2004 24 October :: 9.20 pm
:: Mood: confused
Random thoughts are running through my head… Jason is sitting here trying to copy DVD’s. We’re both new to this and trying to figure out which programs we like, its been rather amusing. Former roomies. What should I take for the next step? Do I continue to try and reason, or just go to court? Work. I really don’t like it anymore. I love some of the coworkers, but I’m not really feeling all that into the job anymore. New cute guy in receiving, that’s helping some. How in the hell is Fras pronounced Fraise? Am I picking the right course for my future? Is this really what I’ve been wanting? Do I even know what I really want? How do I want to proceed? Is my lack of romantic relationships offset by my close friendships? Are my friendships really that close? I need to figure out a way to stabilize my moods. As of yet I haven’t been able to accomplish what I feel I’m looking for, in general, in life.
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2004 23 October :: 11.30 pm
:: Music: The Wallflowers: Invisible City
So, I finally got a hold of Paul tonight. He said that they weren’t paying me. Guess I should have expected it from them; guess I just hoped that they would be more mature. His reasoning was that he doesn’t have the money, I didn’t get the bill to him fast enough, and that I shut off the utilities in a poor manner.
Tell me if I’m wrong, but when I asked if it was ok for me to shut off the utilities that week, and they agreed, isn’t that fair and reasonable? Sorry they weren’t’ shut off Friday night after the utility companies are closed, but I don’t have the power to force them to open for me. If it wasn’t ok, you shouldn’t have said so.
How is it my fault that you don’t have the money? If you had said you were really tight right now and asked if it could wait a little bit, I probably would have said fine.
I’m sorry that the bill did not get to you fast enough, but I had a very hard time getting the final bill out of the city of K-Zoo. They kept screwing it up, and I didn’t even get it until just before I told you.
And to agree as a group to not pay? I actually talked with Josh on the phone, and he seemed ok. I’m hoping that he didn’t become part of the group. Talked with Jay’s mommy tonight, I’ll have to see how that goes.
Did some minor research on small claims court. Seems like a waste of time, but worth it just to force them to actually become adults. People are right; I’m too mature for my age. Or is it the other way around? Are other people just not mature enough anymore?
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2004 21 October :: 2.26 pm
"No mother! I can blow myself, and you have interfered for the last time."
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2004 21 October :: 11.03 am
"Everyone is laughing, riding, and cornholing except for Buster."
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2004 21 October :: 7.08 am
:: Music: Britney Spears: My Prerogative
I’m in one of those moods again.
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2004 20 October :: 10.17 pm
Rainier, not Busch, the beverage of choice for thirsty black bear
The Associated Press
BAKER LAKE, Wash. - When state Fish and Wildlife agents recently found a black bear passed out on the lawn of Baker Lake Resort, there were some clues scattered nearby — dozens of empty cans of Rainier Beer.
The bear apparently got into campers’ coolers and used his claws and teeth to puncture the cans. And not just any cans.
“He drank the Rainier and wouldn’t drink the Busch beer,” said Lisa Broxson, bookkeeper at the campground and cabins resort east of Mount Baker.
Fish and Wildlife enforcement Sgt. Bill Heinck said the bear did try one can of Busch, but ignored the rest. The beast then consumed about 36 cans of Rainier.
A wildlife agent tried to chase the bear from the campground but the animal just climbed a tree to sleep it off for another four hours. Agents finally herded the bear away, but it returned the next morning.
Agents then used a large, humane trap to capture it for relocation, baiting the trap with the usual: doughnuts, honey and, in this case, two open cans of Rainier.
That did the trick.
“This is a new one on me,” Heinck said. “I’ve known them to get into cans, but nothing like this. And it definitely had a preference.”
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2004 16 October :: 1.55 am
:: Music: Darude: Out of Control
Went over to the guy’s place tonight. Met some new people. Emily and her friends seemed nice. Undecided about Lauren, mostly because James was sort of a bastard tonight. Apparently he and Kate are off again. I’m not sure what to think about that relationship.
Seat bottoms came today.
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2004 14 October :: 6.59 pm
This began as a reply to Mike’s comment on the presidential debate, and then continues.
I’ll agree that it is a very well worded statement. What I’m worried about is the marriage and general rights part. I’m glad that someone is smart enough to realize that people will always be different from each other no matter what the topic. What I don’t understand is why people don’t support some sort of gay marriage. I don’t care if it’s called marriage (although civil union sounds so mechanical); I just want the right to be legally attached to another. Not so much for commitment, that will be between us, but for the legal rights to be gained by being legally bonded. There are so many benefits for society in general if gay marriage were legal. Just think of all the profits from weddings. Higher sales of wedding items means more jobs. Also by having a legal union, no special laws are needed. We wouldn’t need a law allowing our partner to get on our insurance policies. All the people that complain about special treatment would have to shut up, because no special laws would be necessary.
Now for the general stupidity of the voters.
#1 I’ve heard people say they’re not voting for Bush because of the Lacey Peterson bill. These people say they’re in support of the bill, but do not want abortion to be illegal. How is this logical, if you make a law saying that it is murder to kill a woman’s unborn baby, does that not include abortions? Can you really make a distinction between whether the baby was wanted or not?
#2 People ask the question of how the president is going to solve the gas situation. Gas is a business. The president should not control the price. I’d like someone to take an economics class. If the price is set below equilibrium, a shortage will follow. I do agree that in many cases there is price gouging, but at the moment with the hurricanes down south it does make sense for prices to rise (loss of refineries and a few reserves).
#3 What is the president going to do about all the jobs going overseas? Supply, demand, and cost. You want your car to be cheaper? Then it’s going to be made where the labor costs are lowest, while quality and speed of production are still reasonable. By many of these lower level jobs going overseas, it is opening up higher paying jobs. If people were more willing to take advantage of re-education benefits, they would qualify for these jobs. What benefits you ask? If you are laid off due to your job going overseas, you are entitled to two years tuition paid at any state university, and unemployment to cover that time.
#4 Why isn’t he offering bigger tax cuts? I have a few questions for you if you’re asking this. When you’re in debt you want to get out of it right? The day after graduation from college will you go out and buy a new car and house? I doubt it. You will live at a style which will afford you the extra money to pay off your debts. If we ever want the government to get out of debt, we need to stop putting high cost demands on it that are not necessary. How many trillion in debt are we? If we get that paid off, we would have a lot more money to go around for all your precious incentives. Does anyone really think that our country’s debt has no interest rate? And no, the rich should not have to pay for it just because they’ve been successful.
#5 The people that want to have national healthcare. Germany has it right now, and guess what; they’re trying to get rid of it. It’s costing the government too much money, the tax rates keep rising. You think so what, the taxes are a little higher? Think about this, all of their exports are more expensive because of all the taxes. This in turn means that they are less competitive, and to stay competitive they have to cut their profit margins, giving them less money to develop, expand, and live.
I’m sure there are many more, but whatever, I’m tired of thinking.
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2004 12 October :: 12.29 am
:: Mood: blank
How did I confuse Sylvia and The Hours?
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2004 30 September :: 10.48 pm
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2004 30 September :: 10.45 pm
Presidential Drinking Game
When either candidate says the word/phrase:
Kerry Drink One
Bush Drink One
Dick Drink Two
Cheney Drink One
Edwards Drink One
Teressa Drink Two
Freedom Drink Two
Liberty Drink Two
Iraq Drink Two
Terrorism Drink Two
Economy Drink Two
“The American People” Drink Three
“War on Terror” Drink Three
“members of our armed service” Drink Five
“subliminal” Finish Drink
“misunderestimated” Finish Thirty Rack
“lockbox” (Gore Favorite) Finish Drink
Bush mispronounces word Drink Ten
Kerry mentions being veteran Drink Five
Either candidate audibly sighs Finish Drink
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2004 27 September :: 11.16 pm
:: Music: Quiet Riot: Don't Wanna Let You Go
Death by Teacup
Random thoughts, because I haven’t made a full entry in a while.
I figured out why I don’t like Joe. He’s a fucking blabbermouth, say what you want to fucking say and get it over with.
What happened to urinal etiquette?
Parents came down this weekend. Got a lot of shit done, but I’m really tired now. Got a 16x DVD burner now. New graphics card and more memory too. Rearranged the living room again.
Tired of this shit at school.
Happy Birthday to me!
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2004 25 September :: 11.24 pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: The new Green Day CD.
Thank you Jason.
Decent day, but I’m tired as hell.
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2004 22 September :: 9.25 pm
:: Mood: happy
I am 25% evil.
I try to stay away from evil deeds but succumb to temptation every once in a while. I'm not quite on my way to hell but I certainly have some explaining to do.
Are you evil? find out at Hilowitz.com
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2004 22 September :: 4.17 pm
:: Mood: Pissy
Dear Dr. Poling:
I am writing this in response to the mass exams held for MATH 118. After speaking with Mr. Eenigenburg I found out that the reason for these exams is to track the progress of the program and the students. While I feel this is a good reason, the exam is being approached in the wrong fashion. Having 17 sections of the class take the exam at the same time seems ridiculous to me. The entire idea behind having multiple sections (besides class size) is so that students can schedule around other commitments and classes. Why have only one exam? Surely not everyone from 17 sections can make it at 18:30 on September 30th.
When scheduling classes I made room for the scheduled exams as they were listed in the course catalog. During the first week of class I found out that several sections of the ECE 101 lab had been canceled, including the one that I was in. So, I was put in the Tuesday night lab instead. Because of this I had to change my work availability from Tuesday night to Thursday night. This caused a conflict with these two scheduled exams. Because of certain circumstances at work, I need to keep above 20 hours a week. I am not able to do so if I also take Thursday off to take the exam.
Since I would not be able to attend the exam at the scheduled time, one day after class ended I asked my professor what we could do about it. She told me that the time was fixed and could not be changed. A few days later I received an e-mail from her confirming this and listing her bosses name if I had a problem with that. After calling her boss (Mr. Martino) and subsequently his boss (Mr. Eenigenburg) I found out that I would be able to take the exam at a different time that day as long as Ms. Koelling would be able to supervise me. I have a four-hour gap between classes in the morning and didn’t think it would be a problem. However, Ms. Koelling does not have any time available before 12:00, so I have scheduled the exam then and will be skipping a class to take this exam.
I find it irrational for the faculty to believe that a student can just change their schedule to fit around theirs. We, as students, pay you. If I am not able to go to work, I am not able to pay. If I am forced to skip a class, I am not getting the education that I am paying for.
Why is my professor the only one that can supervise the exam? There is surely someone else in your administration that is just as qualified. Why make it so difficult for me to figure out what is going on? I should not have to ask my professor’s bosses boss to find out that I can in fact reschedule the exam. If I went over him twice more would I find out that I could have someone besides my professor supervise? The lack of communication between levels of management is embarrassing.
Below is the e-mail correspondence between Ms. Koelling and me. Any help that you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Joseph Burgess
Quoting Melinda Koelling :
The exam is a two-hour exam, and I could supervise the exam after 12. How about 12-2?
M Koelling
Quoting Joe Burgess :
I have spoken with Mr. Martino as well as Mr. Eenigenburg; and have found that it is possible for me to take the exam that day, at a different time, as long as you have time available to supervise me taking it. Is this possible? Thanks.
Quoting Melinda Koelling :
Dear Joe,
I verified that the only legitimate excuse for rescheduling the exam on September 30 is a conflict with another class. This holds for the second exam on Nov 11 or the final on Dec 10. If you would like to hear that from my boss, he is Professor John Martino.
Take care,
M Koelling
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2004 3 September :: 3.19 pm
Glass is too sharp. And it's a bitch to clean up.
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2004 26 August :: 5.32 pm
:: Mood: I'm not sure what this is called
Fuckin a.
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2004 24 August :: 2.36 am
Gay cartoons:
*** Fred Flintstone
Evidence: His nickname on the Bedrock bowling team: "Twinkle-toes Flintstone." The show's theme song ends "...we'll have a gay old time!" Wears an orange dress with little triangles on it. Hangs out with Barney far more than Wilma.
*** Bugs Bunny
Evidence: Often stands with hand on hip. Plays a hairdresser in one episode. Frequently dresses in drag. Loves to throw on a top hat and tails and belt out Broadway show-tunes with his buddy Daffy -- who, it's worth noting, has a lisp.
[King Daevid notes: Ms. Broydo omits Bugs' history of kissing Elmer Fudd on the lips; Roger Rabbit is also seen kissing Eddie Valiant in WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT?]
*** Velma (of Scooby Doo)
Evidence: Always tries to sit next to Daphne in the Mystery Machine. Sports that butch haircut. Has broad shoulders and wears thick turtleneck-sweaters and knee socks. Never once shagged Shaggy.
*** Popeye
Evidence: Eats lots of salad. Wears a sailor suit, even though he hasn't been on a ship in years. Does little sailor-dances. Dates a flat-chested transvestite named Olive Oyl. Best friend named Wimpy.
*** Batman and Robin
Evidence: Robin's nickname: Boy Wonder. Batman's real name: Bruce. Both wear tights. They're in great shape. They like to show each other their "grappling hooks."
*** Peppermint Patty
Evidence: Has a deep, gravelly voice. Wears pants, not dresses like the other Peanuts gals. Plays a mean game of football. Likes to taunt Charlie Brown. Always hanging out with that androgynous Marcie. Wears comfortable shoes.
Nickname: Sir.
*** The Pink Panther
'Nuff said
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2004 24 August :: 12.15 am
:: Music: Alanis Morissette: You Oughta Know
In a good mood.
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2004 19 August :: 12.44 am
:: Mood: horny
:: Music: TATU: Not sure which song this is, but I have the whole CD playing
So, now for a real entry…
I will never recommend Castlerock Builders. Jim Buford is a complete bastard, and an idiot to boot. He and Kris got into it today, quite aggressively I might add. His daughter is also a bitch. But his son is very polite, and actually helped me to do my job. I found this rather amazing. Many people try to be nice, but very few show proper manners, and I really wouldn’t expect it of the teenage son of a contractor. But whatever, he’s nice eye candy.
Miles and Mark, I’m not sure what I’m going to do with them.
I don’t want to start school again, but I’m ready. I need the change. I need to get out. I need something more. I’m getting too cooped up. I’m getting in that mood again. I need something more again. I’m really ready for this move. Yet another new address. Hopefully a new beginning as well.
The imagery of earlier is just plain disturbing, or maybe more hilarious, I haven’t decided which yet.
Ah fuck it all.
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2004 19 August :: 12.03 am
Jason, "I know, Paul Hamm is going to fuck me in the ass."
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2004 6 August :: 9.37 am
I thought it was nobody in K-Zoo that had it. Nobody in Battle Creek or GR have it either. How can a tire be normal in Wisconsin but not Michigan? I guess I get to look like one of those idiots who drive on their spare tire forever while I wait for the special order.
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2004 6 August :: 9.00 am
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: Dixie Chicks: Goodbye Earl
No stores in K-Zoo stock my tires. And they’re $20 higher here than they were back home. Arg. One store was dumb enough to say the tire doesn’t exist, even though the manufacturer website shows them as carrying it.
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2004 6 August :: 12.15 am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Pink Floyd: Another Brick Hits The Wall
Shitty day.
Got a flat tire entering Menards today. Talked with Joe about it. He seemed to really not care, wasn’t even interested if there may have been more stuff for other people to run over. Just came across as an ass and made a poor day worse.
Had and appointment with Dr. Engleman during my lunch today. Biggest waste of time ever. Oh well, at least I can register for classes now.
Jason’s car is as slow as hell.
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2004 1 August :: 11.53 pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: 'Nsync: It's Gonna Be Me
I’ve been easily amused as of late. Just for a little proof: Gigantic size queen who loves to discover dildos.
Jason really doesn’t seem to be enjoying work, and I tend to agree. Aside from him there are only a few people there that I regularly talk with. Mike W, Diane, and Ralph. But Ralph is leaving soon, I don’t see the other two often, and I’m getting really tired of dumb customers.
School… In a way I just want to be back on campus. The ease of walking to class, always being in the middle of student life, not having to be in the real world. But when there, there are a whole new set of problems.
Ah, fuck it.
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2004 31 July :: 1.30 am
:: Music: Blink 182: Please Take Me Home
Also a, "Flatuent midget who loves to climb dildos."
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2004 30 July :: 4.33 pm
Apparently I am a “titanic lobster who loves to nibble hot bitches.”
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2004 22 July :: 7.58 am
Jessica: "I saw the life of that endcap flashing before my eyes."
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2004 14 July :: 12.48 am
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2004 30 June :: 9.43 pm
Interesting quote: You can lead a dog to water, but you can't beat him to death with a garden hose.
Just struck me as disturbing/funny.
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