2005 4 October :: 9.47pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Nimrod
A Test I took and Heres The Results....
Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful & practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a long time to get over if that trust is ever broken.
2 Broken Windows |
Throw your rock through my window...
2005 28 September :: 9.05pm
:: Mood: peaceful
I love the rain. It just makes everything so much better. Like you can wash away everything and it will never come back.
Things are going better than I had imagined. With Katie, Scotty and everything else in general. Right now I love who I am and the people in my life. I pray with all of my strength that it doesn't change.
3 Broken Windows |
Throw your rock through my window...
2005 27 September :: 9.55pm
When did I become so happy....
Throw your rock through my window...
2005 25 September :: 9.26pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Fallout Boy- Sugar We're Gonin Down Swinging
I Quit....
I finally got the nerve up to quit Howie's. I have another job in Carson City that pays more and will be something that I will enjoy. I will be around horses and in the barn where I belong.
A vet doesn't make pizzas.
5 Broken Windows |
Throw your rock through my window...
2005 17 September :: 10.21pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Green Day-Deadbeat Holiday
Thats Right....
Its official
Throw your rock through my window...
2005 17 September :: 1.43pm
:: Mood: happy
(Sigh)(A Good Sigh)
If you leave it alone....
It will happen on its own.
1 Broken Window |
Throw your rock through my window...
2005 12 September :: 8.55pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Disney Songs
Here We Go....
I have decided. Its a good and logical choice.
3 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 Broken Windows |
Throw your rock through my window...
2005 11 September :: 12.45am
:: Mood: dirty
Fall like a star, Float like a leaf and Flutter away just like a butter fly does on a summers day.
Throw your rock through my window...
2005 9 September :: 11.51pm
:: Mood: weird
:: Music: Green Day
Its done. Things are getting better.
Throw your rock through my window...
2005 8 September :: 10.05pm
:: Mood: exhausted
"To The Love Of My Life"....
Katie- I think about you all the time and what I have said on here and not to your face. Some things I regret and others I don't just as you said. Between the school, the running, and the horses I have worn myself down to the point of clearly thinking. We have been through too much to throw it away. You have done alot for me that I have carelessly forgot about. I do admit that I over react in certain situations and since this I have caught myself doing just that. Maybe I don't deserve to have my life get any better. Through all of this I have grown in to a very bitter person and I don't like it. And like you, I have started to become depressed. I lash out at everybody that disagrees or questions my motives. I get pissed off at you for the stupidest reasons that aren't any of my concern. And I want to be able to talk to you civilized and respectful, to get both sides of a situation without not talking to each other for days then acting like nothing happened. History is repeating itself and I don't want it to. I found my cell phone in the sock bin so I have it with me now. Call when you like. I work the weekend but I don't want to deal with stuff inside of work and hopefully that will make working with me more enjoyable and visa versa.
2 Broken Windows |
Throw your rock through my window...
2005 6 September :: 9.01pm
:: Mood: exhausted
Things will get better.....
It was a long day at school. I think I got my self a boat load this year but I will make sure I stay a float. I can do this. I know I can.
Throw your rock through my window...
2005 3 September :: 9.15pm
:: Mood: excited
Hate me or not I don't care....
He came over and was rocky but enjoyable. I really like him. More than I thought I did. Thank you Jennie. I would have never met him if it weren't for you.
I have decided that I am allergic to bullshit. So if I sneeze when I am around you it may be a number of things but if none of those things are present then you know the reason. I know where my friends are and you have slipped to the way bottom of the list. Your fault not mine. Say what you want but my life is actually better without you. Now I know the main line of my stress. Its you.
13 Broken Windows |
Throw your rock through my window...
2005 30 August :: 12.00am
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: Yellow Card- Only One
Nothing ever stays the same....
I have thought many times about quitting my job at Howies but decided that if I do that then I will not have a paycheck to deposit in the bank and pay the ridiculous gas prices. The only reason that caused me to stay is because of Justin, Rachel, Stosh, Kadie Anderson and Jennie. I have a blast with them and more than half the time make me forget that I am getting paid to do the job I do. When I work with them I am never asked to do something because it gets done before they asked and never worrie about screwing up cause I know they won't bitch at me for it. I hate working with everybody else. Especially Andrew and Katie. Cause every time I do they make my shift there a living hell. They bitch about everything and yell at everybody and always have an attitude. I am not calling myself perfect by any means but I do my job without throwing a fit. So grow up.
On a better note, I met somebody that seems to be pretty cool. He is very sweet and we don't have to say much to each other to be comfortable. I owe it to Jennie for introducing him to me. He called me up today and wanted to take me out this weekend when he comes down here because he lives in Fife Lake. I asked and at the moment I am restricted to going anywhere with anybody so I might be able to take him riding instead which should be interesting. I like him. I think he might be a keeper.
I made an apple pie!!!! It turned out perfect!!!! I made it just for the hell of it and I swear to you it was perfect.
I went riding with Crissy at 9:30 this morning for about ten miles. We got back to her house so she could switch Sugar with Hank. As soon as she fought with him to get ready, I went to go put Pete's bridle on and he took off down the road and all the way home. It was simply amazing because I had to chase him for and mile and everytime I got remotely close to him he would turn, look at me, then take off again. He is such a shit but I love him. As pissed off as I was I still laughed because if you really think about it, it is quite funny.
I have been crying to much. I need someone to cry with. Any takers????
Let me know.
7 Broken Windows |
Throw your rock through my window...
2005 13 August :: 2.48am
Shit happens but not like this....
I need to go away for a while. just pack up and leave. I won/t tell a soul where I am going, just leave. I tried that two nights ago. I got as far as the barn and then my neighbor talked me into staying at her house. I cryed so hard I thought I was going to throw up. I haven't cried that hard in ages and the only time I would was when my mom would treat like shit and that was exactly why I was crying and my dad made the problem even worse. They took my keys away again just for not telling them where I was . I can see their view on it but they acted irrationally about it. I foght whith them at 1:30 in the morning and it ended up being a battle of who was stronger cause my dad had me pinned againest the wall with his arm on my thrat and then I bite him. I got out of it with some broken blood vessels on my neck but that was all. All because I told him to 'give me my fucking keys'. I just wish I had more people that lived within walking distance so I could have a place to stay when needed. Katie I know you told me to knock on your window when I need to but you won't always be home. I don't want pity I just need and place to stay when my life turns to a living hell like it has been since February.
Its never going to end.
2 Broken Windows |
Throw your rock through my window...
2005 17 July :: 11.48pm
:: Mood: indifferent
Feeling Better....
I thank everybody who offered me their number to call at all hours of the hight when I need to talk. I am setting the record straight with Katie. I guess I just have take the bull by the horns and make things work with my family and my life in general. I won't go in to what has happened because its like recaping an entire season of a soap opera. Time heals all wounds I guess but this may be to big to mend anytime soon.
On a better note I soent the mroning with Katie by which I mean riding at 5:30 in the morning and eating breakfast and watching the O.C. To my surprise it is quite the show to watch. I really like it. Later I went to a family reunion then to wrok then called up my coach to go running whioch was fun. We then figured out what my mile would have been at the GVSU indoor track meet and it turns out I would have run about a 6:20 mile!!! That is unbelieveable. But I smell really bad so thank you once again to everybody.
**Maybe its possible I do have a reason to smile**
2 Broken Windows |
Throw your rock through my window...