I'm Emily. I'm 18.
I don't update often.
I have a wonderful boyfriend, Tyler.
I have the best sister a person could have, Mackenzie.
I have a best friend, Tori.
I love my life. [:


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:: 2004 24 June :: 9.13am

First of all, I cannot believe I'm up this earlie. Anyhoo, so I'm listening to a message, this long, crazy message Linds left last night, lol and I'm laughing b/c my Lindsey is just so...funny lol and I'm not paying attention to what I'm doing and I totally pushed Pepper because she was in my way. I just you know, shoved her with my knee, and the dog lol fell down the stairs, and she's like crying as she fell. I KNOW I KNOW, it sounds SO terriable, but she's fine. I just wish Jess could have seen it, it was the funniest thing I've seen in a while. lol so I had to listen to Lindsey all over again. lol oh well.

Just felt like sharing..

1 do you.♥ | wanna?


:: 2004 23 June :: 7.28pm

Ha. How do you like this?



:: 2004 23 June :: 5.22pm

I have <3 for my Pappy, do you?

4 do you.♥ | wanna?


:: 2004 23 June :: 4.00pm

Hmmm....that's a little strange....



:: 2004 23 June :: 12.36am

Me and Jess took all these really cute pictures. Heh I love them. And I did her hair, all curly. It took like 5 fricken hours, but it's adoreable, and I'm going to do it for homecoming...just thought I'd share.

Yes, so Jon, you just may the be the dumbest person I have ever met, yes...I do believe that you are. Do not tell me what you think is going on in my life, because you have no clue. And I am the one who only ruin's friendship and realtionships? Get a clue buddy, you don't know me at all, you never did and if you're talking about whatever "friendship" it is that we had, YOU are the reason it no longer exhists. At least one good thing came from you. I swear to God, if I ever have to deal with you in person, Ever again, I'm going to fucking go insane. Do me a favor don't be such an ass and I won't be such a bitch. ughh adjflakjdf;lkj You are a moron, yes a moron!!! ughh you fucking bald ass bitch. Don't sayanything and I won't. I don't enjoy wasting my breath talking about you, I hate even thinking about you, because I cannot stand I ever let someone like you in my life. Ughh fuck you Jon, seriously, you are the biggest bastard I know, and one day all the people who hate you, because take a count sweetheart, you're number's much greater than mine, I mean hell you have the whole fucking sophmore class wanting to fucking kick your ass, oh well , you dont care, you dont care about anything. but yourself. why i am even making an attempt to explain how dumb you really are, I don't know because you are far to pathetic for words. And this will be the last time I waste a second on you, espically since you thrive off this shit. You just LOVE seeing people get worked up, ughh you are soooooooo incrediably fucked up. Screw this, no more.

Anyhow, White chicks, lol me and jess are going to see it tomorrow, and damn it better be good, because we want to see it so bad.

2 do you.♥ | wanna?


:: 2004 23 June :: 12.39am
:: Mood: quixotic

Jessie and I!
Click HERE if the pics don't work!

Photos by Shannon :D

1 do you.♥ | wanna?


:: 2004 22 June :: 6.51pm

Heh well that was fun. Me and Jess get naughty, freaky naughty! lol We went to go see Dodgeball..since I didn't ever get to see it with Dan, oh well. Lol it wasn't that great, and we stayed after the credits to see fat Ben Stiller play with his titties while singing Kellis's song, "MilkShake"...yeah...it was dumb. Then we went on a car chase to chase Andy... even though...we dislike him..lol we're dumb.

Gosh, just apologize...that's all I'm waiting for. I apologize when I know I should, your turn girly! Otherwise, everything I'm just going to throw away. I'm not riding the roller coaster anymore.


-Complete Driver's Training

-Get over "this"

-Put up a guard

-Get a permiant job.

-Hang on to what's left.

-Take Piano lessons.

-Get a tan baby ;)

-Try to understand how you could possiably be this way..it's got to be for a reason right?

-Save my moeny for my car

-Remember I don't need you.

-Convience the parentals of Cedar Point w/ Jess.

-Have fun, and not care.



:: 2004 22 June :: 6.42pm

Wait...wtf? Why is your name...adlfjasl;dfj

I hate people who act like they care, just to get something out of youfjaklfjaskldfj screw you! bitch

I DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck all of you. I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't careI don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care I don't care


1 do you.♥ | wanna?


:: 2004 22 June :: 2.54pm


You know, I just wish you would leave people alone. I chose to pretend like I don't remember you, or anyting about you, because I hate how you treated me...but yet somehow I always hear about you from everyone else...I just hate it, becuase everytime I hear about what an ass you are, I remember every second I spent wasting my time on you....there's got to be some part of you who dislikes the way you treat people...so just stop, gawd, please , for everyone's sake including your own. You may not be my favorite person, but you're better than the way you act, everyone is. So just please, ..do it for yourself. I can't stand thinking about you for even a second. It hurts far too much. More so just angers me for being so dumb and letting myself fall into a stupid mess. My fault..when I start to care..I need to start to understand from that point on...it's my fault in the end.

*shakes head* I just hate this. I don't want things to be this way..I hate this part..where you try to deal with taking off a bigger piece than you can chew. I don't want to allow myself to even...deal with this shit anymore. I thought i'd open up, once more. Not anymore, not because of anyone else. I don't give a shit who you are. Once more...and I'm going to be messed up. I admit this is totally my fault ..I let myself depend on something that could easily be gone in the blink of an eye. Could easily be taken away from me. My fault, but what can you do besides learn from it? Let yourself not be so dependable on other, but yourself. So I chose to not doing anymore of this crap until I'm ready, until I want too. I hate that I let someone grow on me, where I need them to smile. The only person I know will always be there, the only person I truely trust with my life, is Jess. I know no matter what happens, no matter where we go, she'll always be there. That's it. That I'm so greatful for, because I know no matter how far I fall, there's going to be someone at the bottom to catch me. She puts up with me through everything...and still loves me. Yeah, it sounds corny, but my life would be totally different without her. Not many of you realize how important our friendship is. And you don't have to, as long as we do. She's my right arm, she's my ear on the other end of the phone when I'm so bored we call and talk listening to Real World, she's my hand to whipe away the tears on my face when I just had a bad day, she's a reason to be the best person I can be, she's a part of my family, and I love that I can look back on all the memories of my *entire* life because she was there. That means more than anything.

On a happier note me and Jess are going to the movies at 4:15 woo! We get to blare the rap all the way to the movies! Go us! Heh...it's so sad...were's so dumb, and we find it so funny lol ..I love it though.



:: 2004 22 June :: 12.52pm
:: Mood: numb
:: Music: seether/amy lee:broken

Some of the crulest lies, are one's never spoken......
I love my Pappy, I really do. Jess is the only thing to really make me smile when I'm down. I don't know what I would do without her, but she needs to back off the titties ;) haha *inside joke*...obviously...

It's just that's the only way I know how to deal with things like this, it may not be the best way, or the easiest way, but that's how I deal with crap, and it works for me.. and that's how it's always going to be. If I could have learned to deal with things easier, I would have. I just can't. So just know I'm going to pretend to be, and that it's ok, and maybe..it'll work and I will be, or not. Just don't forget that ..inside...it's totally different. I just don't want to talk about it, or listen, I chose to throw it aside, and not deal with it, because that's how I want to deal with it. Hoping that I'll be able to act that way, for real, and really feel that way. Does that make sense? So it just needs to be understood. Hopefully. It's not the end of the world, but even if I don't act hurt, don't forget that I really am, because I'll admit that..I just dont' want to deal with it, now, ever. So just remember a little, please, that is all I ask.

*long sigh* I need to go blow dry my hair. cya



:: 2004 22 June :: 10.37am

It's not the end of the world. Even though inside I'm torn, and feel like shit. It's not something I can't deal with. So I chose to ignore it, until Ic an't anymore. Is what I'll do.



:: 2004 22 June :: 10.30am

"Jess did you know you said "wtf" in your sleep at least twice?"

"Leave me alone you bitch, I just want to fucking sleep"

"Back off my titties"


"Look what our pussy can do, a trick drink diet coke" <--JENNA KNOWS WHAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT! :)

ahhhh hahahaha GOOD TIMES!




:: 2004 21 June :: 11.27pm

This hurts alot more than it should. You know...that's what I think I should say, but what I really think is this meant so much to me, you were everything I thought I wanted, and I thought it was going to go someplace, and now it's not. This is my fault. And once again, I'm the crushed un-happy one.

I just don't understand anything, ever...*sigh*lkfa';dkf;al'sdkf;a'lsdkf

I don't know how I even feel, I can't put it into words, I just want to sleep it all off.

2 do you.♥ | wanna?


:: 2004 21 June :: 5.38pm

ughhhhhhhhhh I am such an idiot!!

1 do you.♥ | wanna?


:: 2004 21 June :: 5.21pm

I love my bestfriend, yes Jess Wilde I love you to death. I really don't know what I would do with out you. And your Bomb *** ***** I'm sure you can finish the phrase heh.

1 do you.♥ | wanna?


:: 2004 21 June :: 2.53pm

All I want is you.

4 do you.♥ | wanna?


:: 2004 21 June :: 2.53pm

Dating status?:Single
Sexual preference?:Male lol *with dark eyes and dark hair*
Part One:
Your best friend(s) and why::Jess because I've known her my whole life, and she's the closest person in my life, ever.
Your best memory(s) with them and why::Last summer we stayed up all night, and made pudding and scared Steph's boyfriend when he came over at like 2 in the morning, and jess broke my house haha just fun times
The best relationship you've been in and why::Kyle because it was when we were young and STILL had brains left and didn't care about stupid crap
What was your first kiss like?:A small short peck
Did it taste like tomatoes?:Nope, no tasting involved
What's your favorite dinner food?:Bacon Salads from McDonalds
What kind of crowd do you think you tend to be with?:The crowd that's nice and crazy, who has fun, and aren't dumb.
Do you have an online photo account such as FTJ or WYHT? If so where is it?:No
What does your room smell like at the current moment?:The Vanialla Candle I was burning
The things we probibly didn't want to know:
What are your parents like::Nice when they want to be, Harsh when they have to be.
Are you a virgin?:Yes
If so, is there anything dirt-ay you've done?:Yes
If none of the above? Then why the hell not?:
Are you strait edge?:huh
Do you get mad if someone does something to make them not 'strait edge'?:I don't even know what tha tmeans
If yes, why so?:grr
Do you agree with any followings? (IE: religion, beliefs?):Yes
What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?:Run away from what I wanted
Do you regret it? Why or why not?:Yes, because I could have been so happy
Have you ever lied to protect a friend? Why or why not?:Yes, because that's what friends do.
Have you ever kissed anyone of the opposite sex? Did you like it? o.O:Yes, it's not like I kiss the same sex.
What is your deepest darkest obsession?:Glitter!!!!!
Does the thought of blue cheese make you sick?:yes
Wrapping it up:
Have you ever been corrupted or felt you have to someone else?:Yes
Which do you feel closer to, your family or someone elses? Why?:I love my family, but I'll always be closest to Jess
What food always makes you happy?:Grapes, and Hoeny Pretzels
Find a random picture off the internet and link to it.:no
What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten?:Duck I think
If a hobo asked you on the street to brush their hair would you do it? Why?:ehhh
Have you ever been on the T? Any weird expeiriences?:On the T? I don't believe I have.
What's your favorite band to see live? Why?:I don't know I don't see bands live
If you take raw chicken and squeeze in your hands what does it feel like?:I don't know, I've never done that
If it's something sexual, give me an ay-men!:eww
Did you like my survey?:sure
Do you like Me?:no
Think of a question of your own.:What's someting you've looking for right now?
...Now answer it. Or uh, don't.:You

LOOK ITS FROM LYNNE. brought to you by BZOINK!



:: 2004 21 June :: 11.34am
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Big and Rich-"Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy"

"Haha Jess we are crazy...who does this on the phone...HAHAHA I CAN SEE YOU!!!"

It was actually nice to have a night going to bed at a normal time and waking up at a normal time. I would have slept later
but stupid Jess called me. Heh just kidding dear, I loooove you ;) heh. I'm really confused. He called and told me to go to bed,
it was like midnight. Hmm...how did he know I was still up anyhow? Ahh...*shakes head in confusion* I'm probably just
missing something, because I never think about anything...hhmmm....oh well. Jess and I are going to party tonight! woo,
I've missed my biatch ;) We haven't hung out for a week, which may not seem like long, but for us it's like a friecken year! Then tomorrow Erika, Brandi, and Becky will come over, visit , stay the night, have a girl party. woo.Fun fun!

*sigh* I really do wish I had never ever met you. You're the closest thing to a best friend and my worse enemy I have ever had.
Or will ever have. I hate you for making me care about you, I hate you for making me think you were someone you cleary aren't,
I hate you for the way you still piss me off because you can't get over it, even though you say you have. I hate you for making me
want to hate anyone. If I could wish for one thing at this very moment, it wouldn't be for a car, or a liscence, a shopping spree, not
even a million bucks, or to marry Kenny Chesney, it would be to earse you from everything, to have NEVER met you. Don't you
find that a little sad? I hate you more than I have ever hated anything in my entire life, and that makes me sad. That I hate someone
that much, but I do. I hate you. I hate who you are, I hate the way you act now, how you aren't the same person you use to be, how you care about stupid crap, I hate what a jerk you are, I hate how selfish you are, I hate absouletley everything about you, and most
of all I hate you because I dislike myself for hating someone, which is you. Which I chose to blame you, not myself, because you are
the reason I have to hate anything. A reason you make apparent to almost everyone you come in contact with. Ugh, and I hate that I'm talking about how much I hate you.

I really want to talk to Dan. It be nice to vent to him right about now. It's nice that I can talk to someone who's really intelligent and makes me see things from different perspectives. Most people just agree with you, and go with what you say, so you don't really know what they're *really* thinking. Plus a lot of the things I get worked up about, he makes me see how silly they really are.

I had another crazy dream last night. My parents bought me this huge bright pink cell phone and like every time it'd ring, I would like *bam* be someplace else. Lol it was insane. lol I'm insane, oh well.

I think I'm going to go to Champion so ttyl




:: 2004 21 June :: 10.50am

Whatttttttt the heck?



:: 2004 21 June :: 12.00am
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Avril Lavinge-

Ughh Fuck you
Ugh seriously Andy Sischo, ughh I want to just get in my car...my imaginary car, with my imaginary driver's liscense and just run you over!

No, not really, because that's terriable. I do however, want to just ughhh smack you. You are so not who I became friends with. The person I became friends with, was the best guy I knew, the best guy friend I had ever had in my life. Someone who was ALWAYS there for me when I needed him to be. Someone who could make me feel better about anything.

And now, you are the biggest, most selfish, glued to the fucking mirror looking at your fucking muscles you get from all that steriod ..oh I mean "protien milkshakes" or whatever the fuck you want to call it, muscles! Well one day you're going to be fucked because you're turning into, you ARE a vain ass!

Just don't expect it! Not when you're so fucking far into that hole, don't even do it!

Ughh..I was in such a good mood, then I have to talk to you. ughh *sigh* Oh-well.

That's it, I swear way to damn much. Starting tomorrow, no more swearing.



:: 2004 20 June :: 11.28pm
:: Mood: relieved

It may only be five..ten minutes, but it makes my day. Just to hear your voice.



:: 2004 20 June :: 5.09pm
:: Mood: Wild
:: Music: Black Eyed Peas-Let's get it Started

~*~Lose your mind, this is the time, get with me~*~

Whoa, that's crazy. I'm thinking trouble ahead. I know I'm going to flip though if you do the same thing over again. History repeats itself doesn't it? I believe so. I also believe you will always be this dumb guy that you are, who is just a complete ass. Who only has himself to blame for his mistakes.

Anyway, now with my life. I really just want to let it all down, do what I always do. But I can't. That's why it always turns out how I don't want it too.

I want to just spend time with you, let whatever happen, just happen. Is what I want.

5 do you.♥ | wanna?


:: 2004 20 June :: 2.09pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Big and Rich-Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy

~*~We were flying high as high as wine, and have ourself's a Big and RICH time, he was letting me go as far as I could go~*~

My face and Chest are so sun burnt from Birthday Bash yesterday. It kinda hurts a little bit, but oh-well. It'll be gone in a few days. It won't turn into a tan lol, but at least I won't look like a lobster. heh.

Took dad out, good times. Now the parents are out, so I'm going to leave in a little bit. Go shopping. woo!

OH, I had the craziest dream last night! Holy smokes! Ahh lol okay me and Katie were at Birthday Bash and we saw the creepy man from the rest area that we stopped at, who was basically trying to get in our pants, and KATIE WAS TOTALLY ALL over him!!! ahhh I was going insane. Then I woke up, but my girl's much smarter than that. So no worries heh. But yeah, kinda creepy. I love you Kate! ;) heh.


2 do you.♥ | wanna?


:: 2004 20 June :: 10.43am
:: Mood: sleepy

Happy Father's Day

I got up earlie and cooked my dad's Father's Day Breakfast. Very nice, I cooked pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, french toast, put out the fruit, and etc. I'm glad I can cook, but I think even though this is Father's Day, I might be giving him heart attack with all that crap. I need to go get ready, we are taking him shopping and my sister and her fiancae/boyfriend, whatever are taking him out for lunch.


1 do you.♥ | wanna?


:: 2004 19 June :: 11.46pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Big and Rich-"Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy"

~*~"I don't give a dang about nothing, I'm singing and bling blinging while the girls are drinkin.....

New favorite song..Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy! ;)

Well I just don't know. Hmm..Maybe I'm over reacting. That's all. I need to get with it, and snap out of this. I do this everytime.

I think I'm going to go to bed, I'm exhausted. *yawns* I better have plans for Monday.

I wanna hang out w/ Jess :(

night, Jess.

1 do you.♥ | wanna?


:: 2004 19 June :: 8.23pm
:: Mood: bored

I'm thinking...I should just do it anyway.

--Your Favorite--
Hair Color::Dark hair
Eye Color::Brown
(Their)Music Genre Preference::Country, Rap, Pop
Height(estimate)::Anything taller than me
Age::at least a year or two older than me
Personality Type::outgoing, sweet, friendly, smart
--This or That--
Older or Younger::older
Romantic or Horndog::romantic
Smart or Stupid::smart
Fat or Skinny::skinny
Skinny but Muscular or Big and Muscular::big and mucsular
Punk or Preppy::preppy
The Big Picture or the Little Things::little things
Flowers/Candy or Big Expensive Present::flowers and candy
Mixtape or Burned CD::burnder cd
Love or Lust::love
Emotional or Just Not::It's easier if your not emotional, but I am.
Sincere or Jokester::Sincere
Hott and mean or Ugly and sweet::Ugly and Sweet
Sexy or Just "cute"::both
Arse or Abs::Abs
Hair or Hands::Hair
Dimples or Eyes::Eyes
Biceps or Calves/Thighs::Biceps
Teeth or Nose(some people are just wierd) ::Teeth
Clean Shaven or Scruffy::Clean Shaven
Rugged or Prim and Proper::Prim and proper
Countryboy or Cityboy:Countryboy
Date alone or With Friends:alone
Mama's Boy or Rebel Without A Cause::mama's boy
--Have You Ever--
Dumped a guy because he liked you too much::yes
Loved a guy because he stalked you::never been in love
Loved a guy because he hated you::no
Asked your friend's crush out::yes
Lead a guy on for kicks::no
Asked a guy out purely because he was hott::on a date, or out in general?
Flirted with guys even though you had a boyfriend::no
Lied about not having a boyfriend::no
Lied about having one::haha I don't, Katie does for me
Cheated::no, I would never
Been Cheated on::no
Had a crush on a gay guy::can't say I even know a gay guy
--Their Clothing(yes/no)--
Skater Shoes?::sure
Pimp Shoes?::lol what are pimp shoes?
Band Shirts?::sure, it's their clothes, not mine.
Vintage shirts?::sure
Southpole/um..other thug clothes..?::ehh not so much
Dixie Outfitters/Big Johnsons?::don't care
Independent/DC?::umm whatever he perfers
Jeans or Shorts?::What he wants to wear lol I really don't care, I don't dress my boyfriends
--Be Honest--
Would you ever date a guy for his money?::no
Would you ever date a guy for his social status?::have, but wouldn't
Have you ever liked hanging out with your bf's friends more than him?::nope, not really
Have you ever pretended to like somebody to make them feel better?:no, that's terriable
Have you called a girl a whore, when you were screwing lots of guys?::I don't screw anyone
Do looks matter?::yes, I think you have to be physicaly attracted to someone somewhat to be with them
Are you honestly scared of being dumped?::who isnt?
Does size matter?::lol no
Do you avoid 'situations' with ugly guys?::huh
Are you ashamed to be seen with your ugly friends?::no
Are you ashamed for being ashamed?(you better be)::I'm not ashamed
Do you hide things from your crushes/guy friends/bf?::No, I like to be honest.
Do you lie about masturbation for attention or false innocence?::lol no, can't say that I do
Do you really want a guy to say if those jeans make your butt look fat?::no
Are you dissapointed when your bf doesn't say I love you right away?::no, that's more of a turn off.
Wanna be a virgin till marriage?:I don't know
Do you really love the guys everytime that you say it?:I've never really said it
Do you dream about your crushes/bfs/guy friends?::yupp
Would you makeout with a guy friend just to get it over with/curiosity?::sure
Does this survey suck nuts?:nope

Ultimate Opposite Sex Survey (for girls) brought to you by BZOINK!

What is your favorite..
gum:orbit, winterfresh
restaurant:Apple Bea's
drink:Orange Juice
type of weather:Sunshine
thing to do on a half day:Hang out with friends, go shopping.
late-night activity:White Caps games, Bonfires.
city:New York City
store:Forever 21
When was the last time you..
played a sport:Today
hugged someone:Today
kissed someone:Last night.
felt depressed:A while ago.
felt elated:Today.
felt overworked:I don't know.
faked sick:A long time ago.
What was the last..
word you said:cowboy
thing you ate:orange
song you listened to:Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy.
thing you drank:Lemonade
place you went to:B-93 Birthday Bash
movie you saw:Raising Helen
movie you rented:Scary Movie 3
concert you attended:B-93 Birthday Bash
Who was the last person you..
hugged:my mom
cried over:myself
kissed:my momma ;) haha
danced with:Katie
shared a secret with:Katie
had a sleepover with:Erika, Becky, Jess, etc.
went to a movie with:Cassie and Shannon
were angry with:Devon
couldn't take your eyes off of:Josh Gracin
obsessed over:Josh Gracin haha
Have you ever..
danced in the rain:Yes
kissed someone:Yes
done drugs:No
drank alcohol:Yes
slept around:No
partied 'til the sun came up:Yes
had a movie marathon:Not really.
gone too far on a dare:I don't think so.
spun until you were immensely dizzy:Yes
taken a survey quite like this before:Yes

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! brought to you by BZOINK!

What do you think of Mexicans?:I think of them how I think of everyone else.
Do you like Canada?:Never been there.
I just got my own way, instead of you getting yours. Are you pissed?:Depends, who are you, and what did you get your way about?
Does Britney Spears turn you on?:No. Kenny Chesney does ;)
Have you ever gotten suspended or expelled from school?:No.
If so, what for?:Nothing.
If you had to,would you kill the love of your life, or 30 strangers?:Neither.
What's better? An amusement park or a water park?:Amusment Park.
Do you like cats?:They are ok.
Kruisenga's an ass, isn't he?:umm...sure?
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like your parents?:7 1/2
What do you think of retards?:Whoever made that question is dumb, and cold hearted.
What do you think of fat people?:Their people.
Fire = yum:lol

Your opinions and such. brought to you by BZOINK!

What comes to mind when you hear..
..summer love?:beaches
..New Found Glory?:perfect
..orange juice?:drink
..candid camera?:funny
..rock?:and roll
..duuude?:wheresssssssssss my carrrrrr
..the end?:movie

The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay. brought to you by BZOINK!



:: 2004 19 June :: 5.44pm
:: Mood: blah

*sigh* I am really tiered, but I want to go to that game tonight really bad. With you, but I don't want to call you and bug ya. So oh-well I guess.

I'm thinking there needs to be a bonfire tonight someplace.

Well no more cell phone for me. :( I can live, for a while.

Yeah, Nick got a new car today. Hmm...did I mention he didn't pay for any of it? Yupp, my parents bought it for him. Isn't that a load? Ugh, I want to be able to drive.

I really don't want to mess this up. I don't..I don't...I really don't. What am I supose to do....things are kind of ..spacy? If that even makes sense. Ahh..it'll be okay, hopefully.

Someone call me, I'll love you forever. Everyone's still at birthday bash. Call me, we'll do something. ahhh I'd love you so much! Lol espically.




:: 2004 19 June :: 2.22pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: Big and Rich-Save a horse, ride a cowboy

Birthday Bash
Yeah, I'm so tiered..I need sleep is what I need. So last night me and Kate hang out, and at like midnight we're just lying in bed watching scary movie, and then we decide to go over to the Mulder's because Tyler wanted us to go over there I guess. Yeah, big mistake. ughh Clint, he's such a jerk. He took the tire off her car, put shaving cream on it, a dead racoon, messed the e-break up, and then put toads in the car. That we were driving to birthday bash..in like an hour and a half. All because he thinks he's so funny...not. So Tyler finally put the tire back on, and we cleaned off the car, and who gets the toads out, yupp, me. Ahhh I wanted to scream at them so bad. So we go back to my house so I can change and stuff, and then leave. Yeah so we went the wrong way on the s-curve on the way there at like 2 or something, and got lost in grand rapids for like an hour. Resulting in asking these two guys, who were WALKING through the McDonalds drive through at like 3 in the morning how to get back to the highway, yeah, we managed.

So we're all worried that the tire is messed up because knowing Clint he would leave the lug nuts loose just because...he's a jerk. So we get off at a rest stop, and this man asked us if he could help us and we told him we were worried the tire wasn't on all the way because one of our friends took it off as a joke, and we don't think it's on all the way. This man WAS THE CREEPIEST MAN I HAVE EVER MET!!! He was like "yeah, I can look at it, but I have to get in your trunk, I'm not getting sexual with you, or hitting on you or anything ok?" LIKE A MILLION TIMES! and we were like yeah, we know!!! So him and his friend tighten the lug nuts, and then make us pull forward and backward, just to make sure it's all good. So we do, and then he's like talking to us, because the door was open and he stood right between the door and the car, so we couldn't shut the door. Then he ask's us, where we are going, and we're like ughh just leave us alone, and we're like well we are meeting up with some friends at the B93 Birthday Bash, and he's like "no way! You must be going to a hotel or something come on, be honest" and we're like "No, we are going to the Birthday Bash" and take notcie this guy will not move away from the car and we are getting real freaked out. Then he asks if we smoke, and we told him no. He asks us if we drink, we said no. HE ASKS US if we do cocain, and AGAIN in a very annoyed voice we said, no! Then he leans down looking into the car, and he says "You know I really love redheads, you're really attractive, I love your hair, yada yada yada" and I'm like "umm..thanks" and I don't know how he couldn't tell we wanted him to step away from the car and leave us the heck alone. Then he pauses, looks back at me, and I was wearing a tank top and he says "Oh, and nice clevage you have there" so yeah, that was it, we were like well yeah we HAVE to get going blah blah blah and he's like "well ok you ladies, because that's what you are now, since you are what 19..18" and we're like "Try 15 and 16 buddy" and then he's like "Well have a good night, be safe (AND THIS IS A DIRECT QOUTE) watch out for the guys all they want to do is fuck you and use your pussy. Well I'm so blessed to have talked to you, thank you for trusting me" and we're like yeah, CYA! and left, oh my gosh, I don't think I have ever been so scared.!!! You have no idea!!!!

So yeah we get to the birthday bash, waited in the longest line, *shakes head* and it was freezing. And we had sweatshirts, jeans, and blankets over us. We finally get in there at like 7:30 and lay down, because we were actually really close to the stage. And just slept. Then the people we wanted to hear sang. hehe save a horse, ride a cowboy. Then we went and got out picture taken with Blue Contrey, and GUESS WHO? JOSH GRACIN!!!! ahhh *giggles* he's sooooo adoreable! If you don't know who Josh Gracin is, he's from the finals of American Idol. The marine. He has gorgoues dark eyes, and dark hair. Which I'm very...attracted too heh. We'll leave it at that. Yeah, we cut through a 3-4 hour line for pictures and autographs lol but oh-well. Heh totally worth it. Then everyone we wanted to see was done already, and it was sooooooooooo hot! we were just tiered and I felt really sick, and the smell was terriable. We saw everyone perform that we wanted to see, so we decided to go home.

Now, for no particular reason, I just feel like crying. Don't ask why. It'd really help if we could hang out too. I think I'm going to go shower, take a nap, and see what's goin on with tonight if anything, but I really want to go to the whitecaps game at 7, so if anyone wants to go, give me a call.


2 do you.♥ | wanna?


:: 2004 18 June :: 10.18pm
:: Mood: tired

I'm so fucking tiered. Me and Kate just got back from McDonalds, ha fun. We're not sleeping tonight, we're just going to stay up and leave, haha we are going to be so fucked up. Oh-well lol fun times.

call me....



:: 2004 18 June :: 7.50pm

yay! I'm so excited for Birthday Bash! Me and Kate are going to have so much fucking fun! woo goo us! I really need to stop swearing so much. I can tell it's getting to over used. But yeah if any of you need to get a hold of me or just want to talk sometime to keep me busy between now and tomorrow night call my cell 460-9970 please, that's mean you too Jess! I'd really love you, even more heh if you all did. Talk to you later. ;)

mucho love


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