2005 12 April :: 11.16pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: The Police - Every Breath You Take
i just can't fucking do it all. and mom doesn't help. she tries, but fails miserably. i still love her. i just get sick of being dragged down all the time.
but seriously... if you look at it one thing at a time, my workload doesn't seem all that unreasonable. like tonight, i only had 2 moderately sized homework assignments. and social life wise, i'm growing up. just like all other well-adjusted people do. college wise, i'm way behind, but lots of other people are. i just need to fill out a couple pages of some personal information, write a measly essay, shuck out my parents' money, and do a little legwork. that's it. and socially i have to learn how to tolerate and communicate with my friends and family, and help them do the same with everyone else. i'd like to have money for a car, which i need to drive around. and for music equipment, which is one of my most serious passions.
they tell me to aim high, but i'm having a bitch of a time with all the little mundane bullshit. how the hell am i supposed to provide all the great things they (and i) expect from me, when i can't even handle the mediocre tasks set forth now? i really don't see how i can.
i'm not exactly a go-getter. but i do try. and i'm sick of having things blow up in my face, that i shouldn't have to be dealing with if i had a normal and well adjusted family, and interrupt everything.
i go to school in the morning. i don't bust my ass at school, but i try. and i get interrupted constantly. but i learn to live with it, and do the best i can. i get out of school to have a sudden crisis with the evening's events, then supposedly it self corrects. so i go to kevin's to work out. no working out gets done, because more important matters needed to be discussed. and i think it went well. but it ate up an hour or so that, although worthwhile, was not spent doing the millions of other things that need to happen. then i come home and do the workout that never happened at kevin's. take a shower, because i haven't had time to take one since sunday. feed the puppies because bruce was upstairs sleeping, with some headache. put some music on, and flip through college shit i got in the mail. start in on homework. budgets are due tomorrow, and my floppy is all fucked up. which means all the work i'm trying to do, suddenly can't be done. and any that CAN be done will likely get fucked up in translation. and it wasn't backed up on my H drive, because i'm a moron like that. then i fuck melissa over, because i didn't finish the project. mom needs a ride to grand rapids to take the car back (it's 8 pm by this time) so i take mom to town, and we get dinner at steak & shake. i get into this huge discussion with her about prom and college and work and the new house. basically all this shit that i really didn't need on my mind right now. and now it is. and suddenly it's 11 pm, none of the homework is done. in fact, it feels like nothing has been done at all. and i go into school tomorrow saying, duhhhh.... sorry mrs. millard. i was too busy talking to my friend about his girl troubles and talking with my mom about life, and doing chores, and working out. and at that point it seems like there's no good reason for me to have done all the shit i did instead of homework.
i just can't fucking do it all. i can't go through school and support myself financially, and support anybody else morally, and be a competent human being, and develop as a person, and have hobbies, and go out with friends, and work on my car, and fix everything in my life that's broken, and sleep and eat and get fatter. it's just too fucking much.
i'm going to bed. Modern Business = *double deuce*
... shit fuckers ...
2005 11 April :: 11.40pm
:: Mood: drained
it's hard to type with this band aid on my pinky.
stupid tab button.
any7way, i jsut thought i wouidl like to type to you guys abobgue my wekend.
i got ot go to the racew trasck with hextor asnd connie. which was a real blast. not only tid i get to go for a few rides, but hector actually let me drive EVIL BETTY (the silver car in my avatar). i took fifteen minutes on the track with hector coaching me through the line. then on the next run, i took greg fro a rided. about five or ten minutes into it, i was coming really hot into turn 8 (a sweeping right) and jumped the gun on the transition into turn 9 (a sweeping left). so, when i jumped the turn and was going too hot, the rear end got squirrely through turn nine. since he has the car tuned for drop throttle oversteer, i fucked myself, because the natural tendency is to let off the gas. if i had just mashed the throttle, we would have been home free, but instead i tride to countersteer, and fell off into the grass on the left. i managed to get back on the track, but they black flagged me, so i had to come in. he would have let me go out again, but i didn't want to drive anymore after that.
that was saturday night.
then sunday morning, i kinda wanted to drive again, but i didn't since it was the official race day. after riding with connie in the VR6, though, i noticed some spots where i could've fixed the lines i had been taking. and hector is just a phenomenal driver.
there were some sweet cars there. there was a dodge viper that kicked everyone's ass in the straights, but didn't corner so well. there were 2 Porche 911 Carreras, which almost matched the Viper, but didn't have the power in the straights. they cornered a little better than him though. i think hector had the best lines in the rabbit, and he had the sweetest suspension. not to mention with the R-compounds on there, the rabbit flew through the curves like none other. he figured we were pulling about 2 Gs steady through the corners. but he always got his ass kicked in the straightways. which you can't really help with only 96 ponies under the hood. but it's so light. he said once the 8v dies, he wants to put in a 1.8 liter 4 cylinder Turbo. he said something with 200 horsepower would give him the same power:weight ratio as a Formula 1 car. which is just mind boggling. i totally want one now.
actually, i want to get a mk2 GTI with a VR6 in it. i'm fairly certain. i could pick one up pretty heavily modded for 3 grand, max. permitting that someone will be looking to get rid of theirs this fall. i'm gonna have to prowl the classifieds forum when i get the dough. i don't want to put a bunch of cash into the engine. i want to get just a standard VR6 setup, then start scrapping things to lose extra weight. and do suspension work with the strut tower braces, and poly bushings and everything. that's the way to make a car fly through the track. light and agile. doesn't need to have balls. but balls definitely help. anyway. that's what i want to do. the only weight that doesn't make it go faster will be the stereo equipment. which will have to be permanently fastened down somehow.
shit. i have so much other stuff i should be doing. and haven't done. i'm such a whore sometimes. oh well. i'll get over it.
i need to make a list and a budget and a plan. what the fuck.
new countertop and floor in the kitchen. today i picked up some bedroom furniture for hte new house with bruce. some antique dressers and a bedframe. i also ran the hose to the icemaker. which i forgot to open the valve to. fuckers. and i reinstalled the sink. which was a huge PITA.
well, i'll go now. g'night.
2005 11 April :: 2.18pm
fighting the battle of who could care less.
Dear Mom,
I'm sorry, but this is my private thing here. So..im going to make only visable to my friends.
Just trust me ok, I'm going to make it someday, I promise you.
Matthew James Hinton
so, thats that.
if you aren't on my list and want to be then leave a comment or something, cause after this the vault is closed.
2005 11 April :: 11.16am
the way i see it man
we all fucking win
we all make it big.
they might make a retrospective movie of our lives in our small home town..maybe even a Behind The Music special.
as the road wears us we slowly lose touch, and become a happy band of lunatics. but our fans love us.
matthew james hinton
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2005 11 April :: 2.16pm
:: Music: The Black Maria
Hmm...haven't been on here in a while. I am really not looking forward to going back to the 'ol routine. Crap.
It's been pretty nice. Things are happenin'.
Goin over to the best guy in the world's house in a little bit.
:-) heck yeah.
2005 11 April :: 11.40am
i like him so much. but i dont think it goes both ways. its on then its off...then its on then its off. i cant stand hearing him talk about other girls. we had one good night.....where i felt like the feeling was semi mutual. another night he talked about how he had sex with alyssa (one of his ex's) that afternoon...and i wouldnt let him touch me. i was pissed. then he told me he was just joking...and that it was cute that i cared so much. i was sitting on the slide and he came over and kissed me...a peck but he came to me and did it! my stomach hurts cause im talking about him so im going to go....wow...for once i hope that i dont get my heart broken...i would just like this chance.
2005 10 April :: 11.02pm
i had a dream last night
dustin posthuma was in it
what ever happened to that kid?
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2005 10 April :: 1.01am
i can't sleep.
i can't stop thinking about like..everything.
i was in a daydream all day...and now when i try to sleep i just end up staring at whatever is directly in front of me. then i get uncomfertable, roll around about. repeat.
i really feel that i made a wrong decision in coming here.
not just because i lost my job or anything..whoop dee doo..thats number 5 in the past 8 months.
its like..i don't know..i stopped writing, stopped reading books, i don't play my guitar as much. its like i don't have heart anymore to do the things i love.
now i just smoke pot and watch tv, and it makes me very unhappy.
and don't fucking say im not trying. everytime i pick up that pen nothing comes and everytime i pick up that guitar i get so frustrated i just wanna break it cause im just stuck.
stuck in this fucking state this room this chair.
not like i thought it would be, definatley not worth everything i left.
i realize now that all my updates say basically the same thing.
matthew james hinton
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2005 9 April :: 8.24pm
we'll cut our bodies free from the tethers of this scene
probably going to go to southern california for a week or two.
take a break from the past four months of bullshit.
who knows what may come of it..id like to move there.
we shall see.
everything will change.
matthew james hinton
2005 8 April :: 6.20pm
there are many things in the wokrs right now
i don't know whats oing to happen in these coming weeks here.
several options to toss around the ol peanut.
to steal from a movie i like alot
she is the place i am headed.
2005 8 April :: 7.25pm
:: Music: The Rippingtons - Kilimanjaro
if i could ...
... i'd make you understand.
yeah, those are seal lyrics. but i'm listening to the rippingtons. go figure. this drummer is more than slightly insane.
smooth jazz really r0x0rs my s0x0rs. seriously.
i taste and smell like cheap cigar. honestly, why the hell did i buy those. well, it smelled good at the time. i just know to never buy them again.
i talked with dad last night. the whole, "god made you with a purpose in mind, and will take care of everything that needs to be done in order to facilitate that purpose, if you ask him to."
which is reassuring, but it's not a big motivator. although, i really think that i can't possibly be motivated in this house. it just sucks my will to live. or at least, get anything done. i always thought it was mom, but she's not here. it's this house. it's creepy, and i don't like it. so, whatever.
i'm just so toast, and for no reason. i've done nothing at all, all day. and i still feel so totally drained, it's rediculous. i almost hate myself. tomorrow i'm going with H3k70r! jigga w00t w00t. that's gonna be superhella hot. i'm so excited, it's absurd.
still haven't heard from jackie. my life feels so weird. it's felt weird for a long time now. and it's not going away. well, it goes and then it comes back, then it goes again. so, i don't know. it's really just on a whim. whatever. i'll get over it or something.
i need to get offa this damn computer.
2005 7 April :: 10.42am
:: Mood: relaxed
stuff, junk. mom and libby should be somewhere on the ohio turnpike by now. they left at like quarter to six. i remember vaguely coming to as mom said goodbye this morning. but by the time i was coherent, she had gone back upstairs. i glanced at the clock, then fell back asleep. i set my alarm for nine. this is the first time i haven't gone with them. it's weird.
i should be doing calculus, or cleaning, or showering, or something.
so, i'll get on that shortly.
i should probably also eat something.
i need to call dad.
i haven't heard back from jackie. i'm not really worried, i just hope i didn't say anything stupid. which is like, constant with me - i'm always saying stupid crap.
MIVE track day at gingerman this weekend. i'm so horribly excited, it's rediculous. okay, i have every reason to be extremely giddy. so, i am.
i'm not feeling too good though, because i haven't lifted at all this week. i probably won't. but let's face it, without kevin here to kick my ass, i knew i wasn't gonna do it. i just really don't want to. for some reason, having kevin there, makes me want to do it.
no, not that, you sick fucks. well .... maybe a little bit. but no, not really.
sick fucks. you seriously think i'm gay? whatever, i'm totally over it.
i've actually been in a good mood for the last 24 hours or so. just really funny stuff with the motion picture show. just a great time. too bad it's all inside my head, so none of you can see it.
speaking of inside my head, i ran into sarah at the store yesterday, and let me tell you, it was really great. *swoons*
yeah. ...
i can't really follow that up all too well.
in other news, i need to get prom crap all sorted out.
mom just called. she was on the ohio turnpike (am i good or what?). but now i can't remember what i was gonna say.
but yeah. lots of stuff to do.
i'll talk to you kids later. and stuff.
SHUT UP, PUPPIES, I'M COMING!!!! good gravy...
2005 6 April :: 6.37am
sometimes i really feel that something is wrong with me.
i start work at 6 am, it is now 6:37, and here i am. fucking fired. because my stupid alarm clock was an hour slow.
why does this always happen
why can't i just work
hold a job
make steady money
its fucking depressing, its not like its hard to keep a job. everyone does it, but here i am..this is now my 5th job since september.
well fuck..i don't know
this jibbers everything up.
but now i have to go really get fired face to face, so yeah.
matthew james hinton
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2005 4 April :: 7.09pm
Gramma and I went shoppin' today! It was fun. We went to David's Bridal.
I got a dress! FINALLY! A prom dress, mind you. But a wedding dress isn't far off. I called my mom to tell her they're holding it, and when I first told her where we were, she was quiet/confused then she freaked. haha. I had to remind her we're looking at prom dresses.
Got some shoes they're going to dye for me and a bag and my grandma got me these really beautiful earrings and a necklace. Holycrapawesome. Yes indeed. I can't wait to go w/Charlie! :-)
2005 3 April :: 11.25pm
i'm on the computer waay too freaking much.
or, at least, i have been today.
something to rectify tomorrow, i guess.
this is bullshit.
i WANT to be tired.
i told mom to wake me up tomorrow at nine.
i'm hoping that'll fix it.
i'm sick of feeling so unaccomplished and unenergetic.
and it's only been a day or two.
2005 3 April :: 7.08pm
:: Mood: lethargic
well. i'm back from krispy kreme. i had fun. saw cool people, and cool cars. there was a guy there with a yellow convertible beetle, who had just moved here from virginia, and named his bug after mustard plug. i thought it was hawt.
and hector was there with "project liger". it was fricking schweet. and paul was there, so he got to hear the stereo, thus relieving me of something that has been on my mind way more than it should've been.
next weekend is track day at gingerman. i'm so excited. and a loser.
this week until then, however, is chock full of working and stuff. and not even for money! grr. oh well. it's what i need to do to get the things i want.
went to the new house today to try and figure out the schematics of the new bedroom. i'm trying to figure out a way to cram all my shit into a 10x10 foot living space in a way that allows me to maintain stereophonic imaging while i'm in bed, as well as when i'm at my desk. then you throw in the fact that i'd like to be able to watch tv from bed. it's a tricky mother. i also want to keep in mind that the cords running from my amp to my speakers should be exactly the same length, so the speakers are getting signal at the same time. it's my amateur way of adjusting the timing of all this stuff. it's gonna get trickier in the new car, whenever i wind up wiring that thing in. of course, that requires having a new car first.
in other news, i wrote some lyrics friday night. i edited them saturday when i woke up. here they are in all their glory:
The sun sets low on a crimson horizon.
The day dawns inversely, admittedly wizened.
The nigh that impends upon pastel creation.
The dark that unites in the hearts of all nations.
Bloodbaths in secret are secret no longer,
When worldwide media proves itself stronger.
Then the day breaks, shedding light on the matter.
While bodies lay broken, men's wallets get fatter.
But new hopes and dreams arise with the sun.
Rays of red silence portend life begun.
Those versed in violence know this cannot end.
Yet there are still those who can somehow pretend.
So why are we here? Have we yet reached meridian?
Plebeian ignominy accentuates mortal sins.
Those passing judgment will cast the first stones.
Meanwhile, the platypus ascends to the throne.
* i can get the words to sound good together, but they still don't tell a story. i'm just babbling jibberish. cool sounding, but jibberish nonetheless.
2005 2 April :: 11.21pm
helicopter blades
thump thump thump
when will there be something to do
2005 1 April :: 3.04pm
i just got out of the shower. it feels good, what with my exfoliating experience in sam's driveway and then working out, and everything.
it was funny. i had just gotten back from kevin's, and while i was in the shower, the radio played "daughters" or whatever it is, by john mayer. it just seemed like such a perfect coincidence.
i'm feeling good. lot's to do, though, lots to do.
so, with that i leave you, to go do my "lots".
2005 31 March :: 7.38pm
don't worry about a thing
you know your path is true
just ease your mind
have a banana or two
2005 31 March :: 5.10pm
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: RHCP - by the way
Polyvinyl Chloride
i didn't realize how depressing it would be to see the talent show, and not be in it. some of it was painful to hear, but most of it was pretty good. i'm sure eveyone who saw me plugging my ears thought i was a big dick, but i'm just trying to preserve my hearing as best i can. i could still listen to what was going on - it just wasn't so harsh. they were totally overdriving their amplifier. i think the speakers couldve handled it, but they weren't matching the amp properly. not that it really matters. i just know that once i get everything on dad's stuff wired up right, it's gonna be sweet.
it still sucked to not be playing, though. i always think that at weddings and stuff too. i'd rather be the one up on stage or spinning the tunes, than the one out on the dancefloor. that's just the way i am.
i just wrote a cool rhythm. it's an accent pattern in 4/4 time, but the accents go: . . . . 2 . . . . E . . . . & . . . . UH . . & . . . . UH 4 . . .
i know most of you won't understand that, but whatever, i thought it was cool as hell. it has this really odd, kinda sporadic feel to it, but it comes out to be 4 in the end. well, it's actually 2 measures long, so it's 8. you know what i mean, though, right?
yeah, sure.
i'm also likin' this samba thing that Mr. Robuck is having us do now. it's an old jazz tune called Caravan. it's cool.
i'm getting better at my swing too. just the whole double strokes on the ride deal. i'm finally getting my speed up, after HOW many years? my left hand is still a puss ass, though. i'm trying really hard to work it out more, but it's still tough, just to force myself to do it. it's very tempting to do a right hand lead, just because i can do rhythms that are more fun to play, and it just feels more natural and flowing. but the only way to get the left lead to flow is to work it, so there you are. i'm just a lazy bitch.
speaking of which, i need to do my 4 pushups. and my crunches. spring break is gonna suck not lifting. oh well. i'll do what i can.
i'm so busy for the next couple of days, it's nuts. i hope to god i don't forget anything important.
that's all i have for now, so - until next time - i'm really naked right now.
okay, not really. but it was fun to pretend!
okay, i'm really gonna go this time.
2005 31 March :: 11.46am
read people i need advice
one minute we are cuddling and the next minute ...he has a crush on someone. someone else. one minute i feel so close to him and the next....ive never wanted to be more far away. its weird...cause he'll put his arm around me and pull me closer and then that same night he says we are never going to be anything. exact words...."if we ever go out...which we probably wont, then well be together a long time." thats all we have more than him and any other girl is what he says. but after that he says "i think im crushing on kim" i say...well okay. i dont get how you are not ready to have something...tell me not to rush things, and then you tell me how you want to be with someone else. shes a bitch. she has a boyfriend, and the way she talks to him its like she doesnt. she tells him they need to hang out and then shell stand him up. and for some reason he likes her. i knew this would happen. when i finally get brave enough to move on hell do something to make me feel like he could like me.....like for instance....well be at a store.....i wont touch him...well just be walking...then hell grab my hand and hold on the rest of the way. i dont get this. at all and i want to stop liking him....more than anything, but everytime i make head way something happense which i guess gives me false hope. I think that we could be so perfect together. id do anything for that chance. but if we do end up together in the end....ill most likely feel as if i was never his first choice and that he was settling for me.
2005 30 March :: 11.44pm
walking out of a night club to hear birds chirping and realizing it's brighter out than when you went in. check.
2005 30 March :: 11.15am
im closer to the ground than i will ever get to you
it's so weird that soon i will never be back here again.
2005 30 March :: 7.53am
so anyways. i went to a pure romance party yesterday. it was fun. got some good stuff! and won some unscented lubricant. that was cool. and i plan on using what i bought...well maybe not seeing as how i dont have anyone to use it with.....jessi? becca? hilllalrlrryryry!!!!!! we need a get to gether and a video cam lol.
2005 29 March :: 12.06pm
it seems that i have created a chain reaction of shitty events.
god i want to come home
i just want to come home..
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