2005 9 November :: 12.30pm
class, class, class
i don't want to go. government is boring.
blah, blah, blah
i want to go home. homework is calling.
bah, bah, bah
i am a goat (or a sheep). i like eating.
zzz, zzz, zzz
i am sleeping (or a bee). i like buzzing.
2005 8 November :: 11.25pm
:: Mood: tired?
i'm beginning to realize how much confidence i've lost lately.
but i haven't yet ascertained why...
not that i was ever that confident to begin with. but i'm really getting shaky. and it totally compounds itself. and i don't know how to stop it. i guess just hanging around people who are willing to tell me how awesome i am. but they have to be people who i respect, and will believe.
and even if i am that awesome, i seem to be letting it all go to waste.
nicht gut. sehr mal. wait. mal is spanisch. oh, nevermind.
2005 8 November :: 11.19pm
Maybe I'll try to not care so much. Sometimes that helps. Inside I still care as much or even more, but if I don't show it, it takes aways some of the pain. That's not healthy but I don't really know what else to do and I have to feel better. I may just fall off the planet for a day (tomorrow). It's been a long day. You aren't helping.
2005 7 November :: 10.58pm
I wish you could just not be friends with that jerk. It's so not respectful. What's hanging around him going to do to you? Friends do think alike. Oh well. There's nothing I can do but sit back. And....hurt.
On another note, I should have written my english paper tonight but eh. Laguna Beach. And hanging out. LC BETTER not get back with Jason. UGH. And my puppy ran away today but then he came back. Long day tomorrow. . . g'night.
2005 7 November :: 2.34pm
Well today was so busy. I had to take the skin off 56 red snapper and truss 3 bags of whole chickens. but now i have to go becca called
2005 6 November :: 5.48pm
this weekend was wonderful. i had such an awesome time with jackie. it was the best. but now back to the grind. write a speech, read a book... you know the drill.
there's more i'm sure, but i just don't feel like talking about it right now.
oh... kathy got us tickets to go see harry potter 4 at the IMAX opening weekend.
i'm super-duper excited about that.
there, now you have your gossip, and you can leave me the hell alone.
2005 6 November :: 5.01pm
ugh. colds suck. i think i have some papers to type but oh well. I was supposed to hang out w/Erin and some other people from class tonight. Eh...i'm sick. Everything else is going pretty well.
2005 3 November :: 3.58pm
:: Mood: oh my gosh.
this is funny shit.
Thu, Nov 03, 2005 -- GVHNR215_216.C.053:
Posted by DAVID EICK
this is for my honors course, he just posted it on blackboard. my honors course is supposedly studying a history of european civilizations with a focus on spain.
so, why exactly did they give us someone from the french dept? that's twice now he has inadvertently regressed into french. the first time was a powerpoint about the FRENCH encyclopédie. and now we're reading voltaire's philisophical dictionary. translated from its original french. sometimes i wonder.
it's fun though. and they're absolutely brilliant. i mean it's just some incredible insight into the culture and the age and everything. really makes it come to life. but it's a shitload of reading... and writing... and worse yet, they expect you to be brilliant all the time, because you're an honors student.
and on top of it all, i guess i'm supposed to know french.
cognates are your friend. if anyone's tellin' you different, they tellin' you dead wrong.
2005 3 November :: 10.18am
:: Mood: woodchipper?
Ich habe das Fernseher brauchen.
yeah. i want to just do laundry. and lay down. and watch a movie.
does that make me depressed? or lazy? because i don't think i am. i'm just a greedy bastard, that's all.
i'm alreay wearing out this keyboard, i think. i'm not sure how that's possible, but there you have it. it keeps making this strange rattling sound.
"dude, you should've gotten a dell." fuck you dell. and fuck you compaq.
i have a lot of reading to do. it's just not going to happen. oh well, right?
2005 2 November :: 2.13pm
waitin for class.
waitin for a bass.
hummin a tune.
hummin with a loon.
thinking of you.
thinking at schoo.
i was always so close to you and now you are an hour away. ill make you pay for this i swear it.
well, actually i wont because i just love you and if i harm you at all you wont come back anymore. you will just hang out with your crazy mom, and your fat necked brother, and magoon mcscaryface, and orangy.
i have pickles. i have a cute brother. i have pretty hair. i have vh1. i have a family that thinks gay marrage is a good idea. i have a really cute boyfriend with a disease that makes him even more needy and cute. i have so much to offer you. i have good food, and stools so you can reach the counter to eat it. i have love.
but as of right now i don't have you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im so sad.
2005 1 November :: 5.15pm
oh wow. it has been crazy go nuts. yesterday was fun... i got to chill with gunnie.
i taught my communications class about differential calculus... in under five minutes.
i just barely finished my paper today. and it's a few lines short. i'm not anticipating an awesome grade. i don't even want to reread it.
and the presentation today i think went fairly well. it was only like 6-7 minutes, instead of the 10 we were shooting for, but after the long rambling ones, and the fact that she's still trying to catch up to professor eick, i think she appreciated it being shorter. i'm sure we'll get a decent grade. it covered the pertinent points, related them to the class discussion, etc. it wasn't terribly INTERESTING, but i've never been that great with that. i tried to make some jokes. some were nice enough to give us some courtesy laughter. it just wasn't really that funny of a subject.
bleh. g'night.
2005 1 November :: 1.13pm
Did anyone happen to see a blue tow-truck that looked like a pickup truck yesterday? The creepiest thing happened...
2005 1 November :: 1.05pm
Ugh. Why are you being crappy? Whatever.
Things have been going good. I don't have to work this week. Art/Bev's is fun. Charlie is still really awesome. I can't wait.
Mom's surgery went really well. They took out some of her skull. :-( And stuff. Not like anyone really cares. But I do. I cried at the hospital last night and Charlie held me. I just don't like seeing her hurt. She was so out of it and her head was all bandaged up. You know, doctors are human, and they make a lot of mistakes. That's why I get so worried. But hopefully she'll be better now.
That's about it for now... Oh yeah, and I totally passed my Nutrition exam and my NRA (nat. restuarant association) test. Not the gun club test. blah. I'm so bored.
Come to Art & Bev's tomorrow we're open.
2005 30 October :: 11.33pm
:: Mood: coffee buzzzzzz........... zzzzzzz..... *snore
:: Music: i had "up on the housetop" running through my head. so, barenaked for the holidays.
today was an absolute blast. i got to go up north and drive fast on curvy roads. i was following a guy in an '04 R32, and even he was impressed with how fast my car was. the other guy was in a supercharged cabriolet.
not to be a dick or anything, but sometimes, i just totally kick ass.
however, i need to get those valve lashings right. i think that may be where the noise is coming from. if the space is too big, the cam kinda slaps the shim upon opening, and i think that's causing the parts to wear out. so, i need to get thicker shims in there, so it won't "slap" (hence the clicking noise). i mean there's inevitably going to be SOME lifter noise, but this is frickin' absurd.
however, the car really liked the drive today. it felt good to push it out. i need to do that more often. but it's just so damn expensive. and i'm not talking gas. i mean it's everything... gas, tires, repairs, brakes, track fees, etc. it's just too expensive of a hobby for me to feasibly have... at least, right now.
tonight we had the last sir isaac newton meeting. we still have yet to do a full runthrough, but oh well. the half-assed one was like 4 mins short. so, we have lots of space to fill, which works because we were trimming stuff out. which, i told them not to do, but oh well. i guess that makes me not a very good leader.
but we had a wonderful philosophical discussion after the meeting. for like an hour. and i've come to the conclusion that if sarah's theory on multiple soulmates is correct, then cara may be one of mine. i mean, it's unconfirmed of course, because i don't know her that well, but i mean, she knows what i'm talking about when i say stuff... if that makes sense. which, i realize, it doesn't. but it does to me. if you were a soul mate, you'd get it...
it's just not in the common context that the term "soul mate" is usually used. it's a different meaning entirely. but i can't exactly explain it.
i'm tired, i'm rambling. i'm thinking about just going to bed.
speech for tomorrow.
presentation, paper, and oodles of reading for tues.
and i have to do laundry, take my library books back, and not forget to hang with gunnie. or at least call and reschedule. but i'd rather not... it's halloween!
hm. how to make this happen. that is the question.
i don't think coffee alone will work.
2005 30 October :: 1.14am
:: Mood: should be asleep...
a;sldkfj a;sldkfj a;sldkfj a;sldkfj
alskdjf; alsdkjf;a lskdjf;alskdjf;alsd kjf;alskdjf;alsdkjf;lasdkjf;alsdkjf;als dkjf;alsdkjf;alskdjf;lasdkjf;lasdkjf;as ldkfj;alsdkjf;alsdkjf;alsdkjf;lasdkjf;als kdjf;laskdjf;alskdjf;laskdjf;lasdkjfl;sak jdf;laskjdf;laskdjf;laskdjf;laksjdf;lasdkj f;alsdkjf;alsdkjf;laskjdf;alskdjf;alskdjf;la ksdfj;laskdjf;lasdkjf;alskdfj;aslkdfj;alsdkf ja;lsdkfja;sldkfja;sldkfja;sldkfj;alsdkfj;las kdjf;laskdjf;laksdjf;laskdjf;laskdjf;alskdjf;l asdkjf;laksdjf;lajksdf;lkasjdf;lkajd;flaksdjf; laksdjf;laksdjf;lasdjf;laksdjf.
that was fun.
and now for something completely the same:
a man with 2 noses.
i went and saw jackie's play last night. it was incredible. she did so well. i mean, i figured it would be good, but i was still exceedingly impressed. dinner and stuff was awkward for me... because of the last month or so... i'm terrible at keeping secrets. especially ones so big. but james was really sad to leave. i think he's really starting to like me. which... i think is a good thing? i don't know. it kinda freaks me out just a skösch. wow. i just made a 6 letter word with only a single vowel. and it's pronounceable. neato.
then i came back up north after the show, and went to hunter's for "movie night". which was kinda silly because we didn't watch any movies. we basically played N64 all night. rockin' it old skool (grandpa stylz). but i had a riot. it was just so much fun. and the pure clean fun like when i was little. i thought that was really neat.
and i've discovered that the comedic duo of hunter and myself are quite a hit with the ladies. which is kinda ironic, because we're both in relationships. however, it's still nice to make a joke, and have somebody laugh at it. and even better if the somebody happens to be a girl. or the case may be. i may never live down the reputation as a cradle-robbing chippendale, though. that's kind of unnerving.
then this morning, i left hunter's and went over to mom's. we drove around. got mexican for lunch. i just hung out there. it was nice to just chill. but i'm getting squat done on my homework and junk.
and tomorrow's the color tour. i'm supposing it's still on. i'm excited. i'd like for someone to go with me. but i suppose it'll be nice just to jam out by my lonesome, and take in the sights.
hope nobody gets arrested.
and halloween is simply a good excuse to dress like a slut. *digs up old leather pumps...
2005 26 October :: 11.54pm
Ich fahre gern im das Auto.
yeah. it's good to have my baby back. and that timing light was the shit.
still need an O2 sensor. and maybe i'll take that throttle body from drew. but it's distinctly better than it was.
there are still so many problems, it's absurd. but at least we're heading in the right direction.
however, i have a vacuum leak at the bypass adjustment screw, and the lifters are still rediculously loud. i think i need new shims for them, to get the valve lashings into spec. but i really don't feel like doing that right now, so it's going to be a bit... so i can build my ambition back up. right now, i'll just enjoy the fact that it's running again... and running better than it ever has before. let me bask, okay?
sleepy tired. 9 am class. homework not done.
2005 25 October :: 10.46pm
:: Music: Straylight Run
Got the new straylight run cd. It's really pretty good.
Work is crazy. My 2nd day I had to grill 300 chicken breasts, that's about 150 lbs. Then I worked today too. Charlie and I are going on a huge trip. I'm so excited. I need to sleep now. I have class early again, then I have to work. So tired.
2005 25 October :: 8.52pm
(i told you i'd remember)
2005 25 October :: 8.44pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: BnL - Straw Hat and Old Dirty Hank
yeah. working on the car tomorrow. german and a history essay yet to do tonight. i gotta stop fucking around on the internet.
coolest thing today!!!!:
i went to the msu library. we got to see some rare books!!!
seriously. i totally slapped some white gloves on, and leafed through a book that was older than this country.
too bad it was entirely in French, so i couldn't understand any of it. except for the similar words... i forget what you call them. syllogism? no. something. i'll remember at 3 in the morning. but yeah. i totally read the "2nd Tome" of the Encyclopédie. i found what seemed to be Blancmange, but i think was actually a home remedy for chlamydia, and an entry about cannibals that was cross referenced with "politik".
i thought it was a riot. maybe i'm a nerd. whatev.
i really wish i'd have smelled it. and i should've told mle i'd be in town. i didn't think of it until we were like on the bus there. i suppose i still should've called. but i would have felt a little weird, so i decided against it.
car tomorrow.
kalamazoo friday.
2005 24 October :: 2.44pm
midterm grades.
com - A
german - A-
eurociv (hist) - B
eurociv (lit) - B+
GPA: 3.515
all in all... could have been a lot worse. i really need to get on top of my homework stuff. no more puking out mediocre assignments at the last second. except for com. it doesn't matter how crappy those assignments are - they're all pass/fail.
i still need to step it up. or at least maintain. that'd be good.
as long as i keep it at or above a 3.5
2005 23 October :: 11.06pm
:: Mood: not bad.
:: Music: ambient circumstances.
yeah. it's been a pretty good weekend. not sure where it went though. not sure why i feel so tired.
car's still not right. i keep fucking up the timing. i can't get it to fire.
hopefully i'm going to have a guy or two from betten take a look at it with me on wednesday. i felt bad... because i couldn't really pay him. but i'll offer him food or whatever. i said i drew the line at fellatio. but if he gets it running for me, i might just have him whip it out right there on the spot anyway...
i'm joking. you guys realize that right? good.
i don't know why i get the 'gay' rep. it's not constant, but every so often, someone creeps up.
i read an amazing dissertation on oil viscosities. it was seriously incredible. next change i'm going to go to mobil 1 0W-20. and if i can't find 20, i'll take 0W-30. no more of this molasses shit. mhmm.
i have a speech tomorrow. shit fuckers.
time to do dishes. and maybe laundry. no wait. the laundry room closes at 10. nevermind.
2005 20 October :: 10.43pm
Work was really really hard my very first day.
I made.... 1200 box lunches. I am so extremely sore. I can't wait to sleep. I didn't go to class today. I went to Charlie's. I love him so much. He's taking me on a huge trip in December for like, 3 or 4 days I think. I think he's going to propose then :-)
Tomorrow I have to work at 2 probably until late.
1 comment |
2005 20 October :: 7.14pm
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: the police - king of pain
Harry Potter
okay. i reread the whole damn thing. all six books.
i'm firmly convinced that Regulus Black took slytherin's locket, the real horcrux.
and i've decided that, although there's evidence supporting both sides of the argument, i would say snape is evil and dumbledore is definitely dead. but really there's no conclusive evidence. and my reasoning is from the perspective of the author.
she (through dumbledore) has said that there are worse things than death, death is nothing to be afraid of, etc. so, really dumbledore's death wouldn't be devastating or tragic. and just the things he does leading up to the incident. i don't think he KNEW what exactly was happening, which clashes with his characteristic omniscience, but he wouldn't lie to harry. he has proven in the past to withhold certain things from harry until such time as harry is ready to hear them, but he's never actually lied to harry, or put on an act like that. and i don't see how it would be beneficial in this instance for him to do so.
and as far as snape goes, he's always been controversial. voldemort and dumbledore are both extremely powerful, and so snape could be lying to one just as likely as to the other. and i suspect that it's in his nature to use people to go places in the world, and he could obviously go farther with voldemort than with dumbledore. and dumbledore has also admitted in the past to making mistakes of judgement, and why would snape be any exception. this isn't verbatim, but he says "being rather cleverer than most men, my mistakes seem to be proportionally huger." snape was just a huge mistake. and there are the magical implications that he died. his spell over harry being instantly broken. his picture in the headmistress's office.
they didn't turn his hat inside out, or break his wand. i have no answer to those arguments. and it may be that fawkes regenerated him or whatever. but it really just seems against rowling's style. i mean. sirius is dead. harry's parents are dead. and yet, they've reappeared in some ways for harry, but never by coming back to life.
i'm sure there are surprises in book 7. surprises up the wazoo. because that's totally her style. i'm sure there's something up with aunt petunia. that may come into play when he goes back to privet drive. and he's going back to Godric's hollow. and he's going back to grimmauld place for sure: he has to retrieve slytherin's locket, once he realizes where it is. and the wedding at the burrow. the hufflepuff horcrux. the gryffindor/ravenclaw horcrux. then the snake and voldemort himself. marvolo's ring was in the gaunt shack. the locket was at the cave. there's gotta be something in little hangleton at the riddle house, i'm sure. surely not at the orphanage? maybe. i don't know. borgin & burke's? nah. there's gotta be more to the story. have to go back to the facts again. write them down.
but i'm sure dumbledore's dead dead dead. and i am equally sure that he hasn't left harry alone. maybe unprotected, yes, but certainly not unaided. there's still aberforth. and maybe slughorn and everyone in the order/hogwarts. yeah! the order! they're all still there. now that dumbledore's gone, they're bound to look to harry. i don't know. i'm starting to confuse myself.
she's got something up her sleeve. i know she does. in the meantime, we'll wait. there's definitely a theme about pushing the boundaries of magic, and how there's a line that sometimes gets crossed. it's gotta be a commentary on the scientific revolution.
if this doesn't have a good ending like lord of the rings did, mark my words, there'll be blood.
2005 19 October :: 4.57pm
:: Mood: sehr gut!
:: Music: BnL - Some Fantastic
Deutsch (with translations provided by yours truly)
One of the things you will learn is that Germans aren't so good with making words up on the spot. I'm sure they do it, but not like we English speakers do. And if you're speaking German with an accent, then forget it ... they'll just assume you're an idiot. :) Of course, I probably sounded like an idiot even when I was using the right words.
Ja, das Umlaut. (yeah, the umlaut) Das ist schwer. (that is difficult)Einige Beispiele sind einfach, andere sind unmöglich. (they are simple to play with, and at the same time are impossible. )
ä = long "a" sometimes: ärgern = air-gurn
short "e" other times: hässlich = hess-lich
ö = "ur" without the "r"
hören = hur-enn is easy because the "r" is already there
(But you need to figure out how to trill the "r" on your
own. I'm terrible at that.)
blöd = blurd but de-emphasize the "r"
schön = schurn, again de-emphasize the "r"
ü = A total mess. We just don't have that sound in English.
You need to literally learn to round your lips when you say it.
Try saying EEE-EWWW but with rounded lips on the EWWW (and
don't say it like you're disgusted!). The EEE kinda gets your
mouth going with the voice and the EWWW with the round lips
gets you closer to the final sound. You really will need a
true German speaker to teach you that one. I still don't do
it very well. But learning this one is necessary, it can mean the
difference between hot & humid, and homosexual! Honest!
schwül = shvuel, kinda like "fuel" = hot & humid
schwul = shvool as in "fool" = gay (I'm not trying to be
politically incorrect and equate gay with fool!)
Genders are something you just need to memorize. But I will say, once you get a good number of them memorized, then you'll be able to get new words right probably 80-90% of the time without looking them up. I can do that.
Some are absolutes, like anything ending in -heit or -keit is always "die" and anything ending in -chen (the diminutive form or a noun) is "das". I'm sure your textbook has the rules. Others aren't absolute, but are damn good guesses. Ending in -e generally makes it "die" and the plural generally adds an "n" on the end. Of course, two extremely common exceptions are Der Name and Der Junge, although the plural still works.
Hey, it's lunchtime. Gotta eat something.
Viel Spaß! (have fun! )
Ryan (which is completely unpronounceable in German!)
wow, that really helps. a lot. seriously.
Ich habe viel Arbeit. Ach.
2005 18 October :: 11.11pm
:: Mood: aufgeschlossen
Was spielen Sie gern?
Ich bin im das Wohngemeinschaft immer.
Ja. Und Ich bin vielleicht teil-Ent.
Ich habe keine Fëderen.
- i totally just hax-jorbed the plural of feather. go me.