2004 21 January :: 11.46pm
:: Mood: joyous
Hi! So today I'm going to start out with a really (in my opinion) good dream.
So I was at school and this guy I really used to like and still like a little named Justin aka b.e.k (Billy Elliot Kid cause he looks just like jamie bell who is the star of the movie billy elliot) was back at school. (He graduated last year) At school we were working on a group project and he came up behind me and then I turned around and he gave me a hug. It was a truly nice hug because I thought he was so hot and stuff. Then he helped my group do our group project as if he were back in 8th grade. I felt in the dream that somehow we were friends but it was a fuzzy feeling. After that we went to all our classes and then when the school day ended we were talking outside. I am not sure what we were talking about but I remember having a really really special feeling--one that doesn't usually happen. When he finally had to leave with his sister I stared after him for a while until Louise told me we had to go. The next day at school I arrived at went to my locker and he was standing there and we were talking for a while until the bell rang. Back in class Miss Doherty put on some history movie and for some reason everyone was laying down in rows. Bek came over near me and my friends and laid down next to me. He was smiling and it was nice. So this part doesn't really make sense but it switched over to him sitting on one of the tables in the class room and me and Louise and Jessica and Sarah were crowded around him talking and laughing. Sadly, that is where my dream ended because my mom came in and woke me up. I of course know that that dream will never come true no matter but its just fun to think about.
now for the school part of this entry. Today was pretty good minus the locker thing this morning. Allow me to explain. Last night I didn't lock my lock on my locker and niether did a few other people. So some asshole kids decided they would switch everyone's lock around and close it. There were no punishments for whoever did it nor did anyone even try to figure it out who they were. Unfortunately for the people who had it done to them Mr. Sigfried had to come in and break our locks this morning so we could get our books. So by the end of the day my locker was all screwed up because as he was breaking the lock he jammed the door a bit and my lock completely fell apart. Oh how I love those evil vandalizers (sp?) who did that to my lock.
During L.A class I now sit in the last set of the row with an uneven amount of chair things. That, however, is not the bad part. The bad part is I sit behind A.J and he sits right across from his best friend Luc (gayass way of spelling it) and they talk nonstop. Its so fuckin annoying. Luc is always saying "aj aj aj remember the time......." and i just want to yell "DUDE FUCKIN SHUT UP! I THINK HE KNOWS HIS NAME...YOU SAY IT ENOUGH!". Luc is also a true Lucifer (it even has his name in it lol) he has the worst attitude of anyone in our class besides Shawn who is a different and longer story. He is always telling people to shut up and if you say something to him he's just like "you're dumb be quiet". I would love to swing a baseball bat at him and hurt him really bad cause he needs it. Hmm...perhaps it would teach him a lesson. Perhaps thats all some people need, a good healthy beating. Wow I am sound really awfull right now. I really can't help it though. (jessica, you know who just came on but i'll probly tell you before you read this) I have a very long list of those I would love to beat. I'll name a few:
Fr. Kiefer, Miss Doherty, Mrs. Saunders, Corey, Luc, Shawn and there are several more which includes preps and stuff.
Today Miss Doherty, who hates president Bush and arnold schwartzenneger, (sp.) made it very clear yet again her political views. Brad raised his hand for Daily News video thing we do and said "pres. bush got applauded 72 times" and then she said "amazingly enough, yes' its like dude shut the fuck up. hes our president whether you like it or not so just live with it!! god damn all these people who make you feel bad for having different political views (jennifer and erin). dude i mean the war was necessary in iraq cause in i think that sadaam was a modern day Hitler. maybe thats just me.
i have to go but i will most deffinately write more about this tomorrow.
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Go fuck yourself
2004 20 January :: 8.30pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Psycho - System of a Down
the day! WOOOOOOO!
Minna-san konnichi-wa! Today we went back to school from the "long weekend" (as you probably guessed). I had to go to daycare in the morning. No people in my grade came to daycare until later, and it was Sarah n. I don't have anything against her, in fact I like talking to her, it's just she's so quiet it makes for many an awkward moment.
Until Sarah came thought, I sat with my sister and her little friends and then a seventh grader named Dani (short for Danielle I think) came. I triyand talk every once in a while with these people, but I don't know them very well, and normally I avoid talking to people I don't know very well. I don't know if it's shyness - maybe it is - but when I'm with my friends or just the people I talk to every once in a while (And I mean like a word a month) I'm extremely loud and pretty random. Maybe I'm just a tad bit anti-social. Haha. I feel intimidated by sixth and seventh graders. How sad.
Okay, that isn't entirely true. I just don't like little kids who are snobby or mean. One girl in my sister's class named Kayla gives that impression on you. I don't think she's actually mean, it's just always there kind of under her.... personality (you can tell I'm having trouble describing this). And the Dani seventh grader girl seems like a major pessimist. I can be a pessimist.... a lot of the time, but she's REALLY negative. It's kind of funny how she complains about everything. ^_^ Ah, pessismism, how fun.
After daycare, I of course went down to the eighth grade area. Spotting Marilyn, Sarah, Stephanie, and Lynn standing to the side of the drop off area like they did every morning, I went over and talked to them for a while before we went to get our stuff out of the lockers. Once I talked to Marilyn she told me that a few minutes earlier Sarah had done her annoying "Chicken! Hot guy at (insert location here)" thing.
When we were in the seventh grade it wasn't so bad, but after a while it really began to piss us off. Sarah and Stephanie always call eachother "toot!" and "chicken!" in this obnoxious voice. They do it CONSTANTLY! I swear, when they're with eachother its almost like they completely forgot how to talk normally. And then they complain about their boyfriends, who happen to be nice enough guys!
Stephanie was complaining about her boyfriend because he decided to study for finals instead of call her back right away. SOME PEOPLE WANT TO GET GOOD GRADES!
Anyway, when we got in homeroom, Ms. Doherty said to clear our desks.
That means there's a test. The bad thing about this? I had completely forgotten, as had everyone in the class save for eight people. BUT IT WAS MY LUCKY DAY! That's right, folks, she gave us a choice whether to take it today or tomorrow. Twas scary. It's hard to memorize eleven countries and their capitals in five minutes. Especially African countries with funny names.
My math teacher seemed a bit grumpy today. Well, she always is. I guess she just seemed a bit grumpier (grump is a funny word). And why must she always put that cursed hot chocolate of hers on my table so it drives me nuts the whole period?
Language Arts with Mrs. Saunders! (doesn't that sound like a nice name for a talk show?). It went by pretty fast, that's all I can say. However, in the beginning of my period she changed our seats (again!). Now I sit with Matt D in front of me, Nick D. in back of me, and Steven across from matt. These guys are best friends who are always talking. So where am I? In the middle of their conversations.
Matt: So are we gonna buy it?
Nick: Yeah, I'll give you the 200 dollars
Matt: Yeah! Hey, I'll give you a down payment.
Nick: Okay.
Steven: What if this doesn't work? Our parents will probably get in the way.
Matt: oh well, blah blah blah blah blah blah blahhh...
So I sit there, pretending they aren't there just as they pretend I'm not there. They talk about buying their drumset, I sit and feel awkward because I'm sitting inbetween the two of them.
In science (notice I'm going through pretty much every class) she changed the date of the test from Tues. to Friday, but it's open note. Unfortunately, it's a "Mrs. Gurries" open note, which means we have to write all our notes for the test on a piece of paper that is 2 3/4x2 inches. Yup. we're going to have to write REALLY small. *sigh*
And spanish was just.... spanish. I really need to study and get the rest of my homework done, so I'll finish this up for now.
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Go fuck yourself
2004 20 January :: 9.00am
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: yellow
mr. and mrs. pithy pantth!
im bored yet again. i got these really really good butter cookies at safeway today and i ordered $31.50 worth of girl scout cookies and my mommy got mad so she said she'd pay for some of it b/c she doesnt want me to waste my money like that. i also have really dry skin on my face and it hurts whenever i laugh or smile and i need some oil free creme. o nvm i got some. cool neutrogena. awwwwwwwwwwwesome! im bored and jason is talking about guns and i dont know what the hell he is talking about. except i do know what a bb gun is. im cold i gotta go.
Go fuck yourself
2004 20 January :: 8.34pm
:: Music: coldplay
so last night i stopped in the middle of an entry because my dad came in and i got mad at him cause he was trying to read the screen and he sent me to bed. dude i'm fuckin 13 and he sends me to bed at fuckin 8:50 on the one night that i was all rested on. so i will continue from the middle of the sentence i left off on.
When I thought about the thing of would u be friends with your siblings and parents if you didnt know them I decided that I probably wouldnt be. I do love my family but I dont necessarily like them. My first sister is an idiot. My second sister thinks too highly of herself and her friends all have no ambitions. My third sister has a brain injury which causes her to be a bit weird, not retarded, just weird. (did i use the commas right?) My fourth sister acts so weird around her friends its disgusting. I wonder still if she is a lesbian and in denial. Once in a while she'll say "blah blah blah is so hot" but thats once in maybe 3 months. So both of my parents I can't see being very good to look up to. The rest of my extended family (i know this wasnt part of the question) is a bunch of drunks and snobby Abercrombies except for one of my cousins who I think I would be friends with.
i dont know what else to say so i guess i'm done. bye
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2004 19 January :: 11.22pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: moulin rouge music
today for the most part was good. then my dad came home. i love my dad dont get me wrong but sometimes i honestly hate him. i think both of my parents are bi-polar (sp). today however was especially bad. my mom was mad at me in the car on the way to this weird thing i have to do cause i told her she sings bad. dude she was trying to sing along with the song and shes really bad. i just asked her to be quiet. i admit though that i did have an attitude. so then i went to the tutor or whatever u want to call it and she said i was improving. my mom was happy. we got home and went to work on my spanish homework and some applications. they ask me to make the salad and i get a little irritated cause i did a lot of chores all day. so as i was making the salad like always my dad decided to tell me how do it the "right" way (which i've never done before cause nothing is ever up to his standards). i got pissed and said "dad, i'll never make it perfectly so leave me alone." then he went into his speach about how i have a "mouth" and yelled. my dads version of yelling is a normal person's scream because he's half deaf. god hes such a mean ass. so they were angry at me and they made me sit on the couch and watch jeopardy. i would rather have gone over to them and beaten the shit out of my fuckin parents. my dad needs a spoonfull of his own fuckin medicine.
i thought of this a while back so i'll share it with you this is assuming you have parents and siblings. So if you weren't related to your parents and siblings do you think you would associate with them?
when i thought about that
Go fuck yourself
2004 19 January :: 5.14pm
:: Mood: cheerful
i have to go to this weid thing at 3:45 and i have to do something before that so i'm gonna go. bye bye
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Go fuck yourself
2004 19 January :: 3.31pm
:: Mood: dandy
:: Music: Feuer Frie - Rammstein
CURSES SAY I! I had about half of my entry typed up and then I opened up another window to check my yahoo email. After I checked, I meant to close the window with my email, but instead I quit the whole application! Now i have to start all over again! Okay, here goes...
GREETINGS FELLOW BEINGS OF THIS EARTH! I was hoping to make this entry a bit more interesting than yesterday's, so let me see if I can accomplish that.
In school we're reading this book called "Daniel's Story". It's about the Holocaust, and it's really sad! I cried multiple times when I read the book, and I don't often cry when I read unless I'm reading it outloud and the character I'm reading as starts getting emotional..... lol.
It isn't weird! It's kind of like practicing acting skills.... in a way.....
Aw, shutup. -_-
I had planned on typing up my writing activity for the book today, but I forgot the book at school and can't look up any details, so I'll have to do it tomorrow.
Ha ha heee hoo hoo ha! I'm pulling a Duo Maxwell and wearing my black hat around the house.
I had a dream that I was going to Yosemite with my class again and I had to run around at the last minute gathering stuff together because I had forgotten to pack warm clothes. I remember wishing I could put my black nailpolish on and then I realized that I could because for the whole week the teachers couldn't give me violations. YAHAHAHA! I also remember winning something where I get to spend time with these people.... like on a show or something... but I never really got to do anything. Then this girl and a guy started making out and then a guy and a guy started making out. lol
It was interesting to say the least.
^_^ I'm thinking of ordering the Gundam Wing movie Endless waltz. Yes, yes I think I shall! hmm...
I don't want to go to school tomorrow. Know what? For science My group and I are doing molding and spoiling and I was supposed to take a picture of my experiment yesterday.
I didn't.
That's right folks, I wasn't joking when I said yesterday that I was truly being a lazy bum. *sigh* So lazy. I'll do it today, don't worry.
Last night we watched a movie called Northfork. It was bizarre, but I liked it because I can be bizarre (spelling?) too. It kind of reminded me of Cirque du Soleil. I like that circus! Tis cool. And they have a minimum of truly scary clowns. (Although I saw this one and it scared the crap out of me........ never again, say I... never again). It's really kind of interesting. These angels named Cup-of-Tea, Cod, Happy, and FlowerHercules are kind of living in this house, searching for the "fallen angel" I believe it is. This orphan boy who can't be more than 7 years old meets them in a dream and says he knows who the Fallen Angel is. He agrees to tell the angels who the Fallen Angel is as long as they take him one thousand miles away. Cup-of-Tea argues, but the boy, Irwin, won't give in. He comes back later with a Bible in a bag and a black case. The boy claims he is the Fallen Angel and provides proof. He seems to remember being an angel and how his parents died, etc. It's really an interesting story full of little things that will make you laugh just because.
There are actually two stories going on at the same time - the one with the boy and the one with a man and his son - but they are somehow connected with eachother, as you will find out if you watch the movie. It's weird, but I personally enjoyed it.
Well I think I'm done for now. Maybe I'll come on later today and add yet another entry. Just maybe, yes yes.
*gasp* I didn't nod in this entry! IT'S A FRICKIN MIRACLE!
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2004 18 January :: 11.33pm
:: Music: Breathe No More - Evanescence
fancy pants
Today i pretty much sat around. I worked on some of my spanish homework. Aren't you proud of me?! Well you should be. Really nothing all that exciting, basically sat in front of the computer all day and listened to music or acted like a psycho freak online. Oh yeah. And I ate. Eating is nice. I'm getting really bad. *note to self* Stop eating like a pig. You are going to get fat. *nods*
Man in mob #1: we have found a witch, may be burn her?
guy: how do you know she is a witch
Mob: she looks like one!
Guy: bring her forward.
Lady: I'm not a witch, I'm not a witch!
Mob: But you are dressed as one.
Lady: they dressed me up like this! And this isn't my nose, it's a false one.
Mob: well we did do the nose.... and the hat, but she is a witch!
Guy: Did you dress her up like this?
Mob: Nooo... no!..........well, a bit. yeah, yeah a bit. She has got a wart.
Guy: What makes you think she is a witch?
man in mob: She turned me into a newt!
Guy: a newt?
Man in mob #2:..................................... it got better.
Guy: Quiet, quiet! there are ways of telling whether she is a witch.
Mob: are there? What are they, what are they? Tell us! DO THEY HURT?!
Guy: tell me. What do you do with witches?
Guy: And what do you burn apart from witches?
Another man in mob: MOre witches!
man in mob #2: ..... wood
Guy: So why do witches burn?
Man in mob#2:................................................. cause they're made of.....wood?
Guy: Goood. So how do we tell whether she is amde of wood/
Man in mob #1: Build a bridge out of her!
Guy: Ahhh, but can't you also build bridges out of stone?
Man in mob #1: Oh yeah.
Guy: does wood sink in water?
Mob; No, no, It floats!
Guy: what also floats in water?
Various people in the mob: bread, apples, very small rocks, cider, grape gravy, mud, churches, lead, lead!
King Arthur: A duck!
Guy: exactly! So, logically...
Man in mob #1: If... she weighs... the same as a duck, she's made of wood!
Guy: And therefore...
Who can guess where that's from? I'll give cookies to whoever wins! And cake too!
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2004 18 January :: 4.14pm
yesterday i went to san francisco which was fun. its supposed to be the gay capitol of the world but when ur walking around there isnt many gay people. in fact i seemed to have seen more straight couples. i also saw a butt load of "abercrombies" i would like to run over to them and beat them and kick them till they go home and take back every single abercrombie clothing piece they have.
so yesterday was my sisters birthday and we were eating a shit load of candy and stuff cause of those damned free samples ghiradelli square has. those caramel filled chocolate ones are so good. (if you've never been to Ghiradelli Square you need to go) so when we got home my dad made us dinner and i could barely eat it cause i was so stuffed. then we had chocolate cake and by the end of the night i think i gained like 30 pounds or something.
i've got nothing more to say but i'll just be annoying for a bit.
if u was smart youngin u'd stop reading right now. oh well its not like u have a choice cause i'm not gonna write anymore.
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2004 17 January :: 9.16pm
:: Mood: spunky! Okay, not really
:: Music: Down with the Sickness - Disturbed
A truly wise man does not decide to play leapfrog with a unicorn
Today we had lunch with my Grandma at the mall. Twas nice, it was. People should appreciate their grandma's! Well, unless their grandma is a big old hag and terribly mean to them.
But if you ish loving your granny, you should spend more time with her, because nice grannies are cool!
After lunch we walked around the mall for a bit and I got a Ranma 1/2 DVD and a Demon Diary manga 5 (yaaay!). Then we walked my grandma to her car and moved on to spend my gift card at hot topic, where I bought a shirt with Stewie from Family Guy saying "STop Mocking Me!".
fun fun I say!
not much else to talk about. Me mum forgot about returning the library books. Okay, so it was partially my fault, but oh well.
I feel hyper and violent at the same time, so I think I'm gonna go beat something up. HEEEEHAHAHAHAA!
I'm not drunk, I swear. I don't drink. I'M SERIOUS!
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2004 15 January :: 8.53pm
:: Music: Evening Falls - Enya
Only the good die young
"You said you weren't afraid of anything, but I know that you're afraid of snails," I said, small hands folded calmly in my lap.
"No I'm not, I just think they're gross," said the little blond boy sitting next to me, tracing pictures and scribbling in the dirt with a blunt rock.
My cousin, Nick. He wasn't afraid of anything, or so he said. I thought he was wrong though. I thought he was afraid of snails. I constantly argued that he was afraid of them, but he never said he was. "I'm bored. Do you want to play something?"
He looked up at me from the dirt. "Okay. How about the Skeleton game?"
"Okay!" I said enthusiastically.
My little sister, who had been sitting on the ground in the dirt, looked at us, eyes sparkling. "Can I be the dinosaur again?"
A little while ago we had made a game up of our own that we so affectionately named "The Skeleton Game." I was a princess, and Nick was a Skeleton who would try and capture me. Often the end bedroom in my grandmother's house served a a dungeon. Denise would be the dinosaur; the skeleton's sidekick, who would assist in the capture. My job was to try and hide from them. When I was captured I would try to escape. It was quite fun, and often lasted for at least an hour.
"So you guys have to go to the other side of the house now and in a few minutes come look for me," I said.
"C'mon, Denise," Nick said. Denise ran up ahead of him and he followed, turning to give me that sweet grin he always carried on his face. It was the kind of grin that is so big it reduces your eyes to cheerful slits. The kind that makes your whole face radiate with love and happiness.
The kind that only little children can truly make real.
I'll always remember that smile....
"Hey Adam!" I exclaimed. Adam was the newest member of the family, only four now, which made me ten. He looked a lot like his brother - blonde hair and blue eyes that sparkled, fair skin and long eye lashes.
Denise walked in the house, gameboy in hand. Her once-blond hair had darkened to brown by now. She walked over to Nick, who had just come into the room, and started talking to him about how far she had gotten on the Pokemon game.
"Have you gone up against the Elite Force yet?" Nick replied enthusiatically.
"No, who are they?" They continued talking as they walked down the hall to the front bedroom where they could watch TV and play their video games at the same time. It was the same bedroom that had once served as a suitable dungeon when we were playing the Skeleton Game.
I just watched, down on my knees because I had just given Adam a hug. You'd think I'd get used to them walking away and playing video games; they did it every time the family got together.
But I hadn't. Not really. I missed playing with them. But I quickly turned my attention to Adam and smiled. I was the only one he had to play with. "So what do you want to do?"....
Silence filled the car as we drove up to Stanford hospital. What we had heard was that Nick was hit by a car. It was February 24th; I remember it clearly, and the sky was over cast. Droplets of rain fell like tears onto our windshield. I clutched papers in my hand and stared blankly out the window. The papers were spells. I wasn't Wiccan, but I was just interested in anything having to do with the occult. I wasn't going to try and become Wiccan either. It was simply an interest. Two of the spells I held closest were one to stop bleeding and one to get rid of physical pain. I hadn't ever tried them before, in fact I was just printing them out when the phone rang giving us the news. I had no idea what was going on, really; maybe I was in denial, but for some reason I just kept thinking 'how bad could it be? He'll get through it. He wouldn't die. He couldn't die.' After all, he was Nick, my cousin. He couldn't die. He was the one who wasn't afraid of anything.
It was the 25th now, the next morning. The night before I had cried myself to sleep. My eyes were puffy and I trudged around the house like my feet were attached to weights, but I tried not to think about it. Last night they told us that Nick didn't have much of a chance of living, and even if he did live, he would be brain damaged.
"Uh huh.... oh.... okay," my mom hung up the phone. "Denise, Jess, come here for a moment."
"Yeah, Mom?" I asked. Denise came up to stand beside me. I looked into the pain-stricken face of my mother, and as her eyes filled with tears I knew what she was going to tell us wasn't going to be good.
"Nick is brain-dead. Do you know what that means?"
We shook our heads.
"It means all the cells in his brain are gone. It means his brain doesn't work anymore. He's dead."
A dead weight dropped on me, and tears rapidly filled my eyes. This couldn't be happening. Blurry-eyed, I ran up the stairs, trying to fight down the scream that was trying to break from my throat. I ran into my room, slammed the door, and completely collapsed.
Eleven years old. He was eleven years old. Six weeks older than me. We were six weeks apart. We'd always been together and now he was gone, gone. Gratefully, I let the scream out of my mouth. I screamed and cried into my pillow and asked "WHY?! WHY HIM? HE WAS SO YOUNG.... HE WAS SO YOUNG."
The pain came fast. That jerking, burning pain that pulls at your mind, paws at your soul, and completely tears your heart to shreds. The kind that leaves an impression on you forever. The kind of pain that you can never, ever forget. When you feel that pain it seems like you could cry and scream forever.
I didn't understand. Who would understand? All I knew is that he was gone.
And I never even told him I loved him.
It's been almost 3 years since that happened, and like all things, you move on. But deep down, you know that you haven't really moved on. The wounds reopen and you cry silently into your pillow and wonder what it would be like if this never happened.
In that three years time I don't think I've ever really had a dream with Nick in it. I think it's because I've been afraid. Of what, I'm not even quite sure.
But last night I did have a dream. We were in a house, and me, my mom, and another woman (I'm not quite sure who it was) were kneeling beside the bed. Nick was lying there, as if alseep.
Then he opened his eyes. He sat up cheerfully. He started talking about something, and at the moment all I could do was stare.
Then I actually felt the hot tears well up in my eyes and roll down my cheeks. He was here, he was really speaking, and he was alive. It had been so long, so long.
But I woke up, and it was really only after I had eaten breakfast and gotten ready for school that I actually remembered the dream. I lay back in bed in the dark, school clothes on, and just thought about it for a while.
And once again, I felt the hot tears well up in my eyes and trail down my face. It had been the first time I cried over his death in a long time.
Memories hurt, and some you want to forget, but what if you really did forget? What would happen then?
No matter how painful memories get, I don't want to forget them, because, as the ever-knowledgable Momiji once said, "No matter how much those memories hurt, no matter how painful they are, I don't want to forget them. Because I know now that they are a part of me. They help me to be who I really am."
And so I'll remember, and I'll cry and I'll hurt, but I won't forget. I won't try to forget. I don't want the memories to leave me, because they've taught me things that nothing else could have taught me. Life goes on if you want it to, and I'll keep him with me, and I won't forget.
I won't forget that smile he could give. The smile that only little children could really make real. Because some how, he managed to keep that smile as he grew. Somehow he always managed to make his face radiate with love and happiness.
And somehow, it fit him.
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Go fuck yourself
2004 14 January :: 9.43pm
:: Music: enya and other sad music
gay ass people
there is a kid corey and his locker is right above mine in the locker room. everyday i'm nice to him and when hes at his locker first i let him get his shit out before i go and get my stuff out. whenever i'm at my locker he comes over and pushes me out of the way very suddely (sp) but i do notice since hes done it practically every time i get there first. will it honestly kill him to wait two minutes for me to finish???? so i've decided everytime he does it i'm just going to drop a book on his head "accidentally". if he does it a second time i'll drop two books on his head and so on untill he decides its not worth it to push me out of the way anymore. i think that i forgive to easily and thats my problem. once again i'm gonna bring up sarah. ok she pisses me off really really bad. yet when she talks to me and she is nice i try to give her a second chance in hopes that maybe she will have changed. the truth is that sarah will never change. shes always gonna be a spoiled brat who doesnt care about grades or anything else except for guys. dude she is the most spoiled person i've ever met in my life. i mean she asks for something and almost always she gets it. her sister sets a really bad example and her parents r too easy on her. in ten years if i saw her i bet she'd be working at some really bad job and have 3 kids at home one of who would be like 8 or 9 years old. i worry about her. i've probly said all this a thousand times but it just makes me so unbelievably mad. i know this sounds bad but i'm gonna keep on good terms with her cause i wanna play softball but not by myself so i dont want everyone to hate me who i'll be playing with.
i feel like my journal entrys are just a place where i complain so much and nothing is very interesting cause i write about the same stuff so much. so i'll try to write about positve things a bit more but nothing in my life is really that positive right now.
some good news is that it was cloudy today and drizzled a little but nothing substantial like i had hoped for. some other good news is on saturday i'm going to san francisco which i love. only problem is that its not gonna be rainy.
san francisco i think is prettiest when its rainy. the golden gate bridge is surrounded by clouds and theres only one or two boats on the bay which are usually coast guard or the fairies. and then u can be on market street and look down the hill and then theres a cable car going up. the funny thing is lumbard is a famous streeet for having so many turns it but i didnt think it was all that great when i went on it the first time. i'm probly boring u to death with all my babbling about san francisco. i think everyone should have a city or spot that they absolutely love and feel perfect at. i guess san francisco is that place for me. even when it is in summer and sunny its a different feeling but a good one.
back to bitterness. i was thinking about how sarah and stephanie always call eachother "chicken" and "toot" and then i thought that someday they r gonna realize how stupid they sound and be so embarrassed that ever did that. serves them right they act like such dumbasses its truly disgusting. i've thought this through since writing how i was gonna keep on good terms with her cause of soft ball. is soft ball really worth being nice and putting up with all the shit that an idiot like her has? whoever leaves a comment (not like anyone expcept jessica does ~sniffs~ my feelings r hurt) please tell me if its worth it cause i really dont know and right now i'm leaning toward the "its not worth it" side. is it hard to identify shapes? i dont think its that hard. mabye thats just me. i mean it was at first but when u've u been learning it for 3 years its pretty hard to forget.
right now this enya is making me cry cause whenever i listen to it i think of my aunt marie and my teacher, mister vane who died. i really miss them. at my aunts funeral my sister started crying as she was doing one of the readings and it was so sad. just remembering all the stories she had stored in her brain makes me so sad cause i never got to listen to a lot of them. just before we found out she had cancer i started to get interested in her stories and then 6 or 7 months later she was gone taking with her so much of history. i think that what makes it a bit harder is that she died 10 days before my birthday and then mr. vane died exactly 1 month after my birthday. when i was at my aunts funeral my daddy (go ahead make fun of me for putting that i really dont care) took me out side and i started to cry really hard and that was one of those really good times that a dad is there for u. then when i came home from mr. vanes funeral i ran up to my room and started crying really hard into my pillow. that was one of the worst feelings i've ever had in my life. i know it sounds like i'm feeling sorry for myself but perhaps by writing about it i'll be able to move on a bit. i mean i want to remember everything and how much i love both of them and what made them special to me but crying all the time is just not fun after a while. i good cry that kinda lets out all ur emotions is important every now and then but not like this. a good cry isnt supposed to be almost everyday and they r'nt supposed to make u feel worse. its seems like lately i'm either really angry or really sad. even when i'm laughing and in a good mood i never feel quite like i used to before everything happened. i dont like it how some people say "well its a new year. u've got to try to forget about last year and start fresh." dont they know its not that easy i mean if it was then no one would feel sad for very long because it would all go away the 1st of the year. i think i'm gonna go up to my room for a while and think then go to bed a bit earlier than i have been lately.
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Go fuck yourself
2004 13 January :: 9.35am
:: Mood: nerdy
:: Music: your're so vain
dodey do
lalala i am sooo bored. im going to shadow tomorrow and i dont want to b/c everyone makes fun of the shadows. i think. again im pooped. lynnster just signed on. i had really nasty ice cream today that my mom bought. cherry chocolate chip. baaahaha! gross! nobody is on and im tired and i want some chocolate. peace out.
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Go fuck yourself
2004 12 January :: 11.24pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: enya
right now i'm in 8th grade. we've been learning about geometry since 5th grade. wouldnt u think that by now everyone would know how to find the area of a figure???? well apparently some people dont! how they dont know by now is a miracle. i mean is it really that hard? i've had 2 people ask me tonight how to find it. i dont even have an A or B (maybe a B- but probly not) in math and i know! i complain way to much. sorry.
so now i would just like to share some cheery news. the creepy molester guy from across the street is moving and is almost out. so i'm happy about that. also the weather person said its gonna rain tomorrow. however they have been saying that for the past week so i'm not sure it will.
the rain is so much better than the sun. i hate the summer. especially in california cause its to hot. i think that oregon would be a better place to live cause it rains more. but england would be the best place to live.
(excuse as i switch subjects and go on to other stuff thats not related at all) right now i'm having that really sad feeling that kinda sweeps over u all at once out of no where. i get that a lot but it doesnt ever get easier. i really wish that my aunt and teacher wouldnt have died. it just seems like everyone u want to live dies first and everyone who deserves to die lives. its getting close to a year now after my aunts death but i still feel like i went to her funeral yesterday. when i saw her laying in the casket motionless and completly colored with pasty make up and stuff it didnt look like her. she should have had barely any powder on and lipstick a bit outside the lines. everything was to perfect. i wish i hadnt seen her like that. i wish i hadnt seen her in the hospital . thinking of all the pain and suffering she went through makes me feel awfull that i'm okay and i've never had to go through that. old people dont deserve so much pain that the strongest medicine will only take the edge off it. i think that i can now understand why people who r that gravely ill would want to end their lives. yet at the same time i would think they would want to hold on as long as possible. sometimes i go to school and try to act happy and cheerfull but on the inside i know its just an act to try to help me forget about my problems. i know that some people who go to school with me probably dont believe me but it is honestly what i do.
i need to go.
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Go fuck yourself
2004 11 January :: 10.08pm
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: Fallen - Sarah McLachlan
It's always darkest before it goes pitch black.
Damn, it's Sunday already. The weekend went by too quickly and I really don't want to go to school tomorrow. I don't care if I got my test done with - I have to make an outline for a term project on this guy named Chief Little Turtle. I don't think that I'm going to do it tonight though. I'm going to procrastinate and do it tomorrow because I should finish arranging my notecards first.
Today I went to my cousin Adam's 8th birthday party. My aunt (his mom) just got a new kitten. It's name is Joey and it's only 7 weeks old. It's adorable with it's little blue eyes and fluffy black and gray tabby fur. Normally I don't really like cats - well, not grown up cats anyway. I usually like kittens because they're less likely to scratch your eyes out.
Whenever anyone tried to hold Joey he'd paw at their hands and bite gently with his little sharp teeth. It didn't really hurt and he never broke the skin; kind of playful I guess. The pads on his paws were so soft.
It was kind of funny when my newest little cousin, David, was sitting on the floor (he just learned how to sit up about a month ago) and the cat went up to him. David reached out to play with him and Joey started pawing at his hand. I was surprised David didn't cry. I guess it didn't scare him. In fact it looked kind of like he was having fun. But Sue, his mom, was afraid that David might get hurt or freaked out and moved him away a bit. Joey then moved on to attack something else.
I haven't had cream soda in forever. I had some today and, lemme tell you, that's good stuff ^_^.
Oh good Lord, help me. I just had the urge to sing a Hilary Duff song (THE HORROR! THE HORRORRRR!)
Anyway, back to the birthday party. Now, I don't think I've mentioned the conformation debate between my family. My parents are giving me the choice of getting ze sacrament of Confirmation or not. At first I said no, because it was too much work. But then I started considering it. The only thing is, we needed a sponsor for me, so we were going to ask my aunt, Sue. We talked to her about it and even looked over the stuff. Of course, by then I was once again getting completely turned off by the idea. Eighth grade is stressful enough, and I don't need to write an essay every single week for 20 weeks about what the priest had to say during mass or write a letter to the bishop begging him to let me take the sacrament (either I just had de ja vu or I've typed that line before). I know what I believe in, so I just don't see the point in doing this if I know and my family knows. Anyway, even Sue agreed that it was a lot of work just to get confirmed.
I don't think I'm gonna do it. I don't really see the point and if I still want to later, I might get another opportunity.
The dumb storm still hasn't come.
I started my science project today. That's right folks - my group and I decided to do a project on MOLD (yay!). Marilyn was assigned bread, Toni was assigned cheese, and I decided to do nice, harmless bananas. I think that the banana I have outside right now is going to be eaten by something not long before this project is over, and I even have a banana in a drawer in my garage to see how it does in the dark. Yahahahaha! Two weeks of watching food and taking pictures to see if it grows any cool ugly looking stuff. Oh yeah.
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Go fuck yourself