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:: 2004 31 May :: 9.48 pm
:: Music: Lil Flip - Game over

Memorial Day
Hi happy Memorial day-ish. Summer is finally here. School ended on the 28th and the doing nothing-ness has begun. Today was Memorial Day and my mother made some bbq skewers thing with shrimp, meat, corn,potato,and some other stuff on it. It was pretty good and it was such a white-people food. But anyways after me and Ashley were bored so I went to her casa and her neighborhoods pool, we tanned a bit and I went in but she did not because she took a shower earlier before but oh well. We saw this woman there, I think she was Russian and the bathing suit she was wearing...wow you could almost see that area that other women and the public eye shouldn't see. That was kind of disgusting..and it was a thong bathing suit toooo ewww. Anyways...well I'm done with this and I'm talking to my Michael Anthony Riggio Jr. so I have to continue with that ___and I did this quizes stuff cause I was bored so hope you enjoy.

Which Legendary Actress are you?

`*i love you

:: 2004 30 May :: 10.00 pm
:: Mood: bored

I got bored...
this or that?
coke or pepsi:pepsi
rap or classical music?:rap
goth or prep?:neither
pay or volunter?:pay
night or day?:night
black or white?:black
strips or polka dots?:stripes
cd or casset:CD
dvd or tape?:dvd
singing or instrument?:instrument
sun or stars?:stars
paint or draw?:paint
poem or story?:poem
read or write?:read
be deaf or blind?:be deaf
have a brother or sister?:one brother
About you
boy or girl?:girl
eye color?:brown
hair color?:dark brown
right hand or left?:righty
what do you fear?:dying alone
what would your perfect day be like?:On the beach with my love
What is a word you over use?:indeed
whats your best accomplishment?:i have no idea
immortal life or neverending supply of money?:neverending supply of money
What is something you want to do?:I want to have babies..not now though
hot dogs or hamburgers?:hot dogs most def
Do you...?
fight with your parents?:like everyday
fight with siblings?:every other day
sing well?:no
sing in the shower?:sometimes
randomly talk to strangers?:nope
sing in the shower?:okay same question
cry a lot?:when i'm under emotional stress
be over dramatic to annoy people:not really
think your funny?:sometimes
dye your hair?:once to get my natural hair color back
enjoy pain?:only bruises
enjoy life?:occasionally
like your best friend?:i love her
have a crush on your best friend?:um..no !
do you wear chains?:no
go to church?:I should
believe in God?:yes
lie a lot?:if I have to
like to be sarcastic?:sometimes
pretend your someone your not?:no
like Josh groban?:whos that
Like flowers?:yes especially roses
love someone?:of course
want to die?:not yet
wanna get high?:ehh..
Right Now
are you high, drunk or stoned?:none
are you going out with someone?:nope
in 3 words desribe yourself:great,nice,reliable
are you bored:yes..i'm doing this aren't i
are you tired:yes but for no reason at all
are you frustrated with this stupid quiz?:not really
in 3 words desribe your mood:sleepy,happy,restless
what are you listening to?:Usher - confessions
what is your current problem?:my damn digi-cam isnt working
whos your best friend?:Amanda
who do you want to kill?:just this person
what do you want?:money
are you hungry:nope I just ate steak & shake
If you are hungry what do you want?:....
are you drinking anything?:nope
are you I.m.ing someone?:yeah to michael <3
are you on the phone?:nope
whats on your mouse pad?:DELL
are you watching t.v.?:nope
are you downloading music?:not at this moment
are you failing school?:schools over
are you going to do anything other than answer these questions?:maybe go talk on the phone
random questions
why why?:ms. american pie
why DID the chicken cross the road?:uh that answer to get to the other side
what is the funniest joke you have heard?:anything on FAMILY GUY makes me laugh
what is your biggest turn on?:Arms, chest, calve muscles
what is yoru biggest turn off?:someone smoking in my face
what sport do ya like?:soccer
do you like pizza?:of course who doesn't
do you like toe socks?:not really
do you sleep with your baby blanket?:no its in my closet
are you crazy?:SOMETIMES
are you mentaly, physically, or emotionally destirbed?:nonee
do you have a stalker?:no
How many times have you been asked out?:i dont know
What is your favorite class?:it was English
what is your favorite word?:indeed

100 question quiz brought to you by BZOINK!

`*i love you

:: 2004 22 May :: 8.14 pm
:: Mood: devious
:: Music: Hoobastank - the reason

"I c a n ' t l i v e m y l i f e t h i s w a y "
-I plan to do my journal this way when I am lazy.

-Yesterday hung out with Phillip, went to Muvico to see Shrek 2 but was sold out..bummer.

-Went to the beach today with Amanda...got mighty black.

-Wanted to do something tonight but the Moms isn't letting me.

-Can't wait for next year at OH to see Nick-o-lus everyday.

-Alex stop calling me from a "private number".

-Was on the phone last night till 5 in the morning, thank you Michael, i offically died of sleep on the car ride home from the beach :-)

1 `*thank you | `*i love you

:: 2004 20 May :: 8.23 pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Lil flip - game over

Here it goes again
-Today was an exceptionally good day.

-Corey and I had a quarrel last night, didn't end good.

-Corey was on the morning announcements and apologized to me on the t.v...can't stay too mad at someone when they do something sweet like that.

-Started bleeding from my belly pericing again.

-Got pissed off again ONCE AGAIN...it never stops.

-Some people can be just so closed-minded and judgemental.

-Cristian got suspended for 5 days for GAMBLING !

-Amanda you so messed up with the FUB's today lol

-I'm going to miss lunch with Nicole.

-Only one more week of school.

-I want to rip off my arm and throw it at someone.

1 `*thank you | `*i love you

:: 2004 18 May :: 9.49 pm
:: Mood: creative
:: Music: none

Another one of me and Amanda's lovely conversations and how bored we get...
CoLoMbiAz qT: yepp
ChErRy BaBiEe: yeppppp
CoLoMbiAz qT: B !
ChErRy BaBiEe: BIA !
CoLoMbiAz qT: man im b0ored
ChErRy BaBiEe: me tooo
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 2 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 3 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 4 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 5 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 6 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 7 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 8 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 9 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 10 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 11 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 12 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 13 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 14 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 15 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 16 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 17 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 18 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 19 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 20 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 21 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 22 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 23 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 24 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 25 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 26 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 27 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 28 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 29 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 30 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 31 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 32 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 33 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 34 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 35 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 36 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 37 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 38 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 39 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 40 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 41 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 42 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 43 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 44 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 45 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 46 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 47 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 48 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 49 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 50 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 51 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 52 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 53 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 54 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 55 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 56 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 57 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 58 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 59 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 60 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 61 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 62 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 63 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: f u 64 b
CoLoMbiAz qT: f u 65
CoLoMbiAz qT: S HIT !!!!1
ChErRy BaBiEe: you fucked it up bitch !
CoLoMbiAz qT: lolololololol
CoLoMbiAz qT: i was like laughin the whole time
ChErRy BaBiEe: lolol meee too!
CoLoMbiAz qT: lolol
ChErRy BaBiEe: i told richie and im like.. wow this is getting complicated bc theres like 2 numbers plus ur laughing
CoLoMbiAz qT: new world record...f u 64 b
ChErRy BaBiEe: YAY !
CoLoMbiAz qT: lol
ChErRy BaBiEe: that was great !
CoLoMbiAz qT: i knmo0o0o0o !
CoLoMbiAz qT: i knew i was gonna screw up sooner or later
ChErRy BaBiEe: lol ya i knew you would too
CoLoMbiAz qT: cuz im like tlakin 2 people and laughing at the same time
ChErRy BaBiEe: lol ya and your not multi tasked liek mee
CoLoMbiAz qT: lol i kno0o !
ChErRy BaBiEe: lol

`*i love you

:: 2004 15 May :: 6.26 pm
:: Mood: blind
:: Music: none

did the quiz Amanda did yesterday...

Prized Object

Your Seduction Stye: "Prized Object"

The seduction game you play is tried, true, and still effective: hard to get.

You know that the best seducers turn the tables - and get their crush to seduce them.

The one running has the power, and you're a challenge that is worth the chase.

You are a master of enticing and pulling back. Giving a little and taking some away.

You are controlled enough to know rewards come after a long seduction dance.

Even though you want to call, email, or say "I love you" first - you don't!

You're style is the perfect mix of hot and cold - so much so that you have many suitors

Think Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's ... or any of those creepy guys from the Bachelor

You're skilled at inspiring a chase. The real test is picking the person to slow down for..

What Kind of Seducer Are You?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

`*i love you

:: 2004 15 May :: 10.46 am
:: Mood: peaceful
:: Music: Dialated peoples feat. Kanye West - this way

Chlorophyll !
I woke up surprisingly early today. I kept waking up though before like at 7 oclock..my blind eyes couldnt really see the clock so I had to get up closer to see the time and I see that it's like 7:30 and i'm like F that i'm going to sleep. The I woke up again at around 8-ish and again f that. So finally here I am. Last night was such a great night ! Well I was supose to go out with Amanda, Richie, and Jerry but some shit happened so that didn't happen. So Phillip wasn't doing anything and we were supose to see Mean Girls, so we invited Amanda to come and we went to Muvico to see it. It was soo funny, Phil had parked the car and the ass of the car was so out ! Great parking. So we saw the movie and I absouletly loved it [again]..and so did Amanda and Phillip. After that we went and stopped by Alex's house so I could pick up the New Jersey hat that he got me and my earring. Fonte was acting gay..kind of scared me a little bit. Oh yeah and before we entered Alex's community, we had to wait for the gate to open and stuff, Phil pressed the numbers and stuff and he just literrally hit the gas pedal and me and Amanda freaked out and screamed cause you gotta wait for the gate to open lol.. he scared the shit out of us. Aww I love that kid, he's moving to North Carolina in the summer =( We were all talking about it and it depressed us for about 5 minutes. But then it was all good..I sware being with Phil is like non-stop laughter. It's great. Well today I want to go rent Scary Movie 3 because I don't remmeber what happens in the movie cause it was so long ago that I saw it. Then later my father is coming and I think we're going to go eat. Ciao.

2 `*thank yous | `*i love you

:: 2004 13 May :: 11.11 pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: none

252 f-ing dollars
This night just went way downhill today. The DAY was good but bleh. Tonight I was supose to go to see Mean Girls with Phillip but unfortunately he couldn't get the car [his mom's car] because she had an appointment or something. But it's alright. Then my mom calls me and tells me to shut off my cell phone. Why ? I went over my minutes a lot, and the bill came out to be like 252 dollars around there so I'm pretty pissed off because she makes it seem like I did it on purpose. And she took my cell phone away because i "contradicted" her. Wtf kind of crap is that. But I will get it back eventually. Then today Alex got mad at me because "I did it again"...he should know what I've been saying all week..but whatever. So I'm not in a good mood right now. Mikey and Corey [KIND OF!!] is cheering me up a bit..maybe tomorrow will be better.

`*i love you

:: 2004 12 May :: 5.58 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Westside connection - so many rappers in love

Well it's 5:58 and I'm bored out of my mind. But anyways..overall today was a pretty good day. School was cool. Not really. But it was alright. Well today I had to go pick up my contract and some other papers in order for me to work at that Eagles Landing Camp..oh yeah I got the job ! I'm so excited. Now I just have to get a whole bunch of papers signed. My brother was supose to take me but he was in traffic near miami so I asked AJ and he was doing some crap with his carpet and had to stay home cause some guy was going to come with more carpet so he asked Richie that goes to my school to take me and he did...thats so sweet for AJ to do to actually like go out of the way or something I dunno what I'm talking about. So yeah ...Erik stopped by here a little while ago i love that jewish kid lol. AND Oh em gee ...Amanda and Richie are going out...pShhH f u guys =) jay kay i <3 u well im oout and o ya i did one more of those quiz things..

You Are Flirt-able!

You are the best of both worlds - sexy and friendly, but not in either box.

Your charm is addicting, and you always have plenty of people flirting with you.

And if you want to turn things up, that's always an option for you.

You have plenty of options - without being the person everyone has already done :-)

Are You F***able?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

`*i love you

:: 2004 10 May :: 9.24 pm
:: Music: Jedi Mind Tricks - Blood in blood out

I was bored...
...so I did these little quizes =)

definite boyfriend

There is MOST DEFINITELY a boyfriend in your future.

Never one to miss a chance to meet a guy, you're always "on" and it pays off.
At the grocery store, the video store, wherever…you're constantly on the
lookout for the next victim.

Not that you treat men like shit. Far from it! It's just that you love 'em so
much, it's hard to limit yourself to just one.

Like M&M's, except your men usually melt in your mouth. AND your hands. Mmmm!

Is There A Boyfriend In Your Future?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

You Should Be With an Air Sign!

Your best match is a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius

Why? You crave excitement and playful banter

Only an Air Sign can match your wit - and keep you on your toes

As for fun, an Air Sign guy will show you plenty… with tons of surprises

Just be sure to introduce him to some new playful experiences as well!

What Sign Should You Date? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

Your Lip Gloss Flavor Is: Cotton Candy

You're a total girly girl who's every guy is sweet on.

You take pleasure in the simple things in life, from cute t-shirts to stuffed animals.

Any guy needs to match your romantic idealism to win your heart, which is why few have.

No wonder Cotton Candy is your signature flavor. It's delicious, sugary, and fun - like you!

What Flavor Lip Gloss Are You? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

`*i love you

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