to work and kinda touched his neck and he kissed me and I heard someone behind him so I didn't mean to but I grabbed his bottem lip with my teeth and kinda.. tugged on it? lol I really didn't mean to, honest mistake and he all shivered and called me a punk while I was looking over his shoulder at these people who were at the pizza place. I sighed and kissed him again.. his lips were sweet for some reason.. I don't know what it was.. he wasn't high.. no tabaco... and no alcohol.. I was happy... I started gripping the back of his hair and just.. god.. .. just we started going at it and I just stopped and pushed him away. I mean I pushed him lmao and I was like 'ok I better stop, bye' Lol and he said 'yea you better, alright.. bye' and I walked away and he walked away and.. I was like' call me?' and he said sure. (I told him he coudl call now, and he said 'oh who says?' and I was like me myself and i lol)
Went back to work and turns out Brook was in the back of a truck with that bitch guy driving I think and dad was waiting for me and I went out the door and yelled Brook and he looked up at me and nodded then looked back down at the fishing pole.. .. they turned in the ally.. ... he didn't.. look happy... ... but anyway I had got to thinking, brook said he drove there then when we was outside he said he had a ride now.. wtf? I mean.. lies.. has to be right?
All buddy buddy with Autum? i'm bout to call her..
.. .. damn..
.. I can't believe i have so much money.. mom says she's paying for my hair but doesn't know how much she can give me for clothes... ::sigh::... I wanted brook.. so much in that moment.. and.. he said he had been thinking of me and.. was gonna give me a car? Yea right..
He confuses the hell out of me.. I just.. dont' know... what to do with him..
Mom wouldn't let me go... cha.. oh and dad asked me why brook ignored him.. that he knew he saw him... . lol.. god..
.. I don't know
Talk to me
2004 2 August :: 2.29am
:: Mood: exhasted
:: Music: Japanese CD
Well, I worked with Sonny and Jon today. Damn, Jon. He says I owe him a back rub so I said next time we work night together I would lol...
Haven't heard from Brook.. made $38 in tips today.. pretty nice but busy.
Got home and chilled on my bed listening to Korn and then at 5 (got home at like 3:50, we closed at 2) took a shower and then went to church... I gave my mom a note in the car saying to get my papers from under my bed and for dad to read it off the computer.. while I was at chruch I really didn't think about it.. when I got home found out my brother thinks I'm running away to my boyfriend and my parents wouldn't let him hear them discuss my letter. My eyes are bearly open right now and for some reason I am really hot.
But anyway, they said they understand and that when I'm young and growing up they teach me to be independent and then when I am grown up and independent they don't want me to leave. So.. I can understand that. They understand it and say it's ok, go out and explore the world exprience things. As long as I tell them about it. .. They don't want me to hide anything from them. ... dad says he knows I'm smarter then to get into a car with someone who's been drinking.. well.. no I don't know better.. but.. as long as I'm the one driving lol.. I dont' know.
But it's cool.. they, I think, are pretty much gonna let me do what I want as long as I keep them filled in and call and stuff... we didn't talk about Brook... I'm glad we didn't. Because.. I dont' know what is up with him. Maybe that sex scared him.. but then maybe that's all he wanted.. I dont' think that because it really wasn't anything good lol. Jon said it's messed up Brook ain't callin me.. that he saw him lastnight and yada yada.. .. turns out Brook never left... I have no clue.. but.. I work tomorrow.. and I still dont' know about going to OKC with sis -_-
Mom and dad kept saying I'm very talented and I'm a great writer lmao that is funny. I like the letter I wrote though.. I pretty much didn't change any of it when I rewrote it. Just added a sentence here and there and maybe reworded it. .. but yea.. dad said I cant spell but I write good ^^',\ so true that I cant' spell xD I was taking breakfast orders today and wrote 'sorup' lmao and they all made fun of me! I really know Syrup is spell like that, syrup, but lol heat of the moment I just write down whatever lmao. Jakeeta said I have to change how I write orders lol so the cooks can read them better..
argh. Went fishing with my parents.. just so I could talk.. we really didn't talk.. ended up talking about government and health care -.-' my parents are so in debt with the hospitals.. god.. they are trying to sue us .. and are and.. it's just been a continous thing.. but .. yea.. I didn't catch anything with my rod but ^^when it got dark and mom catfished and dad was just sitting down and well I get the flashlight and go along the shore and lean on the rocks and look into the shallow water at the little cute pierch that come up. And I caught 2 little minno looking fish, real tiny. I snached them up with my left hand ^^ I surprised my dad XD their fault for swimming too close to the top of the water, dudes had a death wish. I mean.. they weren't.. maybe a quarter and a half long and.. like.. a third of a dime wide.. yea.. but man I almost had those bigger fishies! Like as long as a finger and stuff. I had my hand all down around them and everything but they just slipped through my fingers. I'm surprised they didn't run away.. but they let me put my hand over them.. just .. when I touched them they jeted and there was nothing I could do about it lol. ^^ but yes I caugh fishies.. can't wait till next time lol (yes i can).
But I'm going to bed.. I want 12 hours of sleep.. ~_~
Talk to me
2004 31 July :: 10.24pm
:: Mood: fine/thinking
:: Music: TV
Yes, this entry shall be long if I have anything to do with it. I just finished REwriting that 5 page letter and it is just now a bit over 5 pages. (front and back mind you) I will sign off and type it in a word document and copy and paste it in here.. .. my parents are off fishing so now is my best time to type, with them gone. I just.. Don't know when I should give it to them.. I guess I could give it to them before I go to work huh? Or since I am typing it up, go to work, call them, tell dad to bring up doucument blahblah and enjoy your reading material. I think it'll mean more if they read it with my hand writing.. but it'd be easier to read it off a screen. Maybe I'll say 'mom go to my room, on my bed is a stack of papers for you and tell dad to pull up file blah blah and you guys start at the same time and see who finishes first ok? Love ya bye' .. I'm thinking of doing B...
Went to town today.. I'm not gonna get my shoes this week, I want more money for when I go to OKC which I don't even know I'll be able to do now -_- .. the mall was packed.. stupid Saturdays, people don't have anything better to do. Thing was jam packed but atleast I got to see Grant again. Remember that kid? No? OK. Well, anyway I sure as hell wasn't bout to wait forever so I asked to play with him and he said sure, he was 3 coins from the top and then Brent came along and kicked me and just talked talked talked about hacking the machine and they have to swich the chip in the back because it's messed up and they was gonna shut the machine off and I said not before I play lol because I have to leave and he said 'fine after you play and play ghream screams, jumping around, then I'll switch it' then I was like cha lol and then he said 'you are lucky I think you're cute' -_-' Oh, I had just had my hair cut too btw -______- the front is just fine and dandy, very nice... but the back.. is just WAY fucking TOO short and.. my white neck -___- remember how I had my beanie on and I got burnt on the back of my neck? Well my little tan line shows now -.-' ah.. yea but it'll grow.. quickly I hope. But yes played and then left.. Taco Bell and Wal Mart bought Korn's CD.. umm... the one with 'all ya'll want a single' THEN once I played it in the truck found out it was EDITED! >_< so I'm taking it back. They were sold out of Slipknots new CD but hell I'm taking it back to either get the unedited virsion or just get Slipknot and pay the differece -.-'
But anyway that is that.. and... parents had a talk with bro.. and .. well yea.. it went alright.. I ease dropped lol through the wall.. I swear our house is like paper thin.. but anyway I need to start typing this shit up..
11:43 PM
Yep, here it is... like first person perspective to 3rd to 2nd back to first then yea.. it just jumps around.
They got home when I was typing the last page..
New rule mom says.. I can't be on the computer when she works the early shifts.. ::sigh:: I knew it was comming. Doesn't matter, school is starting up soon I won't be able to stay up late anymore anyway.. speaking of that.. I work at 9 tomorrow.. well really at 11 but she said to go in early so I'd get used to it all...
... but back to the letter:
I've come to believe that ever since dad was in the hospital, in ICU for those 4 or 5 days, that my memory has sliped, and along with that, my respect for things. I was pretty calm during that time. I guess it was because I was in shock. I thought about how life would be without my father. My mother would of fallen apart and would of been a walking zombie, that's if she didn't kill herself. My sister would of broken down and it would of either brought her closer to the family she had left, or just shattered her. My brother well, I can't tell you weather he would of been mad at my father for leaving and of had treated him the way he has and missing out on father and son stuff and angry at him for my father making him find things out on his own and just pity himself and hate the world or comfort my mother and morn for my father. Myself; however, never really grasped it. I made myself not think about it. And since that time I haven't taken things so serioiulsy. I let pretty much everything slide and just forget things. Be in my own world. I just thought about myself and all the things I wanted to do. I'll admit I think I'm invencible, you might think that makes me foolish, but no. I might be agnorant to say this, but it's made me wise. I'm the type to look at the big picture. I rarely skim over the details. I've always never seen the point in talking to someone for just a few seconds of their attention, when they won't remember it two hours later. that's why I have next to no friends. I was the same way with my parents. I soon found out that, for example, when I came home from school I would tell them, in detail, about my dad. OK, dad's on the computer, mom's watching reruns on TV, I walk in the door and start blabing about my dad and they both say "not now" "my shows are on" "I'm busy" Not now, we can talk later. Well, they say "later" never comes with me when I say I'll do the dishes later. Well, hell, LATER NEVER COMES WITH THEM EITHER! Either tired or shows or playing games. Even THEN I'd still talk to them but be more then half ignored, not like they'd remember it anyway I thought, but it still feels good just to talk sometimes. It was all cool though. It's just don't say, when I decide to talk to you and you say "no, later" just don't tell me I've had tons of chances to talk, you all haven't made it feel that way. I'm not whining and complaining now, so just shut up and listen to me for a change. So who would I blab to? Laura? Mattie? Martika, Amanda? I tried with them, I really did, but evreyone was too immature and too wrapped up in theirselves to even begin to understand me. Sure they'd listen, but it wouldn't mean anything to them. They'd just go off and tell someone else just so they could get two seconds of that person's attention. I've grown out of that. So, I turned to the Internet where I could speak freely without having to worry about someone telling someone else about it. It didn't matter. they were MILES, STATES away, so it made me feel more secure talk to them. That's why I stayed on the Internet all the time. I mean that was pretty much all I was doing day to day for my life, talking on the computer and watching TV. All my anime and stuff, I look at that, how I was, and it makes me feel so pathedic. I got a job and started talking to more kinds of people and Bethany and Brook added to the mix. I started to miss shows because of work but i just didn't care anymore. It didn't matter if I missed an episode like it did before. TV doesn't matter. And I realized that the people here around me are more real then the Internet. So I spent more time trying to be there for others here where I was. I soon found out I couldn't. The phone was pretty much the only way to talk to these people and I found out I didn't control our phone. So, I really couldn't be there for anyone. I couldn't up up and leave whenever someone needed me, I didn't have a car and how could I ask my parents to take me? Yeah, so I found out that I couldn't be there for people like I wanted to be. I thought, sure if they got fucked up they could crash at my house if they needed somewhere to go, but I realize now my parents would say no because they would be hiding that miner and, even if it was best for that person, my parents could still get in a shit load of trouble and refuse to take that chance. And that's ok, they are right. but it makes me feel so useless not to be able to be there for the poeple I'm tyring to get close with. and I understand I really can't be there for someone until I'm out on my own, Have my own car. and have a cell phone or something. I can understand that. and when I started to tell my parents little problems at school, they just stressed over it and just made it a way more bigger deal out of it then it really was. So I stopped bothering them with stupid little, pointless problems just to get their attention for awhile. So I just quit talking? Still sounds like I'm a goddang boohoo baby right? Shut up and read on. It's just, I finnaly found some people I get along with, have fucked up backgrounds but it's made them mature. You guys refuse to let me spend time with them because of their backgrounds. Oh I'm whining again right? Well, when I finnaly want to hang out with them, you say no, I do it anyway, and just like that, boom, I'm a bad kid all of a sudden. Parents look at me and say "how could I have let my daughter be friends with such a bad influence" well, hell, that in turn makes my parents look bad. But if they'd took the time to listen to me blabber, they would of known where I was at. I understand it was wrong for me to go witout word, but hell, I was bored. I understand that if I was cought with them, even if I was clean, it would be on record. I understand you guys don't want me to be the way you guys where. I understand you don't want me to make mistakes that you guys can just rather shield me from, but when you where my age you learned from your mistakes. And I see how your parents let you do, from my understanding, whatever the hell you wanted to, and maybe that made you feel neglected and maybe that makes ya'll feel that you dont' want me to feel that way towards you guys, but what you guys don't understand is that I've learned from your mistakes. Everyone around me's mistakes. Why have I just sat back and watched? Because I wasn't allowed to go out on my own and make'em. And that's fine with me. I see that last year, even months ago I wasn't as mature as I am now. I understand I learn something new everyday but it's becomming more and more limited. Everything I've learned while sitting back and watching has turned into values now. When an animal is backed into a corner it's gonna run and break through whatever's in it's way. When I had a chance, I took it. Got cought right after but it's not like I was trying to hide. I don't want to hide from my parents. I want permission so I won't feel any guilt. And I do feel guilt. I know their bodies can't take all of this, and reading this far might even stress them more. I was told they might be too far gone to understand me completely but I refuse to NOT try. Understand that I always try. Always have hape. Because I'm too stupid to live in the real world I guess. I don't mean to stress them out but I've come to my end. I try to speak up, but they think I've flipped and have been brainwashed by a man I'm supposeidly head-over-heals in love with. When really, it's me. Just me trying to get them to have empathy with me, understand me. They never listen till the end, always inturpting then I'd attack that and then they'd attack something and it'd just turn into yelling, screaming even. I've never have been one to talk that way. Tears would start to fall for no reason and my words would be broken and I wouldn't be able to talk, just scream something every now and then. that's why I'm writing now. Hoping I won't leave anything out. I'm trying to get you to understand me, I'm not trying to complain and whine to you. I'm not saying you've been bad parents, that I don't get what I want, i'm not saying that. I've been happy, always enjoying everthing I do. From pressing a key on a keyboard to working for no money to even just shitting. Every single thing I do, I've done, I enjoy. My temper might flare quickly but just as sudden I calm back down. No point in staying upset. I always believe there is something better, maybe that's why you feel like I'm not satisfied. It's ture, I'm not. I know I can be better, smarter, have more. I'm a selfish bitch, but that doesn't make me nieve. I understand that you guys don't want me to make the mistakes you have made and don't want me to go through the pain and shit you've been through. But you guys have to let me go sometime.
Sure you say when I'm 18, well, I've been holding on for a year, three years with no change and I'm at my end. I need change and I'm ready for it. You both have made mistakes and have recovered from them just fine. I already think i'm smart enough and won't make any serious mistakes, but then I understand I haven't been fully out in that world and might bite off more then I can chew but you have to let me do that and learn from it. If you guys are worryed I'll stress you with my problems and mistakes, I'll tell you this now, If I make a mistake I'll kick myself in the ass and not come crying to you to fix it. I'll deal with it myself. If I ever get in over my head, you all should know I'm too loud mouthed to not bitch to you about it. I'm not saying I've never made any wrong decisions, I'm just saying I've never made any bad ones. I know you all worry because i'm all gidy around guys and act all stupid, it's just the way I am now, not just around guys. I got so used to always being loud and squeeky and stupid just to get laughter out of you that it kinda stuck with me. and you can't base how a person is by just a few sitcuations you've seen them in. Like those guys at the mall and all this running off and not calling. And you can tell it's been past a month now I've been like this. I had started to reach my end. I began to realize I wasn't going to Arizona. It was a reality check slap in the face. I was just a selfish asshole for wanting you guys to up and move, but there is always something better and I thought we all could use a fresh start. I understand I was rude to expect a move and my heart just shattered when I thought of wasting another year at this school. I refused to think of it and realized there was nothing I could do about it. Education is extremly important to me. I'm always learning from people. Going to Cache will give me more of that opportunity I want and the chance to learn about things I really have an intrest in. I can be content with that for now, but not with the way things have been. All the fighting, arguing. Why can't we just admit our love for each other and hlep ourselves out? I know I love you all and I don't really see any point in the way we have been towards each other. No one should owe anyone anything and everyone should just pitch in to help when it's needed. Why can't we just make it that simple? I know you are still worryed about me running off, but like the elders say, "better to let them go and know where they are then for them to go and not know where they are" I know you don't want to let me go, you don't want to let me make mistakes and get hurt, but i feel like a mime. I'm in an invisible box. You have to let go of my hand and give me some space. Just give me a chance, you say you have, but really put it out there for me, let me taste it. And if I screw up you can rub it in my face all you want, but you'll just have to kiss my forehead and let me go back out there. I know I'll be your babygirl always, and I want to always be able to take your hand. Just give me the chance I want. You guys have been pushing me away and I'm sorry, I just can't go with you angry and confused about me. I want you to understand me. And giving me this chance won't make us more distant, I'm hoping it'll bring us closer together. I love you all and I know we love each other we just need to take a deep breath and take a break from each other and start over fresh. Being the way we have isn't good for any of us, and i know we all don't like it. Just please, I want a chance and I want this stupid fighting to end. If I stumble, I won't reach out for your hand to balance myself, I'll fall down flat on my face, and maybe your hand can pat me ontop of my head but I'm gonna get back up on my own. And I promise, if I stumble and there is a cliff, I promise I'll take hold of you hand so I won't fall to the bottem. It's just, I've grown up faster then you've wanted me to, but you just can't ignor that. You have to come to terms with it now. I dont' want to be drivin away like my sister. And I know you guys'll say "and what if we say no to giving you this chance, little Missy?" Well, I'll cry, whine, throw a fit, but I won't leave. I'm not gonna run away. I'm going to stay and whine and cry until you see it my way. I won't leave, I don't want to leave, I love you both. It's just I need more space. And when school starts up it's the perfect time to get my chance. I know you guys won't be there keeping an eye on me, but trust me, I'll fill ya in on what's going on. I know you guys are worried about me being so sheltered and thinking that once I get a good amount of slack on that leash that I'll want to try out these all new expierences, like drugs and shit. Well, I'll tell you this. I think it was last year or even before that I tried drinking because there was nothing else to do, I got bored. I quickly became additced. Always craving it, but it didn't last very long. I quit. I made myself stop. I knew it was bad and I didn't really need that kind of shit scrwing up my life. I Quit on my own. And i know better then to try drugs because I'm sure once I do, I'll be addicted to them even worse then alcohol. I'll be honest and admit I still have cravings for alcohol, i've had tons of chances to drink or try "some" but I don't, because I don't want to fall into something I'll need help comming out of. So please give me credit for my maturity. I deserve it and I think I deserve a real chance. And you guys might be thinking something happened to me or someone said something to me to make me speak up and say all these things but no, it's been inside for a long time. I'm just asking for some understanding. You can't always believe everything bad that's happned to you is gonna happen to me and I'm not saying it won't, it's just a chance.
Talk to me