2004 14 July :: 12.02pm
:: Mood: silly
:: Music: Maria Mena-Free
The sun is out wootie toot toot!
Jess made a lost of sense last night. It shouldn't matter to any of us. We know how it is, how we feel all the time when we even concern ourselves with it, so just don't. The end.
I woke up with Jess purrying on my shoulder. Lol I bet none of you get woken up that way now do ya? haha take that. I slept like a baby last night, but we think it's becuase of the med's. ;) but it was nice.
Logan's coming over today to hang out with me and jess so i supose i should probably change out of my pajama's and put some make up on huh? yes, good idea I don't want to scare the boy away.
2004 14 July :: 12.02pm
:: Mood: silly
:: Music: Maria Mena-Free
The sun is out wootie toot toot!
Jess made a lost of sense last night. It shouldn't matter to any of us. We know how it is, how we feel all the time when we even concern ourselves with it, so just don't. The end.
I woke up with Jess purrying on my shoulder. Lol I bet none of you get woken up that way now do ya? haha take that. I slept like a baby last night, but we think it's becuase of the med's. ;) but it was nice.
Logan's coming over today to hang out with me and jess so i supose i should probably change out of my pajama's and put some make up on huh? yes, good idea I don't want to scare the boy away.
2004 14 July :: 12.32am
*smacks self* what in the world was I thinking? Get over it man!!!
"MOMMMMMM COME HERE MOM!!! Jess ! what do you want? *laughs* haha"
"Come on, you can't tell me that doens't feel good
rubbing your head lol"
I love you Jess you keep me from going crazy, hoenstly w/out I'd be a wreck.
I need to be home to return your phone call *sigh*
Who wants to go shopping? I do!
2004 13 July :: 6.43pm
Tell me, how many of your parents either
a.)bought you a car (even if you're paying them back or not)
b.)bough you a cell phone, or pay for your cell phone?
Be honest.
3 do you.♥ |
2004 13 July :: 1.56pm
Ugh. That doesn't even make sense. Well I mean, for you it probably does, but ugh to me it doesn't. Like i'm glad and all that aren't out to make my life hell. That you're better than that, but like I don't like messengers, and I don't know like if you are going to dislike and tolerate me or what, and I don't want that. Like I want things to be, ..comfortable. I know that doesn't make any sense at all, but like to me, I have to explain what I mean, what I'm talking about for me to be okay with..whatever you want to cal the situation. Like what I'm talking about now woul dmake more sense if I talked to you and explained it. I don't see what the big deal is, like can't talk to me online for two minutes? We're friends for a year, but when you hate me you can't talk to me even ocne for like a minute to hear what I have to say. Like i'm not asking to be all buddy buddy best friends, but i mean i DO want a compromise. Hearing from you every now and then, would be nice. ughh ajdfkjadflkj this is dumb i dont EVER make sense and what the hell is point in trying to explain something to a fucking journal? maybe you'll read this, but then i doubt you'll actually attempt to talk to me to hear what i want to say. which makes me look like even more of an ass. grr like why do I even still care, like I mean dont get me wrong, i dont care nearly as much as I use to, but I do kinda care that we were friends then were enemy's. like whats the point...just one good reason...well..nevermind sigh ok im going to go ride rollercoasters with jess ;)
2 do you.♥ |
2004 13 July :: 10.52am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: Greenwheel-breathe
My pappy never fails to disapoint me in the..sac ;)
"Do you think that's bad...that I really want to do...THAT?"
"Aren't I dirty whore..that's the first thing that comes to mind? haha "
"Well better stock up on the go-gurt *laughs"
"Damn that's big, it would hurt wouldn't it?"
"How big are they ..exactlly"
"haha I dont know this big *makes big circle* well holy hell!"
"How am I going to explain to people how I broke my nail of that finger haha?"
MUAHAHAHAHA me and Jess had a fun night! Lol we watch just married and Jess starts to falls asleep on me at like 3. *shakes head* damn her and her foolish ways. So I wake her ass up because I keep hearing all these scaring sounds, like her door is opening. Then we go downstairs to go to bed and end up talking, then arguing about the light being on, which led to pappy trying to bite me and eat my flesh alive while I held her head back and smacked her nose. Silly us. Lol do you ever do something, or are with your best friend and wonder in the middle of your actions.....who else does this lol?!? Yeah we get that a lot. So we ended up getting and baking chocolate chip cookies. Lol *yummy* They were kind amushy, but still good. Then we went out on the sun porch and talked....SO WHAT IF MOST OF OUR CONVERSATION ALL NIGHT REVOLVED AROUND SEX! That doesn't mean a damn thing. Lol we're just....dumb. *laughs and storkes pappy.
"Their 99.7 effective right? That's like 200 percent together" lol we suck at ALL math.
We finally got to bed around 5:30 go us. I'm suprised I'm up and ..of course like always she's not. lol so im going to shower.
Is it really that difficult to pursue an apology?? Come honest with me is it?
You are a miserable sun of a gun .
*hugs Erika* I love you! our conversation was good. Always nice to catch up lol.. WE HAVE to get me you becky and jess together before you guys leave! *cries* or at least when you et back. I love becky too!, bye.
2 do you.♥ |
2004 13 July :: 12.40am
:: Mood: happy
I love you Pappy!
Famous Jess and Jess phrases
"Did you know if you have a yeast infection you can use yogaurt to ..fix it
.....just get go-gurt HAHAHA *laughs insanley*"
"Is that bad that I want to?"
"Purr...Purr....I've missed you"
lol I love my pappy! We went to see Farihet 911....I can't spell. But yeah, it's..just in my mind a movie that totally attacks Bush. Come on, what president is perfect? I don't agree with everything he does completely, but he is our president, people did vote for him for some reason right? I trust he's making the best choices. I mean there are always going to be mistakes made with the president, and how is there good without bad? The movies just pretty much twists everything around and trys to make Bush look like an ass. I think it's pretty sad all someone has to do with their life is try to make documentary's about how bad someone else is. It take a lot for Bush to be president, and he deals with a lot. Like I said, I don't agree with everything, but I do think he is a good president. That's just what I think though.
so yeah anyway, my pappy has made things much better! We having been full of happy laughter with go-gurt, and me falling off the bed, and our dancing in the kitched. Good times. *Pats Pappy on head* I love you snicker doodle.
We must go, we are going to watch Just Married.
I'm going to talk to you, I'm going to get the guts, tomorrow it's up for discussion.
1 do you.♥ |
2004 12 July :: 6.05pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Keelis-Milkshake( lol Erika's entry made me wanna listen to it) heh I'm a dork
Yay! I get to do my pappy good tonight!
I really need to get out of the house, so I'm going to my Pappy's house tonight, so I can do her real good! Yes, I will do you good sweet um's. After we see Far. 911. It shall be a good night, because I get to to get away from my bitchy mom. Yes, good night.
Darn you Erika! Now I have Milkshake stuck in my head
*breaks into song*"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and their like it's better than yours. Damn right it's better than yours, I can keep you but I'll have to charge*smacks self* STOP SINGING!
okay I must leave.
Love, Jess.
4 do you.♥ |
2004 12 July :: 3.30pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: Avril Lavigne-Naked
I'm trying to remember why it became so difficult to put one foot in front of the other.
1.) I want to stop caring so much about things I shouldn't stress myself out about.
2.) I want to tell Dan how I really feel about everything, including him.
3.)I want to start drivers training all fucking ready.
4.)I want to learn to appreicate my life more than I do at the moment.
5.)I want to actually get hired some place b/c no one will hire a 15 year old.
6.) I want to make ahmends with you. Just because what's the point in not be okay with one another?
7.)I want my parents to just activate my nextel but they won't because I don't have a job.
8.)I want to be able to ride with Jessie in her car.
9.)I want to make my Granpa all better.
10.)I want to sit down and talk to Devon and actually get out how crappy this is making me feel.
11.)I want my mom's test to turn out okay, so she can stop being so grouchy all the time.
12.)I want school to start back up already b/c I miss seeing everyone everday.
13.)I want my brother to not get away with anything and everything, all the time.
14.)I want to hang out with Lindsey up at her boat for a day so I can see her.
15.)I want to go shopping so friecken bad.
16.) I want to get me and Cass as close as we were at one point again.
17.) I want to let myself get past who Andy is and be okay w/ it before we just never speak at all like two strangers.
18.) I want to hang out with Jess.
19.)I want a mini i-pod in pink really fucking bad.
20.) I want to stop myself from swearing all the damnt ime.
21.) I want to be really tan.
22.) I want Erika to see what a great, fun loving person she is and deserves to be happy.
23.) I want my dogs to stop chewing up everything I own.
24.) I want the new Kenny Chesne cd really really bad.
25.) I want to sti and talk to Katie all night because we haven't done that , even talk in a really long time.
26.)I want my room to stay clean longer than a few hours.
27.) I want Dan to actually explain to me what the hell happened? How he really feels, about everything.
28.)I don't want to ever care for an explanation. About anything really.
29.)I want to pack up my good friends and move to New York and get away from this place.
30.) I want to find my fucking white fuzzy hat that I bought in New York.
31.) I want to stop higind my feelings through stupid lyrics and online journals.
32.) I want my dad to actually take an intrest in one of my intrests.
33.)I want to stop watching MTV b/c I think Ashlee Simpson is a box of rocks, even though I sit and make fun of her.
34.)I want people to stop being such dumb, dirty whores.
35.)I want to find a way to thank Shannon for always being so sweet to me.
36.)I want the swelling to my pumpkin face to go down or better yet, just fucking dispear so I don't look like a fucking balloon.
37.)I want to go play tennis, but I can't drive myself anywhere, so that's kinda fucking hard to do, now isn't it?
38.)I want church to be more of an actual ...intrest.
39.)I want the courage to say how I really feel...what I really think, instead of letting ppl walk all over me.
40.)I want to see "The Notebook" really bad.
41.) I want to have a girl's night with Jenna.
42.)I want to be able to listen to MY music in the car, just once!
43.)I want to have been born with a different color hair!!
44.)I want the corn to hurry and grow so I can actually have a job, and make moeny.
45.)I want to bang Usher..I mean what girl..or heck what guy wouldn't want to do that?
46.)I want to just be with you , so I know ..
47.)I want a fucking job!
48.)I want to fucking be able to drive!
49.) I want my fucking phone!!
50.) I want to stop wanting so fucking much because I'm a selfish little _____(<--I'll leave you to fill in the blank.)
That's all folks!
2004 11 July :: 3.09pm
Yesterday really sucked. Do you ever have those days where you try your hardest to keep it together, keep you head up because you just don't want to bother sharing problems because there isn't a single person who could quit understand the half of how you feel? So instead you keep it to yourself and try your hardest to keep it all inside, but it always turns out building up untill you're just pushed to your last end?
That'd be my yesterday.
I was thinking maybe a day mostly to myself would be good. Clear my mind, just relax and let everything just be...what it is.
Didn't really turn out exactlly how I planned.
I try so hard when you'r down to pick you up. I listen to what you say, and I hear what you don't say. I always go the limits when you feel there's no reason to have limits because I care more than I could otherwise. I thought you could hear what I don't say too. This time you're clueless. I need you, I'm going to need you more than ever. And I can't even hear you assuring me of a single thing...
Where are you going...and why are you trying to go so fast? Is it really worth all of what you'll be missing in the mean time until you realize it was all a mistake? If not a mistake, time you wish you could get back.
*sigh* Why can't I have a normal journal where I can actually make sense of problems and issues?
"-You show up at my doorstep out of the blue. All this crazy talk, and all these feelings come rushing back, till I realize that the reason I don't still have those feelings is because I can't be the real me, with you. You can't possiably give me what I want, what I need, most importantly what I deserve. So how dare you question how I feel. How dare you question me. Kisses are meant for people with intentions of one another. I told you how I felt, and for the second time since the last time I talked to you, your trued getting me to believe something for your sake. Screw you, I'm sick of putting up with you. You're so selfish. Get past it, so I can't forget it.-"
When are we ever going to talk about what I feel you're trying to ignore? I care so much about how this turns out. Even though sometimes I really just want to push my feeling aside, because I don't ever see the real picture till after I come to my senses.
I genuianlly care about you. I am trying so hard to keep you in my life, but I need to know your intentions and the truth. I'm not really sure if you see that you could be happy, so happy. Chance come, and chances go. You have to grab a hold of them, there's always going to be uncertainty, but isn't that what makes it so worth it in the end? Thre reason you have to thank God for every second you get the chance to lookin into their beautiful eyes, and know they're glowing like that because of you. That there isn't a soul in the world who could make them feel the way you make them feel? Or the fact that there isn't a soul in the world who could make you feel the way they are making you feel right now?
You're chance is now, before you're gone. Before you leave. what have got to lose? Just a shot of being happy. Isn't that what you want? What else is there?
Just tell me what you want....that's what I'm aksing you for, just to be honest, and tell me, all of it.
I promise you the truth. The truth that I'm not able to promise you the best turn out. A promise however, that you wont have a regreat.
Stop telling yourself it's not worht it, you KNOW as well as I do that's it's not just worth it, it's *more* than worth it.
I'm starting to believe more and more that everything happens for a reason. That things could turn out some many different ways, and the best was is his way. That in time he'll show you why. I think it's so amazing how things can be, or could be, or how they aren't, or what the possiabilties are. In every situation that sucks, you have to get past it, because that's the way it's supose to be, and you will eventually find out why. That's what I really believe.
I've been trying to get that out for the past week, even though I can't make sense of anything myself.
Are you really that subconcious that you can't take the initative to acknowledge or even try to relate to any of this? You're making all these really stupid decisions just because you can't deal with it. You're offended because someone's trying to help you. Well get over it, would you rather have us just ignore you? You have the real potential to make things a lot better than what they are, but it's up to you. You say things in spite of your anger and jealousy and it makes it ten times harder on everyone who's just tyring to help. It's the only way they know how.
Did any of that make sense to anyone?!?
Didn't think so.
My face still looks like a pumpkin *cries* I hate today.
2 do you.♥ |
2004 11 July :: 1.59pm
:: Mood: crappy
What a perfect day.
Wake up.
I get stung by bee.
My face is numb. I'm crying.
Look in face is a balloon.
Med Center.
Now I'm home, alone..(face is still huge)feeling like shit.
Somebody shoot me, please..
2004 9 July :: 10.33pm
I miss Jenna....
2004 9 July :: 7.10pm
I'm going to put this in simple words so either you can read this..possiably or I can figure out this is what I'm going to say to you.
I liked you, a lot. I thought you at least cared bak, even a little bit. Then you don't call for a week. In that week may not have known, or still not qiet understand..but you made me feel like crap. Like it wouldn't matter not talking or seeing you..just wondering..hmm well maybe after I did what I did, he never wants to talk to me again. That if anything we wouln't even be friends.
I *genuianlly* care for you, and want you in my life. More than a friend or not. I just don't want to pretend like I'm not upset or confused. So could you just inform me of what's going on, how you feel..I don't think it's asking too it?
2004 9 July :: 4.59pm
:: Mood: sick
Me and Ashley went to the fair carnival, I don't know what everyone calls it. It was fun. We were having a blast. Then I got really sick. Like I never get sick because of rides or anything, I love rides. We both got sick though. I still had fun. I love that girl *so* much, like you have no idea. She's so funny and she's just really fun.
So yeah, I'm home now and you still haven't called. I hate when you ask me to do something, and then cancel. I hate it. I cancel plans for you, for nothing.
Oh-well I'm in a good mood. Not going to let you ruin it, again.
2004 9 July :: 12.30pm
Ashley and I are going to the Iowina Free Fare! Fun yay! I miss her!
2004 9 July :: 11.54am
:: Mood: crushed
:: Music: Avril Lavigne-Nobody's Fool
I'm not the milk and cheerios in your spoon, I'm nobody's fool, but my own.
Let's just keep pretending like this past week never happened and everything is just peachy keen.
Or you could just A-POL-O-GIZE! But you won't. It just makes me sad that we're no longer honest with one another.
That's something I loved about you. You were honest to me, with me, and I was to you in return. Now it's gone..probably for good.
You're such a fake, little, dis-honest, bitchy girl. Why am I friends with you? Please remind me?
No, I don't want to go with you guys!!! Stupid question asked from a complete moron. *smacks you across face* Does anyone really think BEFORE they speak? Are you really that STUPID? You must be. Do not ask me that. *grawl* I hate stupid people like yourself.
You BETTER say something. My suggestion is do it, before I do it! When I do it, you're going to wish that you had done it becuase I'm going to make you feel like the biggest ass, ever.
Does anyone ever get that feeling where you really *REALLY* just want to kick someone, smack them across the face, or just pretty much beat the shit out someone or something...I perfer someone?
Maybe I'm just evil....*sigh*...that's it
2004 8 July :: 10.58pm
You call, and I can't even pick up the phone. I don't even know what to say to you, what I would say. I thought I knew, all the time I was wondering what in the world I did, or said to screw things up, for you to just throw me aside, and not even all, all the emotion and frustration I had..I thought I would at least have 5 words to say to you..and I don't. I'm speachless...
I mean couldn't you at least just inform me that you weren't intrested instead of just falling off the face the of the planet, making me feel like an ass. Like I did something to upset you? To not even want a friendship..really makes me feel like crap.
Maybe it doens't make sense to you, why I'm upset. I don't expect you to understand either, because you're not me. Maybe you didn't ever really think maybe it could be more than ..whatever it was. That's fine, it didn't have to be, but to totally disclude me from your make me have to disclude you from mine, which I would never wnat to do, becaue I really genuinally cared about you...hurts a lot.
Wondering is a lot worse than actually knowing, because whatever it was that I did, I would have gotten over it. I could have lived with it, and still been your friend. Still be happy with having you as a part of my life, because I did, I did want you in my life. For the first time in a very long time, I met someone who was such an amazing person. You listend to me, you acted like you cared..and I didn't ever want to lose that...and I did.
I'm sorry for whatever I did to you..I hope that sometime...eventually before you're gone for good, you can let me know what I did..what I said..why we couldn't at least be friends...
2004 8 July :: 9.22pm
okay, sorry that was gay. but im happy. I have a nextel woo go me! It's cute, it's silver.
2004 8 July :: 5.38pm
:: Mood: content
an X if its true, an _ if its false. add one of your own at the end.
.... stars *** are things i've added. duh.
(_) I have never been drunk
(x) I never have smoked pot
(_) I never have kissed a member of the opposite sex
(x) I never have kissed a member of the same sex *on the cheek I have*
(x) I never crashed a friend's car
(x) I have never been to Japan *
(_) I never ridden in a taxi
(x) I never have had sex
(_) I never have been dumped
(_) I never shoplifted
(x) I never have been fired
(x) I have never cut myself on purpose
(_) I never have been in a fist fight
(_) I never snuck out of my parent's house
(x) I never have been arrested
(_) I never made out with a stranger
(x) I never stole anything from my job
(x) I never celebrated New Year's in Time Square
(_) I never went on a blind date
(_) I never lied to a friend
(_) I never had a crush on a teacher. haha I WAS IN 7TH GARDE, I WAS YOUNG!
(x) I never celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans
(x) I never have been to Europe
(_) I never skipped school
(x) I never slept with a co-worker
(x) I never have thrown up in a bar
(x) I never have purposely set myself on fire
(x) I never have eaten sushi
(x) I never have been snowboarding
(_) I never have been happy with myself
(x) I never have met a movie star
(x) I never went to a prom
(x) I never bungee jumped
(x) I never have been to a pop concert
(x) I never have dated someone for over a year
(_) I never ate a mango
(x) I never killed anyone before ...or have i...
(_) I never went sailing *i love sailing.
(_) I have never had a job
(_) I have never told someone how much they meant to me.
(x) I never have gone sky diving
(x) I never ran outside and danced in the street naked.
(x) I have never had a lesbian/gay close friend.
(x) I have never watched C-SPAN for over an hour.
(x) I have never been out of the country
(x) I have never made out in a carwash.. sounds fun though
(x) I have never had cum come out of my nose during a blow job *that's so disgusting!*
(x) I have never gone night swimming with a hot person of the opposite sex
(_) I have never eaten peanut butter.
(x) I have never seen Citizen Kane all the way through.
(x) I have never broken a bone.
(_) I have never been able to think of original
(x) I have never enjoyed eating veal *never had it*
(x) I have never been whale watching
(x) I have never stayed up until 10 AM listening to music
(_) I have never seen real boobies
(_) I have never been happier in my life than I am right now
(_) I've never been involved with complete jackass (in other words man)
2004 8 July :: 3.39pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Save the Last Dance Soundtrack-You can do it haha
Lol I'm in such a good mood lol I'm so hyper. I love Ashley soooo much! We talked for the longest time today. We miss New York so much!!!! We hate it here.
We came up with our future plans. After we graduate we are going to move to New York get a crummy appartment in New York, because that'll be all we can afford, because there like 600 a month. We're going to go to this college in New Jersey, which is 20 minutes away. We're going to have jobs, obviously and work ll the time to pay for everything, witht he moeny we're going to save now while we're in high school. Then when we graduate from College, we are going to look for work in New Jersey, where it's not so crazy, move there where's it cheaper and go into New york to party on weekends. Then eventually I want to move back to michigan when I want to settle down and have kids, etc.
Good plan huh? lol We thought so
oh yeah, you're thinking about it? that make sno sense. This is not thinknng about it, it's falling off the face of the planet. You just may want something, and by the time you decide wether you do or not, my intrest is going to be gone, just a heads up. It's bs.
Yes, me and Ashley are gonna hang out I love her so much! She's the funnest person! Ahh I wish we could go back to New York sooo bad!
*sigh* I hate Michigan. *cries*
2004 7 July :: 7.47pm
I hate when people show up randomly. *shakes first at Scott and Rebecca* I look like crap always when that happens. Oh-well
Lol I'm pathetic.
2004 7 July :: 5.33pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Blink 182-Stay together for the kids
~*~Fun Fun Day~*~
I'm having a much better day. I don't know if any of you remember Dezarea Strong, but she use to go to our school and was one of my best friends when I was little. When we were in like first and second grade, then she moved to Kenowa Hills and we still talked a little bit because of sports and stuff. Well today she called me, she just got her liscense like a week ago and we went to the movies and to Wendy's lol. It was so much fun! I love that girl! She's so sweet. It was so fun to see her. It made my day. Then I got home and my mom had taped Ellen for me, heh that made my day better too, and to top it off I got to talk to Lindsey :) woo, she's dating Iasac! yay! Today's been a really good day. The fact that I tried and you ignored the effort, hasn't really been bothering me. Things will be better with time, I hope. Oh, heh AND I got my issue of seventeen today! :) woo look at me, good day.
2004 6 July :: 9.21pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: Avril Lavigne-Nobody's Fool
Making an attempt to put pieces together.
I was thinking today about how I don't want any enemy's. I just don't want to live that way. So I'm going to try my best to attempt to come to an ahmends with some people, and if not then I tryed.
Me and Andy pretty much are fine. I still think that I should say something to you because I do admit I get very annoyed with you because you're no longer the Andy I was best friends with. You're just ...this new Andy. The old Andy I knew didn't care about the looks, he stood up for himself and others, he knew right from wrong, and I'm not trying to say you're a totally different, bad guy now, because your not. I just miss the old you , is all. Which is hard, because I'm thinking I might never get use to this new you, because I cared about someone else, but I can certainly try.
Jon, all we've ever done is fight. I'm not asking to be friends again, just to be aqwantinces. Next year is going to be difficult otherwise. It makes me sick thinking we fought and bickered, were friends for a year for nothing.
Devon, things will get better, with time.
2004 6 July :: 7.16pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: tim mcgraw-live like you were dyin
*confused grin*
Now who would have thought I would do that? I didn't. Lol, either could relieve a lot of stress, or make things even more messed up than they have been in the past.
2004 6 July :: 4.22pm
I love the Ellen Dengenoues Show. It's my favorite! I love that lady! Everyone should watch the Ellen show. I love dance time. haha I'm a nerd, but that show totally makes my bad day, a great day!
I love Ellen!
4 do you.♥ |
2004 6 July :: 3.48pm
Wow I cannot believe what a jerk you turned out to be. I would *never* do that to you. Ever, to anyone for that matter.
Grow some balls ajdl;fkjakl;fj;alkjf;lakjf
*sigh* I really hate this bull shit.
2004 6 July :: 2.19pm
~*~ReAsOnS wHy iTs NiCe To Be A gIrL~*~
*-Faking cramps to get outta P.E.
*-Fou get to wear cute underwear- even if no one sees it
*-Taking group bathroom excursions
*-Getting panpured
*-Uummy-smelling shower gel
*-You can hug your friends freely
*-All ur accesories
*-We can wear guys clothes. If they wear ours, they get funny looks.
*-Yea- PMS sux. But at least we have a good excuse to chow down on chocolate and be a bitch and emotional for a week
*-Girl talk. You know, how we just understand each other without having to explain stuff.
*-We never have to stand at a urinal and have other girls stare at us.
*-Dark circles under the eyes? A hickey? We can just cover them up with a little concealer. (how do guys live without that stuff?)
*-We can jump around a lot and shake our hair and it looks like we know how to dance.
*-We get yummy chocolates and flowers from guys.
*-When we get married we get to keep our own name or choose one that we like even better.
*-At least one girl always survives in horror flicks.
*-We never have to wear tighty-whities (or jock straps!)
*-Even if we are ugly we have make-up to fix it!
*-SLUMBER PARTIES! Guys just don't know how much fun those are.
*-We dont have to worry about getting hurt, um, down there.
*-That special bond we have with our moms-some day if not already
*-The coolest, sweetest songs and poems have been written about us.
*-We are called tomboys, Boys are called girlie.
*-We have nicer handwriting than guys. Well its true.
*-Our magazines have Horoscopes.
*-We dont have to stuff boxers in our jeans. (How can that possibly be comfortable?)
*-Female pro athletes arent overpaid egomaniacs (yet).
*-Girls with guy first names (like Joey) sound cool, but it doesnt work the other way around.
*-We look great in tank tops. (Hint-Hint to any guy reading this)
~*~rEaSoNs WhY iTs NiCe To Be A gUy~*~
1. Your ass is never a factor in a job interview.
2. Your orgasms are real. Always.
3. Your last name stays put.
4. The garage is all yours.
5. Wedding plans take care of themselves.
6. You never feel compelled to stop a friend from getting laid.
7. Car mechanics tell you the truth.
8. You don't give a rat's ass if someone notices your new haircut.
9. Hot wax never comes near your pubic area.
10. Same work .. more pay.
11. Wrinkles-add character.
12. You don't have to leave the room to make emergency crotch adjustments.
13. Wedding Dress $2000; Tux rental $100.
14. If you retain water, it's in a canteen.
15. People never glance at your chest when you're talking to them.
16. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
17. One mood, ALL the damn time.
18. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds.
19. A five-day vacation requires only 1 suitcase.
20. You can open all your own jars.
21. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
22. Your underwear is $10 for a three-pack.
23. If you are 34 and single, nobody notices.
24. You can quietly enjoy a car ride from the passenger's seat.
25. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
26. You can quietly watch a game with your buddy for hours without ever thinking "He must be mad at me."
27. No maxi-pads. Or shoving things into holes:-P
28. If another guy shows up at the party in the same outfit, you just might become lifelong friends.
29. You are not expected to know the names of more than five colors.
30. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
31. You are unable to see wrinkles in clothes.
32. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.
33. Your belly usually hides your big hips.
34. One wallet and one pair of shoes, one color, all seasons.
35. You can "do" your nails with a pocketknife.
36. Christmas shopping can be accomplished for 25 relatives, on December 24th, in minutes.
37. The world is your urinal.
Guys just suck in general. They have everything so much easier than women. So we have a reason to bitch, without them bitching at us for it. So bah, fuck you.
2004 6 July :: 1.12pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Leann Rimes-Tell me now
Some people come, and some people go, the ones who stay throught everything, good or bad.. are the ones who can be trusted.
I'm getting to the point where I'm pushing it out of my pile of "important issues" because I deserve better than that. IF we shall cross paths though...I just might rumble! Yes, that's right, dorky me said RUMBLE! That's a terriable thing to do. Wondering is ten times worse than actually knowing. So think before you speak to me. If it's not reasonable language flowing from your mouth, I just might have to kick your ass. Yes, I just might. That would feel good right about now. Very good indeed.
Amy's funeral is today. I'm going with my mom. *sigh* I don't want to go. To me, it doesn't make sense. Then again, that's just me. I should go anyway.
I want school to start. Then things wouldn't be such a big deal. I would be much happier. I would see all of you, every single day. For most of my dad. That's nice....sometimes.
*sigh* I have cramps. *shakes fist in air* Why do women have to have such a high pain tolerance level? Stupid men, you suck. *jealous grin* Fuck you stupid pigs.
I'm going to go, I'm getting mean and cranky.
2004 5 July :: 7.00pm
:: Mood: crushed
:: Music: Avril Lavigne-My happy ending
Who gives a hoot
This has happend the last two times. What a smack in the face. Yet, you don't even see. How can you not see? How can you not care? I just don't understand. Everything I do and say to someone, I care about. I always think about how to handle it, what's the best way. How do you not even have the common sense to think about how I'd feel?? You didn't. YOU SHOULD HAVE! Otherwise you shoudln't have done it, because now I feel terriable. Which is exactlly what I told you NOT to do to me. Don't do it is the exact words I said, and here I am, and it's exactlly what happened. I KNEW IT WOULD TOO! wtf is the matter with me? Why did I trust you, why don't I ever trust myself, why didn't I just listen to ME! I know myself better than anyone does. Who should I have trusted, you or me? ME! but did I? No I trusted you! jakdjfl;akjfakl;fjlkajsfd I JUST DONT WANT TO CARE ABOUT STUPID LITTEL STUFF THAT MAKES EVERYTHING SUCK! I cried, I screamed, I shouted, I got annoyed, I got cranky, I became very unpleasant to be around, because of all this.
I just want everything to go back to the way it was. No more of this "deal with it, and it'll make you stronger" bullshit. I'm sick of it, I'm done. Completely. No more.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Let's start this over, it's not like were dead. Was it something I did, was it something you said. Don't leave me hanging in a city so dead, held up so high such an un-breakable thread. You were all the things I thought I knew, and I thought we could were everything everything that I wanted. We were meant to be , supose to be, but we lost it. All of the memories so close to me fade away. All this time you were pretending, so much for my Happy ending.
You've got your dumb friends I know what they say, they tell you I'm difficult, but so are they, but they dont know me, do they even know you? All the things you hide from me, all the shit that you do, You were all the tings I thought I knew, and I thought we could be. You were everything everything that I wanted. We were meant to be supose to be, but we lost. All of the memories so close to me just fade away. All this time you were pretending, so much for my happy ending.
It's nice to know that you were there. Thanks for acting like you cared, and making me feel like I was the only one. It's nice to know we had it all, thanks for watching as I fall, and letting me know we were done.
All this time you were *JUST* simply pretending, so much for my happy ending.
Oh is right bitches! Anyone want to go shopping tomorrow, give me a call 696-3011.
2004 5 July :: 12.43pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: Michelle Branch-Breathe
I've been driving for an hour...just give me something to believe.
Great way to spend your 4th of July. My favorite holiday, *sigh* I don't know what I'm going to do if one more thing goes wrong.
What can you not pick up a telephone? Did you happen to break you arm while you were gone, and you can't push 6 simple numbers?
So I'm in a really bad mood if you couldn't tell. Everything and everyone is really ticking me off. No offense to anyone.
This is exactlly why I ignore the entire issue, because I don't want to wind up here.
I wonder what it is that happened, if it's something I did wrong...when really it's you! Why I let people walk all over me has got to change. I don't tell you how I feel because I'm afarid it'll cause problems. In reality you are causing the problem, because you don't think before you act. Just don't pretend to be someone your not. I have built up in my head that your this and that, then the way you act...makes me wonder if you're just pretending so I like you. That irrates me. I don't know what the truth is. Be honest, don't be fake, or pretend to be something or someone your not. It not only bugs me, it makes you look like a fool.
I started my period today so I'm extra bitchy. Yes, I did just share that. I don't care though. It happens , get over it. Stupid assholes.
My Grandpa got a cat scan today or something. I'm not even sure what's going on with him which is pretty sad, because he's done so many things for me since we moved to Cedar. When I was like only a few months old. We lived with our grandparents when we were building our house next door. Which was the happiest times of my life. I loved living with all my family. It was my sister, my brother, me in our big room. My parents next door. My Grandparents across the hall. The big bathroom in our hallway where we always took long baths with the rubber ducks and all that fun stuff. My uncle downstairs. Our whole family would come over every Holiday. All the good memories I have when I was little was when we lived with our Grandparents. There was always someone to play with, to watcha movie with, to help you get something to eat, to help you put on your shoes and bring you somewhere. My Grandpa is such a sweet old man. He spolied all of us. I remember when I was little and I never liked what our Grandma was cooking for dinner I'd have to sit at the table untill I finished what was on my plate and my Grandpa would always come into the dinning room and help me finish it, and then give me some of his desert. When our whole family would go someplace shopping, the beach, michigan's adventure. I'd always want something. I stuffed animal, a ice cream cone, a toy, something and my parents wouldn't always get it for me. Trying to teach me that I don't always get my way, and my Grandpa would always get it for me or my brother, or sister. He was so sweet. Every Christmas, every birthday, was aways so specail. I loved that! I loved that they cared more about us than anything else. Lol Jess even still talks about how it's so amazing when she came over when we were litter we had a cookie jar, or something I don't know. She's crazy. ;) She never makes sense, but she grows on ya. Even when things were tough, like when Nick had bonedisplacia, they didn't pretend like nothing was happening, or hide it. Whatever we wanted to know while Nick and my parents were in Detriot, they told us. They were always there with loving open arms. He still to this day gives us rides everywhere, they spoil us rotten. So it kind of makes it worse when all those times both my Grandma and Grandpa have just been a house away, there for everything in my life. Everything that's happened to me, they've been there with my family. Always. So how bad do you feel when something happens to him, and there's nothing you can do...
I really miss Linds. I tell her everything. I cannot wait to see her again.
I'm starting to miss school again. And we still have like two months left. *bah* I thought this summer was going to go by so fast. It isn't... I've had fun..I'm still having fun. I just do miss seeing everyone every single morning.
I miss sharing a locker with Jess
I miss waiting to do the morning annoucments in tv production till the very last minute and being late sometimes to second hour because of it.
I miss doing announcments and always laughing and messing them up while on air
I miss Will and Odren making me laugh every day in Biology
I miss Steve rubbing his bum against everything in Biology
I miss talking to Heather the whole time we're supose to be playing a review game
I miss talking to Cramer and Bigney everyday in 3rd hour. Cracking stupid jokes and making fun of people
I miss always being late to lunch because Jess has to make out with Roman every single day before 4th hour.
I miss how me and Jess lol became mighty friendly with the lunch lady's with always being late.
I miss never even finishing our lunch because me and Jess would always be talking the entire lunch time
I miss Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Scott having to kick us out of the lunch room after lunch was over because we were trying to finish our lunches
I miss how me and Jess always took the elevator after lunch lol never getting caught
I miss how we'd always forget everything we needed for English
I miss how me and Jess has like 4 english books and when we turned them in, none of them were ours..oops
I miss how we'd crawl under Mrs. Millard's desk, meowing...untill we got in trouble lol
I miss everyone thinking me and Jess were very strange in that class
Hell, I miss everyone thinking me and Jess were strange
I miss gossiping all house in Choir with Lindsey and Devon
I miss Devon
I miss Lindsey
I miss me and Devon skipping choir all the time to go to the gym and hang with Mr. Carr lol good times
I miss Lindsey and I always walking to 6th hour laughing like insane freaks
I miss Will stealing my glitter out of my purse, dumping it in Joe's Vandyke's hair, making him cry, and the whole class to get detention's until someone confessed.
I miss will always scrummiging through my purse
I miss everyone scrummiging through my big ass purse
I miss skipping with Jess and always talking our way out of it
I miss our messy locker with crap everywhere
I miss having like 5 geography books , and also..none of those were mine either
I miss talking to everyone after school
I miss Myles , Henry, Mitch, and Jimmy giving me rides home all year
I miss everyone
*sigh* yes, I do miss school. Sad huh?
It makes me sick to my stomach to think that everything ....everytime I tried to fix things, everytime I was there for you to talk to, everytime you were there for me, everytime for anything was just for nothing.
I wonder sometimes how different everything, every word would be, if we all knew every last thing we did, said, tried would be our last. How different would it be? Why is everyone so afraid to actually say how they feel, or how important someone is to you. Would you rather have them leave now knowing?
I don't want you to leave not knowing.
*sigh* You're making everything I thought be the complete opposite. This isn't who you are, you don't act like this. You're just being stupid, because you don't know what to do. Please don't do that. Please, I'm begging you. You are better. Please, just don't do it.
She said "This can't be happening, this isn't supose to be how it happens" and tears fell from her last time.
I love you! It's taken awhile to admit it, but I have for quit a while, and I'm sure I will for a long time after this.
I find comfort in your words, comfort in you. The way you make everything ok. The way you care so much. God is the only person I can rely on. You hear my aching, and you answer my prayers. He knows and sees everything. He has the power to make anything ok. To do anything. I love you, and I can only hope.
Give me one good reason, tell me why, I should stay? Cos I don't want to waste another moment, saying things we never meant to say. I take it just it just a little bit, I hold my breath and count to ten. I've been waiting for a chance to let you in. You just end up watching the chances fade and wondering what's real. I just need a little time. I wonder if you have even realized I've been waiting, now I'm just going to wait untill I see it in your eyes. Suddenly you'll see, everything alright, if I just breathe.
I love Jess because she's always here. No matter where I go, or where I am.
I love Erika because she's so sweet, and does what she believes in. I love that.
I love Brandi because she's sooo sweet.
I love Becky, because she's so funny, and outgoing.
I love Lindsey because well...she's lindsey.
I love Dan because he's a great guy.
I love will because he can make any person or situation easy and fun.
I love Heather because she sticks with how she feels.
I love Jenna because she's a doll and listens to what you really say.
I love Andy because even though most of the time I cannot stand him, I love him anway...just because.
I love Katie, because she's been there.
I love Shannon because she's such a good person.
I love Ben because he's happy Ben
I love troy because he has good intentions.
I love Devon because I always will in some sense.
I love Angeeh because even though somtimes I wonder about that girl I can't help but wonder about how when we were in 4th and 5th grade she helped a lot.
I love Ashley because she's so outgoing.
I love all of you! Sorry if you're not specifically on here, but I do love all of you.
I can't spell worth a darn. lol but you already knew that.
Hmm...I think I'm .....not going to stress about it. It's your call. I try to control too many things. You have to do this on your own though. I can't help you..and I guess I won't. I just HOPE you make the right choice. God knows what'll happen if you don't.
Just pick of the damn phone and have a real reason. A logical explanation. That's all I want.
*Sigh* Thank God for Woohu. I think I might go insane without it.
I love you!
2 do you.♥ |