...I am lost again with everything gone and more alone than I have ever been...


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Forever Alone in a Happy Crowd

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:: 2004 21 April :: 5.19pm
:: Mood: blahh

i am so0o confused and i dont like it..anyways

"i exist in the depths of solitude pondering my true goal trying to find peace of mind and still preserve my soul..constantly yearning to be accepted and from all receive respect never comprising but sometimes risky and that is my only regret a young heart with an old soul how can there be peace..how can i be in the depths of solitude when there are two inside me..this duo within me causes the perfect opportunity to learn and live twice as fast as those who accept simplicity.."

like nobody's


:: 2004 20 April :: 11.59pm
:: Mood: light headed

i'm walking on sunshine. so alone in this state of mind. someone join me? if u do, i'll wipe all the dirt off ur shoulders.

just be my friend.

1o - 12 - o3
i love how u call during the bad times, like when i'm ABOUT to fall asleep. cause when i get off the phone, your simple talks release stress & energy... and it makes the world go round... much easier. i love u.

1 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 20 April :: 9.30pm
:: Mood: uhhhhh.

watching clueless

has made a lot of my frustrating feelings go away.

watch it.

"we're friends because we both know what it's like to have people be jealous of us."
*everyone will wanna look just like me. cuz i'm gonna look so beautiful. i'm gonna be a supermodel.*

it makes me smile. =)

3 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 20 April :: 9.20pm

quick update:

life's been good(ish). today practice was canceled and my mom and i went shopping for upcoming birthdays for mis amigos. i like spending time with my mom :) love.

2 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 19 April :: 11.41pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: ben folds - the luckiest

thank you for the compliments on my journal and yes pretam, i do cut the grass, thats how i get the little muscle that i do have, i even have a hill in my backyard that i have to push that thing up.

i love being awake when no one else is. it gives me time to sit online and just think and wonder. tonight, i thought about guys and who they affect my life. i've come to this:

"boys, sometimes i girl just needs one..."
i've never been dependent on a guy, nor do i ever plan to be. i do plan on falling in love with one though. i like being independent in my own ways. i always thought that a boy is just someone to come along on the ride though and be there when you need him, a good friend. i still think that. i like living in my own world, where disney is real, so any guy that is willing to deal with that then i say you can come with me, just leave me alone when i want to be free. who knows. if you have no idea what i am saying, just ignore that.

lets see what else i thought about, oh yes, religion. lately, i've been thinking about it a lot. i'm still "finding myself" and when i'm finished, i'll tell you exactly what i am. right now though, i'm just clueles, i believe in God and know that I am a christian, now i'm jsut wondering what kind of christian i am. my parents are both catholic. my dad is still practicing, my mom says she is but hasn't been to church in over a year. *shrug* i don't see myself as being a catholic though, some things in that religion i just disagree with.

memory lane is so much fun, jessica and i took another stroll down it tonight. we realized how much things have changed in these past few months. look at homecoming to now. what the heck happened? things i guess. remember that night? i mean i know there were some bad moments, but remember the good? remember the beach? the glowing moon, the waves, the sand, my baby boy dance, the cool breeze? remember the dancing? the laughs? when at least more than one person gets a car, we need to make that trip to the beach again and experience.

i wish people were more content with life. life is so wonderful. live everyday as it was your last, for you and only you. regrets are not fun. my cousin has this thing on his profile it says, "don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive anyways." so enjoy, and experience the bittersweet.

and if thats all bullshit.... you only have 27 more days left of school til summer.

<3 love.

11 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 19 April :: 9.54pm
:: Mood: dreamy

2nd entry for today.
i was just over at Carol's house. and for those of u who don't know, Carol is about 32 yrs. old, and she is the coolest person u will ever know. she's a sucker for hollister, AE, A&F, Coach, D&B, etc. she's like my second mother. <3

anyways, i told her about my day. then we got into stuff about her marriage. and then we got into shopping... we picked out the purse that we are gonna go buy thursday after school. Booty Girl (22 yrs. old, went to atlantic, her real name is Carol *also* and she used to be an eagle ette) she is goin' shoppin' with me & Carol too. "how could u not tell me that u 2 are going shopping?!" hehe. so yeah, it should be fun. anyways... i'm out for the night, a nice bubble bath & the Usher CD will do me some good.

that college lady didn't come tonight. perhaps she will REALLY come tomorrow... considering she has cancelled two times already.

let me step out of reality
and into my fantasies
with just a touch of my toe
into the rippling flow
escape from my mentality
and enter my world of love.

this place is insanity
everywhere i go
someone is asking me
they just can't let me be
where can i go?
what can i see?
some place i can call home
have my love
and not feel so alone.

written = briana.

i want my... boyfriend. send me a kiss through your prayers and into the heavens, tell god to let it land on my cheek. when i softly rub down my cheek i will feel that love and know it was there.

heaven let me feel this good. i love... love.
1o/12\o3 jonah & bri.

like nobody's


:: 2004 19 April :: 8.16pm
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: nothing.

so fucking angry and frustrated today. for once, i don't wanna be at home. i just wanna be GONE. wish adam could just pick me up and i could LEAVE. dammit. i just get angrier with myself and with crap.

sigh. thanks to ashley cline, as always for finding some sort of outlet for me. usually a song, but this video is absolutely heartbreaking yet uplifting. thank you again.


like nobody's


:: 2004 19 April :: 6.14pm
:: Mood: love to love.
:: Music: everytime:: britney spears

ride or die. no in between. love or hate. nothing else matters.
i love to sing.
i love to dance.
i love to cheer.
i love to love.
i love to give.
i love to hold his hand.
i love to have friends.
i love to love my family.
i love to do things right.
i love to be pretty.
i love to try.
i love to succeed.
i love to listen to music.
i love to work.
i love to earn.
i love to kiss.
i love to flirt.
i love to have fun.
i love to shop.
i love to travel.
i love to sleep.
i love to write.
i love to be a girl.
i love to be me.
i love to live.
i love to conquer.
i love to have money.
i love to take pictures.
i love to love pink.
i love to talk.
i love to design.
i love to be with him.
i love to pay attention.
i love to argue.
i love to fight.
i love to have attention.
i love to have strong feelings.
i love to be ambitious.
i love to be optimistic.
i love to have creativity.
i love to have brains.
i love to have my personality.
i love to have my body.
i love to do the things i do.
i love to be girly.
i love to be strong.
i love to be bubbly.
i love.... to.... love... who i am.


i love to know who i am and how i feel at all times. i never like anticipation. patience is so hard.

i don't like to wait.
i don't like to attend school.
i don't like to be a whore.
i don't like to be the same.
i don't like to have imperfections.
i don't like to hate.
i don't like to hurt.
i don't like to cause problems.
i don't like to sit.
i don't like to become numb to pain.

be confident, like you are the only person in this world & that you are even better than britney spears. even if it isn't true. i wish everyone could feel as great as i do all the time.

2 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 18 April :: 9.59pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: some ReGGae Stuff on 103.5

up til 5:30am with jonah on the phone. i love him s0-o much.

woke up around 3:30pm. but i got up for like a 1/2 hour cause my sister made me cinnamon rolls. s0-o cute. <3

did hw. talked to danielle. junior came over after paintball. so when he walked in my room, i walked out =D (junior's dad, dave, got a DUI.... uhoh) then antonio came over later for dinner with his family. my dad made this huge dinner for everyone. i didn't eat. well.. i had 2 pieces of lettuce. +shrug+ antonio was a biatch,
antonio:(on the phone w/ his friend from a band) dude, i'm at this girl's house, she's so boring, she's not doing anything, but her homework.

HELLO... i have a boyfriend, and why would i touch u... or talk to u after the shit u've put me through???? i really wish neil had beaten antonio's ass last year when he had the chance.

neil is funny. game OVER. hehe. song sux i swear. but yeah... 9o mg=speed. u f*ing psycho, thank u.

¿what's ahead for this week?
+ MONDAY: Art History HW #1-7o due.
Stats Multiple Choice Test.
Economics Substitute. skipping to 3rd lunch.
+ TUESDAY: Cheerleading, uniform fitting & candy sale starts.
Spanish ACT Packet.
English= stupid test on analyzing poetry.
Biology=damn lecturing.
+ WEDNESDAY: Art History #71-14o due.
+ THURSDAY: 1/2 Day. Shopping with Carol <3
+ FRIDAY: Economics Test.
Stats Short Answer Test.
WEEKEND PLANS, HOPEFULLY: see jackie, alex, jonah, neil, hema. damn, mommy is going to chicago... 2 cars... one adult... the other car is free... MWHAHA. estoy bromeando.

peace. c u 2morrow.

like nobody's


:: 2004 18 April :: 5.14pm
:: Mood: satisfied
:: Music: switchfoot - you already take me there

finished the journal, take a look at it and tell me what you think.

so today is sunday, last day of the weekend. i'm ready for school tomorrow because i'm ready to get school over with for this year. the weekend was nice. friday night went to watch the chicas dance. they did a great job. i really wanted to be on that stage dancing with them. after the dance show, we went out to the movies and saw the punisher. saturday i went to city place with my mom to eat lunch and walk around and then came home and went to a 4 year old's birthday party with tina. today i woke up and cut the grass and that was about it. hope you all are having a nice weekend. see you tomorrow.


5 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 18 April :: 12.05pm
:: Mood: calm


uhhh. altered my journal only a little. to fit "title and registration". it's supposed to be playing on it. and.... it plays on my comp. but i assume it doesnt on yours. i got so frustrated last night i just stopped trying to fix it. can you hear it? =\

today = sun, art, love

had a good day. a little guilty though. sigh. not enough time to write what i want to!

2 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 17 April :: 8.01pm
:: Mood: crazy

turn it up... a LiL louder.
felipe: hey hey hey
briana: hey!
briana: wuts up?
felipe: just listenin to some music, and waiting for jonah to come
briana: hmm.... i have his wallet.
felipe: lol
briana: eh... it was empty anyway O:-) lol
felipe: now it is
felipe: lol
briana: lol i swear it already was
felipe: lol i kno
briana: whatcha guys got planned?
felipe: goin to dinner
felipe: hes takin me out on a date
felipe: lol nah
briana: lol cute
felipe: i wont steal him from you
briana: lol thank u. that just simply washed my worries away <3
felipe: haha

just thought this was a funny conversation... s0-o i thought i'd add it, in addition to the recent entry <3

like nobody's


:: 2004 17 April :: 4.36pm
:: Mood: straightened out.

my freak girl told me now she a christian, my white girl wanna move back to michigan
internet out since wednesday late night.

school can suck my left nut. i can't wait until cheerleading tryouts come for park vista so i can make my final decision on where i am going. atlantic just isn't worth it anymore. but yeah, i wanna take pretam's advice... big party where even anand is wasted getting a lap dance by some fat bitch lmao.

so yeah, yesterday was friday, and i didn't think i would end up doing anything, but i did. hadn't talked to jonah... and called him. he wanted me 2 go 2 some baseball games at SHS. he called up mike & we all hung out over there. turned out to be a great, relaxing night. almost fell asleep on his shoulder... poor me, i was s0o worn out. mike is so dumb lol, i miss that short kid. yet i still won't see him next year. and jonah is goin' to trinity for baseball... crazy. but yeah... mommy picked me up around elevenish.

+licking the phones
+jackie threatening to hurt jonah over the phone.
+messin' around in the dug-out.
+mike & his phone.
+lights out. rape. i love u.

sometimes... after so long, u forget what's important in life. u forget why u love someone, who cares 4 u, what u need 2 do 2 survive, ur wants, ur hopes & dreams...

i felt like i didn't need him anymore... but then seeing him last night... made every worry in the world go away, imagine how great life could be if i could see him everyday. i forgot who cared 4 me... until after that chem test & all i needed was a hug from my REAL best friend... someone who has been there forever. ride or die, 5 years. i forgot y school was important... i just had that mood where i'd rather drop & get the G.E.D. i forgot what i wanted out of life...

now, i'm ok. <3 the hug from her & the night with him.... i love u 2 more than this world can hold love.

like nobody's


:: 2004 17 April :: 12.54pm
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: fuck it

ugh..im pretty stressed out right now over a couple things..it sucks..i juss gotta get over everything and not "make a big deal outta it"..i'll deal..itz juss gonna be done my way and itz gonna take time..everyone knows that..so i dont get why people are still talkin and botherin me bout it..wutever..im gonna try to not let it bother me..imma juss think of it this way--in 2-3 yrs imma be out..imma go to college away from here and i wont hafta put up wid this shit ne more..

3 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 16 April :: 4.48pm

in the words of a broken heart it's just emotions taking me over.
i'm caught up in sorrow, lost in the song.

lj says it all

like nobody's

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