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:: 2004 20 January :: 8.25pm
:: Mood: overwhelmed...

I cannot seem to hang up in my conversations anymore...it's gonna eat up my minutes...and I usually can't remember much about the conversation...but I do remember that I am going to Coming Home with Carmen, that's for sure...it is also sure that we will have a good time...

Today was fun...actually, it wasn't...well, the latter part of the day was...it started off at 9, with work and all...I had a rather frightening, unsettling dream this morning, and it was bothering me throughout work...but to be frank, I can't remember it now...at work, I am training Theresa Whalen, and she seems to be doing fine...I'll have to admit Melody was more fun, but whatcha gonna do? After work, went to Pizza Hut for the buffet, stuffed myself, and that was that...I came home, read for awhile, and then went up to Toledo and had a good time with that...got me a hubcap, rolled my car's odometer over...and had a few hot dogs...good times...then I came home and read more and am still reading...

Quote of the day:
"Take your soul and make an ode to the lonely hearted"

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2004 20 January :: 2.18pm

Finding a friend that is as easy going as i am is a hard thing, but it is nice. Had a nice weekend with Sharon and her family. Especially at the Rec Center when i whooped Sharon at a lap around the track. ha.

I do feel bad about being away so long, but it was quite like a vacation. i got to be away from home. Too bad when i came home NO ONE HAD DONE CHORES. I mean jake and laura could have done the chores they were supposed to do. But NO, they couldn't So as soon as i walked in the door i started doing chores...for an hour straight. blah.

I miss you Xach.

And now i must go.

crush me


:: 2004 20 January :: 12.59am
:: Mood: tired...
:: Music: Ave Maria

Hmm...Work was possibly the most boring 3 hours ever! It was truly horrible...after that, I went over to Carmen's and grabbed lunch, then watched Lion King 2...we're going to have a Disney Movie Marathon (of Devastation) sometime in the near future...it should be good...I went home for dinner after going along with Carmen to say goodbye to Byron...After dinner, which wasn't filling, I went to search for a hubcap...I didn't find it...Carmen came along with me, then we went to Wally World and then to McHell...she departed after that to spend time with Bob...I went home and sulked...I almost went off on her later in the night, but...yeah...

Watched Lock, Stock, and 2 Smoking Barrels with her...believe my curfew is back to 12:30 because I have been abiding by it recently...hopefully it is...

My day was...

Quote of the day:
"Ave Maria
Gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Ave, ave dominus
Dominus tecum
Benedicta tu in mulieribus
Et benedictus
Et benedictus fructus ventris
Ventris tuae, Jesus.
Ave Maria

Ave Maria
Mater Dei
Ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Ora pro nobis
Ora, ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Nunc et in hora mortis
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Ave Maria"

3 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2004 19 January :: 12.41am
:: Music: Vanilla Fudge-You Keep Me Hanging On...

Well...one thing I left out earlier was that Carmen and my mother are going to take me shopping sometime soon...should prove to be interesting...since all they manage to do together is make fun of me...

Being afraid of bathrooms isn't good...such an obsessive fear...bah...

After my measley dinner, I went to Carmen's for a supplement...a good pasta dish thingy...Esther came over a little after that and then we put for the effort to clean out poor Byron...makes you think about memories associated with inanimate objects...it's very intriguing...after that, we went over to Doug's to watch Lilo and Stitch (again)...I played some Battlefield 1942 after the movie, which I think kind of pissed Carmen off...in retrospect, I shouldn't have done that...hmm...

And when I came home, my dad (who was already mad at me) was waiting up for me...I was a little late, and he was tired, so I don't know what horrors are in place for me...only time will tell...

...And with that, he was gone

Quote of the day:
"I like fluffy!"

2 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2004 18 January :: 4.53pm
:: Mood: aggravated, frusterated...
:: Music: Iron Maiden...

Last night, I went out to Hunan with Britt...had a good time with that...stuffed myself silly...almost passed out in Britt's car after dinner (fatigue and gluttony)...went home, played Soul Calibur for awhile...unfortunately, I missed/didn't recieve Carmen's call on her break...I wanted to go visit her...it didn't happen...Megan, Stevie, and Sara came over and watched 28 Days Later and then got their asses handed to them in Mario Kart...

This morning, I went to church, and Carmen came along...after that, she came over for breakfast, and we hung out...we watched some stuff online, but then she had to go home to get ready for work...I drove her in the Rendezvous...I came home, and played Morrowind till about 3:30...I had told Carmen I'd visit her at work today, so I went to go do so...unfortunately, as I was halfway out the door, my parents asked me where I was going...I said to visit Carmen...they disagreed, and told me I had to move the firewood...which really pissed me off because I set aside my afternoon yesterday to help my dad, which he spent sleeping...when I mentioned this, he started yelling at me about that and the car...finally got to moving the firewood about ten of 4, which lasted an hour...putting us at 4:50, ruining my chances to go visit Carmen, and pissing me off...I'm sorry Carmen...

Quote of the day:
"I fuckin' hate pikeys"

3 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2004 18 January :: 1.06pm

i sang in the rain
perhaps it wasn't wet
but it was cool

I drank of it
the liquid seeping
through my throat
the rains that were
dry, quenched this thirst

crush me


:: 2004 17 January :: 11.54pm

Ocean of my Mind
Face up
Remembering the past
Forgetting the present
Forging the future
I am watching the calm sky’s
Increasing chaos
Realizing that nothing is forever
Life is bound to change
And I should not be afraid

But with this very thought
With these conceptions of reality
I think of turning over
To flood my lungs
And to sink my body
But I realize
That would involve change
And become too sacred to
Flip myself over

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2004 17 January :: 2.59pm
:: Mood: tired...disappointed...
:: Music: Candy's Going Bad-Golden Earring...

I haven't boughten a CD in awhile now...maybe I should go do that...work didn't suck too much this morning...went and hung out with Carmen a little after work...had a good time watching videos and stuff...went and picked my sister up from bowling...called Britt and told her I didn't want her to die, so dinner is off unless roads/weather improve...

It's almost as if I've hit a brick wall blocking both paths split by this fork...and I left my Nitro-Glycerine at home...

Quote of the day:
"And water can't cover her memory
And ashes can't answer her pain
God give me the power to take
breath from a breeze
And call life from a cold metal frame"

2 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2004 17 January :: 1.53am
:: Mood: around...
:: Music: Jotun-In Flames...

Today wasn't too bad, I didn't suck in art, and AS was as boring as hell...Chemistry exam was easy...after school, I went to Coomes' and played Puerto Rico (didn't win) and some Soul Calibur and Timesplitters...watched Reservoir Dogs...went to pep band...then chauffered Carmen around because her poor old Car is on it's way out...we watched Lilo and Stitch and had a good time with that...I'm off...nothing about my feelings to ruin anyone's mood...no matter if they're good or bad...

Quote of the day:
"Sleep my child"

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2004 15 January :: 10.58pm
:: Mood: meh...
:: Music: Foreigner...

Well, I didn't update yesterday, because pretty much, my update would have gone as so:

"My day sucked, I freaked out again, I feel like retching...something is probably very wrong with me..."

Well, today went a little better...French exam sucked a lot...just hate that woman...that's about it...My math exam was easy, but from what I've heard, the Calc Exam was rather hard...that I'm sorry for...AS was perhaps the most boring it has ever been...I don't know why, but it was...so hard to get through...

I didn't play Morrowind after school...I find it kind of funny that I was asking Carmen for permission to play...kind of made me laugh, inside, where no one can see...where no one would want to see...I went home and talked online...late to work with out Morrowind...hmm...also seems as if Brendan has joined in with Carmen in order to sway me from Morrowind...almost as if they are keeping from some horrible, horrible drug that will kill me...

Work sucked...turns out I actually have to work...heh...Sara stopped by, and Mrs. East told her to leave...man, did that piss me off...she told her to leave because I needed to work, but I was working while Sara was there...and then, she kept on tellng me to get to work...and then she goes and talks for an hour with my other co-workers...I really don't mind working, but it is the whole isolation deal that comes free with the job...and only my job...I'm off shelving, while people get to have conversations...when people visit me, I get to converse also...

Doug is in the hospital, but doing good...Carmen and I visited him, and then went to the Girls' game...I seem to be getting on Carmen's nerves recently...and it's no good...I don't know what is wrong with me...but whatever it is, I need to straighten it out, and soon, before I end up pushing her and everybody else out of my life...maybe it has to do with some dormant feelings...hopefully not, because that would suck big time...and these feelings...I'm not sure what do to with...should I embrace them, or shun them and shove them back in? Someone please help me...

Quote of the day:
"Speak to me now and the world will crumble
Open a door and the moon will fall
All of your life, all your memories
Go to your dreams, forget it all"

2 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2004 15 January :: 8.12pm

Opportunity may knock only once, but temptation leans on the doorbell."

This anonymous person knows what they are talking about.

crush me


:: 2004 15 January :: 8.12pm

live like
was the end
and tomorrow
another beginning

crush me


:: 2004 15 January :: 8.12pm

Perhaps a defintion of life would solve everyones problem.

Then again there would be those that would deny it, debate it, desecrate it, break it, and ignore it.

So, I guess we will continue to search for what has already been described.

crush me


:: 2004 15 January :: 8.11pm

Ralph Waldo Emerson on Love

For it is a fire that kindling its first embers in the narrow nook of a private bosom, caught from a wandering spark out of another private heart, glows and enlarges until it warms and beams upon multitudes of men and women, upon the universal heart of all, and so lights up the whole world and all nature with its generous flames. It matters not therefore whether we attempt to describe the passion at twenty, at thirty, or at eighty years. He who paints it at the first period will lose some of its later, he who paints it at the last, some of its earlier traits. Only it is to be hoped that by patience...we may attain to that inward view of the law which shall describe a truth ever young and beautiful, so central that it shall commend itself to the eye, at whatever angle beholden.

crush me


:: 2004 15 January :: 7.53pm

This is going to be my thought journal from now on, and my other one will be stories. Makes sense to me, so it should make sense to you too!:)

crush me


:: 2004 13 January :: 9.12pm
:: Mood: angry...scared...full...happy...tired...
:: Music: GY!BE-East Hastings...


Here it goes...

Today at school, I didn't fall asleep, save for an instance in American Studies, where the Vietnam packet put me to sleep...my mouth was open, and left me with a sore throat...Upon my waking, Daniel managed to somehow piss me off by imitating my breathing and the look of me...I dont know why, but it sure did make me want to punch him and whack him very hard...Kern gave me back my book, which I promptly finished...but to much of my dismay, it is forcing me to wait in stong anticipation for a week, a week where I'm going to be waiting for Abhorsen to come into work, and for me to finish A Farewell to Arms...stupid gripping books...

After school, I went to work...work sucks...I need a peer to work with...I can only obtain a certain amount of joy from older women...Melody sort-of answered that urge, but it now seems as if she has stopped coming in...and she probably wouldn't be there while I am...oh well...as low stress as this job is, it is a pretty lonely job...for me at least...it gets less lonely when people stop by...like Chris did today...we chatted for awhile, mainly about his schedual for school, and then a little about my addiction...he left after about 10 minutes or so...having him come in and chat with me made me realize something...and that something made me a little happy, about myself that is...(more on that later...perhaps, if I feel like it)...it sure is nice, having friends come to visit me at work, even if it is for a short amount of time...usually brightens my day up...

After work, I got a call from my dad that we should go get a bite to eat...he suggested Big Boy and I agreed...I called him right back and said that we should go to the mall...he agreed this time, and we went...I got there ahead of him, so went into Walden Books...however, on my way into Walden Books, I saw Lauren through a window, shoe shopping...she waved, I waved, she asked me how I was, I said fine, I asked her, she said fine...it was good, good to see people's expressions change completely when they see you...anywho, I checked out 2 triologies that I will be buying soon...when I'm done with my tome and my insurance payment...they are: Garth Nix's The Abhorsen Trilogy and Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy...I ate Luca's with my dad, and we talked, mainly about Vietnam war...I suggested to him that he should come into our AS class to talk about the war, seeing as he was part of the service and was very close to Vietnam (Okinawa, Japan)...he never experienced combat, so his view would be different than that of the three vets coming in who have combat experience...

I came home...and then I came to the computer...and then, for some reason, my body freaked the fuck out...right when I sat down, my heart jumped into my throat and started racing...I got very dizzy, and the vision blurred...my stomach tightened and knotted, forcing bile up into my throat...my pulse and blood pressure increased, and I started breathing heavily...my body began to itch all over (as if I had just embarrassed myself) and I could feel blood rushing to my head, as if I were blushing...my face got hot and red...it scared me...I have no clue what happened...

Back onto the subject of school, in band, Mr. Headley decided it would be a good idea to put me into a brass quintet, along with Karen, Ashleigh, Samir, and Ian...not only this, but the music he gave us sucks...it isnt fun, doesn't sound cool, and isn't challenging...it almost is as if he is insulting our playing ability...and speaking ofwhich, while I was at the library yesterday, talking with Megan, she asked me a surprising question...she asked me why I was so amazing on the bassoon...that came as a surprise...I do not think of myself being amazing, and I didn't know that others thought that highly of my abilities...not that it is going to to go my head, but it was cool...

Speaking of school, I came into band and saw that Sara wasn't there...that frightened me...because, if you didn't know, her and I got into it Saturday night/Sunday morning, leaving me feeling down and angry, and her extremely mad at me...I hadn't talked to her since then, and was worried that another day would pass without interaction between her and I...well, she came into Chemistry 3rd period, and when she came in, I couldn't tell is she was still angry with me or not...well, she wasn't...later in class, she quickly opened her binder, and handed me a piece of paper that had been folded in half...in it, it said "I'm sorry Doug"...needless to say, that made me happy...it also made me feel rather...interesting...not a bad interesting...that definitely made my day better...

Carmen and a few other kids were working on the JH production of Annie...so that meant Carmen would not be in school today...she had a card that she wanted signed by the AP class of hers and Esther's, in hopes that it would brighten Esther up...I bet it did...since she wasn't going to be in school, we were on the phone last night trying to figure out how I could come in the morning and pick up the card...then she realized that she had to take her brother to school...I managed to see her in band, making it atleast once I'd see her today...she was coming into AS though, so I would see her there...we walked around after school, talking for awhile...Later on in the night, while I'm working on my paper for AS, she calls me, saying that she needs a ride up to her car in Toledo...I was happy to drop was I was doing and take her, but she wouldn't have that, and nor would my dad...it made me sad, so I apologized...she got a ride somehow else, but it would have been fun to get out of the house for today...other than work, or course...no hug for today...

Brittany scratched my back today...and talked to me on the phone last night too...For some reason, we talked about people's crushes...I wish I had more classes with Brittany, like last year...5 classes...I miss it...luckily, I sit next to her in AS, because Lauren was willing to switch with me, so she could sit near Kara...so it turned out well...

Upon reading today's Penny Arcade (http://www.penny-arcade.com/), I became rather saddened...I miss that old school Sonic that captured many hours of mine and my friends' youths...if only people made good video games again, and the general public actually had a taste for good games, I'd be happy...The general public just likes whatever is put out, and buys it...so why should a company change their tactics? Money is all that matters, right? Wrong! It's the whole feeling you get, along as uphold legacy that producer gains...maybe the future will hold more for us...

And I know I left something out that I originally had in here...

Quote of the day:
"And yet his joy is empty and sad."

6 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2004 12 January :: 9.32pm
:: Mood: ill...

Today, I was so extremely tired...fell asleep in almost all of my classes...I'm not going to stay up that late tonight, I swear...Amanda was ill today, so that made french a bit less fun...no one else likes to argue with Kern in that class...Mrs. Kern took my book, pissing me off...Sara wasn't here either...I really hope she isn't still as angry with meas she was...I don't like it when any of the Triangle is angry with me...doesn't happen to often, but when it does, it is usually extensive...I should not be angering any of them, and I hate it when I do...it's usually with my words, and rarely with an action I've taken...*sigh* maybe I suck with girls?

Work was boring and lonely...I can't really joke around with Mrs. Kayser or Christina...James did stop by, however, but only for a few minutes...we made fun of a few things, and that was it...I later saw Megan copying her music for her auditions for college...talked with her for awhile...then I left...Carmen came over eventually, after visiting Esther...we watched some ebaum's world stuff, and had a good time...she ate the rest of my Beef Stroganough also...I've got bad gas and indigestion, so I'm going...

Quote of the day:
"Under your command I will obey
In my vision
You are the embodiment of pure freedom
But through my eyes you are made of stone"

2 heartless bastards | crush me


:: 2004 11 January :: 10.51pm
:: Mood: meh...


Today, I went to church, and then to James' Eagle Scout Coronation (well, not right after church, but pretty soon after it)...had a good time with that...then I came home and played Morrowind instead of working on anything at all...hmm...oh well...helped my mom fix dinner, my favorite meal, Beef Stroganough...after dinner, I accompanied Carmen up to St. V's to visit Esther, who had just had surgery today...she seemed good...not too many ill effects of surgery left over...just groggy and sore...

Yesterday, I worked in the morning, which was fun, because it was with my two favorite ladies...Jen and Kristin, both fun and exciting, and don't care if I don't work or not...good times...after that, I came home and played Morrowind until my sister got home from bowling, and she whined and bitched until I let her on...sheesh...I took a nap until my uncle arrived...my uncle brought me a pre-amp, to hook up to my computer, allowing me to record my vinyls to an audio file...we also bought me two Steely Dan vinyls, two I wanted but never have had...he also brought me 8 cds to listen to and to put onto my MP3 player...after that, I went to band...we played well...after that, I went to Spot's with a group of people, mainly Chris, Carmen, Coomes, and Ian...after that, we returned to Chris' for an hour or so of GTA:Vice City...quite fun...Ian left early, Chris went to Rocky, and Coomes had to be home by 12, so I just hung out with Carmen a bit longer, drove around and talked...

...And then I came home...and had a conversation with Sara...I found out that she was angry with me, for something I had said the night before, about how we acted at DQ...she ended up blocking me, and I believe she still has me blocked...it saddens me...

Quote of the day:
"Ladies of leisure,
with their eyes on the back roads.
All looking for strangers,
to whom they extend welcomes
With a smile and a glimpse of
pink knees and elbows;
Of satin and velvet
good ladies, good fortune.

They sing of their heroes:
of solitary soldiers
Invested in good health
and manner most charming.
Whose favors are numbered
(none the less well intended)
By hours in a minute;
by those ladies who bless them.

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2004 8 January :: 10.23pm
:: Mood: chipper!
:: Music: Iron Maiden

Well, today was fun...didn't fall asleep through anything important...French isn't important, y'see? And Mrs. Dever knew that I slept through the movie yesterday, saw that my head was up and down, but heh...I always thought she'd get pissed if I slept through class...I guess not...that's pretty cool, except I shouldn't really sleep through class...hmm...went to pep band tonight, Girls won, it was good...Carmen showed up late because she had to work...didn't miss "Hey Baby" though...I'm missing French tomorrow because of dumb band, so I don't have to do the homework...I'm pondering whether or not to skip 4th and go out to lunch with people...I kind of need to be in art...hmm...tonight, after band, went and kept Carmen company for awhile...and then I came home...

Morrowind isn't good...I've been late to work every day of the week...it isn't good...although, it'd be considerably worse if it were Diablo...I might have not even gone in at all...*sigh*...I'm going to stop putting this before my job and homework and health...and it hasn't even reached the weekend yet...Something wicked this way comes...

Quote of the day:
"I've named a boil on my ass after you. It too bothers me everytime I sit down"

1 heartless bastard | crush me


:: 2004 6 January :: 10.38pm
:: Mood: tired...

Hmm...well...I was tired again, up pretty late...woke up early, and took 4 people to school, in a car, that has the insides of the windows frosted over...I found out why it's done that, so I'm going to try and fix it...hmm, picked up Megan and Josh, took Dan and my sister...no longer taking Daniel, because he has his car back...Megan was just dumb...lost her car privelages...school was school...after school, I came home, and played more Morrowind...This is definitely going to consume me...not as much as Diablo did, mainly because I've got a car and friends to visit...but still, it's all I did tonight...no homework, just that...oh, and Carmen did stop by for a moment...picked up her color tile thingies...hmm...did my Resumé though...heh...

Hmm...the other day, my dad told me that we were going to have a talk, in the near future, about the opposite sex...I wonder what that entails...

And even after playing Diablo for less than an hour, I feel its hold upon me strengthening...and when Carmen reads this, she'll roll her eyes and mutter the word "Dork"...

Quote of the day:
"I see you're going to hell before me. Put in a good word."

5 heartless bastards | crush me

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