"skaters by their very nature are urban guerillas: they make everyday use of the useless artifacts of the technological burden, and employ the handiwork of the government/ corporate structure in a thousand ways that the original architects could never dream of." Craig Stecyk 1976
It's Better To Be Loved For Who You Are Than Not For Who Others Want You To Be!
Live Life To The Fullest Cause You Only Live Once!!! Party!!!

It's A Itzy Bitzy Tiny Weeny Yellow Poca Dot Bikini!! LMAO!!

!Taken By Kelsey! and Married to my babes...Anne and Amber!

J/J we are soo screwed up! I love it! haha!


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:: 2004 10 January :: 11.44am
:: Mood: Chipperz
:: Music: How low can you go?

I went to Rich's last night. Mike was there and of course ms. anne. We hanged around and played video games and watched movies. Mike, anne, and I kept screaming at the wrong parts on a scary movie. hehe. it was fun and Rich kept running around the living room acting like an idiot. It was funny.
Later Nick came over and we started to watch VH1's 100 hotties. The guys liked it a lil too much. Well Anne and I did too. lol. After a bit Kyle came over too.
After the shows and all we all went in Anne's room and we wreseled and stuff and the guys got anne and smacked her bum really hard! It hurt soo much. Then they came after me and did it. I was like noooo! I punched and tried to squrim away, but there was no way of doing it. SO my bum got hit. it hurt forever. Then nick and Mike did it again to me. Gr!
Around 9:30 we went to Bruster's and got ice cream. it was fun. After that we went to Kyle's so he cna get his shoes and to anne's mom's house to let the dogs out. I played w/ Rich's drums when we were there and Mike was flirten w/ me a lot. I didn't like it too much. When we were heading back to their dad's house there was a big bang! Something hit the car. we couldn't figure out what it was until we saw slime coming down the window. We got egged!!!!! LOL! MIke and Kyle were like turn back, we're gonna fight 'em. But we never turned back. it was great.
Then we just hanged around the house and had some more fun. then I went home.

I needed that fun to forget a certain someone who is being a gay person right now. I just give up about it. She (you) won. I don't wanna mess w/ this no more. It's stupid. Get over yourself. OK I am done now.


4 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2004 8 January :: 4.14pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Blink182- Miss you

Aerobics is sOoO Cool!!
On the bus we called the Oldies Station, and got in again, and this time another caller was talking about Anthony (Goatman) it was sooo great! I went to American Goverment and I sit far away from Amanda and Priya. It bites! But at least I gwt to talk to them when he gets tired of teaching Yay! I went to Aerobics with Courtney, and wow there were 2 cute guys in weight training. Greg was one of them, the other one I dont know who he was. Courtney and I talked that whole Prd, it was great. Plus I got to watch guys play basketball! Hehe! After that I went to math, and Grrr she bothers me so much, she was close to tears that she couldn't be in the picture! So I fell asleep in that class Haha! I went to Spainsh next, and this time Rich was with me. I swear Nike S is going to be gay! But he would make a good shopping partner Hehe! On the bus, we talked about Kyle and Michelle S, if anyone knows whats with those to please fill me in! Will write later!!

2 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2004 7 January :: 3.58pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: Linkin Park- Somewhere I belong

School! Grr!
Like I said I was wake from 12 till 5:17, but I wasn't tired it was odd. Hehe! Went to school. When I was walking to Bio this pigeon was like sitting on a window ledge and it scared the crap out of me it was huge!! LoLz! I went to Bio and found out that I did good in my Exam, so now I have an A+ in that class! Yay! Kyle was making fun of how easily scared I was, but now I have something on him, for he has the lowest grade in Bio Haha! Went to English next, nothing really happened in that class. Went to math, and found out that I did really really bad in my math Exam, but my overall grade is a C- which is not that bad. In Bus. we talked about terrorists it was actually pretty cool. Rick was asking guys if they would ever eat out a girl and he found out that most black guys say no, and all the white guys say yea. It was kinda weried/funny. Rick kept on putting his trench coat over me, and I kept on messing up on my typing Hehe! On the bus we were talking about Cheaper By the Dozen and Anthony and I were making funny of the little wiggers. It was funny! I did something else that night but I can't remember, and this time I actually slept LoLz!

WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2004 8 January :: 3.44pm
:: Mood: good

I got soo many compliments on my skirt today. yay! I felt special..but n e ways....

Guess who is annoying the crap outta me?!!!! I'm sorry i keep complaining about it but i would too if it happens to you. OK..I'll stop a lil bit....hehe

I was soo glad i got to talk to *him* last night. it made me feel soo much better. I was worried about "us" and after talkin w/ *him* it made things more clear and better so yea...

I'm ready to quit school. leave it behind and go on w/ my life, but nope. that can't happen and it totally sucks. wouldn't it be neato if life was just a party? I would love it. Drinking and dancing all day and stuff. it would get tiring though..o well.


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:: 2004 6 January :: 3.50pm
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: Darkness- I believe in a thing called love

My Dad woke me up early today (9), so I can get back into the rythem of school, when he left I went right back to sleep for another hour Hehe! Got up and did the weeding around the house, then went to the mall, so I can spend my Christmas money, and some leftover B-day money! Yay! Im rich! Hehe! There were a lot of slaes and I got some cute stuuf I saw Erin and Ward there. There were a lot of cute guys there today! Hehe! We went to go get some coffee, and then to the House of Drums, so I could pick up my brother's symbols. Picked Rich up, and left Mike on the driveway (LoLz Mike!) and went to Dad's house. Ate dinner then went to the tanning booth. Some guy called me a supermodel! Yay! Hehe! They changed the candy in the tanning place, so I was all happy Haha!! Went to bed when I got back from that which was a t 9. I slept till 12 then I was awake the whole time till my Dad come in at 5:17 a.m. It suxed!

WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2004 7 January :: 4.23pm
:: Mood: Questioning
:: Music: Kelis:Milk Shake

Whut do you think of Milkshake?Either you hate it or love it

1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2004 7 January :: 4.21pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: lol

I kno the tru meaning of this, do you?


Milk Shake

My milk shake brings all the boys to the yard,
and there like,
its better than yours,
damn right its better than yours,
i can teach you,
but i have to charge

I know you want it,
the thing that makes me,
what the guys go crazy for.
They lose their minds,
the way i wind,
i think its time

la la-la la la,
warm it up.
the boys are waiting

My milk shake brings all the boys to the yard,
and there like,
its better than yours,
damn right its better than yours,
i can teach you,
but i have to charge

i can see youre on it,
you want me to teach the
techniques that freaks these boys,
it can't be bought,
just know, thieves get caught,
watch if your smart,

la la-la la la,
warm it up,
la la-la la la,
the boys are waiting,

My milk shake brings all the boys to the yard,
and there like,
its better than yours,
damn right its better than yours,
i can teach you,
but i have to charge

Once you get involved,
everyone will look this way-so,
you must maintain your charm,
same time maintain your halo,
just get the perfect blend,
plus what you have within,
then next his eyes are squint,
then he's picked up your scent,

warm it up,
the boys are waiting,

My milk shake brings all the boys to the yard,
and there like,
its better than yours,
damn right its better than yours,
i can teach you,
but i have to charge.

WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2004 6 January :: 1.28pm
:: Mood: Bumed (sp?)
:: Music: switchfoot : I don't belong here

the last 24 hours
OK soooo... a lot has happened over the last 24 hours or so i guess. Well...I didn't go to the movies and that really bummed me out for the rest of the night b/c I really need to get outta this house.

BL is annoying the crap outta me and he has only called 2 times. I don't get it. He's not doing anything wrong, but he's really pissing me off.

My family and I are going through yet another money crisis. we might have to sell a car if it gets any worse. I dunno....I hate it when this happens and this one is the worst of them all too. My mom is all moody b/c of what's happening w/ the money thing and the stuff about my grandpa's will and so is my dad w/ all that and that he may loose his job. Soooo when this all happens it means to me that I have to lay back and not go anywhere for a while that has to deal w/ money unless I pay for it myself, but I don't have money...at least not a lot.

Alan kinda got mad at me b/c I told him I was trying to go to the movies and i ended up not being able to. I forgot to call him and tell him, so he spent the night there waiting for me, but he wasn't alone. He had his friend w/ him. I didn't know he was gonna go anyways, that's why I didn't call in the first place.

Today I did the Spanish extra credit. Damn, it was confusing. Making Churros is messy and kinda complicating if you don't have the picture. O well...i made them and hope that they don't taste too nasty.

I gotta practice my drums now. I'm getting bored of it. But hey I might have to quit that for a while too, so that my family can save money. Lata


WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2004 5 January :: 9.55pm
:: Mood: lazy
:: Music: Michelle Branch- Everywhere

When we woke up Ali and I watched Santa Clus 2. Then Ali left and Kelsey and I went online, and I watched Local Boys (Good movie so far lots of cute surfer guys!!) I then dropped Kelsey off at her house and went to the tanning booth. Then I watched Local Boys and went to bed.

3 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2004 4 January :: 9.53pm
:: Mood: ditzy
:: Music: Linkin Park- In the End

Woke up early and picked Amanda and Kelsey up to go to Subway to get our lunch. At Subway A-bo was there, so he knew exactly what my Dad wanted on his Sub. To bad the guy who likes me was not there then we could have gotten free cookies Hehe!! Ali was at my Dad's house when we got there, so we left on the boat, we laid out the whole time. When we got to the beach we ate, and then jumped in the water was sooooo cold!!! I was gasping when I got in!! Ali said it was like Titanic water LoLz! But we managed to get there! On the beach we walked around then we played in the sand like lil kids it was great! On the way back we tanned and listened to music. Ohh yea Kelsey and Amanda got to drive they did very good!! When we got to my Dad's house we docked, and washed it. We then waited for my Mom to bring my car over. When she come we dropped Amanda and Kelsey off so they could get their stuff to sleep over. We then dropped Amanda off at home, cuz she couldn't sleep over, for it was her brother's B-day! We then went to Mariatees to get food, then to Ali's to get her stuff, then back to Dad's house for pizza. At home Ali and I went in the hot tub and pool. We were messing by the fire place! We were making the fire hiss and then we stated dancing it was fun!! We watched Wild Wild West, then some other t.v shows, then went to bed.

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:: 2004 3 January :: 9.52pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: Switchfoot- Ment to live

Flea Market then Coffee
We woke up earlier to go to the Flea Market with my Dad, so I could get pictures for my room. I drove all the way to that which is in Fort Myers, and my Dad was starting to to freak us out, cuz he was like "Dont leave me, and if we get separated call me." "Look at all the bars on all the shops!" It was funny, but freaky. When we got there we walked around and picked out pictures. When we found some, and were paying for them Kelsey and I were making the fan blow into our shirts which made us look fat we were getting so many looks from people LoLz! We ate some fries and Funnel Cakes, yum yum!! We then went to Beat Nicks to meet up with Amber. Bonnie and my mom come too. That was fun we talked and made fools out if ourselves when we ran outside, and I screamed when a motorcycle passed us!! We walked to Blockbusters and got Local Boys. Then I dropped Kelsey and Amanda off at Kelsey's house for Amanda, Kelsey, and Ali were going to come on my Dad's boat with us tomorrow, and I needed an early night, so I slept by myself.

WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2004 2 January :: 9.22pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: Yellowcard- Breathing

I meet Blaine!!
Today I went to the movies with Amanda, Amber, and Kelsey. We meet up with Blaine (The guy I meet through Kayla that I talked to for like 2 years, but never meet him until today.) We saw Cheaper by the Dozen. It was a cute movie. Blaine was cute, but I dont think he is my type at all, besides Im holding out for someone that I really like. After the movie we walked to Applebees, but there was a 30min wait, so we decide to walk to Toco Bell, but we saw IHOP on the way, so we stop there. In IHOP some 50 year old guy was looking at Amanda. The waitress come over to us and said "Oh our cook think your cute (To Amanda) so if he keeps walking by that why thought Amanda was cute and he kept on walking by thats why. I was did not see him, so I was like "Omg is he cute?" Kelsey who had seen the guy almost spat out her drink and she made a funny noise too!! LoLz! It was too funny! Well he turned put to be this 50 year old!! Ewwww!! Poor Amanda!! After that we went to Toco Bell, and Blaine called me there and said that Travis really wanted to meet me and my friends. Blaine also said that we were cute, and that I was just what he had pictured! Which is good cuz him, his brother, and his friends said I was hot, sooo Yay!! When we were walking out to get to my car Amber tripped and like ran her hands down Amanda's butt when she was falling!! I dont know what it is about Amanda that just make people go crazy LoLz!! We dropped Amber off, and went to my house for a Slumber party LoLz!! We stayed up talking and laughing and freaking our selves out, cuz Kelsey looked like the girl form The Ring!! Ahhhh!! Went to sleep sometime around 4.

WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2004 4 January :: 1.29pm
:: Music: and i'm back..from outter space...lalala

My vacation was the best yet. Snowboarding is sooo easy. I'm in love w/ it. My knee is all bruised though from falling and my face is scraped from doin tricks. I love it though....

Haven't had this feeling in a long time. The longing, teh wanting, the needing. It's been a while. *You* brought it all back. I have the joy again. Could this be it though?? Are you the thing that has been missing? Are you the beholder?

This feeling, it's great. It's been a while. 4 yrs ago this feeling grasped me. Your smile, your lips, your thoughts, your touch, your everything...I love it. I love you. Holy mother of pearl. You made my break. You made my life.

That one last night though, that was a killer. what you did geez....pleasure?? Hell no it wasn't. More like pain thank you. Some of it was enjoyable though.
What I really loved was the night before that. That was memerable (sp?). I felt actually loved and it felt right. Having a feeling taht feels right is not normal for me.

1 week and 2 days. that's all it has been. Seems like I'm on cloud 9. You brought more smiles to me than I could ever think of. You have me feel needed and loved w/out having it seem weird for me to reject you. No guy has ever really done that.
But who should I reveal my "dreamweaver" to? All me friends can't keep secrets. One of my friends went through the same thing. My perspective on her has changed.

I can't get him out of my mind. He's on my mind and my mind is on him. Hasn't been like this in a long time. I've waited for so long to have you. Now I do. Your all mine to have to enjoy. I'm scared it will end. I shudder of teh thought. I'm afraid my life will shadder when it ends. 7 yrs I've wanted you to notice me and you do an dyou want me. It's lovely.

Where out thou Romeo?Is no longer a question . I have found my Romeo....


4 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2004 4 January :: 12.33pm
:: Mood: amused and sad
:: Music: Lithium by Nirvana

yesterday was interesting....lol. my hair is no longer blonde, its like dark but still has blonde in it. that took 2 hours.then i had plans w/ friends to go to Beatniks which i kept but i didnt wanna...i wanted to be somewhere else w/ someone else. i then talked to another friend when i got home and found stuff out and that made me think. i hate thinking about crap. then my parents come home in a cab w/ 2 friends who are absolutly hilarious when they are trashed all they wanted to do was fight and then run away! they left around 3......i laughed. i bet they arent feeling very good right now. i have to go back to skool tomorrow...i dont wanna.i have a math project that i will do last minute that is in the back of my mind.packers are playing Seattle today so i have my fingers crossed. byes

2 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2004 1 January :: 9.04am
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Yellowcard- Only One

New Year!
Hey! Happy New Year everyone! My New Year was fun I went to Kelsey's house with Rich and my Mom. Theresa (Caleb's Mom), Erin (Kelsey's sister), Bonnie (Kelsey's Mom), and of course Kelsey and I were all there! We set of fireworks which were fagets compared to the ones across the street! Haha! But it was all good! We hang out with Mike and his 12 year old cousin Chris. Who liked really familiar to me! Kelsey was buzzed cuz she had 4 glass of champagne and when you dont drink a lot, that can affect you! Hehe! She was really loud, and hitting on Mike, but then Chris started hitting her and set off a bunch of fire works right next to her! But Mike's Mom come out and was like its 2:30 no more fire works! Hehe! I told Mike not to give Kelsey anything even if she was asking him for stuff, and I also told him not to mind if she hits on him. He said he wouldn't. When Chris's Mom come out I was like "Wow, she looks really familiar too!" Turns out she used to work out at the Daycare, and that means I know Mike's cousin Jason, cuz he went to the Daycare too. He was cute I wonder if he still is now. Hehe! Mike got Kelsey's and my number and screen names. We hung out there till 3 then we went home, and I went online. Online I was talking to Travis (Blaine's older brother), Jeremy, and Mike. Mike was soooo hitting on me!! It was unbelievable!! Like some of the stuff he was saying you guys would not believe!! You will have to ask me cuz I don't want to have strangers reading it Hehe!! Thats how bad it was!! He is cute though Hehe! That day I had lunch with Kelsey and her family and one of Erin's friends for Erin's 17th B-day lunch it was yummy and I almost won in pool! We went to Outlooks and got some cute lil panties (Knickers LoL Erin, Kelsey, and Bonnie!) After that we went to Kelsey's house and washed the car, watched "Sea Biscuit" which was a cute/good movie! We went to Kyle B house and then I left to go to my house. At my house Kyle and Kyle's Mom Frankia come over for dinner. Kyle had his hair all sprayed and it was sticking all over his hear like a peacock!! He kept on scaring me when I was typing this entry!

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:: 2003 26 December :: 10.27pm
:: Music: jets:gonna be my girl??

..::Fun My ass!..:
OK I've been working my bum off on my x-mas gift casandra got me... auntie anne's prestezls (sp??, don't care). It's a kit that you can make at home. If ur ever in the mall w/ me i love to go to the store and buying and eating them soo much! It says It's fun..yea, fun my ass! It's hard! I hate it. I can't make the preztel shape dude! O well. I gave up on it. I'm gonna try it later. I put it in the fridge.

Jeremy came over. He surprised me w/ a gift. he made my day. that kid is awesome sometimes. His mom and I talked forever. It was great.

That's my day..I'm gonna go and get outta this dump. I'm gone. Gone on a plane to somewhere w/ *Alan* ;) hehe...i'll be good i promise! Well...maybe for a lil bit! lol. Lata!


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:: 2003 21 December :: 7.18pm
:: Mood: Lazy!
:: Music: Starting Line- The Best of Me

Quiz thingie!
I had a lazy day today it was great! I did a lil Quiz thing hope you guys like it!

Birthplace: South Hampton, England
Last place you traveled: Keys
Eye Color: Dark Green and Dark Brown (They Change)
Height: 5ft
Weight: 100lbs

Your heritage: English and Germany
The shoes you wore today:Skechers (I need new shoes!)
Your hair: Blonde
Your weakness(es): Not seeing things (LoL Kelsey when I was driving!)
Your fears: Lizards, frogs, and cockroaches! Ewww!
Your perfect pizza: Bacon, cheese, pepperiones, sauages, and that garlic sauce stuff! Yummy!
One thing you'd like to achieve: Pass the I.B program with A's and B's

What is-
Your most overused phrase on AIM: Huh? and What?
Your thoughts first waking up: Im cold, I dont wanna get up.
Your current worry: Not being able to find good X-mas presants for people!
Your plans tomorrow: Mall and thats really it.
Your best physical feature: Uhhh lots of people say I have a good smile, sOoO I dont know I will use that.
Your bedtime: School nights not after 12p.m. and Weekends anytime I want as long as I dont wake up anyone else.
Your greatest accomplishment: Getting a 6 on one of my Florida Writes thing cuz I hate writing and spelling!

Do you-
Cuss: Only when Im mad.
Do you think you've been in love: Uhhh nope I dont think so.
Want to get married: Yes
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Sometimes
Like to take baths: Yea
Get motion sickness: Nope, I only did once and I was really lil and my dogs got sick too!
Like talking on the phone: Depends on who it is.
Like thunderstorms: Not if Im sleeping and its really loud!
Play an instrument: Nope
Workout: Yea, but I haven't for a while.
Like reading: Depends on the book, but yea I do.

Body part: Arms and Tummy on a guy.
Kind of fruit: Strawberries and Bannannas
Music to fall asleep to: Uhh something soft I guess.
Time of the day: Anytime
Car: Focus!! My lil Baby!! I love you!
Number: 13
Thing to do right before bed: Uhh sleep.
Thing to say when you're mad: I cuss quite a lot and I say Grrr! Hehe!
Horror movie: I dont like them!
Colors: Light blue, yellow, pruple, and pink

The future-
Age you hope to be married: Any age before 35 and after 23
Numbers and Names of Children: I dont know yet.
Describe your Dream Wedding: I dont know yet, but it will be pretty!
How do you want to die: In my sleep.
Where you want to go to college: Somewhere in England.
What do you want to be when you grow up: Uhh I haven't given it much thought.
What country would you most like to visit: England, Austrillia, California, and New Zealand

Opposite sex-
Best eye color: Blue or green
Best hair color: Any color thats like not green or something
Short or long hair: Any lenght as long as he doesn't look like a girl! Cough Cough Kyle! Hehe!
Best personality trait: Humor
Best articles of clothing: Shirt and pants. I guess.
Best first date location: Where-every
Best first kiss location: Where-every

I eat: Enough
I think: Uhhh???
I am: A dork!
I loathe: Nothing!
I adore: You!
I suck at: Everything!
I am obsessed with: My car!
I can: Read! Yea!
I can't wait: For someone to throw a really good party!
I am annoyed with: My dryness.
I miss: My car's sercert name! (Its a person name!)

4 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 25 December :: 5.57pm
:: Mood: annoyed

..:Damn it all!:..
Dudes listen up or rather read this..lol. Journals are to write w/evas and say w/eva you wanna say. What ppl want in return is support to that subject and positive things. NOt to comment evil things and be bitches. How evil!!! I mean why do ppl have to be soo cruel and destroy what that person was feeling and expressing to ppl. ya know? I don't write evil comments and if i do I at least be nice and leave a name. But you know ppl are soo immature these days and cruel. Gosh...I remember in Elem. I got teased and tortured by ppl. Now i'm just ahhh... well still the tortured person but i tease ppl now. In a nice way now. I wont make the same mistake and tease someone w/out knowing how they really feel. Sorry ARR....
Come to think about it having a journal is a dangerous thing. I mean you write what you feel a that moment in time, even though you may not feel the same later, ppl critisize about it soo terribly. It hurts at times b/c they just don't understand. PPL w/ close minds always open their mouths. It sucks.
I think in the end having a journal really sucks. all it does is open up hurt and pain. I guess its a chance we'll all have to take in this online community that we have here...


1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 25 December :: 1.25am
:: Mood: X-masy

Well, ive already gotten my presents a week ago but im still happy...happy that x-mas is gunna be over lol! Sorry.....ok well im in Washington and ill be in Wisconsin soon but then i will return home right before skool starts to make things extra fun! sorry im so bleak..its been a tuff x-mas and im actually really looking forward to it being over. ill be happier next journal i swear. lol ttyl byes all and although im bitching about it have a merry x-mas and new year(get lucky but dont tell me about it) lol byes

3 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 24 December :: 3.26pm
:: Mood: exhausted

Tired of all this bullshizznit
2nd best, 3rd best, 4th best....etc., that's all I'll ever be to the people that I care about. Never will I be the top of their list. There's always someone above me, most of the time there's people. It hurts. It sux. I hate it. It's an evil thing.
To Casandra, Jess is before anyone. She invited me to go to the movies the other tonight, but as it turns out, she's using me as an excuse to go to the movies w/ Jess. My mom wouln't let her go see him b/c she thinks she's been spending to much time w/ him already. I feel used. It wont even be that enjoyable b/c they bitch at eachother all the damn time. I hate it. It's not fun to hear. It sends stress on me. She will never understand. She's more stubborn than me. Yea, I know, it's hard to believe, but start believeing. Jess sends a bad attitude on Casandra. He's doesn't mean to. I want them to stop going out. In the long run it will be for the best. Their not right for eachother. Her attitude sux so much french (wee) monkey bum. I wanna smack her like a stick. I'm tired of it. It's stressful on me and I don't wanna be aprat of it.I'm done, I'm threw, I'm finished w/ all this bullshit.


2 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 20 December :: 5.18am
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Ben Jelen- Come on

Party! No Party :o( Oh well!
Hey! My family left to go to the mall and the movies and I was supposed to go to a party with Kelsey, but when I called "her" I was told that they were still looking for a house, so I wasn't going to wait all day, so I asked Kelsey if we could go to the mall and then if we got a call form them then we would just be picked up from the mall. We went to the mall and never did get a phone call from them so we tagged along to the movies and saw Lord of the Rings 3 which was good, of course all of those movies were good soo yea. When I was driving to the movie with everyone (My Mom, Dad, Rich, Kelsey, and Kyle) these two guys next to us were soo cheaking me out and Kelsey, Kyle, and Rich were waving at him. They weren't even cute! After the movie I *almost* keyword there ran into one of those concerte things. Hehe! Then when I dropped Dad's pots off at his house we saw that Jordon was having a bonfire! So at dinner that night we called her, we were going to tell her to remain clam and that the fire department were on there way. But her mom said she was sleeping my mom was like "Oh noo she's not she is out battling the fire!" It was funny! We called "Jessica" and the reason why they never called or picked us up was cuz someone started drinking before he was supposed so he couldn't drive. Thats really it! Byez!

WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 22 December :: 7.18pm
:: Mood: loved

..:*:..Today, My Monday day...wee!..:*:..
It was iight in the begining, I cleaned and watched a movie. Then when it got awesome was when Casey and Logan called me up to go sk8 at both of the Gulf schools. SO I was like iight. I sk8ed 3 miles to go there for them...bitches...lol When I go there I was tired dawg. I just sat most of the time.
Casey and Logan were acting soo weird and i finally got it out of 'em. They said that someone that knows me sent Casey porn pics of me. The chick actually looks like me too, they say n e ways. I was like hella no! lol....someday casey, someday.
Casey fell bad though. I was sad for him ,he just laugher, the LOSER! Logan called Joe Berry up and he came over and skated a lil. Jeff was there playing tennis w/ Dane and some russian dude. I played tennis w/ em. Casey and Logan jumped in w/ their sk8 brds. It was sooo funny! They couldn't hit the ball at all...
I had my mom pick me up.. there's no way I will sk8 3 miles again, for no one. lol. Hella nos!

IIght, i'm leaving. Farewell. Ta Ta...


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:: 2003 21 December :: 9.57pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: jets: wont you be my girl?

OK Friday totally sucked. Jeremy and Gin bailed on me like a sack of potatoes. Grr!!! My mom kinda saved my night. Her and I went to the movies and saw Stuck on You, then we went to Gin's to surprise her w/ her gift. Yay! That was my Friday.

On saturday I went to my aunt's house to go horseback riding. It was sssooo much fun. She got a new horse, so now she has 4 horses. Dang! It doesn't like turning left. lol. So 3 rights make a left. hehe We had a bombfire going and I did the marshmellow thang. I came home around 11 pm. I felt really sick when I got home though. I have food poisining! eekk! I threw up all night and never fell asleep. I talked to Josh that night though. I love that kid to death. He's soo great dude. I'm glad we're talking now.

This morning i was too sick to go to church, so i slept in. Then BL and I went to dragon mart, the mall, wendy's, and then to my grandma's house b/c she was having a party for the boat parade which is annual. BL didnt stay. I didn't want him too n e ways b/c *alan* was there. He and I talked and shizznit. He still likes me. He's soo great. I love him to death too. He's gonna go to Virginia w/ me this weekend. yaya! He's a good fighter. We watched his tape. woo!

well I feel better now. I have 3 guys that I can have, but there's reason's why I wont follow threw. W/ BL..well I don't really like him n e more. W/ Josh..well he lives in Fortlauderdale. I'll never c the dude. With Alan..well I dunno. We wont really c eachother either, but There is more of a chance that i'll go out him. I wanna. I always have. Ok..Jess and Davy are sleepin over! So I g2g goes. lata balla.

4 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 19 December :: 7.31am
:: Mood: Happy then worried
:: Music: Yellowcard- Way away

I went to the movies with Kelsey and some other people in a limo! Yea, it was pretty cool. We were supposed to be there at 5:00, but they got lost, soo we ended up seeing a total different movie at like 6:00! Hehe! When we got there we had this really really nice guy buy us the tickets, cuz it was rated-R. We watched "The Last Samuria" it was very gory, but good. One of the people we were with was acting kinda depressed, so I was kinda worried for him. At a traffic light we were trying to get this truck driver to honk his horn, and he just walks out of the limo on to his truck and honks it! The guy in the truck was mad, and he was a big big guy! It was funny, but freaky. When they left Kelsey, Me, Rich, Kyle, and my Mom went to Blockbusters and rented some movies. Watched some Faulty Towers than I dropped Kelsey and Kyle off at their house and went to bed.

3 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 20 December :: 11.14am
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: relient K

..:What People Think:..
OK..so, people think that when their in doo-doo that they can rely on a Church. Well, truthfully..you can. It's ok. A church will be there for you, as long as you let them know that your in doo-doo.
Other people think that a church will be there for you and give them money if they need it. The hell?? It's not a hollywood movie that shows that. This ain't Hollywood!There may be churches that will do that but most of them do something else that is more powerful in many ways. You may not think it's powerful, but it is. They pray. They pray for everyone who needs help and some who don't ask for it.
Praying is more powerful than money. You may not understand that, but it's ok. Someday you might.


WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 18 December :: 2.14am
:: Mood: flirty
:: Music: Good Charlotte- Hold on

Flirty me!
Hey! Today was Economics and Food Prep Finals. I think I did ok in Economics and in Food Prep I passed sooo easily. In Economics Ward was acting goofy again during the exam. Before it even started he throw a pen at Amanda and then asked her to pick it up. He didn't even have a reason. I think there really is something a lil wrong with him Hehe! Robby had to blow his nose, so he went outside, you could hear him blowing his nose from the hall way Hehe! I think he was doing it on purpose. In Food Prep Jessica was making Courtney and I crack up! She was telling me stuff about Jackie B. and how she was trying to steal Jessica's b/f and I was telling her about Jackie R and how she does that too!! After the Food Prep Final I got board, and Greg was throwing lil pices of paper at me, so I wrote him a note asking him why, and he said he got board. We talked a lil more through the note, and I asked him if he had a s/n. He was like "Yea!!" So I was like "Jeepers getting a lil excited aren't we." He wrote back and was like "O yea I got a boner!" He said "You make me smile everytime you smile. You have a pretty smile and your so cute and short." I told him Thankz! And that he had pretty eyes, cuz he does they are light blue. I talked to him and his friend online that day and Greg said I was cuttie patutie and that I was beautiful. I talked to someone else that night and he said that I was hot. I dont like any of them though. Well, I could like Greg, but I dont know him that well. Hehe! I talked on the phone with that guy, and then went to bed.

1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 17 December :: 5.53am
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: Trapt- Still Fame

Secert Santa!
Today I had Bio. and English Finals. Bio was easy and English was all right Im thinking maybe a B or high C. I didn't over sleep today Yea!! So I was able to ride the bus and we called the Oldies Station and got in twice and did the sheep thing. The D.J guy calls Anthony "The Goat Man" it was Awsome!! Michelle and I went around opening people's lockers and she gave them lil X-mas gifts. It was cute! In lunch Gaby and I were looking everywhere for Michelle S. when we gave up she found us. Weried how it all works out. In my English class we were all studing and Wow like almost everyone sounded really, really smart. It was intersiting. After that I ran to my locker, cuz I thouhght I was going to miss the bus and I had a present from Michelle!! Yummy popcorn balls and I love the Cd I was listening to it today. I took a nap when I got home, and my mom woke me up and I thought that I had overselpt again and missed the bus, but it was still the 17th Hehe!! My mom looked at me like I was such a dork. I felt such a dummy Hehe! Wrote more later.

1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 17 December :: 2.28pm
:: Mood: Off da walls dawg...
:: Music: Jets-wanna be my girl?

Ok..so I finally did it! I accomplished something that I thought I would never do. It took four years of my life to do it, but keep in mind I didn't do it for 4 straight years. I, me, not you, AndI have no more braces. Golly gee-wiz, I know, it's an amazing thing.
My teeth are huge though. Not actually huge but I have the allusion. Their soo pretty! lol ok enough w/ my teeth...

BL and I finally talked today! It was lovely. (like my loverly..hehe) He seems cool about what happened. That's all gravy.

On friday I am going to try to go to the movies. Maybe see cat in the hat.. honey?? just not lord of the ringlings. (sorry gin).

Exams: So far I have had web, spanish, and gov't. All were pretty easy. I had about 200 questions for spanish..gr! Web was about 25..(peice of cake) that actually sounds good right now..n e ways, gov't was about 150.
I'm only really worried about english. eek! What a nasty word. It should never be in my vocabualry. I spit on it..patuuy! there I spit in disgust.


1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 16 December :: 4.14pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Kid Rock and Sherly Crow-Picture

Ward is goofy!
I overslept this morning I had two extra hours it was great!! Hehe!! I went to Economics, and when I was in there Ward was looking right at me and I was looking back at him and he throw a paper ball at me!! I was just like "Uhhh ok??" and he was like "I had to practice my free throw." or something like that. It was really very odd. Hehe! My Exam was SoOo easy "Thank you God!!" I really needed a good grade on that exam!! Im a lil nervous about Bio., English, and Math. But the rest should all be easy. I wrote some cheat notes for English and I showed my mom and Mr. Joe and they were laughing at me!! They couldn't read it cuz it was really small. Hehe! I walked the dogs and went to bed.

WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 15 December :: 4.13pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Faith Hill-Cry

Fire Drill!!
Today was really cold and we had a damn fire drill, (Mr. Ward was like "I swear its not me!") LoLz! (For those we don't know he got in trouble for a fake drill once, and was on probation.) and we had to stand outside!! I was shaking sOoO bad cuz I was that cold, then Sean give his jacket, and people huddled around me and I got warm!! Hehe!! I saw a hot guy out there. Wow! He was cute!! In Business. I was listening to music and Rick was like "I wanna listen." He ended up wanting to borrow the Cd from me. That was pretty cool. I talked to someone on the phone that night and he confused the hell out of me!! I don't know if he likes me, or if he is just being truthfully, like he does think Im pretty, but he doesn't like me that way. I don't know!! It was messing with me when I hung up.

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