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:: 2005 12 December :: 10.53pm

Forget it then.
Just forget it.
You liar.



:: 2005 12 December :: 12.06pm

i realized that i totally ragged on everyone who commented on my last entry. sorry, i know you were just trying to help, and i shot you all down. apologies. i'm just more than a little frustrated... whether it's with myself or with the situation. i really do appreciate the thoughts and help. it has not fallen on deaf ears, however deaf they may appear to be.

in other news, i just got my ass reamed at book buyback. seriously. i took 4 or 5 books from my HNR 215 class and got approximately $12. i paid like $50 for them USED! expensive lesson... but valuable.

and it helped to talk to hunter. i'm not going to cram. i'm not even going to study. i'm simply going to refresh my memory, and that will be enough. i've never studied for a test before in my life. why start now? i'm telling you. that kid is pure, undiluted genius. i need that from time to time. or all the time.

oke doke. almost done with school. time for lunch now...

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:: 2005 11 December :: 12.57am




:: 2005 10 December :: 4.39pm

due to popular complaint about my previous ambiguity...

WARNING: SAPPY ROMANCE BULLSHIT (please stop reading if you don't wish to hear my current situation. i won't be offended, honest.)

there's this girl that lives in my dorm. her name is katie. i like katie... she's funny and smart and cute and all that good stuff. upon logical discussion of the situation... i was "friended" by katie... friended being the opposite of "girlfriended". which from a logical standpoint, makes sense. it would be silly to get in a serious relationship.

so, my brain is hunky dory. but the situation gives rise to some very intense, internal, emotional ruckus. pushing me a little closer to insanity than i already was to begin with (scary eh?).

and so, i just like hanging out with katie, which we did last night (but not alone). i just have a hard time coping with the feelings generally associated with hanging out with katie... or rather, once we're done hanging out, and i realize i have to go back to my bed and sleep and be lonely like.

to add to the awkwardness, last night hunter was trying to convince me i need to hook up with his ex-girlfriends twin sister. now, i'm not saying that's necessarily a bad idea. but emotionaly complex... especially when katie is sitting right there, asking me what i think.

so, obviously something needs to happen to me to make me stop liking katie like this, or to push katie and i together... which just doesn't make sense to do. and so, honestly, i really want to stop liking katie. but try as i might, it's not working.

so that's where we sit. hopefully this clears things up some, for those interested parties. and anyone who's not interested... then just ignore me already.

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:: 2005 10 December :: 1.55am
:: Mood: sleepy = sappy
:: Music: dave brubeck - someday my prince will come


someday my prince will come for me. but until then... i'm left to dream.

i had a lot of fun tonight. too much fun perhaps. it's amazing how difficult it is to just be friends. feelings suck. but yet they're the best ever.

and i inadvertently got buzzed off a double-shot of whiskey. whoopsy dupsy. i forgot i hadn't eaten... and i drank it kinda fast. oh well, it happens. and it was a fun half-hour or so, anyway. and the look on ellen's face when she had a sip was absolutely priceless. and katie refrained... at which point i felt like a bad friend. but she really didn't seem to mind. i don't know what to make of her. i really don't. mostly because i just don't want to believe it, i guess. i don't know what needs to happen for this to make sense, but i want it to happen sooner than later already. grr. whatcha gonna do, right?

just be friends... that's what you're going to do. and quit your bitching... you're going to do that as well.

one exam to go! then i'm done with my first ever semester of college. hopefully i don't fail college and they kick me out and never want to see me again. then again, it might be somewhat of a relief.

i'll do fine. but for now, i have to be social.

goodnight, lovebirds.

3 comments | feedback


:: 2005 9 December :: 10.06am
:: Music: Bright Eyes- Gold Mine Gutted

You were a stroke of luck
You were a gold mine that gutted us

I got out of work at midnight last night. So tired. After class I drove to Bethany Christian Center's National Office and waited for everyone to show up w/the truck and van. Then we unloaded and got plating on the salads and desserts and entrees. There were 100 people there. We had to wait for their presentation to be done til we could clean up and leave. So we got out of there around 9:30. Then we went back to Applause and unloaded 5 trucks and cleaned cambros and all that other stuff. I fell outside on the ice. I was just too pissed off to care. There were 12 parties yesterday. That's insane! My friends went to Fredrick Meijer Gardens for a St. Mary's party where they had 7 chef attended stations! Holy crap.
I signed up for more classes. Here's what I'm taking so far:
-Table Service
-Ice Carving
-Survey of American Government
Who knows if they'll stay. I'm keeping Ice Carving though!!! YEAH! Chainsaw! hahaha.
I go to the doctor next week. whoop whoop. not.
I have to work today at 2.



:: 2005 7 December :: 11.27pm
:: Music: Beck- New Pollution

I've been secretly falling apart
I can't get Aqualung "Strange and Beautiful" out of my head. I was sleeping at Char's and singing "I put a spell on you, you fall asleep"
or something like that. It just wouldn't stop...
I love that aqualung song.
hahaha. I have sooo many projects and I just am really busy. Work has been crazy. Tomorrow right after class I have to go to Bethany Christian Services for a banquet or something. I have no idea how to get there...we'll see how that goes. It's fun though. Very hard work but rewarding. :-) Crazy. This is the first job that I actually enjoy. YAAY! I go to the doctor next week. hmmmmmmmmmmm hehehe.
I'm tired and just ranting and raving.
Well, that's about it i think....



:: 2005 7 December :: 8.58pm
:: Music: RHCP - californication

seriously... this feeling can go away any time now... i won't mind, honest.

and just gar.

cut it out.

feelings suck donkey balls. and a chode. feelings suck a donkey chode punch balls ass cock penis rape anal dwelling butt monkey.




i still don't feel better, even after all that. dammit!


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:: 2005 6 December :: 6.57pm
:: Mood: shaky
:: Music: extreme - warheads

jared just came and sang "god rest ye, merry, gentle fags" to me. it was full of good tidings and cashmere. and armani, and something else.

i should probably get to work now. as always.



:: 2005 6 December :: 12.05am

Oh yeah. I forgot. My job is pretty awesome. I found out some stuff tonight. I don't watch harry potter but I guess we did a huge banquet for some people involved w/it and for all of you who do watch it, harry potter 5 comes out in june 2007 i think. you may have already known that. whatever. And, this girl i work w/went to the bishop of GR's house tonight. She goes there every week because we do a party for him every week. Theres some interesting stuff about that. I think it's cool.

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:: 2005 5 December :: 11.49pm

Work went well today. I'll post a pic of some stuff we make. Sometime. Sometime soon. I need to go to sleep. I barely did any homework lately because work has been so busy. Here are some platters that were done today. Jose did the awesome salmon platter and I worked on the little olive one. Which wasn't that hard but still fun. I did a ton of dessert trays yesterday. One was for 450.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

2 comments | feedback


:: 2005 5 December :: 9.11pm

well, that was a blindside.

enter deloric/tracey stage left.

right. gonna focus. gonna do homework now.

may never speak german in here again, and save myself the embarrassment.

then again, it might help me improve.

5 comments | feedback


:: 2005 5 December :: 7.27pm
:: Mood: tired.

well this weekend was lots of fun. friday i went to hunter's but didn't spend the night. watched planes, trains, and automobiles, which really kinda sucked. but i had fun anyway. i'm afraid i may have scared katie a little. been a little too forward. but she took it well. and it was fun to play ellen in pool. we'll have to do that again sometime.

saturday i took the car down to saugatuck after grandma's birthday party. got the pickup in cedar. went to dad's, dinner and a movie (christmas vacation) and crashed. sunday was church and grandpa & grandma's, then MIVE KK g2g, then S.O.A.P. downtown, because katie and jim and natey-poo were acting. after the show katie and shannon and i had dinner at the shawmut inn... which i hadn't been to in several years. the highlight was probably the drunk guy telling the bad joke about how the army was better than the marines.

today was class. and my appt. with Chris hendree. my brain is mush for some reason. i hate waking up late. it totally screws with me. i forgot to get the snowball tickets, but i'll get them later.

bunches of other crap. homework to do right now.

i think it would be fun to write an exotic story. then again, maybe not.

it would just be fun to write a story period.

well, i've rambled for long enough. oh, i also did my radio show last night. which is why i overslept.


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:: 2005 5 December :: 8.55am

this essay isn't going to write itself . . .

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:: 2005 4 December :: 11.24pm

Hmm...Let's see...
Not going to class tomorrow. Weekend has been going crazy fast.
Friday after class I worked all night. Spent the night at Char's.
Saturday I worked from 2-midnight. Went to Fredrick Meijer Gardens and did a banquet for 180 there. Went back to Applause to unload trucks and such. After work I went to Char's and we ate a little food and I got home around 1:30. Then I went to bed around 2. Got up for work this morning around 6:30am. Worked all day till 3. Went to Charlie's and hung out. And now I'm back home. I am not going to class tomorrow because I need to try to do stuff for finals. I have to work tomorrow and I probably won't be getting out until late, there are at least 7 parties going on. Ugh. It's okay though. Not getting enough sleep is not okay though. Hmmm.
Well Charlie and I have some news but I'm not supposed to say anything yet. Until . .. Nevermind I said too much! Oh well.
Pepsi is good.



:: 2005 1 December :: 11.38pm

Oh my gosh. Today was so crappy! I was freaking out about getting our project done. We finally finished it but were late for class. OH WELL. I was goin' crazy. Just a crappy crappy day.
I saw Jenna! haha :-) That was cool!
I hung out with the girls last night after work. So tired but we talked a lot and it was nice. I hung out w/Charlie today and that was really nice too. We went to Panera and stuff.
I think it's really happening this time, NO F'ing joke. For real.
Anyway, g'night!

2 comments | feedback


:: 2005 1 December :: 12.07am
:: Mood: pleasant
:: Music: incubus - out from under

Du gebeißt mich!

shut up, okay! so what if i suck at past-tense conjugation? always naysaying. you fucking dick! you create something, you piece of shit!


revising my paper. gonna fail my german quiz tomorrow. personally i suspect that "go-get-em" attitude to be at fault for my lack of progress.

but at least i'm laughing and smiling and regular again. fiber is a beautiful thing.

i think i'll go to bed soon. a couple more quotes. then more cleaning tomorrow during lunch. good thing my lunch is from 10am-1pm. \m/ !!!!

yum yum.

7 comments | feedback


:: 2005 30 November :: 11.41pm

Work was interesting today. After class I went to Applause and we had a huge party for like 390 or something. Fun fun. I made 900 bread-rounds and some bruscetta. I'm so good. Haha. I was just really enjoying how awesome it feels to work hard. Sometimes. haha. But I mean, first semester is almost done, and I love my class. The difference between other classes and culinary classes is you form a family. We're so close. And it's almost done. We've always got each other's backs. It's cool. I sound like a dork though I'm sure. But I love it. And today, it was nice getting all that food out and getting complements and knowing you did well. Even though I burned the fuck out of my arm. It hurts. Bad. It's not a huge burn though. But anyway, works going to be super busy the next few weeks.
As for other things, still have no clue. Wish I knew. I don't want to just assume it's not happenin'... But I've been havin' addictions to cola. Which is strange, I haven't drank pop in a while, and now all I want is diet pepsi.



:: 2005 29 November :: 10.03pm
:: Mood: sexy

bowel movements

i seem to be doing much better. i think i'm finally becoming healthy again.

wrote my paper for my history class today. it sucked. i'll rewrite it and hand it in again thursday, and see if she'll give me a better grade.

speech tomorrow for COM, and the unit 5 test auf Deutsch.

fun times, fun times. i'm only slightly insane, honest.

and kind of... empty, somehow. not sure what it is, or how to make it quit. but it's seriously starting to irk me. maybe if i ignore it, it'll just go away.

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:: 2005 29 November :: 12.22am

I definitely should be asleep right now. But no. I got some really yummy shampoo last night with Becca now my hair smells wonderful! I love Biolage. mmm. Sorry...
Anyway, trying to get classes at cc sucks so bad. grrr. So many annoying customers today. "Can I have a kaiser roll, just a kaiser roll."
"You're out of a lot of stuff. Grr. Well. WHINE WHINE WHINE"
Me thinking: Yeah, you came a half hour before we close. Get over it. We're a class, we're learning.
"Can we split the payment on two cards"
Me thinking: GO DIE!!!!
Ha j/k
But seriously, ANNOYING. Oh yeah, it was funny. A couple guys walked in and they go: "We'd like 2 double cheeseburgers"
Me: "Dubble Cheeeese buurgers???" (confused look)
Them: "Oh, we're not in McDonalds! hahaha"
I made the most out of all three registers though, that was cool. $429
Holy crap I have to get to sleep.



:: 2005 28 November :: 3.31pm

havent been here in a while.....well update....i live with the most amazing guy in the world....i work every day...i go to school...im in love with tyler....and thats about it.......hope u all are great!

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:: 2005 28 November :: 2.58pm

Whoo. I'm tired. It was kind of fun being a cashier although everyone was crazy today.

I don't know what to do anymore.



:: 2005 28 November :: 1.10am
:: Music: somnambulant ramblings, on wcks.org

i have a microphone and you don't.
so you'll just have to listen to EVERY DAMN WORD I SAY!

yeah. thanksgiving was cool. i have the runs again. oversharing? yeah, i know.

i really should've just gone to bed.

i've been feeling kinda crappy for awhile now. physically and otherwise. just crappy. but apparently i'm losing weight.

oop. time to talk again.

later, b.

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:: 2005 27 November :: 4.20pm

I don't know what to do. I am scared.

Thanksgiving went well. It was nice to see my family and Charlie's family. Friday I went to work all day. There was a wedding in-house that spent SOOO much on food. (They ordered 3 chef-attended stations and a chocolate fountain. Each station costs $900, the fountain costs $5 each person!)
So it was a pretty interesting day.
After work Char and I went to Rivertown. Then I spent the night there. We watched Home Alone. hahaha :-) and Guess Who. Saturday we went shopping and stuff. Then at night we saw the lights @ 5/3 ballpark w/Lissa, Cory, and the baby.

Goin to dinner w/Becca tonight YAYAYAYYA :-D

4 comments | feedback


:: 2005 24 November :: 1.47am

i'm feeling much better now. thanks everyone!

and a happy thanksgiving to you as well...

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hope that worked. i thought it was a cool shot. ten points to anyone who recognizes where it's at.

3 times in one week is just too much damn harry potter. i'm sorry. but it's starting to grate, just a little.

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