...I am lost again with everything gone and more alone than I have ever been...


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Forever Alone in a Happy Crowd

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:: 2004 15 July :: 12.26pm
:: Mood: creative
:: Music: i don't wanna miss a thing // Aerosmith

i don't wanna miss one smile, i don't wanna miss one kiss.

*`~> could you call cupid & tell him i don't wanna murder him anymore? <~`*

(i'm in the process of getting these icons to show up on woohu, not sure why they won't. *shrug*)

2 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 15 July :: 12.47am
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: memory // sugarcult

deep inside the corner of my mind, i'm attached to you.
let's get away... far away to paradise.

---> i got my cheer shoes, & my desk.

---> let's break all the rules & just kiss away, because i can't hold back any longer. arg.

---> officially making plans for departure to chicago. calling jonah every night. any one else want me to holler at them while i'm away? or u can holler at me when i disappear. 254.8483. =)

---> i felt so pretty today. just looked in the mirror... n whoa... i saw someone i actually wanted to stare at. like when u know u see someone hot walking & u just wanna stare? i felt like just staring at myself today lol. unfortunately there's no1 to share my sexy feeling with. grr.

---> going into brittany's bathroom, undoing my pants & spending five minutes looking for the toilet... forgot it was behind me.

---> chels, nikki, michelle & i hanging out at practice. michelle is back, & it was her birthday. nikki *smell this. *niiiiice perfume lmao. student gov camp lol. cookie man... <3

---> seeing danielle g & people at mc donalds, and everyone just staring at me. either i was really ugly or really pretty... u know like that stare i was talking about?! or maybe... there was another reason for everyone to stare?! i do not know.

((--this may never start... i'll tear us apart.--))

like nobody's


:: 2004 14 July :: 6.54pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: H.O.V.A

i got home from practice a lil while ago..wow..in painnnn..ouchiezz..i wont stress it tho cuz it'll get me in shape

like nobody's


:: 2004 13 July :: 9.18pm
:: Mood: hopeful
:: Music: Sleep To Dream // Maria Mena

and u stumbled around for a good ten minutes. & i said i never seen some1 look so dumb b4 n u laughed n said i still know how 2 turn u on though.
"you could put JLo to shame." -- Alicia (the lady that works with jackie) referring to my butt lol.

this morning i woke up & went with jackie to get her rook... ? on her ear pierced. drove to cityplace & went to Ink Link & hadda go get the form notarized at her work & go to the car dealership to get a copy of her mom's license. then we headed to Ink Link over on Okechobee...? (that was after waiting for a 1/2 hour on the exit for southern blvd. cause the traffic was backed up from 6th ave all the way to southern.) jackie didn't even flitch when she got her piercing & that shit looked like it hurt! then we went to iHOP for brunch... lol the huge waffle & the fucked up pancakes lol. but afterwards, i came home... just sat around for the rest of the day.

pj called ---> "expect a call from dan, cause he thinks he has a chance." haha wtf? i told pj to tell the kid that he doesn't have any chance. sry lol.

neil called ---> i shoulda went to play paintball today, but i wasn't gonna go when only like 4 other people were playing. n besides, i went out with jackie. although mommy isn't too fond of it cause i shouldn't have been out while she was at work. =/

HCOblonde31: i'd love ta g0o tho
MoFo1788: ya ya ya, ur fraid jonah might get mad cuz ur hangin out with guys with extra barrels
MoFo1788: and lots of balls
HCOblonde31: lmao
MoFo1788: :-D

o yeah we kept getting whistled at by the damn construction workers. ahhhh. s0o uncomfortable. and then the guy in the eckerd's parking lot came up to our window & handed us his card & said he did computer work, but he wanted us to just call him... i'm like... WE'RE SIXTEEEEEEEN! damn, and he's like haitian & 30 yrs. old. *cries*

um... i've just been informed that... next week, after i come home from cheerleading camp... we're leaving for chicago... yeah... thats not happening. i still don't wanna go cause i've got shit planned... but we'll see how it works out.

yeah i just got back from being in my garage talking to rick, tim, my dad, & mom. lmao

rick: "u know what's in style now, those high beds that u have to jump on to get in. you know it'd be cool to get some silk sheets & just slide on that motherfucker."

tim: "i gotta wash my hands from grabbin' tom's ass."

o0o... about the plans for chicago... my dad was like, "well if you guys are going to fly up there, then i'm going to drive in my new vehicle." "u guys aren't coming back with me are you?" "i mean what if my new vehicle is a corvette?"

thats when... viper clicked. *shrug* there's no way. cause they're talking about getting some truck or a hummer. we'll see if my dad's shit talking with be worth anything... lol <3

anyways, i'm gonna dip. go finish my collage cause i have nothing else better to do, and nobody online is talking or responding. yikes.

like nobody's


:: 2004 13 July :: 5.41pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: whaz happenin-ying yang twinz

Boom!!..It's Onnn..
hey peoples!!..wussup wussup?? i got to hang out wid my sammi yesterday!!..lol..havent seen her in a while..she was chillan on vacation..doin her own thing..amaraz gettin her teeth pulled today..:(..ouchiez..hope she feels better..i went to the mall on friday wid amara..bought sum stuff for my fone..then i went to don carters..hung out wid meli ricarda emir n eric..then JJ came..hez eric's "cuzin"..lol..we're still not sure..ev called me!!..shez coming to my party!!..yay!!..im excited..last nite was that hip hop class..i went wid amara..we got the dance down..but damn..im sore..lol..2moro is cheer gym agenn..cant waitt

like nobody's


:: 2004 12 July :: 4.32pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: True // Ryan Cabrera

i'm weak, it's true, i'm just scared to know the ending.
idk y i'm updating... i've been thinking... n plus i'm really bored.

had practice & hung with Chels & Nikki. "i had one n i swear my macaroni started talking to me". "omg matrix whoaaa" lmao. "yo baby, yo baby yo MOMMA!" lmao "all those kids in private school are baddd, u think they're good, but their parents didn't want them thats y they got stuck there." lol.

anyways... got home from practice & ashley & i were gonna go shopping... but she doesn't have money to spend. =/ for some reason, i have this feeling that she doesn't like me.... idk i didn't d0o nutn. maybe i'm just annoying to her. lol i know i get annoyed with people. *shrug*

s0o at noon today, my phone rang. i thought someone called... but it was my alarm that i set awhile back... the 12th of every month, it would go off @ noon, for our anniversary. thats when i hit rock bottom. just got weaker... felt down, but what can ya do?

neil n i hadda convo last night. i liked it alot.. someone to talk to. but he just kept insisting that i find new guys.

HCOblonde31: u know how u were talking about how bein with someone... n havin those simple hugs feel different... jonahs have always been different... n so have our talks... compared to the many other guys i've met & hung with in the past few weeks... thats why they dont compare....
HCOblonde31: mushy lil girl lol sry
MoFo1788: yea but tahts cuz u liked him
MoFo1788: start liken sum1 else

and to my surprise... i haven't talked to jonah all day today, and i wanna call him... but i think after last night... him thinking that i want someone that i don't know (dennis)... idk i feel uncomfortable... with him thinking that i pity him... because when i say somethin i mean it. i guess for me to be comfortable he would hafta call me... lets me know that it didnt get him pissed. =/

ok i'm sick of talking... imma go be bored in my bed & watch some more tv. call my cell if u wanna do something, or justttt to say hello. <3

1 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 11 July :: 10.16pm
:: Music: finch - "letters to you" acoustic.

i give up. i'll just sleep now.


like nobody's


:: 2004 11 July :: 4.53pm
:: Mood: stressed
:: Music: famous now // reel big fish

she works hard for the money
worked. 9am-4pm. ---> ugh.
let me explain. i am s0o sore from not resting at all & having practice. i end up being the only person that gets carts until 11am. jack is too stubborn to do his job, & he's like 90 years old. fucker should be fired. but anyways... dennis came in. this kid is hottttt. i was too nervous to talk to him though. during lunch ---> i called danielle & brittany... they should be coming over to keep me company 2night.

hahahaha. he was with his friend... and he's like, "briana!" & i was all like, "hi joey! *big hug* whatcha up 2? how ya been? blah blah blah." he's super cute. s0o anyways... walter came in around 3:30pm. he was like, "hey munchkin" hehe. um.. right before i left he was going to get carts w/ dennis, & it woulda been fun to do, except i was about to clock out.

Terry: "You guys go get carts."
Dennis: "only us 2?"
Walter: "Well, there's briana..."
Bri: "bye bye." hehe.

s0o i clocked out & bought a bag of candy & laid on a bench watching everyone work while i just got fat with candy lol. then walter came up to me...

Walter: "You goin' 2 the meeting on monday?"
Bri: "No, i've got practice from 8-11am. y?"
Walter: "Cause i'm gonna be there, and u should be there cause i'm there."

believe me... i wanted to be there when he was cause he's hilarious and we just laugh at each other... *shrug*

um... my mom finally took me home. our convo in the car...

Bri: "yeah, and Dennis was the only other one there."
Mommy: "Yeah, he kept asking me all about u, like when he was gonna meet you, and when the next time u worked was and so on."
Bri: "i didn't know who he was, why was he asking about me... i've never seen him before."
Mommy: "He was interested, but don't worry i told him that you weren't his type."
Mommy: "i was standing next to him at the time clock & he was telling me how your boyfriends came in & i asked how many & he said 2, (referring to Joey & Joey's friend) & i said to him 'she has a lot of those.' and he goes, 'i can see why.' "

haha. anyways, i'mma go.. gotta call brittany & danielle. brett, & travis. and whoever else. <3

1 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 11 July :: 12.02am
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Ban the Tube Top // RBF

sheee has a girlfriend now lol.
went food shopping with mommy this morning. jonah called me while i was with her. he told me he'd call me back. i called him around 10pm & he wasn't homeeeee. =P

got home from shopping & went to the beach for a little. brett called - got home from helping his dad move... wanted to hang out when i got home. alex called - wanted to go to the movies, but my parents thought it would be a better idea if i stayed home & "rested" because i've been out late for the past few nights. w/e. so when i got home, i showered & met up with brett at the park. so many people were there. i actually met adrian... n then his bro, chris, robert, jason & wilbert. chance, my bro, & brett were there too. i swung on the swing while they played bball. chance gave me a nice big sweaty hug. yuck. n he bleached his hair, slim shady wanna be grrr. lol. adrian was trying to flirt - he has no game, but he was generous & gave me a ride home cause i didn't wanna walk. yay haha. brett & i made plans to meet back up at the pool. s0o i ate dinner & showed up to the pool along with brett, garett, danny, travis & nicole. then later, jennifer, robert & some other kid showed up. um... jennifer was cool, we didn't have a hard time makin' convo like nicole & i had. robert was funny - answering brett's phone when his x g/f called. brett & travis kept beatin' garett & danny to show off. lol... funny though. matrix haha. pool closed @ 10pm s0o we left. brett tried convincing me to go play man hunt with them... but i wasn't up for it. sore & i gotta work in the morning. s0o i came home, watched the rest of "Las Vegas" with mommy & ate ice cream. neil & i just made "plans" n um... jonah is on, but he said, "brb"... *shrug*. umm talkin' ta ashley c & felipe & camilo too.

found out that we are going on vaca from the 7/29-8/10 then going to school the next day?! not happening at all. i am planning on going to kaila's party & have soooo many cheerleading performances that week. s0o my mom & i are gonna make him reschedule ... for thanksgiving break? or new years? idk but just not that week that my dad was planning. grr.

hmm enjoyed the day for being very sore. but i gotta go put my work clothes in the dryer. xoxo ttyl <3

like nobody's


:: 2004 10 July :: 6.38pm
:: Mood: confused

psh. cancel all that crap i said in the last entry.

all my thoughts are all mixed up. i loveee hanging out with big sexy and her momma pimp though, they bring me happy thoughts.

"these aren't hooker shoes, these are nine west!"

"if you're my momma pimp, then daddy, is my sugar daddy"

garage sale this morning with them. in total we made $100 or so. then went shopping. saw jessica's daddy at american eagle... wanted to go up to him and say, "hi! are you mr.brandi, jessica's dad? i'm her friend "michelle." yeah gotta use a differenet name. you know why. nice day.

dinner time with them. yay!

<3 love.

1 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 10 July :: 12.36am
:: Mood: jubilant
:: Music: set up = reel big fish

if everyone is d0ing it, i'm not gonna be every f*cker. just the blonde girl.
last night was the RBF concert. which was absolutely amazing. friends, loud music, dancing like white girls should, and just fun. it was me, ashley c, danielle & zach. short story: zach forgot the tickets at home in his wallet... we went back to get them... just made the concert. it felt g0od getting out to just see different people... and those from middle school as well. anyways.. then we went to denny's. i wish that ellen woulda went to the concert. i think we woulda had some fun moments. not that her & i are close... but yeah, it woulda given friendship a meaning? idk what i'm saying lol. but u know what i mean... i hope.

s0o this morning i woke up from cheer practice. yikes. um... worked our asses offffff s0o badly. but chelsea, & nikki & i had fun lol. our conversation in the jump line was funny. like... twice a day... duh lol. umm got to know people like Brittany, Holly, Julie & Stephy. i have a feeling i'mma be in pain 2morrow when i wake up. o well. its worth it.

s0o i get home... talked to brittany & took a nap. then brett calls. & then i talked to jonah... and then he hadda go. i hope he won his game tonight... i know he wasn't glad about last night's game =/ anyways... s0o brett calls back... & him & travis decide to come over because they have nothing else better to do with their lives. ummm s0o we talked & hung out. got made fun of... that kinda thing. then i went in... took a nap. got jackie's call so i hadda get ready for the UCT show. which wasn't bad. hot singer = J.M. & he's very crazy. jackie's crush isn't bad = wayne. and doug the drummer has an awesome sense of humor / personality... the one guy... don't know his name.. reminded me of tom from blink182. i mean it was all a newer experience for me... which was ok. but i'mma shy girl when it comes to meeting new people. but jackie & i got tired pretty early, so we left around 10:20pm. got home & hadda bowl of cereal, & a soda pop. n i wasnt tired no more. s0o i called up brett & told him i was home. s0o he decides... "ok r u allowed out, cause i'm coming over" yeah s0o i went outside, & walked to the end of the block & there he was. had kinda open talks like friends do & then i got really hyper & we started walking & then i almost got ran over and i tried lifting brett up with my feet but it wasnt working. stupid. then travis called & rode his bike in like .03 seconds up to where brett & i were.

then we all talked as stupid me... bounced around cause i have no life & jonah isn't online so i didnt wanna stay inside expecting him to come online... cause he still hasn't. i'm really in the mood to talk to him. but there is nothing that can cure or help that because he is not here. i miss him a ton. i have the biggest urge to just see him & jump on him and lalalalalala yeah. ok i'm bored & camilo is talking to me now s0o imma dippppp like u would dip ur tostitos in ur salsa. haha, awesome.

*but i want u, and u want me too
and you need this, wanna give it to u
and i thought this time i'd say something new.
* <--- those mean s0o much f0r s0me0ne, haha, <3

like nobody's


:: 2004 9 July :: 10.14am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: BK Athem-Foxxy Brown

i so happyy..
he finally asked me out!!..last nite..lol..yay!!..im happy now..hez so cute..i really think this is gonna work

me n amara were plannin to take these hip hop classes every monday till the end of august..the teacher is wade robson!! from mtv's the wade rosbon project..im so excited..i faxed in all tha paperwork..n talked to tha lady..turns out itz not how much we thot it was gonna be..lol..that might be a problem..hmm..gotta see tho..neways i had a lil argument wid my mom yesterday..i got grounded for "talkin back"..pshh..so shez trynna squash all my plans for this weekend..i hope she letz me go out tho..i wanna see emir..newayz me n amara might hit up tha mall todayy..spend money on stuff i dont need..u girls kno how dat goes..;)

2 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 8 July :: 12.14am
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: watching tv. Disney haha

everyday isn't like today, but today was awesome... for no reason.
last night i took everything off my desk. now... my dad needs to take out this desk from my room... right now my computer & i are sitting on the floor.. going for the japanese style of living. hehe.

anyways this morning i woke up kinda early & went to the bank for money to get to danielle for the RBF concert tickets... which means we get to go and crowd surf @ 6:15pm 2morrow. how awesome!

but when i got home, i took a shower & then talked to jonah on the phone. thats the second time u purposely hung up on me in all the time i've known u. that's very dirrrrty, master. lol. after we got off the phone, i headed to cheerleading practice...

it was good actually. hung out with juliana & then chelsea. lol chelsea & i did alotta laughing. omg lol. it says 2 steps & we are taking... one? lmao. who feels like a dolphin?! splash... whip lash? lmao. good times.

brittany picked me up from practice & we went to my house. jonahhhh called & we talked. ummm then i got ready & brittany n i went to meet up with her parents at OUTBACK for dinner since jb, mike & robert didnt wanna go with us. we came back after dinner & got some ice cream & went outside. met jb over at the pool then called travis & brett cause brittany & i saw them earlier & missed them. well they didnt answer the phone. fuckers. lol. so we went to the gas station & got a drink & the stupid guy gave us these nasty candy things, so when we got home, i took them and started bangin' on frank's car with them... hope i didnt make any dents lol. then mike & jb & frank & me & brittany talked... but we got bit up by mosquiters so we all left & went home.

i got in & talked to danielle, neil, jonah, brittany, & camilo online. gotta call from travis while i was just sitting here. then brett wanted to talk to me, so i talked to him & then back & forth the phone went. i guess travis is calling me when he gets home from work? and brett called me back... they wanted to come knock on my window... & moon me but uh... i told them they were wasting their time lol. i miss them... 6th with them haha. but uh... since they didn't stop by tonight to say, "hey" after not seeing each other in awhile, brett wants to come say hey 2morrow... during the day. i guess thats what he's gonna do. which is cool, cause i have nothing to do in the daytime but wait for the night to come & crowd surf with the awesomest people.

but for now, i'mma head out... i typed enough on this journal. i loved today. its the best feeling for some reason

2 watching | like nobody's


:: 2004 7 July :: 7.14pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: How Come-D12

i stole this from my buddy luan..
Birthdate::august 2nd, 1988
Birthplace::brooklyn, new york
Eldest, Middle, Youngest, Only Kid?:eldest
Pets::cat-cassie dog-roxy
Do you go to school::yes
What is your highest level achieved?:sophomore
Religion::i dont really have a classification..i believe in god..lol
Do you have friends?:yepp
Do you like to be lonely?:no
What color are your eyes?:dark brown
Do you like it?:yea
What color eyes do you want?:i like mine..maybe a lil lighter tho
What color is your hair?:dark brown
Do you like it?:yupp
What color do you want?:im fine wid my natural color
Do you dye your hair?:nope
If yes, how regularly?:never
Do you wear glasses?:at night
Do you have a trademark?:my name earrings!!..hollaa!!
How tall are you?:5'0''
What's your heritage/nationality?:puerto rican
Do you have the same hairstyle everyday?:nope
Do you think you look exciting?:yea..sure..lol
Are you self concious?:sometimes
Do you obsess over your looks?:not really
Do you even care about your appearences?:yea
How long do you spend in the bathroom?:15-20 minute to get ready
About life... again
Punk/Goth/Ghetto/Prep/Jock/Nerd/Other (list)? stereotype?:"cute ghetto girl"-greta..lol
Do you pick your nose? In secret?:noo..lol
Do you like yourself? Life?:yes
Are you liked by people?:yea
Do you want to become famous?:of course!!
Do you want to make a difference in this big world?:yea
Why?:we need a change
Fun Stuff
Which celebrities do you worship in secret?:lol..jennifer lopez n christina aquilera
Are you one of those people who diss fans of a music genre you don't like?:lol..noo
Which pop princess shits you?:none of em
Can you sing?:no..lol..i like to in the shower tho
Can you act?:yea
Who is your fave actor?:anthony hopkins
Fave movie?:above the rim
Backstreet Boys or Nsync?:backstreet boys
Good Charlotte or Blink 182?:good charlotte
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?:christina aguilera
Slayer or Black Sabbath?:who??
The Beatles or The Monkees?:beatles
ABBA or the A Teens?:a teens..lol
Guilty pleasure?:chocolate covered strawberries..yumm
The Simpsons or Family Guy?:SIMPSONS!!
MTV... yeah or neah?:yeah
Do you have a group of friends?:yea
How many?:six
To an onlooker, what would your group be viewed as?:fun, loud, crazy, hyper, high..lol
Who are you closest to?:my girls
Who is your best friend?:meli sam n amara
Are any of them bad influences?:no..they're "super good influences"..lol
Who are you in your group? The leader? The leader's bitch? The follower?:im the violent one
Are you dirty minded?:my minds always in tha gutter..lol
Do you have any sexual feelings towards friends?:noo
Generally, how are you viewed in your group?:everybody loves me..;)
Do your friends know you?:yea
Are you single or taken?:single for now
If single:
Do you want to stay single?:no
Why are you single?:waitin for this kid to stop being shy n ask me out..lol
Do you date around?:yea..i meet ppl here n there
When was the last time you have a bf/gf?:last year
Life... yet again.
Are you bored?:yea
Can you play any instruments? Which ones?:yea..piano
Math or English?:english
The Arts or Sciences?:arts
Technical or Creative?:creative
Are you poetic?:i can be
How many babies do you want?:3
Do you spend most of your time on the net?:ehh..
What do you think of your country's leader?:we need a new one
Do you love me?:yea
Why?:cuz ur great!!
What kind of meat do you like to eat?:meat??..chicken..pork
What's your favourite food?:empanadas..pork chops
Drink?:bailey's mudslide
I'm bored now. Wanna stop?:i guess
Because I am.

A long survey to do when you are bored brought to you by BZOINK!

like nobody's


:: 2004 6 July :: 5.51pm
:: Mood: giggly
:: Music: Why-Jadakiss

meli..i can't believe u finally told him girl!!..go you!!
yay!!..im happy for melissa..everythings gonna turn out great!!..we're planning to chill on friday..go to don carters..play some pool..me, emir, eric and meli..can't wait..only i ahvent played in foreverrr..so i hope i dont end up lookin stupid..lol..saturday i got cheer gym..cant wait..finally gettin back on track wid tha cheer stuff..we leave in a week!!..going to tampa..imma have fun..im gonna miss all my peeps tho!!..:(..gotta chill wen i get back tho!!

1 watching | like nobody's

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