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:: 2003 8 December :: 8.20pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Brand New

another day passes by while i sit and watch the clock stand still..
today was ok.
first period was dumb.
in second period, james, jesenia, and tiffany left me and ana to do the tiles. fuckers. i hate it when that happens. but we made some gargantuous slabs didnt we? hell yea. we are going to beat the shit out of james haha. nothing happened third period. nothing. Me and Darbie wrote notes because Mr. Bennett was working on the brass section and stuff. we were trying really hard not to laugh. i told her that we should just throw a bomb, put on gas masks, and make a mad dash toward the door. hahaha.
In fourth period we learned some new stuff that i didnt get at first because i was reading my book. which is very good by the way. i understood it as soon as i looked at the book. when i was home. listening to really loud music... anyways..
in bio, i have a lot of homework that im not even close to finishing. i swear to god ms. freis thinks we have no other classes that gives us homework. what word can i describe this with? fucker. blah to you and your damn assignments.
sixth period i wrote lyrics. because it was pretty boring. but i laughed like hell the first 10 minutes. i have no idea why, but i was seriously really slap happy. strange.. in seventh period i finished early again (big suprise) and could not bring myself to look at my homework. i ended up talking to melissa, and it turns out that her brother gives Eli bass lessons.
Yes, Eli is learning to play bass..
i can not picture him (because he is tall and lanky) holding a bass let alone playing it. i laughed. it was funny. I told melissa to tell him that i said hi.
urrrrggghh. i have a huge ass headache. not fair :(
well, i guess thats my day. i cant believe i have to babysit this weekend. 4 hours with connor and like 6 with these 2 kids i dont even know. fuuun. at least ill have money for christmas shopping. god knows i need it.
shut up. i procrastinate...

well, i'll leave you with this to strain your eyes upon. Amazing what you can find in other people's journals.

current clothing:jeans and sweater
current mood:depressed
current taste:I'm dying for some chinese..
current hair:in a ponytail? its my natural color dumbass
current annoyance:commercials with their own 'jingle' i am severly damaged by the McDonald's song
current smell:vanilla
current thing you ought to be doing:Biology and math.. english too.. damn
current jewelry:watch
current book:The Other Boleyn Girl
current refreshment:water
current worry:exams
current crush:no one yet
current favorite celebrity:Johnny Depp?
current longing:to scream
current music:The boy who blocked his own shot - Brand New
current wish:To pass exams
current lyric in your head:If it makes you less sad, I will die by your hand, i hope you find out what you want, i already know what i am
current makeup (if you're a girl!):mascara
current undergarments:hmm.. i wonder..
current regret:not taking the time to get happy
current desktop picture:Pierre from Simple Plan
current plans for tonight/weekend:tonight? homework. this weekend? studying.. and babysitting grr
current cuss word du jour:fuck.
current disappointment:biology
current amusement:my photo album
current IM/person you're talking to:Andrea
current love:the computer... and being with friends
current obsession:hahaha.. i think andrea can pick that for me lmao
current avoidance:myself
current thing or things on your wall:pictures of friends, calendar, framed pictures, ben mckenzie, adam brody
current favorite book:Calvin & Hobbes? who knows... it changes all the time
current favorite movie:Pirates of the Caribbean

This is the survey thing. enjoy.... bring me tylenol. my head still hurts. brought to you by BZOINK!

fuck. hahahahahahahahahaha.

-update- it is 10:16 and i would just like to wish everyone a Happy Christman. since it was Christman eve yesterday i hope everyone played candyland, ate cherries, and drank hot cocoa with LOTS of marshmallows.
*Dont forget to sing Brand New christman carols!*

4 changed the world | dream


:: 2003 8 December :: 4.52pm
:: Mood: really fucking pissed off
:: Music: Brand New!! they kicks ass..

ahhhhhhhh do not mess with me.. i am really angry. *points to mood*
the cause? none other than my lovely sister. yum. i think she might've broken my door too... *sigh* ya know the quiz thing? well, she filled it out and had some of my answers.. the same ones!! aaahh! i was really angry. its not my fault that she had a failure of imagination. grrrrrrr we yelled, like normal people do, and now my throat hurts.
and i have to do homework. o fucking joy. i just cant wait for my head to explode.
*continues screaming*
ok, i think im good now, but i hate to be pissed off all the time. grr. i really want to read my book too. i think all my teachers should go to hell.
*i am hell's librarian! dont you forget it either!!

I will update after homework.



:: 2003 7 December :: 10.33pm
:: Mood: amused

lookie there...

-- Name: Carina
-- NickName: o god.. um.. rina, pyro, moose, weirdo, canadian moose, house, i think i've been called mouse by someone, pineapple head, and madam pineapple head. o yea - I'm psychic too.
-- Birth date: 5-20
-- Birth Place: Florida
-- Current Location: i wonder..
-- Eye Color: blue
-- Hiar Color: blondish brown
-- Height: 5'2"??
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty, yo
-- Zodiac Sign: Taurus.. more of a gemini


-- Your heritage: Swedish and American yayaa
-- The shoes you wore today: flip-flops
-- Your weakness: guys with accents
-- Your fears: not waking up
-- Your perfect pizza: lots of cheese?
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: find myself


-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: lmao
-- Your thoughts first waking up: no
-- Your best physical feature: eyes? you tell me..
-- Your bedtime: depends what day it is
-- ur most missed memory: sweden


- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
--Mcdonalds or burger king: Mickie D's
--Single or group dates: either..
-- Adidas or Nike: adidas
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate!
-- Cappuccino or coffee: either really..


-- Cuss: trying to stop
-- Sing: haha you wish
-- Take a shower everyday: lets hope so
-- Have a crush: not at the moment
-- Do you think you've been in love: dont think so
-- Want to go to college: yep
-- Like high school: pretty much. dont ask me about bio
-- Want to get married: yea
-- Believe in yourself: uh, is that retorical?
-- Get motion sickness: reading in a car *makes motion of gagging*
-- Think you're attractive: um.. hey guys, what do you think?
-- Thik you're a health freak: if chocolate is a vegetable, then yes, very much so
-- Get along with your parents: yea..
-- Like thunderstorms: who doesnt?
-- Play an instrument: flute. dont even think about the lame 'one time at band camp'

LAYER SIX: In the past 2 months...

-- Drank alcohol: sadly no
-- Done a drug: nope
-- Made Out: nah
-- Gone on a date: uh, not really
-- Gone to the mall?: of course
--Eaten an entire box of Oreos: I'd collapse at the half-way mark. dont get me started on what the creme really is...
--Eaten sushi: nope
--Been on stage: plenty. wait... not in the last two months
-- Gone skating: yea man
-- Made homemade cookies: yea
-- Gone skinny dipping: um.. how can i say this? no.
-- Dyed your hair: in the near future...
-- Stolen anything: a crayon in second grade


-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: no
-- If so, was it mixed company: yea of course *rolls eyes*
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated : no
-- Been caught : haha yea right
-- Been called a tease: nope
-- Gotten beaten up: lets say.. no
-- Shoplifted : nope
-- Changed who you were to fit in: hahahahahahahahaha. you wish


-- Age you hope to be married: 20s
-- Numbers and Names of Children: 2 maybe 3? guys: Xander, Cole, Blake, or Brodi
girls: Anne, um...
-- Describe your dream wedding: not there yet
-- How do you want to die : happy
-- Where you want to go to college: who knows? im not exactly choosing in this moment of time...
-- What do you want to be when you grow up : something with web design/art
-- What country would you most like to visit: Ireland!

LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl..

-- Best eye color? : Icy blue
-- Best hair color? : black
-- Short or long hair: if it looks good, then hey..
-- Height: taller than me :)
-- Best weight: eh?
-- Best articles of clothing: I'm fine if its not a kilt...
-- Best first date location: dont really know
-- Best first kiss location: in the rain


-- Number of drugs taken illegally: zero
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 1? 2? you tell me..
-- Number of CDs that I own: too many
-- Number of piercings: Ears
--Number of tattoos: none
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspapper: 2?
-- Number of scars on my body: 1? not sure other than my hand..
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: stealing that damn crayon..

*sigh* I need sleep.

2 changed the world | dream


:: 2003 7 December :: 6.27pm
:: Mood: thoughtful

dumb lyrics
A prisoner of mind
Waiting for the end of a perfect nightmare
Plagued with darkness
No way of breaking free
It is no fantasy
No perfect life
It borders insanity
And the things it feeds on
You cant run away
From shadows of dreams
Filling your mind and
Breaking your thoughts
Still bound to invisible chains
You are left empty
Nothing can hold it back from
Taking you over completly



:: 2003 7 December :: 11.48am
:: Mood: suprised
:: Music: The Starting Line

Your Name: Carina
Your Mom: Julia Roberts
Your Dad: Joel Madden

that would be pretty freaky.
wanna see who your celebrity parents are? go to :



:: 2003 7 December :: 12.27am
:: Mood: a bit sleepy
:: Music: my fan

Its cold like a bitch.
i am freezing my ass off. *shivers*
Well, babysitting went ok i guess. Connor has quite a bit of energy... I got $23 in one's and $1.50 in quarters. whoa. i guess they didnt have any $20 bills.. i was starving since i only ate a few pancakes in the morning, so me and Sven got Burger King. yum. i read a bunch of my book today. im on page 258 or something. go me. I need to clean my room so i can put up some decorations. Tomorrow, we are going to go get a Christmas tree. The house will smell like pine! yay! i love that smell..
(lmao andrea! damn pinecone conspiracy..)
ok, its so late in today that its actually tomorrow, which is today, so its not actually tomorrow, but it would be if i was in yesterday, which would be today a few moments ago. whoa. I just did not get what i wrote.
The sleep deprivation is setting in.
anyways, i had a talk with my mom about school and stuff, and i think she has the general idea of how im doing. blah.
asdklfiealkfnco and sdofiaefj to you.
* @!&^%$

2 changed the world | dream


:: 2003 5 December :: 10.44pm
:: Mood: *blank stare*
:: Music: Out of Control - Hoobastank

hahaha... retard.
It is 10:30 on a Friday night.
feel my joy.
ok, The concert was really embarassing. someone showed up really late (we were about to play) and all this other crap went on like people talking in the audience and the flute choir not being able to play. damn. not that i care that much about it. anyways, it was crap. ok. I'd like to say congrats to all the people who made all-county and all-state. (darbie, jake, michelle, nora, a bunch of people i dont remember/know, etc.)
uh, today was really fucking boring. as hell. Lets recap. Since it was the art trip today (of course i didnt go because i had lame babysitting plans :( grr.) almost no one was there. for the first 2 hours of the day, i did nothing. absolutely nothing. sure, i talked, but thats it.
third period we gave back music. i brought my flute for no reason. grreeeaat.. fourth period we had to do this worksheet on quadratic functions. it was really easy. i only have like 5 problems left. Yay. it counts as extra credit too :) Bio was... better. 'its like way up here, then BAM down there' hahaha nola. we are so cool. we talked about hating ms freis as shae passed out these sheets that looked like tests. (my obvious reply was ' this is crap') then me and nola liked ms freis when she told us they were study sheets for our exam. We decided to hate her again because none of the answers were in the ap book. none. it was made for some book we dont have. beautiful. Sixth period was pretty dumb. the highlight of that period was the janitor people drilling a white-board to the back wall. my ears had fun.
i was almost bored to tears seventh period. i finished in 10 minutes. not even. i had nothing to do. kill me. now.
im not allowed to sleep either. thats a load of shit. i like sleeping.
I had to babysit at quarter to 6 today. it was ok. Connor likes to watch movies. 'lets watch clifford' (20 minutes later) 'we have to watch sleeping beauty' and so forth and i had to watch clifford again. I dont really care because i got to read the coolest book ever written. it will probably sound really lame to you but its not. so sod off. Its called 'The Other Boleyn Girl' and its about when Mary Boleyn comes to court as an innocent girl of fourteen, and catches the eye of Henry VIII. Dazzled by the king, Mary falls in love with both her golden prince and her growing role as an unofficial queen. However, she soon realizes just how much she is a pawn in her family's ambitious plots as the king's interest begins to wane and she is forced to step aside for her best frien and rival: her sister, Anne. Then mary knows that she must defy her family and her king, and take her fate into her own hands... oh, the drama..
sadly, i must go. I'm changing my journal though, so it'll be cooler in a few hours or so.



:: 2003 4 December :: 3.35pm
:: Mood: saucy
:: Music: Violence - Blink 182

fuck.. with a capital 'F ' =]
ahh, yet another new day.
it was really lame.
lets start with yesterday, shall we? ok then. Yesterday was wednesday. first period was ok. i talked. ALOT. typical me.. ok, second period we had that dumb sub, but i actually painted almost the whole period. yay. um, the sub was giving candy to whoever was working, so he gave me hot candy things. i didnt eat them. i gave them to ana :D
third period we played music. no big surprise there. Now, ._.:*:Math:*:._. is the fuck part. i found out what i got on my test. lets just say i didnt do too well. not well at all
:( my grade dropped more than 10 points. the only word to descibe it is... poop. or fuck. either one could go. =] fifth period.. still didnt do my other essay, and i dont plan to. i understand our new chapter (chapter 49.. isn't that retarded?) annndd... i think that'll be enough on that subject. in sixth period, when we last presented (me, lisa, and sabrina) our test, we had a fire drill, so we couldnt finish it. hahaha. well, we had to finish it. since im the only one who kept the papers, we had an answer sheet. thats it. no questions. lmao we were in a pickle. eww.. pickles..
anyways, we made up new questions to match the answers on my sheet. it was pretty funny.
:Moving on:
in first period, me and carrie and carolyn talked about hot guys. yum.
second period - mr. smith was back. we still had to paint. but i didnt. me and ana stayed inside, and since our tiles were really dry, ana tried to get them wet so we could clean them. one of the tiles deteriorated hahahaha. then, i decided to make some clay slabs so i could redo my tiles. (they were warped and too dry to fix)
Ana, how much do we suck?
it took me a while. i made 3 tiles.
on the way to third period, me and carolyn and carrie talked about james marsters. ;D Beach blonde british boys! *hot* we also talked about potc.
in band we went to the auditorium to practice for the concert tonight. If i were you.. i would go to poke fun at the poor lame band nerds. think of all the fun you could have!
fourth period - i understand it! yay.
bio-had a quiz and didnt do too bad. go me :D i think im grasping the main concept of the chapter. yay again. no, this deserves a 'boo-ya'
sixth period.. vocab test. i was first one done. everyone turned their test in like 15 minutes after me. now, i have this feeling that i skipped something, but im pretty sure that i didnt. ah well..
i hate seventh period. i was so bored i almost cried. i will soon die in that class if i stay there.
I have to play in a concert. it starts at 7. bring various fruits and vegetables. aerodynamic ones are best.

Can’t count all the eyes that stare
can’t count all the things they see
she kills with no life to spare
just victims are left to bleed
one drink and the pain goes down
soft shadows lay by her feet
lay soft as you slowly drown
lay still while you fall asleep.

2 changed the world | dream


:: 2003 2 December :: 3.09pm
:: Mood: pah.
:: Music: _.:*:Finch:*:._

i hate bio. I didnt finish those essay things so i have to do them tonight. blah. and i have to read another section. nnnmngh.
First period was ok. i finished *1* out of 12 self portraits. 1. go carina... considering half of the people are almost done.
Second period was lame but funny. we had some gay ass substitute that made us work outside on the canvas. my table is supposed to work on tiles! anyways, me, jesenia, james, and tiffany (stubs wasnt there.. you should have seen james. he was pretty happy lmao. he got disappointed again because its only today that she is going to be gone. hahaha) tried to look like we were doing something. anyways, i painted for like 10 minutes, and then sat on the wall in the center courtyard with brittany. we were so fucking cold it wasnt funny. my butt was numb.. i swear to god. but then james and jesenia were probably going to tell on me that i wasnt working.. eevviill.. but i still love them :) we (being me jaik and james) decided to give eachother complements instead of complaining. so, i said i liked james' hair (lmao you know how that goes ana... :D) and jesenia's shoes. niiiice. james said i had a clean shirt. fuun. im so glad i have clean shirts...
um, third period was ok. i talked to darbie about some cool bands (she new who brand new was!!! ah! i freaked out because no one i know likes them... or has even heard of them..) so that's cool. we also agreed on pierre from simple plan being really hot. (lead singer) tra la la.
im math i was really bored so i drew this anime harry potter thing. its really cute! but now i have to do the lame worksheet that i havent even started on.
in *insert creepy music* biooooologgggy i was really bored too. i kept totally blanking out and missed 10 minutes of the lecture at a time.. fuuun. i did finish my picture anime thinger.. mabob. who knows. maybe i'll scan it. ;D ah! i think im losing one of my friends :( they dont understand what im going through and passes it off. also, they act as though my sarcasm is something new. hmm.. ive always been way mucho sarcastic, and have really good comebacks sometimes, i just usually dont say them to my friends because i dont want to hurt their feelings. arrrgh. asefjklasdfhjasdfhkasdl;ala!!!!!!
in sixth period everyone else presented their testy things from the stories they got. now, my freako teacher ms greene wants to make us turn a short story we did into a play using all the correct dialogue and presenting it to the class.
lets not and say we did. shall we?
pah. *twitch*
seventh period was better. i got to type on mavis beacon. :D me and chelsea rock. 70-75 wpm! woo, go us. nooooww i have to do those damn essays. excuse me while i die.



:: 2003 1 December :: 9.11pm
:: Mood: spontanious combustion
:: Music: Stockholm Syndrome - Blink 182

*insert psycho babbling here*
grrr! feel my wrath biology!!!
if i have to do more biology, i WILL go insane and they will lock me up in a little white room with some fluffy walls for me to throw myself against in my attempt to get out and slay those who caused me to jump over the shiny cliff that is mental health.


p.s. Panther showcase was actually really fun. :)

3 changed the world | dream


:: 2003 1 December :: 3.16pm
:: Mood: Boo-ya! (happy)
:: Music: Leaving - The Starting Line



ok, i got it off my chest. wooohoooo!! today in first period.. i did nothing! fuuuun. second period.. we had to set up our tiles in the courtyard, and before we even had all our tiles OUT of the room and crap, we had to put it away. fuuun. third period was flute choir. we had to practice for the panther showcase. (which is toooooddaaayy) um, in math we learned about parabolas. not the hardest thing in the world. i dont understand how people cant get it. its basic substitution but with some plotting and graphing. not that big of a deal...
biology - i was the luckiest person in the whole world for like 30 minutes. remember how i didnt have to present my glycolysis step on tuesday? I DIDNT HAVE TO DO IT TODAY!! truth is, she skipped over my step.. thinking we had already done it. Boo-ya!! ahhh! i was so happy!
.. then i found out that we had two essays due today that i completly forgot to do. So now i have alot of homework that i should be tending to, but i also have to do flute choir this evening at panther showcase.. fun? umm.. no. :D ah well..
eeennggglliiiissh... we did vocabulary. that i didnt finish. i get to do some definitions... more fun. seventh period is still crap o.O
Well, better go kiddies



:: 2003 29 November :: 9.02pm
:: Mood: okaaayyy....
:: Music: Gasoline - Seether

haha... what?
Name: Carina
Age: 14
Favorite Song: What it is to burn - Finch
Parents think: you're lazy
Strangers think: you're hot
Friends think: you talk to much

haha.. . ha.. .. ha. haha.. .. . ... what?



:: 2003 29 November :: 4.10pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: The Best of Me - The Starting Line

I'm not a moose, I'm a squirrel, ay.
First of all, you need to click here for one hilarious comic stick figure thing with Harry Potter. It breaks the story down and makes it look completly ridiculous. :D
Alright.. Thanksgiving..
it wasnt as bad as i thought. My Aunt, 2 cousins, and my one cousin's boyfriend came over. o yea, and my cousin Matt brought his friend with him (I think his name was Drew or something). Also, when my grandma saw me, she was like 'you're taller. and have a thin waistline' i was like greeaat... but i just nodded and smiled instead. I told you i was good at it :P Then, magically, it was dinner time. I grabbed some turkey and mashed potatoes. i ate it within 15 minutes and went into my bedroom. I was so happy. I was free!! After about 40 minutes of going back and forth from my room and Lisa's room (playing playstation, scanning, and watching music videos) Mom called us for dessert, and everyone had pie, except for matt, drew, deanna, and her boyfriend. they had already left. Well, i had pumpkin pie with cool whip (yum ;D ) and talked to my aunt sue. after another 30 minutes i left (my ears were falling off) and i think i came online again. either that or i watched tv. i think i was watching 'Big' (with Tom Hanks). it was on TBS :) ok, that about sums it up.
The next day - (ooo's and aaahhh's)
I saw Brother Bear. The moose kick ass. 'im not a moose, i'm a squirrel, ay.' 'i cant believe you totalled the mammoth.' haha.. fuuun.
Today, I saw Timeline with Lisa and it has mad suspense. you need to see it. seriously. (hahahahahaha andrea) The plot actually makes sense. :D and there is no time-traveling machine. they accidently discovered a wormhole that is linked to a certain place and time. (Castleburg, France 1537) yum.
now i am here, and i will be making serious money during the next week or so. I have two babysitting jobs and i have to do 2500 labels for VIP. babysitting= $40 ; labels= $200. fuck yea! i am happy about that... pssshh.. i am off to do some mindless gaming. whoa buddy.. this weekend is pretty fucking awesome so far.
i will share my joy. *grins*
ok, im done.

2 changed the world | dream


:: 2003 27 November :: 10.27pm
:: Mood: rolling on the floor and laughing very hard
:: Music: Finch


French Guard
I'm French! Why do think I have this outrageous
accent, you silly king-a?!

What Monty Python Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

lmao lmao lmao lmao.
sorry, i couldnt keep it in.
i will tell you about thanksgiving tomorrow. i know you are all dying to know.

hhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. :D :D :D :D

ah, before i go...
You are naturally born with a gift, whether it be
poetry, writing or song. You love beauty and
creativity, and usually are highly intelligent.
Others view you as mysterious and dreamy, yet
also bold since you hold firm in your beliefs.

(arrg.. i had to butcher the image by reducing it slightly for the sake of my journal width. sorry)

What Type of Soul Do You Have ?
brought to you by Quizilla

pah. enjoy



:: 2003 27 November :: 2.18pm
:: Mood: ahhh save me god
:: Music: Thursday

a helicopter, a gas mask, and a bomb.. thats all i ask..
save me save me save me save me. ahhh. i really dont want to be here right now. grr. there are now 3 old people who will not stop talking in my living room. save me. on the bright side, the turkey smells really good. :) yum. ah, i am only the slightest bit happy because of the thought of food and chrissie's profile. hahahahahahaha fuuuun. anyways, i found another interesting thing that im sure ps and linds will thoroughly enjoy :D :D
loading... well hopefully, at least.
You're so and so, the Kristina! Isn't that hella'
tight? ^_^

A Homestarrunner quiz - Which TEEN GIRL SQUAD girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
i thnk more people are arriving...
o joy. i am overwhelmed with excitement and happiness. i am giddy and am giggling madly at the thought of conversation with my relatives. pah. saaaavvee mee.
i havent had anything to eat all day, and i feel like stealing the turkey and eating it. it smell oobergood. *stomach grumbles* maybe i can sneak a yogurt in here or something. wish me luck. i am relying on the fact that my grandparents dont have the best eyesight in the world.
... 2mins later...
o please god save me. i stepped out my door and my aunt and cousins arrived. save me save me save me save me. i reeeeaaallly dont want to be here. ill just have to talk about school and 'how well im doing' pssshh. at least im safe.. for now.. they'll come in hre any minute now. (wanting to examine our new house.) o no. my mom is coming. i must go outside and smile. nodding and smiling is what i do best :)
must go. please, call and help me stay away. please. i am begging you.



:: 2003 27 November :: 1.24am
:: Mood: happy!
:: Music: umm. simple plan. thats strange..

funkymonkey1428: if you are totally bummed, go eat
newYORKgurlie 89: i was too busy plotting ways 2 escape the asylum 2 realize u were my roomie
funkymonkey1428: hahahahahahaha
funkymonkey1428: yea, those padded walls really do you in

thank you for creating the highlight of all my thanksgivings combined, chrissie :D
ahh! look!
You are DORY!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla You are a happy fish with mad skills

hahahahahaha... what?

1 changed the world | dream


:: 2003 26 November :: 7.11pm
:: Mood: eh...
:: Music: Grow up - Simple Plan

This is who i am
and this what i like
GC, Sum and Blink and Mxpx rocking my room
if your looking for me
i'll be at the show
i could never find a better place to go

until the day i die i promise i wont change
so you better give up
I don't wanna be told to grow up
and i don't wanna change
i just wanna have fun
i don't wanna be told to grow up
and i don't wanna change
so you better give up
cause i'm not gonna change
i don't wanna grow up

I like to stay up late
spend hours on the phone
hangin' out with all my friends
and never being at home
i'm impoilte and i make fun of everyone
i'm immature but i'll stay this way forever

until the day i die i promise i wont change
so you better give up
I don't wanna be told to grow up
and i don't wanna change
i just wanna have fun
i don't wanna be told to grow up
and i don't wanna change
so you better give up
cause i'm not gonna change
i don't wanna grow up

Elf was one of the most hilarious movies. 'Hello, Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?' 'i like smiling. smiling's my favorite' :D hahahaha funny stuff..
im cleaning.. o joy. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and i can already tell that it will be pretty lame. ahh, fun with matt, deanna, her boyfriend, grandma, grandpa, my aunt.. and my grand aunt or some crap like that. fuuuun. it will be at my house. fuuuun. at least i can barricade myself in my room when im done eating. sven will be freaking out because of all the food, and i think lisa will.... do the same thing as me. pretty lame.
I think thanksgiving is a bit over-rated. pah.
Must continue cleaning. *shudders*



:: 2003 25 November :: 7.19pm
:: Mood: happy :D
:: Music: Blink 182

comments anyone?
aaaahhhhh!!!!! good day today. not as bad as i expected :D no reign of terror though haha. *sigh* umm.. we had a math test and i think i might have gotten a B so thats cool. In bio, nick stalled ms. freis so i didnt have to talk about my step!! i am forever grateful nick!! yayness. okay, sixth period rocked because we watched Monsters Inc. that movie is so awesome! (not better than Finding Nemo though)
-aaayyy!! im talking to shoshi!!!-
hmm... im going to see Elf! .... in about 20 minutes. yay!
ahh! i must go again kids!

i like thursday! :D

4 changed the world | dream


:: 2003 24 November :: 10.31pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Jaws Theme Swimming - Brand New


i bought 3 cds today. Brand New, Blink 182 and Dashboard Confessional. Alas, i was not able to get Thursday or Taking Back Sunday. I didnt have enough money :(

.. since no one cares about the stuff i do, i wont either. i wont care for any thoughts toward me, good or bad. they can shove their thoughts up their ass because i dont give a crap anymore. so if im blunt over the next few days, take it personally. im not afraid to be brutally honest. :)

good night. (to you of course, i dont sleep)
-me. beware. i bite.



:: 2003 22 November :: 10.45pm
:: Mood: Can't get the fucking smile off my face
:: Music: Brand New

Honk totally kicked my ass 10 times over. i give a 'whoa!' to everyone in the show! I liked alot of scenes, but one part i like is when the colonel is like 'hip-hip pop-pop!' :D :D if you havent seen it, you're screwed because tonight was the last night! lmao! ah well, im not very tired, and im going to put this song on repeat because one of the songs from the show is starting to become a permanent part of my brain. *twitch* hahaahaha
linds: i dont never heard it?
hahaha.. i think that's what you said about brand new. but seriously, they rock! ;D
ah, must go kiddies :D

The fever, the focus
the reason that i had to believe you weren't too hard to sell
die young and save yourself
the tickle, the taste of...
it used to be the reason i breathe but now its choking me up
die young and save yourself

hmm.. nice lyrics, eh?



:: 2003 22 November :: 1.11pm
:: Mood: wired
:: Music: You're So Last Summer - Taking Back Sunday

whoa am i wired! i just came back from this movie thing. it was a private screening of Charlie's Angels 2. There was free popcorn, soda.. candy.. ahh. it was fun. me and Sam had a popcorn fight (that i didnt start lmao props nola) but its cool. when i got out of my seat, i saw popcorn all over the floor, and i was like 'fuck!' hahaha. no one heard me though. alrighty.. cat got quarters so we could call our parents on the payphone, but her mom was in north fort myers and when she told me i was like 'fuck!' (again) we started laughing and i said um.. gosh darn it...fun..
on friday nothing completly exciting happened. first, second, and third period were pretty dumb. math was ok. i didnt do any of the work. me and keifer talked. i wrote 'aaayy Carina can totally kick keifer's ass' in his math notebook. it very much complements his math book that i broke. well, i didnt actually break it. the back cover decided to detach itself while i was holding it. for the first half hour of bio, i examined my hand. i tried to look for the negative space and was trying to figure out why anyone would want to see it in the first place. its mind-bogglin stuff. well we got paired up with someone (me with a guy ive never met) and we each got a step of glycolysis. i got step 5 which has something to do with glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate being isomers of eachother. if anyone understands it, please explain. :D okie doke.. sixth period totally kicked my ass! we has a sub and his name was mr. castello or something. he rocked! we just talked and messed around the whole period. (me and sabrina raided lisa's purse and hid stuff in my hoodie... but then we took nick's gift card and drew on the edges so when he took it back he got marker crap on his hand hahaha.. dumbass) seventh period is still ooberlame.
aaayyy! Finch totally rocks!!! you should listen to their song, yo. ;D

I so won that popcorn fight :D :D :D



:: 2003 20 November :: 10.19pm
:: Mood: Extremely happy - probably from sleep deprivation.
:: Music: Deadbolt - Thrice


aaaaaayyyyyyy the O.C. totally kicks my ass!!! wooo!! :D :D :D

i forgot: lisa came in my room because i wanted to show her this music video, and when she walks in she says 'it smells in here' (i had candles out) and i go 'like what?' and i dont know why, but she starts giggling madly and stumbles out of my room. she comes back in and then starts laughing again. could someone please explain whats going on?



:: 2003 20 November :: 3.58pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Down with the Sickness - Disturbed

This song rocks. :D
ok.. today was pretty boring, so dont strain yourself if this gets really long. it will probably be all boring. O.o first period was ok. i still got almost nothing done haha. ok, second period, the people with gold renaissance cards could go to the performance 'Honk!' so i went with ana, jesenia, james, and jenna.. i think. well, it was really good so i might be seeing it with lindsay on saturday. (if i magically find $8) haha.. well band was ok, darbie wasnt there so i couldnt play first part on 'Courtly Festival' (i cant find that music ) in math we learned complex numbers (also called imaginary numbers, in which i believe the theories would be a complete oximoron) its with this little 'i' that stands for the square root of -1. bla. math is so lame. bio was ok. i felt smart again ;D we had another quiz and i only got 2 questions wrong. yay :) sixth period was booorrriiinnnggg. i was bored out of my head. i swear im going to kill that sub the next time i see her. grr! she kept yelling at us, and told us she wasnt going to answer any of our questions. we still have to do crap, but im not doing it. i hope her old lady scooter tips over hahaha
seventh period- i finished the assignment within 6 minutes. i had 40 minutes to do whatever, so i started reading more bio. we're supposed to go more in depth with glycolysis and the Krebs Cycle, and i want to be able to understand what the hell she's talking about tomorrow. :D yeeaa. well, on the way home we were listening to beethoven's 9th symphony in the car. it made me really sleepy. i went online, and dozed in my chair hahahaa. whoa. ive never done that before.
well, im off to continue reading. i might update after i watch the o.c. ( i watched angel last night instead)

omg.. i did the most retarded thing in the whole world last night. i wanted some orange juice, but lisa was talkin to me about something and instead of getting a glass, i grabbed a bowl, and didnt realize it until i poured it with oj up to the rim. my sister started cracking up because i had pure shock on my face. she told my dad, and he looks at me and says 'dumbass' lmaolmaolmao. i felt so dumb. o man, i laughed so hard i couldnt breathe. yea.. try and top that for 'a total rina moment'



:: 2003 19 November :: 7.38pm
:: Mood: tired but happy
:: Music: Sic Transit Gloria - Brand New

ahh! Brand New and Thursday are cool!
sorry, i just couldnt keep it in ;) Im listenin to Sic Transit Gloria.. Glory Fades. Man I want their cd 'Deja Entendu' *sigh* umm.. today was ok. first was lame and i didnt get any work done lmao. second period was funny. james and ana are hilarious!! hahaha its fun to watch them be mean to eachother lmao :D third period was... lame. we did play a cool song though. all during fourth period i did biology. we had to understand the principles of energy harvest, blah blah blah, cellular respiration, NAD,NADH blah blah. :) i felt really smart in bio though because we had a quiz, and while she was talking i answered some of the questions. go me! check this out:
the three metabolic processes in cellular respiration are glycolysis, the Krebs Cycle, and the electron transport chain with oxidative phosphorylation. boo-ya! i got that from my head!! woo. i felt cool.
i realized today that i am in desperate need of paper. i have none haha. ok, lunch rocked because me and linds got curly fries and cookies. mmmmm that totally made my day haha. alrighty.. i forgot to tell you about something nick said in math. it is his infamous statement that i will always remember because it came out of nowhere. here it is: 'Joel is hot, but Benji is dumb'
i was like wtf? and then i 'membered i was wearin my gc t-shirt. but still. Nick said this. man i told sabrina and we were crackin up. in 6th period i saw the sub outside the classroom, and when i went in i started laughing. Sabrina saw me and we were cracking up hahaha everyone who walked in the class started laughing because they saw the sub lmaolmao. funny stuff. in seventh period we did a speed thing. woo about 60-65 words a minute ;D sectionals were after school again, and they were actually amusing. we played good music, and since im in tune in the higher register, i have solos in some songs. i went to mom's office for an hour but it felt like FOREVER. i almost died of pure boredom. you dont know what true boredom until you've been there. or you have ms. freis. either way... blech. i didnt eat dinner yet. strange part.. im not hungry. weeeiiirrd. yea, i know.
okie doke.. i got home, and surprise, i went online. haha. i swear to god my dad is right. you could shove a phone cord up my ass and id be connected to the internet. me and my amazing powers.. sheesh.. whao buddy! this is long. better go so your eyes can rest O.o
~Moi! mwah. ;D

whoa! Sic Transit Gloria has an awesome music video! check it out**



:: 2003 18 November :: 4.50pm
:: Mood: dark
:: Music: What it is to burn - Finch

deja vu
I didnt really feel like myself today. hmm.. i wasnt as optomistic, and everything just looked wrong. like deja vu the whole day. weird... anyways, i was really clumsy today. and whats even stranger.. ana didnt sneeze. out of the ordinary? majorly.
second period was boring again and we were making fun of the october project haha. sorry ana. that one person did sing good though. *sigh* third period was ok. mr. daniels had to leave so mr. eckles and his tech class came and everyone talked. Kelly dyed her hair. it looks awesome. im thinking of dying mine a reddish color. hmm..
fourth period we learned more about dumb exponent crap. it baffles me now. as i told you, everything seems really wrong. biology was boring and i have alot to learn if i want to keep up with tomorrow's discussion/lecture. grr i hate taking notes. sixth period was ok. me lisa and sabrina worked on a presentation thing we're supposed to do. seventh period... was better than usual. it was chelsea's birthday!! happy birthday chelsea!! i put her present in band so it wouldnt get messed up so i couldnt give it to her. thats ok. after school, we went to syd's locker, and me, syd, chels, and melissa walked to the band room so i could give chelsea her present. me and melissa walked to the middle school because melissa's mom is a teacher, and i had to go since lisa had dental surgery. great fun for her. i went to ms. brauer's room and laughed at how small everyone and everything was.
i think they did it to piss all of us off. it worked. at 3 or so mom and lisa picked me up and we came home. so ends my tale. there's nothing more i can really say. *shrugs* i found some awesome bands today. ever heard of finch?
~me in the dark. comment by lighting a match.

black is cool :D



:: 2003 17 November :: 3.21pm
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: none at the momento

i am at my mom's office. you can imagine the happiness and wonder that is filling me at this very moment. considering how LAME it is. ok, here's a rundown of today i guess.
alrighty. i woke up at like 6, so that's cool. ate breakfast, blah blah blah. lisa was a little, shall we say... grouchy? no, that's an understatement. more like on the brink of spontanious combustion. ok, we leave the house at 6:55. get to school in 10 minutes? no flippin way. it is physically impossible. to make matters worse, they decided to close off cypress from summerlin. guess where we're coming from? daniels!! anyway, we took a detour from college to winkler and finally got to cypress after everyone going extremely slow. almost like going backwards.(har har har very funny) i got to school 15 to 20 minutes late, but ms. roeder doesnt notice. i walk in, throw my stuff down, get a chair, and sit down. she just keeps on-a-talkin. yay. we have a new assignment in there.. guess what its about? our self portraits. kill me now.
second wasnt bad. everyone was outside working on canvas, but me, tiffany, jesenia, and ana *cough*stubs*cough* got to keep working on our tiles because we so cool. and slow. stubs left after a little bit, so me and jesenia were left to fend for ourselves. and i had to study for my bio quiz. grrr. but i still love ana ;D ok, third period was flute choir and it was ok. we're playing a cool song called Chit-Chat (Trisch-Trasch) ummm fourth period.. people are still slow. we learned about fraction exponents. like.. 27 to the two thirds power for example. its the same as the cubed root of 27 squared. easy!! clearly, you can see that the answer is 9. ;D whoa- i amaze myself sometimes. ok, the big one.. Biology... we had a test. but since my friend had the test i had on friday and i had the test that she had, we went over eachothers' tests. haha. BETCHA DIDNT SEE THAT FREIS!!! bwahahahahahaha. yea, so i looked and i think i only got 1 wrong, so 95 baby!!! woo hoo hoo!!! i rock! :D :D :D well now! 6th period we had an open book quiz and i got to see my grade for the short story i wrote. A+!!! and, she wants to put it in a literary magazine called Expose (with a little dash thing over the last 'e') because she liked my irony so much. whoa. seventh period - the only word to descibe it is lame. lame lame lame lame lame.
Yay!! i get to leave in 10 minutes!! wh00p wh00p! im so happy! the whiteness here is giving me a headache. it needs paint! lots of paint! i cant stand the whiteness! ahhh!!!
ok, im better now. i finished my bio homework :D now i get to go home and upload some more pictures :) wooo 4 minutes! tra la la. i shall waste away the minutes by humming so i wont go completly insane. hmm mmm mmm..hmmm mm mmmmmmmmmmm
look it works! 3 minutes! i will continue. la te da te daaa. dum da dummm... [pause]
2 minutes! yay!! *stares at clock*


1 minute!!!! im almost home free!!! ah hahahahahaa! 'you are squishy. you will be forever mine and i shall name you squishy.'
ahhl! 4:00!!!
so long, suckers
~*laughs evilly*

2 changed the world | dream


:: 2003 16 November :: 6.46pm
:: Mood: Slap Happy
:: Music: Out of Control - Hoobastank

im talkin to none other than.. Stubizzle fo shizzle!!! sweet ;D Anyways, I went to this dinner thing with linds and it was mucho funo :D mmm chocolate! who in their right mind would super glue their hands to a rhinocerous' butt? Crawlie... i think i know a few people who deserve a darwin award... ;D lmaolmao great fun. well, today i woke up at 12. it felt really nice. actually, my dad woke me up at 12, so i probably could have slept longer, but that's ok :D lets see.. i have a biology test tomorrow. im not studying, so a check mark for sunday! yep. c'mon, laugh. its dead hilarious and you know it. i got two pictures from the concert that i will scan and upload and crap, but probably not right now. its one of me and linds at the concert and me before it. its from lisa's roll of film because no one developed mine yet. it has been a week im so glad everyone is so quick in my household :D
ok, um.. i dont want to go to my first 3 priods tomorrow. or my fifth and seventh. screw it. i dont want to go to fourth either. that leaves sixth. i'll only go if sabrina and lisa are there. or if we have a sub ;D i hope to god we have one in bio so we dont have to do that gayass test. grrrr.. ms. freis is such a fucking genius. 'lets have a test on monday! that way everyone will forget and be screwed!'
well, thats what i believe her line of thinking is. ahh! i cant feel my feet. whooooaa. got to scan the pictures now.
~house ;D

*pokes foot* cooool



:: 2003 15 November :: 10.43pm
:: Music: Space - Something Corporate

Bah humbug
not much has happened since dinner. i played ps2, watched tv, and practiced flute. fun? bah. no fun at all. sure, its amusing for a while, but it gets.. boring. *sigh*
I'm listenin to music from Launch. its actually pretty nifty :) anyways, i got my ap bio book on friday. Me and nola went to the library before lunch was over. But this one lady wouldnt let us go in to the library until the bell rang, and my next class was upstairs and down the longest hall in the world. grrrr.. she wouldn't write me a pass either. well, i sort of ran to my english class and i wasnt late :)
I never see my girl andrea anymore! damn. i hate the fact that school is a world-celebrated idea. I really miss summer. sure, it was hot as hell, but i had alot of time to do things with my friends. grrr.. how i wish christmas break would come sooner...
besides me feeling like scrooge, life is kinda hectic. school is boring, but man do they give you homework!
yay! one of my fave songs came on :) i like a lot of bands these days. i dont really like cds of one artist either. i like mixes better ;D
well, got to explore some more...

2 changed the world | dream


:: 2003 15 November :: 6.10pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Stupid Girl - Cold

*hits head on keyboard*
Yay! I have the internet back! thats the good news. bad news? im completely bored. im also fed up of everyone thinking im perfect. newsflash-im not. im anything but perfect. not much going on. I finally got to update my homepage. after many attempts, i got it to look half-decent. HTML is hard :(
click here to see it. im going to add some pictures from my sketchbook. especially since i also drew Adam Brody ;) Time for dinner.. i'll write more later tonight i guess.



:: 2003 12 November :: 7.04pm
:: Mood: grrrr
:: Music: Hands Down - Dashboard Confessional

but i LIKE doing mindless things..
Sweet! Im on my mom's computer doing 'homework.' i cant believe she falls for that every time! lmao ;D anyways..Today we had flute sectionals after school and it wasnt that bad. turns out, whenever i play a really high note, im always in tune. like exactly on the little line thing kind of in tune. for everyone who knows what im talking about, i hope you're duly impressed. lmao. its not that big a deal since i still think Daniels needs a complete personality overhaul. :D ummm... we are still working on those damn self portraits, and i think its getting worse.. you see, im good at drawing other people and still lifes and stuff, but when it comes to a self portrait, i completly bomb at it. grrr.
i forgot: Andrea, I need to talk to you!!!!
ok, moving on. Any of you take the dumb quiz i took yesterday? I still think its way mucho nifty that im hell's librarian. :D yea, im just cool like that.. The O.C. is on tonight! for those of you who have no idea what im talking about - go away and hide in some corner. that's where you obviously were when they started the show. ;D ooo, im sooo nice. guess what? im not allowed to play ps2. no computer (except when i sneak on), and now no ps2. (just wait til no one's home) i LIKE mindless gaming. its very amusing. even my dad likes it. well, only jak and daxter, but thats ok :D me and lisa paid for it. she cant tell me i cant go on! ahhh! she's aiming to take my tv priveleges away too. i can feel it. .:shudder:.
besides that, im doin good. math is easy like crap but most of the students in my class are dumb as a brick. no- they're not dumb.. they're slow. very slow. its not hard people!! i should just learn the book for myself. .:sigh:.
whoa buddy! this is getting kinda long.. i dont mean for it either. maybe i should reduce my vocabulary. no knows what the crap im talking about anyways, so i guess it'd do more good than harm. I'm going to finish homework. (aka exploring the vast wonders of the internet)
~The person who provides the icy sarcasm that is very much needed in your life O.o

2 changed the world | dream

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