I wanted to believe in all the words I was speaking, as we moved together in the dark. And all the friends that I was telling. And all the playful misspellings. And every bite I gave you left a mark. Tiny vessels oozed into your neck, and formed the bruises that you said you didn't want to fade, but they did, and so did I, that day.


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:: 2006 13 April :: 9.02am

Ok, iv been away for awhile. here is the info on the paintball shit.

03 WGP cocker (green) - ebladed, working eye, nexus ram, shocktech front reg, vert torpedo reg, superfly shocktech bolt, and a shocktech beavertail. 400$$$$

04 Dragon Timmy (Steel to black fade) - Frenzy board, dye sticky grips. 600$$$$

All my other shit includes - Jt proflex mask (think its and 05), 4 barrels (cocker thread) stock cocker barrel, stock timmy barrel, stainless steel freak kit (green) and some unknow barrel (works pretty well though). and a piece of shit stainless steel 68ci 3000psi pmi tank. the gauge is busted on the tank, but it still works. and i have a nice JT gun case. 300$$$$.

if you buy it all, 1000$$ deal. both guns run well, and have been cleaned after each day of playing, the cocker has about 15-20 cases of paint through it, and the timmy has about 3-5 cases. a little bit of regulator tuning will be needed, and probley some o-rings, the guns have sat for about a year. i can tune them for you if you buy them.


2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 12 April :: 8.11pm

looks like I get to leave the country again... yay!!!

12 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 12 April :: 4.28pm

I heart pain killers.
But only when they actually work.
Mike had Babycock drop him off here after work this morning.
So that he could see me.
He is still here.
Asleep in my bed.
Oh so cute and adorable and cuddly.
I love him.
Very much.
He knows it.
And brags about it to his friends.

My knee hurts.
I'm starving.
I want a home cooked meal.
I need to do something with my hair.
But I really don't care, because well its not like I am going anywhere anytime soon.
You should all envy me.
Crutches are the bomb-dig.
Funny, but no really, they aren't.
I'm developing bruises under my arms from the bitches.
Perhaps I should break them.
Or just go back to bed, so I don't have to deal with them.
Well atleast until the next time I have to pee.
Drugs are kicking in.
I'm rambling.
You all love me.
Infact you all love me enough to not come visit.

you worry too much


:: 2006 11 April :: 5.42pm

My surgery went well.
I had a large fiberous membrane that was causing my bones to not sit right because it was pushing them apart. And caused all the pain.
I have an ace bandage that goes from my foot, all the way up my leg.
It's pretty hot.
But not as hot as me, in my glasses, with no make-up, and chapped lips.

Im going to go back to bed.. Im really tired..

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 11 April :: 10.56am

CRUCIAL EDIT: it appears as though I was horribly misinformed, or just horribly misunderstood. Chavez has not been relected YET. However, the year 2021 is the year he will remain in office if he is re-elected. Jumped the gun on that one guys, I apologize. The rest of the information, barring that, is in fact, correct.

also... He has now formally made friends with Iran. so I officially declare liking him makes you crazy. Because, you know, it makes lots of sense to like someone who is friends with someone who has nuclear missles and wouldn't mind using them against the U.S., well anyone for that matter...

News flash, "presidente" Hugo Chavez de la Republica de Venezuela has been re-elected. Based on his re-election, Chavez has come to the conclusion that he belongs extendedly in the office of "el presidente" as part of his further missions to institute socialism into the venezuelan government. He will now, as of being "re-elected" , stay in office until the election of the year 2021.

a few facts about chavez, heres a good list for ya:

1. In the early 90's, 92 I believe, chavez attempted a military coup of the venezuelan government. which he was arrested for.

my opinion: This is your first , pretty obvious hint of bullshit, most militarily ran governments don't work out so well, I.E. cuba, former military argentina (which is now known as being the cause of Los Disemparencidos* in the 70's and 80's, a group of people who vanished without a trace, most of which were never found again, the rest permanantly scarred physically due to torture or emotionally scarred.), most third world african countries such as liberia, rwanda, sudan...

2. Hugo was displayed in a prison in public. He had a little cage.

my opinion: A mistake on the part of the government. This only made them look bad and his cause look good. Hugo, if it was your idea... good work asshole, because it helped your political future.

3. Chavez was pardoned by the next elected president for all crimes against the government

my opinion: fucking bullshit

4.Chavez changed the term of president to 6 years, extending his term

my opinion: Hugo justifies this with a referendum that allows voters to to vote on his presidency, and whether or not he should still be in office. This happens every two years. Now this is a brilliant idea, good for it. The only problem I see with it is that it may just be another ploy ( much like the public display of imprisonment ) to justify his cause.

5.Chavez has declared his presidency until 2021

my opinion: all these things put together just seems to be adding up to something... although he hasn't really don't anything that jepordizes the democracy and well being of the people at this point, other than some economic reform laws that hurt business owners.

In all honesty, I don't think he's really done anything at this point, good or bad, except change things to better his politcal future, and make himself look good. It is noted that he's done a little for medical and education reform, which venezuela needs badly.( all schools are private, and most people can't afford to send their kid to a school, let alone a university or college, which have no credibility anyway except for possibly the univeristy of caracas) The poor are still poor and getting poorer, the rich are still getting rich, it's as simple as that. And while I'm far from socialist at all, the obvious goal for any economy or government is economic fairness. Everyone should have equal oppurtunity to earn their money. But it's not like that. The poor sell second hand goods and food on the corner, an average wage that I grasped from people was about four dollars an hour, and the infastructure in metropolitan and rural areas is horrible. This can be partly blamed on chavez, for contuining the building of Ranchos in caracas and metropolitan areas. Ranchos make up just about 60% of the city of caracas. I know this, because I've seen it. The projects of new york or compton or any "ghetto" have nothing on this. They're everywhere... The garbage system is poorly handled as well. Good luck seeing a clean street.

Hugo Chavez has spent more time on creating enemies with the United States and other countries, and creating allies that are about as valuable as 1 unit of the venezuelan currency (2150 per dollar, you do the math) then he has spent trying to better venezuelas economic situation. He has so much power with his oil. Instead of telling us to fuck off, he could be making more money by negotiating instead of rasing prices just to piss us off. He's been in office for 8 years now, and will be for another 15, and I doubt he will do anything good for the economy. I can't really know that for sure, but I just don't see him doing anythign but cause trouble...

Liberal media loves chavez, but that's an automatic, given his bad relationship with Bush. Chavez constantly talks about going to war with us. I heard himself say it on these little public announcments he does everyday, he says it atleast once a week... I don't know about you guys, but I tend to not be friends with the guys who want to shoot me. And the truth is, a big part of the downfall is the oil, but that he should deal with because he "cares for the people" so much.

The venezuelan government is now far more militaristic then it used to be... according to everyone I talked to. I never heard differently.

Basically, my main issue with chavez, is he's setting himself with the ability to be a dictator, not coming through on his promises, and yet the media loves him when they shouldn't... there is nothing really that spectacular about him that a revolutionary hasn't done better in the past, other than he called an american president an Asshole.. I can name LOTS of people who've done that...

In Conclusion:

He's done nothing good , nor bad. I dont' trust him at all... you can't tell me that a leader of a country just saying that he's going to stay until 2021 , even with a new vote every 2 years to see if he should stay, isn't pretty suspicious of him trying to grab some more power. I'm convinced.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 10 April :: 10.00pm
:: Music: 30 Seconds to Mars

Smokey Surprise

That was about the best (and latest) birthday party I've ever had. Totally surprising.

I also had my first day of Drivers Training today, which went extremely well. I'm a better driver than I hoped. I only killed 2 kids!

9 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 10 April :: 2.15pm

Joey --


Fuzzy to the touch

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

All i can say is wow

you worry too much


:: 2006 10 April :: 11.21am

well i didnt kill myself...
but my knuckles are now fucked up.

I bought my prom dress. woo. Its so awesome.

I called a bunch of people yesterday. And the only person who made me feel better talking to them was kirah.


cedar point
state solo & ensemble
Phantom of the opera

im looking forward to it.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 10 April :: 2.28am

I suffer from Premenstral Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD).
It's the root of my depression.
Hence the prozac.
Just what you wanted to know, I know.
My car is a bitch. Really, it is.
I need a new EGR valve.
Whatever the fuck that is.
Don't try explaining it either.
You'd have better luck just fixing it for me.
My neck still hurts.
However I got a neck massage today.
Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector is a great movie.
It's fucking hilarious. I recommend it.
I'm a total redneck.

They say that everyone is different. But I think that people come in sets, they are just the opposite sex. Which in all actuality, makes them different.

Parker told me today that he luvs me. Also, that we're like the same person. Kind of weird. He's like the hot male version of me.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 9 April :: 11.18pm

two days till i go under the knife. i'm trying to tell myself not to be scared, but i am.

oh the other side though. school is almost done. i don't really know if that's a good thing. i get to lose more friends. yay. and i still don't have a job.

why am i so unhireable? seriously. i don't know if you know this, but i'm kind of a big deal. but fer rel though. i like working and i'm smart and responsible and i have good references. i also have experience. i don't say this much

but what the fuck?
i was harassed at my last job and i had to fucking quit, i didn't even call osha or anything. no one even tried to convince me to stay and make them behave. and those guys didn't get fired or in trouble. and then no one would hire me.

i'm blaming cedar springs for this. it's forever tainted my life.


6 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 9 April :: 10.34pm
:: Music: Goodness - Page France

Way Before There Was Goodness
So, things are interesting around my head.

Life seems to be looking sideways. not up not down but the complete opposite direction. life is going to blow out my tire but then repair it with an allignment problem.

Tuesdays @ 9pm at the wireless cafe The I.A. performs 3$ cover charge

Wednesdays @ 9pm at the wireless cafe the I.A. performs 2$ cover. (there is also an open mic that night after we perform if you like to listen to fucking retarted emo kids.)

Thursdays @ 9pm at The Eastown Hookah Lounge the I.A. performs
5$ cover charge
3$ fun fingerfood buffet.
Comedy and hookahs ....what could be better.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 9 April :: 10.43pm

Ben --


A real life muppet

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 9 April :: 6.27pm

my voice is gone.

rampage game last night, bobby went with me. lets not get into the game though....

i stayed at keegans last night and this morning i woke up and one of my eyes wouldnt open. *sad face* what a BEAUTIFUL thing to wake up to... "baby, i cant open my eye" (keep in mind my voice sounds like a cat stuck in a metal pan) "aww, let me help you". i wont get into the sight he must have seen either... (now that HAS to be a test of our relationship!) i've got a really good one. and then of course his mom tells me to drink orange juice.. i think she thinks orange juice will cure everything. any illness... "ohh drink some orange juice." *smiles.... i love this family.

i went home while keegan went to work and my mom and me and shelby took jessie for a walk.. what a wonderful day. we even let shelbys bunny run around outside. then i took my NEWWWWW car in to town to vaccume it. THEN me and keegan brought shelby over so she could see sushi and we let him run around outside. he's not very fast.. it was so cute to see his tiny little self running around the grass. NOW we're waiting for keegans mom to get home to make us pork chops. i've been craving some pork chops for a couple days.. and sense im in NO condition to be seen, we're staying home tonight. i dont care though.. i just want to cuddle with my asian. :)

oh and stacy.. perhaps this will bring back some memories?


2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 9 April :: 5.47pm
:: Music: Nine Inch Nails :: With Teeth

Twelve Days

Lucky #Slevin is an awesome movie. Everyone, seriously, go see it. It's nice to be seventeen so I can easily see rated R movies. It was such a hassle glueing that beard on so I looked like the guy in my fake ID.

I preordered Ten Thousand Days yesterday at Best Buy. I seriously cannot wait for it to come out. The single goes on the radio the 17th, so, I'll be listening to KLQ the whole day.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 9 April :: 5.43pm
:: Mood: creative

Who is excited to see my short locks!?

I am happy.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 9 April :: 2.26am

ok well lets see i dont have my cell phone anymore so no calling me and ummm yeah lets see what else oh yeah my garbage company is off to a rough start. i need money and lots of it for jess's prom thing so i have to sell some of my stuff lets see what is the list oh yeah here it is.

encore electric guitar - 25 bucks

xbox with 2 airflow controllers and one full size controller plus ddr pad complete with halo 1-2 (special edition for 2) turok evolution dance dance revolution ultra ask for price (I'm thinking around 195 for the entire setup but i dont know if thats to steep or not)

electric organ- 30


go-cart frame (all it needs is a motor and possibly new wheels)-45

All of this stuff is of course best offer so let me know k oh and call my house to let me know and leave a message on the answering machine my rents dont like it when people call so they screen the calls



1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 7 April :: 2.44pm

Happy Birthday, Stacy!

Happy Birthday, Dustin!

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 7 April :: 11.07am

i just cleaned my little sisters room for 2 hours.... now im cleaning my room.

*thumb down

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 7 April :: 12.56pm
:: Mood: *pissed*
:: Music: *somewhere in between - lifehouse*

*the purpose of this entry is to brag about how shitty this week has been*
I need a new O2 censor for my car.
It stahls when I stop.
I'm sick of dealing with it.
My neck is killing me.
I need to fill my prescription.
My apartment smells like curdled milk because of my garbage disposal.
Mike won't answer his damn phone. It might help if he actually turned the fucker on.
My mom and Jim are talking again. Which will result in them getting back together.
Computer is fucked up.
I'm all alone in my apartment.
In the process of trying to back up all my music files, I somehow managed to lose ALL my fucking music.
I'm brilliant.
My day just keeps getting worse.

If you have a gun, let me borrow it.
There are a few people I want to kill at the moment.

Mike told me last night on the phone that if I had a three-some with him and my sister or with him and Moms (kaylieghs mom) he'd buy me an engagement ring.

My reply was, "supply the liquor and I'll think about it"

you worry too much


:: 2006 7 April :: 12.57pm

only like three weeks.
i still have . . .
four tests
three projects
two papers
one lab final

this is making my brain hurt.

but summer is going to be bomb.
im leaving the state at least once if it kills me.

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 7 April :: 5.21am

i went up to my grandma's yesterday.. she lives about 40 minutes away in whitecloud in the middle of the woods. and i was about to leave, it was around 10:00.... and she looked out the window and there was a BLACK BEAR!!!! OMG! it was HUGE and it was like 10 feet away from the window standing on its back legs reaching up at the bird feeder! it was SO cool! they get bear every year so they werent suprised or anything, but i was like HOLLLLYYYY... lol. when we would go to TN thats one of the things we'd look forward to, was seeing black bear.. and here i am in MICHIGAN, 40 minutes away from my house and theres a full grown black bear 5 feet away from my car! it was crazy! its a good thing she looked out the window before i walked outside... i probably would have had a heart attack. i couldnt believe i was looking at a BEAR! so yeah... that was my excitement yesterday..

you worry too much


:: 2006 6 April :: 11.33pm

am i ever going to stop being such a child? why can't i just stop it? or be calmer or not such a hugh bitch.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 6 April :: 3.21pm

For once I am actually glad that I went down and took the time to get my mail.

Not only did I recieve a letter from Jimi, I got an unemployment check.

My neck is doing a little better. Fucking drugs knock me right out. I sleep for hours. It's nice.

Melissa and her daughter are coming over at like 5 and we're going to make pizza and watch Elizabethtown.

Then hopefully Mike will come over. I miss him to death.

Nap time!

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 6 April :: 11.33am

I think I honestly have a fucking placenta for an english teacher... or atleast a teacher that does as much planning as an broken placenta... ok, so maybe a little graphic on the imagery , but I'm right. Are you ready for a list? well... you're getting one...

1) She never tells us what she wants. Like, I don't mean she gives a title for the project, and then dilly dallys around the details. I mean she doesn't fucking tell us what she wants. If she wants a summary paper, she'll slightly mention a summary paper being due sometime in the paradox of time, and then , BAM, it's due. I have no problem doing any of the work, that's what school is. But you know... it'd be nice to know that I have fucking work to do, so I could atleast make some feeble attempt at doing it. That's like kidnapping me in the middle of the night, throwing me out of a plane, and then claiming it's my fault I didn't have a parachute. " Well, it's somewhere in small print on the syllabus you didn't ever get to see, you should have known.

2) She's old, and senile. If she could give you a stare other than " Oh fuck I think I just shit my pants, maybe if I don't move they won't notice", then she would. But unfortunately, she's at the point where she's no longer in control of her oraphices(sp).

3) She's knows alot about literature, and can quote it, but that's completely irrelevant in a english 150 class. It's fucking great that you've studied english for 87 years, and have met Thoreau in person, now stopping babbling on and teach me something.

4)Her stupid explanations of a definition essay. She remembers useless things... like the definition of chair and responsibility... but seems to have forgotten the definition of the verb " to teach".

5)She likes to talk about how bad at her quizzes we are... when we have no idea what the hell she wants. She is a huge fan of confusing random questions. For example... abbreviation, a simple subject. Nothing too complicated in abbreviation... until this "professor" (and note that i put professor in quotes) got a hold of it. two questions I thought were specifically hilarious *this is directly from the quiz*:

A) ... and then you must take the F.A.S.F.A. test... I recieved -4 points on this question because I didn't know what FASFA stood for, even though I mentioned that it doesn't need the periods... also note that no where in the section of abbreviations does it mention that I have to write out the whole thing. which is bullshit... I argued with her and her jowls jiggled so hard with spite that she gave into the pain, and eventually gave me my points back because it was a ridiculous response.

B) Am. and the Prof. went out.....
This one was beautiful because ... well... fucking Am. could be a numerous, if not infinite, number of things. So as an answer I put "amber? in hopes that it would be right. Well ofcourse not... it was supposed to stand for " ambassador". First of all, in the sentence it doesn't make any fucking sense. Unless the guys name actually is Ambassador. There's no goddamn artical to support it being Ambassador. Who the fuck would name their kid Ambassador? this as well was argued out. But she was trying to take points off, hoping that maybe she could slip it by me.

In her old, decrepit stage of life, she needs to find a way to make her self feel worth while, so she makes sure nobody can pass her class. This means her class is challenging, and is thereby teaching lots of material. When really she teaches nothing at all. She might even have a radar for passing students:

Radar: Warning, a student is passing your class
Her: Shit... alright, jeeves, throw in the Am. question on the next test, that'll get 'em.

I can't wait for a new teacher... I'm honestly convinced that my english 250 class will infact be easier to follow than my 150. Fuck that teacher.

as a wise man once said : " The thing about pourcuipine balls is.... they're small and they don't give a shit..."

8 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 5 April :: 9.13pm

I just spent the last 2 and a half hours in the emergency room.
Getting x-ray's done on my neck.
I cracked it this morning like I usually do, now I can't move my head.
Lots of pain. Feeling sick. Can't see.
I'm a wreck.

But I got good drugs. And I'm going to go back to bed once my soup is done! woo go me.

The doctor in the Emergency Room told me that the bones in my neck are perfect. Nothing is out of place, and I should be an x-ray model..

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 5 April :: 8.51pm
:: Music: nin :: the fragile

It makes Creed not sound so bad

Clutch sucks.
Anyone want to buy Robot Hive / Exodus?

-Allusions to sucky bands
-Real authentic klan rally shouting
-Horrible lyrics
-Stupid pictures of robots

For the low, low price of $13.00.
Brand new; perfect condition.

Also available, but actually not quite so bad, I just never listen to them anymore:
Read more..

you worry too much


:: 2006 5 April :: 7.28pm

hopefully i'm gonna get a job at a jail or prison soon, they start out depending on where you apply at between 10 and 16 an hour, but more then likley i will be makin about 13-14 an hour.

you worry too much


:: 2006 5 April :: 12.26pm

working in a group gives me the mega droop.

yeah i said it.

and piano is so painful that i think it's making me stupid.

fer real though. i only have like three weeks left of school. that's cool. i'm don't with my oral exam in spanish. annnndddd.

i'm frustrated.

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2006 5 April :: 9.38am

Who wants to come massage my neck and make me chicken noodle soup only for me to puke it up 10 minutes later?

Yeah thats what I thought. Bitches.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2006 5 April :: 5.52am
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Damien Rice -Be My Husband

Ok everybody i need you all to do me a huge favor TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!!!!

I need everyone to post back to this with a short bio about me. i need to write a bio about myself to put in the on the town magazine when they do their article about the I.A. and i cant for the life of me think of what to write.


if you could please post back ASAP about this that would be great so i can start thinking about what youve all wrote or even just use whatever you wrote for the article


2 kids | you worry too much

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