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i think of you and everything's alright.

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:: 2004 18 June :: 8.04pm

it seems i havent updated this thing in centuries....... yeah. yeah yeah. april. dadadamn. i neglect this woohu thing. why did i pay my two dollars? who knows.
summer has been fun. relaxing, no work, sun, friends, f.u.n. i love love love it. people who say they get bored over summer when they're by themselves dont know what theyre talking about. i cant seem to find enough to do all the stuff i want to do. <3
summer school starts next week : (
but its only 11, or maybe 10 days. so. the countdowns already relatively low from the first day :). im excited/scared to have him in school with me. we'll see.
i feel like im finding a new person in me.

2 <3 | !!!!!!!


:: 2004 18 June :: 12.16am
:: Mood: sad...

ok so today...woke up early went to conditioning...managed to stay compleately concious this time thank you very much. lol I'm still sore as fuck but it's a good hurt I suppose. Yeah so then lauren talked me into going to a yoga class with her at 7....so I went home ate took a bath got some sleep then she picked me up. lol of course she read the sheet wrong and the class started a 1/2 hour earlier then she thought so instead of being late we decided to impose on michelle who mind you had JUST walked in the door after a 5 hour car ride from college orientation.

Yeah so we showed up with ice cream and cookie dough and...red bull? no don't ask and had an all out festivus. Yeah so still duno when I am going up to UF with michelle but they're starting to get concerned about me being drunk jailbait when I'm there...I'll have to stay away from the boys (to some extent) so we don't get them in trouble....bleh 16 should so be legal. Yeahh....so we stayed in michelles room until Sex and the City was over and our sugar highs were starting to wear off before we were kicked out. Then I came home and did probably THE hardest thing I have ever had to do...

Evan is gone....compleately he is no longer a part of my life. We are never going to speak again. I know I have tried this before and always went back but it's just...done it didn't end on a good note or anything don't get me wrong he didnt agree that it was necessary to not speak anymore but it can't work any other way. I couldn't be friends with him while I still had these feelings as much as he hurts me and pisses me off you can't just make feelings like that go away. So basically his last words were that he vowed to stop caring about me and speaking to me and to continue to until he died....oh yeah that and fuck off. There was a lot of talking before that though I got out most of the stuff I had been carrying around. He just couldnt get it...it's part of the reason it would have never worked...we just see things differently. I tired the best I could to make him understand.

I haven't felt it yet I won't for a while...right now it just feels like another fight with more of my drama craving satisfied but in a few days I will feel his absense. As rare as it was that we actually saw each other I have talked to him every single day for over a year and a half he's the one I tell EVERYTHING to...or he was it always mattered to me what he thought of me or what I was doing. He'll never get how much I cared about him either he's determined to believe that he didn't matter to me at all...but there is no setting him right now. It's over and it's time to move on. I'm going to have to be strong and get through this and learn to trust somebody new. Learn to trust anybody at all for that matter. Thank you so much to the people who listened to all of my melodrama and were there for me when I needed to vent. You all know who you are and I love you for it it really takes a true friend to listen to all of that shit. Like I said I lost a lot this year...my best friend...the only guy I have ever really cared about...some things I had worked really hard for (not elaborating on that)....my ambition my intelligence.....and quite possible...my sanity.

the consolation is that I have my life I suppose...may I should start appreciating the things I have because losing comes so eaisly to people like me....he always said I was impossible.

but I can't call you up no more
and no we can't just be friends
I know I had to let you go
but I will not be broken...


2 <3 | !!!!!!!


:: 2004 17 June :: 10.28pm
:: Mood: blah

nice fling with danielle and christine. sigh. how do you get so sore from merely walking to taco bell?

once christine left, i did a few things and then i got my cd player, put on deathcab and then i fell asleep around 5 and my parents didnt want to wake me up for dinner, so i just woke up. this feels very very awkward. i'm like hungry... but not.

my brother is coming home tomorrow for a week... yay!

summer school. blecch. in christines words ... "just think, 11 days."

i'm a dork. dawson made me cry today! lol. that has never happened before. it was just because he gave up joey so passionately and finally did the right thing. "i love you like you love him. the only difference is that he actually loves you back." man that just made me remember those feelings of unrequited love. that kind of love just hurts to no end.

3 <3 | !!!!!!!


:: 2004 17 June :: 7.29pm
:: Mood: giggly
:: Music: confessions pt 2

thinkin bout a certain sumone..;D

2 <3 | !!!!!!!


:: 2004 17 June :: 5.05pm
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: josh kelley - believe

so since my last depressing journal, that was friends only, haha, shut all you nosey or too cheap to pay for woohu out, the past couple of days have been enjoyable. christina rescued me wednesday night from my bedroom and brought me over to hers to show me her hot short skirt. she fed me oreos and milk, and we watched tv and she got me smiling again. i kept her up til 4 with my picture taking, and all my talking, about things i can't even remember, probably about boys. woke up at 10 to watch reruns of those silly people that run along dawson's creek. i'm almost am hooked, i just need someone to wake me up at 10 every morning to watch it. she made me breakfast and we hung around and then my mom came to pick me up. went home, she left for work, i was happy. after my date canceled on me, i took to the tv and watched movies til 6 when dad came home, finished monster, then he took me out to dinner. came home, and i went to christina's house. watched the end of moulin rouge with them, flipped the channels, talked a bit, went upstairs, talked some more while watching down with love, then i left, went to the guest room, checked to make sure there wasn't a monster in the closet, and went to bed. tina woke me up at 10:30 like i asked her to and i found out that her and christine didn't sleep at all the night before. funny, crazy girls. we watched dawson's creek and then decided to walk to taco bell. mmm... yummy food! we got 4 honks from various cars, 2 times from the mailman, eww. i was a multi-tasker on the way home, got my apartment finder magazine, swedish fish, and soda and walked. we passed these girls and i heard them whisper, "we could take them", they were like in 7th grade, losers. came home and crashed, then i left and now i'm home alone again. yay.

and now i just wonder. everyone goes to summer school next week, but then again, i will be leaving too. family time in north carolina. i'm excited. i will get tan, be more in shape, and happier i hope by the time i get home.


5 <3 | !!!!!!!


:: 2004 16 June :: 9.42pm

BAH sold out to LJ woohu will always be my first love I will stay loyal. lol I feel like such a sheep. NEway so today I woke up soooo sore from conditioning you have no idea I havn't done that much physical activity in weeks. So I decided to sit my ass on the couch and watch pride and predjudice for the millionth time not only because I am a big loser but because it makes me happy and it's a nice sweet love story...*sigh* yeah that and it's 5 and 1/2 hours so I didn't have to move around a lot. Back to conditioning tomorrow...kill me now


haha I didn't think it was all that bad but here it is....

My life is rated NC-17.
What is your life rated?



:: 2004 16 June :: 3.21pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: newlyweds marathon

its weird...you know when you see someone who you havent seen in like a few years, like parents friends or something, and they say "oh my god, they grow up so fast.", and we always kind of stand there and nod and smile, kind of overlooking the fact that we actually DO. last night i was talking with my dad about school and it progressed to college. i know a lot of people are always like yea, i dont want to know what college im going to yet, but i honestly do. i want to know what school im going to be at and what its like there. and the scariest part of it all is that we have next year, and thats it. next year is all the time we have until we start looking for colleges. one year---thats all.

today i was watching saved by the bell, the one where they graduate, and as stupid as this is, that episode made my eyes tear. its such a reality check. "i thought my last day of high school would be the happiest day of my life...until i realized what i would be leaving- friends." -zack morris
loving, caring, fun, amazing friends. 4-14 years of friendship with people who love me...people who i love. i cant even imagine leaving them for anyone in this world. jeez, i get upset just thinking about it. i know, i just know, im going to be the girl whos bawling when she goes up to get her diploma, a total wreck, all because she knows shes leaving such a stable group, the people who caught her before she had a chance to hit the ground, people who made her smile when she could barely see beyond the tears that veiled her eyes, people that promised to always be there....but time ran out.
remember, we only have so much time left together. remind eachother how much each friendship means everyday, because before you know it, you'll be leaving eachother. to everyone whos been there for me, i love you all more than you know. i could never ask for better people to be my friends. you've all grown to be part of me in some way, and without you and i would never be the same . you are my world, and dont you ever forget it.

2 <3 | !!!!!!!


:: 2004 15 June :: 12.45pm

god I forgot how much work it was to not be lazy and fat...first day of conditioning went alright except for the fact that I almost blacked out...again! This heat exhuastion thing is so fuckin annoying I try to just stick it out and work but then everything goes fuzzy and the world starts spinning and I feel like i'm slipping in and out of conciousness. It makes me feel so weak I can't stand it. Ms. Dicillo got really freaked out because all of the color like drained from my face except for around my eyes I looked like I was dead or something. Yeah so that was the fun adventure on the track afterwards we went inside and did crunches and worked in the weight room and I was fine. Thank god I'm going to start dancing again soon I hate losing everything over the summer.

It was good though because it gave me something to channel my rage and get my mind off of...things. And human interaction was actualy kind of nice maybe I will start calling my friends again...stop being all antisocial. We'll see.

I just realized how much money I'm really going to need for gainsville I better stop spending what I have. I gotta chip in for gas and tolls I need to pay for a weeks worth of food then there's alcohol which is probably the biggest expense lol. bah idc I'd sell my kidney to get away from here if it was necessary.

yup so...grrrrr that's all I have to say. I'm so happy for Jenn finally letting go of Austin I know how hard that is believe me. It takes more will power than I've ever had. I wanna do something but I don't wanna plan it so somebody call me with a proposal...lol either that or I'll just sit at home some more...either way

Regrettably Yours,

1 <3 | !!!!!!!


:: 2004 15 June :: 7.32am

yeah well Ashley P warned me last night about going to bed angry but Idid it anyway...now here it is 7:30 in the morning and I am getting ready to go work out for 4 hours on like 2 hour sleep. Yes ladies and gentlemen we have officially found the cause of my insomnia. No names right now...it's high time for a friends only entry I need to vent without restraint because god knows who reads this anymore. But...no time right now plus I just can't handle it. I was right anyway....never trust happiness good things in my life are not meant to last or work out.

i'm off to conditioning let's just leave it that i'm pissed off beyond belief for now...




:: 2004 14 June :: 8.07pm
:: Mood: smiley
:: Music: breakdown-mariah carey

hellz yeah!!..i got a raise today!!
so far my summer has been completely about work..itz tiring but it definately pays off..i got a raise today!!..yay!!..itz about time..lol..i been work there for a while already..so im happy..i got all my envelopes and now i gotta stuff em..i cudd use alotta help..any takers??..love ya!!



:: 2004 14 June :: 7.16pm

I'm bored....sat around all day I did eventually get to sleep last night though which is good.

Michelle is away at preview with Hillary won't be back till thursday...

Conditioning starts tomorrow that means I have to get up early...I don't know how well that is going to go over but god knows I need to start working out again.

I feel bad I can't go to that thing with danielle on tuesday I just...idk I don't wanna ask too much because even though we're not gunna be drinking or smoking or anything I still don't know the people and his parents arent home and my mom will get suspicious if I ask. Then the minute I say I wanna go with danielle she'll be all suspicious of danielle again...I just got them over all that I don't want to be forbidden from my friends ever again...blah

I'm...happy yet...skeptical about it....does that make sense? Everything is ok but they never seem to stay that way...I think I'll be able to tell better at the end of this week, maybe more will make sense.

anyway...enough of this


1 <3 | !!!!!!!


:: 2004 14 June :: 6.31pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: penny and me- hanson

random stuff
Quizzes I Stole From Erica

How to make a dmlxoxo

3 parts pride

5 parts courage

5 parts beauty
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Top it off with a sprinkle of wisdom and enjoy!


Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
Your first full name
Your personality rates a11
your best quality isyoure responsible
your worst quality isyou get annoyed @ stupid peep
this is becauseOf the people you hang around
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!


Things That Make Me Laugh
**I found these while cleaning out my folder from the year. I love first period bio, good times, good times. So now, ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the comical fantasy conversations of Jesse Bordwin.**
[{NOTE: briggette's character is a dreamily lovestruck puddle of mush and as for me.....well, im a ghetto mama with a big mouth and an attitude lol}]
Convo #1:
Danielle: was cookin' good lookin'?
Briggette: [sigh] oh, not much, but Jesse just dominates my thoughts.
Danielle: das not duh only thang he'll be dominatin' soon...
Briggette: [gasp] DANIELLE!
Danielle: was wrong wit' dat honeychile?
Briggette: well, i guess, he IS so dreamy.
Danielle: mmmmhmmmmm, girlfriend. go for the gold girlfriend!

Convo #2:
Briggette: hey danielle
Danielle: mmmmhmmmm, was happenin' babe!?
Briggette: well, y'know, its Jesse again. I just can't keep my eyes off him.
Danielle: i know whatchu sayin', dawg. he is major--yummy.

Briggette: Wow booky-poo, that Jesse Bordwin sure is one sexy mama.
Danielle: I know- his kisses are so dreamy.
Briggette: Yeah, tell me about it, mambo chicky bow wow.
Danielle: Excuse me?
Briggette: Nevermind, but Jesse is hot.
Danielle: Yeah.....

<3 <3 gotta love those. <3 <3
---and who says all of what we say is fake "honeychile" lol love u briggerssssss

1 <3 | !!!!!!!


:: 2004 14 June :: 4.31pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: the starting line - "playing favorites"

nothing to do
another day passed by with nothing done except food eaten. thoughts thought. wishes wished. and music listened. eyes closed.

i should do some strumming.

my new favorite song. it makes me wanna go to california. or somewhere. to fall in love.

the best way i can extend the lonely words, i miss you.
i'll say it, but i'm sure you knew.
you're what i look most forward to, coming back to where i've been.
i'll just leave it at this.

i'm sure you always feel my eyes on you,
but i hope that you will never feel unwanted.
if you feel unwanted, wait for me to move out west.
it's ok if you don't. i hope you know you're my favorite thing about the west coast.
i wish i stayed, i hope you wait. so here i am...
counting down the days till california comes.

2 <3 | !!!!!!!


:: 2004 14 June :: 2.11pm
:: Mood: relieved
:: Music: i fought the law- greenday

so its done, finally its done. that stupid bitch global final is finitoooo. no more 50 multiple choice/dbq/thematic essay nightmares...whoop whoop. overall, i thought that it was a pretty successful test. hardest part= multiple choice. i hate kuklis's multiple choice, but thats okay. i almost didnt mind taking another kuklis m.c. as kinda like a salute to her. what an awesome teacher, honestly, shes one of the best teachers ive ever had....scratch that, shes THE best. who else would put up with 20 maniac, paperball throwing, rowdy 9th graders....no one. shes so dedicated, and what really comes off, she loves what she does, and moreover, she loves the kids. it doesnt matter to her how crazy and out there you are, she LIKES to be at school with us. yes, she works us to the bone, but she cares so much that she grades every piece of work that we do. yes, her tests are so hard that sometimes we just want to cry, but she teaches you how to take them and do WELL. she stops at nothing until she gets you to the point that she wants you at. ill miss her wacky outfits. remember at the beginning of the year when she came in dressed up and we were all like freak-o? i dont even notice it anymore. its so awesome that she does it, actually. not too many teachers would take that chance at embarassment walking throuhg the halls dressed as a monk just to get her kids interested. her dedication shines through when she teaches and i honestly will miss having her as a teacher next year. its so rare to come across someone who loves their work as much as she does, and just that spirit of knowing that she wants to be there and wants to be working with you helps the time pass, and makes the work...enjoyable. no one deserved that yearbook dedication more than she did.

**snaps for ms. kuklis and 5th period global. awesome times, awesome year, awesome class. AWESOME TEACHER. 'nuff said.**

2 <3 | !!!!!!!


:: 2004 14 June :: 2.40am

new background, thanks to tina <3

yeah, not falling in love with anyone quite yet, but if tina says it's true, then it must be.

i had a nice day today. this whole entire weekend was nice. mmm... you know why and if you don't, that's too bad.

talked to ashley today. coming down in july to accompany me to concerts... i really hope she does, tallahassee sounds like country-ville.
me: what'd you do today?
ashley: worked in the yard
me: all day?
ashley: yeah... i'm so sunburnt

... later

ashley: we have storms every night like right when it is around that time you go out
me: that sucks
ashley: our phones haven't worked since last night.

.... next conversation

me: what are you doing now?
ashley: watching tv in the guest bedroom, i don't even have cable in my room yet

all i have to say is thank god for cell phones.

i wish to get tanner tomorrow if the weather allows. i should go to bed, but i'm sure my thinking will keep me awake. why do i think so much about you? you leave me lying in my bed at night with countless thoughts. grrr....



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