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"That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. . ."

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:: 2004 25 March :: 6.50 pm
:: Mood: hungry
:: Music: Linkin Park - Faint

Si senoorrrr
I say si senor to Alex and he says "I don't speak Chinese" lol. But anywho...I just took a shower like 30 minutes ago...I'm clean now. Hmm what did I do today ? Well I woke up at around 7:30 to go to the airport with my mom cause she was leaving to New Jersey. Wow it was so sad leaving her like that, I felt a tear almost coming down but I didn't cry. She's good though, her flight came in fine, she called. So now I'm just here at home doing nothing. Ryan stopped by like 3 hours ago. He's so sweet ! But yeah...tomorrow i'll be heading over to Amandas and sleeping over for two days..yay! I <3 her. A little while ago I was playing online pool with Shai and I whooped his ass...okay maybe my ass got handed to me lol I sware I used to be better than him...grr. Well my bros gonna be getting us some chinese food and he should be coming home like now xox byee

3 `*thank yous | `*i love you

:: 2004 24 March :: 4.43 pm
:: Mood: irritated
:: Music: Eminem and D12 - My band

Massive headache
Hola, I accidently deleted my entry that I had made today. Oh well. I was attempting to make a livejournal but either that it's too hard or I'm just to dumb to understand the html..ehh so I quit trying to make one. I'll just stay with this one, not that I don't like woohu , I just needed a change but I <3 woohu still. Well all day I basically did nothing...and later I'm gonna go out with Alex to see a movie, hey he pays so why not ! lol j.k. It's been really windy outside and I'm loving it...I love when the wind just suedes its way into my hair and blows it up. Tomorrow my mom is leaving to New Jersey and I didn't know till like 2 hours ago that I got to wake up early again, but oh well, it's my mother and as much as she makes me mad sometimes I'm going to miss her. Well my head hurts a lot right now...so I'm gonna go lay down bye bye

1 `*thank you | `*i love you

:: 2004 18 March :: 4.53 pm
:: Mood: thirsty
:: Music: none

Yay Spring Break !
Finally it is Spring Break..it was so great to hear the last bell of school today. It'll be great being able to sleep in and just be lazy 24/7..or am I already ? But anyways..I'll tell you how the day went..

*Pep Rally* - Since we had the pep rally it cut all the classes time. The pep rally was good. I sat with Yelewoman,Melanie and Alexis. If i wasn't so lazy I would want to join the dance team or if I could dance...but I've never really tried. Anyways the theme was "Pirates". It was great not having to be told "4 more years" cause thats what the whole gym screamed at the freshman and we got that last year. yay only 2 more years !
- 1st period [ .intensive reading.] - after the pep rally we went to the computer lab...its so boring doing that EDL crap.
- 2nd period [ .geometry. ] - we had a substitute...my teacher never seems to be here on like Fridays. I played bullshit with Corey and this kid Andrew, I soo lost.
- 3rd period [ .english. ] - we're reading "Lord of the Flies"...I don't understand what Flies has to do with kids who come from a private school and get engrossed in a jungle...
- 4th period [ .computers. ] - Did um...nothing basically
- 5th period [ .biology. ] - I was actually doing my work today !! Nicole hasn't been here for the past two days =\ because she's in the hospital because of her foot. Aww I miss her. :'(
- 6th period [ .sign language. ] - I've never heard the graduation song so many times in one day as I have today. We're practicing that song and I got it down..OoO yeah =)
- 7th period [ .world history. ] - just did some worksheet...nothing interesting really happened.

This weekend I think I might be heading to the beach again with amanda and two other girls [gasp]...weiird..but maybe it will be fun. Well i'ma go ciao

4 `*thank yous | `*i love you

:: 2004 14 March :: 10.27 am
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: none

Over "that girls" house
Hola...I'm over here at "that girls" house [Amanda]. And its about 10:28 and we're waiting to head to the beach. I'm kind of pissed off because it's partly cloudy outside and I want it to be clear so that I can get a tan and be darker if you know what I mean. But yeah..yesterday I woke up at 2:oo p.m. by the annoying voice of Amanda hehe j.k. So after that I finally got up and I ate some food and just was lazy until I had to go get my hair cut. I only cut off like 3 fingers of hair. Today later on I will see if it got cut right, because we're going to the beeacch in a little bit. Tomorrow is food day for Foreign Language week..and the food I'm bringing is fork and spoons...its not really food but you do put it in your mouth. Well...I'm going to go..ciao !

`*i love you

:: 2004 10 March :: 8.17 pm
:: Mood: full
:: Music: Maroon 5 - This love

Fcat blows still but its over !
Hey hey I just finished eating and my god i feel like im gonna throw up a horse. hehe. Well today was the last day of FCAT - - we took the NRT's and I didn't even get to finish the math section..what kind of crap is that ?
Oh well I dont think it really matters. Well we didn't have 1-3 periods so ...
- 4th period [ .computers. ] - Had to make up work from yesterday because i didn't do it because SOMEONE [ j o s h ] was showing me cars and stuff...so I did that today, but you know what i didnt even do the work i copied off this kid Andrew..oh well.
- 5th period [ .biology. ] - this is like the 3rd day we have done nothing in this class. Me, Alex, Anthony, Danny and Brad were playing bullshit, it was funny, and then lol Danny started playing Jack Black by himself..what a dork.
- 6th period [ .sign language. ] - I signed my song today with Corey and Ryan...lol my friend george told me that when me and Ryan were done signing one line Corey would JUST start signing the line we finished lol thats great, and Corey said his tie was coming up in his face, all I could tell in the corner of my eye was Corey signing all slow, it was great.
- 7th period [ .world history. ] - we watched a movie...

And guess what tonight is the O.C. i sware I would do everyone on that show...well not the girls but ya'll know what I mean. xox byee

`*i love you

:: 2004 2 March :: 3.39 pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: none

FCAT blows
Well today was the first day of FCAT - - Reading part..it was easy. I hope I did good..I'm pretty sure I did good. The 4 hours seemed like it was 2 hours...didn't seem that long to me ! I woke up at the unsual time of 6 oclock..I really need to stop doing that..that gives me only a half hour to get ready cause I have to leave at 6:30 for the bus ehh.

- Periods 1,2,3,4 [ Fcat testing ] - Not bad, but ehh MATH is tomorrow, I despise math.
- Period 5 [ .biology. ] - My teacher read the entire class period...about some urban legends stuff, and Brad and Alex and Gerrad were throwing an apple around...finally they got caught today...immature kids these days !
- Period 6 [ .sign language. ] - Did little activities, not the most funnest, but its better than signing for an entire hour.
- Period 7 [ .world history. ] - My teacher put in the movie "A Christmas Carol" or something...I didn't watch it, I wrote a note to Ryan..and I made it all pretty in pink.

Tomorrow is more FCAT testing so I'm thinking tomorrow we get free bagels like today...the juice blowed tho but I might as well get that again tomorrow. Well I *THINK* i might go take a nap...I'm debating byee

`*i love you

:: 2004 28 February :: 8.00 pm
:: Music: none

Cripple Cripple Cripple
Hey..finally I'm writing in this...its cause there is nothing to do. You know what I hate? Pop-ups..they are so damn annoying I just want to grab and cut its pop up...haha I really don't know what I'm talking about right now because. So um...yesterday and the past days I went to school...and yesterday I went to see the "Passion of the Christ" with Alexander - -[he hasnt been to the movies in 4 years lol], Yelitza and Ashley. I cried its such a violent,emotional,crazy,unvbelievable movie. I felt so different after watching that movie..it just makes you think. :-( it's sad. But yeah on to happier subjects. Well there really isnt any, just content. So today I did a lot of cleaning, not going out tonight, Amandas a cripple right now lol...just kidding. Well I'm out byee

2 `*thank yous | `*i love you

:: 2004 22 February :: 8.49 pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: none

"I dont want to be a ho, I just want to have sex with people" - Shai so said that...!
I finally got the code to make this background shit work. Thank god I was looking at random journals. But yeah today was such a lovely day outside. I'll tell you my weekend...
- Friday - Went to school blah blah blah did nothing...as you can tell from earlier entries..I did jack.
- Saturday - I went to the beach with Amanda and Shai. We had a blast ! Not really. But it was fun hanging out with them. I was wearing this black Aquarius tank top and this guy goes "you're an aquarius" and i'm like "yeah" and he says "so your birthday must have been recent" and I say "yeah" and he says "when?" and I say "the sixth" and I walk away.....he had a belly button ring, never really seen a guy with a belly button ring. hehe.
- Today [Sunday] - Woke up by next door neighbors singing some song..they do that every fricken sunday..they are colombian as well. But yeah I just lagged around all day did my hairr, went online talked to R-dizzle...ryan um yeah !

SO yeah....that was my weekend...fun.......byee !

`*i love you

:: 2004 20 February :: 9.02 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: none

I was bored so I did this survey thing...
[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? :::Andrea
Birthplace :::Elizabeth, New Jersey
Age :::16
Age you act :::3?
Current location :::Boca Raton, Florida
Eye color :::Brown
Hair color :::Dark Brown
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :::Righty
Zodiac sign? :::Aquarius
Height? :::5'2"
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality :::Colombian
Your hair :::Straight
Your fears :::Little bugs crawling on me and a dream I never want to have again
Your perfect room :::A room with a window viewing the beach
What you practically do in a day :::Wake up, eat, go to school, eat, go home again and eat some more
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse :::Bitch
Phrases you overuse :::I kno0o0o
Your first thought when you wake up :::What I'm going to be doing the whole day
Your greatest accomplishment :::I have yet for that to come
Something you want to do :::Get out of Florida for at least a week
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke :::Coke
McDonald's or Burger Kings :::McDonalds
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :::Christina Aguilera
Chocolate or vanilla :::Vanilla
Adidas or Nike :::Adidas
Black or white :::Black
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :::Bills
Burgers or hot dogs :::hot dogs
Egypt or France :::Egypt
Rock or rap :::Rap
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke :::No way
Cuss :::Occasionally
Sing well :::Haha no...Alex sings magnificant tho !
Sing in the shower :::Yepp !
Talk to yourself --a lot-- :::yeah especially on the computer
Believe in yourself :::definately
Like taking these longass surveys? :::only when I'm bored which I am now
Play an instrument :::nope, I was taught Piano never continued though
Want to go to college? :::Yeah
Want to get married? :::YES !
Want to have children? :::Yeah...3 children
Think you're a health freak? :::Nope
Get along with your parents :::Sometimes
Get along with your siblings? :::Sometimes
Think you're popular :::Nope.
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state :::No I want to though
Drank alchohal :::Yeah =\
Smoke :::nope
Get high :::don't get high
Done any drugs :::Nooo
Eaten an entire box of oreos :::No?
Been on stage :::Nope
Gone skinny dipping :::Nope
Been dumped :::No wasn't going out with anyone
Dyed your hair :::Nope
Stolen anything :::Uh like a pen does that count?
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest :::Nicole
Loudest :::Hmm..Nicole again lol
Most shy :::None
Blondest :::Yelitza
Smartest :::Definately Amanda
Kindest :::Alexis hahahhaha lol
Best personality :::Manderz
Most talented :::Got to be my <3er Amanda
Best singer :::Alex with his Mariah Carey impression
Most ghetto :::Seann..he lives in the TP !
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :::Probably uh me
Pain in the ass :::Seann lol
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):::Nicole sometimes !
Funniest :::Alex
Best person for advice :::Amanda
Dependable :::Amanda...I think she's winning
Trustworthy :::HER again
Druggie :::Melanie and Alexis - - potheads !
Most likely to end up in jail :::hmmm...I derno
Person you've known the longest :::Amanda...yep
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream :::I don't really remember
Last nightmare :::A nightmare I've had twice already where I'm just stuck and can't move , my brother had it too
Car ride :::the bus was my last "car ride"
Last time you cried :::last week
Last movie seen :::Showgirls - - worst movie ever
Last movie rented :::The Italian Job
Last book read :::Anne Frank: Diary of a young girl
Last word said :::"Hold on..."
Last curse word said :::Bitch
Last time you laugh :::probably 20 minutes ago
Last phone call :::Alexander M.
Last CD played :::My Cd with all
Last song you listened to :::Simple Plan - Hold on
Last annoyance :::my bro !
Last IM :::SoaD2gt: wuts up in the club
Last weird encounter :::Um...I dont remember damn I know there was one..
Last person you hugged :::A L E X
Last person you yelled at :::My brothaa
Last time you wore a skirt :::probably like 25 days ago...ehh I don't like skirts
Last time you've been evil :::Me....EVIL? hah
Sarcastic? :::just now
Last time you fought with your parents :::Last Saturday
Last time you wished upon a star :::A year ago probably
Played Truth or Dare :::in like 5 years lol
Spent quality time alone :::Right now I guess
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM :::Noo...people are out like I should be...Ryan should be here but nooo he had to go to a basketball game !
Do you feel lonely :::Yes =[
Ever TP'd someone's house :::Nope
How about egging someone's house :::Nope
Do you not like dislike not like me? :::Ehh..okay
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? :::Eminem is a hottie
Yo Momma :::MOMMA DUKES...not just DUKES alex lol
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :::Ahh yes ! I had that feeling today !
What do you think of George Bush? :::I don't know why people hate him so much ?
Any secret fetishes? :::Calves...not really a secret but the calves on guys mmmmm
Do you like to wear chains? O_o :::sure why not
How many languages do you speak? :::dos
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! :::not really
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you XP)) :::Sure pal

Bored? ((Over 100 questions)) brought to you by BZOINK!

`*i love you

:: 2004 20 February :: 7.40 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: none

The society we live in...
It's friday night and I'm getting called a whore by some unknown person. Great isn't it? Suposebly I got 'fingered in class' in the 8th grade, hmm I think I would recall an event like that no? Oh and I have to watch my back because this unknown person threatens me over the computer ! yay. Enough of that shit. Today was a good day, went to school....
- 1st period [ .intensive reading. ] - went to the computer lab, kind of boring.
- 2nd period [ .geometry. ] - sort of understanding what's going on now, screw that though because I know in about 2 days I won't again.
- 3rd period [ .english. ] - did shit and thats about it, got to make up some work for this class ehh.
- 4th period [ .computers. ] - did absouletly nothing !
- 5th period [ .biology. ] - took notes, watche a video took more notes, gets kind of boring..
- 6th period [ .sign language. ] - only funny thing that happened today, I was singing that song "Can I get a what what what..." and Corey *signs* it and it was just hilarious the way his expression was ! wow...I died. I think I might go deaf in this class..how ironic is that. When NO ONE is talking in the class my teacher has to yell "QUIET" so loud that it makes you want to be deaf.
- 7th period [ .world history. ] - had a substitute . .watched a video and thats it

Now that I realize it was a pretty boring school day, except good at the same time. Tomorrow I'm definately going to the beach, supose to be 80-82 degrees..I hear. Well I'm gone ciao

3 `*thank yous | `*i love you

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